Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 248 Meeting a nobleman

"In our car? When did you bring Master Gu Zheng?"

Zhao Pingchuan couldn't help being silent anymore. He and Gu Zheng met in Zeqiu County, and then came to Huancheng. Gu Zheng didn't even take a bag. When did he bring something related to wheat? , making him really confused.

Gu Zheng smiled, and was not in a hurry to explain. He waved his hand to tell him not to worry, and then looked at Gao Ziyue, waiting for his reply.

Gu Zheng's attitude made it impossible for Gao Ziyue to be so sure that there really was no higher-level existence than Gaoshan Mai and Gu Zhancheng Mai. This matter is of great importance to him, no matter how careful he is, if there is something higher than alpine wheat and ancient Zhancheng wheat, then he must see it no matter what.

Anyway, this piece of ancient Zhancheng wheat is already in his hands, Gao Ziyue is not in a hurry for a while, after hesitating again and again, he nodded and said: "Okay, I also want to see, what other wheat seeds can Better than alpine wheat."

After finishing speaking, Gao Ziyue looked at his people again, and told them not to destroy the ancient Zhancheng wheat in the field, and everything will be discussed after he returns.

After arranging these, Gao Ziyue called a man in a gray robe to accompany him, and followed Gu Zheng and they returned to the entrance of the snack bar at Old Man Hu's house.

Zhao Pingchuan's car was not far away, and Gu Zheng asked Zhao Pingchuan to give him the keys without letting anyone follow him. He went to open the car door, entered the car, and then closed the door.

At this distance, people in the distance will never see his figure. To be on the safe side, Gu Zheng bent down again, quickly entered the prehistoric space, took out a small box of sky flour, and came out immediately.

It really looks like a small box, about half a catty, and it is stored in an exquisite small box. This small box was originally used to store the Xianyuan Pill. In order to bring out the sky, only the Xianyuan Dan is with the other heavenly faces first.

The primordial space is his territory, no matter whether the box is used or not, the celestial pill will not be lost, and in the prehistoric space, the celestial pill does not have to worry about the loss of celestial power, shelf life and other things.

Tianmian, the preciousness of this flour can be seen from the name, Tianmian flour is not that kind of pure white, especially the Tianmian flour purified by Gu Zheng, with a little silver in the whiteness, it looks very noble.

Gao Ziyue is in the wheat business. Although it is not real wheat, so is the flour, which can be seen more clearly from the flour.

In fact, when Gu Zheng knew that it was Gu Zhancheng rice, he also had the idea of ​​buying some of it and planting it himself, but he himself rejected it later.

He doesn't even have a restaurant business, so how can he have time to manage it, unless it is transplanted to the prehistoric space, but the prehistoric space is such a big place, how much can be transplanted, not to mention, with Qi Ling's urine, it is definitely not enough would agree.

If this ancient Zhancheng wheat is of ordinary grade, it may still be possible, but it is only of inferior grade, and it is no wonder that the weapon spirit can agree. Nothing produced by the prehistoric space itself is lower than ordinary grade.

That's why Gu Zheng gave up in the end. At that time, he thought that the people who bought this piece of wheat seedlings wanted to plant them himself, but he didn't expect that they just wanted to destroy this place. If they transplanted it by themselves, Gu Zheng would have no opinion, and would be very upset instead. Support, although this kind of flour Gu Zheng can't use it for the time being, but he can't use it, others can always.

But if it is destroyed, then Gu Zheng firmly disagrees. It is a pity that Gu Zheng didn't know the intentions of these people before, otherwise he would rather buy it at a high price, even if he can't grow it, it is better than destroying it.

As soon as the flour was taken out, Gao Ziyue's eyes straightened. Looking at the box Gu Zheng opened and the flour inside, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, but Gu Zheng stopped him.

"What kind of flour is this, I've never seen anything like it?"

Gao Ziyue didn't believe what Gu Zheng said before, but now after seeing the flour brought out by Gu Zheng, Gao Ziyue felt a little wrong in his heart. He is a person who knows the goods. Mai is worse, or even better.

"Don't worry about what it is, if I can take it out, it proves that I have it!"

"If you don't let me touch it, how can I know what kind of flour is like this!"

Gao Ziyue was a little reconciled, and asked again, the quality of flour cannot be completely judged by looking at it, especially if it is still an unfamiliar flour, it needs to be touched and tasted.

Flour is a staple food, the main function is to fill the stomach, but for Gao Ziyue, flour is also a kind of food material, a high-end top grade, his alpine wheat is this kind, not only for filling the stomach, but also For taste.

The most important thing about this kind of wheat is the taste. If the flour produced by Gu Zheng can surpass them in taste and can be widely promoted, it will be a disaster for them.

What they sell is aristocratic products. People who are willing to buy their wheat are all for their taste and reputation. Once someone’s wheat tastes better than theirs, these people will definitely choose a better-tasting variety, even if the price Expensive and fearless.

Many of their customers are wealthy owners, or they are high-end hotels.

"Not only for you to touch, but also for you to eat!"

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded, but he just took out a little and put it in Gao Ziyue's hand. The flour in the box was all put together. If Gao Ziyue grabbed it with his hand, Gu Zheng would feel very sick.

Gao Ziyue's heart sank even more as he pinched the flour. The texture of this flour was much stronger than their alpine wheat. The texture didn't explain the problem, but usually, the better the flour, the better the texture.

Gao Ziyue put some raw flour into his mouth and tasted it, his face became more gloomy.

"Boss Hu, can I borrow your cooking pot!"

Gu Zheng suddenly showed a bright smile, and Boss Hu hurriedly agreed that there is a pot in the store, and Gu Zheng can explain the flour. It can be said that he put it in his pocket before, but if he took out the pots and pans, it would be true. There is no way to explain it.

Therefore, Boss Hu's pot can only be used. There is low-quality mineral water in the store. If Gu Zheng does not have his own water source, he can only use this water temporarily.

Kneading and kneading the dough, Gu Zheng did it very neatly. Although there was only a small ball of flour, this small ball of flour was still flying around in Gu Zheng's hands like an elf.

After a while, the noodles were kneaded into thin strips, and Gu Zheng cooked them directly in plain water without adding any seasoning or other ingredients.

The white water boiled the noodles very quickly, and after a while a bowl of white water noodles was served. Gu Zheng didn't say anything, but let Gao Ziyue and the others taste it.

Gu Zheng didn't cook food for them, so he used the simplest method, just to let them know that his own flour is much better than theirs. They shouldn't think that having alpine wheat is good, and want to destroy everything else that is possible and alpine It is simply impossible to compete with wheat varieties.

Gao Ziyue couldn't wait to fish out one and taste it. It was just white water noodles, very ordinary white water noodles, and the noodles were hard noodles that had not been fermented. The taste of such noodles was definitely not as good as carefully made noodles.

Even so, Gao Ziyue's eyes were stunned. He is an expert, and he can tell the difference of this flour in one bite. Even if it's just hard noodles, the taste is no worse than their alpine wheat flour, and it is more chewy, as you can imagine. In this way, if the flour is placed in the hands of a famous chef, how delicious the pasta will be.

Even if they are not famous chefs, but ordinary chefs, with such ingredients, they can make better noodles than their Gaoshan noodles.

Gu Zheng is right, their alpine barley is not the best, and there really are better tasting ones than them.

"Seeing that you only took out so much, you must not have a high output of this kind of flour, right?"

Gao Ziyue asked suddenly, his eyes still shining brightly. He admitted that the flour that Gu Zheng brought out was really better, stronger, even much stronger than theirs.

But the higher the quality, the smaller the quantity, and their alpine wheat cannot be promoted nationwide. Presumably, the quantity of such flour will be less, and Gu Zheng really only takes out a little.

"I came out to look for all kinds of delicacies. Do you think I will carry a lot with me? What I bring is just enough for myself!"

Gu Zheng smiled lightly, half a catty of flour was enough for him to make noodles, Gao Ziyue's face was gloomy, Gu Zheng explained that in the past, even he couldn't go out with a lot of flour every day, that's not going out, That's sales.

"What do you mean?"

After a while, Gao Ziyue asked, and Gu Zheng looked at him with a brighter smile on his face: "I understand your intention, you just want your Gaoshan Mai to have fewer competitors, but there is only one point here, Why do you have to use the most extreme method to destroy it?"

"Could it be that you think that only this land can grow ancient Champa wheat? If you really think so, then I have nothing to say, but I believe Boss Hu must have other wheat seeds in his hand, what I mean is It's very simple, I don't want and don't want to see these good seedlings destroyed!"

"Wasting food is itself a shameful act!"

Gu Zheng looked at Gao Ziyue, and the last sentence came out even more heavily.

"Well said, waste is the most shameful!"

Zhao Pingchuan applauded loudly and applauded there. Boss Hu kept nodding. He regretted it very much now. If he knew that Gao Ziyue had such a purpose, he would never sell it to them.

He is short of money now, but he can't do such a heartless thing. Boss Hu's ancestors were farmers and have been farming all the time. If he knew that he had done such a thing, I am afraid that his ancestors would not recognizing him.

"Boss Gao, I won't sell the wheat seedlings anymore, I will return the money to you and give me the contract!"

Boss Hu really regretted it. He is actually a very simple person. If it wasn't because his son was in urgent need of money to get married, he wouldn't have agreed to such an outrageous thing.

"Impossible. We signed the agreement in black and white. If you want to break the contract, you will return ten times the payment!"

Gao Ziyue immediately shook his head and refused. Hearing what he said, Boss Hu's face showed despair. An old man squatted there covering his face with red eyes. If he didn't need money urgently, how could he sell the land, let alone Said ten times the payment.

"Boss Hu, don't pay attention to them. They destroy the farmland at will. Naturally, no one will let them go. Boss Hu, how many wheat seeds do you have? I will come to find land next year. We will cooperate to open a farm and plant together. Since Someone forced me to change careers, so what's the point of changing my career again!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he glanced at Gao Ziyue again, and continued: "Based on the ancient Zhancheng wheat, and with the better wheat varieties in my hands, we will launch a variety of products, including high, high, and low grades. Maybe we Opening a farm can also make a lot of money!"

"I don't have much wheat to grow, so I only have a few acres of land left!"

Boss Hu murmured, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed, this Boss Hu is really a real person, he said whatever he asked, and even revealed his details.

But it doesn't matter, what Gu Zheng wants is not how many wheat seeds he has in his hands, as long as there are more.

"Damn it!"

Gao Ziyue cursed secretly in his heart, he only wanted to remit here to prevent the ancient Zhancheng wheat here from taking shape, but he never thought about the wheat seeds left in Boss Hu's hand, this was his major mistake.

At that time, he only thought that if there was no land, Boss Hu would not know how to plant it, and it didn't matter whether he had wheat seeds or not.

There are wheat seeds, even if there is only a few acres of land, you can start to cultivate them. In the first year, there are only a few acres, and in the second year, it may be hundreds of acres. What Gu Zheng said is really possible. When they develop, they will launch diversified products. , is definitely a serious blow to their alpine wheat.

Gao Ziyue couldn't gamble, and he couldn't afford to gamble. The ancient Zhancheng wheat was much easier to support than the high mountain wheat.

"Gu Zheng, what do you mean by this? If you cut off people's wealth, such as killing their parents, you are not afraid of encountering a car accident or something like that when you go out?"

Gao Ziyue looked at Gu Zheng with a gloomy look. He had no choice but to threaten Gu Zheng.

"Ha ha!"

The two Zhao Pingchuan brothers frowned, but Gu Zheng laughed there, and said softly after laughing.

"It seems that you really don't know me very well. I advise you to inquire about my situation and consider what you just said!"

While talking, Gu Zheng walked towards Gao Ziyue's car. Gao Ziyue and the others were also driving a Toyota off-road vehicle.

Gu Zheng walked to the front of the car, just casually patted the front hood of the car, the whole car suddenly sank, and then there was a bang, and the two front tires burst.

This scene shocked everyone!

"I'm sorry, I just came to see your car. I was in a car accident one day. I didn't even know what kind of car it was. I didn't expect it to happen just in time for you to blow out the tire. Strange, you don't think I slapped the hood and the tire blew out, do you?"

Gu Zheng clapped his hands, and said something with a smile, the Zhao Pingchuan brothers' mouths were wide open, they are selling cars, of course they know how hard the tires are, let alone clap them, normal people don't need tools, even ten people don't Maybe a big bill for a tire.

"Gu Zheng, what do you mean!"

Gao Ziyue also reacted, and hurried over to have a look, and then roared, both tires were blown out, lying there deflated, looking at the situation, they had to tow the car or take another car to leave.

There is a spare tire on the off-road vehicle, but there is only one, and now two have been blown.

"As I said just now, this has nothing to do with me. I just went over to have a look. It happened that the tire blew out!"

Gu Zheng was still smiling, but his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he continued: "I am a bit of a crow's mouth. Just now I was thinking about why this tire didn't burst, but when I thought about it, it exploded. I especially hate people who threaten me, whoever threatens me, I will make him burst like a car tire!"

As Gu Zheng said, he opened his hands and imitated the sound of a flat tire just now.

Gao Ziyue felt a chill in his heart, and a deep fear rose from the bottom of his heart. He knew what Gu Zheng meant. He did threaten Gu Zheng just now and wanted to scare him away. After all, what happened here has nothing to do with him.

But he didn't expect Gu Zheng's reaction to be so strong, and he didn't expect Gu Zheng's methods to be so powerful. Without him knowing anything, he actually blew up both tires.

He didn't know, not to mention the two tires, the current Gu Zheng would not have any problem turning his car into scrap iron, it's just that it was too shocking.

"I will do what I say!"

Gu Zheng looked at Gao Ziyue, and finally said something lightly. Gao Ziyue's fear grew stronger, as if his body was covered with a layer of cold air.

When Gu Zheng spoke just now, he released a murderous aura unnaturally from his body. He is an immortal cultivator. Although his strength is not strong now, he still has the third level of internal strength, and he can be regarded as a master in the secular world.

Gao Ziyue's threat offended his Ni Lin, Gu Zheng also has his own relatives and friends, he does not allow anyone to threaten his family.

So when he spoke, the murderous aura was released naturally. Gao Ziyue is just an ordinary person, how could he bear it? Fortunately, Gu Zheng didn't do it deliberately, otherwise he would have collapsed on the ground in fright.

Although the killing intent is invisible, it is a kind of mental attack. The killing intent released by a real master can even scare people crazy.

"Give it to them!"

Gao Ziyue spoke slowly with a trembling voice, his people were taken aback suddenly, and hurried over to ask, "Mr. Gao, what are you giving them!"

"Contract, give them the contract, we don't want this wheat seedling!"

Gao Ziyue yelled, he was really scared, afraid of Gu Zheng, it was meaningless to continue destroying the wheat seedlings when there were still wheat seeds, not to mention that Gu Zheng really had someone stronger than them. good flour.

If you really force Gu Zheng to open a farm and compete with them, they will lose a lot, and it may even be a matter of life and death.

Under such circumstances, there is absolutely no need to fight against Gu Zheng. He can only hope that what Gu Zheng said is all angry words, and if he does not open any farms, if they really open farms, then they will really get into big trouble up.

As for the threat, he didn't even dare to think about it now. He secretly glanced at the two deflated tires and shivered violently.

Hearing that they were willing to return the contract to him, Boss Hu hurried forward and returned the money to them. Holding the contract, Boss Hu laughed again, happily.

Fortunately, there is a chance to make amends, otherwise he will live in self-blame for the rest of his life.

Gao Ziyue and the others left, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they ran away like shit. Gao Ziyue didn't dare to say anything when they left, and Zhao Pingchuan and the two brothers laughed.

However, both of them were shocked. They were still thinking, what method did Gu Zheng use to blow up the two tires on the car at the same time?


Inside the store, Boss Hu's son came out and yelled softly. Boss Hu's wife was also there, with a sad expression on her face.

When Boss Hu was negotiating the contract, they were all there, and they all saw it, but no one objected, but the money was gone, and the next step was to sell the land, otherwise there would be not enough money for the down payment to buy a house for his son.

Poor parents all over the world are thinking of their children wholeheartedly.

"Son, I'm sorry!"

Boss Hu's smile disappeared, and he sighed heavily. The deadline given by his daughter-in-law is coming up soon, and if he can't buy a house by then, the marriage may be blown away.

"It's okay, if it's because the house is separated from me, then I'm glad I don't need such a materialistic girlfriend!"

Although the son is no wonder, he still comforted Boss Hu. This is his father, the father who loves him the most. He knows that his parents have done their best for him. It is not the parents' fault that the house price is so high now.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. He has no skills, can't make money, and can't buy a house to give his wife a stable home.

"Boss Hu, Boss Zhao, they all said that the flat food noodles you made are very delicious, can I have a taste?"

Gu Zheng suddenly said that the purpose of his visit this time was to taste delicious food, to find better folk food, so as to complete this test.

As a result, it was delayed for so long because of a piece of land.

It's not that Gu Zheng didn't want to help Boss Hu's family in the past. Boss Hu has a good character. At least he asked for the contract back in the end and didn't insist on selling it. If he wanted to do it purely for money, he would never do it.

People like this are worth helping, but helping people also needs to be strategic, not just giving them money means helping them, but it’s actually hurting them.

"Yes, yes, I will do it now, thank you Master Gu today!"

Boss Hu wiped his eyes, quickly entered the store, went to the kitchen and started cooking food. The noodles he made with his own hands were much better than those made by his wife before, and they had a delicate fragrance when they were cooked.

Flour with inferior ingredients, coupled with excellent cooking skills, the noodles tasted very good. Gu Zheng took a small bite, nodded secretly, and ate most of the noodles in front of him in a while.

The taste of the flat food is also very good, but unfortunately the quality of the meat is average, the low-grade meat lowers the overall taste of the flat food, and it is not as good as pure noodles.

"Boss Hu, can you help me make a separate portion of this noodle?"

Gu Zheng suddenly said, "Unfortunately, the flat food noodles failed to meet the requirements of the test, and they are not the most delicious food among the people, but it is the flat food, not the noodles, that has the greatest impact.

"Wait a minute, Boss Zhao, can I trouble you with something!"

Gu Zheng suddenly thought of something, stopped Boss Hu again, and then said something to Zhao Pingchuan.

Zhao Pingchuan nodded hastily: "What's the matter, Master Gu, just tell me, if there is any trouble, don't you bother?"

"I'll write a list, can you go to the city and buy a copy?"

Gu Zheng wrote the ice spring mineral water he used, as well as the names of imported salt, Fujian soy sauce and other items. The spirit of the equipment is limited. During the test, he cannot provide ingredients to the store, but he can always buy them.

Besides, he was not the one to buy it. After Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling, it was really okay, so he asked Zhao Pingchuan for help.

These are all ingredients available in the market. Zhao Pingchuan was a little puzzled, but he still did it according to Gu Zheng's request. He drove away quickly and returned after a full hour.

He brought back all the things that Gu Zheng wrote down. He didn't go to the county seat, but to the urban area. He drove very fast, otherwise he wouldn't be able to buy everything.

"Boss Hu, could you please use this water and these ingredients to make noodles alone?"

Zhao Pingchuan brought back the things, and Gu Zheng smiled and said something to Boss Hu. Although Boss Hu was very puzzled, he still complied.

He didn't know why Gu Zheng made this request, but Gu Zheng was a customer, and he helped him so much just now, which made him wake up and did not regret anything, for which he was very grateful.

The new noodles were ready quickly, Gu Zheng picked up the chopsticks and tasted it, his eyes lit up suddenly.

After changing the ingredients, the taste of the noodles made separately is really extraordinary. Not only that, he wanted to eat more after taking a bite. The texture and taste of the noodles are very good.

"Congratulations to Tiexian Chuanren, you have found a more delicious traditional folk snack. Although you have canceled it this time, the taste is the most important. As long as the taste is achieved, you will be considered successful!"

It succeeded, it really succeeded, Gu Zheng found a more delicious traditional folk snack, the so-called tastier, because there is nothing in this world that is the tastiest, the tastiest is impossible, even if it is now The most delicious, and it may not be in the future.

As long as Gu Zheng finds snacks that taste better than those made by the most famous people, he will be considered a success.

Although Sha County is very vast, it is not without the most famous people, and a few of them are very good at making noodles, which shows that Boss Hu's noodles have surpassed them and have been recognized by Qi Ling.

As for how Qi Ling was judged, Gu Zheng didn't know, and didn't ask in detail.

"Boss Hu, how much money do you need to buy a house?"

After Gu Zheng finished eating the noodles, he sat there and looked at Boss Hu quietly. His question made Boss Hu and his family stunned for a while, and they looked at Gu Zheng very puzzled.

"400,000. This time they gave a very high price. They gave 450,000 for more than ten acres of land, so I sold it. I thought I had enough money. Now I haven't sold it, so I can only continue to sell it!"

Boss Hu sighed, and said softly, the land can be sold, and there will be an extra 50,000 yuan, which can be used to prepare for the wedding. Now that the land has not been sold, the gap still exists, and there is still a shortage of so much.

"Boss Hu, how much is your store's monthly profit?"

Gu Zheng asked again, and Boss Hu was even more puzzled, but he still answered honestly: "Our place is remote, and we are full of old customers. The profit is not high, and it is only five or six thousand yuan a month!"

Five or six thousand, in fact, it's not a lot in the countryside, after all, it's just a small fast food restaurant.

His business is not as good as that of Gao Changhe in the past, but Gao Changhe is in the urban area, and his own cooking skills are also very good. With the whole family working together, he only has a profit of more than 10,000 yuan a month. Boss Hu Most of them are the couple, and his son also came back to help because of the land sale.

"Boss Hu, can you see if this works? Don't open your store yet. I invite you to Shanghai. I have a store there. You can be a chef. You don't need to do anything else. You only make this kind of noodles. All the ingredients I will provide you with a monthly salary of 15,000 during the probationary period, and it will increase every year after the probationary period!"

Gu Zheng said slowly, the reason why he only gave him 15,000 was because Gao Changhe was also 20,000 when he first left, and Gao Changhe rose to 30,000, one was because the probationary period had passed, and the other was that he risked his life to protect Lao Tang It was his behavior that raised him so much.

Boss Hu is not the head chef, but a chef with no previous experience. He pays high wages when he gets there, which is not good for other chefs in the shop.

"Fifteen thousand, it's still in the probationary period!"

Boss Hu's eyes widened, Gu Zheng nodded with a smile, and continued: "Yes, you only need to make noodles, and you don't need to do anything else. In addition, I bought the land on your side, and I will give you 500,000 yuan, but I have a request, you have to take care of the crops in these fields in the future, and let the fields continue to produce. I will invest all the money, and it is best to expand production. We will not open farms, but at least we must grow enough for our own use. flour!"

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Gu Zheng bought this land alone, which is not of much use to him. He has sky flour, so his requirements for Gu Champa flour are not so high.

Moreover, Gu Zheng has a lot of good ingredients, such as immortal rice, immortal vegetables, immortal chicken, and now fish, plus the eggs he has improved in quality, mineral water, etc., he has a lot of ordinary ingredients.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. I am used to ordinary ingredients, so Gu Zhengzhen is not so cold about these inferior ingredients.

"Okay, okay, okay, Master Gu, thank you, thank you, really thank you!"

After a while, with hints from his wife and son, Boss Hu hurriedly agreed that his land was still sold, but instead of the 400,000 he had originally thought, it became 500,000.

Moreover, he will plant this land in the future. Although it does not belong to him, he can still take care of this land.

Cultivated land cannot be bought or sold, and the agreements signed are all leases, which are actually buying and selling. However, Gu Zheng has no opinion. He doesn't care about these situations. He just wants to continue to produce here, not to make any money from this land.

However, if this kind of wheat can be promoted, he will definitely not stop it, and will agree with it. People like Gao Ziyue should teach him such a lesson.

For Boss Hu, such a result was simply unexpected and the greatest good news.

They had planned to sell the land and go to Shencheng to see if they could start a small business there. If not, they would go to work for others. In the future, they would have a grandson and daughter-in-law to take care of him. Continue to make money and help children reduce their burden.

Now it's all right, the land is sold, and I have money, here I still kneel down to cook there, and the most important thing is that I can go to Shencheng with my son, 15,000, just a probationary period, such a salary Boss Hu never thought about it before .

This time they really met a nobleman, a great nobleman.

Boss Hu's family agreed that the next thing would be much simpler. They would sell Boss Hu's store by themselves. Gu Zheng bought all the flour in Boss Hu's inventory and used it for sales in the store in the future.

After explaining to Boss Hu a few times, and transferring the money to them directly from the mobile phone, Gu Zheng left first.

Boss Hu's family went to Shanghai by themselves, where the store manager would receive them, Chang Feng would sign the contract with Boss Hu, and they would do everything properly arranged by Gu Zheng.

Boss Hu makes noodles. Although it is simple, he uses inferior ingredients. Among other things, the price of water alone is very high. Even if it is not upgraded mineral water, the inferior mineral water costs 18 One dollar a bottle.

This water can only be used as a substitute until there is no other secondary water source.

As a result, the cost of noodles has increased significantly. Gu Zheng finally priced the noodles at 58 bowls, and asked the store manager to prepare in advance, and new food will be available in the store in a few days.

"Master Gu, I didn't expect you to be such a good person!"

After leaving, Zhao Pingchuan gave Gu Zheng a thumbs up again. They saw everything Gu Zheng did. This time, Gu Zheng helped Boss Hu's family a lot.

"I'm not a good person, everyone gets what they need!"

Gu Zheng shook his head with a smile. He did help Boss Hu, but Boss Hu will be his employee in the future, which means helping himself. His noodles taste really good. In addition to the ingredients, there is also Boss Hu’s own cooking skills. exist.

Gu Zheng wanted to eat his noodles again, not to mention other people.

I believe that when his noodles arrive in the store, there must be a lot of people who buy them. In this way, he will be the one who will make money in the future. Don’t look at the hundreds of thousands he has given now. In a few years, Boss Hu will be able to make all of them back for him. Hundreds of thousands are still bought land, and the low-grade wheat grown in the land is itself very valuable.

Zhao Pingchuan and the others sent Gu Zheng back to Shencheng, and went to Gu Zheng's shop specially, and ate a few servings of chicken blood soup before leaving satisfied.

The business in the store is still very good, everyone is busy, Gu Zheng came back to see that nothing happened, so he went home.

Although there was no gain in this trip at the beginning, he still completed one-third of the test. The important thing is to have this third of the successful experience, which made him more confident in the next test. The time of this test The limit is three months, which is the same as the previous prayer test, and now one-third of it has been completed in just a few days, and Gu Zheng is very confident.

Two days later, Boss Hu arrived at the store.

When he saw that Gu Zheng set the price for the noodles he was going to make, his mouth opened wide, and he didn't close it for a long time. This was not the only one who was shocked. Seeing the price of chicken blood soup, he was even more dumbfounded.

A bowl of chicken blood soup is eighty-eight, and the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself is even eight hundred and eighty-eight. This is simply stealing money.

What's more, the diners didn't have any complaints about the price. Instead, they complained that Gu Zheng made too little chicken blood soup by himself, and there hasn't been any recently. They have been asking Gu Zheng to come back and continue to make it.

This made Boss Hu very emotional, the gap between people is really big, Master Gu is worthy of being a master, he is really much better than him.

After knowing the price of the raw materials he used, Boss Hu was even more dumbfounded.

It turned out that the bowl of noodles he made before was so expensive. The salt cost more than 200 bags, the soy sauce was 181 bottles, and the most outrageous thing was water. A bottle of water was 18 yuan. water, but cooking noodles always use water, which can be a huge consumption.

He was still counting with his fingers. The last time I made noodles for Gu Zheng, I spent eight bottles of water. Eight bottles of water. How much is that?

Calculated in this way, his noodles sell for fifty-eight copies, which is really not expensive.

After Boss Hu arrived, the store manager quickly posted a new reminder. Many diners were very curious. Finally, there was another food in the store that only had chicken blood soup, and it was noodles.

Fifty-eight bowls of noodles are cheaper than chicken blood soup, but they are also much more expensive than other noodles.

As soon as it was new, some customers ordered Boss Hu's noodles, and Boss Hu became busy in the kitchen. He had a separate space, because what he made had nothing to do with chicken blood soup, so he was alone.

One person is enough to make noodles, but Gu Zheng still plans to recruit two helpers, in case there will be too many people eating in the future, and Boss Hu will be too busy alone.

For the new noodles, customers have a high degree of recognition.

This noodle is definitely much more delicious than the seven or eight yuan a bowl. You really get what you pay for. Chicken blood soup is not enough to fill your stomach. Now there are two kinds. If you eat them together, you can basically fill your stomach.

As a result, the number of people ordering noodles quickly increased. Boss Hu couldn't handle it by himself, and the two helpers helped him together, which was barely enough.

With the addition of mixed noodles, the turnover of the store has increased again. Boss Hu’s mixed noodles can’t be compared with chicken blood soup. He can sell more than a thousand copies a day, and at most it’s only two thousand or more. , they are too busy.

With two thousand servings, there is also a turnover of more than 100,000. In this way, although the cost of mixing noodles is high, it still has a very good profit.

Gu Zheng doesn't pay much attention to profit. Seeing that the business is so good, he issued a purchase limit order. The daily sales of noodles cannot exceed 1,500 copies.

It's not that Gu Zheng doesn't want to make money, but that he doesn't buy so much flour from Boss Hu. Fortunately, Boss Hu has more flour in stock. Otherwise, 1,500 copies per day cannot be guaranteed. He wants to sell more. We can only increase production next year.

Even so, the store still has a daily turnover of more than 500,000 yuan. In the fast food industry in Shanghai, the sales volume of a single store has always been the first.

Not to mention Shencheng, the whole country is like this.

Guji Chicken Blood Soup is the only one that can achieve a turnover of more than 500,000 yuan for a fast food restaurant that does not take away or take out.

"No dispute, I've arranged everything you want, when are you going to treat me?"

That day, Gu Zheng was basking in the sun comfortably at home when his cell phone rang suddenly. It was a call from Yu, who loves cats. Gu Zheng asked him to help him find all the information.

The fish that loves cats is found from the food association, and Mu Mu is helping him find it in many articles on the food channel, and both of them are helping.

"It's okay to treat guests, as long as something is useful to me, it's okay to invite you now!"

"You said it yourself. Where is your home? I'll go there now!"

Yu, who loves cats, immediately replied, asked Gu Zheng's address, and really ran over.

Not only did he come, he also brought a stack of thick paper, all of which he sorted out, mainly about where there are better delicacies in the folks, and the most important thing is that they are only famous in one place, not that kind of food. very famous

And these are all selected by the cat-loving fish. It’s just that it’s not enough to be famous in the local area. It must be the kind of traditional snack that is famous in the country, and the one that is famous in the local area must have a better reputation than the best in the country. That's the way to go.

Relying on Gu Zheng to look for it alone, I don’t know how long it will take. With the help of Yu, who likes to eat cats, he found dozens of places for him at once, and every one of them is a clue that he can use and may complete the test.

Excluding some cities and places that Gu Zheng had been to, there are still more than 20 clues. The cat-loving fish really helped Gu Zheng a lot this time. Fish, who loves cats, returned satisfied.

The second update, there is one more chapter tonight, maybe there are not so many words, Xiao Yu tried her best to type, and there will be a breakthrough today.

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