Seeing that Qiao Bai had already taken care of the human-shaped skeleton in the formation space, Xu Ran arrogantly made a provocative gesture to the human-shaped skeleton, and then ran towards Qiao Bai.

No wonder Xu Ran was arrogant, the sea of ​​fire on the ground was still burning. After experiencing the burning of the flames, the human-shaped skeletons that looked very fearless at first had become a little fearful. They gathered around the ground beetle, as if they were Waiting for the ground turtle to put out the fire.

"It's almost halfway through." Xu Ran said to Qiao Bai.

The number of human-shaped skeletons was originally thirty-six. When they first came into contact with each other, he and Qiao Bai killed one alone, and nine died in the space of the fairy formation. During the time just now, he beheaded two more Only, now there are only nineteen left.

"The effect of the flame is good, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to do what it did before." Qiao Bai said.

Xu Ran turned around following Qiao Bai's words, and saw that the earth turtle spewed black mist towards the human-shaped skeleton again. This time, the black mist attached to the human-shaped skeleton, making the originally white human-shaped skeleton turn black.

After changing the color of the human-shaped skeleton, the ground turtle moved forward again, spraying a black mist towards the sea of ​​flames on the ground, and the effect was still like the darkness spreading.

When the sea of ​​flames was extinguished, Xu Ran also disappeared again, leaving only Qiao Bai and Jin Huo in front of the monsters.

Without the sea of ​​flames burning, the human-shaped skeletons rushed forward again. Qiao Bai activated the 'Wind Killing Formation' again, trapping nine more human-shaped skeletons inside.

Xu Ran appeared again and launched an attack. This time he didn't use the sea of ​​fire, not to mention whether the sea of ​​fire is good for human-shaped skeletons, first of all, the ground turtle is nearby, even if the sea of ​​fire is easy to use, it can kill it with a breath of black mist. The flames were extinguished.

However, the attack launched this time was still a large piece of ice. Anyway, when he faced the ice attack before, although he did not kill a human skeleton, he forced the human skeletons to resist with sword skills. Xu Ran doesn't want to kill the enemy, he just wants Bingling to make the skeleton focus on him.

Sure enough, all the human-shaped skeletons swung their swords to resist the ice, and Xu Ran took the opportunity to sacrifice the double snake scissors, and cut off the head of another human-shaped skeleton.

As soon as the human-shaped skeleton's head was cut off by the double snake scissors, Xu Ran immediately activated the "Dragon Capturing Hand" and took the severed skull into his hands to kill him.

If it wasn't for the weird movement technique of the 'Misty Illusion Body Technique', Xu Ran would never have dared to be greedy when he was so close to a group of human skeletons. He knew that if he took the risk of killing a human skeleton, he would definitely suffer a lot from himself. s attack.

Sure enough, the sound of breaking the wind sounded one after another, and a burst of sword energy slashed towards Xu Ran. Xu Ran managed to dodge it by relying on the weirdness of the 'Piao Miao Illusory Body Technique', and ran towards the depths of the cave.

Now behind Xu Ran is a humanoid skeleton chasing him, and in front of him is a slow-moving ground turtle.

What kind of strength the earth beetle has, Xu Ran is still uncertain, but in his opinion, the earth beetle should be stronger than the human skeleton. Moreover, Xu Ran also discovered that with the movement of the ground beetle this time, the white 'hyphae' did not regenerate on the cave wall.

When the ground turtle saw Xu Ran running towards him, a yellow light suddenly appeared in the empty eye sockets.

When the yellow light appeared, Xu Ran suddenly felt that the energy of the heavens and the earth had been mobilized, and strong pressure was acting on him, making his movements slow.

"Equivalent to the peak of Void Return!"

Xu Ran's heart shuddered, this level of pressure from the energy of heaven and earth had already made his running speed slower than walking, which was extremely dangerous when there were chasing soldiers behind him. After all, under the oppression of the energy of heaven and earth, not only the speed will be slowed down, but the operation of the immortal power will also become difficult, and it will not be possible to activate any immortal spells at all.


The danger made Xu Ran angry, he did two things in an instant, he activated the second supernatural power of the double snake scissors to target the human-shaped skeleton behind him, and flew towards the ground turtle with his divine sense.

Whether it is to activate the second level of supernatural powers of the double snake scissors, or to use divine thoughts, these are all things that have nothing to do with immortal power, and even the oppression of heaven and earth energy cannot stop it.

It must be true that he really fought, and he had no choice but to fight under such circumstances, he only hoped that the divine sense would not be as good as what Qiao Bai said for the ground turtle.

Xu Ran made the right bet, the moment he saw the light spot of spiritual thoughts appear, the ground turtle shrank and immediately turned into a round ball, and the oppression of the heaven and earth energy that originally acted on Xu Ran's body also disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ran was overjoyed, but he didn't take back the light of the divine sense immediately, he wanted to see what effect the light of the divine sense would have on the ground turtle.

Xu Ran's divine thoughts are normal divine thoughts, if his divine thoughts hit a cultivator at the peak of returning to the void, then it is very likely that even the immortal power protection on the body of the cultivator at the peak of returning to the void will not be able to break through.

The ground turtle monster is also defined as the peak of returning to the void, so its body surface is similar to a bone armor, and its protective power is definitely not inferior to that of the immortal cultivator at the peak of returning to the void! However, since it is so afraid of divine sense, perhaps the attack of divine sense may have unexpected gains.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, the white spot of divine sense had landed on the ground turtle monster, and its decomposition characteristics were immediately displayed.


A sound also came from Xu Ran's body, it was the sound of a human-shaped skeleton that broke through the blockade of the double snakes, and the sword energy struck his shield of immortal power.

Xu Ran didn't dare to use his divine sense to attack the earth beetle again, he immediately withdrew his divine sense, and when more sword qi flew over again, his figure erratically passed by the spherical earth beetle, heading deeper into the cave run everywhere.

After running for a certain distance, Xu Ran activated the 'Concealment Technique', and the human-shaped skeleton that was chasing after him lost its target and started walking back and forth where he disappeared.

Xu Ran definitely wouldn't stay where he was, after he cast the 'Invisibility Technique', he immediately turned back.

Of the original nineteen human-shaped skeletons, nine were trapped in the space of the formation. Xu Ran took the risk to kill one before, and another one was killed by the second level of the double snake scissors. Now there are seven human-shaped skeletons left. , all wandered around the place where he disappeared after casting the 'invisibility technique', which led to his turning back. There was not a single human-shaped skeleton left, only the ground turtle still curled up into a ball.

Xu Ran discovered that the previous divine attack had broken down a piece of bone armor the size of a watermelon on the ground turtle's body. As for how deep the scars were under the bone armor after the bone armor was broken down, Xu Ran didn't know, because this The ground beetle at that time seemed to be in a state of healing. The part of its body that lost its bone armor was being surrounded by a layer of black mist, and it must have felt vigorous regeneration energy there.

The ground turtle is afraid of divine thoughts like a human-shaped skeleton is afraid of fire. This is something that Xu Ran did not expect. He thought that the ground turtle might be afraid, but he didn't expect it to be so afraid, so that now it is still a shrinking body. state of the ball.

"Since you are afraid, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Xu Ran sneered in his heart, and once again released a light spot of divine sense and flew towards the earth turtle.

Xu Ran didn't expect this attack of divine sense to take down the turtle monster. If the humanoid skeletons rushed back halfway, he still had to withdraw his divine sense to protect himself.

However, the development of the matter was beyond Xu Ran's expectations. The ground turtle, whose divine sense light spots had been disintegrated, convulsed in pain, and the human-shaped skeleton in the distance was still not found.


Xu Ran thought to himself, he applauded the slow reaction of the human skeleton.

If the ground turtle is described as a block of ice, then the light spot of Xu Ran's divine sense is like a red-hot iron ball. This iron ball has burned a hole in the ice block and has entered the inside of the ice block. .

There are also various organs in the ground beetle's body, and the natural light spots of spiritual thoughts disintegrated towards its heart. After the ground beetle's heart was broken down by the light spots of spiritual thoughts, the ground beetle's body, which was originally curled up into a ball, softened. Going down, this attracted the attention of the seven human-shaped skeletons behind.

The human-shaped skeletons ran towards Xuran again, and a key wrapped in flames shot at them. Qiao Bai and Jin Huo had also wiped out the human-shaped skeletons in the formation space, and they were running towards Xuran.

Since there are only a few human-shaped skeletons left in this wave, and there is no need to use formations to deal with them, he must control the double snake scissors to cut towards a human-shaped skeleton.

Swords and swords flickered frequently, and one of the flame keys flew back and forth like a flying sword.

The remaining seven human-shaped skeletons were quickly wiped out by two people and one beast. These human-shaped skeletons can use swordsmanship and sword aura, but in the case of a small group, their swordsmanship and sword aura, Joe Neither Bai nor Xu Ran paid much attention to them. No matter what, not having too much wisdom is still the fatal flaw of monsters.

"What a loss-making business!"

After finishing off the humanoid skeleton, Xu Ran looked at the skeleton on the ground and scratched his head.

Not only do these human-shaped skeletons have no inner alchemy, after they are actually killed, their original hard bodies and bone swords become very fragile like bones that have been weathered for many years, and they cannot be used as refining materials at all. .

"You are so brave!"

Studying the corpse of the ground beetle, Qiao Bai's voice was very emotional. He never thought that Xu Ran would really use the light of spiritual thoughts to deal with the ground beetle, and he really killed the ground beetle.

"No way, I was forced to do nothing!"

Xu Ran shrugged his shoulders and smiled, he was really desperate at the time.

"It's also fortunate that you were forced to be helpless, otherwise this ground turtle would need us to spend some time to solve it."

Qiao Bai had already slashed on the body of the ground beetle with his sword, but the damage the sword light could do to the bone armor of the ground beetle was just a white mark. If it wasn't for the ground beetle monster being restrained by divine sense, then it would be really difficult to deal with.

"That's why you have to dare to take risks!" Xu Ran said proudly.

After glancing at Xu Ran, Qiao Bai said again: "Unfortunately, this earth turtle also has no inner alchemy."

"Without inner alchemy, there would be no inner alchemy!"

Xu Ran was not surprised by this, when he killed the Turtle Monster with his divine sense, he already knew that there was no inner alchemy in this guy's body.

"What should we do now? There are still more than two hundred humanoid skeletons!" Xu Ran asked.

"Let's use the 'Invisibility Technique' to take a closer look first. If there are no more turtle monsters in the depths, and there are only more than two hundred human-shaped skeletons, then they will be easy to deal with!"

Qiao Bai would say that because he had seen it before when Xuran used the sea of ​​fire to deal with human skeletons. If there were no ground turtles in the depths of the cave that could extinguish the fire, then the effect of using fire magic to deal with these human skeletons would be greater. very good.

Taking back the golden fire again, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran used the 'invisibility technique' to approach the human-shaped skeleton, and they stopped when they were very close to the human-shaped skeleton. joy.

More than two hundred humanoid skeletons are still in a state of deep sleep, and there is no ground beetle among them.

"Fire attack!"

Qiao Bai sent a voice transmission to Xu Ran, and one of them turned the ground into a sea of ​​flames, and the other performed the 'fire dragon technique'.

More than 200 human-shaped skeletons were instantly hit, and their bodies were burned like a dry stick under the fire.

Naturally, the human-shaped skeletons on fire woke up instantly. Some of them fled into the depths of a cave, while others sprang up like monkeys jumping up from the fire.

But no matter whether they are fleeing or jumping up, this time without the earth turtles to help them put out the fire, it is difficult for them to extinguish this special flame produced by the real fire of their own with their own strength.

If the humanoid skeletons were people, then the way they writhed one by one on fire would be hell on earth! But they are not human, so the picture is really purgatory.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran didn't move, they just quietly admired their masterpiece, since they climbed the first Hanging Mountain, they have never been so elated, this fire is so refreshing.

In the end, more than two hundred humanoid skeletons were all burned to death by the flames, without exception.

Without inner alchemy and refining materials, there would be no battlefield to clean up. Qiao Bai and Xu Ran walked deep into the cave again.

Xiao Sha's feeling became more and more intense, even if Xu Ran didn't practice swords, he could already feel it, and that feeling made him very uncomfortable. However, no monsters were found along the way.

"What kind of monster do you think took that sword away? Why do I have a feeling that this monster is not something we can deal with?" Xu Ran asked.

"What a weird feeling." Qiao Bai muttered, frowning.

"Why is it weird?" Xu Ran asked.

"As we keep approaching, I feel that this killing aura may not come from a sword." Qiao Bai said seriously.

"It's not a sword, so what is it? I have felt a similar breath from your 'Falling Leaf Sword Art'." Xu Ran said.

"It feels like sword energy, countless sword energy!" Qiao Bai said blankly.

"Could it be that there are human-shaped skeletons ahead?" Xu Ran frowned.

"I see!"

Qiao Bai suddenly exclaimed. When he and Xu Ran were walking deep into the cave, he also released his divine sense to investigate ahead, and his divine sense had already discovered how Xiao Zhanqi was generated.

"What did you see?" Xu Ran hurriedly asked.

Qiao Bai didn't speak, he withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and directly used his spiritual thoughts to let Xu Ran see the scene he had just detected.

It was at the bottom of the cave, and there was a sword with only the hilt stuck on the stone wall.

From 500 meters away from the bottom of the cave, there is a shocking sword mark on the cave wall from time to time, and the bones of human skeletons are scattered on the ground.

It must be that he shared the picture through Qiao Bai's divine sense, and he couldn't feel the terrifying aura through this kind of picture, so the expression on his face was puzzled.

"That sword should be a good thing, but it's not easy to get that sword. The human-shaped skeletons on the ground want to get that sword."

Hearing Qiao Bai's words, Xu Ran's eyes widened: "Could it be that the sword will violently injure people?"

"It's not the sword, it's the trace of sword energy on the cave wall!"

Qiao Bai's voice paused, and then he continued: "At first I felt that Xiao Zhan's aura was emitted by a sword, and a moment ago I felt that Xiao Zhan's aura was caused by countless sword auras, but now I know, Xiao Xiao’s killing aura is emitted by the traces on the cave wall, and those traces are the sword marks left by the sword intent! Although the sword marks are left by a sword, the person who holds this sword is definitely the real Sword Immortal, has reached the realm where man and sword unite!"

Qiao Bai's eyes looked up, although he was in the late stage of returning to the void, although he could also use a sword, chop out sword energy, and use a flying sword, but he was not a real sword fairy! His cultivation in the Dao of the Sword is far from the realm where the human and the sword are united, even more so! And the unity of human and sword is the true way of swordsmanship.

Cold sweat had already rolled down Xu Ran's face, he used a saber, but when Gu Zheng taught him the saber skill, he also told him about the unity of human and saber, he didn't expect that the marks on the cave wall would be It is something left behind by a master who is equivalent to the unity of human and sword.

"It's not difficult, it's simply impossible!"

Xu Ran murmured, he really thought they couldn't do this.

The person Xu Ran and Qiao Bai admire the most is Gu Zheng. Although Gu Zheng has strong sword and blade skills, Gu Zheng is also calm. One or the ultimate realm of the unity of man and knife.

"I want to see you!"

Compared to the natural shock, Qiao Bai licked his lips, his eyes flickering with madness.

"I think you are crazy!" Xu Ran said angrily.

"I think I'm crazy, I want that sword so much!" Qiao Bai said solemnly.

"I advise you to be more cautious!" Xu Ran said seriously.

"I'll use my divine sense to go deep into it and take a look!"

Even though Qiao Bai used his divine sense to detect the situation at the bottom of the cave, his divine sense was just like his eyes at that time. He had already seen the situation at the bottom of the cave from a few hundred meters away, but he didn't go deep into it for a careful investigation.

"Okay, anyway, it's just a loss of some divine sense, it's just giving you a headache, you really can't see the coffin without crying!"

Xu Ran felt that Qiao Bai was being impulsive, and said this to him angrily.

Xu Ran why he said that Qiao Bai lost his spiritual sense was because he knew that since those sword marks on the cave wall could generate such a strong killing aura, then Qiao Bai's spiritual sense would be vulnerable to a single blow! He also knew that Qiao Bai also understood this, so he didn't let his divine sense do a careful investigation before.

Qiao Bai really felt that his divine sense would definitely be cut off if he probed deeply, but under such circumstances, he had to sacrifice if he wanted to understand.

Qiao Bai's divine sense had already entered the sword mark, and it flew towards the sword at the fastest speed. He wanted to use his divine sense to find out how to quickly take the sword away.

Qiao Bai's spiritual sense was very fast, and the sword qi was generated faster in the land of sword marks. A sword qi flew towards Qiao Bai's spiritual sense, giving Qiao Bai's spiritual sense a feeling that no matter how he hid it, it would be wrong.


Qiao Bai snorted, his divine sense was cut off by that sword energy.

However, fortunately, it was only a ray of divine thought that was used for investigation. Although Qiao Bai's head hurt a bit because of it, it was not to the point of losing his mind because of it.

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