He poured a third glass of wine for the two of them, and a smile appeared on Qiao Bai's face: "I have been crazy twice in my life. The first time I was crazy, I was the leader among the young disciples in the sect. Many people thought that I would Being able to be the suzerain, including the elders, also think so. However, after stepping into Jixiang Xiaozhu, my life has changed. I think the way of eating is my way, so I am crazy about it Yes! At that time, I wanted to learn the way of eating and drinking, so I abandoned my cultivation because of this. I offended some seniors in the sect who were optimistic about me. What I did was crazy to them. In my life The second madness was in this cave. When my first ray of divine sense was cut off by that sword intent, I had the feeling that I wanted to enter Jixiang Xiaozhu at the beginning. I felt that the way of the sword It is my second way besides the way of diet, I would rather die in it, and there will be no turning back!"

Xu Ran was a little stunned when he heard that, some things were in Qiao Bai's heart, and he only knew it after hearing Qiao Bai say it.

Xu Ran was still in a daze, but Qiao Bai's wine glass had already collided with his.

After drinking the immortal wine in one gulp, Qiao Bai strode towards the land of sword energy.

"I'll wait for you here, you must come back!"

Xu Ran's voice sounded behind Qiao Bai.

Qiao Bai entered the land of sword energy with his sword, his spirit was highly concentrated, and he felt that this was the first time in his life.

The first sword qi had already struck towards Qiao Bai. In Qiao Bai's eyes, this shocking sword carried great power. It seemed that this sword was really the only one left in the world.

However, after nearly two months of spiritual exploration, Qiao Bai had a very good understanding of this sword. Once he turned his body, he could dodge when the sword energy was about to touch his body.

Without the attack like a storm, Qiao Bai calmed down and walked forward again.

The land of sword qi is 500 meters long, and there will be a sword qi attack every meter you walk. The slower you walk, the slower the sword qi attack will appear, but if you want to run over, then the sword qi will also It will appear very frequently.

Qiao Bai was very cautious. He felt that the only way for him to be safe was to use this slow method, at least until four hundred meters away.

After walking another meter forward, the second sword energy fell. This second sword energy looked similar to the first sword energy, but it gave Qiao Bai a stronger sense of oppression.

Seeing that the sword energy was close at hand, Qiao Bai's body suddenly jumped up, and the sword energy actually sliced ​​upwards, as if an invisible sword had changed the momentum of the sword.

The sword energy that changed the posture of the sword was only three fingers away from Qiao Bai's feet, but it disappeared without a trace after being exhausted, and Qiao Bai's body landed safely.

As if he didn't have the experience of countless times of divine sense detection, it is impossible for Qiao Bai to avoid this sword, because every sword energy here has many changes. The way Qiao Bai used to avoid these two sword qi , are all in his analysis, the way he is most likely to avoid the sword energy.

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Bai walked towards the third sword aura. He couldn't stay in place for more than three breaths, otherwise the sword aura that just disappeared would appear again.

Xu Ran didn't want to see Qiao Bai rushing into the land of sword energy, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the fear, but Qiao Bai had just left, and he followed him, he felt that the torment in his heart was more unbearable than the fear.

Seeing the two swords that Qiao Bai dodged, Xu Ran frowned tightly. Although Qiao Bai was dodging those two swords, he was really terrified, and had the illusion that he had been severed by those two swords.

The third sword.

The fourth sword.

Fifth sword.

Ninth sword.

The sixteenth sword.

After Qiao Bai dodged the sixteenth sword, Xu Ran noticed white air rising from his head.

Xu Ran understood that the white air on Qiao's white head was the evaporation of his sweat. Although he was not injured in the sixteen sword strikes, he was tense in avoiding each sword strike, not in that short period of time. It can be adjusted within a distance of one meter! Such a high level of concentration really made Xu Ran wonder if he would go crazy while walking?

Compared to Qiao Bai in the land of sword qi, Xu Ran not only had white qi rising from his head, he was also sweating all over his body, and his clothes had been wet and dry several times.

Five hundred swords, the strength of the sword is getting stronger every time. Although the improvement is not that big, but Qiao Bai has only passed the sixteenth sword now, and he is already like this. He can really walk through the land of sword energy safely. ? Xu Ran really had no idea.

The seventeenth sword had already slashed towards Qiao Bai, and Qiao Bai finally used the word "Piao Miao" in the "Piao Miao Illusory Body Technique". His body was as light as a feather, and he flew backwards under the influence of the sword energy. out.

The seventeenth sword energy finally disappeared, but when it disappeared, it had already forced Qiao Bai to lean against the cave wall, and it was less than two fingers away from the tip of Qiao Bai's nose.

Sweat rolled down Qiao Bai's nose. Although the "Piao Miao Illusory Body Technique"'s "Piao" formula is magical, it is not useful for every sword qi, but if the "Piao" formula can be used well, Qiao Bai thinks It is very likely that he will survive the first two hundred sword qi kills.

Qiao Bai felt that the five hundred swords in the land of sword intent were simply a set of exquisite and powerful swordsmanship. However, this sword technique was not in the hands of a living person, so its power could not be fully exerted.

Qiao Bai set three goals for himself in his heart, the highest goal is naturally to be able to comprehend, to be able to see the mystery of the unity of human and sword, and to be able to get the sword inserted in the stone wall. Intermediate level target, able to comprehend this set of swordsmanship consisting of five hundred swords, plus get the sword in the stone wall at the bottom of the cave. The most basic goal, even if you don't comprehend anything, it's good to get that sword in the end.

However, Qiao Bai didn't have much confidence in the last two hundred swords.

There was one thing that Qiao Bai didn't tell Xu Ran, and that was his grasp of the five hundred swords in his heart.

For the first hundred swords, Qiao Bai felt that there was a 90% chance that he could survive it; for the next hundred swords, Qiao Bai felt that the probability that he could survive it was 70%, and for the next hundred swords, Qiao Bai felt that The possibility that he can survive is 50%.

According to this rule of reducing 20% ​​for every 100 swords, when Qiao Bai experienced the last 100 swords, his confidence was only a pitiful 10% left! Qiao Bai said that he had been crazy twice in his life, which is not wrong. When he became crazy, he could really lose his life.

As time went by, Qiao Bai had already walked a hundred meters in the land of sword energy. At this time, his head was no longer surrounded by white air. It seemed that within this short one hundred meters, he would be able to sweat all the time. given.

Xu Ran supported the cave wall and gasped for breath. Qiao Bai had already been injured in the hundredth sword attack just now. In less than a second, Qiao Bai would be cut in half.

Xu Ran didn't understand Qiao Bai's madness, but he acquiesced in Qiao Bai's desperation for his own pursuit, but at this moment he really wanted to call Qiao Bai back and make him think about it seriously. It's getting slimmer.

The idea of ​​speaking did not become a reality in the end, and he couldn't stand this kind of fear and Xu Ran still left. He decided to still respect Qiao Bai's choice, and he wanted to calm his heart. As for the final result, whether it was good or bad , then it depends on Qiao Bai's own luck.

Xu Ran had the thought of opening his mouth, and Qiao Bai also had hesitation in his heart. After all, it was the closest to death after entering the Land of Sword Qi.

However, the vacillating thought was immediately suppressed by Qiao Bai. Ever since he decided to enter the Land of Sword Qi, he never allowed himself to turn back.

"I'm not afraid of you, I think you are my second way, even if it is for this, I will not hesitate!"

Qiao Bai sneered, with the expression on his face like a lunatic, his energy was unprecedentedly concentrated at this moment, but he didn't even realize it.

One hundred and one swords.

One hundred and two swords.

One hundred and seventy swords.

One hundred and ninety-nine swords.

Qiao Bai, who suffered a slight injury during the hundredth strike, performed very well in the next ninety-nine strikes, without any skin trauma. In order to deal with the ninety-nine swords, he almost exhausted all his skills.

Soon to meet the 200th sword, Qiao Bai frowned indiscernibly.

Through the previous exploration of divine sense, Qiao Bai understood that every hundred is a hurdle, so he was injured only at the hundredth sword.

A sword qi struck towards Qiao Bai. The speed of the 200th sword was not fast, but the pressure and killing intent it brought to Qiao Bai made Qiao Bai involuntarily clenched the short sword in his hand.

At a suitable distance, Qiao Bai also slashed out a sword aura, and the two sword auras collided in the air. The sword aura belonging to Qiao Bai was cut off like a sharp knife cutting fruit.

Qiao Bai didn't think that its sword energy could compete with the sword energy of the land of sword energy, and the reason why he used sword energy to attack was to make the sword energy here shift a little bit.

Under normal circumstances, the sword qi will not deviate, because the sword qi here is an invisible thing, it is actually the sword intent! The reason why it is called sword energy is because it appears in Qiao Bai's eyes. This so-called eyes, or feeling is more accurate.

It is impossible to deflect the sword qi with things like fairy arts, but it is only possible to make a change when using a sword or sword qi! This is a feeling that Qiao Bai already had when he was exploring with his divine sense. After he entered the land of sword energy, he also verified that this feeling was correct! Qiao Bai felt that there was something regular in it, but the rules were very mysterious, and he didn't know much about them, it could only work on a certain sword energy.

The deviation of the 200th sword qi gave Qiao Bai a greater chance to avoid it. Qiao Bai fell on his back at a critical moment, and he used this method to avoid the sword qi.

Qiao Bai knew that this sword qi was not easy to dodge, even if he had fallen down, because the sword qi still had changes, it would still cut him down.

Qiao Bai originally thought that if the sword qi was cheap, the 200th slash of sword qi would be aimed at his chest, but he didn't expect that the slashed sword qi would still be aimed at his neck .

Xiao Xiao's intent to kill made Qiao Bai feel suffocated, and also made his eyes widen. In his widened eyes, there was the 200th sword energy that was enlarged as the distance approached.

Immortal power protection is broken, fairy clothes protection is broken! But the 200th sword qi still failed to cut off Qiao Bai's head. When it disappeared, it was only a hair away from Qiao Bai's Adam's apple! However, the extreme killing intent produced by it had already cut the skin on Qiao Bai's neck, so that blood was flowing down that scar on Qiao Bai's neck.

Fear appeared in Qiao Bai's heart. This was the second time he had brushed against death, and it was more dangerous than the first time. However, terrified and instantly suppressed by anger, Qiao Bai stood up and wiped the blood on his neck, then walked towards the 200th sword energy.

"My God!"

Xu Ran screamed in his heart, he finally couldn't bear another kind of torture, and came outside the land of sword energy again.

Xu Ran discovered that Qiao Bai at this moment, because of his anger, exuded such a terrifying aura all over his body, this aura was very powerful, he had never appeared on Qiao Bai's body before, this is exactly what Xu Ran screamed s reason.

However, what Xu Ran saw was only the superficial changes of Qiao Bai, he couldn't see that Qiao Bai's spirit was highly concentrated again, which was a kind of concentration when he surpassed the hundredth sword qi test! This is a breakthrough in the spiritual level, and the spiritual power of immortal cultivators has another name called divine sense! And this inner state, not to mention that Xu Ran couldn't see it, even Qiao Bai himself didn't notice it.

The two hundred and first sword.

Two hundred and thirty fifth sword.

The second hundred is actually nine swords.

The three hundredth sword.

Xu Ran stared wide-eyed at Qiao Bai, who had successfully passed through a hundred swords. In these hundred swords, Qiao Bai was not injured. This made Xu Ran very excited. He felt that Qiao Bai must have glimpsed something Otherwise, it would not be so smooth.

In Xu Ran's eyes, Qiao Bai was not injured at the 300th strike, but in Qiao Bai's heart, it was another danger of brushing past death.

However, after going through danger this time, Qiao Bai no longer had that fleeting panic in his heart, what he had was only a kind of anger and madness.

Anger and madness made Qiao Bai's aura stronger again, and also made his mental power unprecedentedly concentrated again.

"That's right, Qiao Bai's ability to successfully pass a hundred swords must have something to do with his aura!" Feeling Qiao Bai's aura overflowing with sword energy, Xu Ran murmured in his heart.

"Come on, the coming madness!"

Qiao Bai's eyes were already narrowed into a line, he licked his dry lips, raised his legs and walked towards the 301st sword.

"My God!"

Xu Ran screamed in his heart again, he stared at Qiao Bai with wide eyes.

Qiao Bai's actions surprised Xu Ran too much. After three hundred strokes of sword energy became more and more powerful, Qiao Bai actually changed his previous style of walking slowly, and started running in the land of sword energy.

"Is he crazy?"

Xu Ran screamed in his heart, but the next scene made his eyes widen again.

The sword energy increased because of Qiao Bai's running, and they all sliced ​​towards Qiao Bai.

Qiao Bai relied on the weirdness of the 'Misty Illusion Body Technique' to avoid the sword aura, and after Qiao Bai dodged those sword auras, they slashed and slashed at each other!

The sword qi slashed at each other, causing them both to disappear, and Qiao Bai used this frightening way to move forward quickly.

Xu Ran's heart almost reached his throat. During Qiao Bai's running, the celestial power protection on his body was broken four times, but each time he did not suffer any serious injuries. There were minor skin wounds on his body.

Qiao Bai's running body finally stopped, and he stopped at the place where he passed through the 400th sword qi.

Xu Ran held on to the cave wall, mouthing legends, even though Qiao Bai only ran a hundred meters away just now, the distance of that hundred meters was really dangerous.

Qiao Bai turned his head back, this was the first time he turned back in the land of sword energy, he smiled at Xu Ran, that crazy smile made Xu Ran see determination.

Qiao Bai turned around after laughing, and Xu Ran found that the terror around him had soared again. If the aura on his body before had been able to affect the immortal cultivators in the middle stage of returning to the void, then the terrifying aura on him now was enough to affect him. In the late stage of returning to the void, he is even a cultivator at the peak of returning to the void! Because when Xu Ran felt this kind of aura, his heartbeat would speed up and his thoughts would become insensitive. If Qiao Bai used this kind of aura to oppress him, he had no doubt that his thoughts would be uncontrollably chaotic!

What Xu Ran saw was still the appearance, Qiao Bai's mental power was once again concentrated as never before, and he raised his foot and walked towards the 401st sword.

After four hundred swords, for Qiao Bai, the possibility of dodging was as low as 10%, and the previous kind of running wild was no longer here.

However, Qiao Bai, who was in a special state, could no longer feel any fear at the moment. All he had in his heart was a kind of super self-confidence. He felt that he could escape. As for why he had such super self-confidence, Qiao Bai doesn't even think about it, it can be said that he is crazy now!


Xu Ran almost bit his tongue, and an unexpected scene happened again. Qiao Bai's step did not trigger the 400th sword qi. However, among the five hundred sword marks in the entire land of sword energy, there was a special kind of fluctuation, and the target was Qiao Bai's head.

Qiao Bai was not surprised, he was still in a special state, he sat down cross-legged naturally, absorbing the enlightenment in his mind.

The killing aura that was originally terrifying in the land of sword qi disappeared without a trace as Qiao Bai sat down, as if blown away by the wind. Xu Ran only came to his senses at this time, he suppressed the cheers that he wanted to blurt out, he was sure that Qiao Bai had realized it, and he really got the opportunity of the land of sword intent.

At this moment, Gu Zheng, who was originally refining the inner alchemy, looked up at the Hanging Mountain with complicated eyes. He already knew that Qiao Bai had the chance to get the Land of Sword Intent.

Although Gu Zheng entered the Land of Sword Intent, he only roughly scanned the sword marks, but he already understood that people who want to realize this opportunity must not only not be afraid of the Land of Sword Intent, but also have a certain level of ability. A spirit that is crazy enough to dare to sacrifice.

Qiao Bai's daring to sacrifice somehow touched Gu Zheng, he suddenly understood that the reason why Tiexian had a gap with Qiao Bai, a registered disciple, was probably because of Qiao Bai's extreme spirit! In the face of certain things, people with Qiao Bai's spirit can even give up everything, this is how Gu Zheng feels.

However, Gu Zheng didn't have any prejudice against Qiao Bai because of this. Anyway, he is not Tiexian, and the ending of the story may have a new direction. What, anyway, he used Tiexian's body to experience more things.

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