The goat monsters also found Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and since Jin Huo couldn't catch up, they wanted to find their anger on Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

However, before the goats could attack, one of the goats in the flock had already fallen from a high altitude, and lost its head at a speed visible to the naked eye during the fall. It felt as if its head had been swallowed by the void .


The person who killed the goat was naturally Qiao Bai. He easily killed a goat with his divine sense, and let out a loud cry of excitement.

Qiao Bai's yell came through the light of his divine sense, and his light of divine sense was in the flock of sheep at the moment, and the sudden sound scared the goats so much that they almost didn't jump up.

The Goat Monster, who originally wanted to rush over to vent to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, was really frightened at the moment. They saw Qiao Bai's divine sense light spot, and launched a visual attack towards the divine sense light spot. However, there are not many things that can deal with divine thoughts, and the goat monster's sight obviously does not have such magical powers.

Another goat was hit in the head by Qiao Bai's spiritual light. This situation not only panicked the goat, but also panicked Xu Ran.

Although Xu Ran didn't want to compare with Qiao Bai who killed more goat monsters, he also didn't want to kill too few goat monsters. Seeing Qiao Bai killing two goat monsters like cutting grass, he originally wanted to use the double snake shears to slowly cut the sheep Strangely, Xu Ran immediately felt that it would be impossible not to use a big move this time.

"Goat monster!"

Xu Ran used his roar to attract the attention of the Goat Monster, and the Goat Monster was really startled by his voice, and looked at him with all eyes.

The red gaze shot out from Xu Ran's eyes, and Xu Ran activated his magical power of 'Light of Profound Eyes'.

When facing the goat monster last time, Xu Ran didn't activate his supernatural power, because the 'light of mystic eyes' hadn't been strengthened at that time, and it was only able to deal with monsters equivalent to the early stage of returning to the void, and the strength of the goat monster Basically, it is equivalent to the middle or late stage of returning to the void, so the "Light of Mysterious Eyes" has no chance to appear.

It's different now, Xu Ran's 'Light of Profound Eyes' has been strengthened by chance, it can hold the goat monsters whose strength is equivalent to the mid-stage Void Return, and even those in the late Void Return stage may be immobilized. It's just that if you want to fix the goat monster, you have to see his eyes.

Goat monsters will also launch sight attacks, and Xu Ran suffered a lot last time, but their sight attack range cannot be compared with Xu Ran's, so before Xu Ran launched the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes', they did not Attack Xuran with sight.

An extremely shocking scene appeared, there were only more than 70 goats left in the air, and 60 of them were captured by Xu Ran.

"You cheated, didn't you mean that you finally used the 'Light of Mysterious Eye' easily?"

Qiao Bai was in a hurry. The divine sense harvested the goat monster very quickly, but no matter how fast it was, it couldn't compare to such a large-scale attack. Moreover, those goats that were caught by Xu Ran, he was ashamed to be the targets of divine sense attacks, and the remaining goats were the strongest part of the flock, and they were all equivalent to the late stage of returning to the void. Existence, such goat monsters, even if Qiao Bai used the light of his spiritual thoughts to fall on them, it would not be enough to produce that kind of instant kill effect.

"I used to say not to use the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes' easily, because once I activate the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes', I will be in a state of being immobile and easily attacked by monsters, so you don't let me be impulsive But now it's different, I'm not impulsive, my 'Light of Mysterious Eyes' has fixed most of the goats, as for the remaining ones, they don't dare to attack, if they dare to attack me , please trouble my good brother to help protect me! When you were still in the cave, didn’t you say that if you encountered a goat monster again, you would cover me? Now you should quickly cover me!”

Xu Ran laughed very proudly, and when he said this, among the goat monsters that were fixed by his "light of mysterious eyes", the body of the lower-strength part had already begun to swell, and there was a cry In the sound, it exploded into blood mud and flesh.

"You are capable now, why do you need my protection? The rest of the goats have been scared away by you!"

Qiao Bai was very helpless, he wanted to show his might through divine thoughts, but this addiction was terminated by Xu Ran.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xu Ran laughed, that voice was indescribably proud.

"Uncle, do you feel itchy? Let me tickle you?"

Jin Huo opened his mouth suddenly, and stretched and retracted his huge claws, making a posture to tickle Xu Ran.

"When did I say I was itchy?" Xu Ran was puzzled.

"Uncle, if it's not itchy, how can you smile so happily? I think you must be itchy, uncle, so I'll tickle you! Don't worry, I'll tickle you, it will definitely make you smile more happily , laughing so hard that the flower branches tremble!"

Jin Huo laughed, and made that sound of a chicken being pinched by the neck again.

"Silly bird, if you dare to scratch uncle's itch and make uncle feel bad for it, I will never end with you, uncle!" Xu Ran said urgently.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qiao Bai, the person who laughed this time, was able to say after laughing loudly: "See, you still have to be nervous!"

"Bang bang bang bang..."

That is, when Qiao Bai's words fell to the ground, the sound of setting off firecrackers sounded one after another, and the remaining goat monsters all exploded in the body of Xu Ran's 'Light of Profound Eyes'.


Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes had returned to normal, and he looked at Qiao Bai with a weary smile: "I'm glad, the rest of the goat monsters will be handed over to you and Jin Huo, I'll just clean up the battlefield here .”

Although Xu Ran's 'Light of Mysterious Eyes' is very powerful, with his current strength, he can only activate it once a day, and it targets so many goat monsters at the same time, which consumes a lot of himself, and it doesn't take a few hours. The time adjustment of breath, can no longer fight normally at all.

"It's just for the sake of the picture for a while, isn't it exhausting now?"

Qiao Bai gave Xu Ran another supercilious look.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Ran scratched his head and smiled, but did not speak.

"Jin Huo, you stay here to protect your uncle, he needs to be taken care of now!"

After telling Jin Huo sternly, Qiao Bai flew towards the top of the mountain.

The goat monsters with high strength had already flown back to the top of the mountain. This was completely different from the goat monster Qiao Bai and the others saw for the first time.

The goat monster that Qiao Bai and the others saw for the first time was really a fearless one, and it was not their style at all to abandon their companions and run for their lives.

However, Qiao Bai also knew a long time ago that goat monsters are actually bullying things, and that they are not afraid of death. Just like when facing the ancient war, goat monsters dare not even go to the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, there were less than twenty goat monsters. When Qiao Bai flew to the top of the mountain, the goat monsters were suffering from entanglements. Their eyes lingered on Tiancaidibao and the foot of the mountain, obviously wondering whether to give up Tiancaidibao or give up the chance to escape.

After Qiao Bai flew to the top of the mountain, the goats took a step back collectively, but when they saw Qiao Bai alone, the goats, who were so stupid again, only took one step back.

"Stupid goats still want to eat the treasures of heaven and earth, dreaming!"

Qiao Bai repeated what Xu Ran said before, he felt that what the goats were having this time would not be a sweet dream, but a nightmare.

The goats naturally didn't understand Qiao Bai's words, but the goats understood his contemptuous eyes, which made the group of silly goats angry again.

In the eyes of the goat monsters, Qiao Bai is not very powerful, the real ones are Xu Ran and that bird! Now Xu Ran and that bird didn't come, only this incompetent person came, but he still dared to look contemptuously, anyone can bear this, but the Goat Monster can't bear it!


The remaining goats yelled collectively, and they rushed towards Qiao Bai in the air.

Qiao Bai didn't know what the goat was thinking, he thought it was his words that hit the goat's sore spot.

However, it doesn't matter whether he understands what the goats are thinking, anyway, the scene Qiao Bai wants to see has already appeared, and all the goats are flying towards him.

Qiao Bai continued to fly high into the sky. The treasures of heaven and earth were treasures in his heart, and he didn't want to accidentally injure him because of fighting skills.

"Unfortunately, the goat's sight is too weird. Although the 'Crazy Sword' is powerful, it is not suitable for dealing with the goat." Qiao Bai said in his heart.

Seeing Qiao Bai fly away, the goats, the group of bullying guys, would have more fun chasing them. But if the goats knew that Qiao Bai, who seemed to be running away, was actually thinking about what method to use to kill them, they wouldn't know How would you feel.

A flash of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and the hit goat uttered a cry of a different tone, and immediately fell from a high altitude.


Qiao Bai used the electric fairy art he had learned before to kill the goat monster in a flash.

If it was an immortal cultivator in the late stage of returning to the void, Qiao Bai's current lightning-type immortal technique would not be enough to kill him instantly. However, the sheep monsters are only comprehensively evaluated as late-stage Void-returning, they are not immortal cultivators in the late-stage Void-returning stage, so it is not surprising that they would be instantly killed by Qiao Bai with a flash of lightning.

"Come again, you goat monsters who deserve to be struck by lightning!"

Another bolt of lightning descended from the sky, once again smashing a goat monster into the sky.

The goat monster is indeed stupid, Qiao Bai has already killed their two companions with lightning, but because Qiao Bai has never looked back, they haven't linked lightning with Qiao Bai! They just look at the void from time to time with fearful eyes, for fear that the next ray of wrath of heaven will fall on them.

There were only a dozen goats left, and when Qiao Bai used the lightning magic to erase the odds, the goat finally connected him with lightning and stopped chasing him. He spread his hooves and ran down the mountain.

Under normal circumstances, based on Qiao Bai's hatred for the goat, he would definitely hunt down the goat. However, there are still treasures on the top of the mountain waiting to be reminded, he can't leave those two cute papayas alone! What if some monster came and harmed the treasures of heaven, material and earth during his pursuit of the Goat Monster? You can kill the sheep monster at any time, but there is no rush for this moment.

Without the Goat Monster, Qiao Bai now has time to carefully look at the treasures of heaven and earth.

"Unfortunately, it's just the most basic treasure of heaven and earth."

Qiao Bai hadn't seen many treasures of heaven and earth, and even the ones he saw were all from Gu Zheng's collection. This was the first time he had seen such treasures of heaven and earth that were still growing. However, although it was the first time I saw it, Gu Zheng had taught Qiao Bai how to identify the treasures of heaven, material and earth, so he could also tell the grade of treasures of heaven and earth.

"Speaking of which, the master on the top of the mountain has already been here. If it is really a low-level treasure, I am afraid that he will not stay at the foot of the mountain anymore. He must have come here to guard." Qiao Bai said in his heart.

Tiancaidibao like papaya, although it is the most basic kind, but Tiancaidibao is Tiancaidibao, even if eaten raw, it can increase a lot of immortal power. If it is used in food cultivation, the effect Even more extraordinary.

It was the first time I saw the still-growing Tiancaidibao, and Qiao Bai really didn't have enough to look at or smell. Because of this, Xu Ran, who was on the top of the mountain, saw him as hopeless.

"what are you doing?"

Xu Ran felt a bit chilly, he was a family member after all, the way Qiao Bai sniffed at the treasures of heaven and earth just now made him a little suspicious that what was hanging on the vine was not some treasures of heaven and earth, but two A soft and gentle woman.

"No reason, it's the first time I saw a live one, so I smelled it more."

Qiao Bai coughed twice, and the embarrassment on his face returned to seriousness: "Ten goats ran away, did you see them when you were down the mountain?"


Xu Ran shook his head: "Run and run! Let's wait for the treasures of heaven, material and earth to mature before looking for them."

"I'm worried that these goat monsters won't let it go. If the treasures of heaven, material and earth are about to mature, there will be a scent coming out. I'm afraid they will come to make trouble at that time! Although the two of us are not afraid of goat monsters now, But the ten goat monsters that escaped already have the strength in the late stage of returning to the void after all, even if we match up, it is impossible to kill them quickly. If they harm the treasures of heaven and earth, it will be a big loss .”

Qiao Bai regretted a little, he regretted not chasing down the goat monster in the first place.

"It's a pity that you can't set up fairy arrays here, otherwise it will affect the growth of Tiancai and Dibao, as if you can use fairy arrays to protect Tiancai and Dibao, it will save a lot of trouble, we can work together Go find the goat monster." Xu Ran said with a smile.

"Don't think about those useless things, how are you doing now?" Qiao Bai asked.

"Concentrate on adjusting your breath for an hour, and nothing will happen." Xu Ran said.

"Then hurry up and adjust your breath. After you finish adjusting your breath, the two of us will take turns to give birth to the treasures of heaven and earth."

Turning to look at Jin Huo, Qiao Bai said again: "Don't be idle, go find where the goats are, and kill them if you find them! It's not just goats, anything that can threaten heaven and earth Treasure is a mature guy, if you see him, you won't leave any behind!"

"Yes, master!"

After taking the order, Jin Huo flew away, and the top of the mountain became quiet, so he took the time to adjust his breath, and Qiao Bai also closed his eyes.

An hour later, Xu Ran, who had finished adjusting his breath, opened his eyes, and Qiao Bai, who had a feeling, also opened his eyes.

Looking at each other, Qiao Bai, who didn't say much, immediately started to give birth to the treasures of heaven, material and earth. The faint halo that was originally wrapped on the treasures of heaven, material and earth also grew up and down as if breathing in the process. Small.

One person for half a day, Qiao Bai replaced him after six hours of nurturing Tiancaidibao.

Finally able to take a rest, Qiao Bai stretched beautifully and revived the ingredients. This actually consumed not only the strength of the natural wood, but also a lot of mental energy.

Qiao Bai, who was sitting cross-legged and ready to adjust his breath, contacted Jin Huo on the second thought.

Jin Huo didn't find any other monsters on this suspension, as for the ten fleeing goats, they seemed to have evaporated, and one disappeared without a trace.

There were no other monsters on the mountain, so Qiao Bai didn't feel surprised, because on this hanging mountain, they had already experienced the big mushrooms on the lower level, the human-shaped skeletons and ground beetles on the middle level, and those nasty goat monsters on the upper level! Judging by common sense, there are indeed no other monsters in this Hanging Mountain. However, the goats disappeared without a trace, which made Qiao Bai a little depressed. He still felt that those damned goats would definitely come back to make trouble when the treasures of heaven and earth were about to mature.

After ordering Jin Huo to search carefully, Qiao Bai took the time to adjust his breath.

Unknowingly, four days have passed. During these four days, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran took turns to give birth to the treasures of heaven and earth. In just one more day, the two treasures of heaven and earth will mature.

Tiancaidibao at this time is obviously different from when Qiao Bai first saw it.

When Qiao Bai first saw Tiancaidibao, Tiancaidibao was mostly yellow, but there were still some light blue, but now Tiancaidibao is a kind of yellow that is about to mature, with a little bit of cyan on it. Can't see it anymore. Moreover, the Tiancaidibao at this time is already very fragrant, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is fragrant for ten miles.

Intoxicated, he took a deep breath of the sweet scent of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and Qiao Bai once again took Xu Ran's class.

"Hasn't Jin Huo found those goat monsters yet?"

The same words have become a must-ask at this time of day.


Qiao Bai was also very depressed about the fact that Jin Huo couldn't find the goat. He even ordered Jin Huo to look in the cave where the land of sword energy was located, but there was still no sign of the goat.

"Do you think the goat monster will escape from the Hanging Mountain like those crane birds back then?" Xu Ran frowned.

"I hope the goats have escaped from the Hanging Mountain, but I always have the feeling that they are lurking somewhere on the Hanging Mountain." Qiao Bai said bitterly.

Without saying anything more, Xu Ran also took the time to adjust his breath.

In the process of Xu Ran's breath adjustment, the fragrance of heaven, material and earth treasures becomes more and more intense. It can be said that this fragrance will increase by one degree every hour, which makes Xu Ran worry that there will be other places at that time The monsters from the sky came to this hanging mountain where they were.

Before you know it, it's time for Xu Ran to take over. At this time, there are only six hours left for Tiancaidibao to mature, and the color of Tiancaidibao has changed from yellow to somewhat transparent, allowing people to easily Through the skin, you can see the surging energy of heaven and earth inside.

Qiao Bai also began to hurry up and adjust his breath, and Jin Huo, who was still looking for the goat monster, was also called back by it. During the last period of time, he felt that it was better to stay the same, and Jin Huo's patrol still had to be done. Yes, but just above the top of Hanging Mountain. He must be afraid that monsters from other places will visit this Hanging Mountain, Qiao Bai also has the same worry, and foreign monsters will definitely come from the void outside the top of the mountain, so there is no need to let Jin Huo go too far place.

"Damn goats, are you really going to come back when the treasures of heaven, material and earth are about to mature?"

Qiao Bai murmured in his heart, he hoped that his feeling was wrong, and he didn't want any moths to appear during the time when Tiancaidibao was about to mature.

However, sometimes things go against our wishes. When Tiancaidibao was about to mature in an hour, Jin Huo, who was in charge of monitoring at high altitude, first discovered the trace of the goat. on the hill.


Qiao Bai gave Jin Huo an order, and Jin Huo immediately swooped down on the Goat Monsters.

Qiao Bai, who was sitting cross-legged, also flew up. He waited for the goats to approach at a suitable distance. This distance can be attacked or defended, and it is considered the most perfect distance. If it wasn't for Xu Ran who couldn't concentrate on fighting when he was giving birth to the fairy fruit, Qiao Bai really wanted to join Jin Huo in killing all these hateful goat monsters who were good at lurking.

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