The small island is not very big, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were very fast, and soon they shortened the distance to the destination by half.

"Be more careful next time!" Qiao Bai said.

"Understood!" Xu Ran responded.

The reason why Qiao Bai said that he should be more careful in the future is because the ultimate moves in the killing array will change, and there will be basilisks in front of him, but they will not be very large in number.

It's a pity that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's cultivation in the formation method is still too low, otherwise, which tree in front of them will turn into a strange snake can be deduced.

A big tree like a coconut tree fell in front of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and in the process of falling, it turned into a strange snake with a mane.


The maned snake blew towards Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and the strong wind slowed down their speed.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran can't slow down! Otherwise, the attacks of the basilisks behind would be endless. Without hesitation, they immediately used the sprint in the 'Misty Illusionary Body Technique' to keep their running speed at a normal level in the strong wind.

The sprint of the 'Piao Miao Illusory Body Technique' is a life-saving skill, and there are certain restrictions on its use. It is not a last resort, and Qiao Bai and Xu Ran are not willing to use it at all.

Already very close to the basilisk, Qiao Bai released a light spot of spiritual thoughts and rammed towards the basilisk.

Since the tail between the divine sense and the main body was not cut off, once the divine sense attack is launched, the body will not stop running, but it is absolutely impossible to cast the 'Misty Illusion Technique' at the same time. Therefore, this time the divine sense attack is also Qiao Bai's first time after entering the third level of killing formation was also a time of necessity.

Qiao Bai's divine sense light hit the basilisk, and the basilisk's body immediately began to melt, and the original strong wind also disappeared. The blame catches up.

Fortunately for Qiao Bai, before he released the light of divine sense to attack the basilisk, he didn't know whether the divine sense attack would be effective against the basilisk. After all, the basilisk can slow him and Xu Ran by relying on the strong wind alone, and its strength is at least equivalent to the middle stage of returning to the void, and once it reaches the stage equivalent to the late stage of returning to the void, it is impossible for his divine sense to do so. Kill in one hit.

Continuing to rush forward, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran encountered obstacles from the front several times.

The basilisks that obstruct Qiao Bai and Xu Ran are different every time, and the methods of obstruction are naturally different, but what makes Qiao Bai and Xu Ran very fortunate is that these basilisks belong to the stage where he can kill in one blow with his divine sense , he and Xu Ran ran smoothly along the way.

However, Qiao Bai knew that the real danger was coming soon.

According to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's understanding of the killing formation, from the starting point to the destination, the danger is divided into four stages according to the distance.

The first stage is the distance from the starting point to the destination, which is more than half of the journey.

During this stage, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran seized the opportunity at the beginning, causing the tree snake to appear only behind them.

In the second stage, obstructions began to appear ahead.

During this period, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran experienced a total of six obstacles from the tree-like snakes ahead, but they survived all of them without any danger.

In the third stage, at this time, only a quarter of the total distance is left from where the formation spirit is. stage.

It also came from the tree snakes ahead, but this time there were two fallen trees. According to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's understanding of the formation, there were only three waves of obstacles from the front in the third stage, but these three waves of obstacles The degree of power must be higher than that of the second stage! Therefore, Qiao Bai felt that it would definitely be impossible to use his divine sense to instantly kill the tree snake.

However, to deal with the third stage, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran are not without reliance, their reliance is the sprint in the 'Misty Illusion Technique'.

There is a time limit for sprinting, and the number of times it can be used every day is also limited. Qiao Bai and Xu Ran avoided two dangers with sprinting in the second stage, and the number of times they can still use sprinting is only three times.

Three sprints against three waves of resistance, this is the biggest reliance of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran in the third stage.

Because of this, when seeing the two trees fall at the same time, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran launched a sprint without hesitation, and their bodies passed under the two fallen trees with afterimages.

Regardless of what kind of basilisk the two fallen trees behind them turned into, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran continued to charge forward.

After a while.


A huge snake tail descended from the sky, and swept towards Qiao Bai and Xu Ran with a very domineering momentum. The trees that got in the way were destroyed by the huge snake tail, and its speed did not slow down at all.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran had no doubt that if they were hit by such a snake's tail, even if they didn't die at the time, they would definitely be drawn into the group of snakes behind and die slowly.

Launching the sprint of the 'Misty Illusion Technique' again, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, who suddenly sped up, sprinted under the basilisk's tail.

However, the huge snake tail missed Qiao Bai and Xu Ran for the first time, and it immediately swept back.

If Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were hit by the tail of the snake this time, they would be pulled forward and fly forward. Even if they didn't die at the time, they must have been seriously injured because of it. It would only take a moment for them to be caught up by the basilisk behind.

Sprinting refers to short-distance things, but when the snake's tail swept over for the second time, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's sprint had passed. If they wanted to avoid the snake's tail again, they had to use the last sprint.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran used up their last sprint and escaped the snake tail's attack! They originally hoped to use three sprints to avoid three obstacles, but under such circumstances, they had no choice!

The two looked at each other, and the speed of running did not stop. Although this was not the best situation they expected, it was not the worst situation they expected. The worst situation they expected was that three sprints were wasted on On the first hurdle of the third stage.

Now there was only the last obstacle left in the third stage, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran waited with full vigilance for the third obstacle to appear.

The third obstacle appeared. Four big trees fell in front of them at the same time. Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, who had been prepared for a long time, also displayed the Five Elements Transformation Dragon.

Qiao Bai used the 'Ice Dragon Art', and Xu Ran used the 'Fire Dragon Art'.

"Bang bang!"

Two explosions were heard in front, and the two tree snakes that hadn't really fallen down were hit by the fire dragon and the ice dragon. Their bodies deviated from their original direction and smashed towards the other two tree snakes.

The other two tree snakes were hit, and their bodies also deviated from the direction of the original fall, but Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's five element dragons were also destroyed when they hit the two tree snakes.

Xu Ran sacrificed the double snake scissors, activated the second supernatural power of the double snake scissors, a golden light flashed on the double snake scissors, and the two strange snakes flew forward, aiming at the two tree-like snakes that wanted to get up.

The 'Ice Dragon Art' and the 'Fire Dragon Art' were used again, turning the situation into four against four, while Qiao Bai and Xu Ran took advantage of the rare opportunity of four against four to pass by the four tree snakes.

Whether it is an ice dragon, a fire dragon, or a pair of snakes transformed into two snakes, these are not the opponents of the four tree snakes. The pursuit of the tree snake. Moreover, these four tree snakes were different from ordinary basilisks. When they turned around to hunt down Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, they were not too far away from them.

Four tree snakes attacked Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, two of them emitted strong suction, affecting their speed, and the other two spewed out flames to burn them to death.

The situation looks very dangerous. Apart from the four tree snakes that have attacked behind, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran have also reached the most dangerous fourth stage. All the trees in front of them are instantly turning into snakes. The situation is really that there are wolves before. Then there is the tiger.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran looked at each other, there was madness and warning in their eyes.

Qiao Bai stopped and stopped running, but Xu Ran still rushed towards the group of snakes in front. The two of them seemed to have exhausted their available means. This should be a deadly situation! However, things are not as expected, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran have a hole card to deal with this last stage, this hole card will make the most difficult fourth stage not so difficult!

That is, when Qiao Bai stopped, he pointed a jade bottle at the attack launched by the four tree snakes, and a white mist sprayed out from the jade bottle, turning into thirteen spirit bodies, Qiao Bai once again Turning around, he ran in the direction where Xu Ran was running, and released another fourteen spirit bodies.

That's right, the twenty-seven spirit bodies released by Qiao Bai were exactly the twenty-seven hard-to-handle spirit bodies he collected during the second illusion formation.

Xu Ran once said in the double phantom formation that if they let the twenty-seven spirit bodies coexist in the phantom formation, then they would never be able to leave the phantom formation, and they would be assimilated by the twenty-seven spirit bodies and become Become a part of the energy of the formation spirit in the third stage killing formation! In the future, when someone enters the second illusion formation, their transformed spirit body will be sent to the second illusion formation. This situation is simply eternal life and no rebirth!

The twenty-seven spiritual bodies, in a sense, are also twenty souls. They may be immortal beings who can never be reborn because of the second phantom array, or the spirits were included in the formation process during the creation process. The special spirit body in its body. But in any case, their existence belongs to a strange energy in the array spirit. This energy is not completely controlled by the array spirit, just like a dog raised by people.

'Dog' is usually very obedient, but when it was sent to perform tasks in the double phantom array, it was taken away by Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and this taking away also lifted the bond between it and the array spirit. relation! Once it is brought into the triple killing formation and released, the originally obedient 'dogs' will become madly revengeful 'dogs', and the destructive power they can produce will be as great as a terrifying degree!

I saw that the originally small spirit bodies began to grow wildly after being released, and the attacks originally aimed at Qiao Bai and Xu Ran would disappear when they landed on them.


The spirit body waved its huge claws, and the claw wind produced had an aura that seemed to tear the space apart.

Whether it is the tree snake in front or the tree snake in the back, they have no resistance to the claw wind of the spirit body at all, they are simply touching death, touching death!

It's a pity that all tree snakes are transformed by the energy of the formation spirit, and they will turn into clouds after death, otherwise the scene will be really bloody.

Qiao Bai didn't go with Xu Ran to break the formation, he just waited for the spirit body to kill all directions, he used the jade bottle fairy to absorb the cloud and mist that the tree snake turned into after death, this is also a way to weaken the formation spirit.

The thick cloud and mist were taken away by Qiao Bai's jade bottle, and the number of tree snakes that died in a short period of time was really tens of thousands.

Xu Ran was already breaking the formation, and he was trying to force out the formation spirits. As for his situation, he was in a very safe situation, with fourteen spirit bodies helping him to deal with the tree-like snakes that wanted to attack him.

Xu Ran's situation is safe, and Qiao Bai's situation is also not dangerous. Although there are a large number of tree snakes chasing them, because they are too dense, the spirits don't even know how many tree snakes there are with a wave of their hands Killed! What's more, there are more than one spirit body on his side, and the speed of killing tree snakes is also very fast! Take this moment as an example, the number of tree snakes is less than a hundred, and this number of tree snakes is simply something that can be settled within two breaths for the spirit bodies.

The array spirit is also a spiritual thing, it can feel a strong sense of crisis, so it released the biggest killing move in this triple killing array.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran also knew that once the inspiration of the formation was under a strong crisis, there would be an ultimate move that they could not match in the triple killing formation, and it was for this reason that the twenty-seven powerful spirit bodies, Qiao Bai was not released at the beginning. After all, these spirit bodies have a time of existence.

A thunderbolt flashed across the sky, and a huge white snake appeared. If there was a snake formation coiled in the void, it would be the same size as this island.

"call out!"

The twenty-seven spirit bodies that had never made a sound before screamed and flew towards the sky. The air ban here is useless to them at all.

The twenty-seven spirit bodies all fell into madness. They felt the ultimate power of the spirit from the white snake, and this power made them hate it to the bone!

The turbulent battle unfolded in the void, and the twenty-seven spirits either waved their claws at the white snake, or threw themselves on it to bite it.

However, the twenty-seven spirit bodies can cause very little damage to the white snake. The situation is almost like twenty-seven ants besieging a cabbage caterpillar. It is not so easy to kill the cabbage caterpillar, and the cabbage caterpillar will not be entangled with the ants at this time, it will only think of running for its life in a hurry.

However, the white snake is a white snake after all, he is not a real cabbage caterpillar, it is trying to get rid of the entanglement of the spirit body, not for escape, it just wants to attack Qiao Bai and Xu Ran on the ground.

The White Snake did indeed attack Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, it spewed out ice mist, huge waves, and a hurricane. However, the white snake's attacks did not fall on Qiao Bai and Xu Ran at all, and the twenty-seven spirit bodies did not allow it to do so! Whenever it sends out an attack, a spirit body will always fly into the attack, no matter how large the attack range is, as soon as it touches the body of the spirit body, it will disappear without a trace.

The White Snake is very manic. It's not that it doesn't want to kill these spirits, but that it has nothing to do with them. All its spells are useless to these spirits. And the spirit body can not only absorb the spells it aimed at Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, but also produce a powerful blocking force, making it impossible for its body to go down in the air. This is why it still remains in the void. The reason.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were very anxious, it would take some time for them to force the spirits out, but they knew that the twenty-seven spirits were about to disappear. Once the twenty-seven spirit bodies disappear, the white snake in the air can destroy them extremely quickly!

"It's done!"

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran cheered at the same time, they had completed the last step of forcing the spirit out, and the whole island trembled accordingly.


The void in front of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran made a cracking sound, and a not-so-large white object floated out of it.


Qiao Bai and Xu Ran exclaimed, they didn't expect that the formation spirit here was actually related to the terrifying phantom formation on a hanging mountain! The array spirit there is a headless white snake, and the array spirit here is the head of that headless white snake! No wonder there will be a scene of Snake Island in this third stage of killing.

It was too late to stay in shock for too long, the bodies of the twenty-seven spirit bodies in the air had faded to the point of disappearing.

Qiao Bai hurriedly cast a formula at the snake head, he wanted to seal the snake head, thus closing the entire triple fairy formation.


The white snake in the air let out a roar like a dragon's chant, and the twenty-seven spirit bodies that it had tirelessly disappeared finally disappeared without a trace. Like the water pouring down from the Milky Way, the torrent descended from the sky amidst its roar, rushing towards Qiao Bai and Xu Ran on the ground. .


Qiao Bai pushed forward with his hand, and the last magic formula also hit the White Snake on the head.

The snake-headed array spirit was sealed, the torrent that was already close at hand stopped, the whole world seemed to have fallen into a standstill, and everything was broken into pieces in front of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, except for the snake-headed spirit in its hand.

The line of sight experienced a light and dark change, and Qiao Bai and Xu Ran reappeared in the forest.

The sweat from the last moment of the triple kill battle still remained on the faces of the two of them, and they looked at each other with complicated expressions, including gratitude, excitement, wry smiles, and all of these were not easy.

Now that the formation has been broken, Qiao Bai and the others have also obtained the snake-head formation spirit, and there is still a large amount of ingredients waiting for them to take.

"What should we do now? Do we first practice the experience of the upper and lower levels of the suspension, and then take the snake eye with peace of mind, or retreat to the foot of the mountain, arrange protection such as fairy formations and restrictions, and then take the snake eye first?" Xu Ran asked.

"Collect the ingredients in front of you first!"

Qiao Bai's seriousness was met with Xu Ran's eyes, and the two laughed together again.

After collecting the ingredients, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran returned to the foot of the mountain and began to set up the fairy formation and restrictions. They finally decided to take Snake Eye first.

The last time it took two months to study, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran learned a new kind of fairy formation. After they set up this new kind of fairy formation, their figures disappeared at the foot of the mountain. A kind of fairy array that can hide things and people.

Although Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were both in the fairy formation, they couldn't see each other, nor could they affect each other.

At this moment, Xu Ran, whose eyes glowed with excitement, looked at the red snake eye in his hand to gather his composure, and then swallowed the snake eye.

On the other side, Qiao Bai was still staring at Snake Eye in a daze. He regretted that he was too smart. If he wasn't so smart, he wouldn't have such a premonition of the sixth sense.

"Is this the so-called cleverness is mistaken by cleverness?"

Qiao Bai smiled wryly, and he also swallowed the snake's eyes.

Time passed unconsciously, and three months passed.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran in the fairy formation seemed to be asleep, and they didn't know when they would wake up.

On another hanging mountain, the wind roared, and the phenomenon of flying sand and rocks began to appear. Gu Zheng had completed the sacrifice of the Golden Toad Furnace. As long as he received the blessings of heaven and earth, the Golden Toad Furnace could transform into a real top-level refining furnace.

As the level of an immortal artifact increases, there will also be a situation of crossing the catastrophe, but this kind of crossing the catastrophe is different from that of the immortal cultivator. It is generated from inside the fairy artifact, or it is a kind of interference from the outside. This kind of way of crossing the catastrophe that destroys the immortal weapon at a critical moment has already been experienced today, and now all that is left is the blessing of heaven and earth.

Gu Zheng stared at the void, with a serious expression on his face, and the momentum around him had been completely released.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Gu Zheng, the water polo monster that was originally hiding in the void, and some monsters that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran had never seen before, but that could also be invisible, immediately fled in fright! They will come to the vicinity of the Hanging Mountain at this time, the purpose is to get a share of the blessings of heaven and earth, Gu Zheng can't make them do what they want, if they get a share, the spirituality of Jinchan Furnace will also be less, and More or less spirituality also determines the final grade of the Golden Toad Furnace!

The so-called top-level refining furnace is just a standard. Only when the standard of the top-level refining furnace is reached, can the top-level immortal weapon be refined. However, there are subdivisions in the so-called top grade, which are divided into low grade, middle grade and top grade! Just like a fairy weapon, it seems that the so-called top fairy weapon has reached the top, but if it is subdivided, it will also be of this level! And the reason why it is divided into such fine details is that it is a matter of particularity.

For example, the lower grade of the top-level refining furnace can refine general top-level immortal artifacts, but it cannot refine some special immortal artifacts, such as time immortal artifacts, space immortal artifacts, and extraordinary immortal artifacts. Thanks to the special fairy weapon, the refining furnace must reach the top middle grade.

What kind of refining furnace is the Golden Toad Furnace? Gu Zheng, the owner, knows very well that if its blessings of heaven and earth are not taken away by something, then it is a middle-grade among the top immortal artifacts. After some heaven and earth blessings, then it is the lowest grade in the top refining furnace.

The low grade in the top refining furnace, this is the unacceptable result of Gu Zheng, because the immortal artifacts he will refine next are all related to space.

As for the fact that the Golden Toad Furnace is not a top-level one, Gu Zheng has no regrets about it. It is already very satisfying for him to have a refining furnace that can make any kind of immortal weapon! After all, the furnace is just a tool for things like refining, and more depends on the level of the refining master. If the level of the refiner is not good, even if he is given the best refiner furnace, the immortal artifacts he can refine will not be very good. If the level of the refiner is good, then a refiner like the golden toad furnace The furnace is enough.

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