The appearance of the stone box has not changed in any way, but the interior space is quite different. If you penetrate into it with your spiritual sense and observe, what you see is a land of magma.

The next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to put the Vientiane psychic medium that has passed through Naling into a stone box for refining. This is by far the most difficult step in the process of refining special space fairy artifacts, but the time-consuming step of this step is very difficult. It is the shortest, and it tastes like a moment of success or failure.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath, and all the preparations that should be done have been done. The Vientiane spirit medium was sucked into the palm of his hand. After the stone box was opened, he immediately pushed the Vientiane spirit medium into the stone box.

Sure enough, a barrier like a colorless barrier appeared in the stone box, but the barrier was broken under the palm of Gu Zheng.

It is obviously an action that can be completed in an instant, but time seems to be slowed down, because Gu Zheng's subordinates obstructed one after another, and each one gave him a different feeling. Some felt painful, and some made people feel uncomfortable. Hallucinations, some make people's head hurt, some make people lose all five senses, in short, they do their best to interfere.

At that moment, Gu Zheng's palm broke through the nine barriers. No matter what he experienced, he finally pressed the Vientiane spirit medium into the stone box, and then closed the box.

Even if he was as powerful as Gu Zheng, he still felt exhausted after this step. He sat on the ground and panted heavily.

After resting for a full ten days, Gu Zheng finally adjusted.

Now, two months and twenty days have passed since Gu Zheng entered the valley.

The embryo of the special space fairy has been completed, and the last step is only the carving of the pattern. If this step is successfully completed, the original embryo will truly have spirituality and become a real special space fairy .

It only takes a stick of incense to carve the pattern of the utensil, but this is also the period of time that hinders the most.

Gu Zheng didn't carry out the engraving of the device pattern immediately. After he played a few spells, the barrier that originally closed the entrance of the valley disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zheng asked Qiao Bai who flew in in a hurry.

Although Qiao Bai was discovered by Gu Zheng just outside the entrance of the valley, Gu Zheng knew that Qiao Bai had come to watch twice during the period when he was refining the meteorite tears into the stone box. It's just that Gu Zheng at that time had no time to clone himself, so he wasn't allowed in, and he didn't show up again after he left. Today was Qiao Bai's third visit, and he found that his Gu Zheng was free again.

"Master, please save Jinhuo!"

Qiao Bai knelt down to Gu Zheng, almost crying.

"what's going on?"

Facing Gu Zheng's questioning, Qiao Bai told what happened.

During this period of time, Qiao Bai and the others have traveled a lot in the enchantment, hunting and killing countless monsters during this period, and because the two of them and the beast have already known how to cooperate, the process of experience is simply victory after battle.

A month ago, the two and one beast encountered a monster equivalent to the mid-stage Golden Immortal. Although the monster was killed by them in the end, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were seriously injured in that battle. In order to save Qiao Bai at the critical moment, he was hit hard by that monster.

Since then, Jinhuo has never woken up again, even Qiao Bai, the master, only knows that its life signs are weak, and there is nothing to do about it.

The golden fire had already been brought by Qiao Bai, but Qiao Bai didn't know that Gu Zhengkong was not free, so he didn't bring it to the entrance of the valley, and Gu Zheng didn't see it before.

Following Qiao Bai, Gu Zheng saw the waiting Xu Ran and the unconscious Jin Huo. After investigating Jin Huo's condition, Gu Zheng gave Qiao Bai a look that was okay.

"Jin Huo didn't faint, it was hit by the monster by chance, which inspired the absorption of the black inner alchemy, and thus entered the mysterious realm!" Gu Zheng said via voice transmission.

"Ah? This,"

Qiao Bai didn't know what to say anymore. He was worried to death at first, but who ever was in such a situation.

"According to my estimation, it should take a year for the black inner alchemy to have an effect on Jinhuo, but the monster's punch saved Jinhuo several months of time!"

Seeing that Qiao Bai still had doubts in his eyes, Gu Zheng transmitted his voice again: "Although Jin Huo has entered the mysterious realm, it is a fact that it was on the verge of death due to the blow of that monster, so your feeling is not wrong. You don't have to I am too worried about this matter, the mysterious realm of Jin Huo is about to end, if it can realize the Tao in the mysterious realm, the blessings of heaven and earth at that time will be enough to make it recover! Even if it cannot enlighten, after it ends the mysterious realm, I will It can also be cured! But having said that, the opportunity of Jinhuo this time is not small, the mysterious realm is the most taboo to disturb, you flew over thousands of miles with it in your arms, and you didn't interrupt its mysterious realm. It can be said to be a miracle! Well, you all guard it quietly, I still have the last time to burn incense, so I won't say anything more to you."

"It scares you, so I'll just say it's okay?"

After Gu Zheng left, Xu Ran sent a message to Qiao Bai. Previously, Gu Zheng's voice transmission was given to the two of them, so he naturally knew what Gu Zheng said.

"You mean it's okay, but that's just to comfort me, and you can't explain why!" Qiao Bai gave Xu Ran a supercilious look.


Xu Ran passed a sigh to Qiao Bai.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Bai asked.

"Are you so worried about Jin Huo that you didn't realize that we may be parting from Mr. soon?"

Xu Ran's voice was very sad, and Qiao Bai's face suddenly became disappointed. He really cared so much about Jin Huo that he didn't think about some things carefully.

Jin Huo's mysterious realm was not planned this time, and even Gu Zheng said it was a miracle, so it is very likely that Jin Huo will enlighten Tao in the mysterious realm this time! This is not just because of Gu Zheng's words, but in the history of Jinhuo's growth, it has had too many opportunities. It is not enough to say that it is a spirit beast with strong luck. point.

When weak, the golden fire devoured the rabbit with the fire key.

A breakthrough in the growth stage allowed Jinhuo, which was originally just an ordinary fire sculpture monster, to possess a second metallic inner alchemy, thus becoming a Huojin homogeneous body.

Another breakthrough in the growth stage, Jin Huo comprehended the enviable way of space.

Meeting Qiao Bai, her fate was completely rewritten.

It is a great opportunity to trigger the "dependence of fortune and misfortune".

Get the black alchemy from the fire key.

Because of the black inner alchemy, he fell into this mysterious realm today.

It can be said that Qiao Bai has more confidence in whether Jin Huo can enlighten Tao in the mysterious realm than in whether he can enlighten Tao in the mysterious realm.

Originally, Jinhuo was still some time away from breaking through, but with the black inner alchemy in his body, the growth of Jinhuo's monster power has become uncontrollable! Just like the black inner alchemy is a elixir, in the past two months or so, it has raised the realm of Jinhuo to the point where it is close to the peak of returning to the void! According to Jin Huo's estimate when he was awake, it would take half a year at most to reach the point where he was about to break through, and then cross the catastrophe to enter the next level. At that time, Qiao Bai didn't feel too sad, and they still had time to get along.

However, once Jinhuo realizes the Dao in the mysterious realm, the blessings of heaven and earth will surely make its cultivation reach the threshold that needs to be broken through! After all, Jinhuo is a wonderful thing, when it breaks through, it doesn't have the bottleneck of a cultivator, it's the kind that can be broken through when the strength is reached!

Once the robbery thunder appears, the octopus monsters that can absorb the robbery thunder will also appear, and they will also leave the barrier because of this, and have to separate from Gu Zheng.

No matter how sad Qiao Bai and Xu Ran are, Gu Zheng is immersed in the carving of the pattern on the vessel.

If Qiao Bai hadn't repaired that sword, Gu Zheng wouldn't have had the enlightenment that he gained from comprehending the pattern of the world outside the circle, so Gu Zheng would have to suffer endless hardships in carving the pattern of this special space fairy weapon one thing!

However, Gu Zheng did not use the conventional external carving to carve the vessel pattern, he used the 'inner carving' method of the outside world, and directly imprinted the vessel pattern on the inside of the stone box through divine thoughts.

Gu Zheng didn't expect that when he used his divine sense to imprint the pattern on the stone box, the resistance he encountered would be zero! This made Gu Zheng feel that he seemed to have taken advantage of a loophole in the Dao of Heaven. At least in the special space fairy artifact refined this time, Dao of Heaven only interfered with the normal method of engraving the pattern, and missed this abnormal Artifact carving method! This is the only explanation Gu Zheng can think of.

Without the interference of the power of law, this is a good thing for Gu Zheng. He easily completed the engraving of the vessel pattern that he thought would be very difficult, and the probability of failure was as high as 55%!

The fairy artifact in the special space has been formed, and the auspicious clouds condense above the valley, and finally turn into drizzle and smoky wind to baptize the stone box.

The stone box swayed gently in the blessings of heaven and earth, surrounded by dense light, and the spirituality also steadily improved in the feeling of ancient struggle.

In the end, the clouds scattered and the rain gathered, Gu Zheng couldn't wait to recognize the owner of the stone box first, and let the divine mind enter it to experience it. After all, this is the first special space fairy artifact he created, and this is also his way of refining artifacts. A remarkable sum.

Originally, the inspiration for creating the stone box came from the "Energy Battlefield" of the Chaos Tower, so when the ancient spirit entered it to experience it, a familiar feeling and a very similar scene appeared.

There is tumbling magma on the ground, and meteor-like fireballs are constantly falling from the sky. When the divine sense travels through the magma world, from time to time there will be flame rays jumping out of the magma to attack. This scene is really familiar.

Three days later, the vision of heaven and earth reappeared, and Jin Huo also woke up.

When Jin Huo woke up, Qiao Bai was naturally very excited. Through the exchange of thoughts with Jin Huo, he understood that the so-called black inner alchemy had four functions.

The first effect is to enhance cultivation.

The second function is like a life-saving jade talisman, which can eliminate a death crisis for Jinhuo, otherwise Jinhuo should have died for Qiao Bai.

The third and fourth effects will follow only after the second effect has been activated.

The third effect is the inheritance that Gu Zheng said, which is a kind of exercise suitable for the cultivation of demon cultivators.

The fourth effect is to give Jinhuo a mysterious realm.

Jinhuo is indeed powerful in luck. It successfully enlightened in the mysterious realm and comprehended the 'Blood Vessel Way', which is a way that can change blood vessels and greatly enhance its own strength.

Although Jinhuo was seriously injured, the blessing of heaven and earth can almost cure all diseases. Jinhuo, who seemed weak at first, soon became full of energy under the baptism of blessings of heaven and earth.

It was also the first time for Qiao Bai to enjoy the benefits of "Fortune and Misfortune". The blessings of heaven and earth are shared by two people. When he and Jin Huo stood together to receive the blessings of heaven and earth, Xu Ran was so envious.

Before doing it, Qiao Bai was very afraid of improving his cultivation, because the closer he was to the peak of returning to the void, the faster he would be separated from Gu Zheng. With the foregone conclusion, Qiao Bai can no longer waste the precious blessings of heaven and earth.

Qiao Bai's cultivation method is also Tiexian Jue. The improvement of this kind of kung fu method requires a lot of immortal power. He was originally a Tiexian Jue who had just reached the third level with 70% of the Tiexian Jue. Because of sharing the blessings of the golden fire world, he became Eighty percent of the three floors.

Just after being blessed by the heaven and the earth, the auspicious clouds in the sky have just dispersed, and the dark clouds gather in the sky, and the golden fire is about to usher in its three or nine days of calamity.

Originally, because of the "good fortune and misfortune depend on each other", even if the golden fire can't survive three or nine days of calamity, Qiao Bai can still resist it for a while, this is the category allowed by the law of heaven.

However, this is an enchantment, not a prehistoric place. There are octopus monsters that specialize in absorbing thunderstorms.

Although Qiao Bai and the others couldn't see where the monster octopus was, Gu Zheng had already seen the monster octopus waiting under Jielei!

Sure enough, the first tribulation thunder fell, and before it landed on Jin Huo, the octopus snatched the thunder away in mid-air.

Gu Zheng did not attack the octopus monster. Since the octopus monster can snatch the robbery thunder, it is equivalent to crossing the robbery. If Gu Zheng makes a move, it belongs to the category of interfering with the robbery. Endless hassle.

The second tribulation thunder and the third tribulation thunder were also robbed by the octopus monster, and the octopus monster also disappeared into the void here, hiding its merit and fame.

Jin Huo's eyes were very similar to those of the Lingzhu at the beginning, they were the kind of depression and unwillingness that they wanted to overcome the calamity but could not meet the tribulation thunder.

However, before the depression and unwillingness in Jin Huo's eyes disappeared, the strong repelling force from the barrier once again pushed out the existence that did not belong to this world.

Gu Zheng and others appeared on the mountain where the entrance to the enchantment was opened. At this time, more than two years have passed since they entered the enchantment.

The entrance of the enchantment is still the same. After the outsiders are pushed out, it is impossible to open it again in a short time.

There are auspicious clouds gathering in the sky, and even though the Tribulation Thunder of Golden Fire was taken away, there will be no less blessings from heaven and earth after it has overcome the calamity. It and Qiao Bai received the baptism of blessings from heaven and earth again in a short period of time.

"Is there any reason?"

Looking at Qiao Bai and Jin Huo who were enjoying themselves in the blessings of heaven and earth, Xu Ran's voice sounded as if he wanted to cry. Why didn't he meet such a heaven-defying opportunity?

Suddenly, Xu Ran felt that he had made a mistake, should he also find a spirit beast in the barrier? Even a wretched mouse monster or an ugly water polo will do! If you can also be lucky enough to have a "blessing and misfortune", how wonderful it would be!

Shaking his head and smiling, he must know that some things can only be thought about, and such things as chance cannot be forced.

After the blessing of heaven and earth ended, Qiao Bai changed from the three-level 80% Tie Xian Jue to the third-level 90% over half a moment ago, which is already very close to the peak of returning to the void. And this time, the blessing of heaven and earth can improve Qiao Bai's cultivation base so much, which is actually expected. After all, the heaven and earth blessings this time were caused by the golden fire's heavenly demon realm, which is equivalent to the golden fairyland for immortal cultivators, so the amount of heaven and earth blessings is naturally very large.

When Jin Huo and Qiao Bai were receiving the blessings from the heaven and the earth, Gu Zheng was standing on a mountaintop looking into the distance. Now that the blessings had been accepted today, the two of them and the beast flew towards Gu Zheng.



"Old Ancestor."

Standing behind Gu Zheng, the two and one beast called out their names for Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng turned around with a smile on his face: "It's time to separate again."

Although Gu Zheng said it with a smile, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran still felt very uncomfortable.



Qiao Bai and Xu Ran really wanted to cry, they wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to say it, and all the images they experienced with Gu Zheng flashed in their minds.

"There is always a banquet in the world, don't be frowning!"

Gu Zheng glared at Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and then the three things flew towards them respectively.

Jin Huo was taken aback for a moment, it didn't expect that Gu Zheng would give it something, and it was the same storage bracelet as Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

"I already have one more storage bracelet here, and in each storage bracelet, there are things for you, some of which are in the enchantment, and you already know that I will give it to you, and some of them are for you. It’s what I never said I would give to you.”

Gu Zheng looked at Jin Huo: "Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's experience in the enchantment, you have contributed a lot, but my ancestor has a high vision. If you are just an ordinary spirit beast, I will not give you a farewell gift , but you were able to be 'fortunate and misfortunate' with Qiao Bai, which reminded me of many happy past events, so I gave you some things suitable for demon cultivators as commemorations."

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Jin Huo hurriedly thanked him.

Nodding at Jinhuo, Gu Zheng's eyes fell on Qiao Bai again: "When you left Jixiang Xiaozhu before, I think you already have the answer in your heart, so I won't answer it." Therefore, I will go back to Qingfeng City with you again. However, in the storage bracelet I gave you, there is an extra gift, which is regarded as the master's compensation for you!"

At the beginning, Qiao Bai's mind was undecided, he didn't know what would happen with Qu Wanying, and when he faced the elder suzerain and Qu Wanying, he also said that he would not get married until Gu Zheng was present.

Qiao Bai told Gu Zheng about this matter again, what Gu Zheng said at the time was that after going to the enchantment, if his heart is settled, Gu Zheng will go to Yufengzong with him.

However, too many things have happened in the enchantment, so that it has been used for too long. Even if Gu Zheng didn't say that he would not go back to Qingfeng City with Qiao Bai, Qiao Bai would be embarrassed to mention it again, because he knew Gu Zheng is thinking about things in the cultivation world, he still has too many things to do.

Qiao Bai's heart was really settled, the two mysterious realms in the enchantment contained the shadow of Qu Wanying, and he understood the true status of this imperfect junior sister in his heart! After he returns to Qingfeng City, he will marry Qu Wanying.

"Okay, all that needs to be said has been said, let's go back!"

The figure of Gu Zheng has disappeared, leaving only echoes rippling in the mountains.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran stared blankly at the direction where Gu Zheng disappeared, and stood there for a long time, then they both sighed, and their figures quickly disappeared among the mountains.

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