Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 249 Wang's Roasted Chicken

It was precisely because Xu Song and the others had witnessed Gu Zheng's success in the first-hand competition, and they were all supporters of Gu Zheng, so when they saw Gu Zheng, they were so excited and respectful.

In fact, when Gu Zheng came to buy his roast chicken, Xu Song recognized him, but after not seeing him for several months, he wondered how Gu Zheng would appear here and came to buy his roast chicken, so he found Gu Zheng again photos, check again.

After confirming, he came out to meet Gu Zheng, not to mention how happy he was.

Some people chase stars, some like literati, and some like sports superstars. Everyone has different hobbies. Xu Song is in the food industry. The people he likes are chefs, and he admires chefs. Gu Zheng is his idol.

Regardless of his age, he is no different from young people in this respect, and he is very excited to see his idol.

Imagine, a little girl sees the little fresh meat he likes, and a person who likes to play football sees the Messi he admires. How would they react?

Xu Song is in this mood now, excited, happy, happy, unbelievable.

"Thank you for your support. Go to Shencheng and come to me directly. I'll treat you to chicken blood soup!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. Xu Song is different from Zhao Pingchuan. Zhao Pingchuan can be regarded as someone who likes him, but he only saw him on TV and liked him after watching his performance.

When Zhao Pingchuan saw him, he was not as excited as Xu Song.

Xu Song's feelings for Gu Zheng are the feelings that real fans have. From the initial envy and jealousy of competing on the same stage, to blessing Gu Zheng, and later supporting Gu Zheng, hoping that Gu Zheng can get a better ranking, Xu Song It came step by step, and the loyalty of fans with emotional changes has always been the highest.

In layman's terms, it is black to powder.

Especially during the finals, they waited together in the square for Gu Zheng, and wished Gu Zheng more. That time, they increased their cohesion and their feelings for Gu Zheng became deeper. After disappointing them, they really took Gu Zheng as an idol.

There is no one of the most important idols.

"Really, thank you so much, but I still have to pay for it!"

Xu Song was stunned for a moment, and seemed even more excited. Gu Zheng actually wanted to invite him to eat. It was the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself. , can you not be excited?

Xu Song's hands were trembling slightly because of his excitement. It was hard to believe that this was a man in his forties.

"By the way, I just talked to myself. What is Master Gu doing here? He doesn't come here to buy the roasted goods from a small shop... Xu Song suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked another question. Gu Zheng looked at it with a smile. He nodded slightly.

Xu Song originally had a smile on his face, but as Gu Zheng nodded, his smile became more and more stiff and hard, and finally became very unnatural.

"Master Gu, you really know how to joke, I can't afford that!"

He originally asked a random sentence to ease his nervousness, and it was a joke. He deliberately asked if he came here to buy his roast chicken. Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng actually nodded, which made him very embarrassed.

In fact, when he said this, he never thought about this possibility at all.

"I'm not joking. I came here this time to taste your roast chicken, but I didn't know you made it before!"

Gu Zheng said with a smile, he really didn't know that the owner of this store was his fan, but he would come if he knew, after all, he is carrying a test on his body now, and if he wants to complete the test, he needs to find better food Traditional folk snacks.

"I'm doing a survey to find out which folk snacks are better than the most famous traditional snacks. For example, the chicken blood soup I made before is better than Bianjing Sunji's chicken blood soup Eat the same, we must find out the real masters of the people!"

Gu Zheng used himself as a metaphor, there is no suitable partner, so it can only be like this, although there is some element of boasting.

But now even Sun Ji Laotang is his, so it's okay to say that.

"So that's the case. Could it be that, Master Gu, you think my roast chicken is very good?" Xu Song nodded, but his eyes became brighter and a little excited.

"The roast chicken you cook tastes really good, but it's still not as good as those really top-notch roast chickens, but in terms of taste, it's already above average, at least among you, it's the best!"

Gu Zheng doesn't know if there is any better roast chicken here than he does, but to be recommended by the Food Association and with such a good business, it must be difficult for anyone to surpass him.

If so, Gu Zheng didn't come here, but went there.

"Thank you, thank you Master Gu for your praise. I know my shortcomings. In fact, I really want to persevere like my brother, but it's really not easy to persevere like that. I still have a family to support, so I can only compromise with reality!"

Xu Song spoke quickly, as if he had thought of something, he said immediately: "Master Gu, if you are looking for better traditional folk snacks, you can go to my brother's. At least so far, the roast chicken I have eaten is No one can compare to my brother!"

"Your senior brother?"

Xu Song nodded heavily: "Yes, my senior brother, what my senior brother cooks is the real Wang's roast chicken, mine is no longer the same!"

Xu Song's senior brother named Xiang Ming is in his fifties this year. He is not in Ningbo, but in a small town in the north.

Xu Song's home was originally in Ningbo, that's why he came back. The two of them learned art from their master, who was from that small town. After finishing their studies, the master asked both of them to leave. After he came back, he opened a roast chicken restaurant by himself, and his senior brother returned to the town after the master passed away, and inherited the roast chicken restaurant of the master. operating.

The business of the roast chicken shop was not as good as Xu Song's, or even worse, so Xiang Ming's return was not to covet the master's inheritance, but purely to inherit the master's craftsmanship and not let it be broken.

The reason why Xu Song said that what he cooks is not pure Wang's roast chicken is because the ingredients he chooses are different from Wang's roast chicken, and the most important ingredients are different, so naturally it is not pure Wang's roast chicken.

The real Wang's Roasted Chicken uses a breed called Lucai Chicken. This kind of chicken is difficult to feed and needs to be carefully served. It cannot use traditional feed and must be naturally free-range, otherwise it may change the quality of the chicken. Quality affects the meatiness of chicken.

Due to the special breeding conditions of Lucai chicken, its price will not be low.

Ordinary chickens cost seven or eight yuan a catty, better free-range chickens cost more than ten yuan a catty, and even better chickens cost only twenty yuan a catty. The cost of raising Lucai chickens is about Up to forty or fifty-one catties.

This is just the cost of breeding. If you make a roast chicken, you will lose money if you don’t have 81 catties. At such a high price, even if it tastes better, there are limited people who buy it.

Fortunately, the number of Lucai chickens is not too much. Just like this, one is raised and the other is sold, and the Lucai chickens have been maintained.

The person who raises Lucai chicken is a good friend of Xu Song and his master. Lucai chicken is processed in an ordinary way. The taste is good, but the goodness is limited. Without good cooking skills, if ordinary people do it, it is not much better than the usual free-range chickens of 10 or 20 yuan. In this way, no one is willing to buy Lucai chickens that are several times more expensive. Only those who can make it into a real delicacy.

Before the master died, he hoped that one of the two senior brothers would go back to inherit this craft, and it was Xiang Ming who returned in the end.

The reason for this is to allow Lucai chicken to continue to be raised, and Wang's roast chicken can always be passed down.

At that time, Xu Song had just had a child and didn't want to go back. In the end, his senior brother returned to the town and continued to run Wang's Roast Chicken.

"Where is your brother?"

After listening to Xu Song's description, Gu Zheng asked softly. The story Xu Song told had already attracted him. Gu Zheng had never seen a roast chicken with a retail price of 81 catties.

However, the Lucai chicken he mentioned made Gu Zheng very interested. I wonder if the Lucai chicken bred by this special method has reached the second-class quality. If it reaches the second-class quality, it is really possible to help him complete the three-pointer One of the tests.

"Licheng Huodian Town!"

Xu Song spoke quickly, and then continued: "Master Gu, if possible, I hope you can help my brother to publicize it well. Although people's living standards have improved now, the business there is really mediocre!"

"Okay, if it's really as good as you said, I will definitely help him promote it!"

Gu Zheng directly agreed that delicious food should be promoted and publicized. Those famous western snacks, century-old brands, are not just because of their good taste, they are praised, publicized, and finally accumulated to become famous.

A delicious food, given him time to accumulate, will surely become famous.

The trip to Ningbo was disappointing again, but finally got a new clue. Xu Song was very happy with Gu Zheng's arrival. He wanted to invite Gu Zheng to dinner, but Gu Zheng had a new clue and wanted to go there earlier, so he refused.

After returning to Shencheng for a day of rest, Guzheng set off again, this time not by train, but by high-speed rail.

Licheng is more than 700 kilometers away from Shencheng. It is not cost-effective to charter a car. It takes too long, and it takes seven or eight hours to drive. The high-speed rail only takes more than two hours, which saves time. Gu Zheng finally made the high-speed rail.

Huodian Town belongs to Licheng, but it is on the same side as Yongcheng. Get off at Yongcheng Station, and you will arrive at the place Xu Song said after a dozen miles. Xu Song pointed out the route for him, and told his senior brother in advance, so His senior brother went to pick up Gu Zheng.

"Gu Zheng, Master Gu?"

As soon as Gu Zheng came out of the high-speed rail station, a man in his fifties came over, looked him up and down, and then asked softly.

"I am Gu Zheng!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and the man shook hands with him. He didn't say much, and brought Gu Zheng to a van. This van was very old and seemed to be quite old.

It was Xu Song's brother Xiang Ming who took over Gu Zheng, but the driver was not him, but his son.

Wang's Roasted Chicken is located in the center of Huodian Town, a typical northern town in Huodian Town. It consists of a cross main street and several auxiliary streets. The Wang's Roasted Chicken shop is located at one end of the Cross Main Street. The location is very good. The house was left by Xu Song and his master. Their master never married a wife and had children in his life, only their two apprentices. Xu Song gave up and was unwilling to return to this place. Xiang Ming inherited everything.

The front door is not big, and there are tables and chairs inside. When Gu Zheng arrived, it was 11 o'clock in the noon, which was close to the meal time. Many restaurants started to take people at this time. The better restaurants are already full of people, like Gu Zheng. The hot restaurant is already full of people at eleven o'clock.

It's deserted here, and there are no guests.

"Xiao Song told you that you won the first place in the Hangzhou competition, and the chicken blood soup you made is very good!"

Entering the store, Xiang Ming asked Gu Zheng to sit down, and casually said that Gu Zheng is Xu Song's idol and has nothing to do with Xiang Ming. If Xu Song hadn't called him to ask him, he would not have been willing to pick him up.

"I came here this time to taste the real Wang's roast chicken! Is it really as delicious as the rumors say!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. He understood that the other party didn't have a cold for him, but it didn't matter. The most important thing was the taste of the food.

Xu Song introduced his senior brother, he was a bit rigid, but he was not a bad person, and Gu Zheng didn't care about his tone.

"Wang's roast chicken is the best!"

Xiang Ming's nasal voice became heavier, he got up and went inside, and after a while he took out a whole roasted chicken. This roasted chicken was much bigger than the ones he usually bought, more than doubled. Looking at the size of the roasted chicken, Gu Zheng knew why their business was so bad.

The retail price of their roast chicken is 81 catties, which is a conscience price with very low profit.

Moreover, their roast chickens are never sold separately, and they don’t sell chicken legs, chicken wings, chicken breasts, chickens and the like individually. If you want to buy a whole chicken, the smallest of their roast chickens weighs four or five catties, which is the smallest. It costs three or four hundred one.

Three or four hundred is enough for a few people to have a good meal outside. Few people in the countryside will buy a roast chicken.

There are local tyrants and dignitaries with good money to buy, but after all, the quantity is too small, and they all buy and take away, which is why the current business situation is deserted.

The roast chicken that Xiang Ming took out weighed four and a half catties, and the whole chicken was placed on a plate.

"Brother, settle accounts clearly, small business, please forgive me!"

Xiang Ming put down the roast chicken and said something lightly, but Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, then couldn't laugh or cry, Xiang Ming was worried that he would not pay for the roast chicken, but he had never thought about it this way.

"Four hundred, don't need to look for it, the rest will be used as fare, if it's not enough, I'll add more!"

Gu Zheng took out four hundred yuan and burned 11 catties of gunpowder, four and a half catties was three hundred and sixty, and Xiang Ming picked up Gu Zheng from the high-speed rail station. Gu Zheng didn't know how much the fare was.

"I picked you up because of my junior brother's face. What's the point of collecting money? The roast chicken is because of a small business, so there's no way to give it away!"

Xiang Ming took the money and gave Gu Zheng 40 yuan. Looking at the money on the table, Gu Zheng shook his head helplessly. This Xiang Ming is not a bit old-fashioned. No wonder Xu Song kept telling him that after seeing Xiang Ming, he hoped that he would I can forgive you a lot.

However, it can also be seen that Xiang Ming is a very principled person.

The roasted chicken exudes a delicate fragrance. It was fished out of the pot just now. It is slightly different from ordinary roasted chicken. The skin of Wang's roasted chicken should light up and look more like golden yellow.

Gu Zheng didn't use chopsticks, but directly used his hands, and the chicken legs pulled down with a light pull.

After the chicken legs were torn off, a tangy sharing came over immediately. Gu Zheng couldn't help but sniffed. Oil juice, like white crystal, looks mouth watering.

Just by smelling the fragrance and looking at the appearance, you can guess that the taste is not bad, the color and fragrance, the first two are all there.

"Wang's Roasted Chicken, the main ingredients are inferior!"

Gu Zheng's eyes twitched slightly when Qi Ling's identification sounded. Sure enough, the quality of Lu Cai's chicken was the same as he had guessed. , Gu Zheng is looking forward to it.

Take a bite of the meat on the chicken leg, and the unique sharing of chicken immediately fills Gu Zheng's mouth and stimulates his taste buds. The chicken is very tender, and it doesn't have the old and astringent feeling of other chickens. Several of Gu Zheng's cooking skills are related to chicken. He is an expert in this area. He has eaten so many chickens, but none of them can compare with the roast chicken in front of him.

Even the honey sauce chicken he made for the first time was just as good. The honey sauce chicken was added with normal grade honey. Without that kind of honey, the taste would not be as good as this Wang's Roasted Chicken.

"Congratulations to the successor of Tiexian, Wang's Roasted Chicken is a more delicious roasted chicken, better than Daokou Roasted Chicken, this test has once again been completed!"

It's done, the roast chicken has been approved by Qi Ling. This test is to find three kinds of folk delicacies, and now I have found two, only the last one is needed to complete this test.

After completing one of the tests, Gu Zheng's mood became better. It was rare to meet such a delicious roast chicken, so he simply ate there.

The four and a half catties of roast chicken were finally eaten by Gu Zheng alone, and Xiang Ming was beside him, his eyes staring straight at him.

Four and a half catties, now there is only a little broken chicken bone left, why is it a little bit, because the bone of the roast chicken is also very crisp, a really good roast chicken is fragrant into the bone marrow, the bone of the chicken has a special taste, Gu Zheng A lot of bones were eaten.

Inferior ingredients, no need to worry about food safety.

"Gu, Master Gu, you really have a good appetite!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng finished eating, Xiang Ming said again in a daze, he knew best about the roast chicken he made, and it was no problem to eat an ordinary roast chicken alone, but they rarely had such a big roast chicken. One person can eat it all.

Even if there were, they were all of that kind of strong man. Looking at Gu Zheng's slender arms and legs, he didn't look like him at all.

"I've always had a good appetite!"

Gu Zheng laughed, there is water in the store, low-grade groundwater, it is perfectly fine to wash your hands and face.

Packing himself up, Gu Zheng returned to Xiang Ming's side. The test was completed. This roast chicken was indeed what he needed to find, but the trip was not over yet.

Such a delicious food, Gu Zheng moved to his shop again.

The food in his store has always been scarce. The last time he met Boss Hu, he added a kind of mixed noodles. Now there are chicken blood soup, mixed noodles and mineral water in the store. There are still only these three kinds.

The taste of Wang's Roast Chicken is so good, and the business here is so bad, so he decided to invite Wang's Roast Chicken to the store to enrich the food in the store.

This kind of roast chicken is so expensive here that no one buys it, but there is absolutely no problem in his shop, and it is impossible for the roast chicken to only sell for 81 catties in his shop, and the price has to be doubled at least Well, that's Shanghai, an international metropolis, and there are many people who are willing to pay a lot of money for really delicious food.

What's more, the labor and store costs in Guzheng are far higher than here. Selling eighty-one catties will definitely lose money, so the price can only be raised.

"Your appetite is rare!"

Xiang Ming gave a rare smile. He believed that his roast chicken was delicious, and he bought a small one for Gu Zheng before, but it was rare for Gu Zheng to eat it all at once.

"Master Xiang, I heard Xu Song talk about your situation, and I admire you very much, but this place is too small, which restricts your development. Have you ever considered moving Wang's Roasted Chicken to a big city for development? "

Gu Zheng spoke slowly, his son just came over, heard what Gu Zheng said, immediately stopped and stood aside.

Xiang Ming glanced at his son first, then shook his head: "Master Gu, I appreciate your kindness. This is the master's property. I want to help the master guard it. I never thought of going outside!"

Xiang Ming refused, and he refused very simply. In fact, it was not that no one had made this request. There were still people who wanted to cooperate with him, but he refused them all.

Xiang Ming's son showed a disappointed expression, Gu Zheng noticed their expressions, and immediately understood in his heart.

It seems that Xiang Ming's son really wants to go out and doesn't want to stay here. It's normal for him to have such thoughts. Xiang Ming's son is only about twenty-four or five years old.

Xiang Ming was originally an old-fashioned person, and he was getting older. It was human nature for him to guard his master's property and not want to go out.

"Master Xiang, I understand your feelings. In fact, protecting Master's property is the same everywhere..."

"You don't understand, I swore to the master, I will never leave here, every plant and tree here is built by the master, if I want to leave, this place will never exist again!"

Before Gu Zheng could finish speaking, Xiang Ming interrupted Gu Zheng's words. Many people have said similar things. He has heard them many times, and he doesn't want to repeat them.

"Okay, I respect your choice, let's change the cooperation model!"

Gu Zheng sighed slightly, he really likes the roast chicken here, it tastes very good, the main ingredient of the roast chicken is chicken, and the other ingredients are not bad, but most of them are inferior inferior.

Even so, the taste of the roasted chicken is still delicious, and the cooking skills have contributed a lot here. The cooking skills of Wang's roasted chicken are indeed very good.

Because of Xu Song's culinary skills, he switched to low-grade chicken, and the stewed chicken was also delicious and very popular.

Wang's Roasted Chicken, which tastes better than Xu Song's and has better ingredients, will be recognized by everyone no matter where it goes. Gu Zheng opened a chicken blood soup shop, and it is very suitable for selling roasted chicken, at least it has something to do with chicken.

"What cooperation mode?"

"You guys do it here. I order a certain amount of roasted chicken every day. Once you finish it, send it to me via the high-speed rail to Shencheng. I will send someone to pick it up!"

If the cooperation is not working, then let’s become an agent. Now that the high-speed rail is connected, it is very convenient. It only takes more than two hours to get to Shanghai from here. If you handle it well, you can go to Guzheng in two or three hours. The problem.

Xiang Ming sat up straight. It was obvious that he was a little moved. The previous people all wanted to cooperate with him or ask him to go out, but no one had ever mentioned such a way.

Xiang Ming's son also came over, sat beside his father, and couldn't help asking, "How much do you want every day?"

Gu Zheng's proposal is very good. Why is his father unwilling to leave this small town now? Gu Zheng's method can at least raise their business, and they don't have to struggle like they are now.

It's just that I don't know how much Gu Zheng needs. If I only need a few per day, it won't help much.

"It's not clear yet. At the beginning, there will be 100 per day, and it may increase to 300, 500 in the future!"

Considering the actual situation in his shop, Gu Zheng can sell 5,000 copies of chicken blood soup every day, and now the noodles are also stable at 1,500 copies a day. The roast chicken tastes good, and 500 pieces should be no problem.

But it will take some time for diners to accept roast chicken, so Gu Zheng said that only one hundred chickens will be needed at the beginning.

"If you think it's too few, I'll ask for at least 500 of them every day!"

Seeing that the two father and son were silent, Gu Zheng said something again, and the father and son looked at each other with a hint of helplessness on their faces.

Gu Zheng is not asking for less, but too much. Their current daily sales volume is only a dozen or so, and when it is good, it is only twenty or thirty. Unless there is a big customer who buys a lot at one time, they can sell dozens of them a day. Only.

It's a pity that there are very few such big customers, and they all buy them as gifts. It is impossible for them to do the 500 pieces that Gu Zheng wanted.

Even if they increase the production capacity, they can only produce dozens of them at most every day, not even a hundred.

The reason is very simple. They don't have so many sources of Lucai chicken, which is one of the reasons why Xiang Ming is unwilling to go out. Wang's roast chicken is the best if it is made from Lucai chicken. It is not as good as other chickens. taste.

Lucai chickens have always been raised by people, but the cost is high and the output is limited, especially because there are very few merchants who use Lucai chickens. Their production has always been limited. It is impossible for him to reach the 500 chickens that Gu wanted. Even one hundred is enough.

Fifty per day is the greatest guarantee he can make.

Xiang Ming told Gu Zheng about the situation, but Gu Zheng was very surprised. He thought the other party thought there were too few, but he didn't expect that there were too many, fifty per day, which was not enough at all given the popularity of his shop.

Unless they were sold separately, but even if they were sold separately, fifty would not be enough, at least two hundred would do.

"I'm sorry, Master Gu, it's not that we don't do it, but that we don't have so many Lucai chickens, there's really nothing we can do!"

Xiang Ming gave a wry smile. The big cities are really good. People can open their mouths for five hundred a day, which is ten times his highest output. But there is no source of goods, and it is useless to go to the big cities. There is nothing to sell there, so it is better to stay at home.

"Even fifty, I can't give you all of them, otherwise there will be nothing to sell here, and I can only give you forty at most every day, Master Gu, you decide whether you want it or not!"

Xiang Ming said again that he could not give up the business here just because Gu Zheng wanted all of them. This was not his original intention, so the number of Gu Zheng was reduced.

Forty pieces, plus shipping, storage, and labor costs, probably cost a hundred yuan a catty in Shanghai. The increase in cost is equal to the increase in price. I don't know if Gu Zheng will stick to his previous idea.

"Since there are only these, let's make forty. Master Xiang, are you unable to make so many chickens because of the small number of Lucai chickens? If there are enough Lucai chickens, you can make more king chickens every day." Roast Chicken?"

There are only forty chickens, and Gu Zheng can't do anything about it. It's better than nothing. First, order so many to enrich the food in the store. After the production of roast chicken here increases, I will ask for more.

"You're right. If there are enough Lucai chickens, let's work harder. It's not a problem to make 500 chickens a day!"

Xiang Ming nodded. There are enough Lu Cai chickens. If they do it, they will only pay for their physical strength. It's okay to work hard.

"Master Xiang, I want to go to the place where Lu Cai's chickens are raised. I wonder if it's possible?"

Gu Zheng stood up, and said again, the supply is tight and not enough, so find a way to increase the supply, even if the increase is less than five hundred a day, double or triple is fine.

If there are more sources of goods here, Gu Zheng can sell more.

If Gu Zheng can sell more, more people will be able to eat this kind of high-quality food. It is also Gu Zheng's responsibility to promote more delicious food. His job is food review, and he has the important task of promoting food. , Gu Zheng's articles are not all criticisms, there are also many praises.

"Of course, if you want to go, I can take you there now, not far from here!"

Xiang Ming also got up, Lu Caiji was with them, and the distance was very close. The place where Lu Caiji was raised was a small farm, at the foot of a mountain, and the Lu Caiji was raised by a farmer, who raised it close to the mountain.

The environment of the farm is good, and there are a few employees. Apart from Xiang Ming, their Lucai chickens are also used by two or three merchants. Without the support of these merchants, this farm would have long been B.

"And the boss, this is the master of Gu Zhenggu, the first place in the Hangzhou Food Competition!"

The owner of the farm is surnamed He, and he is about the same age as Xiang Ming. He inherited his father's business, just like Xiang Ming inherited his master's business.

It's just that like everyone else, when introducing Gu Zheng, Xiang Ming always likes to mention Gu Zheng's previous results. The first place in the Hangzhou Food Competition is his best result so far.

"Hello, Master Gu!"

He and the boss didn't know Gu Zhenglai's intentions, but they still received him very politely.

"Boss He, I just heard from the master that the production of Lucai chicken here is not high. What is the reason for the low production?"

Gu Zheng cut to the point and asked directly.

If you want to increase the production of Lucai chickens, you can only start with the farms. First, you must figure out why their production has not been high. If it is because Lucai chickens are very difficult to raise, or the environment here is only enough for them to raise so many, what else? If the place is not good enough, then forget about the idea of ​​increasing production.

Just like Tianmian, the two brothers Wang Wei and Wang Zhen also wanted to increase production, but there was nothing they could do to increase the production of that piece of land.

"The output is not high, the reason is actually very simple, one is the funds, and the other is that there are not so many customers!"

Boss He sighed, while Gu Zheng felt a little relieved. It’s not a specific reason. The two reasons for restricting Boss He’s production are not a problem for him.

Funds, old enough, now the store has a turnover of more than 500,000 yuan a day, almost half of the profit, and a few million net profits a month, there is absolutely no problem in investing in shares, and they have enough funds.

As for customers, it's even simpler, I am their customer, a big customer.

"Boss He, how much money do you need to increase the production of 500 more per day?"

Gu Zheng asked again, Boss He was stunned for a moment, and provided five hundred chickens a day, which is not a small number. The time for Lu Cai chickens to be out of the cage is longer than that of ordinary chickens, and chickens raised on feed can be out of the cage in forty or fifty days. Free-range chickens also grow up in two to three months, and their Lucai chickens take five months to grow.

Because of this, their cost of raising chickens will increase significantly.

"Adding 500 chickens every day, I need to add dozens of employees, and increase the supply of chicken food. As long as there is money, there is enough food in Mangdang Mountain, but this requires a lot of money, adding 500 chickens every day." , It is estimated that the cost will increase by more than 2.8 million!"

Boss He made an estimate, and finally said that there was a shortage of funds, adding 500 chickens every day. In fact, he doesn’t have so many chickens out of the cage every day, and the maximum is a hundred chickens every day, and it’s not like this every day. If the orderer less, they will also reduce the amount of feeding.

If the raised chickens cannot be sold by then, they will lose money.

That's why Xiang Ming dared to say that he can only make fifty at most every day, and Boss He can only provide him with so much now.

"Boss He, I'll give you three million. First, order five hundred Lucai chickens per day. I can sign a contract today and give you the money. I hope you can increase production as soon as possible!"

Gu Zheng said softly, Boss He and Master Xiang's eyes widened.

Gu Zheng really wanted 500 chickens, and directly placed a deposit of 3 million. With this 3 million, it means that Boss He no longer has to worry about the shortage of funds, and can raise more Lucai chickens to expand Farm size.

"Master Gu, to be honest, my factory is not worth three million, so you trust me? Besides, you can buy my factory without three million, so why give me so much money to expand the scale?" ?”

Xiang Ming agreed with Boss He's words, and the employees around Boss He wanted to slap him twice.

Is my boss bewildered or something is wrong, someone is willing to give money but he still refuses, say such a thing, three million, this is three million, many people have never seen so much money in their life.

"You and Master Xiang are both the same kind of people. Since you have been here for so many years, of course I believe in you. I know that it is no problem to buy your factory for three million yuan, or if I directly invest in shares, it is better than giving you so much money. I need to be tall, but I have a shortcoming that you don’t know. I’m lazy and don’t like any management. My purpose is just to get more Wang’s Roasted Chicken, as long as I can give me enough Wang’s Roasted Chicken! "

"Even if I placed this order with the master, you just need to provide him with enough Lucai chicken!"

Gu Zheng kept smiling. What he said was the truth. If he really wanted to buy this factory, he would definitely not do it. It would be better to just be a customer if he bought shares and cooperated with people he didn't know well.

His purpose is to want Wang's Roasted Chicken, as long as he has enough Wang's Roasted Chicken, he doesn't care whether to pay first or later.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Boss He thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said something.

The employees around Boss He are very happy, three million, a big order of three million, they have never had such a big order, and now the factory is going to be busy, and each of them can have a good harvest.

Master Xiang is also very happy. Boss He has always wanted to expand the farm, but he has never been able to do so. This time with the help of Gu Zheng, he finally can.

At this moment, he even wanted to agree to Gu Zheng and agree to go to Shencheng with him.

It's a pity that if he really went, the people here would no longer be able to eat Wang's roast chicken. Thinking of the last wish of the master before his death, he finally insisted on staying.

But he can teach his son the technique of making roasted chicken, and let his son go to Shencheng in the future to help Gu Zheng.

He will pass this skill on to his son sooner or later. The reason why he didn't teach it before is because he is afraid that if his son learns to be like Xu Song and runs out to open a shop, then no one on his side can inherit it. He can't let his master down.

After his son learns, he may still go out, but with a stable sales channel, he will also sell Wang's Roast Chicken made by Lu Caiji when he goes out. He also inherited this craftsmanship, and Wang's Roast Chicken will not be broken.

Xiang Ming promised his master to guard his shop, but his son did not agree.

His son can go out, as long as he still cooks Wang's roast chicken, he will be worthy of his master, and he will not be guilty of anything.

This is a happy result for everyone. Gu Zheng has achieved his goal, and Master Xiang has also solved the future of himself and his son. Boss He has successfully expanded the scale of breeding. Everyone is very happy.

"It's not me bragging. My Lucai chicken is really incomparable to ordinary chickens. It's a pity that I haven't been able to cooperate with good cooking skills. If it weren't for Master Xiang and Master Shao, my factory would have closed down. Lu Caiji From now on, I can only feed myself!"

After signing the contract, Gu Zheng immediately asked Chang Feng to transfer the money for him first. The order this time was actually to increase the supply of goods for the store and to pay the store's bills.

Although Chang Feng doesn't care about money, Gu Zheng doesn't want to make any mistakes in money, because he would be sorry for others.

"My side is fine, but Master Shao's side is more troublesome. He cooks bucket chicken, and fewer people eat it!"

Sighed to the master, Master Shao is another old friend, the family makes bucket chicken, and uses Lucai chicken, but he doesn’t use Lucai chicken for all, Lucai chicken is too expensive, and the bucket chicken he makes The price is high and it is difficult to sell.

The bucket chickens he makes are all ordinary chickens of seven or eight yuan a catty. Only when customers order, or eat by themselves, do they use Lucai chicken.

He is also good at making barrel chicken, and he is very famous in their local area. There are two chicken kings in the area, one is Wang's roast chicken, and the other is Shao's barrel chicken.

I have eaten Tongziji in Guzheng, and I bought it when I was in Shanghai. The taste is very average.

"Barrel chicken, can I try it?"

Gu Zheng's heart moved slightly. Tongzi Chicken is also a famous traditional snack. The most famous Tongzi Chicken is in Bianjing. Majia Tongzi Chicken is famous all over the country and has a century-old brand. It is said that they also have a pot of century-old soup to marinate their Tongzi Chicken.

Bianjing Majia Tongzi Chicken is not much less famous than Daokou Roasted Chicken. It is a traditional snack that meets the requirements of the spirit test.

Guzheng has never been here before. Today is the first time. The main ingredient used in Tongzi chicken is the inferior Lucai chicken. If there are unique cooking skills, it may surpass Majia Tongzi chicken. If this is the case , which means that he can complete all the tests this time.

"Of course, you're fine. I'll call Lao Shao right now, but I don't know if he has any in stock!"

Boss He laughed, and immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

Not long after, a man came to the farm on an electric bicycle. The man was in his forties and he was carrying a big bag.

Inside the bag is the bucket chicken he brought. The bucket chicken is made from Lu Cai chicken.

This bucket chicken weighed more than six catties. After Qi Ling appraised the quality, Gu Zheng tore off a small piece and tasted it in small bites.

Both barrel chicken and roast chicken are made from whole chickens, but they have two completely different tastes. Shaojia barrel chicken strips have a little marijuana flavor because of the addition of pepper, but the numbness does not affect the taste of the chicken. The taste, on the contrary, blends with the chicken, which has a refreshing feeling like eating hot pot.

If you eat roast chicken, it is as warm as spring, and the barrel chicken is like hot summer, with different styles, but they are all equally delicious and delicious.

For the first update, Xiao Yu strives to code a chapter, but the update time may be very late, please forgive me!

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