The Ningshuang Sect was over, all the elders of the sect died at the hands of Gu Zheng, and those disciples who dared to resist were all killed by the elders of the other six sects.

Gu Zheng didn't wait to see how many people from the Ningshuang Sect would die. After killing the elders, he set off to return to Pinxianju.

When Gu Zheng left Pinxianju, Xiong San hadn't come out of the Immortal Realm, and when Gu Zheng returned, he had already killed Yemeng, with his head lowered as a child who did something wrong.

After briefly talking to Master Yunqing and Jin Yan, Gu Zheng took Xiong San upstairs.

Xiong San followed behind Gu Zheng without saying a word, and the scene of being preached by Gu Zheng in the dream was vivid in his mind.

When he reached the guest room upstairs, Gu Zheng looked Xiong San up and down, and said lightly, "Tell me, what do you want to say to Master?"

"No, nothing."

Xiong San had the urge to say something, but when Gu Zheng asked, he was too scared to speak.

"In thirty-five years, there are many opportunities to escape from the dream, but you still choose to immerse yourself in it. If you didn't enter your dream as a teacher, how long do you plan to get lost in it?" Gu Zheng said indifferently.


Xiong San yelled pitifully.

Seeing Xiong San's pitiful appearance, Gu Zheng sighed in his heart.

Gu Zheng was not too angry with Xiong San, he knew that his third senior brother had committed a crime of love, and this was an ordeal he could not escape, but he hated that iron could not be made into steel, that Xiong San would give up on himself like that.

Thirty-five years of dreams, Xiong San's gains can be said to be huge. His mind was immersed in the dreams, but his body did not let down his cultivation, which also made his cultivation to a great extent in the end. improvement. The improvement of cultivation base is only the superficial benefits of Xiong San, after thirty-five years of mental training, the benefits of Xiong San are also huge! First of all, a strong mind means a firm state of mind, and secondly, once the mind is strong, the spiritual sense will also be strong.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and the thirty-five years of dreams also made Xiong San's state of mind extraordinarily fragile in terms of love.

In the era of Gu Zheng's body, Xiong San lost his head in pain because of the loss of Fairy Feiyu. The heartache he experienced was not enough for Gu Zheng at that time.

However, what Gu Zheng can foresee is that if Xiong San can't be made to make changes, then in today's world, if he still meets Fairy Feiyu, then Love Tribulation will not be as simple as a white head in pain, but It will become a catastrophe of death!

Xiong San's state of mind is prone to collapse when experiencing love calamity. This is not the place that makes Gu Zheng hate iron for steel, but what really makes him hate iron for steel. But by default, this kind of result will appear.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng ended the retreat in a timely manner, and he entered Xiong San's dream in time with a feeling in his heart. If he hadn't awakened Xiong San at that time, it can be said that the immortal power accumulated by Xiong San's body through cultivation had already reached him. I am almost unable to bear the limit!

Although Xiong San's body can continue to cultivate when his mind is immersed in dreams, after all, cultivation requires the coordination of body and mind. The cultivation of the body alone, without the guidance of the mind, is equivalent to force-feeding. Even a good container is sometimes burst.

If it is an ordinary person, Gu Zheng will not help, because this kind of thing is very karmic. However, Xiong San is Gu Zheng's disciple in today's era, and his third senior brother in Gu Zheng's noumenon era. Even if he has to bear the cause and effect for this, Gu Zheng must help him.

Gu Zheng understands that the so-called karma will be presented in the form of evil retribution, and the degree of danger is not low. The time of presentation will be at a certain moment when he and Xiong San are together. Gu Zheng feels that the bad retribution he will suffer this time will most likely appear in the experience of enchantment.

Regarding the matter of karma and evil retribution, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to talk to Xiong San, some things can only be endured silently.

Seeing that Xiong San was really having a hard time opening his mouth, Gu Zheng said, "Do you want to revive the Lingzhu as a master?"


Xiong San knelt down to Gu Zheng, tears fell like rain, he didn't say anything, just kept kowtow.

"Get up!"

Gu Zheng sighed, and supported Xiong San with his immortal power.

"Master knows that you and Lingzhu have a deep relationship, but the fate between you and Lingzhu is a bad relationship. Once there is a result, no one can change it, so you should forget it!"

Gu Zheng dispelled all Xiong San's fantasies with a white lie, and the distraught Xiong San collapsed on the ground.

"My teacher will give you one day, and you use one day to think about one thing clearly. Whether you want to live a good life like Lingzhu said, or want to spend your days immersed in dreams, the choice is yours." It’s in your hands! If you want to choose the latter one day later, the teacher will not force you, but if you choose the former, the teacher requires you to have a firm heart!”

Gu Zheng didn't say that if Xiong San chooses the latter, the fate of master and apprentice will end here. What he needs is Xiong San's determination not to be affected by other factors! Only when Xiong San has this determination, can he help Xiong San get out of the shadow of the Lingzhu, and he can help Xiong San restore his fragile state of mind in the love calamity, so that the future love calamity of Xiong San will not become terrible. The catastrophe of death.

Xiongsan stayed in the room, and Pinxian lived on the first floor where Gu Zheng came again.

It was time for dinner, but Pinxianju was closed today, so the restaurant was very quiet.

Both Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing are on the first floor, while Jin Yan's disciples are busy in the back kitchen.

After Xiong San came out of Immortal Realm, he communicated with Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing, and both Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan knew that when Gu Zheng returned to Pinxianju, it was Xiong San who would be punished when.

"Why are you two looking at me nervously?"

Gu Zheng looked at the tense Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan, frowning slightly.

"Old Ancestor, Fellow Daoist Xiong said that after you finish training him, you will come over and train us. We are waiting to be trained!" Master Yun Qing smiled wryly.

"Listen to his nonsense! I have nothing to reprimand you. Although you have fallen behind in your cultivation over the years, there is a reason for this." Gu Zheng said.

"Tea, sir."

Jin Yan made tea for Gu Zheng, and pleaded with her eyes: "Sir, those disciples I have accepted know that the ancestor is in Pinxianju, and they are all so excited that they are going crazy. When you are free, you can meet them." good?"

Gu Zheng shook his head: "There is a fate between us, but the fate with them is very shallow, so it's okay to see such a fate. However, since you have such a request, and they are cooking now, then you let them alone I will give them a chance to cook a special dish and the best three people.”

"Thank you, sir!"

Jin Yan hurriedly thanked her, and happily went to the back kitchen.

"Patriarch didn't see us?"

After hearing Jin Yan's excited announcement, the disciples all looked disappointed.

"Just be content with yourself! Although Mr. doesn't see you, he will give you a chance to be the three best cooks among you. This must be a great gift! It's time to test your cooking skills." Jin Yan said earnestly road.

The disappearance of Gu Zheng made Jin Yan's disciples a little disappointed, but thinking that there was still a chance to get the big gift, they rushed one after another.

Looking at the busy disciples, Jin Yan sighed in her heart. She felt that such disciples might not be seen by Gu Zheng.

If it was in Jixiang Xiaozhu, when this happened, Jin Yan and the others would definitely communicate with each other to see what kind of dishes everyone was planning to use and what grade of ingredients they used. After all, the test given by Gu Zheng seems to be only one dish, but the scope of one dish is also very wide.

However, these disciples of Jin Yan did not communicate with each other at all, and even became wary of each other, for fear that the other party would see what ingredients and dishes they wanted to use.

Jin Yan's apprentices also taught them to be like a family with each other, but Jin Yan is not an ancient rivalry, she doesn't have that kind of deterrent power, and the disciples talk well, but they all have their own thoughts in their hearts.

"It's human nature!"

Jin Yan smiled wryly in her heart, she no longer cared about her disciples and left the back kitchen.

"Sir, the troubles of the Frost Sect have been resolved, when shall we go to the enchantment?"

Feeling a little annoyed with her disciples, Jin Yan really wanted to go out for a walk right away.

"What's the matter? Do you really want to go out for a walk?"

Staring at the irritability on Jin Yan's face, Gu Zheng smiled.

"It's okay, but I really want to go out for a walk! Thinking about it, it has been many years since I opened the fairy kitchen shop." Jin Yan smiled wryly.

"Not urgent."

Gu Zheng smiled: "The enchantment is a special place. Once we break through in it, we will be squeezed out, and we will not be able to re-enter in a short time. You and Yun Qing are stuck in the bottleneck, I want to wait for you Both of them have broken through, and then I will take you into the enchantment."


Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan's eyes widened.

"Old Ancestor, breaking through requires a mysterious realm, and it is precisely because we can't wait for the mysterious realm that we have been stuck at the bottleneck!" Yun Qing said.

"For ordinary people, the mysterious realm is hard to come by, but for me, after certain conditions are met, the mysterious realm can be created through food cultivation. It can be considered that you are lucky, and there is such a fairy product as the immortal dragon core Ingredients, I can use this fairy ingredient to cook a food repair for each of you. If you are lucky enough to make a breakthrough in the mysterious realm at that time, then we can go to the enchantment earlier. If you can’t break through, we Just stay in Pinxianju for a while, and then I will take you to other places to practice and see if there is a chance for a breakthrough."

"Thank you, sir!"

Hearing that Gu Zheng said that using undead dragon core to cook for them can trigger the food cultivation of the mysterious realm, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan almost jumped up with joy.

"Sir, these are the resources earned from opening the Immortal Kitchen over the years. Among them, the fairy fruit, five elements inner alchemy and immortal ingredients are reserved for the husband. For the rest, the husband can take whatever he needs."

Jin Yan handed Gu Zheng a storage belt.

"I don't need the inner alchemy of the five elements now, and the spirit of the five elements of my life is complete. The fairy fruit is a good thing, you just keep it for yourself. After you leave the enchantment, I will pass on the cooking method of the fairy fruit food cultivator. As for Immortal ingredients, you can keep them for your own use in the future! If you are lucky enough to understand the traces of Tao, this is also your chance. I only want some of the things in this storage belt that can be used on you Just the ingredients."

Gu Zheng recognized the storage belt as the owner, and checked the things inside.

"It's really good. These Nianxian Kitchen shops are not in vain. It's no wonder that those sects are not jealous of these resources." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Sir, get more resources!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng only selected a dozen ingredients, Jin Yan really felt that there were too few.

"It's a little less, but as long as you can use it, you don't lack ingredients, and neither do I!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Ancestor, you would say that if we can't comprehend in the mysterious realm, we will stay in Pinxianju for a while. Could it be that the ancestor wants to do business for a while?" Master Yunqing asked curiously.

"No, this time is used to wait for Xiong San."

Thinking that Xiong San has two choices, Gu Zheng said again: "Of course, there may not be any during this time."

After chatting with Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing for a while, Jin Yan served the dishes cooked by Jin Yan's disciples one after another.

Jin Yan's disciples are all fairy chefs, so the dishes they cook are naturally very good in appearance, it can be said that they are full of color, fragrance and taste.

However, different people have different perceptions of color and fragrance. Gu Zheng is undoubtedly a very picky person.

He didn't try the dishes made by Jin Yan's disciples at all, Gu Zheng just flipped them a few times with his chopsticks at most.

"Jade Flour Honey Flower Cake."

"Sour bamboo shoots."

"Golden thread braised meat."

Among the dozen or so dishes, Gu Zheng ordered three.

"Did I choose these three dishes beyond your expectations?" Gu Zheng asked Jinyan.

"Sir, among my sixteen disciples, the eldest disciple has the best culinary skills and has reached the level of a senior fairy chef. This 'Jade Flour Honey Flower Cake' is made by her. I don't know if sir will choose this dish." Accident. As for the other two dishes, they were not made by the two disciples with the second best culinary skills. The tenth and twelfth disciples who cooked these two dishes usually did not perform very well. I'm a little surprised that Mister was chosen," Jin Yan said.

"Your eldest disciple's talent in the way of eating is not inferior to yours. Among the three dishes I picked out, she cooks the best. The tenth disciple's dishes can be picked out. It is considered that he is more daring and lucky. It's also better. He dared to make changes to the original ingredients, and he was quite successful. The twelve disciples should be a smart person. It seems that he usually knows how to restrain his edge. His talent in the way of eating is actually not much worse than your eldest disciple. .”

'Sour bamboo shoots' is a dish handed down by Gu Zheng, adhering to the principle that there is room for improvement in all dishes taught, the improvement of this dish makes Gu Zheng quite satisfied. As for the other two dishes, they were also handed down by Gu Zheng. Of course, Gu Zheng can see a person's talent clearly from the dishes he handed down.

Jin Yan looked at Gu Zheng with admiration. She could taste whether these dishes were good or not, but she wanted to see something deeper through a dish, which she couldn't do with her current skills. . Just like the disciple she became the 'Golden Thread Button Meat', she always thought that this disciple's talent in the way of eating and drinking was only in the middle of all the disciples.

Gu Zheng picked out some things from the storage, most of which were jade slips, and they were packed in three brocade boxes.

"Give these three brocade boxes to your three disciples, and tell them not to pass on the contents inside, and also tell your other disciples not to ask about the contents, this is an opportunity for the three of them."

Gu Zheng put the three brocade boxes corresponding to the three dishes. After Jin Yan nodded, she took the brocade boxes and went to the back kitchen, and conveyed what Gu Zheng explained to her disciples.

"Master, we are convinced that the elder sister can get the gift from the patriarch, but the tenth and twelfth junior brothers can get the gift from the patriarch, we are not convinced! Did the patriarch taste the wrong food?"

"Master, we are not convinced, why did the two younger brothers get the gift from the patriarch? How did the patriarch make such a decision?"

Jin Yan's third and seventh disciples looked like they were about to cry.

"You bastard!" Jin Yan shouted angrily.

Since the eldest disciple, the third disciple and the seventh disciple are more talented, these three are usually the ones that Jin Yan takes care of a lot. However, even the third and seventh disciples who were taken care of by Jin Yan a lot, when they dared to question Gu Zheng's decision, Jin Yan couldn't bear it and showed unprecedented anger.

Seeing Jin Yan getting angry, the third and seventh disciples quickly knelt down.

"Aren't you bold? The patriarch dares to question it? It seems that the teacher has really neglected to teach you!"

An angry Jin Yan took out the fairy vine and drew it towards the third and seventh disciples.

There was a sound of 'pa pa pa pa pa', and bloody scars appeared on the bodies of the third disciple and the seventh disciple, but they gritted their teeth tightly and dared not cry out for pain, but kept begging Jin Yan to admit their mistakes.

Jin Yan was really angry. She was the kind of master who loved her disciples more. Since the beginning of these disciples, things like immortal vines were rarely used for punishment.

Jin Yan's cultivation level is not high, and her disciples' cultivation base is even lower. Forty times of whipping from fairy vines fell on the two disciples, and they really beat them into blood.

"Tell you two, being a teacher also has a bottom line, questioning the patriarch is one of the bottom lines of being a teacher! Today you two touched the bottom line of being a teacher, and the punishment for you as a teacher does not end here. The two of you Now use immortal power to stop the bleeding, but you are not allowed to use immortal power or grass-for-food repair to restore the injury! Let this scar stay on your body for a while, so that you can improve your memory! The next period of time Here, you don’t have to go anywhere, just think about it in this kitchen, and you don’t need to cook the dishes. After you recover from your injuries, you can be servants in Pinxianju! If you perform well, you will You can still stay in Pinxianju, if you complain or behave badly, I will abolish your cultivation, erase your memory of being a fairy chef, and expel you from the sect!" Jin Yan said coldly.

"Master, I know I was wrong!"

"Master, I really know I was wrong!"

The third disciple and the seventh disciple cried loudly. They did not expect such a severe punishment for their impulsiveness.

"You all should be warned!"

Jin Yan glanced coldly at the rest of the disciples, who were so frightened that they quickly made promises.

The person who should be beaten has been hit, and the person who should have been warned has also been warned. Jin Yan's anger subsided a little, and she said again: "Mr. I don’t know what to say, I’ll bring you the two dishes of ‘sour bamboo shoots’ and ‘golden thread button pork’, and you can understand as much as you can after tasting them!”

Jin Yan left the back kitchen again, and was very sad when she saw Gu Zheng, and tears welled up in an instant.

"Sir, what kind of disciples do you think I have taught?"

Even though Gu Zheng didn't see Jin Yan's disciples, Jin Yan still hoped that his disciples would leave a good impression on Gu Zheng, so when he entered the back kitchen, he lifted the ban on sound insulation.

Jin Yan originally thought that even if the disciples had doubts, they would politely ask where the loss was, and then she would say what Gu Zheng commented on. But who would have thought that the disciples were so unbelievable that they all questioned Gu Zheng's head.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gu Zheng laughed, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with being questioned.

"Okay, don't cry too, as the saying goes, 'Strict teachers lead to high-quality apprentices', what you did just now was very good." Gu Zheng comforted.

"Sir, I will teach them strictly in the future, and now I will send those two dishes to those unsatisfactory things!" Jin Yan said, holding back her tears.

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