The fox took out one fire baby very quickly, and several other fire babies had already come close to attacking him.

The fox sneered at the attacking fire-type spell, and pointed at Fuchen in his hand. The circular symbol that was still far away suddenly appeared in the void pointed by Fuchen.

The fire babies in the air screamed. They wanted to change the direction of the spells, but the weird fluctuations emitted from the circular symbol caused them to completely lose control over the spells. They could only watch those spells helplessly. Swallowed by circular symbols again.

The fox's whisk became fiery red again, but this time he did not use the energy transformed by the circular symbol on Huo Ling, he swung the whisk towards the flaming fox.

The flame fox is transformed from the flames of five fire infants. It is more powerful than the fire infant itself, and its spiritual intelligence is also higher than that of the fire infant! When the fire babies attacked him just now, the flame fox was thinking of approaching the fox from another direction, avoiding the range of effect of the circular symbol.

Facing the fire-attributed energy released by the fox, the flame fox still wanted to use the fox's talisman to resist it, but the fire-breaking power of this kind of flame energy emitted by the fairy whisk was no longer an attack that the talisman could resist.


In the not too loud noise, the symbol of the flame fox was broken by the fire attribute energy.

However, the fire attribute energy consumed a lot of energy when it broke the talisman. After it hit the flame fox, it failed to kill it like it did with the fire baby.

"Since you have turned into my shape, let's get close to each other in the future!"

The fox didn't expect to kill the flame fox with a single strike of flame energy, so he took out a gourd-shaped fairy artifact and sucked the injured flame fox into the gourd.

In just a moment, the situation that seemed to be very unfavorable to the fox has been reversed. At this time, there are only four fire babies left in the sky.

For the four fire babies, if the fox only used a sword, it would take some time to deal with them, but now the fox is using a whisk, so it will be easier to deal with them.

The fire infants' spiritual intelligence is not high, and they still don't understand it yet. In fact, their fire attribute spells are useless to the fox using the dust whisk, and they attack the fox again.

The fox's whisk pointed forward again, and the round symbol that was originally behind blocked him again, trying to absorb and transform the fire spells cast by the fire babies.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the situation turn around because of the fox's whisk, Daohungou couldn't help cursing.

"Damn it indeed, who would have thought that this guy would have such a top-notch fairy weapon like the 'Three Treasures Whisk', and it was also integrated into the 'Three Treasures Whisk' of the 'Tianhong Dao Tu'." Sword Soul Dog also cursed.

"From this point of view, the first two levels are not difficult for him, but the third level is still a bit difficult for him." Gun Soul Dog said.

"But what if he also comes over the third level, and still doesn't cause much damage?"

"Shut your mouth!"

Daohungou interrupted Jihungou's worries irritably. It seemed that their desire to obtain the fox's soul was not as easy as they expected.

One of the four fire babies in the air was eliminated by the fox, and the fox also felt the kind of fluctuation emitted by the bead again, and he knew that this would be the last time the bead gave birth to a fireball. However, facing the last fireball produced by the bead, the fox did not choose to dodge, on the contrary, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Already facing fireballs one after another, the fox knows more and more about fireballs, and having already used the hole card of Sanbao Whisk, he no longer wants to escape when facing fireballs again.

The fox drew in the air again with the whisk, but this time the pattern he sketched was different from the last time. The pattern he sketched this time was more like a simplified fairy formation.

The pattern looks like a simplified fairy array, with only four simple symbols on it, but the red light emitted from the four symbols fixed the originally fierce fireball in the air.

Four red rays of light, like four straws, fixed the fireball, and immediately began to absorb it crazily. The fireball, which was originally the size of a watermelon, shrunk when it was visible to the naked eye. For red gemstones, the color becomes brighter and brighter.

Leaving the red light to absorb energy from the fireball, the fox went to kill the remaining three fire infants.

The three fire infants still used fire attribute spells to attack the fox, but their fire attribute spells were still absorbed by the circular pattern that the fox transformed into before, that is, the 'Tian Hong Dao Tu', and transformed into obliteration again. their energy.

In the end, after the three fire babies were all killed by the fox, the symbol that the fox drew before also absorbed the watermelon-sized fireball, leaving it only the size of a walnut.

Instead of continuing to absorb the walnut-sized fireball, the fox sucked the walnut-sized fireball into it with the gourd that had taken in the flame fox before.

The fox's three-treasure whisk is very powerful. It is a very famous fairy weapon in Tianhong. With this kind of fairy weapon in hand, the ordinary three-attribute energy attack is almost useless to him, just like the three-treasure whisk held by the fox. , which are the three treasures of fire attribute, water attribute and earth attribute.

However, the three-treasure whisk is not invincible. Although the three-treasure whisk of a fox can absorb the energy of the three attributes, it can only absorb the pure energy of the three attributes, and cannot absorb the fusion type of energy, such as the fusion of the five elements. Like fire and thunder attributes, or water and earth attributes, absorbing this kind of fusion energy will not only do no good to the Three Jewels Whisk, but will also cause serious damage to it.

The Three Treasure Whisk is a fairy artifact from Tianhong, and the Hidden Trace Realm is a space created by Tianhong Saint Immortal. Whether there will be anything against the Three Treasure Whisk here, the fox is really not sure, so it is not right for the fire attribute energy here Under the condition of fully understanding, the fox has no need to use the three-treasure whisk. Just like this will collect the walnut-sized fireball into the gourd instead of directly converting it into the energy that can strengthen the 'fire source spar' on the three-treasure whisk, because this walnut-sized flame core is not pure, and it contains energy that can If the thunder attribute energy of the explosion is absorbed further, it will cause great damage to the 'fire spar'. Because of this, the previous flame fox, the fox did not directly absorb and transform it with the "Tianhong Dao Tu", because the core of the flame fox created by the five fire spirits is also impure.

All the crisis has been resolved, and the fox who flew to Zhuzhu waved his hand again, and Zhuzhu was easily captured by him.

The fox didn't directly grab the dark red bead with his hands. He wrapped the bead with fairy power, so he had to do some exploration first.

However, just as the fox was about to explore the beads, there was a faint light in the distance, which meant that the door that came in was opened.

"Since you have passed the test of 'Fire Baby Pass', then come out with the 'Fire Baby Pearl'!" the voice of Daohungou sounded.

"Wait a moment!"

The fox went out immediately, he hadn't investigated the so-called 'Fire Baby Pearl' yet.

The fox seemed to listen to the soul dogs and entered the world behind the door, but he didn't really trust the soul dogs. If the fox would easily trust a person, then he would not be alive now.

"The so-called Fire Infant Bead used to exist just like an array. Now the fire attribute energy stored in it has been exhausted, and it will take a period of time to recover before it can function. It can store fire attribute energy. The array weapon is not so rare, but it is more rare for it to be able to swallow spiritual thoughts! Unfortunately, it has lost its energy now, and it does not have the ability to swallow spiritual thoughts."

With a definition of the fire baby bead in his heart, the fox is still not in a hurry to go out. Although he largely relies on the Three Treasures Whisk to resolve the battle, he also has a certain amount of consumption when he activates the Three Treasures Whisk, so he still needs to adjust his breath Just a click.

"He is adjusting his breath now, it seems that using the Three Treasure Whisk also gave him a lot of consumption."

Looking at the light curtain in the sky, Gunhungou was thoughtful.

"Why, do you want us to enter now and see if we can get rid of him?" Sword Soul Dog asked.

"It is true that there is such a plan. I feel that if we go in now, the four of us have no chance of winning."

Gun Soul Dog paused, and then continued: "If we don't go in now, we will come out after he has adjusted his breath. The second level is just to give him the enhanced energy of the Three Treasure Whisk. Although the third level will be a bit threatening to him, But he hasn't even used the Immortal Domain yet, and with a sharp weapon like the Three Treasure Whisk, the third level won't do much harm to him. When he adjusts his breath, he will be like a normal person. Let's just I am afraid that I will completely lose the chance to kill him. Moreover, you just asked him to come out, and it’s fine if he didn’t come out, not even an explanation, and the breath adjustment has to be carried out inside, obviously to guard against us!”

Speaking of being guarded by the fox, the Gun Soul Dog couldn't help but glared at the Halberd Soul Dog.

Indeed, the fox's defense against the soul dogs was indeed given extra points because of the performance of the halberd soul dogs.

"Blame me?"

Halberd Soul Dog was full of grievances.

Although the other three soul dogs did not answer the halberd soul dog, their eyes had already given the halberd soul dog the answer.

"He's guarding against us, which really makes things more difficult! However, there is still no rush to do it now, let's take a step at a time!"

After the knife soul dog said, the four soul dogs did not communicate any more. They waited for a cup of tea, and the fox who had finished adjusting his breath appeared in front of them.

"Congratulations on passing the first level, you are one step closer to becoming the master of the Hidden Realm."

Looking at the fox who appeared, Daohungou smiled kindly.

"How many levels are there next?"

The fox also smiled, although he said he was wary of the soul dogs in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Then there are only two tests left."

Daohungou smiled, and then said: "Give me the fire baby pearl you got now!"

"Why did you give the Fire Baby Pearl to you?"

The fox's question was very calm. Although the fire baby pearl is a good thing, he doesn't have to keep it, but he can't let the soul dogs do whatever they want. If the soul dog wants the fire baby pearl, then You have to give him a plausible explanation.

"Not only do you have to give me the Fire Infant Bead, but you also have to give me the beads you get in the next two levels, because they are the key to enter the cave, if you don't give me this bead, what will happen to you then?" How about entering the cave?" Daohungou laughed.

"Since it is the key to enter the cave, and since I may become the master of the Hidden Realm, then I am not in a hurry to give you the Fire Infant Orb, right? Is there any difference in giving it to you after I get all three beads?"

The fox paused, and smiled kindly: "I may become the master of the Hidden Realm, and I will be your master at that time. Wouldn't you refuse such a simple proposal?"

The fox smiled kindly on the surface, but he was actually sneering in his heart. If the fire baby pearl is really the key to the cave, then this thing must be in his own hands. In addition, he also wanted to see how the soul dogs reacted to this.

Daohungou just smiled, and then said: "Okay, this is not a big deal, you can take it if you want!"


The fox nodded, and then asked, "Which door should I go through next?"

"Go that one!"

Daohungou pointed the direction to the fox again.

The fox didn't say much, walked towards the point pointed by Daohungou, pushed the door and walked in.

The world behind the door was still very dark, but when the fox walked in, his sight suddenly brightened, and he found that he was in the sky above a vast ocean.

"water World?"

The fox laughed, his Three Treasure Whisk is very powerful in this kind of place, even if the water element here is not pure, it doesn't matter, the big deal is not to make the energy that can strengthen the 'water spar' that's all.

The fox smiled in the water world, still watching his soul dogs through the light curtain, except for the knife soul dog, the rest of their faces showed worry.

Among the four soul dogs, the knife soul dog is the leader. He said that the fire baby pearl is one of the keys to open the cave, and he did not lie.

"He didn't give us the key, it's a very bad thing!" Gun Soul Dog said with a sad face.

The four soul dogs played tricks on the fox, so naturally they had their purpose.

When the leader was still alive, the four soul dogs were indeed responsible for taking care of some things in the hidden world. After all, the opening of the hidden world relies too much on water sources, and the leaders don't often stay in the hidden world. The daily maintenance of the fairy grass garden in the hidden world naturally falls on the soul dogs .

The leader needs to be robbed, this is something the soul dogs know, he petrified the soul dogs in advance, and also gave the soul dogs some instructions.

If no one has ever entered the Hidden Realm, then the soul dogs will continue to petrify. If someone enters the Hidden Realm, the soul dogs can have two choices, one is to help the entrant become the master of the Hidden Realm, and the other is to He is the master of the Hidden Realm by himself.

The soul dogs choose to be the masters of the Hidden Realm, thus changing their fate of being slaves, but they can't directly get the three beads, so they use the fox to achieve their ultimate goal.

According to the original idea of ​​the soul dogs, if the fox is obedient and gives them the key, they can accompany the fox when opening the gate of the cave, and then lock the fox outside the cave, thus gaining the opportunity for the leader to stay in the cave. After they get the opportunity in the cave, they will be considered the masters of the Hidden World, and it will not be difficult to kill the fox at that time.

It's a pity that the fox didn't give the soul dogs the Fire Infant Beads just now, which made the soul dogs feel that when the three beads are all together, they are afraid that the fox will give birth to some moths. They want to calculate the possibility of the fox by opening the door. Afraid of extremely low.

"It's not the worst thing, at least our purpose of dealing with him has not been exposed, so we can still choose to be good people!" Sword Soul Dog said.

"Do you all want to be good?"

Instead of looking at the knife soul dog on the light curtain in the sky, he looked at the other three soul dogs instead.

"If being a good person is the ultimate choice, then it's not impossible to be a good person." Halberd Soul Dog said.

"It's really enough. If you really want to be a good person, you still have to stay in this hidden world for the rest of your life."

"Yes! If that's the case, life is really worse than death!"

Gun Soul Dog and Sword Soul Dog’s answers are very embarrassing. They are very similar to Sword Soul Dog, with a bit of madness in their bones, while Halberd Soul Dog is a bit different. Because of the injuries he suffered in the early years, he is really a bit stupid. Being a slave is not unacceptable to him.

"If that's the case, I don't intend to be a good person." Daohungou gritted his teeth.

"Is there any other way not to be a good person?"

Sword Soul Dog and Gun Soul Dog's eyes lit up, and they spoke in unison. The reason why they asked this question was because Sword Soul Dog had followed the leader for the longest time. There were some things that Sword Soul Dog knew, but they didn't. .

"There is a last way, but we need to be able to enter the cave together with him, so everyone's best behavior is to act like a good person, and don't show any expressions or words that shouldn't be there."

The knife soul dog looked at the halberd soul dog with meaningful eyes, and the halberd soul dog also quickly stated that it would not do anything to make the other soul dogs unhappy.

In the water world, the fox is using the three-treasure whisk to show off its power.

The situation here is very similar to the space where the Fire Infant Bead is located. There is a bead that the fox needs to get. When the fox wants to get the bead, various water attribute spells attack him.

However, it is different from the space where the fire baby pearl is located. The fire baby pearl uses fireballs to attack the fox. After the fireball is destroyed by the fox, it will turn into a fire baby that can fight independently. A bead can only activate various water attribute spells.

The huge waves sent towards the fox, and the blue 'water source spar' on the three treasure whisk in the fox's hand shone brightly. Under the illumination of the blue light, the originally menacing huge waves suddenly appeared in a static state. state, let the 'water source spar' absorb the water attribute energy that can be used to strengthen itself.

Just as the soul dogs thought, this level is not difficult for the fox, it just takes a little time and can be passed by the fox.

The fact is that, as the soul dogs thought, after a lot of tossing, the 'Water Spirit Orb' finally exhausted the energy stored inside and fell into the hands of the fox.

After the cautious fox adjusted his breath, he recovered and appeared in front of the four soul dogs again.

"Which door should I go to next?"

Without saying much, the fox asked the dog directly for directions.

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