"The last test is in a side room ahead. As for what the test is, we don't know. We will wait for you outside the side room." Daohungou said.

"Then what is your role?" the fox said lightly.

"Our role is to help you open the side room so that you can pass the test!" Daohungou said puzzled.

"Why do I feel like a trap!"

The fox frowned: "Help me open a stone room, and then let me enter it. When I'm trapped in the stone room, you can take away all the benefits here!"

The fox stared at the reactions of the soul dogs, and all four soul dogs burst out laughing.

"We don't care what you think, but this is a test in itself, and it depends on how you choose."

After Daohungou's words fell to the ground, the four souldogs all closed their eyes, as if they were being slaughtered.

The fox frowned even tighter, and various thoughts surged in his mind.

The fox wanted to search for the soul of the soul dog, but his raised hand still failed to land on the head of the soul dog. The way the soul dogs are now being slaughtered made him understand that once he Dog Search Soul, things will never be the same again.

The soul dogs dared to pretend to be slaughtered, and they had warned him before that even if he searched through the soul, he would not know what he wanted to know, so the soul search should not be able to see anything unusual. And Daohungou also said just now that this is a test in itself. If he chooses to gamble without trust, but he can't find anything strange in the soul, then the souldogs are not even afraid of death. Will they help him again? Do you want to open the side room? Obviously the soul dogs won't do that again, so without the so-called last test, he may miss the final benefit.

"Let's go!"

The fox's voice sounded, and when Daohungou opened his eyes again, he saw the fox's back.

With a cold smile in his heart, Daohungou followed the fox's footsteps.

The soul dogs have ghosts in their hearts, so they can be the servants of quasi-sages. They naturally have their magic. If they don't want the fox to know something, then with the fox's strength, they can't find anything even through soul searching. One point is the biggest reliance of soul dogs.


After a while, Daohungou's voice sounded, and the fox also stopped in front of a stone gate.

"This is it, we will help you open the stone gate now."

After the knife soul dog's voice fell to the ground, the four soul dogs spit out smoke of four different colors, and the smoke lingered on the stone gate, seemingly penetrating towards the stone gate one by one.

"This way of opening the stone gate is indeed something I can't do. Is it really like what Daohungou said? All this is also part of the test, including whether I trust them or not? Is it true? Am I suspicious?" The fox asked himself in his heart.

"No, even if you are suspicious, you have to act according to your own thinking. I think this should have little effect on the test!"

The fox hesitated, but finally stood by his decision.

When the smoke lingering on the stone door disappeared, the stone door slowly opened, and the fox could see a huge box in the small stone room.

The box looked very simple, and there was a special kind of fluctuation around it, which made the fox sure that there should be treasures inside.

"This is the stone room where the last test is located. After you step into the stone room, you will go to another space to complete the test. After you complete the test, you will truly appear in the stone room. At that time, you will put the box Open it, and you can get what the master left for you." Daohungou said.

"What about you?" asked the fox.

"We're waiting for you outside the stone chamber!" Daohungou said.

"Don't blame me for being suspicious. Since the whole thing is a test, then your last master wouldn't want it. Your new master is a person who has no doubts at all, right? How can such a person survive in the cultivation world? What?" Fox asked seriously.

"what do you want?"

Daohungou frowned, scolding the eighteenth generation of the fox ancestor in his heart.

"I want you to fall into a deep sleep, and I will wake you up when I finish the test. If I fail the test and fall into the stone chamber, then you will wake up naturally after sleeping for a while," said the fox.

"Okay, anyway, you won't have much loss without us, so you can do whatever you want!"

Daohungou still looked like he was being slaughtered. Although the other three souldogs had panic flashes in their eyes, they still followed Daohungou's lead.

The fox didn't talk nonsense, and the light of Xianli shot out from his fingertips one after another. He first put the knife soul dog into a deep sleep, and then let the other three soul dogs fall asleep.

Looking at the four sleepy soul dogs, the fox's raised palm landed on the head of the sword soul dog.

If Daohungou didn't hide anything, then as he said, anyway, the fox would not lose anything without them, so the fox wanted to search for their souls. Even though he knew that the soul search should not find anything unusual, but without this step, the fox would not be at ease after all.

Now that the door that requires the joint efforts of four soul dogs has been opened, the fox has much less scruples about offending the soul dogs, and the soul dogs have fallen into a deep sleep now, even if they search for their souls, they will do nothing Feel.

The fox launched a soul search for the knife soul dog, and the result of the soul search was just as he imagined, and they didn't find anything abnormal because of it.

After finishing the soul search of the knife soul dog, the fox searched the soul of the other three soul dogs, and found nothing unusual, so he walked into the stone room with confidence.

The stone room was bright, but when the fox entered it, his vision immediately became dark. When his vision returned to normal, the fox found that he was still in the stone room.

The appearance of the stone chamber looks very similar to the previous stone chamber, but instead of the treasure chest, there is only a spider web that occupies half the area of ​​the stone chamber. In the center of the spider web, there is a woman with the upper body entangled. , the monster of the lower body of the spider. Moreover, behind the spider monster, the densely packed spider webs can completely obscure people's sight, making the whole space look like a spider hole.

"Finally someone came in."

The demon spider, whose eyes were closed, opened them, and her voice sounded as sweet as a girl's.

The fox discovered that the eyes of the beautiful demon spider are very special, there are no pupils in them, they are completely green eyes, and the deep ones seem to be carved from two pieces of emeralds.

"It seems that you have been waiting for a long time. Are you going to eat me?" the fox laughed.

"No, I'm not going to eat you, I just want you to be with me forever." Said the beautiful demon spider.

"wishful thinking!"

Immediately after the fox made a sound, the space shook, and an invisible barrier between him and the beautiful demon spider shattered.

The existence of the invisible barrier, the fox has already discovered before, in the process of his conversation with the beautiful demon spider, he has already destroyed the invisible barrier.

Now, the invisible barrier has been broken, and the fox immediately let the sword energy drift towards the beautiful demon spider like raindrops.

Since the soul dogs here are the last test, the fox is sure that this test is a kill, and the beautiful demon spider also said that he wants him to be with him forever, which makes him have no scruples in making a move.

A strange sound sounded, as if someone was vibrating the strings of a piano, it was the sound made by the beautiful demon spider flicking its web.

The sound of the spider web being flicked was pleasant, and the sonic attack produced was also very powerful, but this sonic attack was not aimed at the fox himself, but at the sword energy he displayed.

Explosions continued in the air, and the fox's raindrops of sword energy were completely destroyed by the sonic attack of the monster spider.

During the implementation, the fox was fighting with the beautiful demon spider, and outside the stone room, the knife soul dog who was supposed to be motionless because of falling into a deep sleep moved a finger at this time.

Being able to be the servant of the quasi-sage and daring to plot against the fox, the knife soul dog is the most special one among the four soul dogs.

When the fox didn't give Daohungou the Fire Baby Orb at the beginning, Daohungou had already thought of the worst outcome.

No matter how Daohungou thinks of the worst outcome, the cave is the place they must follow the fox into. Only in this cave can he make a difference.

Daohungou is not afraid that the fox will put him into a deep sleep. He is most afraid that the fox will let him fall into a deep sleep.

Facts have proved that Daohungou was right, and the fox didn't have the heart to kill them.

Originally, it was just a finger moving, but after a few breaths, Daohungou's body moved again and again, and he stood up from the ground with his eyes open, and he had already broken through the restriction of the fox that made him fall into a deep sleep.

Breaking through the restriction of deep sleep, the knife soul dog moved his body, and then cast a spell to wake up the gun soul dog and the sword soul dog.

"Scared me!"

After waking up, the gun soul dog breathed a sigh of relief. Although they couldn't break through the sleep restriction like the sword soul dog, he also knew that the fox had searched for his soul during the process of being suppressed by the sleep restriction. The process really frightened him very much.

"Yes! I'm afraid he will kill us after putting us into a deep sleep!"

Sword Soul Dog rubbed his chest, as if he didn't do so, his beating heart would pop out of his chest.

"Why don't you wake up the old ji?"

Looking at the halberd soul dog who was still lying on the ground, the gun soul dog opened his mouth to the knife soul dog.

"Things have come to the present, and I have to tell you some things that you didn't know before."

The knife soul dog paused, and said what he wanted the other two soul dogs to know.

The instructions given by the leader to Daohungou at the beginning were aimed at Tianhong immortal cultivators, and some were directed at prehistoric immortal cultivators.

Regarding the part of Tianhong cultivators, as long as the foxes show enough distrust, they have passed the test. Afterwards, they need to help the fox to open each stone chamber, let the fox complete the hunting, and get the benefits. up.

However, the leader also gave Daohungou another way. If the three people who enter the hidden world are the three he named, then Daohungou can kill the people who entered the hidden world, so that he can be the leader of the hidden world. Owner.

The three people named by the leader, who had a lot of resentment against them, left the leader halfway. However, the three people named by the leader did not include Fox.

Although the three people named by the leader did not include the fox, since Daohungou wants to control his fate, he will kill the fox.

If you want to kill the fox, you have to make some sacrifices. The knife soul dog didn't wake up the halberd soul dog, it was the one who wanted him to make the sacrifice.

"I'm going to wake up the old halberd and let him activate the restriction. After he activates the restriction, the beautiful demon spider will be able to complete its transformation, and thus have the strength to kill that guy!" Daohungou said.

"Is there a way to go without being caught?" Gun Soul Dog frowned.

Although Jihungou is rather stupid, they have been together for so many years after all, and they have some feelings.

"No way, if you want to control your destiny, you must sacrifice."

Daohungou paused, and then said: "If he wasn't so stupid at the beginning, maybe that guy wouldn't be so suspicious of us, and things wouldn't be so bad."

"And then?" Sword Soul Dog asked.

"After the beautiful demon spider kills that guy, we need to get that guy's blood. Only after getting that guy's blood can I open the last door and get the benefits inside."

Sword Soul Dog looked at Sword Soul Dog, frowned slightly and said, "Are you a little scared?"

Sword Soul Dog didn't speak, but the act of biting his lip also gave Sword Soul Dog the answer. Now Sword Soul Dog wants to let Halberd Soul Dog die, which makes him a little scared, after all, his relationship with Halberd Soul Dog is the best .

"If there is a way, I don't want Old Ji to die, but there is really no way! Don't worry, our sacrifice is only once, and there will be no second time. When I get the benefits left by the master Afterwards, I will be the master of the Hidden Trace Realm, and you, as my brothers, must benefit from it, and our brothers will never be slaves again!" Sword Soul Dog said earnestly and patted Sword Soul Dog on the shoulder.

Sword Soul Dog gritted his teeth, and without saying anything else, he nodded towards Sword Soul Dog, and Sword Soul Dog also tried to wake up Halberd Soul Dog.


The halberd soul dog who woke up let out a long breath, looking at the stone room where the fox disappeared, he couldn't help licking his lips.

"Do you want to taste his soul?" Daohungou laughed.

"That's true. I haven't eaten a human soul for a long time." The halberd soul dog smiled foolishly.

"Not only you, but us too!" Gun Soul Dog also laughed.

"Don't just think about good things. The beautiful demon spider is not that guy's opponent. It won't take long for him to escape from that space. We must hurry up and take the next step!" Daohungou said.

"What's next?"

The other three soul dogs said in unison. Of course, the gun soul dog and the sword soul dog were pretending, and the halberd soul dog really wanted to know what the next step was.

"The next step requires the four of us to use the secret method in four places in the cave respectively. The effect of this is to transform the beautiful demon spider, so that it has the strength to kill that guy."

After Daohungou's voice fell, he immediately passed the secret method to the other three soul dogs, and then informed them of the location where they needed to perform the secret method.

"Okay, now let's hurry up and act!"

The knife soul dog didn't say anything more, and took the lead to walk towards the place where he needed to perform the secret method, and the other three soul dogs followed suit.

Except for the Halberd Soul Dog, the other three were pretending to cast spells. They glanced at the Halberd Soul Dog who was serious and focused, and their eyes were so complicated, even the ruthless Sword Soul Dog was no exception.

The focused halberd soul dog is casting a spell on a mural, which is exactly the appearance of a beautiful demon spider.

After the mana of the Halberd Soul Dog had an effect on the mural of the Halberd Soul Dog, the original mural came alive in the Halberd Soul Dog's mind, and the revived beauty Demon Spider bit the Halberd Soul Dog's neck.


It was obviously something that happened in his head, but Jihungou couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. He felt that his mana, and even his flesh and blood were passing away from the place where he was bitten on the neck.

The halberd soul dog wanted to cover his neck, but he couldn't even raise his hands. He turned his head with difficulty, and what he saw in his frightened eyes were the other three soul dogs that had closed their eyes.

At the same time, the fox couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although the beautiful demon spider is powerful, she is no match for the fox. After paying a very small price, the fox has already hurt her badly. She has been forced into a corner surrounded by spider webs by the fox. As long as the fox It wouldn't be so difficult to kill her by removing those obstructing spider webs.

Then, the fox suddenly discovered that the beautiful demon spider in the corner was emitting a green light as if it had been supplemented.

The belly of the beautiful demon spider is green, and the naked/female body on the upper body is very fair and delicate, but after the green light is produced, her fair body also begins to turn green.

The fox didn't think it was a good omen, he had already taken out the three treasure whisk, and stepped up his efforts to burn those difficult spider threads with flames.

The spider silk is very wonderful. When there is a large area of ​​it, the fox can't use the fairyland to absorb the beautiful demon spider, or if he feels bad, he must have used the fairyland's hole card It was used.

The fox is stepping up the burning of the spider silk, and the mutation on the side of the beautiful demon spider has intensified again. The unprecedented green spider silk is sprayed out by the beautiful demon spider. In it, so that the fox could not see her at all.


There was a strange cry, and as the fox burned the spider silk, some things that were originally entangled by the spider silk finally broke free from the spider silk that entangled them, rushed out of the flames and rushed towards the fox.

Those things that were originally entangled with spider silk should be some kind of spirit beast. They used to be the food of the beautiful demon spider. After being wrapped and sucked by the spider silk, they all turned into shriveled corpses. And these shrunken corpses, after years of refinement by the beautiful demon spider, have become like refining corpses. The fox has encountered these things more than once in the process of fighting the beautiful demon spider.

The spider demon corpses launch all kinds of attacks on the fox. Although they are crazy as the spider demon corpse corpses, one can imagine the power of the attacks. If they can cause a lot of damage to the fox, then the beauty The spider demon released them from the very beginning, and took down the fox in a swarm.

The beautiful demon spider was forced into a corner by the fox, and her corpse refiners naturally couldn't do any harm to the fox. At best, they just bought some time for her transformation.

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