There is no need to keep Daohungou anymore, and the fox has already learned everything he should know through Gu Zheng's soul search. After solving Daohungou, he opened the box that originally belonged to this stone room.

The box is not small, and there are many good things in it, all of which are cultivation resources. Among them, there are more than a dozen items that belong to the level of ingredients, all of which are high-grade, and three of them are relatively rare among high-end ingredients.

After giving the ingredients to Gu Zheng, the fox took the rest of the things into his pocket, and then left the stone room with Gu Zheng.

From the memory of Daohungou, it is known that there are four side rooms like this in the cave, and each side room has a similar treasure chest, and there is also a monster belonging to the outside world as a guard.

Every side room is a test. If the fox does not pass the test of the side room first, but goes straight to the main room, after he gets the benefits left by the leader in the main room, everything in the side room will be destroyed. Therefore, the fox can't go straight to the main room now, but can only rush through the side rooms one after another, gaining experience and gaining some treasures at the same time.

Gu Zheng came to the passage with the fox, this is not to go through the level with the fox, after all, it belongs to the experience of the fox, he just wants to walk around, get a good feel of the space structure in this cave, and also prepare for the future. Create such a space fairy as the foundation.

There was no restriction in the passage that could threaten the fox, and the fox soon stopped in front of a stone room, and he put his hand on the stone door.

The fox knows that the back of the stone gate represents a test, but what kind of monster is inside, the knife soul dog does not know, and the fox naturally has no way of knowing.

However, according to the usual practice, since it is a test, the difficulty will naturally increase. The monsters here should be stronger than the beautiful spider demon. However, things are not absolute. The reason why the beautiful spider demon is powerful is because of the evil spirits of the spirit dogs. Without their mischief and using the flesh and blood of the halberd soul dogs as sacrifices, then the beautiful spider demon is still no match for the fox.

With the effect of the fox's immortal power, the hidden prohibition on the stone gate appeared, shining brightly on the stone gate in the form of a light array.

After a while, the fox broke the restriction on the door, and he entered the stone room through the opened stone door.

As soon as he stepped into the stone room, the scene in front of the fox changed, and he appeared in a dark cave.

"Tick tock..."

In the distance, there seemed to be water dripping from the ceiling of the cave, and a very regular sound came into the fox's mind.

"Hey, this is not an illusory space, but a real cave!"

Although the fox has mastered the way of space, he can still see the reality of the environment he is in.

Not daring to be careless, the fox didn't go straight forward, but split his divine sense to do an investigation first, and at the same time couldn't help cursing the leader, why did he leave such a tangled arrangement, if he wanted to get the treasure chest in the side room, The test in the side room must be completed first. If you go straight to the main room and get the final benefits, the treasure chest in the side room will go back because of skipping steps, which is really annoying.

"Hopefully it won't be used!"

The fox smiled wryly, and couldn't help touching the jade talisman hung on his waist.

The jade talisman was still the communication jade talisman, and Gu Zheng gave another piece to the fox. He was afraid that the fox would encounter that kind of trouble again.

"It's a pity that I'm not at my peak state. If I were at my peak state, how could I be afraid of such a test? At my peak state, I can fully meet the conditions for accepting the opportunity left by the leader!"

The fox is also helpless. Although his peak state, the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, does not sound too different from the current Da Luo Jinxian's late stage, it is precisely because he is not at the peak that he has many powerful magical powers that he used to be unable to display. As for him at his peak, he was appointed by the leader to enter the world outside the circle. From this point, it can be seen that the tests left in the leader's cave for accepting the inheritors were not enough for the fox at that time. Say, it's not a threat at all! After all, after the peak of Daluo Jinxian is the early stage of the quasi-sage, the leader at the beginning is only the strength of the early-stage quasi-sage. It will be difficult for him to accept the test of the inheritor, but he will certainly not exceed a certain level.

During the exploration of the spiritual sense, the fox found that the landform deep in the cave was like a cave, and there were many stones similar to stalactites in it. However, what made the fox feel strange was that the sound of water droplets that didn't sound too far away seemed to be avoiding him, and his divine sense had already detected the location where it should exist, but the sound of water droplets still sounded in the distance. Moreover, it stands to reason that in such an environment, water droplets should be very common, but the cave is very dry, not as humid as in normal caves.

The fox has a feeling that the so-called sound of water droplets is the key for him to pass this test. As for the sound of water droplets, it should not be real water droplets, but the sound made by an unknown monster.

The fox hesitated a little. Since he felt that the sound of the water drop was made by a monster, and the sound of the water drop could not be approached, it was obviously luring him to go deeper, which made the fox think that there might be some trap ahead.

Hesitating for just a moment, the fox's divine sense followed up with the sound of water droplets again. There was no way to do it. If you want to pass the test, you must destroy the unknown monster, even if you know it is a trap, you have to jump into it.

Followed up with the sound of water drops again with divine sense, this time the fox did not chase too far away, the sound of water drops that would have been drawn away as soon as the divine sense approached, finally stopped moving this time.

The sound of water droplets stopped moving, and the fox quickly discovered the source of the sound. It was made by a monster lying on the roof of the cave, which looked like a combination of a man and a lizard.

The lizard monster has no scales or hair on its body, it looks soft and disgusting, and the sound of 'tick tick tick' is constantly coming out of its throat.

The divine sense created by the fox only has the function of detection, not the ability to attack, so after it found the source of the sound of water droplets, the fox wanted to withdraw it. However, the lizard monster lying on the roof of the cave grinned at this moment.

The lizard lying on the roof of the cave is not only scaleless and hairless, but also has no eyes and nose on its face, and only a big mouth that almost reaches the ears with a grin. The teeth look indescribably weird.

The lizard monster showed a strange smile, and the fox suddenly felt that the environment in the cave had changed. Its divine sense of wanting to return to its original body also bumped into an invisible barrier that suddenly appeared.

The fox's divine sense light spot wanted to bypass the invisible barrier, but at this moment the monster on the top of the cave spat a stream of saliva at his divine sense light spot.

The monster's saliva has a peculiar magical power, and the originally flexible divine sense light spot seems to be frozen instantly, and it has no ability to dodge being hit by the saliva.

After the saliva hit the light spot of divine sense, the fox's divine sense light spot did not disappear, it was wrapped in the saliva and suspended in the air, and the fox's body became pale at this moment.

What the fox separated was just a light spot of spiritual thought, if this light spot of spiritual thought was destroyed, he would just have a headache. However, the current situation is a bit weird. The monster's saliva did not destroy his divine sense light spot, but only controlled his divine sense light spot, so that he had a feeling that something wanted to obey him. Watching his divine thoughts invade his mind!

What surprised the fox even more was that he, as the master, could easily discard the original divine sense spot if he wanted to, but now he even lost the ability to discard his own divine sense spot. It felt like a snake was wrapped around his arm, and the snake was still crawling along his arm towards his neck, but he couldn't get rid of the snake.

This is an invisible contest. The fox is fighting against the invasion of the unknown force along with the divine sense, and the unknown force wants to get rid of the resistance from the fox itself.

In just a few breaths, the fox, who had an ugly complexion, already had sweat rolling down his forehead. The difficulty of the unknown force was beyond his imagination. He was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the unknown force. If he did not take any action Effective measures, that unknown power will invade his brain! Although the fox didn't know the consequences of being invaded by that unknown force, he was sure that it would definitely not be a good thing!

The fox waved his hand, and he took out a strangely shaped dagger from the storage bracelet. This dagger has a special ability for spiritual thoughts, and can cut off the invisible 'tail' between spiritual thoughts and immortal practitioners Well, the fox really didn't expect that he would use the characteristics of the dagger on himself one day.

A cold light flashed across the void, and the fox cut off the tail between the divine sense and the body with the dagger in his hand.


The tail between the divine sense and the main body was cut off, and the fox let out a muffled groan, his head hurt like it was about to explode, and he was in a trance instantly.

If under normal circumstances, the tail between the divine mind and the main body was cut off, the head of the immortal cultivator would only hurt as if he had suffered a heavy blow, but the reason why the fox did not use that dagger easily was that it chopped The tail that breaks the mind will cause more serious harm to the cultivator. It will not only deepen the pain, but also make the cultivator momentarily absent-minded! The fox was afraid that the monster would come over when he lost his mind, but when he decided to use the dagger, he couldn't care less.

Although the fox lost his mind, his body moved back uncontrollably, so that he fell to the ground. The result was like a tug-of-war between two forces. When the rope broke in the middle, both sides would be irresistible fell back to the ground.

The fox fell to the ground, and the lizard monster that was lying on the top of the cave was not at ease, it also fell from the top of the cave.

The fox didn't know what happened to the lizard monster, after all, there was still a long distance between the two. But the fox was thankful, he was glad that nothing bad happened during the short time he was insane.


The fox who woke up cursed, and flew towards the place where the lizard monster was with his sword.


The lizard monster also got up from the ground at this time, it flew to the top of the cave again, and that weird smile appeared on its face again.

The cave is very dark, but the sight of the lizard monster is not affected. It sees the angry fox flying towards it. It wants to eat the fox, but it will not take the initiative to fight it, otherwise it will kill the fox before. The plan to bring the divine sense to this place was in vain.

The fox seemed to be furious, but he was not a fool. He had long suspected that he would encounter a trap, so he stopped before reaching the place where his divine sense encountered an invisible barrier.


The fox slashed forward with a sword, and the huge sword energy broke through the invisible barrier that originally blocked the divine sense. Although this thing has a miraculous effect on the divine sense, it is extremely weak against things like sword energy.

The fox shattered the invisible barrier with a sword, and then swung his sword forward, and hundreds of sword-shaped phantoms wrapped in flames flew forward.

The fire light attached to the sword-shaped phantom illuminated the cave, and the fox found that the lizard monster was in the place where the divine sense had detected before, so the direction of his sword pointing changed, hundreds of sword-shaped phantoms that were originally just flying flat, Immediately shot towards the lizard monster above.


The lizard monster made a threatening sound. Although it has no eyes, it seems to be able to see the fire. It was a little frightened, as if it was frightened by the fire. Backed away, did not fight back.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Explosion-like sounds sounded one after another, and the sword-shaped phantom not only passed through the body of the lizard monster, but also cracked and collapsed the rock on the top of the cave.

It stands to reason that the body of the lizard monster was pierced by the sword-shaped phantom and turned into a hornet's nest. It should be dead and can't die anymore, but the fox always feels that all this is too fake! Moreover, a very dangerous feeling also came from his left side at this time.

The fox was startled, and at the same time as he flew back, a sword also slashed to the left.

The left side of the fox was originally a stalactite connected to the ceiling of the cave, but when the fox subconsciously slashed over with his sword, he realized that the stalactite like a pillar turned out to be a lizard monster that had been magnified many times! The lizard monster stood there as if standing upright, if he hadn't dodged in time, the claws that the lizard monster protruded silently had already landed on his body.

However, when the sword energy was about to hit the lizard monster, the lizard monster suddenly turned into a stalactite again, as if everything just now was just an illusion of the fox.


The sword energy fell on the stalactite, and the stone immediately splashed.

"has a problem!"

The fox thought to himself, although this sword was a hastily made one, but if the stalactite pillar is normal, this sword is enough to cut it off.

Feeling something wrong in his heart, the fox subconsciously looked behind him, and there was also a stalactite pillar there.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, the fox was startled when he saw it, the stalactite pillar turned out to be a lizard monster that stood up to the sky, and the claws stretched out by the monster lizard were already very close to his body!

The fox dodged hastily, but was still a step too slow. The lizard monster's claws easily tore through his body protection and his outer fairy clothes, leaving a bloody scratch on his waist.

The fox was a little scared, the first time he dodged ahead of time, it was because his intuition was guiding him, and the second time he managed to dodge it, it was because he found the problem in time, but if there was a third time, would he still be able to find out in time? , even he himself has no idea about this question.

"Could it be that this is a formation, and the lizard monster can change itself back and forth with the help of these stalactite pillars?"

The fox glanced around in the blink of an eye, and didn't notice it when he didn't think about it before, but now after thinking about it and looking at the surrounding environment, this place is simply a place similar to a stone forest.

"Yes, it is indeed like this! Even if there were stalactite pillars in those places before, they were only a few sparse ones. How can there be such a dense concentration here! This should be the reason why the lizard monster lured me here with the sound of water droplets Let's go!"

Thinking that he had really entered a trap, the fox's first thought was to leave here first, but this thought was dismissed immediately.

This is a test of knowing that there will be difficulties and facing difficulties. Since the lizard monster has led him here, the lizard monster will definitely not chase him out when he leaves this place. No matter how much time he wastes, he will eventually Going back here to fix the problem.

Suddenly, a sneer appeared on the corner of the fox's mouth. He felt that because his strength was not at the peak and he had a shadow over the leader, his brain turned a little slow! In fact, thinking about it carefully, the difficulty of this test is not that great, especially after he has seen through the tricks of the lizard monster.

The fox is now convinced that the lizard monster has some strength, but its strength is not strong enough to fight against him, otherwise it would not use tricks to deal with him. Now that it has seen through the tricks of the lizard monster, then Smash its tricks and see what else it can do.

As soon as he thought of it, the fox immediately began to attack the stalactite pillars.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Explosions continued one after another, and the stalactite pillars fell down one by one under the fox's crazy attack.

The lizard monster hiding in the dark was in a hurry, it led the fox here, and it really wanted to kill the fox through these stalactite pillars, but now the fox has seen through its plot, and it can also cause damage to the stalactites. An injury that cannot be ignored, how can it not be in a hurry! After all, the reason why the lizard monster can use these stalactite pillars to launch a sneak attack is because these stalactite pillars are like the immortal artifacts refined by immortal cultivators. If the stalactite pillars are destroyed, it has to suffer backlash. inevitable.

Although it suffered backlash, the lizard monster did not have the strength to fight the fox head-on. If it had this strength, it would definitely not use any tricks with the fox. It prefers simple and rude methods.

Silently, the lizard monster hiding in the dark grinned again, and it decided to fight the fox.

That is, when the lizard monster decided to fight the fox to the death, the fox suddenly turned his head to the direction where the lizard monster was, because he suddenly found that the gravel that was originally on the ground was flying towards the direction he was looking at.

The broken stones that flew past were all attracted by the monster lizard, as if they were stuck to the monster lizard's body surface, forming a thick layer of rock armor for the monster lizard to protect.

The darkness could no longer hide the lizard monster protected by the rock armor. Facing the sword energy struck by the fox, the lizard monster rushed towards it.

The sword energy struck the rock armor of the lizard monster, causing sparks to fly, and the giant palm that fell from the lizard monster was also dodged by the fox, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

The fox flew back to distance itself from the lizard monster, and the lizard monster chased the fox. It had to slap the fox to death under its giant claws before the rock armor was broken by the fox.

The fox also understands that it is not easy to injure a lizard monster protected by a rock armor. His most urgent task now is to crush the rock armor on the surface of the lizard monster first.

The fox who was originally flying back stopped. He is good at using swords, and he also has more domineering sword moves. This sword move needs time to brew with immortal power, and during the time he flew back, this sword has already been brewed .

The fox slashed at the chasing lizard monster with a sword. The sword's light was so dazzling that the originally dark cave was illuminated, and the astonishing momentum made the lizard monster's chasing figure suddenly slow down.

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