No matter how Jin Yan studied Heitantou's body, Heitantou was dead when he died.

Jin Yan now feels that it is necessary for her to go back to the mountain where Heitantou was found before, maybe there may be another Heitantou there.

In addition to the harvest of information, there are naturally many treasure chests in the storage bracelets of the predecessors. However, the quality of the resources in these treasure chests was not as high as that obtained by Master Yun Qing, and there were not many useful things for Jin Yan.

But in terms of information, Jin Yan's gain is not small if the bones of her predecessors are discovered! After all, following the footsteps of her predecessors and flying forward, after a two-hour flight without obstacles, Jin Yan will be able to see the key to leaving this world - the land of heaven. In addition, the information about Heitantou is also of great significance. Jin Yan is already flying towards Heitantou's birthplace.

Today is the eighth day since Jinyan and Master Yunqing entered the world of relics, and half of the day has passed. If nothing unexpected happens, Jin Yan will communicate with Master Yunqing soon, and will return to the world on the ninth day. To the birthplace of Heitantou! From this point of view, although some useful information has been obtained from the predecessors, the time is still very tight. Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing still need a major turning point if they want to survive.

Master Yun Qing's call rang in Jin Yan's ears, and it was time for the two to communicate again.

Since the last exchange, Master Yunqing has not made much progress, but because of the 'Black Feather Wing', the efficiency of hunting monsters is higher, and the harvest of demon cores is also more. However, compared to the total amount of Yao Pills required, the sum of the Yao Pills on both sides of Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan is only more than 60 pieces. This is because Jin Yan got some of them from her predecessors. Otherwise, the number of demon pills would be even smaller.

Master Yunqing talked about his side, and Jin Yan also talked about her side, which somewhat diluted the originally depressing atmosphere.

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the needs of the demon core, the gap is a bit too big! How can we gather them all in the remaining time?"

Melancholy resurfaced in Jin Yan's heart again, which made her smile wryly.

"Generally speaking, things are developing in a good direction. Our harvest in the past two days is really not small! Don't be too pessimistic, lady. You haven't gone to the sky enchantment yet. Maybe there will be a lot of demon pills harvested somewhere? "Yun Qing said honestly.

"that's true!"

Jin Yan's eyes lit up. Originally, she defined the things that can be produced in the treasure box in the sky enchantment as opportunities and high-quality resources, so it is not impossible for a demon pill to appear in that treasure box.

The atmosphere became a little more relaxed again, and the two people who were in love with each other made this atmosphere last until the end of this exchange.

After the communication with Jin Yan was over, Master Yun Qing was about to cry.

When facing Jin Yan, Master Yun Qing had to be strong and optimistic!

However, can a crisis be turned around only by being strong and optimistic? Certainly not!

It is now the eighth day and more than half of the time has passed, Master Yunqing has not seen the Land of Heaven, and the demon pills collected by the two are still so far behind, not to mention the danger of the Land of Heaven, and other unknown things, Can the two really escape in less than three days? Daoist Yun Qing didn't dare to think deeply!


Master Yun Qing, who read out the word, flew towards the next mountain. This is the only thing he can do now.

It was the ninth day since Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing entered the world of relics.

Before getting close to a certain distance, the monster in the tomb flew out to meet Reverend Yunqing, its appearance made Reverend Yunqing's eyes light up.

If the monsters Master Yunqing had seen before were classified as demons and ghosts, the monster he saw now was really unique, so he didn't know which category of monsters and ghosts he should classify for a while.

Flying out of the tomb was a blood-red lantern with no patterns on it, only the candle inside flickered like breathing.

Master Yunqing was a little excited. This unique monster made him very strange to the treasure chest in the tomb. He didn't soften his heart just because of the uniqueness of the monster. Anyway, it is certain that this thing will not have a demon pill and cannot be searched for souls.

Master Yun Qing's current fighting style is more and more fond of quick battles. The black feather wings gave him extraordinary speed, which also made him who was not very good at melee combat, become obsessed with melee combat.

After striking the monster with a sword, Master Yun Qing followed the sword energy and flew towards the lantern monster.

A sea of ​​flames appeared out of thin air in front of the Lantern Demon, and the rising flames were more than three feet high.

Seeing the appearance of the sea of ​​fire, a smile appeared on the corner of Master Yunqing's mouth. Among the magic arts of the five elements, what he is most afraid of is the attack of the fire attribute.

The sea of ​​fire not only burns, but when Master Yun Qing flew into it, eight flaming lanterns instantly appeared in the sea of ​​fire, rushing towards him from different directions.

Master Yun Qing frowned, the sea of ​​fire was purely high temperature, but the eight flaming lanterns born in it actually carried the kind of violent energy that could explode.

The energy of heaven and earth is dispatched by Master Yunqing, he wants to use the energy of heaven and earth to suppress these exploding flame lanterns, and then pass through their encirclement. Although the Lantern Demon itself can break free from the oppression of his heaven and earth energy, the eight flame lanterns are just the sorcery performed by the Lantern Demon after all, and it is impossible for them to break through the suppression of his heaven and earth energy.

The energy of heaven and earth had already acted on the eight flame lanterns, and Master Yunqing frowned accordingly. The eight flame lanterns did not break through the suppression of the energy of heaven and earth, they just ignored the suppression of energy of heaven and earth!

A black light flashed on the wings of the black feather, Master Yun Qing avoided the flame lantern closest to him by sprinting.


Originally, the flame lantern closest to Reverend Yunqing exploded. Although Reverend Yunqing had already flown away, it was still within the reach of the explosion! Moreover, the power of the explosion is very powerful. If Master Yun Qing doesn't use any means, the power of the explosion can easily break his shield of immortal power!

"Awesome, the explosive power at the core is already comparable to that of a high-level fairy weapon!"

What Immortal Yunqing lacks most now is a high-level fairy weapon. A shield with a monster pattern stands in front of him, protecting him from the damage caused by the explosive power.

Offering a shield celestial artifact is only the first step, and then offering a dragon-shaped jade carving celestial artifact is the second step for Immortal Yunqing.

The dragon-shaped jade carving turned into an ice dragon circling around Master Yunqing, and in the process of circling, its size continued to grow, so that the original small ring became a big ring, and the remaining few flame lanterns were wrapped around the ice dragon itself. Under the force of resistance, it floated to the distance as if encountered a strong wind.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Seven flaming lanterns exploded in the distance, and their existence has a time limit.

Although the exploding flame lantern did not hurt Master Yun Qing, the power generated by the explosion was not wasted at all, and that special energy was absorbed into the lantern by the lantern demon.

The Lantern Demon controlled eight flame lanterns before, so it did not attack Master Yunqing. Now that the eight flame lanterns are gone, it is going to attack Master Yunqing. However, Master Yunqing did not hold any Tofu, who didn't intend to give the Lantern Demon another chance, slashed at the Lantern Demon with a 100% strength sword.

Master Yun Qing's 100% strength sword is powerful. Feeling the crisis, the Lantern Demon gave up the original attack. Its body swelled instantly, and it seemed that it wanted to explode, but in fact it changed its own state. He wanted to resist Master Yunqing's sword energy by using softness to overcome rigidity.


There was a sound like drumming, Master Yunqing's sword was really resisted by the Lantern Demon! However, the Lantern Demon's body was also left with a deep scar by this sword. It is not absolute to use softness to overcome rigidity, it depends on the degree of softness and rigidity.

A silver light shot out from Master Yunqing's hand almost followed the sword energy.

The silver light is a high-level fairy artifact, which looks like a hairpin for women. Although the lantern demon resisted the sword energy, it was shot into the scars caused by the sword energy by the silver light, penetrating through it to overcome rigidity with softness. state.


The sound of air leakage sounded, and the huge body of the Lantern Demon shrank rapidly.

Master Yunqing made a tactic, and the hairpin in Lantern Demon's body exploded.

With a loud noise, the Lantern Demon was shattered, and the explosion of the high-level immortal weapon was still produced in the Lantern Demon's body. This was Master Yunqing's fatal blow to it.

"You're not the only one who knows how to play explosions!"

Master Yunqing said coldly, he really didn't want to waste any time, it was worthwhile for him to use a high-level fairy weapon to quickly kill the Lantern Demon, the most important thing he lacked now was a high-level fairy weapon. What's more, after killing the Lantern Demon, at worst, he can get another high-level fairy weapon, so this is not a loss-making business.

In the treasure chest in the Lantern Demon's tomb, there was indeed another high-level immortal artifact, but the unusual one that Master Yunqing expected did not appear. It seemed that the Lantern Demon was just a show.

After finishing off the Lantern Demon, Master Yunqing, who flew down a mountain, encountered another strange-looking monster. This monster not only looked like his chair-shaped wooden fairy artifact, but also had very similar supernatural powers.

"Is this all fairy artifacts that have become spirits?" Master Yun Qing couldn't help but wondered.

The wooden carving monster was about the same strength as the lantern monster, and the time-saving Master Yunqing still used a high-level fairy weapon to destroy it. However, this strange-looking monster still did not bring any unusual gains to Master Yunqing. However, Master Yunqing felt that he seemed to have discovered a pattern!

Thinking carefully about the monsters he had killed, Master Yun Qing felt that if these monsters were classified according to monsters and ghosts, every change between categories represented entering a different location! When entering different areas before, the most obvious change was the increase in the strength of the monsters, but this time when the monsters classified as fairy artifacts by Master Yunqing appeared, there was no such obvious increase in strength!

When thinking of this, Master Yunqing couldn't help but forget to take a look at the mountain that was only one mountain away from him, and a feeling suddenly arose in his heart. He felt that when he climbed that mountain, he might have a different discovery! After all, whether he found the footprints of the predecessors or Jin Yan discovered the footprints of the predecessors, it was after climbing the mountain. The mountain seemed to be a lucky spot for the two of them.

In fact, there is no need to go up the mountain, as long as you fly high into the sky, you can see very far, but after staying in the world of relics for a long time, Master Yunqing would rather believe his feelings than destroy the mystery. This is like a deck of cards placed in front of the gambler. The face of the cards will not change, but the gambler would rather rub them out to see the result, rather than replaying them directly, because the gambler believes that the cards that are rubbed out will not change. luck will be better.

On the next mountain, Master Yunqing once again encountered a monster that he classified as a celestial artifact. This monster was in the shape of a wine glass.

After the wine cup monster was blown to death by Master Yunqing, Master Yunqing took away the treasure box in his tomb, and flew towards the towering mountain.

The tombs on the mountain are all halfway up the mountain. When Master Yunqing flew over, the monster that greeted him was still a fairy, and the monster looked like a fan.

The fan has two sides, one side is written in characters that Master Yunqing can't understand, and the other side is a beauty who looks like a prehistoric woman.

The fan demon took the lead in attacking Master Yunqing, and with its gentle flapping, the storm rolled towards Master Yunqing one after another.

The black wings fluttered, Master Yun Qing was like a petrel in a storm, he passed through the storm and approached the fan demon.

Seeing that the storm is actually useless to Master Yunqing, the fan demon that was flapping constantly, after a flash of light on its body, it will have the face of the character aimed at Master Yunqing.

The fan demon shook slightly, and the characters on the fan flew towards Master Yunqing one by one.

There are a total of thirty-six characters, each of which has a strong force, and each has a different function. The way of flying in an orderly interval makes Master Yun Qing feel as if he has fallen into the sword skills of a master. Among them, it is difficult for him to counterattack effectively except for defending with the rhythm of swordsmanship.

The sound of explosions continued around Master Yunqing's side. He used many methods to deal with the characters. Apart from sword energy and immortal weapons, he was forced to use part of the power of the Tao of True Fire. However, Master Yunqing's current cultivation is in the late stage of returning to the void, and the use of part of the power of real fire does not affect his 'Fire Phoenix Technique'.

It is undeniable that the fan demon is the most powerful monster Yunqing has encountered so far. Just like the explosion of the fairy weapon used to deal with other monsters before, the thirty-six characters of the fan demon are useless. Its Each character has a different function, and one of the characters has some power of the way of time, and in front of the way of time, almost all things that explode will lose their effect, just like the self-detonation of immortals or monsters, time The Tao is their nemesis.

Breaking down the thirty-six characters one by one, in the end, used too many tricks from Master Yunqing.

However, although the thirty-six characters are powerful, they failed to cause any substantial damage to Master Yunqing, they just made him flustered. After all, Master Yunqing's comprehensive strength is stronger than that of the Fan Demon.

After the thirty-six characters were wiped out by Master Yunqing, Master Yunqing was also forced to distance himself from the fan demon. In the process of solving the thirty-six characters, he also used the tactics of fighting and retreating . Fortunately, Daoist Yunqing has black feather wings, otherwise these thirty-six characters would have forced him to use the 'Fire Phoenix Technique'!

Daoist Yunqing flew towards the fan demon again, there was no anger forced out by the thirty-six characters in his heart, but only a kind of abnormal excitement, he felt that this time he would definitely gain something different from the fan demon! There is no special basis, it is just an inexplicable feeling, or the psychology of a gambler.

Facing Reverend Yun Qing flying over, the Fan Demon pointed the side of the beauty painted on the fan at Reverend Yun Qing.

Master Yunqing thought that the fan demon was going to use the beauty on the fan to make an attack similar to thirty-six characters, but what Master Yunqing did not expect was that the fan demon suddenly flashed light, and the beauty on it She actually stepped out of the fan and turned into a real person! And the fan without the beauty was held in the hand by the beauty demon with a wave.

The reason why the beauty is called a beauty is because she is really beautiful. She covered half of her face with a fan, and when she blinked her watery eyes, Daoist Yun Qing's head was suddenly stunned!

The reason Yun Qing Daoist was stunned suddenly was because of the automatic operation of the Anshen Art, which helped him solve the continuous impact of mental attacks on him, otherwise he should have been stunned at that time.

Master Yun Qing was shocked, and he took the initiative to distance himself from the beauty.

Seeing Master Yunqing flying away, the beauty didn't chase after him immediately, she just stood in the air, waving her folding fan as if enjoying the cool air.

Before getting close to the fan demon, Master Yunqing wanted to kill him. However, after the fan demon turned into a beauty, Master Yunqing was a little bit helpless. This was not to say that he felt compassion for the beauty of the fan demon, but could this guy really be called a fan demon now?

Daoist Yunqing is 100% sure that the beauty is the true master, and she can be called a monster, but the fan form is just a way for her to live or fight before. She is a real body, soul, and monster. Dan's Monster!

Such a monster, first of all, can search for souls, and it looks so handsome, which makes it hard for Master Yun Qing to imagine, her mind is also in chaos! Moreover, such a strange monster made Master Yunqing think that she might be the kind of monster that Jin Yan said could help immortal cultivators? If she is that kind of monster, Master Yun Qing has already learned from Jin Yan how to conclude a special contract for master recognition! However, if she is really that special monster, and she is more beautiful than Jin Yan, is it really appropriate to adopt her as a spirit beast?

There is a reason for Master Yunqing's temporary retirement, because there are too many things to consider.

However, the temporary retreat was only a temporary retreat after all, Master Yunqing quickly made up his mind, he wanted to use the conclusion of a special contract to try the beauty first, if she is really the kind of monster that can conclude a contract, then there is no need to go through Fighting can take her away. As for Jinyan, Master Yunqing felt that Jinyan would understand him. Now is a special period when life-saving is the most important thing. A special spirit beast may be of great help to the predicament.

Master Yun Qing used the conclusion of a special contract, he flew forward towards the beauty with one hand, and on his palm, the contract was presented in the form of a golden streamer.

The beauty frowned, her expression was as if she saw Deng Tuzi, and she slapped Master Yunqing with a fan.

The beauty didn't pursue Reverend Yunqing before, but it wasn't that she was soft-hearted to Reverend Yunqing, she was brewing her big move, and her big move was also swayed in her fan.

The huge storm has never been seen before, and there are hundreds of phantoms in the shape of a fan. This kind of storm is no longer a sorcery that Master Yunqing can pass through with only the wings of black feathers.

Daoist Yun Qing's old face was dull, and he felt rather angry from embarrassment. Fortunately, he had thought so much before, but what he got in return was an impressive look from the opposite monster.

The 'Fire Phoenix Technique' was activated, and the mighty fire phoenix showed the powerful power of Tao. It not only passed through the huge storm, but also ignited the storm, making it lose the ability to approach Master Yunqing again.


The fire phoenix collided with the beauty shemale, and the beauty shemale's body fell from the air, and the way of real fire instantly turned it into a fireball.

However, after all, Huofeng helped Master Yunqing to deal with the beauty demon's ultimate move, its power has been weakened a lot, and the flame on the beauty demon's body showed a tendency to be extinguished rapidly under the influence of her magic.

However, Master Yunqing would not give the beauty monster another chance to attack him, and the wooden fairy artifact turned into a chair to trap the beauty monster on the ground.

Master Yun Qing sat down on the chair, and the beauty demon below immediately uttered a shrill cry.

Master Yunqing will not turn the beauty into a puddle of blood, he will leave the chair at the right time, so that the beauty can enter a state where she can be searched for the soul, and it can also ensure that her demon body is not broken, waiting for the soul to search Afterwards, it was determined that she was useless, and it would not be too late to kill her.

Immortal Yun Qing quickly flew away from the chair. Although the beauty under the chair did not turn into blood, she was already lying motionless on the ground. Moreover, after being burned by the way of real fire before, it is not beautiful at all.

The beauty demon is really special, just because it frowned before and looked at Master Yunqing like a disciple, it made Master Yunqing look forward to its soul search.

Master Yunqing put his hand on the top of the beauty demon's head. After entering the relic world, he finally obtained useful information from a monster's soul search for the first time.

After finishing the soul search for the beauty monster, Master Yunqing had a complex expression, with excitement and something unspeakable.

Rather than saying that the beauty has a memory, it is better to say that the memory of the beauty is arranged by the owner of the relic, because the so-called memory is not a normal memory, and looking through its memory is like looking at a piece of jade slip that records specific things! Not too much, just what needs to be included.

Although the beauty demon is not the kind of special monster that can be recognized as its master, the things in its memory are related to the special monster that can recognize its master.

There are a total of eight kinds of special monsters that can recognize their masters in the ruins world. These eight special monsters that can recognize their masters can also be taken out of the ruins world by their masters as long as they can leave the ruins alive.

The eight special monsters each have their own magical powers and functions. Master Yunqing knows what they look like and their magical powers, but he has never encountered any of them in the world of relics.

Although Daoist Yun Qing had never encountered eight special monsters, Jin Yan had already encountered two of them!

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