Xuanyue was full of energy, but that didn't mean she was reckless. She didn't enter the cave directly, and she went into the cave to investigate first.

The cave is very dark, but it doesn't have a big impact on the cultivators. There is no humidity in the cave. On the contrary, it is quite dry, and there is no unpleasant smell in the air. The cave is very tall, so even fighting here is no problem.

There is a fork in the cave, but through the soul search of the deerclops, Xuanyue knew that generally toad monsters would stay in that fork, so her divine sense went straight to that fork.

"Divine will?"

Before Xuanyue's divine sense passed the turn and saw the toad monster, Xuanyue caught a voice that was also made by divine mind.

Xuanyue is not surprised that the toad monster has divine sense. If the toad monster does not have divine sense, it would not be possible for it to communicate with the deerclops.

Its body is not very huge, it looks like the size of a tabletop. It is not covered with pimples like a toad, but there are two translucent sac-like membranes on both sides of its mouth, and there are strips of blue and yellow vertical lines on its back. , the appearance of the toad monster is the same as what Xuan Yue saw in the memory of the deerclops.


The toad monster continued to transmit voices to Xuan Yue's spiritual thoughts, and changed from the original prone position to a squatting position.

"You know the entrant?"

Xuan Yue was slightly surprised.

"How could I not know about the entrant?"

The voice transmission of the toad monster smiled wryly: "If it wasn't for you, I might have died long ago. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been trapped here with a sealed cultivation base. Since you have appeared, it represents my The battle of fate is about to begin."

"Let your body come in! If you kill me, then death is my destiny, and you can also get the baby in my belly. If I kill you, I can get back my original strength , I can leave this space world, and I can break my fate!"

The toad monster seemed a little excited, and the sound transmission was full of fighting spirit.

Both Xuan Yue and Gu Zheng were curious about the toad monster. At first, they thought that if they wanted to know something from the toad monster, they had to go through a battle. They never thought that the toad monster would say so much by itself.

Although Xuanyue also knew that if she wanted to get the baby in the belly of the toad monster, a battle was inevitable, but she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, why should she follow its rhythm?

"What if I don't?"

Xuanyue smiled contemptuously through voice transmission.

"No? Then you can go!"

The toad monster suddenly opened its mouth, and the speed at which the tongue popped out had a binding force. Xuanyue's divine sense wanted to avoid it, but the speed had slowed down under the influence of the restraining force, and her divine sense could not escape the toad monster's tongue.

Outside the cave, Xuanyue let out a muffled snort, her divine sense was destroyed, and even though what was lost was only a wisp of divine sense for investigation, she still had a headache inevitably.

After telling Gu Zheng what happened in the cave, Xuanyue who spoke again was a little worried: "Master, since this toad monster is specially waiting for the entrant, then its strength should be very strong!"

"What are you worrying about? Isn't worry its opponent?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Not this, even if it is an existence that is specially waiting for the entrant, I really want to fight it. However, according to Master's initial feeling, this should be a space world with a low degree of danger! If it is normal When a cultivator enters this space world, he cannot have the Heart Magic Orb, and naturally he cannot bring a helper, so under the influence of the power of the law, his real cultivation level is equivalent to that of the most elementary cultivator. A cultivator with such strength Or, how could it be possible to pass the level of the toad monster? You must know that the strength of this toad monster should at least be equivalent to the Void Return Realm!"

Although the toad monster just extinguished Xuanyue's divine sense, Xuanyue still saw the depth of the toad monster from that flick of the tongue.

"So you're worried about this? Disciple, you have a misunderstanding!"

Gu Zheng smiled: "You also said that the toad monster is a set level, so in this space world, there must be many similar levels, and these levels are not necessarily the ones that must be passed through this space world. Yes. It’s like the level of the toad monster. I feel that its existence is the same as the treasure chest in some ruins. Whether you can take this treasure box or not will not affect the final walk out of the ruins. It is not inconceivable that the level of danger to go through is higher than the normal level. As for ordinary cultivators entering here, maybe they will get some chance in other relatively simple levels, thus improving their strength? Who can tell what kind of thing is right!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuan Yue nodded, and after the master and apprentice said a few more words, Xuan Yue walked towards the cave.

As soon as Xuan Yue entered the cave, the toad monster's laughter rang out. With the toad monster's laughter, the cave wall flashed with light, as if the rocks had become hard.

"Since the main body has already entered, it is impossible to exit the cave if you want to regret it!"

The voice of the toad monster sounded, and Xuan Yue turned her head and forgot to glance at the entrance of the cave, only to see that the entrance of the cave, which should have been seen clearly, became foggy at this time, as if there was a barrier there.

"Don't think about it! This is a game of life and death. Only one of us can break the game. The restriction at the entrance of the cave was not set by me, but it can be controlled by me, so that the entrants have no room for regret. .And, don’t think about any crooked ideas, even if the battle is over, the entire cave is under the effect of the restriction, and it is impossible to escape through escapism.”

With the sound transmission of the toad monster, the beating sound of 'bang bang' is getting closer and closer, and I can't wait for the toad monster who is ready to fight to meet Xuanyue.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so beautiful, but unfortunately, if I want to leave here, I can only eat you, otherwise I will be reluctant to let you die!"

Like chatting after holding back for too long, the toad monster's sound transmission couldn't stop at all, but its bouncing body stopped at a place relatively safe from Xuanyue, and then its eyes glowed red In a flash, Xuan Yue suddenly felt seen through.

"The most powerful way to comprehensively evaluate you is the earth-type fairy art, but it is a pity that this is a stone cave, and there are restrictions. Your earth-type fairy art is almost useless here. You are really pitiful. !"

The toad monster shook its head, as if it was sad for Xuanyue's sorrow.

Xuan Yue was also shocked, she didn't expect that the toad monster could see through her current most powerful method is the earth magic, but a sneer immediately appeared on her face, because the toad monster can't see through everything, at least The toad monster didn't know about the fact that she was carrying the Heart Demon Orb. If it had known, Xuan Yue believed that it would not be as excited as it is now.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see what skills you have!"

Xuan Yue didn't intend to say anything more to the toad monster, she pushed her hands forward again and again, making palm shadows one after another.

The toad monster didn't move at all, it let Xuanyue's palm shadow hit its body, and its body also swelled under the attack of the palm shadow, when Xuanyue's first wave of attacks ended, the toad monster's The body seemed to be blown by someone, and it swelled to an exaggerated level.

The palm shadow did no harm to the toad monster, and its body was still swollen like a ball. Xuanyue frowned, and the two extreme cold forces turned into two sharp ice spikes in her hands. The ice spikes shot towards the toad monster.

The ice thorns flew towards the toad monster with a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and the toad monster let out a "croak". Originally, it absorbed the energy of Xuanyue's palm shadow, plus its own energy, and turned into a huge air current visible to the naked eye. Xuan Yue rushed forward.

The ice thorns shot by Xuanyue were the first to bear the brunt, and they were directly blown away by the airflow. Xuanyue also had to avoid the front for a while, and while flying backwards, she also showed her body. The strong wind generated by the flapping of her wings matched the airflow crash.

This time Xuanyue was at a disadvantage in the confrontation. Although the toad monster's counterattack did not hurt her, it forced her into a very embarrassing situation.

"The first time I let you take the first shot, it's my turn for the second time, right? Get ready to accept my hard blow!"

During the sound transmission of the toad monster, the membranous sacs on both sides of its mouth instantly swelled to an exaggerated level, and then there was another "croak".

Compared with the previous "quack" cry, the second cry of the toad monster is much smaller in terms of sound, and it does not have the momentum of the first cry at all. However, the cry of the toad monster this time was a very powerful sonic attack, so that the air rippled because of this cry.


The sound transmission of the toad monster was frightening, and his sonic attack failed to hit Xuanyue, Xuanyue's body disappeared without a trace, leaving only a round bead in the air, and its powerful sonic attack, only It just hit the bead far away, but it failed to cause any damage to the bead.

I hadn't discovered the existence of the bead before, plus it can hold a person, and it can not be damaged by the sound wave attack. A bad feeling has appeared in the heart of the toad monster. After two thoughts, one thought was to use the tongue to roll up the beads, then swallow them into the stomach, and use the strange space of the sac to try to melt the beads, and the other thought was to use divine thoughts to attack the beads!

The toad monster made a choice between the two thoughts in an instant. It felt that it was better to be careful when dealing with this weird bead, so it chose to attack the bead with divine thoughts first.

The orb attacked by the toad monster is naturally the Heart Demon Orb, and Xuanyue's disappearance naturally also entered the Heart Demon Orb.

Xuan Yue was ingested by Gu Zheng at a critical moment. At the beginning, she didn't know that the toad monster's sonic attack was very powerful. Even if she resisted with all her strength, she would end up seriously injured. The competition can naturally be seen.

Although Gu Zheng wanted Xuanyue to practice, he didn't want Xuanyue to be seriously injured, not to mention the timing he chose was very suitable. When Xuanyue was ingested into the Heart Demon Orb, the real power of the sonic attack Xuanyue had already Sensed. Therefore, Xuanyue in the Heart Demon Orb seemed very embarrassed at this time. If there was no master to rescue her, she might suffer a big loss this time.

"It's good to go through some things, let's go!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and he released Xuan Yue's Heart Demon Orb.

The toad monster is going crazy, because its spiritual attack can't hurt the heart magic bead either.

After seeing Xuanyue come out, the membranous sac next to the toad monster's mouth swelled again in an instant, and then it let out another "croak".

The toad monster is betting that Xuan Yue can't enter the Heart Demon Orb twice in such a short period of time!

The toad monster lost the bet, not to mention entering the heart magic orb twice within a period of time, even entering the heart magic orb multiple times, there is no such restriction as the toad monster wants to enter the heart magic orb. Moreover, this time Xuan Yue took the initiative to enter. She already knew that the sonic attack of the toad monster was powerful, so naturally she would not wait for Gu Zheng to ingest her.

Seeing the toad monster bouncing in place anxiously from the heart magic bead, a smile appeared on Xuan Yue's face: "Master, if this disciple reads correctly, this guy should not be able to use sonic attacks for a short time." ?”

The reason why Xuan Yue asked Gu Zheng that way was because after performing two sonic attacks, the membranous sacs on both sides of the toad monster's mouth turned blood red from the original white, and the overall momentum also weakened similarly to fatigue.

"That's right, it bet that you can't disappear again, it lost the bet, you guess it can't use the sonic attack again, you win!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Master, let us go out, I'm going to settle the battle!" Xuan Yue said with high fighting spirit.


Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and he released the "we" in Xuan Yue's mouth.

In Xuanyue's mouth, besides her, there is also an earth dragon.

Xuan Yue has known the environment in the cave for a long time. She knows that it is full of rocks, which is a very unfavorable environment for her who is strong in earth magic, so on the way to the cave, she has already found a place to take a bag. The pile of soil was placed in the heart magic bead.


Xuanyue actually appeared with an earth dragon after its trump card was used up, which made the toad monster scream angrily.

However, although the toad monster has no trump card, it still has other means, and it will not sit still.

Two red rays of light shot out of its eyes, and the toad monster knew that the earth dragon was just a spell cast by Xuanyue. As long as Xuanyue, the caster, was taken down, the earth dragon would naturally be self-defeating, so it aimed both eyes at Xuanyue moon.

It has to be said that the toad monster is really powerful, and its sight attack is also restrained, so that Xuan Yue is inevitably affected a little, and can only be avoided by showing its body. However, Xuanyue's earth dragon was beyond the expectations of the toad monster. It didn't expect Xuanyue's earth dragon to be able to fight on its own without Xuanyue's control at all.


With a loud noise, the toad monster was knocked out by the earth dragon.

However, the toad monster has the supernatural ability to absorb damage and convert it into its own energy, so most of the energy of this collision was absorbed by it, and it did not suffer much damage.

It's not the first time I've seen this supernatural power of the toad monster, and Xuanyue will naturally not give it a second chance to display this supernatural power, so she will join forces with the earth dragon to attack, so that the transformation of the toad monster can't keep up Only the rhythm can break its supernatural power.

The feathery airflow shot towards the toad monster like a rain of arrows, and the earth dragon also began to bite at the toad monster.

"Fate, an unbreakable fate!"

The toad monster roared, Xuanyue used the correct method. If the earth dragon was only allowed to attack the toad monster, the toad monster was confident that it would not be hurt, and it could easily scatter the earth dragon through energy transformation. However, Earth Dragon's sharp offensive combined with Xuanyue's attack will not work, the supernatural power of the toad monster is directly broken, and it is like meat on a chopping board after receiving backlash, and can only be slaughtered.


Accompanied by a cry of unknown meaning, the eyes of the toad monster finally closed.

The toad monster is dead, without the support of the monster power, its originally tough skin is no longer tough, so the earth dragon easily gave it a gut break.

Amidst the blood stains, a ring with red light rolled out from the corpse of the toad monster.

The ring has a strong fluctuation of immortal power, so that Xuan Yue's eyes widened, and she murmured: "Top immortal weapon!"

Xuanyue's murmured a little helplessly. It's not like she didn't think about whether the baby in the stomach of the toad monster might be a fairy weapon. If the baby in the stomach of the toad monster is really a fairy artifact, Xuan Yue hopes that its grade will be high-end! It's not that Xuanyue didn't dare to give too much hope, it's just that the top fairy weapon is not very attractive to her now. First of all, her own realm is not good enough, and she has not reached the realm equivalent to a golden fairy. The weapon will be backlashed! Secondly, it's not that Xuanyue doesn't have the top fairy artifact, it's just that the top fairy artifact that Gu Zheng gave her couldn't be brought to this space world.

"Don't be depressed, it's a top-notch fairy weapon anyway. And, if it can be placed in such a level, I'm sure it's more powerful than the one I gave you!" Gu Zheng said.

Now that the master has comforted her, Xuan Yue put away her depression. As for Gu Zheng wanting to give her this top-level fairy artifact, she was not surprised at all, because in the previous communication with Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng Zheng has already said that if the treasure in the stomach of the toad monster is a fairy artifact, then no matter what the level of the fairy artifact is, it is Xuanyue's spoils of war.

Xuan Yue grasped the ring in her hands from the air, closed her eyes and sensed it, and soon knew which method to use if she wanted to recognize the owner of this fairy artifact.

Using the way of mind-spirit communication, after Xuanyue recognized the ring as the owner, the ring immediately turned into a bracelet and was worn on her wrist, and a look of joy appeared on her face, because after she recognized the ring as the owner Afterwards, she also understood the supernatural power of the ring, which is indeed a powerful top-notch immortal weapon.

"Master, what do you think I should call this fairy artifact?"

Xuan Yue looked at Gu Zheng, and in her understanding of Yuan Huan, she didn't get the information of Yuan Huan's name.

"Choosing a name is the worst thing a teacher is good at, so you can just figure it out yourself!"

Gu Zheng walked while talking, he was going to the bottom of a fork in the cave, because when Xuanyue searched for the soul of the deerclops, he already knew that there were some good things in the "tributes" that the deerclops gave to the toad monster in recent years, These good things, toad monsters, were not used up, and they were placed at the bottom of the fork.

"All right!"

Looking at Gu Zheng's back, Xuan Yue replied depressedly, and as she stroked the ring, a smile soon appeared on her face: "Let's call it the Chiyan Bracelet!"

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