The animal skin giant finished talking about the jade pineapple, and then looked at Gu Zheng again: "I have to say that you are very lucky, or you have a good way. If you want to pass my test, you must first catch a person who can touch me. The entry point. This illusion is created according to my world. The place where we fought before is the location of my tribe in the real world, and this jade pineapple is the one I ate that year. It is also the one that can touch me in this test. One of the three points, I didn't expect you to catch one of them so quickly."

"What? Have you been touched?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"It just reminds me of the past. How can I be touched so easily, or else I'm still wondering how you touched me?" said the skin giant.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and without saying anything, he started to walk into the distance.

"Don't you want this jade pineapple?"

The animal skin giant was a bit puzzled, he didn't understand that Gu Zheng asked him to show the jade pineapple, and then left without doing anything.

"Of course, it is the key to touching you, but I still need to keep it first."

While speaking, Gu Zheng walked forward on his own. He was going to find ingredients that could be used to cook with jade pineapple.

At first, Gu Zheng just wanted to conquer the taste buds of the animal skin giant by cooking delicious food with the way of eating and drinking, so as to achieve the effect of touching him. After all, in Gu Zheng's fairy chef career, there are many examples of a dish that makes people cry, but if a dish can make people cry, what is it if it is not touched? That's why he fought the skin giant before, and starved the giant to carry out his plan. However, Gu Zheng didn't expect that the jade pineapple would have such a story about the animal skin giant, so if he wanted to use the jade pineapple to cook and impress the animal skin giant, it would take some effort.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

The animal skin giant followed Gu Zheng.

"I want to find some ingredients that can be cooked with jade pineapple."

Gu Zheng bent down while speaking, and pulled out a plant with white roots from the grass. Through the observation of the eye of Tao, he knew that this ingredient could be added to the cooking of jade pineapple.

"Ingredients? What ingredients are you looking for? Are you looking for a lot?" the animal skin giant asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly what ingredients to look for. Anyway, it's just useful to me. As for how many ingredients to look for, I think at least five or six kinds are needed!" Gu Zheng said.

"This illusion can be almost infinitely large. When will you find the ingredients you need?" the animal skin giant asked again.

"It won't take too long, after all, this illusion is full of truths that come from the heart."

It has been a while since he entered the illusion. As an illusion expert, Gu Zheng already has a deep understanding of this illusion, so he understands that most of the things in this strange illusion are born from the thoughts of the animal skin giant. Of course, there used to be only one animal skin giant here, and most of the things were imagined by him, but now that he is here, with his understanding of the illusion, he can do some things to change the illusion, although This has little authority to change the illusion, and it is still possible to produce some needed ingredients.

"It's a pity that the authority to change the illusion is limited. Otherwise, using the illusion to touch the animal skin giant is the quickest way!" Gu Zhengxin said.

Seemingly searching aimlessly, Gu Zheng is actually changing the illusion with his mind. He is thinking about the ingredients that contain the special substances he needs, and the ingredient with white roots that he pulled out before is actually made of The thoughts in his mind came out.

As the saying goes, those who meet are not difficult, those who are difficult will not, and the second plant of ingredients that Gu Zheng needed was quickly transformed by him, but the ingredients rich in this special substance have requirements for the place of growth, and must live in water. So he flew up and flew towards the nearest river.

Seeing that Gu Zheng flew up, the animal skin giant followed quickly, and after Gu Zheng came to the river, he stretched out his hand and waved towards the water, and an ingredient like a purple aquatic plant appeared in his hand.


The animal skin giant stared wide-eyed at the aquatic plants in Gu Zheng's hands.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I often come to this place to take a bath, why didn't I know there are such weird aquatic plants here?"

The animal skin giant seemed to be seeing Gu Zheng for the first time. He looked at Gu Zheng up and down, and then said again: "Besides, I have never seen the ingredients you pulled out of the ground before. I have to doubt it!"

"What do you suspect?" Gu Zheng smiled.

Looking at the smile on Gu Zheng's face, the animal skin giant confirmed his guess in his heart: "You are amazing! It seems that you have made some changes to this illusion, and you are actually good at the way of illusion. You are really different , Compared with you, those previous entrants are simply too far behind."

"The previous entrants? How many entrants came here before?"

After cutting off the tail between the divine mind and the body, Gu Zheng has long been able to use his mind for two purposes, so his chat with the animal skin giant does not affect his illusion of the next plant of ingredients.

"I have a special sense of this space world, so I know that there are four entrants who have entered this space world before you, but this special illusion has no entrants before you. The first of them , died before reaching the magma lake. The second one didn't have your patience, and didn't improve his cultivation to a certain level, so he didn't find the vortex in the magma lake, and finally died in the volcano. The third one discovered the magma lake and entered the lava ant's nest, but he didn't believe what the queen said, and he who killed the queen became the queen you saw. As for the fourth entrant, That person is also amazing, although she didn't spend time on the road to practice, but by her own means, she finally lived in the volcano for a long time."

Hearing what the animal skin giant said, Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, luck is really something that cannot be said, if he does not have the control over this fairy-level space fairy artifact, then he will not be able to produce some correct inductions, then How far he can go in this space world is hard to say. However, God knows whether the previous entrants, like him, also have the control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon.

"Since you have a special sense of this space world and can know what happened, do you know my secret?"

The secret that Gu Zheng refers to is the Heart Demon Orb and Xuanyue. Since he entered this illusion, he lost contact with Xuanyue, because the Heart Demon Orb was not transformed by this illusion, but even if the Heart Demon Orb was transformed by this illusion Come out, the Xuanyue in it is not 'alive', and everything about her is still illusory from Gu Zheng's mind.

"Your secret? What is your secret?"

The animal-skin giant frowned first, and then reflected the meaning of Gu Zheng's words, he said again: "I just have a special sense of this space world, and I can't know everything here in detail, so you have to I don't know what secret. However, everyone has his secrets, and exploring your secrets is not within the scope of my mission."

"Before you said that if I pass your test, you will be able to leave this space world. What do you mean by leaving? Just leave this space world, or leave the fairy-level space fairy artifact? Or Entered somewhere else?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"There are many space worlds in this space fairy, and the space world after being broken into and left by the entrant generally does not accept the next entrant, and in this space world, those who have completed their mission , you will enter a brand new space world, and there is no mission in the brand new space world, once the fairy-level space fairy has a new owner, the people in that new space world will be free, if you complete my Test, then I will enter that brand new space world." The animal skin giant said.

Time passed while Gu Zheng was chatting with the animal skin giant. When the time for a meal passed, Gu Zheng found five ingredients that could be used to cook with jade pineapple.

Five kinds of ingredients and five kinds of appearance, Gu Zheng used five different methods to process these ingredients.

"What a troublesome feeling!"

For the animal skin giant who eats most of its food by roasting it over fire, what Gu Zheng did is undoubtedly very troublesome.

"How can it be delicious if you don't bother to wait? Just like I want to get the special thing you said, don't I have to go through all kinds of troubles? How can I get rewards if I don't pay." Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"It makes sense!"

The animal skin giant sighed exaggeratedly, chatted with Gu Zheng a lot, and he became familiar with Gu Zheng.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had already started cooking, the animal skin giant said again: "These seemingly miscellaneous things will really taste delicious when they are put together?"

"Delicious is only second, my main purpose is to touch you!" Gu Zheng said.

"Are you really that sure? You can touch me with just one meal?" the skin giant asked.

"Of course you have this confidence, just wait and see, I don't count you as my loser!" Gu Zheng laughed.

It is not the first time that Gu Zheng has cooked food repairs this time. He has also cooked food repairs with similar effects before. For example, in the enchantment, he cooked food repairs for Qiao Bai and the others, which could trigger the mysterious realm.

Gu Zheng’s food training for the beast skin giant this time will also trigger the mysterious realm, but the purpose of the existence of this mysterious realm is not for the beast skin giant to comprehend it, so Gu Zheng can see the beast skin giant in it. He will use this way of food cultivation to bring the animal skin giant back to the hour in the mysterious realm, and give him a chance to start over.

Although the animal skin giant knew that Gu Zheng was extraordinary, he still had deep doubts about the fact that Gu Zheng wanted to impress him with a meal. However, his doubts gradually weakened as Shixiu cooked, because the smell from the pot was sweet like he had never smelled before, and that sweet smell made him want to drool. , I can't help but want to taste what the food repair in the pot tastes like.

"Why is this thing so fragrant? It's just an ordinary plant! Why does it smell so sweet? You didn't put other fruits in it, and the immature jade pineapple is not sweet at all!"

The animal skin giant was almost depressed, because his question could not be answered by Gu Zheng, who was concentrating on cooking and food repair at the moment. Gu Zheng has already answered the question many times. For a person who cannot understand the way of diet, no matter how much he explains, he still cannot understand the mystery.

"If you still want to eat this kind of delicacy, then keep quiet, the food repairer will soon pass the tribulation."

Gu Zheng finally opened his mouth to the animal skin giant, but he told him to shut up. Although this place is an illusion, the illusion is born from the heart. Gu Zheng's experience in the way of eating told him that this way of eating is relatively different. Crossing robbery this happens.

"Of course I want to eat it, my mouth is drooling a lot! By the way, what is a food cultivator? Is it thunder from the sky?"

The animal skin giant has been tortured abnormally by the smell of food repair. Gu Zheng told him to keep quiet, but he still couldn't help being curious. Although he didn't know much about food repair, he still knew what crossing the catastrophe was.

Gu Zheng was helpless, and if he didn't explain to the animal skin giant again, he would not shut up anymore.

"Crossing the catastrophe is to cross the catastrophe, but there will be no thunder from the sky, but there will be forces that hinder the great success of food cultivation. If you don't keep quiet and cause the failure of food cultivation to cross the catastrophe, then this food cultivation will not be able to eat .”

Gu Zheng finally gave an explanation, and the result sounded scary, so the animal skin giant covered his mouth with his hand to keep quiet. He was afraid that if he didn't do this, a voice would come out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Without the disturbance of the animal skin giant, it was just a trivial matter for Gu Zheng to cross the catastrophe. When the power that wanted to make Shi Xiu jump out of the pot suddenly appeared, Gu Zheng, who had been prepared for a long time, was firmly under control. Food repair in the pot, keep it quiet.

There are more than one wave of forces hindering the great success of food cultivation. There are three waves in total. The first wave is to make food repairers jump out of the pot, and the second wave is to make the pot fly directly. After these two waves of obstruction failed, the third wave unexpectedly To extinguish the fire of Gu Zheng, of course, was stopped by Gu Zheng.

The Food Cultivation Transcendence Tribulation has passed, and the energy of heaven and earth invaded the pot crazily. The animal skin giant was amazed to see it. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng could trigger such a vision just by cooking food.

The animal skin giant originally thought that today's surprise was enough, but when he saw the small and exquisite jade pineapple phantom appearing above the food repairer, he couldn't help but widen his eyes because of the shock in his heart.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

"I have never eaten such delicious food in my life!"

"How can there be such a wonderful taste in the world?"

"After tasting the food repair, I realized that the things I ate before were simply pig food!"

"What should I do if I can't eat such a delicious thing again?"

"God, I'm so sad!"

When the animal skin giant tasted the food repair, the expression on his face was unprecedentedly rich, sometimes intoxicated, sometimes emotional, and sometimes burst into tears.

The weight of a food repair is not much, if it is under normal circumstances, it is not enough to fill the gaps between the fur giant's teeth, even though he has already eaten very slowly in order to enjoy the delicious feeling left in his mouth for a while, but After all, it is time to finish eating.

"Do you think I have the talent for eating?"

He licked the pot that Gu Zheng used to cook Shixiu, and the tearful animal skin giant looked at Gu Zheng pitifully. When chatting with Gu Zheng before, he heard Gu Zheng say that Gu Zheng had an apprentice , the apprentices are quite talented in the way of eating and drinking.

Hearing the animal skin giant's question, Gu Zheng frowned: "What? Could it be that you were touched by me before the food cultivation effect was produced?"

"Yes, I was indeed touched by you, but this kind of touch is useless, it is not directly triggered by the three entry points set by the owner of the fairy-level space fairy, otherwise I can send you directly Next cave."

The animal skin giant paused, and then said anxiously: "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"It's a pity, you probably don't have the talent for eating and drinking."

Gu Zheng said it very euphemistically. In fact, the animal skin giant does not have it at all. People who really have the talent of eating and drinking, even if no one teaches cooking skills, will think about making themselves eat better, instead of making things like him. .

"Then how can I eat this delicious food in the future?"

The animal skin giant seemed to have been greatly stimulated. He burst into tears like a child, and sat directly on the ground, barely kicking his feet.

"In the future? Then you can pray in your heart that I can become the master of the fairy-level space! Then you can leave the fairy-level space fairy artifact. Although you don't have the talent for eating and drinking, there are fairy chefs in the prehistoric world. As long as you If you can afford the fairy coins, you can have a good time in the fairy kitchen shop."

Gu Zheng's words made the skin giant's face excited, but before the excitement could be translated into words, the skin giant's eyes closed, and then the excitement disappeared from his face, replaced by a kind of Falling into a sleeping-like expression, the medicinal effect of food cultivation has already played a role, and the animal skin giant has entered the mysterious realm.

In the mysterious realm, the animal-skin giant stared at his body with wide eyes. He, who had not lost his memory, found that he was back in the hour, and he was standing in front of the jade pineapple.

"How did he do it? Food repair?"

The animal skin giant murmured, the shock in his heart couldn't be further increased, but Gu Zheng didn't tell him that the effect of food repair medicine would cause such a situation.

The mistakes he made back then are the eternal wounds in the skin giant's heart. When he was thrown into this illusion by the master of the fairy-level space, he also wanted to repeat the original things through the illusion, but what happened to him at the beginning This matter has been regarded by the owner of the fairy-level space fairy weapon as an entry point that can touch him, so he can transform into other things, but there is no way to make the original thing happen again. A regret in his heart.

No matter how he got what he wanted, the animal skin giant didn't want to think deeply about it now, he just wanted to have a brand new ending to the story, so he, who picked off the jade pineapple, hurried back to the tribe with the jade pineapple.

Gu Zheng couldn't see with his own eyes what the skin giant did in the mysterious realm, but he could tell from the expression on the skin giant's face that things were going well. The expression on his face first changed from shock to excitement , From excitement to sadness, until tears flowed down my face.

Looking at the animal skin giant's tears, Gu Zheng understood that he was about to wake up, because the time in the mysterious realm was not long, so he could only make up for the regrets in his heart, and could not keep him in that story forever.

The animal skin giant woke up, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to bow to Gu Zheng, a courtesy that Gu Zheng had never seen in him.

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