The lava flying dragon launched an attack on Gu Zheng. With its wings flapping, two whirlwinds of flame flew towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng chose to retreat. He had to lead the lava dragon to the sky above the passage. Otherwise, even if he had the means to kill the lava dragon, the dead lava dragon would still fall into the magma lake.

Gu Zheng's speed was very fast, and his body skills were also very flexible. The flame whirlwind failed to catch up with Gu Zheng.

Seeing that the flame whirlwind was useless to Gu Zheng, the lava flying dragon opened its mouth to breathe fire again, and the flames it spewed turned into two spirit snakes. One spirit snake got into the magma lake, trying to attack Gu Zheng from the lake. One is rushing towards Gu Zheng from the air.

Gu Zheng really wanted to use the red beads to deal with the lava dragon, but the power of the red beads was so powerful that it was difficult to control. If he accidentally hurt the lava dragon's wings, it would be a bit of a waste, otherwise he thought it would be very good at dealing with the lava dragon fast.

The spirit snake flying in the air was faster than the flame whirlwind before, and its flight trajectory was more agile. Gu Zheng didn't deliberately dodge it, and let it hit the flame barrier in his hand.

Gu Zheng let the spirit snake hit the flame barrier in his hand, also wanting to see how powerful the spirit snake is.


With a sound, Gu Zheng, who was holding the flame barrier, was knocked back two steps. Although the flame barrier in his hand was not completely broken, it also cracked.


There was a noise in the nearby magma lake, and another spirit snake that dived into the magma lake jumped out of the magma lake to attack Gu Zheng.

The red light drew an arc in Gu Zheng's hand, and precisely slashed on the neck of the spirit snake. It was the flame blade that Gu Zheng transformed from the original energy.

Although the spirit snake was strong, it couldn't withstand Gu Zheng's full blow. Its head was separated from its body and turned into a puddle of magma.

"call out!"

A sharp whistling sound came out, and when the two spirit snakes it used to attack Gu Zheng, the lava flying dragon was not idle, it was already approaching Gu Zheng, at this time it rushed towards Gu Zheng, the dragon Claw is very close to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng used the flame barrier in his hand to resist the lava dragon's claws. When the flame barrier shattered under the dragon's claws, the flame blade in his other hand pierced towards the lava dragon's stomach.

For Gu Zheng's flame blade, the Lava Wyvern is still quite afraid, so it gave up the chance that the dragon claws would catch Gu Zheng's face, flapped its wings fiercely, and at the same time its body retreated rapidly, two flame tornadoes were generated at close range.

Gu Zheng was very decisive, and he immediately backed up, but he was not idle when he was backing up, and he threw the flame blade in his hand at the lava dragon.

The flame blade whirled and sliced ​​towards the lava dragon's stomach. The terrified lava dragon quickly rose up, but one of its dragon claws was not so lucky, it was cut off by the spinning flame blade.

Compared with the injured lava dragon, Gu Zheng didn't suffer any injuries. Although the two flame tornadoes are powerful, but they can't touch Gu Zheng, no matter how powerful they are, it's useless.

The injured lava dragon didn't attack Gu Zheng immediately, it just watched Gu Zheng in the air.

The lava monster's eyes were like fireballs, and Gu Zheng couldn't see any look from the lava dragon's eyes, but he knew that the lava dragon, who dared not attack again, must have a deep fear of him at the moment.

"Master, why doesn't it come down? Do you think it will choose to escape?"

Seeing that the lava flying dragon was always watching in the air, Xuan Yue couldn't help asking Gu Zheng that she couldn't go out to help Gu Zheng, otherwise it would be easy to deal with the lava flying dragon with her strength.

"Master, I think it is struggling." Gu Zheng said.

"Struggling?" Xuan Yue was puzzled.

"They are all obstacles reserved by the master of the fairy-level space artifact, and their existence has their own mission! If it is a lava monster in the outside world, then one of its claws will be wiped out by me , it will definitely escape now, and will not choose to continue fighting with me. However, its mission should not allow it to escape, so it is struggling in its heart, this is resistance to its mission!" Gu Zheng said.

"Master, do you think it can resist the mission?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"I can't resist. A low-level monster like it can't really resist its own mission. When it rushes down again, it will die."

Gu Zheng was very confident, and the lava flying dragon was indeed unable to resist its mission. It knew that it was not Gu Zheng's opponent, but it still rushed down after a mournful cry.

With the lava flying dragon rushing down, dense fire rain fell from the sky. I chose to use this large-scale fire rain instead of the previous flame tornado and spirit snake. The lava flying dragon is probably caused by those spells that cannot hit Gu Zheng irritable.

As the saying goes, if power is divided, power is scattered. The fire rain attack launched by the lava dragon is almost indistinguishable, but the power of this attack is naturally relatively small, and Gu Zheng did not avoid it. The original energy is transformed into spears one after another in his hands.

It is not a new technique to use the original energy to transform a spear. It can only be said that Gu Zheng is now familiar with this body to a certain extent, and thus derived a technique. Since he can use the original energy to transform It is not difficult for it to produce sharp blades and long whips, and transform into spears. Moreover, if he stayed in this world for a long enough time, not to mention using the original energy to transform these simple things, Gu Zheng felt that he could transform even complex things, such as transforming the lava flying dragon in the air. After all, the avenues are interlinked, and now the original energy of Gu Zheng's body still belongs to the category of fire attribute energy, and Gu Zheng's control of fire attribute spells in the real world has long been terrifying.

The silly lava flying dragon still doesn't understand the use of the flame spear in Gu Zheng's hand. It is still approaching Gu Zheng. When it flies to a certain range, Gu Zheng starts to take the flame spear in his hand one by one. root throw.

The sharp flame lance whistled through the wind, and the terrified lava flying dragon hurriedly avoided it, but there were a lot of flame lances, and it could dodge a few of them, but it couldn't dodge them all, and was finally defeated by the flame lance. It fell from the sky with its body pierced.

The fallen lava dragon was not dead yet, but Gu Zheng didn't need it to live, so he smashed its head into pieces with one palm.

When I saw the lava dragon for the first time, Gu Zheng only knew that its wings were useful, but Gu Zheng didn't know how to get its wings. His enlightenment also let him know how to get the lava dragon wings.

Gu Zheng grasped the lava dragon's wings with both hands, and poured the original energy into the lava dragon's wings with both hands, and the already dim wings of the lava dragon slowly turned red, and finally transformed into a liquid-like thing, which was captured by Gu Zheng His hands were sucked into his body.

After the energy from the lava dragon's wings entered Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng's body changed immediately, and the energy that didn't belong to him hit its back, but his back cracked and slowly grew fire. Red wings.

The process of growing wings is very painful, but compared to the joy in his heart, this pain is nothing to Gu Zheng.

The wings have been born, it seems to be a part of Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng just had a thought, the wings flapped, and its whole body also flew into the air.

"Very good!"

Seeing Gu Zheng flying up, Xuan Yue was even more excited than Gu Zheng. She wished that Gu Zheng's strength would be higher, and even higher.

"Yes, I can finally fly."

Gu Zheng laughed, and he also seemed very happy.

"Master, after getting the wings, are there any other benefits? For example, the ability of the lava flying dragon to cast flame tornadoes and release spirit snakes." Xuanyue asked.

"It's a pity that I don't have it! The only benefit of these wings is the ability to fly. However, this ability to fly is not long-lasting. If you fly uninterrupted, at most you can fly a cup of tea." Gu Zheng said .

"It doesn't take long for a cup of tea, but it is enough for Master to fly into the previous vortex. Does Master want to enter that vortex now?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"Yes! Now that I have the ability to enter the vortex, I will naturally go to see what kind of place it is."

During the speech, Gu Zheng flew towards the place where the whirlpool was.

The vortex is an abnormality invisible to the naked eye, at least Xuanyue can't see its existence. In Xuanyue's eyes, the bottom is just a normal magma lake, but in Gu Zheng's eyes, there is a room-like magma lake there. The size of the swirl.

Observing the vortex from above, Gu Zheng didn't find anything special. His only feeling was that this abnormal vortex was already like the entrance of the formation. Once he stepped into it, he should see another world.

Gu Zheng dived towards the vortex, and sure enough, the feeling of entering the fairy formation appeared. After the light and dark eyes alternated in front of him, Gu Zheng found that the place he was in was a cave.

The cave was very deep and spacious, with no end to be seen at a glance, the air was hot and dry, and the red stones that made up the walls of the cave exuded a blood-red light.

Without divine sense, Gu Zheng could only explore the way forward in person. Before he had walked for a long time, the rustling sound came from a distance. It was a group of dogs whose heads were like dirt dogs. There are more than two hundred big fiery red ants.

Seeing the red ants appearing in front of him, Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. These red ants have a small amount of original energy that he can absorb. There are more than 200 birds in the group, which can be regarded as a considerable harvest when added together. Moreover, due to the low natal energy content in the body, the strength of these red ants is not much. A group of more than two hundred can only be slaughtered in front of Gu Zheng. It can be said that this is a chance to send cultivation base.

Gu Zheng rushed towards the ant colony, but the ant colony stopped and spit out hot and corrosive liquid at him, and the liquid drifted towards Gu Zheng like raindrops.

Gu Zheng's body surface ignited flames, and those corrosive raindrops evaporated before they approached. Now he will start to quickly absorb the original energy of these red ants.

When absorbing the natal energy of the lava monkeys before, Gu Zheng could only deal with one at a time, because the lava monkeys themselves could pose a threat to him, but to deal with the red ants in front of him, he didn't need to deal with them one by one. Can deal with dozens of them at the same time.

I saw that the natal energy in Gu Zheng's body surged, and streaks of red light flew out of the cracks in his body like tentacles, wrapping around the red ants in front of him.

There are more than forty red rays, and there are more than forty red ants entangled by them. These red rays are not enough to deal with the lava monsters encountered before Gu Zheng, but they can be used to deal with these red ants. More than enough, all the red ants entangled by the red light have no resistance at all, they can only watch their original energy enter Gu Zheng's body along the red light.

More than forty red ants were targeted by Gu Zheng at the same time, and the remaining red ants reacted in three ways, one attacked the red light emitted by Gu Zheng in an attempt to rescue their companions, and the other continued to attack Gu Zheng. Zheng spits out corrosive raindrops, and another kind is directly pounced on Gu Zheng, trying to bite Gu Zheng with their scary-looking teeth.

The red light is not afraid of the attacks of red ants, so Gu Zheng didn't bother to care about the red ants that attacked his red light. As for the acid rain and the red ants that rushed over, he also ignored it. Anyway, his body is burning now. Flames and acid rain can be evaporated. As for the red ants that wanted to bite him, once they got close to a certain range, they would retreat because they couldn't stand the high temperature.

Sure enough, the red ants, which looked aggressive at first, started to retreat after getting close to a certain range of Gu Zheng, screaming strangely and never daring to go forward again.

Since the natal energy in the red ants is not much, Gu Zheng absorbed the natal energy very quickly. After he finished absorbing the natal energy from more than 40 red ants, he separated the red light again and wrapped it around with the red light. The next batch of red ants lived.

Seeing that the attack was futile and the number of companions was still decreasing, the red ants began to retreat.

Gu Zheng couldn't be too distracted when absorbing natal energy, so he could only temporarily let go of the escaped red ants. Anyway, in his opinion, only these red ants are still in the cave, and they will be its food sooner or later.

"Master, it's really good to enter this vortex. When I first came in, I met such a group of red ants who gave you cultivation base."

Seeing that Gu Zheng had absorbed the natal energy of the second batch of red ants, Xuan Yue smiled and said.

"That's right. Although the natal energy provided by these red ants is still far from my cultivation level, it's better than nothing. Moreover, I didn't feel any danger when I entered here. Maybe it's not necessarily like a treasure trove. " Gu Zheng said.

In the previous space world, Gu Zheng has encountered so-called treasure places. There may not be clues to leave the current space world in that kind of place, but there are things that can make the entrants improve their strength. Gu Zheng hopes that this cave is The treasure land can further improve his strength.

Without staying in place, Gu Zheng started chasing the red ants that escaped before.

Nothing special happened during the chase, and the smoothness made Gu Zheng a little unimaginable. Even in this cave that should be an ant nest, he didn't even encounter a fork in the road.

Gu Zheng has already chased to the bottom of the cave, and the space at the bottom of the cave is even bigger. In addition to the red ants that escaped before, there are more than two hundred black ants with wings that also have a small amount of natal energy in their bodies. In addition to these ordinary-looking ants, there is also a queen ant that looks like a small house with a human head and an ant body. Its bloated white belly looks very disgusting.

Although the queen ant looks disgusting, it has a lot of life energy in its body. Gu Zheng has a feeling that as long as he absorbs all the life energy of these ordinary ants, including the queen ant, his strength can be increased to at least 80% of the current stage.


For Gu Zheng, the intruder, the queen ant seemed very disturbed. It twisted its bloated belly and made a strange sound.

The cry of the queen ant was clearly giving orders to her subordinates, and the ants who seemed to be afraid of Gu Zheng immediately launched an attack on Gu Zheng.

Although the number of ants is large, compared with Gu Zheng, there is still a huge gap in strength. This is like a wolf breaking into a flock of sheep. Although there is only one wolf, a flock of sheep is not an opponent of a wolf. Although the sheep also resisted.

Entering this space world until now, Gu Zheng has never been as powerful and refreshing as he is now. He is simply killing the Quartet. He doesn't care about the resistance of the ants, and uses the red light from his body to absorb the original energy of the ants. , enjoying the pleasure of steadily improving cultivation base.

Although the number of ants is large, Gu Zheng cannot absorb dozens of them at a time. What's more, with the improvement of Gu Zheng's strength, he can separate more and more red light. By the time of the last batch of ants, what he can do There are as many as sixty red rays of light that have been separated.

The light at the bottom of the cave dimmed a bit, and the fiery red ants turned into black lacquer like sand sculptures, and they collapsed in the wind when Gu Zheng waved his hand.

"now you."

Now there are no ordinary ants to disturb, Gu Zheng smiled at the queen ant, but something happened that he didn't expect, the queen ant actually conveyed his intention to him.

"You can't kill me!"

A sudden voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind, which made Gu Zheng feel that there could be no other existence except the queen ant. He was really surprised. He didn't expect that the queen ant, who couldn't even fight back, could be able to fight back. Convey intentions to him in a way similar to divine thoughts.

"Can you understand me?"

Gu Zheng's current body doesn't have divine sense, nor does it have other abilities to communicate with beings like the Queen Ant, so he can only try to speak human words.


The voice of the queen ant sounded again in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Why can't I kill you?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This hole is so straight, do you see a place where you can leave? If you kill me, you will never leave this place in your life."

What the queen ant said moved Gu Zheng's heart. He really didn't see any exit in this straight cave that would allow him to leave.

"If I don't kill you, how can I get out of here?" Gu Zheng thought for a while and asked.

"Don't kill me, but do one thing for me, and I will tell you how to leave." The queen said.

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