Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 262 You Got Rich

This is a fake Michelin restaurant, but Gu Zheng didn't point it out.

First of all, this is Du Yang's intention. Whether it is a counterfeit or not, Du Yang doesn't know. He is treating everyone as a real Michelin star restaurant. Explaining it at this time will only embarrass him.

Secondly, Gu Zheng doesn’t care much about Michelin stars from time to time. Michelin stars are just a standard. It doesn’t mean that all Michelin restaurants are the best. Many restaurants without Michelin stars taste just as good.

Just like his Guji Chicken Blood Soup, it has not been given a star, and the taste is just as attractive.

For Gu Zheng, no matter where to eat, the taste is the first. Since it is to eat, it must be comfortable and happy to eat. As long as what they cook and eat can satisfy themselves, it does not matter whether it is the real Michelin .

Although this is not the core area of ​​the Bund, it is a bustling commercial area after all. It is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is expensive. If you can open a restaurant here, the taste is generally not too bad.

Of course, the price here will not be low.

"Several, please come here!"

A waiter came, served with a smile, and his attitude was okay. Anyway, they are pretending to be a Michelin restaurant. Michelin is not only about good taste, service, environment, even clothing, many details of decoration are very important.

The dining table is very clean, and it has a marble top, which looks dignified and elegant, very high-end.

Du Yang is very satisfied with this place, but it is his first time here. The waiter brought the menu. After looking at the menu, the corners of his eyes twitched a little.

"Come on, eat whatever you like!"

Du Yang gave the menu to Wang Tao and the others. The dishes on it are really expensive. It's not that there are no double-digit dishes, but very few, and the double-digit prices are not low, and they are basically vegetarian.

You get what you pay for. Since the food here is so expensive, the taste must not be bad. Both Wang Tao and Zhao Yongkui ordered a little casually, and Gu Zheng also ordered one. Du Yang also ordered a dish and returned the menu. Gave it to the waiter.

They only ordered six dishes in total, and these six dishes cost almost 1,000. This is still an ordinary dish. If they ordered expensive and good dishes, 2,000 would not be enough.

The grade of the restaurant is indeed not low, but the consumption is also not low. Du Yang secretly thought that this kind of place can only come here occasionally, and he really can't come here often in the future.

After being promoted, Du Yang's salary has also increased, several times higher than before. Now the monthly salary plus bonus is almost 20,000 to 30,000. It is precisely because of this that Wang Tao said that he has entered the golden-collar class. A few of them, now Even Gu Zheng is stronger than him, Wang Tao and Zhao Yongkui are no match for him.

Even with a salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, this place cannot be regarded as a regular customer. It is too expensive, and it is impossible to honor them with every monthly salary.

"Would you like some wine?"

The price of the vegetables is okay, and Du Yang can still accept it. He originally planned to treat the guests at two or three thousand this time. Although he didn't know why he would be reused, he vaguely guessed a little bit.

When their boss promoted him back then, they mentioned Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng's partner was named Chang Feng. Thank you for the meaning of Gu Zheng.

Since it is thanks, it is natural not to be stingy.

"Okay, let's get some!"

Wang Tao was the first to agree. It's boring to have food but no wine. The few people are old men who usually drink alcohol.

Zhao Yongkui also agrees, Gu Zheng has no objection, it doesn't matter if you have a drink, the few of you haven't been together for a long time, just be happy.

"Have a nice bottle of wine!"

After Du Yang looked at the wine list, he said something to the waiter. The waiter left quickly. After a while, two dishes were served first, and the wine was also brought.

Du Yang looked at their wine list before. The wine here is not cheap, but it is not particularly expensive. The price of Feitian Moutai is 1,881 bottles, which is several hundred more expensive than outside, but considering the place, this price Not unacceptable.

In addition, there is Wuliangye, which is cheaper than Feitian Moutai. Du Yang didn't have the nerve to order Wuliangye directly, so he casually asked for better wine, but when the wine came, Du Yang was dumbfounded.

What the waiter brought was not Feitian Moutai or Wuliangye, but a bottle of foreign wine, a yellow bottle, which looked very noble.

"This is Louis XIII, do you want to open it for you?"

Louis XIII, Du Yang swallowed his saliva, wishing to beat up the waiter on the ground, he only looked at the other party's liquor list, and didn't pay attention to their other wine list, did not expect the other party to order such a bottle liquor.

Such a bottle of wine is not cheap, much more expensive than their dishes.

"Forget it, change us to beer, I'm not used to drinking foreign wine!"

Gu Zheng first said something, he noticed Du Yang's expression, he also knew the price of Louis XIII, if Du Yang really asked for such a wine, he probably would feel distressed for a long time after he went back.

Du Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Gu Zheng gratefully. The waiter looked at Gu Zheng, and then at Du Yang. Listen to the Lord.

"Yes, Gu Zheng is right, let's drink beer!"

Wang Tao also said, Zhao Yongkui is the same, they are very curious about Louis XIII wine, but they also understand that this kind of wine is expensive, today is just eating, it is a high-end restaurant, eating is already very good, and drinking like this If you don't drink alcohol, it is tantamount to slaughtering people.

They and Du Yang are good friends, and they can't do such a thing at all.

"Forget it, let's change the beer!"

Du Yang then said, no matter how expensive the beer is, it is much cheaper than this one. Besides, they can control how much beer they want to drink. The beer here is expensive, so they can drink less and go to the bar to continue.

"Don't be a fool if you can't afford it, and serve good wine!"

The waiter curled his lips and said in a very low voice. The waiter has a commission for wine, so that after a bottle of wine is sold, he can raise a lot of money. Now he is rejected and feels very upset, so he complains A sentence.

Switching to a real Michelin restaurant, this kind of thing is impossible to happen. Unfortunately, this is a fake place. Although the attitude of the waiters is okay, if there is a problem, their essence will be exposed.

"Who do you think can't afford to drink?"

Du Yang was slightly taken aback, and immediately called out. Although the waiter's voice was low, two people heard it, one was Du Yang and the other was Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was able to hear it because of his enhanced hearing, and Du Yang was able to hear it because he was closest to the waiter. Although he didn't hear it very clearly, he still understood the general meaning, especially the word 'can't drink'. I can hear you clearly.

"No, I didn't tell anyone!"

The waiter curled his lips, rolled his eyes, and was about to leave with the wine. Du Yang's face turned red with anger, and Gu Zheng's heart skipped a beat. They have been together for several years, and they are good buddies. Du Yang He is very clear about his temper. Du Yang is usually careless and can't bear to be provoked.

The attitude of the waiter is even more serious than the aggressive method.

"Come back, open!"

Sure enough, Du Yang stopped the waiter and asked him to open the wine directly. The waiter was also stunned for a while, but soon smiled, quickly opened the wine and put it on the table.

"Du Yang, you don't need it!"

Gu Zheng sighed. This bottle of wine usually costs 20,000 yuan. I don’t know how much it costs here. Du Yang may not be able to afford this bottle of wine with a monthly salary. If he is impulsive in the end, he will definitely regret it.

"Why is it unnecessary? A dog's eyes look down on people. A bottle of wine is still fine. It just so happens that everyone has never had such a drink. Today I will treat you to a drink!"

Du Yang was talking there with his neck stretched, his voice was very loud, and he deliberately said it to the waiter.

Gu Zheng shook his head again, no matter what Du Yang said, he had already bought the wine, the waiter had no loss, and the restaurant had no loss, and they had already earned all the money they should have earned, not less.

With Du Yang's temperament, he must find a way to help him change, otherwise he will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

This time it's just wine, next time who knows what it will be.

The waiter did not pay attention to what Du Yang said, and even brought ice cubes with a smile. The commission for this bottle of wine was much higher than his salary, so he was of course happy and satisfied.

The taste of the wine was not as good as expected, Gu Zheng also drank some, the quality of the wine is not bad, it is real brandy, but I don't know how many years it has been aged. Gu Zheng doesn't have a deep understanding of the culture of foreign wine. After all, he has little contact with it. He can drink authentic brandy, which is much better than many people.

Like Du Yang and Wang Tao, they only know that it is the smell of wine, and they can't drink anything else.

"Buy the bill!"

Satisfied with wine and food, Du Yang waved the water and took out his credit card. He knew that he would bleed a lot today, but he admitted it. Anyway, he thanked Gu Zheng, and the more advanced the better, of course.

"Hello, your total consumption is 100,930. Would you like to pay by card or cash? We also support online transfer!"

The waiter came over with the consumption slip and said with a smile.

"How much?" Du Yang was stunned and asked again.

"One hundred thousand nine hundred and three, here is your bill!"

The waiter repeated it again. Du Yang heard it before, but he thought he heard it wrong. There are six dishes and a bottle of wine. Although the wine is better, it can't cost as much as 100,000.

After receiving the consumption order, Du Yang was stunned again.

"Louis XIII in '97, ninety-nine thousand and eight!"

A bottle of wine costs about 100,000 yuan, and the food they eat doesn't even cost 1,000 yuan, only 950 yuan.

In the consumption list, wine is the absolute bulk.

Gu Zheng was also stunned, took the consumption bill from Du Yang, his brows frown quickly, and then relaxed again.

Wang Tao and Zhao Yongkui also hurriedly looked at the consumption bill, ninety-nine thousand and eighty thousand, clearly written, this wine is indeed expensive, but it is so expensive that they did not expect it at all.

Ninety-nine thousand and eighty, Du Yang was full of regrets in his heart, he had to know that this wine was so expensive, he wouldn’t order it at all, it was true that his salary had been increased, but it was not long after the increase, and he only got one month’s additional salary Well, all his savings are less than 50,000 now, which is not enough to pay for this bottle of wine.

Even if it was enough, he was unwilling to let all his money pay for a bottle of wine. He really regretted it.

"Are you sure, this is Louis XIII in 1997?"

Gu Zheng suddenly asked, a bottle of ordinary Louis XIII is only 20,000 yuan a bottle, and 30,000 is as high as the sky, and most restaurants sell it for more than 20,000 yuan, except for special requirements.

This bottle of Louis XIII costs 99,800. The reason is that it is an old wine. The 1997 Louis XIII has been collected for almost 20 years.

"Of course, if it wasn't for this, how could it be so expensive!"

The waiter nodded immediately, and Gu Zheng suddenly smiled, picked up the empty wine bottle, took a photo, and put the bill in his pocket.

"Du Yang, you have made a fortune. If you have enough money, I will help you!" Gu Zheng said to Du Yang with a smile.

"It's almost like getting rich and losing money. You still have the heart to laugh at me!"

Du Yang was bleeding in his heart. With his credit card and savings card, he could barely spend 100,000 yuan, and he was still a few hundred dollars away. He had it, but he was really penniless in this way, and the rest of his life would be worthless. know what to do.

"Don't worry, trust me, you will definitely get rich, swipe your card, and issue me an invoice!"

Gu Zheng directly took out his bank card and asked the waiter to swipe it. The waiter looked at him suspiciously, took the card and swiped it quickly, and the waiter smiled again after swiping the card. If it's done, he'll definitely get his commission.

"Old Gao, I'm Gu Zheng. I'm sorry to trouble you so late. There is a counterfeit Michelin restaurant suspected of consumption fraud. I want to ask the people from the Food Association to help deal with it. Yes, I am now...!"

When the waiter went to issue the invoice, Gu Zheng took out his mobile phone and made a direct call. Du Yang and Wang Tao all looked puzzled.

"Gu Zheng, I have 50,000 in my card, and I will transfer it to you first, and I will pay you the rest after I pay my salary. This time, it is my treat, so I can't ask you to pay!"

When Gu Zheng hung up the phone, Du Yang said something to Gu Zheng again. He really only had 50,000 in his card, and then he could pay 50,000 with two credit cards. The local government can only give Gu 50,000 in cash first.

"Okay, this meal is yours, but you have to treat us again, who made you rich this time!"

Gu Zheng laughed, seeing Gu Zheng still talking about getting rich, Du Yang's face turned down suddenly, his eye circles were red, Gu Zheng was still teasing him, I don't know that his heart is pierced now, one hundred thousand, can you After doing a lot of things, he was defeated by a meal.

He had to know in advance that the wine was so expensive, and he would never want it.

"Gu Zheng, what happened to the consumer fraud you just mentioned?"

Zhao Yongkui was more careful, and hurriedly asked, Gu Zheng smiled slightly, the waiter had issued the invoice, Gu Zheng looked at the invoice, and put it away with satisfaction.

"They say it's Louis XIII in 1997, but I know it's not at all. The restaurant is fraudulent. They have to refund one and pay three times. We will refund all our money and pay three times the compensation. This meal is 100,000. Compensation of 300,000 yuan, what do you mean Du Yang didn't get rich?"

With a smile on his face, Du Yang explained directly, regardless of whether the waiter was on the side.

"You said, this is not real, but fake wine?"

Du Yang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly shouted, if it was fake wine, then he would be saved. As for the triple compensation that Gu Zheng said, he didn't care too much, as long as he could get his money back.

Although he didn't pay the money, if he wants to return it to Gu Zheng, it's still his.

"It's not a fake wine, but it's definitely not Louis XIII in 1997. Don't worry about that!"

Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head. The wine is real wine. If the fake Gu Zheng had been drunk before, it would be impossible for them to drink it up. The wine is real, but it cannot be guaranteed if it is not Louis XIII. As for Louis XIII in 1997 , that is even more impossible.

Generally speaking, the fake Louis XIII in 1997 cannot be escaped. Since it is fake, it is a consumer fraud. Gu Zheng is a person in the food industry, and he is very clear about how to deal with this kind of thing.

Consumption fraud, if it is less than 500, it will be calculated as 500, and if it exceeds 500, the compensation will be three times the actual amount. They spent more than 100,000, and of course they have to pay more than 300,000.

So Du Yang always believed that he came to invite this meal, but Gu Zheng didn't object, he just helped to pay first, but his money was not so easy to get, and he had to return it if he took it, and he had to refund more.

"Fake Louis XIII is also fine. You just said that they will pay three times?"

Du Yang finally came to his senses at this meeting. No wonder Gu Zheng kept saying that he was going to get rich. It turned out that it was for this reason. If the restaurant really wanted to pay him three times, then he really made a lot of money and retired. After paying three times the money, their meal is 100,000, and the compensation is 300,000, which is equivalent to a net profit of 300,000. He has worked for so long to save 50,000 yuan, which is all his savings at once. six times.

"That's right!"

Gu Zheng nodded with a smile, three times the compensation for catering fraud, this is not what Gu Zheng said, this law really exists, and when Gu Zheng was a food commentator, he encountered such a thing.

That time there was not so much money, only more than 3,000 yuan. In the end, the restaurant lost more than 10,000 yuan. That time it was not fake wine, but a fraudulent bill, which deliberately added more dishes that he hadn't ordered.

Things are different, but the meaning is the same. This company is more serious, and is also suspected of selling fake wine. Such a large amount is enough for them to eat a pot.

"Our restaurant is a Michelin star restaurant, how can it be possible to sell fake wine, and what kind of compensation, don't even think about it!"

Hearing what they said, the waiter couldn't help but say, in the waiter's opinion, Gu Zheng and the others did this on purpose, their wine can't be fake, and there won't be any compensation.

"How long have you been working here?" Gu Zheng looked at the waiter and asked with a smile.

"More than a year!" The waiter looked at Gu Zheng and answered Gu Zheng's question.

"How many times have you sold this wine?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Count this time three times!"

The waiter was very honest and answered Gu Zheng's question. Gu Zheng sighed secretly, and then said: "I have sold it three times. Has anyone asked you this question before, saying that there is something wrong with this wine?"

"No, not a single one!" The waiter immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"Gu Zheng, what's going on, please tell us clearly, we are in a daze now and don't know anything!"

Du Yang hurriedly called out again, he was really anxious, it was related to his 100,000 yuan, could he not be in a hurry, as for the waiter, he was purely curious.

"Well, let me tell you the reason. Before I talk about the reason, let me talk about this wine. Louis XIII is a very noble cognac. The reason why it is so expensive is because they are all wines with an aging period of more than 50 years. , brandy is a brand of wine, all cognac is brandy, but not all brandy is cognac, cognac is the name of a region in France, just like our town of Moutai, the wines produced by Moutai are all It’s baijiu, but not all baijiu is called Moutai!”

When Gu Zheng gave an example, Du Yang and the others immediately understood what was going on, and they all listened quietly there.

"Louis XIII is produced by Remy Martin, and it is a high-end product of Remy Martin. Any company attaches great importance to the anti-counterfeiting of high-end products, and so does Remy Martin. Therefore, the packaging bottle of Louis XIII is changed every five years, and it changes every time. , their bottle of wine is said to be 97 years old wine, but they use the latest Louis XIII packaging bottle. From this, it can be concluded that this so-called 1997 Louis XIII bottle is not real at all, so they say they are consumption Fraud!"

Gu Zheng explained the reason, Du Yang, Wang Tao and Zhao Yongkui all looked at the empty bottle immediately.

The waiter leaned over his head and looked curiously.

"How can you tell that this is a new bottle?" Du Yang looked at it for a while, but was still confused, so he couldn't help asking again.

"Search online yourself!"

Gu Zheng couldn't help saying angrily, and Du Yang suddenly took out his mobile phone. Not only him, but everyone around him also took out their mobile phones, including the waiter.

Soon, they all found out the difference in the bottles. After comparing, Du Yang was the first to shout: "Really, really, this is not the previous packaging bottle, but the current one. There is an 11 font here. This is the 11th generation wine bottle, it’s not that this is fake wine, what they actually sold us is fake wine!”

Hearing Du Yang's words, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sighed again.

He has said it all, the wine is not fake, it is real wine, but it is not the real Louis XIII, just like fake Moutai, put other cheaper wine into the bottle of Moutai, the wine is not fake, it is still Really, just not worth the price.

This bottle of Louis XIII is also the same, it is real cognac, if it is a fake wine, Gu Zheng would have drunk it long ago.

"Consumption fraud, lose money!"

Knowing what was going on, Du Yang immediately spoke viciously to the waiter, while Zhao Yongkui looked at Gu Zheng, and he finally understood why Gu Zheng took pictures of the wine bottle, why he put away the bill first, and then went to pay for it. bill.

These are all evidences, and with these evidences, they can be compensated.

In other words, Gu Zheng understood all this from the very beginning, and Gu Zheng has always said that Du Yang made a fortune. From this point, it can be seen that Gu Zheng is helping Du Yang no matter whether it is paying money or collecting evidence Positive.

Du Yang is really lucky this time, he didn't spend a penny, and he can still earn 300,000 yuan.

"You say it's a fraud, it's a fraud, what you say doesn't count!"

The waiter hurriedly distinguished, but he was shocked. He also went online and found information about the Louis XIII packaging bottle. It was exactly the same as what Gu Zheng said. Their bottle was indeed a new bottle, not a 97-year-old bottle at all.

In this case, the so-called Louis XIII in 1997 is naturally a fake.

"Ancient struggle!"

"Old Gao, why are you here in person!"

A group of people came into the restaurant and walked directly towards Gu Zheng and them. Gu Zheng hurriedly got up, but he didn't expect that Mr. Gao would come in person. He called Mr. Gao because of this consumption fraud. Food Association Have done it many times, have experience.

"I happen to be fine. I heard that someone is pretending to be a Michelin restaurant, and there are consumption frauds. Come and have a look!"

Elder Gao said with a smile, and introduced the people who came over to Gu Zheng. Some of them are staff members of the Food Association who are in charge of consumer fraud, and two are in charge of investigating counterfeit Michelin. The others are from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. friend.

They were on duty, and one of them happened to be Gao Lao's nephew. With this relationship, I brought them along.

As soon as Mr. Gao and the others came, the store immediately became lively.

The manager of the store also came out. First he denied that it was a fake Louis XIII, but before the hard evidence, he changed his words and said that he had taken it wrong and sold it wrong. Finally, the people from the Food Association and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau couldn't stand it anymore and issued a stern warning. And ask them to start closing tomorrow, and after the investigation is over, their business license may be revoked.

Not only will it be revoked, but there will also be a high fine, and there will be no less money that should be paid.

At this time, the manager softened and came to Gu Zheng and Du Yang, willing to refund the full amount. Today's meals are free, but it is impossible to lose money, and he does not have this authority.

Gu Zheng ignored him at all, the worse their attitude was, the less likely it would end so easily.

Gu Zheng and Du Yang left first, and Elder Gao soon left too. People from the Food Association and the Industry and Commerce Bureau got the evidence, and the people from the Industry and Commerce Bureau even issued a notice of closure on the spot.

The results of the investigation came out the next day, the fake Louis XIII, refund one and pay three.

Michelin asked them to remove the imitation Michelin brand, and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau gave them a fine of 500,000. They sold a bottle of wine, but were fined 800,000. The fake Michelin was also exposed. up.

For this restaurant, they were seriously injured, but for Du Yang, they really made a fortune.

300,000 yuan, the restaurant honestly handed it over, and they didn't want to hand it over, but if they didn't pay it, the restaurant with an investment of tens of millions would be completely in vain, and they were very clear about what was important.

Even if their reputation is damaged, as long as they have good grades, good service, and good taste, they can still make money in the future, but they can no longer take advantage of Michelin, and they must do their own business in the future.

"Gu Zheng, I can't take this money!"

On the fifth day after eating, the four of them gathered together again, looking at the 300,000 yuan that Gu Zheng sent, Du Yang kept shaking his head there. Although Gu Zheng had always said that he was the one who got rich, in his heart , and had no idea of ​​accepting the money.

If he paid for the meal at that time, then he would feel at ease to take the money, but Gu Zheng paid for the meal, and it was Gu Zheng who found out that it was a fake, and it was Gu Zheng who asked the Food Association for help. If I didn't do it, I don't feel at ease with the money.

"What's yours is yours. If it was my treat that day, I wouldn't bring it to you at all!"

Gu Zheng laughed out loud, the money was transferred from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and he gave him a check, so he directly took cash and brought it to him.

"Du Yang, take it, you didn't see that this is Gu Zheng's kindness, if you are really grateful, please do it again!"

Zhao Yongkui is older and knows that Gu Zheng is not short of money now. He is taking this opportunity to help Du Yang. Among the four, Du Yang is the only one from the countryside. The others can help at home no matter what. Du Yang Here, he has to rely entirely on himself.

"That's right, take it. You didn't always want to buy a house. Now that you've got a promotion and a salary increase, you've made a fortune. Find a chance to buy the house quickly and have your own nest!"

Wang Tao also persuaded Gu Zheng to have a house, although Wang Tao and Zhao Yongkui did not, but their family members have said that they will definitely help them buy a house with part of the money, so they don't have to worry.

Just Du Yang, completely on his own, there was no hope of buying a house with his salary before, but now that he has been promoted and made an unexpected profit of 300,000 yuan, buying a house is no longer a distant dream.

With 300,000 yuan, plus his own savings and credit card, there is still no problem with the down payment for a small house in a remote suburban area. Although it is far away, it is still his home.

"Okay, then I'll invite you again!"

Du Yang's eyes were red, he sniffed heavily, and took the money.

He knew that Gu Zheng had been helping him all the time, his job was, and this time too, he still couldn't repay the favor he owed to Gu Zheng, so he could only find opportunities to repay him in the future.

Getting to know Gu Zheng and being a friend of Gu Zheng is his greatest achievement and pride. Du Yang is not twitching, and Gu Zheng is also very happy. Now he is not short of this money, and the chicken blood soup shop can give him every month Millions of dividends, but he couldn't and couldn't give money to his friends directly.

If you do that, you will lose your friends.

This time is an opportunity, but if Du Yang didn't really want to thank Gu Zheng and ask for a good one, he wouldn't have such an opportunity. This can be regarded as Du Yang's fortune.

This time, Du Yang didn't look for a good place to treat guests. He found a food stall at random. The four of them drank beer happily, and then went to the bar to play for half the night. Except for Gu Zheng, the others drank too much In the end, it was Gu Zheng who sent them back home.

"Heir of the Tiexian, you did a good job this time!"

As soon as he returned to his home, Qi Ling suddenly said something to Gu Zheng, the sun came out from the west, and Qi Ling praised him again.

"It's such a small thing that you can see your character. I didn't choose the wrong person this time!"

Qi Ling said something again, but Gu Zheng had a little complacency on his face. It was not easy to get Qi Ling's compliment, and this time the compliment was on character.

"Next, I will give you a small test!"

Qi Ling's words made Gu Zheng fiercely excited, and quickly shouted in his heart: "Wait, didn't you say that I have a good character, why did you test me again?"

"Does good character have anything to do with the test? Does it mean that good character doesn't accept the test?"

Qi Ling's words made Gu Zheng feel like he was choking on food. Did this Qi Ling find himself looking for something to do because he didn't like him recently?

"This test is related to wine. There is also wine in the fairy world. Immortal wine is very good. Lord Tiexian can brew many kinds of wine. Due to environmental problems on your earth, it is difficult to brew wine, but it is not impossible. This time The test is to use existing and unknown ingredients to brew a pot of immortal wine!"

The test this time is actually brewing wine, but Qi Ling himself said that in the current environment, it is difficult to brew immortal wine.

"This test is for a period of one month. You can refuse the test. If you refuse, the successor of Tiexian will lose all the brewing skills of Master Tiexian, and will not get it in the future. After the test is successful, you can get rich rewards!"

After Qi Ling finished speaking, the right to choose was in Gu Zheng's hands again.

This test can actually be rejected, unlike the previous overbearing test, where rejection is not allowed at all.

Although it is possible to refuse, the result after refusing is quite cruel. You will lose all of Tiexian's wine-making skills. Although wine-making is not a formal cooking skill, good wine is as difficult to make as good food. A good wine-making master , no less than a good master chef.

If you refuse, you will never get these skills again, and if you succeed in the test, there are generous rewards. Gu Zheng feels that Qi Ling is like a little devil, deliberately tempting him.

Losing on one side and gaining on the other, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth tighter and tighter, and finally nodded heavily.

"I took the test!"

The test is difficult, but it is not impossible to complete it. Moreover, he has many experiences in completing the test. Isn’t it just brewing wine? As long as there are enough raw materials and a method of brewing wine, he believes that he can succeed.

"Heir of Tiexian, you have accepted the test, and the test begins now!"

Qi Ling's voice sounded, and Gu Zheng listened quietly, but after finishing speaking, Qi Ling didn't say a word, which made Gu Zheng very puzzled.

"Is that the end?" Finally Gu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"How to brew immortal wine, I don't know the technology, how can I complete the test?"

Gu Zheng couldn't wait to ask loudly, he had to ask about everything about this weapon, and the test for him was to make wine, but if he didn't tell him how to make wine, even if he had enough raw materials, he couldn't make it ah.

"If you don't know how to find it, the test has already begun. I don't care if you know it or not, as long as you can come up with the immortal wine you brewed within the time limit!"

Qi Ling spoke quickly, while Gu Zheng's eyes widened completely.

"You mean, you won't give me the technology of brewing wine?"

Gu Zheng almost asked with a trembling voice, and Qi Ling answered as it should: "Of course, if I give it to you, it's equivalent to cheating, of course I can't give it to you!"

"Qi Ling, your uncle's!"

After a while, Gu Zheng cursed in his heart, but in retrospect, Qi Ling did not promise to give him the technology of brewing fairy wine, and he took everything for granted. Will give him a recipe for brewing.

Unexpectedly, Qi Ling dug such a big hole this time, and he just jumped down without giving anything.

"It's not impossible to make wine, but you need to take another test. If you complete it, the reward will give you a way to make wine!"

Qi Ling said with a smile, Gu Zheng wanted to punch it a few times, and he had to take the test. Gu Zheng won't be fooled this time, and if he takes the test again, I don't know what kind of pitfalls are waiting for him.

"If you fail this test, you will be whipped three hundred times!"

Qi Ling's voice suddenly increased, and Gu Zheng shivered violently. After tossing all night, it was almost dawn, Gu Zheng didn't sleep at all, and got up directly to book a plane ticket.

Booked the ticket and returned to Emei.

Qi Ling didn't give him a way to make wine, so he could only find it himself. After all, Emei is a martial art that survived from the prosperous period. Earth also had immortal wine during the prosperous period, so there must be wine-making methods from that time left behind.

As long as there is, there is hope to brew immortal wine and complete this test.

The plane in the morning arrived at Mount Emei in Guzheng in the afternoon and went straight to Mount Emei.

Emei's Immortal Formation Guzheng already knew how to get there, and he didn't need anyone to pick him up. After he entered Emei, there were many disciples practicing in front of Emei Pagoda.

"See the master!"

When some disciples saw Gu Zheng, they hurriedly saluted. After Gu Zheng returned the salute to them, he immediately went to the backyard to look for Wuyou and Wushou.

"Master, do you want the technology to brew fairy wine?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's request, both Wuyou and Wuchou stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"That's right, we have existed in Emei for so many years, so we must have such technology!"

Gu Zheng nodded seriously. Without the method of brewing wine, he would not know what raw materials he needed. This test is even more impossible to start. Everything needs a recipe first, the recipe for brewing wine.

"We have some wines for strengthening the body, but we don't have immortal wines!"

Wuyou and Wuchou looked at each other, and in the end Elder Wuchou said in a very embarrassing way that immortal wine was a thing thousands of years ago, and now there is no such thing at all, let alone any technology.

"No, why not, our Emei is a great sect, the ancestors of the immortal cultivators back then, didn't they drink alcohol?"

Gu Zheng cried out, he thought that there must be Emei, and on the way here he was angry with Qi Ling, saying that he could find a recipe for wine making by himself, but he didn't expect that Elder Wuchou said there was no.

"Master, the former ancestors of cultivating immortals did drink alcohol, but it doesn't mean that they must be able to brew after drinking. Our Emei has always been diligent in cultivating immortal arts, and no one knows how to brew immortal wine!"

Elder Wuyou smiled wryly and explained to Gu Zheng there.

One thing Gu Zheng didn't know was that ordinary wine is easy to brew, but immortal wine is not easy. Immortal wine itself can increase the immortal power in the body, and has a similar effect to elixir. It is very complicated to brew, and the brewing technology of such immortal wine is also It's not flooding, it's all mastered by the big sects, and the immortal wine they brew can be exchanged for more cultivation resources.

In the Dharma-ending era, immortal wine is not worth much if it is not easy to brew, but it is worthless, and those who don't need it will not want it, so it is not spread much.

Emei is not small, but after all, it is only a branch of Shushan, and the disciples are all practicing, so no one pays attention to this kind of wine-making technology. If you want fairy wine, just buy it directly.

Even if it is the immortal wine they bought, they don't drink it often. Even immortal cultivators can get drunk.

After listening to Elder Wuyou's explanation, Gu Zheng was completely dumbfounded. Feelings, the wine-making technology, are still very important treasures. Ordinary people in the Shengfa era didn't have them at all. He really thought too simple.

"Master, brewing immortal wine must possess immortal power, and it is useless without immortal power. If you want technology, do you brew it yourself?"

Elder Wuyou asked again, in fact, both he and Wuchou had suspected that Gu Zheng had some way to use his immortal power.

His previous performance in the Taiji Dao Ancient Contest was really unimaginable, not to mention them, other people have thought the same way.

If it weren't for the fact that what Gu Zheng used was always inner strength, they really doubted that Gu Zheng is a cultivator who hides his strength.

"Even without Xianli, I have other ways!"

Gu Zheng didn't deny it, but he didn't admit that what he had was the power of immortality, he only said that he had a way.

Wuyou and Wuchou glanced at each other. Sure enough, the head of the sect did have a way to use immortal power, but it might not last or be used frequently, but even so, it was very powerful. Ordinary cultivators would not have immortal power.

Being able to use part of the immortal power now, doesn't it mean that the possibility of becoming an immortal cultivator in the future is even greater. No wonder the head is so confident not to take snow lotus seeds, he has a back hand.

This also made the two of them even more emotional, who is the master behind the head, who actually has such a powerful cultivation method.

The wine bottle incident is fabricated, friends do not need to search on Baidu

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