"Don't think about it, I am indeed not dead, do you really think you can kill me? Tell you, in this special space, I am an immortal existence! And, every time you kill me, next time When you see me, I promise to be stronger than last time, come on! Let's have fun!"

The voice of the white bone war horse was indescribably arrogant. It lowered its head and slammed into Gu Zheng. As for the movement of the chariot, it was also very imposing. Unlike the previous three chariots, it could only attack from the ground. It was like being picked up by an invisible big hand, and then thrown towards Gu Zheng in a spinning posture.

"It became a war horse this time? Then I'll harness the horse!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, and he directly used the flame whip to hit the bone warhorse. He felt that the body of the bone warhorse should not be as hard as the chariot, and it must be very pleasing to smash it on the chariot matter. As for the flying chariot in the air, when he used the flame whip to trap the bone horse, he still had time to dodge it.

The idea is good, but there is often a gap between the reality and the imagination. The ancient flame whip did not catch the bone horse, because the body of the bone horse suddenly disappeared, and it would use the same method as the lava horse, that is, teleportation!


With a loud noise, although Gu Zheng failed to trap the bone warhorse, he dodged the falling chariot, so that the chariot that lost its target smashed a deep hole on the ground.


Another sound followed, and Gu Zheng was knocked flying by the bones of the horse that appeared behind Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's original energy overflowed from his mouth like blood, and at the same time his body flew upside down, the flame whip also shot towards the battlefield. Since the bones of warhorses can move in an instant, he doesn't want to be persistent in being a lasso He must first use the flame whip to control the chariot. Otherwise, if he has to worry about a chariot when he is dealing with a bone warhorse that can move instantly, this battle will not be fought at all.

Gu Zheng's long flaming whip caught the chariot that had just come out of the pit, and the long sword in his hand slashed at the boned horse that was still trying to hit him.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded, and Gu Zheng's eyes widened accordingly. Although his sword was not a full-strength sword, it was at least 80% powerful. According to his shooting direction, although this sword is unlikely to kill the bone warhorse. His head was broken, but it was certain that he could be hacked back. However, the bone warhorse's head is much harder than he imagined, and there is a strange power on it, which directly dissolves the power of his sword, so the picture that appears is that he is knocked out again, And this time, his natal energy spurted out of his mouth like blood! He has been hit twice by the bone horse, and the injury must be more serious than the first time.

Although he was knocked into the air, Gu Zheng's harvest did not let go of the flame whip, and because the flame whip was originally transformed from his natal energy, the length can be stretched to a terrifying degree, so the chariot is still on his flame. Under the control of the whip, he did not take this opportunity to cause trouble for him.

"Hahaha, isn't it great? Come again!"

The white bone warhorse seemed very excited, and it ran towards Gu Zheng with a snort.

"Is it cool?"

Gu Zheng roared and shook the flame whip vigorously. While bringing the distant chariot over, the flame whip also began to shorten. The resulting effect made the chariot roar like a meteor and hit the bone horse.

Although Gu Zheng has suffered two consecutive losses in the battle with the bone warhorse, it is not that he has gained nothing. Through the sword that cut on the bone warhorse's head before, he has already understood that this bone warhorse is different from the previous chariot. It belongs to the opposite two states. The previous chariot is a blunt weapon with little damage effect, and the bone warhorse is a sharp weapon with little damage effect.

Sure enough, facing the smashing chariot, the bones of the horse, who dared not hold it too big, immediately launched teleportation.

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. Although his current body does not have mastered the way of space, he is still very familiar with the way of space, not to mention that he has a lava horse, a mount that can also perform teleportation, so he is very interested in The low-level spatial supernatural power of teleportation is not without any sense.

Gu Zheng closed his eyes. In one hand, he was holding the flaming whip that was still restraining the chariot. In the other hand, the long sword had disappeared, replaced by a wriggling tentacle.

A faint spatial fluctuation was captured by Gu Zheng, who turned sideways directly, and the tentacles in his palms were thrown forward like sticks.

The white-boned warhorse was shocked, but the teleportation had reached the point where it had to show up. It couldn't hold it back, and it showed up helplessly, and was slammed on the head by Gu Zheng's tentacles.

Gu Zheng's tentacle supernatural power is not like real tentacles, it is only known for its flexibility, but it can be as hard as an iron rod, which means that Gu Zheng took away the sharp weapon of the long sword and switched to using tentacles to deal with bones The reason for the war horse.


With a bang, the tentacles smashed on the head of the Bone Warhorse, and the effect was better than expected. The head of the Bone Zhanma was directly smashed, and he lay on the ground straight.

Gu Zheng thought that since the bone warhorse is different from the chariots he experienced before, the damage from sharp weapons is useless to it, so the damage from blunt weapons should have a good effect, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good.

The bone warhorse that fell on the ground, although not dead, must not be able to get up for a while. Of course, Gu Zheng understood the reason to take advantage of its illness to kill it, so he swung his tentacles and smashed at the bone warhorse again.


There was another bang that made people feel comfortable. This time, the bone horse was directly smashed by Gu Zheng, and the bones flew everywhere.

However, the cold power originally hidden in the bones of the war horse quickly flew towards the chariot bound by the flame whip in a form visible to the naked eye.

Gu Zheng just frowned, and he didn't take any measures to escape the cold power, so the cold power escaped into the chariot smoothly.

The key reason why Gu Zheng dared to let the power of Yin and Cold escape into the chariot was that he wanted to save some of his natal energy, and he also had a bigger plan. As for the power of extreme cold to escape into the chariot, Whether it will make the chariot more powerful is not in his consideration, because the power of coldness does not know his flame whip.

Gu Zheng's Flame Whip is not only able to trap the target, it can also release a strong suppressing force after trapping the target, which means that the prey trapped by the Flame Whip rarely There are also situations where an attack can be launched.

When encountering the last batch of chariots, the key reason why the chariot that was trapped by Gu Zheng was able to spew cold power towards Gu Zheng was that Gu Zheng had to deal with three chariots at the same time, so there was no Concentrate on dealing with it, so it has a chance to attack Gu Zheng. If Gu Zheng concentrates on dealing with it, it will have no chance to unleash the cold power, so Gu Zheng is not afraid of the current chariot, he does not believe how big waves this chariot can turn up.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, your tentacles are really interesting!"

After the cold force possessed the chariot, the animal head on the chariot spoke, the voice was still the same as before.

"I think it's kind of funny too, but it's not just the tentacles that are kind of funny!"

Gu Zheng didn't intend to talk nonsense with this guy, and immediately controlled the flame whip with all his strength.

The original energy acts on the flame whip in a special way, which makes the flame whip's restraint on the chariot to the extreme. Gu Zheng also wants to see if the cold power can be released from the chariot under such circumstances. Run away, if it can't escape, it's fine, wipe it out in one fell swoop, Gu Zheng wants to see if he will meet it again in the future.

"You are really not simple! But, do you think you can keep me here with this method? Then you are very wrong! I am one of the settings here, you think you can kill me set up?"

The power of Yin and Cold roared, it possessed into the chariot and wanted to fight with Gu Zheng, but who would have thought that Gu Zheng's control over the flame whip would increase, which made it want to fight with Gu Zheng? , right now it is struggling with all its might as it just wants to get out of the chariot.

"Setting? Does setting make you invincible? In the space world, are there not enough so-called setting monsters? Have I killed too few?"

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth. Of course he could feel the struggle from the extreme cold force. This kind of struggle made him and the extreme cold force seem to be in a wrestling.

"The ones you killed are not called settings, but I am the real setting. You are destined to meet me again here, and I will become stronger every time!"

The power of yin and cold is also roaring, and it has increased the power of resistance.

"Even if I can't kill you this time, I will kill you later, because I must get out from here! And, if I can't kill you, you will definitely be weakened by me!"

Through wrestling, Gu Zheng has already understood that the struggle of the power of yin and cold in this state is also a kind of consumption for things that belong to its original energy. , It is a kind of consumption of strength, so the ancient struggle at this moment is a little bit out.

"You are so smart, you know that this will have a weakening effect on me, but don't forget that while you are weakening me, you are also being weakened. If you continue to control your flame whip, isn't it against the original source?" Is it a kind of consumption of energy? Don’t forget, your natal energy consumption can’t be replenished here at all!” Yin-cold force laughed.

"It's not replenished, but do you think I still care?"

Gu Zheng laughed crazily, he said he didn't care, but in fact he cared a lot, but he already understood through wrestling with the power of Yin and cold that the power of Yin and cold has great potential, if it wants to end this kind of Wrestling, it must be able to break free in an instant! However, this kind of instant breakaway is the same as Gu Zheng's full-strength sword, and it needs to pay a certain price, and if it really breaks free instantly, the price it pays must be higher than the price paid by Gu Zheng's full-strength sword Countless times! Moreover, the power of yin and cold belongs to the original energy and is passing away in the wrestling, so the sooner it breaks free, the longer it drags on, the greater the price it will pay. It is precisely because of this feeling that Gu Zheng dared to In this situation, the original energy is continuously consumed, otherwise the party that procrastinates to benefit the most will not be him, but the power of coldness.

There is nothing wrong with what Gu Zheng realized through wrestling. This is indeed the case with the power of yin and cold. It cannot drag Gu Zheng for a long time. It is the one that consumes the most. If it continues to drag on, it will not even have a chance to break free, and it will be completely dragged to death by Gu Zheng!

"In this case, let's play later, I'll wait for you!"

A huge force suddenly emerged from the chariot, and the cold force broke free from the confinement of the flame whip. The moment it flew out of the chariot, Gu Zheng's flame whip shortened into two pieces. cut.

Gu Zheng had already prepared for this, and he really wanted to deal with the scourge of Yin and Cold Power as soon as possible, even if he paid the price of fighting again! Therefore, knowing that the Yin-cold force would break free, he immediately used his tentacles to entangle it after the Yin-cold force broke free from the chariot.

The power of yin and cold has fought against Gu Zheng many times, and Gu Zheng also knows a little about its characteristics. He understands that the speed of the power of yin and cold will be relatively slow before it possesses something, so he knows that he A well-prepared tentacle attack can definitely imprison the cold power. However, after the tentacles imprison the cold energy, whether the cold energy can escape is not something he can know right now. He has to judge by the feeling after the tentacles imprison the cold energy.

Sure enough, Gu Zheng's tentacles really imprisoned the Yin-cold power, but before Gu Zheng could judge more things through the tentacles, he heard the scream of the Yin-cold power.

"You bastard, you wait for me!"

A more special force than getting out of the chariot erupted from the cold force. This kind of force made the cold force directly escape from the control of the tentacles, and it fled without a trace in an instant.

Looking at the direction where the power of Yin and cold disappeared, Gu Zheng felt both hatred and pleasure in his heart. When he met such a difficult guy as the power of Yin and cold, it would be a strange thing for him not to hate him, but he also knew that the power of Yin and cold This time, he was seriously injured. If it is said that the power of yin and cold desperately escaped from the chariot, it was already seriously injured, and if it tried to escape from the control of the tentacles, then it must be injured even more. . If the power of yin and cold is true, every time Gu Zheng kills its possession and sees it again, it will become stronger, then in the case of its main body being injured, Gu Zheng I feel that when I see it again, it may not be so strong. This is the reason why Gu Zheng spent his money and imprisoned it many times. If he doesn't ask for truth, he can kill it, and he can weaken it.


Ruyi belongs to Ruyi, but Gu Zheng still couldn't help coughing twice, and the original energy spilled out from the corner of his mouth again like blood.

"This difficulty is really not ordinary high, encountering such an unkillable product."

Gu Zheng smiled wryly in his heart. Although the two confinement of the extreme cold power should have achieved good results, the loss of his own original energy is no less than the one that destroyed the first wave of three chariots.

"I hope that when I see the power of extreme cold again, I can kill it because it has been weakened. Otherwise, I really can't imagine whether I can survive the next time after the next time."

Smiling bitterly again in his heart, Gu Zheng walked to the place where the lava skull armor was buried, and after digging a few times on the ground with the long sword in his hand, a pair of shining golden armor appeared in front of his eyes.

From the story staged by the misty phantom, Gu Zheng can see the style of the lava skull armor, but he can't tell what color it is. Now seeing such a pair of golden armor, he also feels majestic in his heart. Moreover, this golden armor has spiritual power fluctuations similar to fairy weapons. After wearing such armor, the strength of the lava skeleton will definitely increase a lot.

"I don't know if I can see the lava skeleton wearing this armor. Thirty-six armors plus a dragon ball. Now I have found a pair of armor. God knows when I will find it!"

Gu Zheng was also helpless, just when he was thinking about how to move forward with the armor on, his heart suddenly moved.

"Well, what is this?"

A piece of red spar like precious jade fell out of the armor when Gu Zheng shook the soil on the armor.

The red spar looked as square and square as the gold pieces on the armor, but when Gu Zheng looked at it confidently, his eyes couldn't help but widen, and he even called out the word "good" in his mouth!

It must be a turning point for Gu Zheng to applaud at this time, because he found that the red spar actually contained energy from the same source as his original energy.

What does Gu Zheng need most now? Undoubtedly, it is to replenish his lost original energy. If his original energy can be replenished, then no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, at least he still has the ability to continue fighting, and the energy contained in this small spar can at least replenish his How can he be unhappy if he loses half of his original energy!

Gu Zheng sat down. Although the original energy is sealed in the red spar, it is not difficult for Gu Zheng to absorb it, so he put the red spar in his mouth, and waited for him to release the spar. After refining the refined shell, he will be able to obtain the pure energy inside.

It didn't take Gu Zheng much time to refine the spar, and soon the pure energy in the spar flowed into Gu Zheng's body, replenishing half of his lost original energy.


Gu Zheng, who opened his eyes and stood up, applauded again. Before, he felt that wearing a pair of armor was a bit of a hindrance, but after refining the red spar, Gu Zheng understood something that he didn't understand before.

The reason why the golden armor can have spiritual fluctuations is that there is a fairy formation on it. Of course, this is a kind of fairy formation that Gu Zheng didn't understand, so Gu Zheng didn't discover it at first. It is not accidental that the so-called red spar appears in the golden armor, it is actually the center of the armor fairy array, hidden inside the armor. When Gu Zheng shook the armor before, he inadvertently touched the area on the armor that allowed the center to disengage, so the red spar fell out of the armor.

Without the armor of the center, the role of the fairy array will be reduced, but it will not be completely useless, and I have always felt that in this space world, it is almost entirely dependent on the control of the fairy-level space fairy weapon to get to the present It was also the first time to enjoy the familiar feeling of being blessed by luck.

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