The ten weapons floating in the air did not strike at Gu Zheng together, they formed a strange surprise at Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng's heart moved, this is a kind of formation that he has never seen before, but he can be sure that this is a formation, but it is a pity that his current body does not have divine sense, otherwise he would be able to use it on the way of formation. With his attainments, he should be able to figure out what's going on soon.

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have divine sense. Anyway, the way to understand a formation is not limited to divine sense. Gu Zheng decided to attack the formation composed of ten weapons first. This is also a way to quickly understand the formation.

Gu Zheng didn't attack the formation with a long sword or a flaming whip. He first threw a fireball at the formation to explore the way.

A huge fireball roared and flew out, hitting a long knife on the periphery of the formation like a meteor.

Gu Zheng's fireball is a magical attack. Although the flame it can produce after it bursts is not as wide as the 'sea of ​​fire', its temperature is higher than that of the sea of ​​fire.

However, the impact of the fireball failed to shake the long knife, and although the flames produced after the burst surrounded the long knife, the flames not only failed to burn the cold air on the long knife, but made the cold air quickly disappear. Extinguished the flame.


The sound of breaking the wind sounded, and the long knife that had been attacked by Gu Zheng's fireball slashed towards Gu Zheng.

The saber qi seemed to be more than ten feet long, and its power should be okay, but it was not easy to strike Zhonggu Zheng with such a saber aura, and Gu Zheng could easily dodge before being hit.

Unfortunately, things were not as simple as imagined. After the long knife slashed at Gu Zheng, a long sword also slashed at Gu Zheng.

The sword energy struck by the long sword didn't seem to be aimed at Gu Zheng, it struck an open place, but Gu Zheng's heart couldn't help but move, because the open place that the sword energy struck was exactly where he was avoiding. The first choice for the sword qi, if his plan of avoiding the sword qi does not change, then what will happen will be that he is avoiding the sword qi, but he actively bumps into the sword qi.

There is not only one choice for Gu Zheng, but there is not only one weapon in the air, and the attacks launched by the remaining weapons are also like the sword energy from a long sword, blocking the way of Gu Zheng in advance.


Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. Although he is not the real body now, his fighting consciousness is still there. Such an attack method that can predict the movement of people has already been in the head of Chaos many years ago. He has experienced countless times of experience, and that kind of experience is much more difficult than it is now, so he will not panic in the face of this seemingly powerful attack.

However, after all, Gu Zheng suffered the loss of not being his body. His current body is not fast enough. When avoiding continuous attacks, he was inevitably hit by a knife.

Gu Zheng's body was covered with ashes armor, and the sword qi hit did not hurt his body, but only cut a hole in the armor. However, the yin and cold air wanted to drill in through the mouth slashed by the saber air!

If it's just ordinary ashes armor, although this saber energy won't directly hurt Gu Zheng's body, it already provides a way for the extremely penetrating Yin and Cold Qi, which will definitely penetrate the armor Touching his body directly, although there is not a lot of cold air, but Gu Zheng always feels that it will still be troublesome if it touches his body.

However, the armor of Gu Zheng's body is not ordinary ashes armor, it is transformed from the ashes of the lava monster bird, it is simply impossible for the cold air to penetrate the wound cut by the knife air, and Even Gu Zheng didn't need to be distracted to eliminate the cold air in the knife edge, the power of flame from inside the ashes armor had already burned it. It is precisely because he knew the power of the lava monster bird ashes armor that Gu Zheng couldn't help applauding when he got the lava monster bird ashes, and felt that his chances of survival in the battlefield would be greatly improved.

"It's difficult!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng was not affected by the sword qi, the giant lava tortoise couldn't help but muttered in his heart. It never thought that it could kill Gu Zheng with these ten weapons and hurt Gu Zheng because of it. I think it is already worth it, but now it seems that this hope seems to be very slim. The strength of the ashes armor is beyond the imagination of it and the power of coldness.

No matter how worried the giant lava tortoise is, Gu Zheng has found a way to break the formation anyway, and he began to hit the ten weapons in the air in sequence with fireballs.

After the ten weapons were hit by Gu Zheng in a specific order, the attacks launched by the weapons on Gu Zheng have been messed up. They no longer predict the rules of avoiding Gu Zheng as before, and some even have nothing. The meaning of the cut is still far away from the ancient battle.

In fact, it only took two minutes from when Gu Zheng encountered the first sword qi to when Gu Zheng disrupted the formation of ten weapons, and after the formation of ten weapons was disrupted, Gu Zheng quickly disappeared. When the bully approached, he easily grabbed a long sword with his hand, which was the key to breaking the formation.

Before Gu Zheng didn't use his tentacles to wrap around the long sword, it was because the formation of the ten weapons hadn't been disrupted. At that time, stretching out his tentacles was easy to be attacked. The damage will be very powerful, and his tentacles are transformed from the original energy, he doesn't want to have unnecessary loss of the original energy here.

Both the tentacles of Gu Zheng and the yin and cold air have the ability to hurt each other, but if the yin and cold air wants to hurt Gu Zheng's tentacles, there must be a trauma as a breakthrough. If there is no such breakthrough, then it will be destroyed by ancient The tentacle of contention is very restrained.

Gu Zheng's tentacles had already entangled the long sword, and the cold air on it dissipated quickly under the entanglement of the tentacles. Gu Zheng let out a roar, pouring all his strength into the tentacles like a full-strength sword. , the sword that was suspended in the air like an unshakable long sword was thrown out directly.


The weapons that were originally suspended in the air all fell at the moment when Gu Zheng threw out the long sword, because it was not a simple action for Gu Zheng to throw out the long sword, it was Gu Zhengsheng who tore out the original complete formation A hole was made, and the formation was broken!


The giant lava turtle hidden not far away spewed out a wave of original energy, and the formation existed only with the blessing of its mana. Now that the formation was broken, it was inevitably backlashed.

However, this backlash is not the end yet. The yin and cold air that the giant lava turtle blesses on those weapons is still there, and these yin and cold qi cannot be recovered, and its body cannot escape because of the yin and cold air, or Either kill Gu Zheng, or wait for Gu Zheng to destroy the weapons possessed by the cold air before coming to attack it. There is no third way to go. However, the giant lava tortoise knew that it was impossible for it to destroy Gu Zheng, so it could only struggle.

Under the control of the giant lava tortoise, the weapons that had fallen to the ground flew up again, but this time they could no longer form a formation, and could only shoot towards Gu Zheng like a flying sword.

Piercing Gu Zheng like a flying sword is undoubtedly an inferior attack method. If it was the last attack method, the giant lava tortoise would have used this method to attack Gu Zheng from the very beginning. There is no need to let these weapons What kind of formation is put out, so these weapons piercing towards Gu Zheng like flying swords have a very low chance of causing damage to Gu Zheng.

It is no longer in the form of a formation, and it no longer has the blessing of a formation, so the power of the cold air on these weapons has dropped a lot at this time, and the destructive power after this decline is no longer enough to threaten the flames of Gu Zheng The long whip, so Gu Zheng generously danced the flame whip into a flower, and the weapons in the air couldn't get close to him at all, so they were whipped by his flame whip and flew in all directions.

The sound of 'ping-pong-pong' kept ringing, and the number of those weapons in the air was getting smaller and smaller after receiving successive blows, while those weapons that had lost the blessing of Yin and cold air, after falling on the ground, became Scrap copper and rotten iron.


The giant lava turtle hidden not far away spewed out a wave of original energy again, and all the cold air related to it has been completely wiped out by Gu Zheng, and it has been subjected to everything again. Moreover, it spewed more original energy this time than the first time, and it is now in a state of serious injury.

Gu Zheng naturally knew where the giant lava tortoise was hiding. After the first battle was resolved, he didn't go after the giant lava tortoise. It was because his own original energy still needed to be recovered, but this time it was different, and he was not injured at all. He naturally didn't need to add any source energy, so he ran towards the giant lava tortoise. He wanted to get rid of this guy who was always hiding in the dark and making troubles. Having heard it twice, he thinks this is a good chance to get rid of this guy.

The speed of the giant lava tortoise is not as fast as that of Gu Zheng, not to mention that it is still seriously injured, but the giant lava tortoise has its own plan.


There was a sound in the giant lava tortoise's body, and a large gust of cold air spewed out, so strong that people's vision was a little blurred, so that Gu Zheng was so shocked that he couldn't help but stop. However, the lava giant tortoise's outburst of cold air was not intended to attack Gu Zheng. It had activated a forbidden technique to increase speed for a period of time. After this forbidden technique was activated, even if Gu Zheng didn't kill it, it would not survive for long Yes, and its speed-up method is also very special, its body breaks away from the shackles of the turtle shell, and it shoots forward like an arrow.

Gu Zheng was stunned for just a moment, and when he realized that this was the giant lava tortoise's means of escape, he immediately chased after it at full speed.

The giant lava tortoise didn't run too far. When it stopped, it looked at Gu Zheng, and there was a constant overflow of original energy in its mouth.

Gu Zheng did not go directly to kill the giant lava tortoise. Cautiously, he found that the giant lava tortoise was at the center, like a large area of ​​a small square. It is also very flat, and the color of the soil is a rare red, as if soaked in blood.

"Why don't you come over?"

The giant lava tortoise spoke to Gu Zheng, provocative in its weak voice.

"Why should I go there?" Gu Zheng smiled contemptuously.

"Don't you want to kill me?" the giant lava turtle asked curiously.

"Looking at you now, even if I don't kill you, you won't live for long, so why should I venture into this abnormal place to kill you?" Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"You are really cautious!"

The giant lava tortoise sighed with emotion, and then laughed: "Do you really think that danger can only be judged by the color of the ground?"

Hearing what the giant lava tortoise said, Gu Zheng subconsciously began to fly back, but it was too late.


The giant lava tortoise roared, and when it approached, there was a loud explosion. Its bright eyes exploded. Gu Zheng felt that the light was a bit dazzling. After subconsciously closing and opening his eyes, he found that the environment he was in had changed. .

Gu Zheng was still in the place where he closed his eyes, but everything around him was no longer dilapidated. There was actually a huge tent in the area of ​​the original red soil.

The tent looks like a barracks, but it's not made of cloth. It's made of a kind of red rock. This kind of red rock has been seen too much in the cross passage in ancient times.

The barracks not only looked strange, but also had a particularly dangerous aura captured by Gu Zheng, but before Gu Zheng could think about where to go, a voice came from the tent.

"Since you're already here, why don't you come in?"

The voice from the camp was very thick, and Gu Zheng was shocked by the voice, because he had heard this voice before, in the mind transmission of the lava warhorse.

"The Fire Demon King!"

The shock in his heart returned to his heart, but Gu Zheng was not very, very shocked. After all, he also knew that this battlefield once belonged to two old enemies, the Fire Demon King and the Lava Mirage Dragon, and such a special tent, And there is an extremely dangerous aura coming from it, it's not like he hasn't seen the Fire Demon King in this special space before! It's just that when this flashing thought really comes true, it's inevitable to be somewhat shocked.

"Oh? You actually know this seat? It seems that we are still destined!"

Accompanied by the voice of the Fire Demon King, a huge imprisoning force came out from the camp. This huge force directly imprisoned Gu Zheng, making Gu Zheng unable to even move. His body could only be With the drag of the huge force, it floated towards the tent.

Gu Zheng was forced to enter the empty tent. The reason why the tent is empty is because there is only one throne in the huge tent. On the throne sits the Fire Demon King. On the handle of the hammer, it is like holding a scepter.

Gu Zheng was really shocked at this time, because the Balrog King who could easily take him into the camp was not the Balrog King's body, it was just a photo of the Balrog King's divine sense, and a Balrog King The King's Divine Sense can be so powerful, not to mention how powerful the Fire Demon King's body is, which makes Gu Zheng have no doubts. If it is the Fire Demon King's body, it may be more difficult to crush him now It's easy to crush an ant.

"You really have a destiny with this seat. Not only do you know this seat, but you even have a lava body similar to this seat."

The Fire Demon King looked Gu Zheng up and down, and even nodded at Gu Zheng with a smile. Gu Zheng really looked like the Fire Demon King, because Gu Zheng's current body was similar to that of the Fire Demon King. The same, both are very human-like lava bodies, but the reminder of the Fire Demon King is relatively large, four times that of Gu Zheng. Moreover, the Flame Demon King in front of Gu Zheng didn't know how many years ago the Fire Demon King took a picture of his divine sense, so he didn't know Gu Zheng, it just regarded Gu Zheng as a predestined entry By.

Hearing what the Flame King said, Gu Zheng's heart moved. He felt that things might not be as bad as he imagined, so he also said: "It's really a fate, I didn't expect to meet the legendary Yan here. King of Demons!"

Gu Zheng's voice was very respectful, although he would never put the role of the Fire Demon King in his eyes at all, but now he is not in his original state, and he still understands the truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.


The Fire Demon King laughed, and the laughter was beyond Gu Zheng's imagination.

"This seat is just a ray of divine sense to take a picture. Since you entered this place and made the afterimage of this seat effective, then this seat will disappear soon. But we are more destined, and this seat will tell you everything you can say. You, you just listen."

"The photo of this seat's spiritual sense is a secret door in the setting of this battlefield, and this hidden door almost represents death. Anyone who sees the photo of this seat's spiritual sense can be said to be sharing with death. dancing."

"In the setting, there are two supernatural powers that can be used to deal with the entrant in the photo of the divine sense of this seat. Which one of the two supernatural powers is used to deal with the entrant is completely in the hands of the photo of the divine mind of this seat. Two supernatural powers, this seat regards them as "ten deaths without life" and "nine deaths and one life", since you have a predestined relationship with this seat, then I will give you a chance to use the supernatural power of "nine deaths and one life" to deal with you! If you If you can survive under this supernatural power, then you can not only leave here, but also get this 'Lava Hammer' from this seat."

Although Gu Zheng's eyes followed the words of the Fire Demon King's divine sense to take pictures, he naturally looked at the huge hammer, but his heart was full of complaints. , he felt that what he experienced next should not be so dangerous. However, predestined relationship is only the difference between "ten deaths and no life" and "nine deaths and one life".

"here we go!"

The Fire Demon King didn't say anything more about the photo of his divine sense. He directly swung the hammer and hit the ground hard. The ground where Gu Zheng stood changed immediately. It was transforming into magma, so that Gu Zheng's current situation It was like stepping into a swamp, being swallowed up by the mud of the swamp.

The magma is not ordinary magma, it has already made Gu Zheng feel the strong high temperature before it really takes shape, which makes Gu Zheng have no doubt that the temperature after it finally takes shape will be higher than the temperature in the magma lake, that is not lava The damage that monster bone ashes armor can resist.

The photo of the Fire Demon King's divine sense disappeared after he hit the hammer, while Gu Zheng was imprisoned in place, unable to move his limbs at all.

Although the limbs could not move, the things that could be accomplished by moving thoughts were not affected, so the wings of flame stretched out from Gu Zheng's back.

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