"It stands to reason that something that can be used as a key in such a key place should be very unusual. I shouldn't miss it if I see it, but I'm afraid that if this thing is hidden, and I'm on the way from here. Just didn't trigger this hiding!"

Gu Zheng murmured in his heart, this is undoubtedly a headache. If he missed something hidden on the road, then it would be too helpless. After all, there are some places he has been to, even if he wants to go again now. Impossible.

"It shouldn't be a miss. Since the door is here, maybe the key is not far away!"

"Looking at the shape of the fish's head, it should be a kind of fish that belongs to the magma lake. Maybe if I go to the magma lake to see, there may be no clues."

With an idea in mind, Gu Zheng immediately walked towards the magma lake.

Although Gu Zheng can control magma now, if he wants to go deep into the magma lake, he still needs the ashes armor of the lava monster. Afraid of the high temperature of magma.

"Use your supernatural powers to look around again, and let me know if there is anything suspicious."

Before entering the lava lake, Gu Zheng explained to the lava horse again. He felt that based on the things he found related to the key, he hoped that it should not be abnormally larger than the lava horse. After all, the door in the mountain was a lava horse. found.

The ashes of the lava monster had turned into armor on Gu Zheng's body, and Gu Zheng jumped into the magma lake.

Gu Zheng had jumped over the magma lake before when he went to see the lava mirage dragon, but after jumping into the magma lake this time, Gu Zheng didn't find anything unusual.

However, before Gu Zheng dived into the bottom of the magma lake, he had a strange feeling in his heart. It was the lava horse calling to him. It's not clear why the lava steed called him.

When he dived, he wanted to search, so his speed was relatively slow, but when he came up, Gu Zheng had a clear purpose, so he quickly returned to the passage in the magma lake.

"Master, under my supernatural observation, there is something abnormal in that place."

The lava warhorse was a little excited. While it was conveying its voice to Gu Zheng, it directly let Gu Zheng see the anomalies it saw.

Through the magical power of the lava horse, Gu Zheng saw a white area in the magma lake on the other side, which is naturally invisible to normal eyes.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, the anomalies that would appear in this kind of place are probably related to the stone gate in the mountain. Moreover, Gu Zheng has another guess, that is, the opportunity of the lava horse seems to be coming. After all, whether it is a stone gate in the mountain or an unusual place in the magma lake, it is all through the supernatural power of the lava horse. The secret discovered, then if this secret is related to the chance of the lava horse, it is not unimaginable.

Without wasting any time, Gu Zheng, who jumped into the magma lake again, swam towards that unusual area. As he approached that area, Gu Zheng became more and more cautious.

Along the way, Gu Zheng understood that the monsters he encountered were becoming more and more powerful, but the attributes of the monsters had hardly changed. They were all monsters related to fire like lava or magma, but now he felt When the magma temperature continues to decrease! This means that when he, who is still some distance away from that area, actually enters that area, the temperature of the magma may become as cold as ice!

It is common sense that once the temperature of magma is too low, it will solidify, but in this special space world, there is not so much common sense at all. The magma is still fluid magma, but the temperature is not so high.

Gu Zheng's lava body is naturally fire, too low temperature is a kind of damage to him, and now he can only rely on the consumption of original energy to resist this kind of damage, because his ashes armor There is no resistance to this temperature drop.

Gu Zheng has already entered that abnormal area. The temperature here is really as low as ice, and the further you dive, the lower the temperature will be. This kind of damage from the cold will also consume the original energy of Gu Zheng. The bigger the.

Regarding the current situation, Gu Zheng naturally has a judgment. If the key he needs is at the bottom of the lake, if there are no monsters blocking the road, it is simply the cold that consumes his original energy. When he gets the key and returns to the shore, As much as 30% of the original energy will be consumed. But if this process is not simple, then the consumption of his original energy will be intensified. Once his original energy is reduced to 40%, then he will be in a state of serious injury. Because of the excessive lack of original energy, his combat effectiveness will be greatly affected. Impact.

Gu Zheng doesn't want any troubles in this situation, especially when encountering monsters! After all, the monsters that can survive in this kind of place are probably special monsters that are good at ice attribute attacks. The environment is unfavorable, the attributes are restrained, and their own lava hammer and magma magical powers cannot be used here, and there is no helper If you can help, it can be said that the right time, place and people don't take advantage of one thing.

However, sometimes things are like this, the more you don't want to meet something, the more you will come. Gu Zheng soon saw a monster that he had never seen swimming towards him.

The monster has a silver-white body, so it looks very conspicuous in the still red magma. It looks like an eel, not very big, it is about ten feet long, and its head is just to seal the stone gate. The appearance of the fish head lock.

"Is there anything to talk about?"

Gu Zheng really didn't want to fight with monsters in this kind of place, so he happened directly. If this is a monster that can only be solved by fighting, then it should not reply. If it is not that kind of monster, it should have the ability to communicate. ability.

Gu Zheng's direct words stunned the silver eel, and then its voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Enter, we have something to talk about!"

Hearing what the silver eel said, Gu Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as he doesn't fight this guy in such a place where the time, place and people don't occupy, then everything will be fine.

"Since we can talk, let's go to the edge to talk? I'm going to lose my original energy here!"

Gu Zheng's words seemed to be asking the silver eel, but in fact he was already swimming towards the so-called edge, and the silver eel was taken aback for a moment, and then followed behind Gu Zheng.

The silver eel thinks that Gu Zheng is very strange. It does have an agreement with the original fairy-level space artifact owner to wait for a predestined entrant in this place, but it did not expect that this entrant is so familiar.

The so-called edge is the boundary between normal magma and cold magma. Gu Zheng has already swam into the normal magma, and the suitable temperature makes him want to hum comfortably, while the silver eel stays in the cold magma.

"Tell me! What is your purpose here waiting for me?" Gu Zheng cut straight to the point.

"Enter, you are trapped outside the volcano and can't get in. If you want to enter the volcano, you have to ask my inner alchemy to help you open the stone gate. I can give you the inner alchemy first to let you open the stone gate. But after you open the stone gate, you must do two things for me." The silver eel said.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't do things for you after I take your inner alchemy?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This is entirely up to you. You can also get my inner alchemy and not help me, but I don't know what the consequences will be." The silver eel smiled playfully.

Gu Zheng's heart moved, and it was another test of choice, and before the test of this choice came out, it was difficult to judge whether it was right to agree or to break the contract.

If it is an ordinary entrant, it may be a headache at this time, but Gu Zheng is not an ordinary entrant, he has a high degree of control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon, so when he faced this choice last time, he had a feeling, It's the same this time. However, Gu Zheng did not immediately agree to Silver Eel's request. He had to ask about some things before making a final decision.

"I want to know what you asked me to do for you." Gu Zheng said.

"The first thing is to help me get the gallbladder of the lava dragon lizard king in the volcano, and the second thing is to help me survive the catastrophe!" said the silver eel.

"Be more specific!" Gu Zheng's heart moved.

"There's nothing too specific, just the obvious or the obvious requirements." Silver Eel said.

"First of all, I don't know where the lava dragon lizard king is. Besides, how can I give you my gallbladder after I got the lava dragon lizard, and there is such a thing as crossing the catastrophe. I don't know what you mean by crossing the catastrophe. The situation, but as far as I know about crossing the catastrophe, outsiders can't interfere at all." Gu Zheng said slowly.

"If you make an agreement with me, I will go into the volcano with you, and I will also guide you to find the location of the Lava Dragon Lizard King, so the problem about the gallbladder is not a problem. As for crossing the robbery, you can rest assured, here again It is not the real world, so the laws of heaven and earth are naturally different from the current world. If you help me overcome the catastrophe, it will not cause the catastrophe. If you help me to overcome the catastrophe here, it will really cause the catastrophe. Then The unlucky person is not only you, but also me!"

Hearing what the silver eel said, Gu Zheng fell silent. In the real world, if someone intervenes during the catastrophe, the person who intervenes will be unlucky, and the person who crosses the catastrophe will also be unlucky. If the laws of heaven and earth here are the same as those in the real world Same, then there really seems to be no reason for the silver eel to do so. However, it is precisely because the laws of heaven and earth here are the same as those in the real world that Gu Zheng is silent now. After all, these are all the one-sided words of the silver eel. Who knows how the unusual laws of heaven and earth here will be different during the tribulation unusual display.

The reason why Gu Zheng was silent was naturally because he was a little undecided, and the reason why he was undecided was not only because of the fear of the heavenly tribulation deep in his heart, but also because of his control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon. And give birth to a special feeling.

From talking with the silver eel to the present, Gu Zheng's special feeling due to the control of the fairy-level space fairy has appeared twice in total. The first time was after the silver eel laughed very playfully. Zheng felt that if he agreed to Silver Eel's request, he couldn't break the appointment, otherwise it would be very troublesome! However, because once the promise is made, the promise cannot be broken, so Gu Zheng wants to ask again, and wants to judge whether this is an promise that can be promised through the answers he gets. However, with Gu Zheng's questioning of the silver eel, a special feeling was born again, and this time the special feeling made it difficult for Gu Zheng to explain.

When a special feeling is born in Gu Zheng's heart, it is usually divided into two types, one is very clear to let Gu Zheng know what to do, and the other is more vague. There is nothing to say about the clearer special feeling, but the vaguer special feeling requires Gu Zheng to judge according to the situation at the time, and this vague feeling will not last long before it becomes clear. However, the special feeling that appeared in Gu Zheng's heart this time is the kind of vagueness that has never appeared before, just like the original vague feeling is 'one', but this time the special feeling is 'two', These are two completely different feelings. Until now, Gu Zheng is still silent. He still doesn't know whether this new special feeling represents good or bad. Whether he should accept the conclusion of the silver eel agreement !

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng had been silent for a while, Silver Eel couldn't help asking.

"Do I have to give an affirmative answer now?" Gu Zheng asked.


The silver eel paused and said, "If you don't agree to me now, you will miss the chance to see me again. Then you won't be able to enter the volcano, and you will be assimilated by this world sooner or later."

Gu Zheng still didn't say a word, he was still thinking and analyzing in his mind, this matter really needs to be more cautious.

Staring at the silent Gu Zheng for two breaths, the silver eel turned and swam back. Gu Zheng stared at the body of the silver eel and said, "I agree!"

"Okay! Since you agree, our agreement will be concluded."

The silver eel didn't say anything more, it took the inner alchemy out of its mouth, then its body faded and finally turned into a mark on the inner alchemy.

Does Gu Zheng want to understand what that special feeling is? He didn't want to understand! He just had some guesses in his mind, and he had no other way to go. Although he didn't fight the silver eel, he could feel that he would definitely not have an advantage if he fought the silver eel in this kind of place , if this is the case, agree to the silver eel first, and then take the time to think about it. After all, if things are really as Silver Eel said, because of his indecisiveness, he will never see each other again, and at that time, Gu Zheng would really cry and have no place to cry, although now I don’t know what the special feeling means What is it, but at least there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.

Neidan with the silver eel swam back. As soon as Gu Zheng returned to the passage between the two magma lakes, his heart was moved, because when he was in the magma lake before, he was almost thinking about what the silver eel said When he was about to swim to the shore, he broke away from the way of thinking that confused him before. He began to think about the whole incident, and when he considered the problem from another angle, he immediately discovered what he hadn't discovered before. thing.

At the beginning of the incident, Gu Zheng was blocked from the volcano, and when he didn't know how to enter the volcano, the lava horse discovered the stone gate hidden in the volcano, and through the magical power of the lava horse, Gu Zheng knew the piece in the magma lake. Unusual area, leading to contact with silver eels.

Before going to find the silver eel, Gu Zheng had a feeling that this time might be a chance for the lava horse. However, the emergence of a special feeling that has never been seen before made Gu Zheng confused and alert, subconsciously thinking that this special feeling should not represent a good thing! After all, if he subconsciously thought it was a good thing, he wouldn't have been so entangled in the previous meeting.

In this very difficult special space world, Gu Zheng has already experienced too many things. Like this time, since there are two important points related to the lava horse, then he is sure that this is the lava horse Undoubtedly, since this is the opportunity of the lava horse, then there is no need to worry too much about the special feeling in my heart that I haven't understood yet! After all, whether the vague special feeling will become clear is not only changed by thinking and guessing, but also by the stimulation of external objects, and the so-called external objects may be one thing or the same thing.

After thinking about this, Gu Zheng felt a lot more relaxed. At least now that he has obtained the key to open the door, then the next thing is to let it come and be safe.

"can you speak?"

Gu Zheng was not in the mood to say anything to Neidan of Silver Eel before, but now he has some things to ask.

"Yes, but don't talk to me if you have nothing to do. If you have something to say, I will talk to you." The voice of the silver eel sounded from the inner alchemy.

"Since you can talk, it doesn't matter who takes you?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"What do you mean by that?" asked the silver eel.

"If I carry you, I can only incorporate it into my body, but you are a living creature after all. I am not used to having you in my body. If it doesn't affect me, I want my subordinates to bring you With you." Gu Zheng said.

"Whatever, as long as your subordinates can convey the news to you as soon as possible." Silver Eel said.

No one would want to incorporate such a thing into the body, and since Gu Zheng felt that this time might be the opportunity for the Lava Warhorse, it would be better to let the Lava Warhorse carry the inner alchemy of the silver eel after opening the stone gate.

Without staying too long, Gu Zheng brought the inner alchemy of the silver eel to the front of the stone gate. After he put the inner alchemy in the lock's mouth, the eel head as the lock bit the inner alchemy, and after spinning for a while With a flash of light, the lock was separated from the middle, and the stone door opened automatically, and the inner alchemy of the silver eel was suspended in the air.

Behind the stone gate is a spacious passage, the rocks in the passage exude a dark red light, but because the passage is very long, Gu Zheng can't see where his end is.

"What to do now?" Gu Zheng asked the silver eel.

"Follow the passage, and you will be able to reach the Lava Dragon Lizard's lair. The Lava Dragon Lizard King looks different from ordinary Lava Dragon Lizards. You will know it when you see it." Silver Eel said.

Seeing that the silver eel didn't want to say anything more, Gu Zheng also didn't say much. After signaling the lava horse to swallow it, they walked towards the passage.

After Gu Zheng and others entered the passage, the originally open stone gate was closed, which made Gu Zheng instantly feel like there was no way out.

Gu Zheng really had no way out, because just after the stone gate was closed, Gu Zheng heard a strange noise in front of him, and the dedicated lava skeleton immediately stood in front of Gu Zheng, posing in a posture ready to face the enemy.

Gu Zheng soon saw the lava dragon lizards running towards them. These lava dragon lizards did not have the huge bodies they imagined. Their bodies were a bit slender, with dragon scales on their bodies, and their heads looked more like lizards.

The lava dragon lizards are tall and thin, but they are more than one foot long, and they are very agile. There are more than a hundred of them. quickly.

He encountered more than a hundred monsters at a time, let alone the individual strength of these monsters, the number alone was unprecedented in the experience of the magma lake channel before Gu Zheng, he did not intend to let the lava skeleton try this With the strength of the lava dragon lizard, he urged the lava horse to rush forward as he was about to take action himself.

Since the Lava Skulls took a position in front of Gu Zheng, they didn't respond to the Lava Dragon Lizard, and they were quickly left behind by Gu Zheng.

Seeing Gu Zheng rushing towards him one by one, the lava dragon lizards immediately started to attack Gu Zheng, and they had as many as three attack methods! One is to spray venom, the other is to use claw wind, and the other is to breathe fire directly.

Before the various attacks of the lava dragon lizard landed on him, the lava hammer in Gu Zheng's hand hit the passage and closed it, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swung around at an extremely fast speed.

The Lava God Hammer's characteristic is activated not only by hammering on the ground, but as long as it is hammered at a place that is connected to the ground. In an environment like a cave, the same is true for hammering on the cave wall.

When the lava hammer was not strengthened by the human-shaped red cloud before, such an ordinary characteristic attack could only fix down-to-earth monsters, but now that it has been strengthened by the human-shaped red cloud, its power is naturally even stronger. Powerful, this also affected all the spells that wanted to attack Gu Zheng from the air. The claw wind and flames were scattered, and the venom fell directly to the ground. Those who originally wanted to approach Gu Zheng on the cave wall Naturally, the Lava Dragon Lizard could not escape the fall.

With just one blow, more than a hundred lava dragon lizards were all in a state of immobilization. However, lava dragon lizards are not ordinary monsters. Gu Zheng already knew some information about them through the feedback of the shock wave that produced the immobilization effect on them. First of all, the shock wave can only immobilize the lava dragon lizard for five seconds, and although the body of the lava dragon lizard looks thin, its defense is very strong. With Gu Zheng's current strength, he wants to do To instantly kill the lava dragon lizard, you can only use the lava hammer in your hand, like the long sword and flame whip he used before, it is impossible to instantly kill the lava dragon lizard with strong defense.

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