The super-flying ice monster also mastered the way of space, so the first impact of the divine mind crane on it failed, and it escaped the first impact by teleporting. However, Gu Zheng had more than one divine mind crane. When it escaped the impact of the first divine mind crane and reappeared, the impact of the second divine mind crane had also come close.

The flying super ice monster is the same as the first ice monster that Gu Zheng saw. It not only controls a little bit of space power, but also controls a little bit of time power, so that the little one centered on it Within the range, the flow of time slows down in an instant.

The flow of time slowed down, and the impact of the divine mind crane was also affected, and the flying super ice monster took the opportunity to escape. However, Gu Zheng used a total of three Divine Mind Cranes to deal with it. It had just escaped the second Divine Mind Crane through the power of time, and the third Divine Mind Crane had already bumped into it. As for its body falling in screams.

Without the existence of super ice monsters, it would be easier for Gu Zheng to hunt and kill ordinary ice monsters. At least there is no need to worry about such unusual guys attacking.

When the beast horde on Guzheng's side was finally no longer the inner three layers and the outer three layers, a new wave of beasts arrived. There were still super ice monsters in this wave of beasts, and the number Also reached as many as five. It's just that there are few types of these five super ice monsters and no new species have appeared, and they are the ones that Gu Zheng has seen before.

Gu Zheng's side still looks plain, and even the people outside the Luoxue Icefield no longer exclaimed. They have been a little numb after watching the battle. Anyway, they now believe that no matter what those super cold monsters No matter how powerful it is, it can't hurt Gu Zheng after all.

Time passed by little by little, and the ice monsters were also solved wave after wave by Gu Zheng. The number of super ice monsters killed by Gu Zheng alone was as many as fifteen.

"When did the beast tide end!"

Gu Zheng, who had been calm all this time, finally had some restless fluctuations in his heart.

When he first learned about the characteristics of the Luoxue Icefield, Gu Zheng thought that after he entered the Luoxue Icefield, the beast horde would cause thousands of ice monsters, but now he felt that he must be wrong, because so far he has been Although there is no exact statistics on the number of frozen monsters killed, it must have exceeded 3,000! However, in terms of time, less than two hours have passed since the first wave of beast horde appeared.

The Luoxue Icefield is very large, and Gu Zheng also knew that the beast horde he triggered would be within the entire Luoxue Icefield, and with the speed of the ice monsters, and the time it took for the comprehensive battle, it was simply not enough to cover the entire Icefield. All the ice monsters in the city rushed over, so Gu Zheng felt that the number of ice monsters that he caused may be tens of thousands, or the beasts that would be completely formed in a short period of time in common sense Tide, in his place, has become produced in batches.

Gu Zheng's conjecture was correct. The common sense had changed when he came to him. Those who had been numb outside the Luoxue Ice Field had regained their spirits. They had already witnessed the birth of the second wave of beasts through the mirror.

"Senior should be able to withstand it?"

"It should be possible! This second wave of beasts is only about half the number of the first wave of beasts. I feel that even if there is a third or fourth wave of beasts like this, the seniors will definitely be able to deal with it. I feel The method used by senior to kill the ice monster does not consume too much for him."

"I also think that the method used by the senior to kill the ice monster is not consuming to him, but is there really only two waves of this beast wave? The first wave of beast swarms was reduced by half, but will the subsequent swarms of beasts still be like this?"

No one spoke anymore, only wry laughter rang out, the rules seemed to have expired here in Gu Zheng, and the original rules could no longer be used to judge some things.

Originally, the topics of those people on the periphery of the Luoxue Icefield were all about the ancient dispute, but this situation changed quickly. As the flying super cold ice monster approached the colorless barrier outside the periphery, people who were originally psychic and insane The tall ice monsters also began to become smarter. Even in their eyes, the colorless barrier still looks like an iceberg, but their attacks are all targeting the iceberg!

Before Gu Zheng explained to those people outside the Luoxue Ice Field, if the ice monsters do not attack the barrier, they only need to send spiritual thoughts to the colorless barrier as energy at intervals, and if the ice monsters attack the colorless barrier , and their attacks have reached the point of making the colorless barrier shine, then they need to immediately input spiritual energy into the colorless barrier.

The flashing of the colorless barrier has already appeared, and those people outside the Luoxue Icefield also immediately separated their spiritual thoughts, and their spiritual thoughts were shot out in the form of silk threads. After connecting the colorless barrier, the feeling of being continuously drawn by spiritual thoughts also followed. born.

Gu Zheng's brows were already frowned. As the arranger of the Immortal Formation, he was very sensitive to changes in the colorless barrier of the Immortal Formation. When he saw the colorless barrier flashing, he knew that there were many ice monsters. Attack the colorless barrier, and know which piece of the colorless barrier these ice monsters are attacking! Moreover, he also knows that those people outside the colorless barrier are using their spiritual thoughts to maintain the stability of the colorless barrier at this moment, which can be seen from the flash of the colorless barrier disappearing quickly.

"It seems that we have to get rid of you first!"

Gu Zheng rose from the ground and flew towards the scene of the incident. He couldn't let the ice monsters attack the colorless barrier, otherwise those people outside the Snowfall Ice Field would not be able to keep the colorless barrier in a stable state for a long time. The color barrier was destroyed, and the ice monster went to the outside world, causing unimaginable carnage! After all, there are too many beasts this time, and one of the characteristics that the ice monsters themselves cannot display in front of him will be brought into full play in the outside world. Those who die will be turned into ice corpses controlled by the ice monsters! As for the strength of the ice corpse, even if it was an ordinary person in life, it can become an ice corpse of the level of an ordinary ice monster after death. If the deceased is a cultivator, the strength of the ice corpse will be even higher.

Gu Zheng flew in the air, followed by a large group of ice monsters, and the number of these ice monsters would increase as he flew. As far as he is concerned, he is not worried about the increase in the number of ice monsters. At that time, it will be a big deal to deal with them in another way.

The place where the incident happened is quite far from the starting point of Gu Zheng. It would take two days to fly there at the speed of Gu Zheng. If the distance was not far enough, those cold ice monsters should have been killed by Han Bing long ago. The sound made by the monster should be attracted to it, and it will not attack the colorless barrier at all.

For Gu Zheng, the ice monsters would attack the colorless barrier, which was initially thought to happen with a small to medium probability, but if this really happened, he would need to do something about it, and The so-called doing something is not rushing to the scene of the accident to rescue! After all, as long as there is one incident site, there may be two, or more, and the snowfall and ice fields are so big, how could he have time to go back and forth on the rescue road, so he flew towards the incident site for half an hour After that, Gu Zheng took out a conch celestial artifact.

There are several conch-shaped fairy artifacts in ancient times. The conch fairy artifact he used this time is not the conch fairy artifact that will become invisible after the divine mind passes through. The conch fairy artifact he used this time has supernatural powers. In fact, it is a sonic attack, and its characteristic is that it can play the sound very loudly! And to what extent will this voice be amplified, so loud that Gu Zheng can hear it through the entire Luoxue Icefield when he speaks through the Conch Conch Immortal Artifact.

"What's that sound?"

"It sounds like the sound of a conch horn!"

"It's too loud, isn't it?"

"How can there be a conch horn sound in Luoxue Icefield, and it is still so loud? What is the sound coming from? Immortal artifact? Or some unknown monster?"

"If the sound of the conch horn is made by an immortal artifact, who would be using the immortal artifact? Senior? If it is made by an unknown monster, then this is too terrifying!"

Since Gu Zheng flew in the blind spot of the treasure mirror's monitoring range, when he blew the conch celestial weapon, the people outside the Luoxue Ice Field didn't see that the sound was made by him, and they couldn't help feeling panic for a while.

"Don't panic, this sound is made by the fairy artifact of this deity. Now the ice monsters are attacking the colorless barrier. This deity wants to attract them through this sound. At the same time, I also want you to look through the mirror. Does the sound have any effect on the ice monsters?"

The sound that Gu Zheng made through the Conch Immortal Artifact was so loud that all those people outside the Luoxue Icefield heard it.

"Senior, the ice monsters in the monitoring area of ​​the treasure mirror did hear the voice of the senior, but they were bewildered and mad about it. They didn't seem to be able to judge where the senior was from the sound made by the fairy artifact. .”

After carefully observing the mirror, the deacons of the three countries responded to Gu Zheng, because Gu Zheng performed witchcraft on them, and Gu Zheng could hear their normal speech.

The answer I got was not ideal, but it made the situation earlier. The ice monsters that were attacking the colorless barrier originally attacked the colorless barrier more violently because of their mania, while the normal colorless barrier, There is a bright light in another direction, which means that there are ice monsters attacking the colorless barrier over there. The original one incident has become two, and there will be even more!

Gu Zheng sneered, he who was flying forward suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in the crowd of beasts behind him.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng of the Immortal Formation in the beast tide stretched out his hand to grab the neck of a flying super ice monster, and when those panicked ice monsters attacked him, he flew towards the sky again, And relying on the transcendent flying speed, gradually opened the distance from the beast tide.

The flying super ice monster that was pinched by Gu Zheng's neck seemed unable to move. The moment Gu Zheng pinched its neck, the power of natal true water had already entered its body. However, this time, Gu Zheng let the power of natal true water enter the body of the super ice monster, not to detonate the body of the super ice monster, but to control it so that it cannot attack.

Turning around, he forgot to glance at the beast tide that was pulling away, Gu Zheng relaxed his control over the super ice monster: "You can call out now!"

Gu Zheng knew that the super ice monster couldn't understand what he said, but he knew that the super ice monster must be panicked, so after he loosened his control over the super ice monster, the super ice monster also appeared Instinctively, he called out to the conch celestial artifact by his mouth.


God knows what kind of bird language the super ice monster is calling, but this kind of bird language Wuyu, which Gu Zheng couldn't understand, is undoubtedly very useful. He soon received reports from the periphery of the Luoxue Ice Field, those who were originally attacking the colorless barrier The cold ice monsters, as if they had received an order, ended their attack on the colorless barrier and ran towards one direction. However, Gu Zheng is still in the blind spot of Baojing's monitoring, so those people outside the Luoxue Ice Field don't know if these ice monsters are going to Gu Zheng.

"They must be coming this way."

Gu Zheng smiled in his heart. Although he couldn't see too far away, he had dealt with ice monsters a lot, so he had this kind of affirmation.

"Come on, the crazy killing is about to begin!"

Gu Zheng smiled with the corners of his mouth raised, and the Qianqiu reincarnation pen also appeared in his hand.

Since there are already many ice monsters following behind, and more and more ice monsters will come over as time goes by, the original labor-saving tactics are no longer applicable.

In fact, for things like combat, Gu Zheng still prefers close combat. He enjoys the feeling of close combat, and he doesn't think that these ice monsters can hurt him in close combat, although This method will consume a little bit of his celestial power, but he has a food repair that can replenish his celestial power, so he doesn't care much, but the only thing that makes him need to be vigilant is to transform into an ice demon Will the source of the beast take the opportunity to do mischievous things when he is not hesitating to consume his immortal power to fight?

Gu Zheng has already rushed into the tide of beasts, and the battle that made his blood boil begins. He is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep. Wherever he passes, one after another, the ice monsters fall to the ground. These ordinary In his Qianqiu reincarnation, the ice monsters are basically one hit at a time! There is no way, the strength of Gu Zheng itself is much higher than that of ordinary ice monsters, plus there is such a sharp weapon as the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, any ice monster injured by the Qianqiu reincarnation pen is basically powerless, By the time they fell to the ground from a high altitude, their original energy had already been lost from the damaged parts of their bodies.

Gu Zheng had a great time killing, and he didn't have to worry about doing any evil when he killed this kind of monster that was purely transformed by energy.

There are really a lot of ice monsters, and there are many super ice monsters among them, but in the state of Gu Zheng's close combat, even the super ice monsters dare not take the move. However, super ice monsters are super ice monsters after all, they can issue orders to ordinary ice monsters, so after Gu Zheng had a good time, the battle became not so fun, those ordinary ice monsters The monster no longer rushes to die, but attacks Gu Zheng with magic from afar.

Ice monsters are monsters that are better at brute force fighting. Although they can perform black magic, their power must be discounted. The seemingly numerous black magic can really touch the fairy power shield on Gu Zheng's body very few! What's more, because they have been dispersed, although it is a little bit more difficult for Gu Zheng to kill them, but the dexterity of Gu Zheng's movement is because they have more space to play because of their dispersion.

However, for Gu Zheng, he wants to use these ice monsters to satisfy the killing, and he can't harvest them with his hands, which makes him a little unhappy.

"I didn't want to deal with you at first, I thought about waiting for a little more of you, but now it seems that there is no need for you to exist!"

Gu Zheng sneered at the super ice monsters, scaring those super ice monsters to dodge quickly. In fact, there were quite a few of them, there were eight of them, but eight were still not enough in Gu Zheng's eyes Well, Gu Zheng originally wanted to gather fifteen or six of them, and then kill them.

"Go to hell!"

Gu Zheng, who was flying in one direction, suddenly made a movement, and threw the Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand towards the back without warning.


In the explosion, the upright super ice monster, which was well hidden, was directly smashed in the head by Gu Zheng, and fell from a high altitude.

The first time I met this kind of upright super ice monster, the key reason why it was able to get close to Gu Zheng was that Gu Zheng had separated three cranes of divine sense! The three divine sense cranes were all transformed by Gu Zheng's divine sense. Although the three divine sense cranes were separated, Gu Zheng's divine sense was not in a deficit state, but the original full spiritual sense was three-fifths less, and his Naturally, perception is inevitably affected, that's why the upright super ice monster has a chance to get close.

However, in the current state where the ancient battle has not separated the divine sense, the stealth of the upright super ice monster is simply a joke to Gu Zheng, he can easily feel the upright super ice monster close.

Just like the upright super ice monster that was just eliminated by Gu Zheng, it was actually very cautious and motionless, squatting on the possible route of Gu Zheng like waiting for a rabbit. After Gu Zheng found it, he didn't go there immediately, but when he felt that the time was right, he went directly to a counter-sneak attack, making this upright super cold ice monster dead. It was the opportunity it was waiting for came, but what it didn't expect was death.

After getting rid of the upright super ice monster, Gu Zheng teleported and immediately appeared beside another super ice monster, and the body of this super ice monster had already grown bigger. It belongs to the type with strong brute force and defense, and this super ice monster can also be teleported instantly.

Being able to teleport instantly means that it has a more sensitive perception of space fluctuations, but its sensitivity to space fluctuations is far lower than Gu Zheng's control over space, so if Gu Zheng doesn't want it to feel space fluctuations in advance, it I can't feel it at all!

However, this is the first time that Gu Zheng has dealt with a powerful super ice monster in close quarters, so the spatial fluctuations produced by his teleportation have been captured by this powerful super ice monster. He wants to Look at this powerful super ice monster, it can take several attacks from his Qianqiu reincarnation pen

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