The son of monk Hantan is using ice mist to dissolve the elixir and inner alchemy, while Gu Zheng is still using his divine sense to investigate the light array protecting the son of monk Hantan. He found that this light array is really complicated, even if he has already touched After a while, he was still a little confused.

Brother Hantan's son looked at Gu Zheng. As the organizer of the light array, it naturally knew what Gu Zheng was doing, but this matter was not within the scope of the agreement, so it didn't say anything to stop it.

"You don't need to waste your energy in vain, you can't figure out what's going on with this light array."

Although he didn't say anything to stop him, the son of monk Hantan reminded Gu Zheng.

"Oh? Why is that?"

Anyway, idle is idle, since the son of monk Hantan has spoken, Gu Zheng also wants to chat with him.

"Because this light array is closely related to my body, if you want to break this light array, you must at least understand my body, but you don't know much about my body." The son of the monk Hantan said.

"So that's how it is." Gu Zheng nodded: "Although I don't understand your body, there are some things that never change. I can't break the light array by chance, but I can break it with strength, right?"

"Strengthening is not an advisable way. First of all, the environment here determines that my light array can use a lot of power. Although this power can't be used for attack, it can be used for defense. If you blindly Break this light array, then this place will definitely collapse first, and the consequences will not be what you want to see. Secondly, you should have already known that there is still a powerful character in Soaring Boat , you don’t want to ignore that powerful character just to destroy the light array?”

Brother Hantan's son spoke in a calm voice, not as if he was facing an enemy who could turn against him at any time, but more like he was discussing a matter with someone who had no conflict of interest.

Gu Zheng had to admit that he was just talking like that, he would not really break through the light array! Although he still has no idea about the light array, but it is not completely ignorant, so he knows that the light array is indeed linked to the sky boat, and it can use the power in the sky boat to enhance protection. Explain what consequences will be caused by the collapse, but he who has driven the Soaring Boat knows that the consequence of the collapse is a big bang! As for the black hand behind the scenes mentioned by the monk Hantan's son, he has always been prepared.

"Tell me what your purpose is!" Gu Zheng said again.

"What is your purpose? It's not as simple as wanting those two keys, is it? Although you said so, I never thought so." The son of the monk Hantan said.

"Speak! After you finish speaking, I will tell you my real purpose." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know everything about this place. How can I not know what you are trying to do here? You want to use a secret that is not a secret to me in exchange for what you want to know , you are really shrewd!" the son of the monk Hantan said with a smile.

"Okay! So you are not stupid." Gu Zheng also smiled: "Anyway, you have nothing to do, so you can tell your secrets, and if you make a good relationship, maybe there will be no conflicts?"

"It's all lies if you have a good relationship or a bad relationship. If you really want to know something about this place, I can't tell you, but you have to exchange it with something!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

"What?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Your blood essence!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

"Don't even think about it!" Gu Zheng shook his head.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to talk about, and you should stop talking to me!" the son of the monk Hantan said angrily.

No matter how angry Brother Hantan's son is, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to give him blood. In fact, it doesn't matter whether Gu Zheng knows the secret here. Anyway, for him, as long as the hatch is opened and the agreement is fulfilled, he will be turned against him. that moment!

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Gu Zheng walking towards the hatch, Brother Hantan's son hurriedly made a sound.

"Don't worry, I just went to have a look, not to break the oath."

Gu Zheng came to the hatch and put the two statues in his hands into the keyhole. He wanted to open the hatch first to see what the next cabin looked like.

In fact, it is not that Gu Zheng has no imagination about what the next cabin will look like. Although the flying boats he has come into contact with before are not quite the same as this flying boat, looking at the subtle changes in some places in the cabin along the way, he There is already a feeling of approaching the center of the entire ship.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, even if the next cabin is not where the center is, the next cabin should be the center, and if there is something like a chance for sanctification, it should be in the center.

The cabin door opened silently, a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face, and the cabin in front was brightly lit, which looked like the center. It's just that the originally bright cabin began to darken the moment the hatch door opened, and Gu Zheng's sight and divine sense couldn't penetrate into it, so the hatch closed again.

Gu Zheng didn't break his promise, he just looked at the next cabin, and then turned around again.

Although the light array protecting Brother Hantan and his son is very powerful, Gu Zheng is also idle when he is idle. He is still investigating the light array with his spiritual thoughts in order to gain more understanding. As for Brother Hantan Father and son, they are still absorbing and dissolving those elixir and inner alchemy.

Time passed little by little, and one day passed without knowing it. The speed of dissolving the elixir and inner alchemy by the monk's son in the cold pool became much faster, so that it would take half a day at most to dissolve those elixir. As for the cold pool monk absorbing the energy transformed by the elixir and the inner alchemy, the speed is faster, basically it is his son who dissolves a little, and it absorbs a little, and within the time of this day Inside, it was just a mist at first, but now it looks like it has a human shape.

Gu Zheng didn't really believe in the agreement he made with Brother Hantan's son. He knew that Brother Hantan's son must have guessed that when he entered the next cabin, it was time for him to make a move! But what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that he thought that even if the son of the monk Hantan wanted to do something, he would refine those elixir and inner alchemy the moment he entered the next cabin After I got it, I never thought that the son of the monk Hantan would have already taken action before refining those elixir and inner alchemy.


Gu Zheng's divine sense has been probing the light array all the time, and suddenly a strong suction force emerges from the light array, as if to suck all his divine sense into the light array, and a body without divine sense, That's just a piece of fish to be slaughtered.

Gu Zheng's understanding of the light array is still too little, and he has not found out that the light array has the ability to absorb spiritual thoughts before, so his spiritual thoughts will inevitably be pulled into it, of course it is only a part, who Let him have cut off the tail between the divine sense and the body, and he can give up when he wants to give up the divine sense.

"court death!"

It was agreed that the twins would not attack each other unless they entered the next cabin. The son of the monk Hantan now let the light array absorb Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts, which undoubtedly broke the agreement. The light array showed a burst of energy!

The son of the monk Hantan said that the price of breaking the light array is very high, but this is just what it said. Gu Zheng is sure that the light array has something to do with the entire Soaring Boat, but is the relationship as big as it said? This level has yet to be verified!


The son of the monk Hantan sneered, and the fingers of his hands became longer, just like a cultivator changing his fingers, and began to manipulate the light array.

"Do you want to break through the light array? Let me tell you, you should save yourself!"

The one who spoke was the cold pool monk who had not yet fully transformed into a human form.

"Don't let me catch you, or I will let you know what life is like death!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and the Qianqiu reincarnation pen kept waving, one after another of vigor fell on the light array, making the whole cabin tremble slightly.

"Then wait until you catch us!"

Brother Hantan gave a weird laugh: "However, before you catch us, let's enjoy the feast first!"

When monk Hantan's words fell to the ground, the entire light array instantly became dazzling. Gu Zheng stared at the dazzling light with wide eyes. He saw a wonderful spatial fluctuation, which made the light of the light array disappear, and also made monk Hantan Father and son lost track.

"Spatial teleportation!" Gu Zheng murmured.

Gu Zheng, who often used the teleportation array, was no stranger to that wonderful spatial fluctuation, so he knew that the father and son of the current cold pool monks had already traveled to other places through teleportation.

Due to the existence of the light array before, Gu Zheng didn't know what the hell was going on with the son of the cold pool monk in the center of the light array, because his divine sense couldn't detect there, so he could only see it through his eyes, but the eyes It must be that he couldn't see the things inside the light array clearly, so he didn't know in advance that a teleportation array had been created there without the knowledge of the monk's son in the cold pool.

Where did the father and son of the monk Hantan go through the teleportation array? Although Gu Zheng is not very clear, at least there is a general guess. transmission.

The Aotian boat is very big, even if it is a short-distance teleportation, Gu Zheng still doesn't know which cabin of the Aotian boat the father and son of the monk Hantan will be in. After all, only in the central cabin of Aotianzhou can there be passages leading to other cabins, and there are at least four passages, and the passage that Gu Zheng is walking now is just one of them.

Regardless of where Brother Hantan and his son have gone for the time being, Gu Zheng will make them look good when he sees them again anyway. Gu Zheng is now on full alert, waiting for the feast that Brother Hantan said before leaving.

When the light array disappeared, Gu Zheng felt another kind of fluctuation besides the spatial fluctuation. This kind of fluctuation is not unfamiliar to him, because when the center of the cabin was broken, this kind of fluctuation once occurred. A kind of wonderful fluctuation, and the result of this wonderful fluctuation is that the super cold ice monster of the combined attack type can be born again in the cabin.

The fluctuations had been born, but the super ice monsters did not appear immediately. Gu Zheng, who was on full alert, also began to walk towards the hatch leading to the next cabin. Since those super ice monsters did not appear for a long time, he I just want to see if I can enter the next cabin before they are born.

The door of the cabin was just ahead, and there were still no super ice monsters born, so Gu Zheng inserted two keys into the keyhole of the cabin door.

A wonderful wave was born from the hatch, and this wave from the hatch was actually the same as the previous one!


Gu Zheng instantly understood why there was a fluctuation before, but no super ice monster appeared. It turned out that two such fluctuations were needed to give birth to a super ice monster this time, and the second trigger of this fluctuation requires The key opens the hatch!

Gu Zheng scolded the bastard, not to say that the super ice monster that will be born this time will definitely be more powerful, but that his key is still on the hatch door, and the so-called key is the statue of the father and son of the cold pool monk, which he completed. The necessities of the internal test of the volcanic space, he will not allow any mistakes in these two necessities.

However, the cabin door has the characteristics of a cabin door. When the key is not ejected, the key cannot be pulled out at all. Gu Zheng dare not use too much brute force for fear of hurting the key.

Under normal circumstances, the time for the hatch to be fully opened is very short, maybe about three seconds, and the time for the hatch to eject the key is two seconds. However, the current situation is obviously abnormal, the cabin door is not moving at all, and the key is naturally still inserted in it, that is, the delay of this moment, many super ice monsters have been born in the cabin, and these super ice monsters The beast is also the kind that Gu Zheng least wants to see, a super ice monster that can launch a combined attack illusion.

There are as many as 20 super ice monsters that can launch the combined attack illusion that were born in an instant. This is much larger than the one that Gu Zheng experienced before, when he fell into the illusion. The combined attack launched by them Illusion must be more powerful!

Faced with this situation, Gu Zheng immediately wanted to activate the Immortal Realm. He didn't know how long it would take to appear in the illusion of this formation. He was worried about his fish-like body outside .

However, Gu Zheng's heart suddenly moved. It's not that he hasn't done research on this kind of super ice monster that can launch combined attack illusion before, but he didn't get any results from the research, but suddenly a feeling arose in his heart, That feeling was like an awakening, which made him instantly understand that it was not that he hadn't researched the super ice monster that could launch the combined attack illusion, but that kind of result was a feeling waiting to be triggered. If it is triggered, he will still think that there is no research result! It's like, I smelled a smell by accident, because I don't know this smell, I smell it after smelling it, I don't have too many thoughts in my heart, but once I smell this smell again in another place When you smell it, you will remember that this smell has been smelled somewhere else.

The special feeling made Gu Zheng feel that the guy not far from him, who looked no different from the super cold monster with a strange knife, was very, very special!

Gu Zheng gave up the display of the fairyland, and he didn't know why this super ice monster with a knife was special to him. Anyway, he used the Qianqiu reincarnation pen to launch a full blown blow at the super ice monster with a knife !


It is conceivable how powerful Gu Zheng's full-strength blow was. The super ice monster with the knife had no time to dodge, and was directly blown away by Gu Zheng.

After blowing up the super ice monster, Gu Zheng suddenly had a feeling, and those super ice monsters who were about to swing their knives to launch a combined attack illusion had a flash of light on their bodies.

"Well, that's great!"

Seeing the flickering crystal light on the Super Ice Monster Gate, Gu Zheng instantly understood what that feeling represented. At least he didn't have to worry about whether his body would become a fish on the side of the Super Ice Monster up.

There is a center in every cabin of Soaring Boat. The importance of the existence of the center is self-evident. In fact, these super ice monsters that can launch combined attack illusions also have a center. If the center can be killed first , then the remaining super ice monsters in this batch will change.

The reason why Gu Zheng was able to have this kind of understanding is that he thought that the super ice monster that he studied last time and was placed at the end of that batch to kill was actually that batch of super ice monsters. If he had been lucky enough to be the first to kill the super ice monster in the center of the beast, then he would have discovered the secret of these super ice monsters that can launch combined attack illusions.

The central super ice monster was killed first, this does not affect the remaining super ice monsters to continue to launch the combined attack illusion, but the only thing that affects is that these super ice monsters will enter the ice sculpture after launching the combined attack illusion. In this state, they have no ability to hurt Gu Zheng's body again. When Gu Zheng is freed from the illusion, they can resume action again, but they can no longer launch the joint attack illusion again.

There is no need to worry about being fished by these super ice monsters, but it does not mean that Gu Zheng has no other worries. After all, there are sneaky Hantan monks and sons in Soaring Boat, as well as the behind-the-scenes man who has never met. black hands!

However, Gu Zheng had made up his mind at the moment when the joint strike illusion was about to appear. He wanted to play with his heart. He still didn't use the fairyland to deal with these annoying super ice monsters. After the illusion is broken, kill these annoying guys one by one.

Gu Zheng knew for a long time that the man behind the scenes was in a weak state because of the beast horde, and after entering Soaring Boat, the man behind the scene did not launch any attacks against him, so he felt that even if he entered the illusion, the man behind the scene would not be able to attack him. It shouldn't be right for his body.

As for the sneaky Hantan monk father and son, since they have already left through the teleportation array, and there is no ready-made teleportation array here, it will take a lot of time for them to return here. After all, before they were able to leave through the teleportation array, it was entirely because the place they went to already had a teleportation array.

If it's just because of this, Gu Zheng's move is still very risky. After all, Brother Hantan and his son are very special to the entire Aotianzhou. Gu Zheng came back when he fell into an illusion.

As for the last black hand, its energy is likely to be able to penetrate every compartment of Aotianzhou. If the body is being fished, the energy of the last black hand has entered here, and the only one who can protect Gu Zheng's body is his body. The supernatural power protection and fairy clothes are listed, and these two things are also good against super ice monsters, and it is a bit of a joke to fight against the last black hand.

However, being too adventurous has never been Gu Zheng's character. In fact, there is another reason that finally led to his taking risks, that is, the purpose of the last black hand, and the meaning of existence of these super ice monsters that can launch combined attack illusions. think.

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