Although the disintegration of the divine sense failed to destroy the ghost face immediately, it only took a few breaths to finally destroy the ghost face and kill the son of the cold pool monk.

Brother Hantan's son also died, and the entire cabin became quiet, and the previous screams could no longer be heard.

However, Gu Zheng frowned at this moment. He found that the aura of the father and son of the cold pool cultivator was actually attracted, and they all rushed towards him. The Soaring Boat sculpture hidden in the space fairy!

"You have already obtained the master's fairy-level space fairy weapon!"

The spirit of the center exclaimed at this moment. It knew that after the death of the father and son of the monk Hantan, he would go to be a house dog in his master's fairy-level space fairy artifact, but now the remaining Qi of the father and son of the monk Hantan revolved around Gu Zheng. The fairy-level space artifact that can explain its master is on Gu Zheng's body.

"Are you the same master as the master of this flying boat?"

Gu Zheng took the sculpture of Aotianzhou out of the space fairy, and the aura of monk Hantan and his son immediately penetrated into the sculpture of Aotianzhou.

"That's right!"

The central spirit was very excited: "It seems that you can definitely get the magic crystal. If you find a successor like you, the master will be very happy if he is still alive!"

Following the voice of the central spirit, the crystal pillar cracked, and the glowing crystals in the entire cabin were all extinguished as if they had lost their energy all of a sudden.

The darkened cabin was illuminated by a blue light, and a rhombus-shaped blue spar appeared out of thin air.

"It's the magic crystal. After completing the last test, you will be its owner! I'm about to die. If you have no problems, I will start the last test for you now." The voice of the central spirit was very weak.

"No problem, start the test for me!"

Gu Zheng's voice fell, and the blue spar immediately burst into light, and the world in front of Gu Zheng changed. He found that he was staying in a pure sea area. The sea water was blue like he had never seen before, and he didn't feel any discomfort. There is just a kind of warmth that makes people want to sleep.

Gu Zheng closed and opened his eyes, the world in front of him is still the world in front of him, the sea is still so blue, the only change that has happened is that the original drowsy feeling has disappeared.

"True and false, false and true, what is true and what is false? This last test is really special!"

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, the action of opening and closing his eyes just now was not casual, it was because of the enlightenment of breaking the previous illusion, after he entered this illusion, he immediately knew it was an illusion , That's why I closed my eyes and opened my eyes to break the illusion, but the illusion didn't break.

If it was before entering Aotianzhou, Gu Zheng would definitely be surprised when he encountered such a situation. Anyway, he has never experienced it before. This kind of illusion that has been seen through but will not disappear.

The illusion of the final test has given Gu Zheng a lot of insight. He now has illusions that can be combined with formations, so when he encounters this illusion that will not disappear due to seeing through, he is not panicked, but is a little emotional.

Since he felt that this was a combination of formations and illusions, Gu Zheng stopped in place and used his divine sense to explore this space. In his opinion, since it was a formation, there must be traces of formations to be found.

Gu Zheng didn't move, he just used his divine sense to investigate, but Mirage wouldn't do nothing just because he didn't move, and quickly attacked him, one after another huge monsters like whales.

Whales started to attack Gu Zheng from a distance, water arrows one after another, even ice dragons, whirlpools and other attacks, all of which were powerful. However, Gu Zheng didn't lose his memory here. He has everything he should have. He also launched various water-type fairy arts to fight back. Anyway, his divine sense has cut off the tail between him and his body. When he launched an attack, it did not affect the detection of the illusion by divine sense.

Although the whale beast is huge in size and powerful in attack, it is not an opponent of Gu Zheng at all, and soon disappeared under Gu Zheng's magic. After all, Gu Zheng now has all his attack methods.

Gu Zheng was not happy when he easily dealt with the whale beast. On the contrary, he frowned. The detection speed of the divine sense is very fast. It doesn't make sense to find no traces of what the formation should be.

Gu Zheng felt that it didn't make sense, and a vortex appeared in the air. This vortex was not aimed at Gu Zheng's body, but Gu Zheng's divine sense. It had such a strong suction that it was difficult for Gu Zheng's divine sense to The feeling of breaking free.

Gu Zheng's divine sense was struggling with the suction of the vortex, but the vortex was getting bigger and stronger, so that Gu Zheng resolutely gave up that wisp of divine sense, otherwise, after the divine sense was sucked into the vortex, More spiritual thoughts will be pulled over.

Losing a ray of divine sense is nothing to Gu Zheng, but until now he still doesn't have enough understanding of the illusion, which is what makes Gu Zheng more troublesome.

Another new obstacle appeared, which was a body that was as tall as a person, and there were hundreds of them, which looked like seahorses.

No matter what kind of attack these things will launch, Gu Zheng who made the first move, his sleeves stirred in the sea water, and the powerful vortex produced tore the hundreds of seahorses to pieces.

"Could it be that I'm not just in the illusion, but in the magic crystal?"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened suddenly, he thought of this possibility!

Gu Zheng's imagination is well-founded. It's not like he hasn't seen supernatural powers as fairy artifacts in the illusion. It's just that those immortal artifacts are just immortal artifacts, not space immortal artifacts, so even if the illusion is released, it is impossible to absorb people. Inside the fairy.

I have also experienced the Ancient War of Immortal Artifacts in Space Illusion, but that kind of experience is quite special, which naturally weakens the cognition and makes people not think too much. For example, Gu Zheng had experienced all kinds of illusions in the space world of fairy-level space fairy artifacts before, but those illusions were too simple for Gu Zheng, so that there were not many Gu Zhengs. think! But imagine now, aren't those illusions still part of the fairy-level space fairy artifact? Even if he breaks the illusion, isn't he still in the fairy artifact of the fairy-level space?

"Space, formation, and illusion! Seeing through the illusion did not allow me to pass the test, and looking for traces of the formation did not yield anything, so now it seems that the feasible path to pass this test may lie in space! "

With an idea in mind, Gu Zheng immediately put it into practice, and once again separated his spiritual thoughts, he made a detailed induction of the structure of the space.

When Gu Zheng was sensing the space structure, all kinds of phantoms in the illusion were still harassing him, but none of them posed any threat to him.

As time went by little by little, a sense of crisis appeared in Gu Zheng's heart. He felt that even if he remembered everything, he was strong enough, but because he failed to find a way to pass the test in time, the illusion was making him forget the original things , this kind of forgetting is stronger than any previous harassment for Gu Zheng!

As the saying goes, one ebbs and another, once the memory of Gu Zheng starts to be forgotten, the various harassments that he could easily deal with may become more difficult. If the original harassment may only become more difficult, then there is a crisis that will bring a danger that cannot be ignored. He feels that this so-called forgetting is attacking his divine sense, because when he uses the divine sense In the process of induction and construction, the vortex that can devour spiritual thoughts appeared frequently, which had already caused him to lose about one-tenth of his spiritual thoughts.

One-tenth of the divine sense doesn't sound like much, but if it is divided into strands, this amount is a bit huge, so it can be seen that when Gu Zheng used the divine sense to sense the space structure, he suffered How much resistance! It is precisely because the resistance is too strong that Gu Zheng feels that the understanding of the structure of space must be the key to him passing this test. As for the things that the illusion wants him to pass, the first choice must be divine sense! After all, although the resistance from the vortex is strong, Gu Zheng has become more and more familiar with the structure of the entire space in the process of piling up with his divine sense.

Sure enough, what the illusion wanted Gu Zheng to forget was indeed his divine sense. With the passage of time, Gu Zheng's divine sense actually produced a sense of fatigue. The direct impact of this fatigue is the divine sense All speeds are slowed down, including the detection speed of the space structure and the evasion speed of the vortex.

"Come on, this is the line!"

Although the situation is very dangerous, Gu Zheng's heart is getting more and more excited. He finally found a very special line in the space structure.

In the eyes of a cultivator who has mastered the way of space, the structure of all spaces can be presented in the form of lines. As for whether these lines can be understood, it depends on whether the cultivator has a sufficient understanding of space itself.

Now that I have found that special line, a method I originally used to buy time in my heart has come to be activated.

Gu Zheng transformed his spiritual thoughts into the shape of fishes, and eight of them appeared at once. These eight small fishes of spiritual thoughts rushed out in eight directions.

The original purpose of the transformation of spiritual thoughts was to make the spiritual thoughts more destructive, but now Gu Zheng no longer seeks any destructive power. He just wants to use these transformed spiritual thoughts to attract the attention of the whirlpool, so as to give That ray of divine sense to trace a special line brings the opportunity to find the secret.

Gu Zheng is not clear about whether the method is feasible, but he has no other way, so he can only try this way. If there are only two whirlpools that can deal with divine thoughts in the illusion, then the two whirlpools want to deal with the eight gods. If you read Xiaoyu, it will definitely take longer! After all, as of now, Gu Zheng has only seen two vortexes that appeared at the same time.

As for whether the whirlpool will give up chasing the little fish of Gu Zheng's spiritual sense for Gu Zheng's trace of the line, Gu Zheng is not worried about this. After all, the little fish of divine sense are composed of more divine senses, and they also have the ability to detect, so they should be more able to attract the attention of the illusion. However, even if the vortex does not target the little fish with divine sense, it will not have a great impact on Gu Zheng. Anyway, the special line has been found, and even if he does not have the divine sense to detect the special line, he can still use the small fish with spiritual sense to detect the special line. Let's continue this mission! It's just that probing is different from fighting. In this special illusion, he can use the divine sense to track special lines, or the divine sense fish, and he can only control two at the same time.

It was a correct approach to separate out the little fish of spiritual sense, and this approach was immediately verified. Whirlpool gave up Gu Zheng's weaker strand of spiritual sense, and began to attack his little fish of spiritual sense. In addition, Gu Zheng has another guess that is correct, that is, there are only two vortexes, and if the power is divided, it will be scattered, and it will take a long time for the two vortexes to destroy the eight small fishes of spiritual thoughts .

Gu Zheng is very pleased. His divine sense has lost two-thirds after he transformed into eight small divine mind fishes. Otherwise, he himself will be greatly affected by it, and it will be difficult to resist all kinds of harassment from the illusion to his body, and because of the excessive consumption of spiritual thoughts, the speed of his forgetting spiritual thoughts will be like an avalanche.

It has to be said that Gu Zheng is now in the process of breaking the boat, but it is indeed effective. When the vortex wiped out more than half of the eight small fishes of divine sense, Gu Zheng finally had a major breakthrough in the divine sense that traced the special lines. The effect of this breakthrough is that Gu Zheng has a structural diagram of the entire fantasy space in his mind instantly. This kind of structural diagram is basically incomprehensible to ordinary people, but Gu Zheng understands the illusion, understands space, and also understands formations, so He soon saw a way to pass this test.

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, the difficulty of this last test is indeed very great, the understanding of illusion, space and formation is indispensable! He is now going to a special place in this space, which is the key place to pass this test, but this key place cannot be reached by normal means. It is like a space hidden by a formation. To enter this formation, the required way is not to just step on the right step normally, but to step on the right step with teleportation!

Gu Zheng's body disappeared in place, and after using teleportation, he shuttled again and again, and finally entered the special place that allowed him to pass the test.

The special place is very small, just enough to accommodate a person. Gu Zheng thought that he had to do something to pass the test when he arrived in the special place, but as soon as he entered the special place, he immediately had a feeling, He doesn't need to do anything, this special place is actually a special way to recognize the master, as long as he enters this special place, the magic crystal will immediately recognize the master! As the owner of the magic crystal, it is easy to leave the magic crystal, and the so-called test naturally ends here.

Gu Zheng has become the master of the illusion crystal, but he didn't come out of the illusion crystal space immediately, he is absorbing the enlightenment brought by the illusion crystal.

At the beginning, Gu Zheng thought that the treasures in the Soaring Boat should be at the same level as the Chance of Sanctification, but now it seems that his initial guess was not wrong.

The chance of sanctification was also obtained in the age of Guzheng Noumenon, but the chance of sanctification is just a kind of chance, and there is a lot of suspense whether it can be grasped.

The magic crystal is a treasure, and the supernatural power it can activate is the illusion that Gu Zheng experienced before. It's just that the illusion is born in a state where the illusion crystal is not controlled, so the illusion experienced by Gu Zheng can't compare with the illusion activated by the illusion crystal master through the illusion crystal! It can also be said that with only the magic crystal in hand, Gu Zheng can easily kill immortal cultivators of the same level. From this point, it is enough to see the power of the magic crystal.

However, after absorbing the enlightenment brought by the illusion, Gu Zheng had a very strange feeling. He felt that there was an inextricable connection between the magic crystal and the heart magic bead, and the reason why he had this feeling , is entirely due to the result of long-term contact with the Heart Demon Orb, and there is no actual basis.

The heart magic orb has always been a treasure that Gu Zheng is more curious about, but this treasure is now taken away by the Fire Demon King, otherwise Gu Zheng really wants to see when these two unworldly treasures meet, What will happen.

With a thought, Gu Zheng appeared in the central cabin, he stretched out his hand and waved towards the air, and the phantom crystal floating quietly in the air was taken into his hand.

The spirit of the center is dead, and Gu Zheng can't feel any of his aura. The two statues that can complete the task are now on Gu Zheng's body. He can return to the world in the volcanic space with a single thought.

However, Gu Zheng doesn't plan to go back for the time being, there must be a lot of useful things in the Aotian Zhou, and he will search for these things.

There are indeed many useful things in the skyship, and these things are in the various metal boxes in the supply cabin.

Although all the things in the metal boxes are resources, Gu Zheng didn't take them all away, and he didn't forget those people outside the Snowfall Ice Field.

Gu Zheng has always been a person who has good rewards and punishments. Since those people also helped to guard the colorless barrier outside the Luoxue Ice Field, naturally they can't let them work in vain. Gu Zheng plans to let the three countries Representatives, carve up the entire Skyboat, and this is undoubtedly a very huge fortune.

For the people of the three countries, Gu Zheng didn't have much to explain, but said that he didn't want to see any conflicts caused by those things inside Aotianzhou. The representatives of the three countries also nodded in agreement, and they said they would divide the inside of those things.

He didn't stay outside the Luoxue Icefield, and Gu Zheng didn't go back to the previous cave. After all, he wasn't in the same Buzhou, and he needed to pass through various teleportation arrays, which was quite troublesome.

Finding a barren mountain nearby, Gu Zheng opened up a cave, arranged all the prohibitions and fairy formations that needed to be arranged, and then returned to the fourth floor of the volcanic space with a thought.

It was still the familiar environment, the same cold pool, Gu Zheng also had the same lava body, and there were still thirty-six lava skeletons lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown.

After leaving for so many years, returning to the fourth floor of this volcanic space again, Gu Zheng feels like a world away.


Seeing Gu Zheng come back, the lava horse that had been waiting for him neighed.

"I'm back."

Feeling the excitement of the lava horse, Gu Zheng patted it on the head.

"You are finally back, hand over the statue!"

Brother Hantan's voice contained unconcealable hatred. Although his son didn't speak, he also looked like he wanted to eat people.

"What, do you hate me so much?"

Looking at the father and son of the monk Hantan whom he saw again, Gu Zheng had the urge to beat them up.

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