The body of the silver turtle changed, and it finally turned into a pile of ashes!

In the volcanic space, the ashes of monsters are infinitely useful for Gu Zheng. The ashes of different monsters can be used to transform into armor for different purposes. The body of the silver turtle will be ashes. And did not think of variables! After all, the ashes obtained by Gu Zheng in the past were the ashes of lava-type monsters after their death. Gu Zheng rarely encountered monsters like this kind of ice-type monsters in the volcanic space, and those who could turn into ashes were even more first encounter.

Although the old silver turtle has a huge body, there are not many ashes that can be transformed into ashes. Looking at the amount, Gu Zheng knew that such ashes were only enough for him to transform into armor twice.

Through the induction of the ashes, Gu Zheng soon knew the use of the ashes of the silver turtle. The armor transformed by the ashes is not very powerful, but it can be used by Gu Zheng in some special environments. , such as the cold environment.

Gu Zheng now has a body of the same origin as ice and fire, and is basically not afraid of cold and flames, but this does not mean that he has no problem entering some places. For example, if it is a purple magma lake or a purple sea of ​​​​fire, he will If you enter it, you will be burned quickly. Another example is the icy cold area where the silver turtle is located. If Gu Zheng enters it, he will not last long and will be frostbitten.

In addition to harvesting the ashes, Gu Zheng also got two inner alchemy!

Gu Zheng thought that there was only one inner alchemy in the silver turtle's body, that is, the inner alchemy that could be used as a key, but he didn't expect that there were two inner alchemy in his body! However, Gu Zheng can tell what the two inner alchemy are for, because one of the inner alchemy is larger and looks like a walnut. Its size can be used to open the door to the inner space of the volcano. As for The smaller one looks like the size of a pigeon egg.

Although the small inner alchemy looks small, it has a special energy in it. When Gu Zheng sensed this energy, he knew that this smaller inner alchemy was a tonic for the lava horse. It can shorten the time for the lava warhorse to refine the inner alchemy of the silver eel this time.

Taking away all the things that should be collected, Gu Zheng didn't rush over to have a round with the lava horses. Apart from letting him know through the induction of the lava horses that the lava horses and lava skeletons are fine now, there is another reason That is, there seemed to be a choice in front of him.

The ice-cold area where the silver turtle is located, with Gu Zheng's body of the same origin of ice and fire, it is unrealistic to explore in depth, but the ashes of the silver turtle after being killed can make Gu Zheng transform into armor, and this This kind of armor can make Gu Zheng resist this icy power!

"Is it really a coincidence? I couldn't explore this icy area in depth, and I didn't have the idea to explore this icy area, but now I can transform into an armor to explore this area. So what exactly is this area? Why don't you explore?"

Gu Zheng was a little entangled. He didn't have a special feeling for exploring this area, so he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to explore this area, and whether there would be any danger! However, his intuition is telling him that it should not be a coincidence. Exploring this area may use some things, and it will consume half of the ashes of the silver turtle, but if he misses this opportunity and enters the interior of the volcanic space , If you want to explore this area, there is no way.

Heartbroken, Gu Zheng decided to explore this icy area. The ashes of the silver turtle immediately turned into a pair of gleaming silver armor, covering his body surface. Gu Zheng also immediately dived towards the icy area below. .

With the protection of the ice-cold armor, Gu Zheng could not feel the coldness in the ice-cold area, and even the original silver-colored ice-cold magma was as transparent as water in his eyes, and he could not feel any resistance, which made him There is a feeling as if you have turned into a fish and are swimming in the pool.

Although he was swimming happily, Gu Zheng also kept on guard all the time. Who knows if there is any danger in this icy cold area, and if he will encounter any monsters.

Thinking in his heart whether he would encounter any monsters, Gu Zheng saw the figure of a monster immediately, and the appearance of this monster made Gu Zheng's glasses widen involuntarily.

For a long time, the lava monsters that Gu Zheng saw in the volcanic space, even if they were humanoid, still looked like monsters, except that the old lava woman did look like a human old woman, but this similarity is also limited. After all, it is still a body of lava.

However, the monster that Gu Zheng saw this time is almost similar to the mermaid in the prehistoric, and it is a more beautiful one. Except for its silver body, it really looks the same as the mermaid in the prehistoric.

The Ice Mermaid also discovered Gu Zheng, and it took the lead in attacking Gu Zheng with a wave of its hand.

What constitutes the icy area is not water, but icy magma, and under the waving of the ice mermaid, the icy magma around Gu Zheng immediately began to solidify, as if trying to fix Gu Zheng inside.

Although Gu Zheng was able to swim in this icy region with the help of the protection of the icy armor, but no matter how he himself is from the same source of ice and fire, this special icy-cold magma still belongs to him. Although his control over icy magma is definitely not as strong as that of the silver turtle, it is enough for a icy mermaid, and no matter what, the icy merman did not bring him What a dangerous feeling, and its ability to control icy magma is not as good as him for Gu Zheng.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the two original energies in his body oscillated at the same time. The icy magma that was about to solidify immediately returned to normal. It also began to solidify, Gu Zheng is repaying his own body in his own way!

As for the ice-cold mermaid, Gu Zheng has no intention of killing yet. Anyway, he has never encountered such a strange ice-cold monster before. Gu Zheng wants to see if he can communicate with it, and if it doesn’t work, he will study it, maybe It is not certain that there will be any gains.

While solidifying the icy magma beside the icy-cold mermaid, Gu Zheng also asked the icy-cold mermaid, "Can you speak?"

Such a peculiar ice-cold mermaid, if it could really communicate with Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng wouldn't be surprised. However, in the face of Gu Zheng's inquiry, the ice-cold mermaid didn't even respond, it was as if he hadn't heard it. He just flicked his tail, resisting Gu Zheng's force to solidify the icy cold magma.

Since the ice-cold mermaid cannot communicate, Gu Zheng waved his hand to turn the ice-cold magma around him into two sharp thorns. He wanted to control the ice-cold mermaid to facilitate his subsequent research, because the ice-cold mermaid had already With a flick of his tail, he broke free from the confinement caused by the solidification of the icy-cold magma, and was diving towards the depths of the icy-cold area.

The sharp thorns had a very fast speed, they stabbed the tail of the ice-cold mermaid, the body of the ice-cold mermaid trembled, and the movement of diving immediately slowed down.

Just as Gu Zheng was going to chase the injured ice-cold mermaid, he had a special feeling in his heart. It was the lava horse telling him that monsters had appeared, and there were quite a few of them!

Even if the ancient battle is in the icy area and the lava horse is at the foot of the volcano, it still belongs to the same space. Belonging to two different spaces, there is only the most basic sense between Gu Zheng and the lava horse, and there is no way to communicate! In the current situation, Gu Zheng could still communicate with the Lava Warhorse, so he immediately asked about the specific situation of the Lava Warhorse.

The lava warhorse told Gu Zheng that the new lava monsters that appeared were still of a type that had never been seen before. There were a total of two hundred of them, and it was not known whether the lava skeletons could deal with them.

Gu Zheng let the lava warhorse hide in front of the gate leading to the inner space of the volcano, because that gate was dug out from the mountainside. If the lava warhorse hides there, it will be safer for it! In addition, before Gu Zheng came to the icy area, he had already explained to the lava skeletons that if something happened, let them protect the lava horses. With the fighting talent of the lava skeletons, since Gu Zheng has given them this order, Gu Zheng believes them At that time, the entrance will be blocked and the lava horse will be given a safe space! Moreover, the Lava Skull has been upgraded many times now. Gu Zheng believes that they should be able to stand up for a while. He will deal with the problem here as soon as possible, and then rush back.

I just heard that the lava horses said that when they were attacked by more than two hundred lava monsters, Gu Zheng wanted to go back immediately, but at that time, because of his control over the fairy-level space fairy, he gave birth to a A special feeling, this special feeling made him understand that if he went back at this time, he would definitely regret it! And this regret made him clearly know that it meant missing the opportunity deep in the icy region, so he decided not to go back for the time being.

Now that he had decided not to go back, Gu Zheng immediately chased after the ice-cold mermaid with all his strength. Although the ice-cold mermaid was injured, but because Gu Zheng's communication with the lava horse affected his speed, it was now only in the eyes of Gu Zheng. A shadow remains.

Gu Zheng chased after it with all his strength, and the ice-cold mermaid, which was only a shadow, became more and more clear in his sight, but the ice-cold mermaid was still running for his life, and had no intention of stopping at all. Moreover, the environment in front of him has become different from before because of the deep pursuit of Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng saw something like a mountain range, and there are still many caves on the mountain range.

"call out!"

The ice-cold mermaid that Gu Zheng thought would never happen, unexpectedly made a sharp sound at this time, and following the sound, many mermaids appeared from the caves in the mountains deep in the ice-cold area. The cold mermaids swam out of the cave one by one, as if they were endless, within a few breaths, the number of cold mermaids that appeared was already nearly a hundred.

"Emotions broke into the mermaid's nest!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, although there are a large number of these human mermaids, as long as they are not the kind of monsters that can launch a combined attack, Gu Zheng is not afraid of them at all. Knowing that with the ability of the ice-cold mermaid, it is very difficult to hurt him, and if he really wants to fight back with all his strength, these ice-cold mermaids will die on a large scale! Moreover, it is unlikely that they are the kind that can launch a combined attack, because the kind of monster that can launch a combined attack is unlikely to appear alone, and they will be dispatched in groups wherever they go.

The number of ice-cold mermaids has exceeded 300. Not all of these ice-cold mermaids are beautiful, they are really like mermaids, the female ones are quite beautiful, and the male ones are hideous.

The ice-cold mermaid has already launched an attack on Gu Zheng. They are indeed not the kind that can attack together. The female ice-cold mermaid is still like the previous ice-cold mermaid. She wants to solidify the ice-cold magma to imprison Gu Zheng. However, the male ice-cold mermaids are like wild beasts, waving their sharp claws and approaching Gu Zheng, with the potential to tear him apart.

"It seems that if you don't solve it, you will die!"

For Gu Zheng, the gap in strength is too big, even if there are a lot of ice-cold mermaids, the effect of confinement on him can't affect him at all, but these male ice-cold mermaids who are close to him seem a bit annoying , Just like a fly, although it can't hurt anyone, it's disgusting!

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the two original energies in his body vibrated, and countless spikes emerged, which were absorbed by the icy mermaids around him.

Gu Zheng is now motivated to kill. No matter the strength or size of the spikes, they are not comparable to those used to just want to keep the cold mermaid. Therefore, these spikes are like arrows to ordinary people, very effective Lethality.

In the scene like thousands of arrows being fired, a large number of icy cold mermaids fell, and Gu Zheng's terrifying method seemed to suppress those icy cold mermaids. The male icy cold mermaids just surrounded Gu Zheng from a distance. , never dared to step forward again, as for those female ice-cold mermaids, they were still attacking in vain from a distance, still trying to imprison the intruder Gu Zheng by controlling the ice-cold magma.

"It should be somewhere!"

Ignoring these nasty icy-cold mermaids, Gu Zheng's eyes were fixed on the one he was chasing at first, and he felt that this icy-cold mermaid was more extraordinary.

Gu Zheng would have a special feeling. He felt that once he returned to support the lava horses, he would lose this opportunity in the depths of the icy region, but Gu Zheng didn't know what this opportunity was.

However, after deciding to go deeper, Gu Zheng had a guess in his mind. Is the so-called chance related to the ice-cold mermaid he was chasing? Anyway, he was also in the process of chasing the cold mermaid, because the idea of ​​continuing to chase wavered, so he had that special feeling.

It was because of speculation that Gu Zheng just chased and did not do anything to the icy-cold mermaid. Otherwise, he had been chasing for a long time. If he wanted to kill a wounded icy-cold mermaid, it would not be easy. .

After chasing the injured icy-cold mermaid, Gu Zheng felt more and more that his guess was correct. The so-called chance must have something to do with the injured icy-cold mermaid, because it was really different from the other icy-cold mermaids. Even if the ice-cold mermaid is injured, it won't be cowardly running away like it is! Moreover, Gu Zheng felt that the place where the injured icy-cold mermaid wanted to escape should be one of the many caves on the mountain range. If he missed the chase at the beginning, it would be impossible to find it. Which cave did you get into! Anyway, there are really too many caves here, and it is not clear whether the interior is well connected.

Everything was not different from Gu Zheng's conjecture. The injured ice-cold mermaid really got into a cave. After Gu Zheng followed into it, he found that the interior of the cave was really well-connected. After swimming with the injured ice-cold mermaid for a while , It seems that the cold mermaid who is in a panic has got into a dead end!

Just glanced at the cold mermaid shivering at the bottom of the dead alley, and Gu Zheng's time fell on those things at the bottom of the dead alley.

There are several thick chains at the bottom of the dead alley, which were originally locked on the chains, but they have long since died, and the bones have also fallen apart, piled up in a pile at the bottom of the dead alley.

Seeing that Gu Zheng's attention seemed to be on those bones, the ice-cold mermaid cautiously swam against the cave wall for a while, seeing that Gu Zheng still didn't attack it, as if he had tried his best, and fled like an arrow. out.

Gu Zheng ignored the fleeing ice-cold mermaid, he felt that he had found the so-called opportunity, and that opportunity was the pile of bones at the bottom of the dead end!

Gu Zheng would feel that the bones at the bottom of the dead end were a chance, not because he had any special feelings, but because the pile of bones made him feel familiar, especially those two bones that looked like shells, which exposed The fact that the skeleton was a lava mirage dragon in life!

"Is this your bone?"

Gu Zheng said in his heart, although the lava mirage dragon is a collective name for lava monsters, what he identified in his heart was his 'old friend'.

The reason why Gu Zheng said that the lava mirage is his old friend is because he has had too many interactions with the lava mirage in this volcanic space. Every time he said goodbye to the lava mirage, as long as he made a With the right choice, Gu Zheng will still see it again, and as long as he sees the lava mirage, basically Gu Zheng will be lucky. Moreover, Gu Zheng felt that the pile of bones in front of him was the bones of the Lava Mirage Dragon. In fact, there was another reason, that is, the Lava Mirage Dragon had entanglements with the Fire Demon King, and he had the same entanglement with the Fire Demon King. Already unknowingly, I have been involved in the test derived from that story back then.

Gu Zheng touched the bones with his hands, and a picture soon appeared in his mind. This picture made Gu Zheng understand that the bones were indeed lava mirage dragons.

In the war between the Lava Dragon Clan and the Fire Demon King, the loser was the Lava Dragon Clan. There were two major reasons for the failure of that war. One was the betrayal of the Lava Mirage Dragon Concubine Aifei, and the other was the human figure that existed behind the scenes. red cloud.

Before Gu Zheng, he only knew that the lava mirage dragon was defeated that year, but he didn't know what happened to it after the defeat. The picture that appeared in his mind now made him understand that after the lava mirage dragon was defeated, the Fire Demon King locked it in the into this icy region.

The lava mirage is not a body of the same origin as ice and fire. This kind of icy place is no less than being tortured all the time for its pure lava body! Moreover, the punishment of being restrained by the original source is still a trivial matter. There are countless icy cold mermaids in the entire mountain range. Under the instruction of the Fire Demon King, they eat part of the lava mirage dragon's meat every day, so that the lava mirage dragon is Died after being tortured.

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