Gu Zheng started to eat. He picked up a piece of softened cotton-like pulp with a stone knife and sent it to his mouth. The monk Hantan and his son stared at him with wide eyes, imagining what kind of delicacy it was. .

It looks like cotton wool, and it seems to have a bad taste, but when he actually tasted it in his mouth, Gu Zheng first felt a kind of fragrant and sweet juice, and then he sucked it hard, and the pulp like cotton wool immediately disappeared. It melted in his mouth, and it became completely slag-free, which also made the original fragrance in his mouth escalate again.

"Well, it's really good!"

The delicious food finally made Gu Zheng feel better. It can be said that after entering this space world, apart from the natural treasures that Gu Zheng ate at the beginning, the fragrance of this pulp is the best fruity experience.


Following Gu Zheng's evaluation, Brother Hantan and his son swallowed their saliva together. When Gu Zheng used a stone knife to tie up a slice of slightly curly fried meat and sent it to his mouth, Brother Hantan and his son couldn't help but open their mouths wide , Stretched their necks, as if when the piece of meat was sent to Gu Zheng's mouth, they could also taste it.

The unique aroma of meat food blooms in the mouth as Gu Zheng chews. Moreover, since the quality of the ingredients is already high-quality, coupled with the cooking of ancient disputes, the umami taste is really not to mention, even if there is no salt for seasoning, it is still a wonderful taste experience.

After eating a piece of firm and tender scorpion tail meat, Gu Zheng also picked up a piece of petal with a stone knife and put it in his mouth to chew.

The quality of the petal ingredients is only medium, and the taste is naturally not as good as the other two ingredients, but no matter how it is cooked with the other two ingredients, the taste is not too bad.

After carefully tasting the same ingredient, Gu Zheng began to gobble up the food in the stone pot. Don't look at him enjoying the food, but in fact, that kind of physical pain exists all the time.

The food in the stone pot was quickly eaten up by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng immediately sat up in the magic crystal.

Gu Zheng's current body is only a mortal body. If he wants to adapt to the spirit of the real fire in his body, he must upgrade his own strength to the late stage of Qi transformation within three days.

Although when looking for ingredients on the road, Gu Zheng was very irritable because he couldn't find them all the time, but once he found the ingredients, he could cook such food once and eat it, and the urgent need would be reduced a lot.

For example, now, according to Gu Zheng's speculation, the immortal energy that the food can transform this time will definitely allow him to enter the early stage of gas transformation. Once he enters the early stage of gas transformation, then his ability to withstand the spirit of the real fire It will also be stronger, and the three days at that time will be extended, and the pain he usually needs to endure will also be weakened due to the improvement of his own strength.

Although Gu Zheng's current body is a mortal body, its internal structure is not the same as that of mortals in the prehistoric world. The cultivation formulas he used before are useless to this body now. The only thing that makes him feel A basic skill that is useful can only be used when he has reached the stage of the initial stage of qi transformation.

Then the situation in front of Gu Zheng became that Gu Zheng didn't need to do too many things, he only needed to guide the effect of the medicine, impact and strengthen the meridians of his body, which was not difficult.

The feeling of pain became more and more intense, and the effect of the medicine appeared in Gu Zheng's body in the form of another warm current that made Gu Zheng painful. This warm current was changing Gu Zheng's meridians and body, and the meridians and body changed, causing pain. Naturally, it is inevitable.

Gu Zheng in the magic crystal was sweating profusely, and this situation lasted for a long time. When he finally finished, Gu Zheng exhaled unrecognizably, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Gu Zheng has entered the early stage of Qi transformation, the body is still suffering from double pain at the first moment, and the pain caused by the body change is eliminated at the next moment, and the pain caused by the original real fire spirit is also relieved. The feeling after this comparison is simply unbearable.

"Let's go, march towards the next fruit tree!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's voice coming from the magic crystal, Brother Hantan's father and son immediately cheered. For their father and son, it is great that Gu Zheng is safe and sound.

There is also a monster on the third fruit tree. The monster looks like a big lizard, but it has six legs and barbs on its back.

Although it looked very fierce, the lizard monster was not the opponent of the cold pool monk, and was quickly beaten to death by the cold pool monk with a stick of soul power.

After the cold pool monk killed the lizard monster, Gu Zheng also got the fruit on the tree, but the fly in the ointment was that the food quality of the lizard monster was too low to give Gu Zheng a double harvest like the scorpion monster.

Without wasting any time, Brother Hantan and his son immediately ran towards the fourth fruit tree according to Gu Zheng's guidance, and through the previous notification from Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan already knew that the monster living on the fourth fruit tree was a big bird.

However, the situation changed. When the father and son of the monk Hantan arrived near the fruit tree, they found that the person guarding the fruit was no longer a big bird, but a tree man with a height of ten meters!

Gu Zheng saw the tree man in the forest, that was when he first entered the forest, and he also made a deal with the tree man, and got information about the chipmunk from the tree man, and this is what happened next .

However, the tree man this time is not the one that Gu Zheng had seen before. Its appearance looks more fierce than the tree man Gu Zheng saw before. Standing next to the fruit tree, its mouth is not idle at all. , and it is not like the tree man before, it eats meat, it actually eats the trees next to it, it grabs a lot of leaves and stuffs them into the mouth to chew, and it uproots the smaller trees, like It is eaten with relish like sugarcane.

"Hey, can you talk?"

Gu Zheng's voice came from the magic crystal. Because of the relationship with the tree man before, Gu Zheng wanted to see if he could get any useful news from the tree man now.


What responded to Gu Zheng was a roar. The tree man who hadn't found the father and son of Hantan cultivator at first also found them because of Gu Zheng's voice. go.

It is said to be a small tree, but that is only compared to the huge body of the tree man. In the eyes of the monk Hantan and his son, it was actually a big tree when it was thrown by the tree man!

"Master, what should I do?"

Dodging the flying tree, Brother Hantan asked Gu Zheng.

"Lead it to a place where it will not harm the fruit and kill it. It has no intelligence and cannot communicate."

With Gu Zheng's words, Brother Hantan and his son immediately became excited. In their opinion, this huge treant should be a very challenging opponent.

The monk Hantan and his son first led the tree man away from the fruit tree for a certain range, then turned around and rushed towards the tall tree man, all holding sticks transformed by soul power in their hands.

Seeing Brother Hantan and his son rushing towards him, the tree man stopped chasing and shook its arms. Countless vines shot out from its arms, rolling towards Brother Hantan and his son like spirit snakes.

The bodies of the cold pool monk and his son are very flexible, but the vines are also very flexible. Even if the cold pool monk and his son try their best to avoid their entanglement, they still cannot escape their entanglement. What makes the cold pool monk and his son helpless is that their soul power The attack didn't work against this treant!

Soul power attack is currently the strongest attack method of the cold pool monk father and son. If this attack method does not work, then they will not be able to harm the tree man at all.

"Go, as long as you get close to it within a certain range, I will deal with this tree man!"

Gu Zheng had already seen the situation of Brother Hantan and his son, and he did not ask Brother Hantan and his son to take down the tree man. He was going to do it himself.

After receiving the order from Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan immediately ran to the other side. In the current situation, the only way to break through the blockade of the tree-man vines and run to its side was to take a detour. s method.

Brother Hantan's tactic was effective. When he ran to the side, the vines that were still attacking him all swept towards his son because he was beyond the attack range.

Originally, he only had to deal with half of the vines, but now the number of vines to deal with has doubled. The monk's son in the cold pool suddenly became more stressed, and he was in danger of being bound by the vines at any time. However, the son of the monk Hantan is not stupid. Knowing that the current situation is not suitable for him to be entangled with vines, he simply no longer wants to get closer to the tree man while entangled with vines. He ran after the trees in the forest. Anyway, there were many trees in the forest, and the vines were connected to the tree man's body. As long as he could hide safely for a while, his father would be able to get close to the tree man within a certain range.

Brother Hantan's son was right. His peek-a-boo was a provocation to the tree man. The angry tree man only cared about him, ignoring the monk Hantan who was already approaching him from behind.

After the monk Hantan got close to the treant within a certain range, Gu Zheng decisively used the magic crystal, and the huge treant was no exception, and he directly absorbed it into the magic crystal.

Taking the treant into the illusion crystal, Gu Zheng ordered the father and son of the monks in Hantan to continue to pick the fruit. After picking the fruit, they marched towards the enchantment that would appear at night. Try to torture it well through illusions.

What the treants fear most is fire. When the overwhelming flames appeared in the phantom crystal, the treants struggled in it, and its will gradually disappeared in the burning of the flames.

Tormenting the will of the tree man, Gu Zheng checked its memory through the magic crystal, but the tree man woke up only after Gu Zheng entered this space world, and its memory was only a few days, so it was not at all. It's of no use.

Although the tree man's memory is useless, the tree man itself is of great use to Gu Zheng! This is not to say that the tree man itself is what food, but its body.

The tree man's body is very tall, but this body can expand and contract freely. When it is the tallest, it can reach a height of ten meters, but when it is the shortest, it can also become more than one meter. Fire, but compared to ordinary plants, it has stronger resistance to flames. More importantly, invisible attacks like soul power are useless to tree people. Although it can't fly, it can Brother Hantan and his son have already seen how powerful its vines are after it grows in size.

Because of the extraordinary nature of the tree man, Gu Zheng decided to let the son of the monk Hantan occupy the body of the tree man, thereby strengthening the strength of the entire team.

Brother Hantan and his son are still in the body of monkey monsters. They have encountered other monsters before, but those monsters are not as powerful as Brother Hantan and his son. Gu Zheng didn't think about taking the trouble to replace them with a new body , now it is worth his trouble.

Torturing the tree man into a suitable state, Gu Zheng took the son of the monk Hantan into the phantom crystal.

Brother Hantan's son was very excited. He thanked Gu Zheng repeatedly, and he was naturally very happy to have a stronger treant body.

Abandoning the original monkey monster body, the son of the monk Hantan used his soul to complete the seizure of the treant. After being released by Gu Zheng, he immediately destroyed the forest excitedly. Seeing his father, the monk Hantan That is envy.

Knowing that Brother Hantan is envious, Gu Zheng may promise that if he encounters a suitable monster again, he will also ask Brother Hantan to find a more powerful body.

At this time, there is still some time before night. Although he has not harvested any useful ingredients, Gu Zheng is in a good mood. After eating a meal, he is now in the early stage of gasification, that kind of torture all the time It has been controlled within the range he can bear.

"Come on! Reward you."

Seeing that Gu Zheng walked out of the magic crystal and took out the corpse of a monster that looked like a rhinoceros, the father and son of the monk Hantan burst into cheers.

A rhinoceros-like monster, it was hunted by the father and son of Hantan monks on the way from the wilderness to the forest. Although this guy is huge in size, the grade of ingredients is mid-level, and it exudes a strange fragrance. This kind of fragrance smelled like musk, and Gu Zheng didn't like this kind of fragrance, but it didn't affect the father and son of Hantan monks who thought the fragrance was very good, which made them both obsessed with the rhinoceros meat.

Now that Gu Zheng wants to reward the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, he naturally wants to make this rhinoceros monster a barbecue for the monks in the cold pool to feast on.

However, the size of the rhinoceros monster is too large. With Gu Zheng's current strength, it is not enough to completely use the real fire of life to barbecue. Only responsible for the next barbecue on the line.

The huge rhinoceros monster was dealt with by monk Hantan. According to the requirements of Gu Zheng, only two huge steaks were left in the end, and this cool steak was cut into pieces by monk Hantan and skewered into meat skewers , has also been placed on the burning grill at this moment. In fact, if it was only monk Hantan, he would not be able to eat so much barbecue, but the key point is that the son of monk Hantan is now in the body of a tree man. Although this body is more powerful, he still needs to eat enough Food will also be more than the body of the monkey monster.

As Gu Zheng was grilling, the aroma of barbecue mixed with a musk-like smell became more intense in the air. This smell was not attractive to Gu Zheng, but it attracted the saliva of the father and son of Hantan monks.

It seems that it is not only the cold pool monks who feel the aroma of the barbecue, even some other monsters think so, which makes the process of the ancient battle barbecue not calm, a total of four groups of monsters were killed. Attracted by the aroma of grilled meat. However, these monsters were not strong enough, and before they rushed to the vicinity, they were dealt with by the cold pool monk and his son.

The two big meat skewers were finally grilled, and the father and son of the Hantan monks ate deliciously. After they were full, the sky gradually dimmed.

The forest at night is two completely different worlds from the daytime. The sky has just turned dark, and the forest has become radiant. Many trees, flowers and plants that look ordinary during the day, even emit a faint glow at night. Bright lights, and even those monsters that don't show up during the day like chipmunks, but appear suddenly at night, appeared beside the father and son of the monks in the cold pool.

There were three monsters that appeared next to the father and son of the cold pool monks. One looked like a wolf but had two heads. The old chipmunks are a lot like that.

Three monsters that appeared suddenly launched an attack on the cold pool cultivator immediately. They pounced forward and sprayed poison. However, although the three monsters attacked Brother Hantan, they did not deal with Brother Hantan's son. It looks like a big tree, so they won't be idle and attack a big tree.

The three monsters did not attack the cold pool monk's son, but the cold pool monk's son would not let them go. Seeing that the cold pool monk's body was short, he immediately sprayed the two-meter-long, poisonous The centipede monster was caught in his hand.

The comparison of the body made Brother Hantan's son look like an urchin grabbing a small centipede. With a slight force of his hands, the body of the centipede monster was instantly torn into two pieces by him.

Although the body of the centipede monster was torn into two parts, the part with the head not only did not die, but was bitten on the hand of the monk Hantan's son.

However, the son of the monk Hantan is now in the body of a treant, and the treant has a good immunity to toxins. To him, this kind of injury is similar to being bitten by an ant. He directly killed the centipede monster His head was crushed.

Seeing that there was a treant beside him, the other two monsters immediately wanted to escape, but because the two-headed wolf monster escaped slowly, both of its heads were beaten by the soul power stick of the cold pool monk Broken.

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