After Brother Hantan successfully captured the goshawk monster, Zhang Chao's way of walking also changed accordingly. He stuck the magic crystal on the forehead of Brother Hantan, and Brother Hantan flew instead of walking down-to-earth. And, knowing where the suspected ingredients are, the place where you want to go becomes very clear.

Through the memory of the goshawk monster, Gu Zheng knew that this enchantment was very large, and the place they were going to now was a forest not far away. It was more than one meter high and looked like a pineapple fruit. Gu Zheng felt that the fruit might be the qualified ingredients he needed.

Brother Hantan is now using the body of a goshawk monster. His flying speed is very fast. In just two minutes, he has already seen the border of the vast forest in the enchantment.

The suspected qualified fruit was in the forest bonded area, and it was originally a cold pool monk flying high in the sky, so it went straight down.


A strange sound came out at this time, it felt like a strong wind blowing through the cave, there were thin clouds and mist in the sky, these clouds condensed in an instant, turned into a huge cloud and mist monster, and waved towards the cold pool monk Huge claws.

The cold pool cultivator's speed was very fast, the huge cloud and mist claws did not hit his body, and the cloud and mist monster seemed to be unable to move. After one claw missed the cold pool monk, it stood in the air and no longer attacked the cold pool monk. Launch the pursuit.

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, this magical enchantment is really dangerous, whether it is the monster on the cliff that was integrated with the entire enchantment before, or the cloud monster just now, none of them can deal with them.

However, although it cannot be dealt with, at least it has escaped their attack, which is something to be thankful for.

However, Gu Zheng and the others were a little premature. Although the cloud monster stood still and did not pursue it, it was actually planning a way to chase down the cold pool monk. Now that this method has been prepared, it opened its mouth to the cold pool monk. Roared out.

The roar of the cloud monster was not a sonic attack. With its roar, hundreds of white monsters flew out of its mouth. Those strange birds looked like swans, and each of them was connected by a white light.

"Aggregation technique, be careful!"

Seeing the rays of light connected to those strange clouds and mist birds, Gu Zheng said something subconsciously.

However, even if it is not about Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan can understand that he is not a monster, he is also a person with good strength, and his knowledge is also very rich.

"Master, don't worry, I'm not the opponent of that cloud monster, but the little birds it sprays out don't pose any threat to me!"

Cultivator Hantan's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and there was quite a pleasure of revenge.

The previous loss on the cliff led to the loss of hands and feet of the cold pool monk's original body, and his current goshawk monster body is much more powerful than the previous monkey monster body. For him, he changed to a new body Afterwards, the first killing was of a revenge nature, anyway, these monsters all belonged to this peculiar enchantment.

The monk in the cold pool is not worried about the little bird sprayed out by the cloud monster. His reliance is not usually his soul power. His current body also has some special magical powers available to him.

It was too late to say it, and the faster-flying clouds and mist birds have reached a suitable distance from the monks of the cold pool. The light connected to them is more colorful, and a dazzling and huge white light is like a shock wave towards the cold pool. The monk shoots.

Brother Hantan let out a resounding hawk yell, his speed suddenly became extremely fast, and the direction of his flight was still directly upward, it felt as if his body was not a goshawk monster, but a person. Jump up in general.

The cold pool monk who flew up escaped the white light attack of the cloud and mist bird, and his wings flapped quickly.

Gray mist was born with the flapping of the cold pool monk's wings, and was fanned by it to the sides of those little birds in the mist like thick smoke.

The effect of the black mist fanned out by the monks of the cold pool with their wings is very strange. When encountering different monsters, the results they can produce are also different.

Those originally white clouds and mist birds, as soon as they encountered the black mist of the monks in the cold pool, seemed to be polluted, and their original white bodies quickly turned black, like dumplings, falling one after another. .

However, the cloud and mist birds are not real monsters after all, they will not really fall to the ground, but will turn into mist and disappear again in the process of falling.

"Father, it's amazing!"

Being in the magic crystal, the son of the monk Hantan can also see the outside scene. When he saw a group of cloud birds that were originally aggressive, but were easily dealt with by his father, he couldn't help but applaud his father.

"That's necessary. It's better to say that the body the master found for Weifu!"

Cultivator Hantan laughed happily. With just a single flap of his wings, he had eliminated so many little birds in the mist.

After the cloud and mist birds were cleaned up by the cold pool monks, the cloud and mist monsters in the sky gradually disappeared, and the cold pool monks smoothly swooped down to the edge of the forest and stopped.

At the edge of the forest, Gu Zheng released the son of the cold pool monk, and then took the cold pool monk into the phantom crystal. For the body of the cold pool monk, the phantom crystal like the forest is not his home field. So Gu Zheng let his son take his place, and for his son's tree-like body, he must be at home in a place like the forest.

Brother Hantan's son took over his father's position and walked towards the forest with the magic crystal.

Instead of using a huge body, the body of the cold pool monk's son is the same size as a normal person, which is more suitable for moving in places like forests.

It is said to be a forest, but it is not a dense forest. Although the trees here look tall, the distance between them is also not small, and they are all similar to Tasson. There are no branches growing around, so the goshawk monster flew in the high Only when you are in the air can you see the fruit on the ground.

In fact, monk Hantan can also fly over the fruit, and then let his son land directly near the fruit by airborne method, but Gu Zheng thinks this method is not good. After all, there are some plants in the forest, and among these plants Inside, there should be no shortage of ingredients. Going directly into the forest and then walking towards the fruit can be regarded as a process of searching for ingredients.

The son of monk Hantan has entered the forest. Although the forest here is relatively sparse, the fallen leaves like pine needles on the ground are very thick. If ordinary people walk on it, it should be very difficult, but the son of monk Hantan With the body of a tree person, he doesn't have the feeling of deep feet and shallow feet. Under the control of his ability, those leaves can be very soft or not soft at all, and even touch some shrubs blocking the way. As soon as it is done, those bushes will bend to the two sides, making room for him to pass a path suitable for him.

Since entering the forest, the son of the monk Hantan has been running all the time. Gu Zheng, who originally wanted to find food, made his scalp tingle from the scene on the ground. This forest is like a world of insects! There are all kinds of bugs on the ground, wriggling, crawling, and all kinds of weird ones. However, these insects on the ground do not climb up the trees. The reason why they are on the ground instead of hiding under the fallen leaves is that they are eating the fruits that have fallen from the trees. These fruits look like acorns. Fruits, they are also ingredients, but the grade of ingredients is only ordinary. There are many such fruits on the ground in the forest, and there are still such acorn-like, immature fruits hanging on the trees next to them.

Trouble arose before Brother Hantan's son ran away.

I saw that in several directions in the distance, the fallen leaves on the ground swelled into a ball, as if there was something XZ below, and it was rushing towards this side.

The son of the monk Hantan began to shake his body. His current low body is only suitable for traveling, and his fighting form is still mainly in the shape of a huge tree.

"Bang bang!"

Brother Hantan's son had already turned into a gigantic treant. He didn't wait for the monsters hiding under the leaves to show up, so he raised his big feet and stomped on two of them.


The son of the cold pool monk made a curious voice, no matter what monsters are hiding under the leaves, as long as he is stepped on by his big feet, he will definitely feel it, but he feels that he has obviously stepped on two monsters, but the underfoot The feeling is no different from stepping on a leaf.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four sounds came from the side, and the other four monsters that were originally hidden under the fallen leaves appeared. They looked like a ball at all, without limbs, and the so-called facial features were just a dark hole. They were made of fallen leaves. It's no wonder that the son of the monk Hantan stepped on two of them, but after he stepped on them, he felt as if he didn't step on them! After all, since these monsters are formed from fallen leaves, they can naturally turn into fallen leaves in an instant.

Sure enough, the two monsters that were originally stepped on by the monk's son in the cold pool first launched a counterattack against the son of the monk in the cold pool, and they completely turned into leaves, like a whirlwind, spreading upward along the legs of the monk's son in the cold pool, After everything has passed, they are all covered with fallen leaves, and these fallen leaves will absorb the energy of the current body of the monk's son in the cold pool. The absorption effect is definitely not comparable to the current one.

The other four leaf monsters were not idle either, they were round balls, they flew up and ran towards the son of the monk in the cold pool.


The explosive sound came from the monk's son in the cold pool. The fallen leaves that had covered his legs were all turned into powder by his body shaking, and in his hands, the vines had also shot out, flying towards him. The four balls in front of him were frantically whipped, which caused the four balls to be scattered by it before they hit its body!

However, breaking up does not mean killing them. To put it bluntly, this kind of leaf monster is a kind of spirit body, which is transformed into a body with the help of fallen leaves, and the attack launched by the son of the monk in the cold pool is at best a brute force attack. They couldn't hurt their bodies at all, so they turned into balls again and flew towards the son of the monk in the cold pool.

"court death!"

Brother Hantan's son sneered, this time he didn't use the vines to whip the balls, anyway, he already knew that the vines won't work against the leaf monsters, so he might as well use another attack method.

The son of the monk Hantan, this attack method is actually the method he is best at, and that is the soul power attack! And this kind of attack has a very good lethality against the leaf monster, which is basically a spirit body, so the balls that were flying quickly all exploded in the air and turned into smashed fallen leaves.

The first wave of troubles after entering the forest was quickly resolved by the son of the cold pool monk, and he started on his way again with the phantom crystal.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to see if there were any ingredients on the forest floor that could be collected, but after seeing so many bugs on the ground, Gu Zheng no longer had any hope of collecting ingredients, even if there were qualified ingredients, I'm afraid it has been ruined by these bugs! As for the fruit that Goshawk monster saw in memory, Zhang Chao still wants to go and have a look. He thinks that fruit can grow to a mature state in such an illusion, or it has some kind of breath in itself, which can Avoid being eaten by those bugs on the ground, or there are monsters guarding it to protect it from the scourge of bugs.

There is no need to deliberately stop when he sees the ingredients, and the son of the cold pool monk runs faster. After about three minutes, Gu Zheng saw that in a forest clearing, there was a half-meter-high How tall, it looks like a big mushroom, and it looks like a pineapple-like fruit. Moreover, in the process of getting close to the fruit, Gu Zheng found that the number of bugs on the ground had decreased significantly, and there was no special smell in the air, so he felt that there should be some monsters near the fruit.

Gu Zheng didn't know the strength of the unknown monster, so he could only remind the monk's son to be careful.

Gu Zheng had just reminded Brother Hantan's son that the monster protecting the pineapple fruit had already appeared when he felt someone approaching.

I saw that the monster protecting the pineapple fruit is a flat body, very large, with a hard shell on the outside, and a human-powered body that is more than five meters high. It is difficult to describe what kind of strange insect it looks like.

"Chi Chi!"

The strange insect standing on the ground made a menacing sound, obviously reminding the monk's son in the cold pool not to approach, it was not easy to mess with at all.

The son of a monk in the cold pool will naturally not be frightened by the threat of the weird bug. His body is already shaking, and he wants to enter a huge body state. He wants to see whether his body is bigger or the weird bug. The body is longer, and he wants to see if he can tear this weird bug in two when he gets bigger!

Seeing Brother Hantan's son, not only was he not scared off, but he even wanted to grow bigger to fight. The weird insect seemed very angry. With a strange cry, it flew towards Brother Hantan's son directly.

"Well done!"

The son of the cold pool monk yelled, although he was in a state of changing form, but this did not affect him from attacking, countless vines shot out from his hands, he wanted to use these vines to bind the weird bugs , and then throw it aside, so as not to hurt the fruits on the ground later.

Seeing that the vines of the monk's son in the cold pool were about to touch the body of the weird bug, an unexpected scene appeared. The strange bug with a flat body suddenly stretched out those legs that were originally shrunk in its abdomen.

There are countless legs in the belly of the weird bug. This is something that Gu Zheng and the others knew before, but before these legs were retracted under the abdomen, they did not expect that when these legs stretched out, each one was as sharp as a sharp knife.

The son of the cold pool monk has a lot of vines, even if some of these vines are cut off, it’s okay, but if these vines are cut off, at least he will be in pain, so he didn’t want the vines to be cut off, so he immediately launched an attack on the weird insects. Soul attack.

The weird bug, which was still aggressive at first, suddenly fell limply to the ground due to the attack of soul power.

The son of the cold pool monk tied the bug on the ground with vines and threw it into the distance, and a scene that made people's eyes widen also happened.

Gu Zheng and the others knew before that the part of this weird bug's human-powered body is five meters long, and there must be a part of its body hidden under the dead leaves, and that part may be very long! After all, this weird bug has erected a body like a snake, and the erected body of a snake is only a small part of the total body length.

However, what people didn't expect was that the body of this weird insect hidden under the dead leaves was not long, that is, less than two meters long, but its tail was not a tail at all, it was like a round table with eight people. The size of the fleshy ball, and the fleshy ball has very human-like facial features! When Brother Cold Pool's son pulled it out from under the dead leaves, the way it opened its mouth was clearly a sneer.


The weird bug's meatball head opened its mouth towards the monk's son in the cold pool and spewed out a puff of white gas. Even though the son of the monk in the cold pool launched another soul power attack, the white gas still touched his body.

The result of the unexpected touch was that the whole body of the weird insect was delirious under the influence of the soul power, and was thrown out by the son of the monk in the cold pool, smashing several big trees, and then lying on the ground without moving .

The son of the cold pool monk was hit by the white mist, and his body surface was frozen, and the speed of the ice flower spreading on the body surface was so fast that it was only a blink of an eye, the cold pool monk At least one-fifth of the son's huge body, which was ten meters tall, was already covered in frost.

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