Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 277 Very Satisfied


Elder Feng, who had turned into an afterimage, moved. Before Situ Cong landed, he let Situ Cong land safely with his sleeve.

Hidden Sword Peak was surrounded by Elder Feng's jurisdiction. No matter how anxious Situ Chengwei and the others were, they did not dare to approach rashly. They could only watch Elder Feng helplessly and brought Situ Cong who was still in a coma.

"Elder Feng, how is Situ Cong?"

Situ's family asked anxiously.

"It's nothing serious, the internal strength is counterattacked and the heart is rushed. It's just a little internal injury, and I fainted temporarily."

While speaking, Elder Feng handed Situ Cong into Situ Chengwei's hands, while Situ Chengwei hugged Situ Cong, pretending to leave Hidden Sword Peak.

"Why go?"

Elder Feng snorted coldly.

"Send Situ Cong to the Patriarch, let the Patriarch see how he is hurt."

The Patriarch of the Situ family is also in Shushan. If he is told that Situ Cong and others came to hide Jianfeng and such a thing happened, he will definitely regret it.

"I've said it's fine, can't you even believe my words? I'm willing to accept the bet and cash out the bet first!"

What Elder Feng was referring to was naturally the item of rolling on the ground in the bet.


Situ Chengwei was so angry that he didn't say much to Elder Feng, but he looked at Gu Zheng who had just laid down Zang Jianfeng.

"Master Gu, now that you have obtained the Feijian, we have indeed lost this bet. Situ Cong is now in a coma, so we should let go of the bet for the time being. Let's talk about it when he wakes up!"

Even though Situ Cong had said beforehand that he would handle any problems alone, he really lost the bet. On the side of the Patriarch of the Situ family, Situ Chengwei would naturally be punished. After all, he is the name of the team. leader. So at this moment, Situ Chengwei, besides holding back his anger, is already in a state of disarray!

"Why did I hear a strong sense of making decisions, and the tone is still very impatient?"

Gu Zheng frowned, and the anger in his heart that had been reduced because of Situ Cong's injury suddenly rose again.

"Master Gu, you have to forgive others and forgive others, don't do things too badly!"

Situ Chengwei squinted his eyes, and the indignant expression on his face gave people the illusion that he was the vulnerable group.

"When I went to hide Jianfeng, I didn't intend to let you roll on the ground, but your attitude now makes me feel very uncomfortable. Do you have to forgive others? I didn't say that in this sentence. Hearing a pleading, on the contrary, he heard some threats, in this case, you are willing to bet and admit defeat!"

"good very good!"

Situ Chengwei looked into Gu Zheng's eyes and smiled angrily.

"Of course I'm fine. This position is very good and suitable for you. Why, do you still want to continue to play tricks?"

The place Gu Zheng pointed at was an open space in Zangjian Peak. It was very clean. This cleanliness was only relative. The ground below was full of land. Rolling around on the ground would definitely stick a lot of soil.

"We said it was rolling on the ground, but we didn't say where!"

Situ Chengwei was also in a hurry, and what he said undoubtedly meant reneging on his debts.

"Hehe... We will definitely fulfill the bet, but where exactly it will be fulfilled is a matter for discussion!"

Situ Cong, who was originally in a coma, had already woken up, and he looked at Gu Zheng and was smiling so disgustingly.

Gu Zheng shook his head, since the other party was determined to renege on his debt, he didn't want to say anything more about rolling on the ground. However, I don't want to say more, but it doesn't mean I don't have any ideas, and a trace of killing intent has already passed through my heart.

"Why are these two so brazen!"

Gu Zheng wanted to give up, but Qi Ling didn't seem to want to let it go, and an angry voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind. Moreover, it's not just the weapon that can't breathe, there are also many people in the crowd who can't breathe.

"Situ Chengwei and Situ Cong, you guys really impress me. I'm watching here, and you all dare to play tricks openly, and even talk about shamelessness. Do you think that the Emei faction is easy to bully? And I Is this notary easy to talk to?"

Elder Feng, who was trembling with anger, roared, his hair and beard flew up, and a powerful aura instantly enveloped Situ Chengwei and Situ Cong.

"Friend Situ, are you trying to provoke public anger?"

Elder Xiaofeng was also angry, his voice was unprecedentedly cold.

Situ Chengwei did not expect the two to have such a strong reaction, they are not Emei!

"Okay, okay, okay, isn't it just rolling on the ground?"

After thinking about it, Situ Chengwei gritted his teeth and said something viciously. He has to be soft, he is not afraid of offending Elder Xiaofeng, but offending Elder Feng of the Shushan School is something he absolutely cannot do.

"What about you?" Elder Feng asked Situ Cong.

"No, isn't it just rolling!"

Although Situ Cong had ten thousand dissatisfaction in his heart, under Elder Feng's glaring gaze, he no longer dared to say anything to deny it.

However, the resignation of Situ's family did not let Elder Feng calm down immediately.

"Don't worry, Master Gu, we're here to bear witness, and let them fulfill their bet now!"

Naturally, Gu Zheng would not refuse Elder Feng's mandatory request. Standing aside, he quietly used the soil control formula, and the soil on the ground was soon under his control.

Situ Chengwei bent down first. Although Situ Cong was injured, his body could still move. Rolling around on the ground was not a problem at all.

"Ouch, bah!"

Situ Chengwei suddenly yelled, he had already rolled half a circle on the ground, unexpectedly some dirt would jump into his mouth! The feeling of biting the dirt is not good, not only him, but Situ Cong is also unlucky.

"Can't stop, keep going!"

The two rolled around, and just about to get up, Elder Feng suddenly scolded, and the two had no choice but to continue rolling on the ground for a full five minutes before finally allowing them to get up.

"You are just lucky to find Feijian this time!"

After getting up, Situ Cong patted the dirt on his body, gritted his teeth and said something, Gu Zheng's attitude of "no one in the eye" made him feel like he had punched cotton, and he felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

"That's right, I'm just lucky, but the fact is that you didn't find the saber that Mr. Situ wanted, and it's useless if I find it. Gu'an, I gave you this flying sword!"

Gu Zheng was still so calm, and the flying sword in his hand was thrown directly to Gu An behind him.

"Thank you for the gift, Sect Leader!"

Gu An thanked happily.


Situ Cong gritted his teeth continuously, and Gu An got Gu Zheng's flying sword. This ending made him feel particularly ironic.

"This junior would like to thank the two seniors again for being witnesses. At the same time, I would also like to ask the two seniors to move to fulfill the bet on the quota of the Shu Market."


Elder Feng and Elder Xiaofeng nodded at the same time, and everyone followed them, together with Situ Cheng and Situ Cong, they walked towards the foothold of Situ's disciples.

Along the way, even though Gu Zheng didn't look sideways, he could still feel the hatred eyes of the Situ family's children and the curious eyes of the three Ling Xue sisters.

It didn't take long for Gu Zheng and others to meet Situ Zhengliang, the Patriarch of the Situ family. It is not difficult to imagine how angry Situ Zhengliang was after knowing the whole story.

No matter how unwilling he was, since Elder Feng took the lead in this matter, Situ Zhengliang didn't say anything about regretting it.

Things went very smoothly. After leaving, Gu Zheng and the others heard crisp slaps and Situ Cong's screams of pain.

The Situ family was offended this time. This was an unexpected incident during the ancient battle for Shu Mountain. If they wanted to enter the Shu Ruins in the future, they would not let it go.

Now that it has been done, Gu Zheng will naturally not be afraid, and the soldiers will come to cover the water and soil.

Leaving the place where Situ's family stayed, Elder Xiaofeng and others had already left, and Elder Feng also wanted to return to Hidden Sword Peak.


Elder Wuchou called Gu Zheng, and nodded his chin at Elder Feng's leaving back.


Gu Zheng smiled at Elder Wuchou and stepped forward quickly.

"Senior Feng, please stop!"

"Is there anything else going on, Master Gu?"

Elder Feng stopped, frowning as he looked at Gu Zheng who was approaching.

"This time, I really have to thank Elder Feng..."

"You don't have to thank me too much, not to mention giving gifts or something. The reason why I help you is not only because I don't want Emei to fall down, but also because I don't like the disciples of the Situ family."

Before Gu Zheng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Elder Feng.

"Haha...Old Feng, you misunderstood. Our leader didn't want to give you a gift. He already knew from me what kind of person you are. The reason why he stopped you was just because I wanted to find you Drinking, he just wants to make you a delicious meal to express his gratitude!"

"I am the thing in that cup, but you should also know that I have never had any special desire for food. Also, the old man was very angry at the Situ family's children today, and I have no idea of ​​drinking. Let's end the meeting, and I'll treat you to a drink then!"

Elder Feng turned around and waved at Elder Wuchou behind him.

"Old Feng, I came to you with 'Drunken Immortal Wine', do you want to try it?"

Elder Wushou's humble voice sounded.

"What? Drunken Immortal Noodles?"

Elder Feng turned around abruptly, and rushed to Elder Wuchou's side like a wolf, grabbed a blue and white porcelain bottle in his hand, uncorked the bottle, and took a deep breath greedily.

"Zuixianniang, is it really Zuixianniang? What an old bastard, you still have such a good treasure in your possession. Why haven't I seen you take it out before?"

Elder Feng held the wine bottle in his arms, and gritted his teeth looking at Elder Wuchou.

Zuixian Niang is not immortal wine, it is a kind of wine that practitioners can drink directly, but one can imagine how it tastes after getting the name 'Zuixian'. It's a pity that since the descendants who originally brewed this kind of immortal wine died hundreds of years ago, this kind of wine that is said to taste comparable to immortal wine has completely disappeared. After hundreds of years of consumption, many sects have disappeared.

"I also got this by accident, only this bottle!" Elder Wuchou smiled wryly.

"You actually came to me with drunken fairy wine. It seems that Master Gu's culinary skills should be very good. Otherwise, how dare you perform at this time? Wuchou, do you have something to ask me, old boy? Otherwise, why would you be willing to take out the drunken fairy wine? Let me say it first, you know my temper, and I will never do things that harm the sect!"

Although he was very satisfied with Zuixian Niang, Elder Feng was still very cautious.

"Don't worry, how could I let you do such a thing, I just want you to help Emei!"

"So solemnly asked me to help Emei, it seems that this time is not a trivial matter, a bottle of drunken wine seems to be a little thin!"

Elder Feng paused, then looked at Gu Zheng playfully.

"Master Gu, the game you played with Situ's family was very interesting, and I really want to play a similar game. How about this, since your cooking skills should be very good, so let me make it today It’s delicious! If you can make such delicious food, as long as what you ask for is within the scope of the principles, I will definitely agree. But if what you make can’t satisfy me, that’s a shame. Don't blame me for drinking your drunken wine, but I don't do anything for you!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Gu Zheng understood that the reason why Elder Feng, who was like an old urchin, made such a request was mainly because of playfulness.

But Gu Zheng is not afraid that Elder Feng will play around in cooking, he is afraid that Elder Feng will not give him a chance to show it off! As long as Elder Feng gives him this opportunity, even if Elder Feng is a severe anorexia patient, Gu Zheng is confident that he can conquer his taste buds!

There are many elders in the entire Shu Mountain, but Elder Feng is the only one who can control the special fairy weapon of Hidden Sword Peak.

Elder Feng can control Hidden Sword Peak, but he is not the owner of Hidden Sword Peak, he is just a person who is qualified to use Hidden Sword Peak at critical moments.

In Elder Feng's words, he is just a servant chosen by Zang Jianfeng.

But even if he is a servant, there is only Elder Feng in the whole Shu Mountain, so his status is very special, and his status is naturally very high.

The blue and white porcelain vase is not big, and the drunken wine in it is only half a catty. After Elder Feng poured out four cups, there is not much left in it.

Treasured the remaining Zuixianjiu, Elder Feng toasted Gu Zheng and Wuyou Wushou.


With a simple word, after the four of them toasted, Zuixianniang also put it to their mouths.

"Drunken Immortal Noodles, normal grade!"

The voice of Qi Ling rang in Gu Zheng's mind. The food grade of Zuixianniang is very high. Although it is not immortal wine, it has reached the ordinary level. As for immortal wine, the lowest is also the ordinary level.

Zuixianniang is a wine whose taste is comparable to that of immortal wine. This kind of wine is extremely popular in the Dharma-ending era. Many people who are good at wine will buy it at a high price. Back then, the brewing of Zuixianniang was made by a family of practitioners, relying on Zuixianniang. Life was very good, but unfortunately, I didn't know why I offended others, and my family was wiped out, and Zui Xian Niang was also lost.

Elder Wuchou actually brought Zuixianjiu, which surprised Gu Zheng, because they didn't mention it when they came to Shushan.

Gu Zheng didn't know that, in fact, at the beginning, Wuyou and Wuchou planned to bring diluted lotus wine to Shushan, but after she found out, she stopped them and gave away his collection of drunken wine.

Lotus wine is real immortal wine, even if it is diluted, it is still immortal wine. Immortal wine is even more precious. If you suddenly bring a bottle of immortal wine, you will inevitably make people guess. To be on the safe side, it is best to bring drunk immortal wine.

"Let me taste this wine, which is also of ordinary grade!"

Gu Zheng also poured the drunken wine into his mouth.

Zuixianniang is very fragrant, but it is different from the strong-flavored and sauce-flavored aroma of ordinary liquor. Even if it is sniffed deeply, it will not feel a little bit choking, but it will make people feel comfortable from the nostrils all the time. The strange feeling of the viscera, this is what Gu Zheng had already experienced just by smelling the fragrance before he drank it.

Now that the wine is in his mouth, Gu Zheng is not in a hurry to swallow it, but uses his tongue to savor it carefully.

There is no spicy feeling, but the aroma of the wine becomes very strong in the mouth, so that the moment the wine is in the mouth, there is a feeling of being slightly drunk.

As the wine entered his stomach, Gu Zheng could clearly feel a 'line of fire' that went down the esophagus and directly into his stomach. It doesn't have the heat of burning a knife, but it makes people feel extremely comfortable, especially when the wine juice turns into warm current in the stomach and infiltrates the limbs and bones. It feels like being in the sun in winter, which makes people feel warm all over. There is a wave of laziness!

"Good wine!"

Gu Zheng gave a heartfelt admiration, and the fragrance still remained between his lips and teeth. This kind of wine is slightly sweet, not spicy, and full of energy. Even a woman who doesn't drink alcohol will be amazed if she drinks it.

"This Zuixianniu is good, but it's a pity that it's gone!" Elder Feng shook his head and sighed, and continued: "What delicious food are you going to give me? Let me tell you, after drinking Zuixianniu, If you dare to use dross to spoil my mood, even if you are the leader, I will never end with you!"

Elder Feng didn't deliberately suppress his alcoholism, his face was already flushed with heat, and his eyes were slightly squinted when he spoke, not to mention how comfortable he was.

"Don't worry, the food made by the junior is not bad. As for what the junior is going to do for the senior, let's simply make an fried egg!"

"What? You're making me an omelette? Are you kidding me?"

Elder Feng stared wide-eyed, looking at Gu Zheng in disbelief.

"Old Feng, don't make a fuss, the fried eggs made by my head, I guarantee you will want to eat them again!"

Elder Wushou laughed, a cup of drunken wine made his tongue feel big.

"Really? Then wait a moment!"

Elder Feng stopped Gu Zheng who was about to beat the eggs, and then left.

"Why did Elder Feng go here?"

Gu Zheng asked Elder Wuchou, but Elder Wuchou just shook his head.

Without making Gu Zheng and the others wait too long, Elder Feng came back soon.

"Although Wuchou said that your fried eggs are delicious, but since you want to eat fried eggs, it's boring to eat fried eggs. If you want to eat fried eggs, eat fried eggs!"

Elder Feng reached out and handed four egg-sized bird eggs with colorful shells to Gu Zheng.

"Old Feng, you, are you really okay? You actually stole their eggs?"

Elder Wuchou stared wide-eyed, the wine seemed to wake him up with fright, he never expected that Elder Feng, who had been drinking, would steal the eggs of the Shu Mountain Spiritual Bird!

The so-called Shushan spirit bird was actually the unknown bird that was as big as a chicken with long colorful tail feathers that Gu Zheng and others saw after they entered Shushan. And this kind of bird is regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness by the disciples of Shushan, and its status is very noble in Shushan.

"You're wrong, I'm not stealing, I'm taking it, taking it blatantly, besides, they lay two eggs at a time, but there is only one surviving young bird, and I'm doing this as a kind way Well, Wuchou, you are really making a fuss, I eat several of these birds' eggs raw every year!"

Elder Feng rolled his eyes, his face full of indifference.

"Okay, old Feng, it's thanks to you. If someone else dares to take away the eggs of the spirit birds, I'm afraid they will suffer. I've heard that your master attaches great importance to those pairs of spirit birds. !"

Elder Wuyou also spoke, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's natural."

Elder Feng, who was still very proud, stretched out his hand holding the bird eggs again: "Boy, you caught it! Don't you dare to fry them?"

"Dare, why don't you dare! It's just that this bird egg has some origins, which surprised the younger generation for a while."

Gu Zheng let out a haha, and reached out to take the four eggs. It's an eventful time for Emei now, if Elder Feng is really stealing spiritual eggs, then Gu Zheng would rather persuade him to make other delicacies instead.

"Colorful feather sparrow eggs, medium ingredients." Qi Ling's voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind, which shocked Gu Zheng very much.

"Senior Feng, what do these spirit birds usually eat?"

"Who knows what they eat, it's nothing more than something in the mountains and forests."

Facing Gu Zheng's question, Elder Feng, who was chatting with Wuchou and the others, answered without turning his head. .

Shushan can be regarded as an isolated place, but animals are not like plants. It is much more difficult for them to grow into medium-level food materials than plants. After all, the things they eat are very complicated. A few poultry eggs that can reach medium ingredients, God knows if these colorful feather sparrows have also eaten some natural treasures by chance!

With a touch of excitement, Gu Zheng started to make a fire to fry eggs.

"Medium-quality eggs, even thinking about it makes people look forward to it!"

Although this is Gu Zheng's first time frying a bird's egg, the level of the ingredients, his extraordinary understanding of the ingredients, the role of fairy art and cooking skills all determine that the taste of the bird's eggs fried this time is amazing enough!

Hot pan, pouring oil, beating eggs, all actions are done in Guzheng so smoothly.

The three people who were chatting at first were all watching Gu Zheng now, the fried bird eggs were about to be cooked, and the smell made them feel uneasy.

"It's interesting, this fried egg seems to be delicious."

Elder Feng murmured, his mood had changed from not being very hopeful at first to being quite looking forward to now.

Fragrant, really fragrant.

The aroma of eggs, which is different from that of eggs, floats out of the pot, and the appearance of fried eggs in the pot is very different from that of eggs.

Eggs are made up of a white and a yolk, the white being white and the yolk being yellow.

However, the egg yolk of the Colorful Feather Sparrow Egg can no longer be described as egg yolk, because its color is not yellow at all! Green, red, purple, black, and blue, the five colors are juxtaposed in stripes, forming the 'egg yolk' evenly, and corresponding to the colorful tail feathers of the colorful feather finch.

Eggs are ready and out of the pan.

Elder Feng swallowed his saliva and took the fried egg that Gu Zheng handed over, and carefully took a bite.

"So delicious?"

As soon as the egg white was chewed, the taste and aroma that had never been experienced before exploded, making Elder Feng exclaimed before he could swallow it.

“Looking forward to the taste of egg yolk!”

Swallowing the egg white hastily, Elder Feng stretched out his thumb to Gu Zheng who was still frying the egg, and he couldn't wait to bite the egg yolk.

"Old Feng, omelets should be savored carefully and eaten slowly to be delicious!"

Elder Wushou panicked, so Elder Feng took four colorful feather sparrow eggs, one for each person. If he finished eating quickly and was overwhelmed by the sense of taste, what kind of behavior would he do? Not hard to imagine.

"It makes sense!"

Elder Feng nodded, and slowly tasted it with his eyes closed.

Gu Zheng, who was frying eggs, frowned, how could he not see through the mind of Elder Wuchou?

If it was changed from before, it doesn't matter if the last one eats the fried egg, but this time the fried egg is of medium grade, which is a delicacy that Gu Zheng himself has never tasted!

Therefore, under the watchful eyes of the two elders, Wuyou and Wuchou, Gu Zheng decisively occupied the second fried egg.


After taking a bite of egg white, Gu Zheng let out a sigh of satisfaction.

The taste of protein is very good, and the silky feeling is not comparable to that of eggs. Moreover, the unique fragrance of protein has also been doubled! If the egg whites of ordinary grades are just fragrant, then the egg whites of colorful feather sparrow eggs carry an 'elegance', like a blooming white lotus.

When eating egg yolk, Gu Zheng was a little bit reluctant to bite, he thought of Mu Mu.

In the article Mu Mu wrote about fried eggs, she called them "yellow and white spirits". If today she sees this kind of "egg yolk", which looks like colorful ice cream balls, what would she call it? ?

The egg yolk enters the mouth, and the rich fragrance bursts completely in the mouth, which makes people salivate involuntarily.

The overall aroma is not comparable to that of fried eggs, and the taste is also higher than that of fried eggs, especially the unique 'noodle texture' taste of the egg yolk, which is an experience that Gu Zheng could not imagine before!

Slightly salty, strong fragrance, when Gu Zheng opened his eyes after eating the fried eggs, he found that the other three seemed to be looking at him and swallowing their saliva.

"Boy, you are too annoying. You make me feel that I have committed an unforgivable sin. I really regret those bird eggs that I ate raw before. How can I waste them like this?"

Elder Feng gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to bite Shang Gu fiercely in order to relieve his anger.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Zheng laughed heartily, Elder Feng's sense of taste has been conquered.

"Stop laughing, fry the eggs!"

Elder Feng rolled his eyes and let out a grunt.

"Old Feng, the remaining fried eggs belong to my brother and I, and we haven't eaten yet! If you really want to eat, go and get some more bird eggs!"

Elder Wushou hurriedly opened his mouth, and his bad premonition grew stronger.

"How many more? Do you think this is an inexhaustible supply of eggs? If I could get more, I would have taken them a long time ago. So, don't worry about the remaining two fried eggs. Guarding such a head, the usual good things must be full of mouth water, you two are really embarrassed to earn money with me?"

"Old Feng, you're going too far! Why don't you eat another one? You should at least let me share one with my brother, right?"

"You also said that it is such a delicious omelette. Since it is already so delicious, don't you think it is more cruel to eat one? Why don't you let me enjoy it alone, and eat it alone! "

Elder Feng laughed, while Wuyou and Wuchou almost wrinkled their faces into bitter melons.

"Okay, isn't it just eating at one bite? Are you two like this? Well done, I will definitely help you with this matter you begged me this time, so it's okay, right?"

"Okay, that's what you said!"

"Of course, a gentleman is quick to whip!"

Elder Feng had already given the promise that Gu Zheng and others wanted most, so Wuyou and Wuchou naturally stretched their old faces.

"Master, later you must fry us two eggs to satisfy our cravings, and just watch you eat, it's really cruel!"

The big event was settled, and Elder Wuchou howled bitterly at Gu Zheng.

After a while, Elder Feng finished eating the fried eggs, and Gu Zheng also satisfied the requirements of the two elders, Wuyou and Wuchou. However, Elder Feng didn't even taste fried eggs! The reason is simple, since fried eggs are not as delicious as fried colorful feather sparrow eggs, he doesn't want to spoil the lingering fragrance in his mouth.

"I'm slightly drunk from the drunken fairy brew, and the fried eggs are delicious. I don't seem to be as satisfied as I am today for many years. Tell me, boy, what is the situation that you want me to help?" Elder Feng asked lazily. .

"It's like this..."

Gu Zheng told Elder Feng the news he had learned from Yufeng Daotong.

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