Before the dragon monster was sealed in the cold pool, its body was only above the collarbone, but because the ice in the cold pool was milky white, it was impossible to see what its body looked like when it was sealed in the cold pool , Now that it has escaped, Gu Zheng and the others all saw that the body parts of the dragon monster sealed under the cold pool were all bones.

The son of the cold pool monk had made the body for the bone fish demon before, and now he saw the bone body of the dragon monster again. Thinking about it, the dragon monster said firmly that this test was not difficult for Gu Zheng, and the eyes of Gu Zheng and monk Hantan also followed suit. It fell on the son of the monk Hantan.

The sudden surprise at the moment of seeing the bone body of the dragon monster has now turned into a question in the eyes of Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan.

The son of the monk in the cold pool had indeed recast the body of the bone fish demon before, but his supernatural power was based on the fact that he had absorbed the original energy of the demon shark before, so he was able to restore the body of the demon shark. However, Brother Hantan's son had not absorbed the original energy of the dragon monster, which made Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan wonder if Brother Hantan's son was sure about it.

Facing Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's questioning eyes, Brother Hantan's son was in a daze. He didn't have the ability to restore the body of the dragon monster. If he wanted to restore the body of any monster, he had to suck it completely. Only the original energy of the monster will do!

"What is the test that you said is not difficult?"

Seeing the bewildered expression on Brother Hantan's son, Gu Zheng hurriedly asked the dragon monster who was still flying on the top of the cave.

"I'm sorry, I was only interested in being happy and forgot to explain it to you in detail. This test is really not difficult for you!"

The dragon monster flew down, and it gave an explanation for the ancient dispute.

Although the dragon monster was at the bottom of the cave before, but the son of the monk in the cold pool used his supernatural powers to restore the body of the bone fish monster, and the dragon monster also knew about it.

The son of the cold pool monk has the ability to restore the body of a monster, which is what the dragon monster is looking for. Although he has not absorbed the original energy of the dragon monster, he is a dragon monster himself. If he follows the guidance of the dragon monster, use One's own original energy can recast the body of the dragon monster, which can also complete this test! And the assisting effect produced by the dragon monster is also within the scope allowed by the laws of this space world, so the dragon monster said that as long as Gu Zheng chooses to agree to this test, it will not be difficult at all!

After hearing the explanation of the dragon monster, Gu Zheng and others were also very happy. The son of the monk Hantan immediately followed the guidance of the dragon monster and released his own original energy to act on the dragon monster. Next, the process of making the dragon monster's body raw from bones began.

With the guidance of the dragon monster, everything became simpler, it was only a meal time, and the body of the dragon monster, which was full of white bones under the collarbone, had returned to normal. On the other hand, the son of a monk in the cold pool seems to be relatively weak due to the consumption of the original energy, but the consumption of this original energy has not reached the point where the cultivation base will decline. Get the original energy there and heal the wounds to recover.

The dragon monster's tests here have all been completed. It opened its mouth and spit out a puff of mist. The mist condensed into a silver flagon in the air, and this flagon was the test item needed by the luminous tree.

According to the previous agreement, Gu Zheng bravely made a choice and completed the test. The dragon monster will now give Gu Zheng benefits.

"There are three benefits of completing the selection test."

The dragon monster spit out cold mist again, and the cold mist condensed into a bead in the air and flew towards Gu Zheng.

"You should know the purpose of this bead, right?"

Facing the question from the dragon monster, Gu Zheng, who had already got the bead, nodded. This bead condensed by the cold mist is equivalent to an elixir. Spirit! Although through practice, Gu Zheng could also turn the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water, but the appearance of the elixir undoubtedly saved him many days of training time.

"This is the second benefit! You should have heard about this benefit from special monsters before!"

The dragon monster flicked its fingers, and a wisp of cold mist appeared in the air. It was a map, pointing to a place, and that place was also a cave in the trench.

Although the dragon monster didn't say it clearly, Gu Zheng knew what it was referring to.

When passing the flame tree test, Gu Zheng heard from the eye jellyfish that on this road, every time he defeats a guard monster, he will be able to harvest a fairy weapon. Useful, in addition to the guard monster, there is also a hidden fairy artifact in the area belonging to this road! And the map given by the dragon monster should be the location of the so-called hidden fairy artifact.

"This is the third benefit. This benefit is not so clear, and it is also a choice."

The dragon monster waved at Gu Zheng, and a silver dragon talisman flew towards Gu Zheng.

The dragon talisman seems to be an immortal artifact with special fluctuations on it.

"You can use this thing once. If the time is right, I will show up to help you once. If the time is not right, not only will I not be able to show up, but the dragon talisman will also disappear. As for what is right? Timing, this is up to you to consider.”

After the dragon monster said this, the figure disappeared, and the cave immediately began to shake violently like the previous cave.

Gu Zheng asked Brother Hantan to leave here first with the Heart Demon Orb, and he entered the Heart Demon Orb with Brother Hantan's son.

Playing with the silver dragon talisman, Gu Zheng remembered that in that relatively difficult space world, he had also obtained an immortal artifact with a similar effect from the lava mirage dragon, and he needed to use it at the right time to have a helper Come and help him out of trouble.

Brother Hantan's strength is now the lowest among the three, but it is daytime, even if there are monsters in the trench, they should not be his opponents.

Originally, it would be best for the son of the monk in the cold pool to take the heart magic orb on the road, but because the son of the monk in the cold pool has lost his original energy, he is not suitable to lead the way now.

Gu Zheng originally wanted to take the ice bead given by the dragon monster when the monks in the cold pool led the way back, so that the source of the true water of life would become the spirit of true water of life, but after thinking about it, forget it, after all, refining ice Zhu needs to devote himself wholeheartedly. Just in case, it is better for him to take care of Brother Hantan during the journey back to the business. As long as there are no major accidents and a lot of time is wasted, then after returning to the shore, he will devote himself wholeheartedly. He still has time to refine the ice beads.

The way back was rarely quiet, even in the big trench there were no monsters, so it was safe to go back to the shore.

After returning to the shore, there were still two hours before night, Gu Zheng swallowed the ice beads and began to refine the ice beads wholeheartedly. This process would take an hour.

The energy transformed from the ice beads was guided by Gu Zheng, and entered the source of the true water in the dantian. Under the influence of this energy, the source of the true water began to undergo transformation.

An hour passed quickly, Gu Zheng's source of true water became the spirit of true water, and now he has finally become a real fairy chef again.

The cultivation level of the monk's son in Hantan has been improved again and again, and the trip to the Great Trench has also been fruitful. Now that Gu Zheng has become a real fairy cook, and there is still time before the crossover, Gu Zheng decides to cook delicious food to reward the three armies.

This is a pure enjoyment, and he does not hesitate to waste the ingredients he harvested before, not for the improvement of cultivation, but to satisfy his appetite.

A large pot of stewed seafood made the three of Gu Zheng eat very well, but it's a pity that there is no good wine, otherwise it would be more perfect.

Not long after the seafood feast, night fell again, and in the middle of the road ahead, a shining tree appeared again.

"Congratulations to the entrant, congratulations on completing the test!"

Looking at the flagon in Gu Zheng's hand, the shining tree didn't go to pick it up. It waved its branches and slammed towards the flagon from the air. A mysterious force acted on the flagon, and the figure of the shining tree followed suit. disappear.

According to what the eye jellyfish said, every time he defeats a guard monster, Gu Zheng can harvest a fairy weapon. Gu Zheng thought that when he gave the flashing tree wine pot, the flashing tree would give him a fairy weapon. He thought that the Shining Tree didn't give him a fairy weapon, but instead turned the wine pot into a fairy weapon.

The celestial artifacts obtained by Gu Zheng from defeating the guard monsters did not need to recognize the owner, but the wine pot celestial artifact is rather strange. Gu Zheng only needs to recognize the owner to know its magical properties.

Gu Zheng's brows also frowned after recognizing the wine pot fairy artifact, and the father and son of the monk Hantan also curiously asked what happened to Gu Zheng. After all, getting a fairy weapon should be a good thing, but the expression on Gu Zheng's face was too weird.

Gu Zheng's expression is weird because, like the dragon talisman, the wine pot celestial artifact is a one-time celestial artifact, but unlike the dragon talisman, the one-time celestial artifact of the wine pot is not to summon any help, but to make the wine Immortal wine is born in the pot.

"It seems that this fairy wine should have some other purpose!"

After telling the reason of Brother Hantan's father and son, Gu Zheng felt emotional.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan's son asked Gu Zheng, his eyes flashed with a warlike light, and his damaged natal energy has now recovered.

There is a reason for the belligerence of the monk's son in the cold pool, because after the luminous tree disappeared, this space world has changed.

The luminous tree disappears, and the first change in the space world is that the barrier that originally blocked the road also disappears, and then the night has resumed its proper dance of demons, and many luminous monsters and animals appear in the sky. For the son of the cold pool monk who has the supernatural power of eating everything, this is the dark night hunting time he is looking forward to.

However, what the father and son of the monks in Hantan did not know was that the difficulty of the space world had been increased from the original two to three.

As the difficulty of the space world increases, the strength of the monsters will also increase, but if it is only increased from two to three, the strength of the monsters will not increase much.

The increase in difficulty of the space world is not a surprise to Gu Zheng. After all, the body of the monk Hantan and his son is too perverted. If it weren't for the test of the luminous tree that escaped death, the current space world The difficulty is definitely not as simple as three.

"Okay, let's start hunting to your heart's content!"

Gu Zheng let go of his words and gave the control of the Heart Demon Orb to the son of the monk Hantan. The difficulty of the space world was only increased by 10%. It was a hunt.

Gu Zheng didn't participate in the hunting, so he stayed in the Heart Demon Orb and cultivated with great concentration. He didn't have plans for the future. He planned to go to the cave in the trench tomorrow to see what hidden artifacts there were.

Just as Gu Zheng thought, although the strength of the monsters has improved, and the monsters in the middle stage of returning to the void have become common, they are still no match for the father and son of the monk Hantan. There is his father holding a flame stick and manipulating the Heart Demon Orb to help him. As long as the protection of the power of law on the surface of the monster is broken, the monster can be absorbed into the Heart Demon Orb with every thought, so there is no What danger.

Crazy hunting in the dark night has added a lot of monsters and ingredients to the Heart Demon Orb, but this hunting stopped when it was about to dawn. It was not because the monks and sons in the cold pool couldn't move anymore, but because they saw the end of the road. It is a gazebo.

Gu Zheng, who had devoted himself to cultivation, was awakened, and he observed the pavilion in the Heart Demon Orb.

After a while, Gu Zheng told the father and son of the monk Hantan not to approach the pavilion, and the hunting battlefield can be transferred to the deep sea.

Gu Zheng made such a decision because he will be able to take food repair again in the daytime tomorrow. Since there is no power of law to force him to go now, then he naturally wants to wait until he takes food repair and finds the item. Hide the faery and look closer to the gazebo during the day.

The hunting is still going on, and the father and son of the cold pool monks are still tossing, but the battlefield has turned into the deep sea. They control the heart demon beads while hunting, while approaching the big trench. As for the ancient struggle, they are still concentrating on cultivation.

The environment in the deep sea is no more dangerous than outside, and the monsters here are similar to those outside, but this kind of crazy hunting stopped not long after, because when the sky dawned, all the glowing monsters disappeared.

Although it is dawn, Gu Zheng will not cook the food repair immediately. After all, even if there are special ingredients that can shorten the time of taking the food repair, there must be a two-day interval between the consumption of the food repair, and it is not yet that time. .

Although it's not time for Gu Zheng to cook and eat, but the Great Trench is not far ahead, Gu Zheng let the son of the monk Hantan control the Heart Demon Orb to enter the Great Trench, first to find the hidden fairy artifact Besides.

The cave that Gu Zheng and the others are going to is about an hour's journey from the place where Gu Zheng and the others entered the trench, and this is without any interference from monsters.

However, it may be because of the daytime, there are not many monsters in the trench, but the monsters in this trench are different from the monsters outside, they are the kind with inner alchemy in each body.

The benefits of traveling during the day are vividly displayed in the Trench. Most of the monsters encountered are the ones that can receive the Heart Demon Orb directly. Anyone who encounters such monsters really saves fighting. Of course, there are also some monsters that are a little bit special, they belong to the kind that cannot be included in the Heart Demon Orb, and whenever they encounter such monsters, Gu Zheng and the others will join hands to get rid of them as quickly as possible .

Almost an hour passed, and Gu Zheng and the others were not far from the cave they were going to enter. Along the way, there were more than 30 more monsters in the Heart Demon Orb, and with the crazy hunting last night, now the Heart Demon Orb The number of monsters is almost five hundred.

The son of a monk in the cold pool can improve his cultivation base by absorbing the original energy of monsters. However, the later his cultivation base is, the more original energy of monsters he needs. According to his own estimation, these more than 500 monsters are enough for him. The cultivation base has been upgraded to the mid-stage Void Return.

However, the reason why there are already so many monsters in the Heart Demon Orb, and the son of the cold pool cultivator has not been used to improve his cultivation level, is because of Gu Zheng's instructions. Right now, the son of the cold pool monk is almost invincible. Even so, Gu Zheng doesn't need him to improve his cultivation too quickly, so as not to make the space world more difficult! After all, the three of them are a group, and the ancient battle in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods is easier to talk about, but the cold pool monks who are both in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, now their strength seems to be a bit insufficient. Facing some monsters in the trench, Sometimes Gu Zheng dared not let him join for the sake of safety.

For example, now, Gu Zheng and the son of monk Hantan are dealing with a monster that looks like a whale shark. Because this monster in the middle stage of returning to the void is too extraordinary, monk Hantan didn't participate in the battle, but hid in his heart. In the magic bead! Even Gu Zheng activated the fire dragon technique, which was regarded as assisting the son of the monk Hantan from the sidelines.

Hiding in the Heart Demon Orb, looking at Gu Zheng and them who were fighting, Brother Hantan felt helpless. He also wanted to contribute to Gu Zheng. His physical aptitude is also good, but his son is so good that now The current situation has arisen.

Not only was he helpless, but Brother Hantan was also a little bit disappointed, but Gu Zheng had comforted him before, and if it was really impossible, Gu Zheng would just find him a body with a higher starting point after the range of the next road.

That is to say, during the time when the monk in the cold pool was daydreaming, the battle outside was coming to an end. Although the whale shark monster was extraordinary, under the joint efforts of Gu Zheng and his son, it was already on the verge of being killed.

The body of the whale shark monster with blood gushing from its mouth spun. Its skin was very similar to that of a whale shark, with countless white dots on it. When its body rotated, those dots on its skin would emit countless White spots.

The light spot attack is the big move of the whale shark monster. Although it can emit many light spots in a short period of time, this kind of attack will not last long.

However, the big move is a big move after all, although it also has disadvantages, but this does not affect its powerful destructive power! Moreover, the power of the light spot attack is not only destructive, it also has a mandatory limit that is almost like the power of law! Once the whale shark monster launches this kind of spot attack, not only can Gu Zheng and the others not be able to use the treasure such as the Heart Demon Orb to avoid it, but they can't even move! It is precisely because of the strange light spot attack of the whale shark monster that Gu Zheng let the monk in the cold pool enter the heart demon orb to avoid it in advance. Of course, the monk in the cold pool also understands that in this case, he can only rely on his own strength and cannot resist it at all. Down those spots.

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