Gu Zheng is no stranger to something like Xuanbing, because he thinks it is a small space fairy.

After being broken and reorganized, one needs a certain understanding of the way of space to be able to survive in the space world, and then encounters a mission to rescue a sea anemone from a small unowned space fairy, all of which follows Like games, there is a degree of connection.

The Sea Anemone Banshee didn't give Gu Zheng a time limit, but Gu Zheng had his own mission, so after entering the small space fairy, he had to bring out the Sea Anemone Banshee's sister as soon as possible.

He didn't talk too much, leaving monk Hantan and his son outside. After Gu Zheng touched the small space fairy with his hand, he had already entered the space fairy.

The place where Gu Zheng appeared in the small space fairy is on the top of the mountain. When viewed from the outside, the mountain looks very small, but after entering the small space fairy, the mountain is actually very high. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can touch the clouds with your hands! At such a height, even with Gu Zheng's eyesight, he couldn't see the sea anemone sister in the vast ocean below the mountain.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to go down the mountain. He sensed himself first, and he was still the same as the outside. The only difference was that none of the treasures like magic crystals and heart magic beads could be brought into this small space fairy. device.

Gu Zheng was not at all surprised that he failed to bring the treasure in, because before he came in, he had already felt the resistance of this small space fairy to the treasure and everyone else except him. Moreover, it is said that this is a small space fairy artifact, but it is actually not small, but compared to the fairy-level space fairy artifact that Gu Zheng has not yet controlled, it is considered small.

However, according to Honghuang's standards, such a space fairy weapon is at least a super space fairy weapon. Anyway, with the cultivation base of the ancient way of refining weapons, it can accommodate a mountain and return it to the ocean, and he still can't make a super space fairy weapon. . Even if it is created, the power of law in this small space fairy can't be created with his Taoism, and the existence of the power of law is the key to making the world inside this small space fairy become a real world .

Gu Zheng started to go down the mountain, of course he was flying down, his strength was not suppressed, so there was no need to walk down the mountain honestly.

However, Gu Zheng had just landed towards the mountain when a loud cry was heard in the clouds.

The loud and clear name is a bit like Fengming. Gu Zheng has never seen a bird that sings before. It looks like a crane, but its feathers are not black and white, but colorful.

Gu Zheng's eyes widened when he saw the colorful bird singing, and he found that this bird turned out to be a high-level ingredient!

If it was in the prehistoric world, Gu Zheng would not have much fluctuation in his heart unless he saw the treasures of heaven and earth, or high-level ingredients. However, it is different now, now he is in the space world, and in the space world that he is going to clear this time, the highest-level ingredients he has seen are only good-level ingredients, and now he has seen high-level ingredients , How could he not be excited! Moreover, it is true that this colorful bird is a high-level ingredient, but it cannot be counted as a high-level ingredient. Each part of its body must have different medicinal effects. It is not as simple as a high-level ingredient. It is not too much to say that it is ten high-level ingredients.

The colorful bird opened its mouth and spewed out a bolt of lightning towards Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng dodged in flight. Under the vibration of the true fire spirit in his body, the fire dragon that appeared out of thin air also flew towards the colorful bird.

Gu Zheng is not afraid that the fire dragon will burn the colorful bird, he releases the fire dragon, and even the ice dragon after that, just like the sea monster before, what he wants is just a restraining effect! After all, the flash of lightning from the colorful bird just now made him understand that the strength of this big bird, which he had never seen before, was already as strong as in the middle and late stages of returning to the void.

The colorful bird is not an electric-type spirit beast. From its complex-colored feathers, Gu Zheng has already seen that it has various attack methods. It is not only good at electric-type, but also fire-type and water-type. There is also a good spiritual wisdom.

Just as Gu Zheng guessed, the big colorful bird has many attack methods. It opened its mouth and uttered a cry at the flying fire dragon. Whirlwind, when the whirlwind passed over the fire dragon, the entire body of the fire dragon was frozen, and then turned into countless pieces and fell downward.

Instant kill, kill Gu Zheng's fire dragon with one move, this is a situation that Gu Zheng didn't expect, and at this time he just unleashed the ice dragon.

In fact, when he saw that the colorful bird had the ability to instantly kill the fire dragon, Gu Zheng no longer had any hope for the ice dragon.

Facing the ice dragon that appeared out of thin air, the colorful bird uttered another cry. This time it spewed out flames towards the ice dragon, and that seemingly ordinary flame turned into a huge firebird in the air! The firebird was bigger than its body, with its wings spread out to eight feet, so that compared with its size, Gu Zheng's ice dragon no longer looked like a dragon, but like a snake.

The huge fire bird caught the ice dragon. Although the ice dragon was struggling under its claws, Gu Zheng knew that it would not last long. Taking advantage of the moment when the attention of the colorful bird was attracted by the ice dragon, Gu Zheng The struggle has entered a state of invisibility.

Although the big colorful bird is strong and smart, it is still very difficult to see through Gu Zheng's invisibility technique! After all, Gu Zheng's invisibility technique has deceived too many things, and among them, those who are more powerful than it have also been caught.

Seeing the disappearance of Gu Zheng, the colorful bird sang again, and the place where Gu Zheng was originally turned into a sea of ​​flames. It wanted to use this attack method to force the invisible Gu Zheng to appear.

However, the use of the invisible ancient struggle prevents this kind of range attack from the colorful bird, so his body has already dropped to a height that can avoid the attack of the colorful bird's sea of ​​fire.

If it was a normal situation and escaped the attack of the colorful big bird, Gu Zheng would definitely enter the mountains and forests, and then go to the seaside, trying to complete the task earlier. However, it is different now. The colorful bird is a treasure to Gu Zheng. Even if it wants to let Gu Zheng go, Gu Zheng has no intention of letting him go. Find a way to subdue it quickly!

However, in order to subdue the big colorful bird, Gu Zheng must be patient. Now that he has just disappeared, the big colorful bird is still very alert. It is not easy for him to get close to the big colorful bird, so he has to wait for the big colorful bird Act when you let your guard down.

The big colorful bird is indeed very powerful, it changed direction to launch a range attack, but unfortunately Gu Zheng knew it would do this and had already hid in a safe place, so all of its attacks were in vain.

After tossing about a stick of incense, the colorful bird seemed to be sleepy, and it flew towards the cloud it flew out of before again, while Gu Zheng quietly followed behind it.

On the clouds is the nest of the beautiful big bird, and there is no second beautiful big bird in the nest, and there are no bird eggs or the like, only the drowsy object of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng waited quietly, he would wait for the big colorful bird to fall asleep before doing anything, and the weak point of the big colorful bird was the inverted feather on the back of its head.

Gu Zheng has seen many rare birds with inverted feathers after Nao, and this inverted plumage comes from the rare birds, which is equivalent to the inverted scales of the dragon clan.

As the saying goes, if a dragon has Nilin, it will be angry when it is touched. That is because Nilin is the vital point of the dragon. Let alone a dragon, if it is a human's vital point, it will also be angry.

The colorful big bird is quite strange. At the beginning, Gu Zheng didn't find that it had inverted feathers. Its inverted feathers were in a hidden state. When it launched an attack to kill the fire dragon, its inverted feathers were revealed from the hidden state. Now As it was sleeping soundly, Dao Ling had already hidden it.

Feeling that the right opportunity is coming soon, Gu Zheng took a fairy formation in his palm. Although this fairy formation is small, it is unique enough. It was not drawn with immortal power, it was not only drawn with Gu Zheng's true blood, but also with With Gu Zheng's divine sense, if it wasn't special enough, Gu Zheng wouldn't think that he could take down the colorful bird in one fell swoop.

Gu Zheng slapped his palm like the wind, and slapped the colorful bird on the neck, and the fairy array was aimed at the hidden inverted feather.

In an instant, the light under Gu Zheng's palm was shining brightly, and the inverted feathers that had been hidden were sucked up, and the sleeping colorful bird was awakened with a start, and uttered a terrified cry.

However, before the big colorful bird launched any attack on the intruder, Gu Zheng, it was as if it was pinched by an invisible big hand, its eyes widened, its mouth opened wide but it couldn't make any sound, and it couldn't do anything. Effective attack, because its inverted feathers have been connected with the fairy formation in the palm of Gu Zheng, and the wonderful fluctuations of the fairy formation during operation have also acted on its body. It can be said that it is now In front of Gu Zheng is the meat on the cutting board, even if it has all kinds of means, it will not be able to use it.

After restraining the colorful bird, Gu Zheng did not kill it immediately. Although this product is equivalent to ten high-level ingredients, it is a monster that can be searched for souls, and Gu Zheng's body in this small space fairy The matter has not been resolved yet, it is necessary to search for its soul to increase the understanding of this small space fairy.

Gu Zheng has already seen the memory of the colorful bird, and he already knows that the name of the colorful bird is actually Caihe, and the expression on his face has also become very changeable because of flipping through the memory of the colorful crane.

Caihe is equivalent to ten high-level ingredients. With these ten high-level ingredients, as long as the time is right, Gu Zheng can raise his cultivation level to the middle stage of returning to the void, and after the middle stage of returning to the void, his divine sense attack It can play a big role, which is a big deal for him, he really wants to get Caihe!

However, after reading Caihe's memory, Gu Zheng felt that he had nothing to do with these ten high-level ingredients. Caihe couldn't kill it! This small space fairy artifact is not that simple, he should enter it again, if he kills Caihe, then when he enters it, he may face a catastrophe!

At the same time, under the extraordinary circumstances of Gu Zheng, he has a lot of means. If he didn't have rich means, he wouldn't be able to draw such a mysterious fairy formation. If his fairy formation wasn't mysterious enough, with his current strength, he might be able to kill Cai Crane, but it is almost impossible to search for Caihe's soul! He is also fortunate that his control over the fairy-level space artifact is high enough. If not, he would not know many things just by looking at Caihe's memory, and the reason why he can know many things is entirely because of special The feeling and Caihe's memory allowed him to analyze some things.

"The space world in this small space fairy is really a good place! However, I can't waste a little time here for the time being. I have to hurry up and complete the task."

Gu Zheng left Caihe and landed again. He had indeed spent too much time in the current space world. Just waiting for Caihe to be less vigilant and falling asleep, he spent two sticks of incense time, plus The last time I searched for the soul of the colorful crane, another incense stick of time passed! In this spatial world, there are actually many high-quality ingredients on the mountain, and there are even treasures, but Gu Zheng has no time to take care of these things anymore. He must hurry up to save the sister of the sea anemone banshee. Okay, because in this space world, he can only stay for half an hour this time. After this time, he will never be able to leave here, so he has not much time left.

Because of the search for Caihe's soul, Gu Zheng has a good understanding of the current space world, and he knows how to avoid the dangers that he may encounter next, so his falling route seems a bit weird, but fortunately, the dangers that can be avoided They were all avoided by him.

To save the sister of the sea anemone banshee, Gu Zheng needs to overcome a test and the dangers that accompany the test, which Gu Zheng cannot avoid.

The elder sister of the sea anemone banshee, half of her body is in the sea water, but to get her out of the water, it is simple to put it bluntly, that is to observe the structure of the space, pull her out from the gaps in the space lines, and then create Passage to leave this space world. However, there is a golden-armored crocodile near the place where the sea anemone banshee was saved. This crocodile will only appear when someone wants to create the sea anemone banshee's sister.

Therefore, the situation that Gu Zheng will face next is actually a bit tricky! After all, the golden-armored crocodile will only appear when the sea anemone banshee's sister is rescued. Once it appears, it will definitely attack Gu Zheng, and at that level, its attack is already powerful against Gu Zheng .

As for Gu Zheng, the process of saving the sea anemone banshee's sister is only expected to take a minute, but he can't be interrupted to fiddle with the space lines during this minute, otherwise the sea anemone banshee's sister , will therefore completely fall into the gap between the spatial lines, that is, completely disappear, and there is no possibility of rescue, at least within the time limit for completing the task, there is no possibility of rescue her again.

The matter is indeed a bit tricky, but for Gu Zheng, it is not impossible to solve, because as long as he is in a state similar to the main body, then he has many means that he can use, for example, the fairy array is the means that can be used at that time .

Gu Zheng has come to the side of her sister, the Anemone Banshee, and her sister, the Sea Anemone Banshee, is not conscious at all because she is in the gap between the space lines, and it is impossible to talk to Gu Zheng. It's good to say that, anyway, time is running out now, and he doesn't have time to say anything.

For Gu Zheng, this moment is more favorable, because as long as she does not save the sea anemone banshee and her sister, the golden armored crocodile will not appear from the sea water, which also allows him to set up a fairy formation instead of Interrupted time.

Immortal power flew out from Gu Zheng's fingertips, and was used by Gu Zheng to draw some special symbols on the sea surface, and then Gu Zheng played one after another spells on those symbols, and the fairy array on the sea surface gradually took shape , and finally spun brightly.

It didn't take Gu Zheng too much time to set up a fairy formation, and Gu Zheng believes that no matter where the golden-armored crocodile attacks from at that time, it will be enough to last for two minutes, and two minutes, for It was enough for him to run away with the sea anemone banshee's sister.

What's more, in addition to the protective effect of the fairy array, for the sake of safety, the ancient battle also used fire dragons and ice dragons to act as guardians outside the fairy array. At that time, they can also play a certain role in delaying the golden armored crocodile. effect.

Under the watchful eyes of Gu Zheng, the construction structure is presented in the form of lines, and Gu Zheng really saw the banshee trapped in the cracks of the lines.

Just quietly watching the time for three breaths, Gu Zheng already knew how to fiddle with the lines to rescue the sister of the sea anemone banshee from the current state.

Just as Gu Zheng touched the spatial lines with the power of Dao, the golden-armored crocodile that was sleeping in the sea immediately rushed towards the sea like an arrow.


There was a muffled sound, and a huge wave more than three feet high suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea one mile away. Only the area protected by the fairy formation was not affected. This was the result of the golden armored crocodile bumping headlong into the fairy formation.

The golden-armored crocodile doesn't have much intelligence. It couldn't get out of the bottom of the sea. It immediately changed direction and flew out of sleep. It swung a giant ax in its hand towards Gu Zheng from the air, and that giant ax was really A real fairy weapon has strong special fluctuations on it, and the grade is probably high-level!

The golden-armored crocodile is not only well-cultivated, but also holds a high-level fairy weapon. This is something that Gu Zheng didn't know before, and the fairy formation he arranged, although the defense is very strong, can be held by the golden-armored crocodile. In the case of immortal artifacts, the originally estimated protection time must be reduced. As for how much it will be reduced, no one knows.

The golden-armored crocodile swung an ax towards Gu Zheng, and the fire dragon and ice dragon on standby also attacked the golden-armored crocodile from left and right.

The golden-armored crocodile has no scruples about the attacks of fire dragons and ice dragons, it just wants to kill Gu Zheng under the axe.


There was a loud noise, the ax of the golden-armored crocodile didn't strike the ancient sword, but it struck the colorless barrier formed by the fairy formation, causing the entire barrier to tremble a little.

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