In addition to having a special feeling that made Gu Zheng feel dangerous, Gu Zheng also clearly saw that the blue bananas were rapidly becoming bigger and yellower, and with the process of this change, Gu Zheng also clearly felt the bananas Contains terrible explosive energy.

"Damn it!"

Gu Zheng scolded fiercely, the current situation is really very bad, because he did not see through the phantom array in time before, his immortal power and divine sense have been exhausted, it can be said that he is not capable of using immortal power at all. Or divine sense launches any attack.

Before Gu Zheng could make a decision, the ripe bananas had left the fruit tree and flew towards Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng didn't dare to hesitate any more. The only way for him to come back now was to throw the blue light blade in his hand.

The blue light blade is a high-level fairy weapon. Gu Zheng threw it not simply by throwing it, but when he threw it, it activated its explosive characteristics. Let's see if we can resolve the immediate crisis.

The blue light blade has already flown to the fruit tree, but the two bananas have also flown to Gu Zheng's side. Gu Zheng wants to dodge, but without the support of immortal power, the only means he can use now is only in Piao Miao's phantom body' Gone with the wind' characteristics, even the protective fairy shield can't be used. Therefore, the result presented is that the first banana exploded beside Gu Zheng, and the unprotected Gu Zheng was directly injured by the explosion, and he, who was spitting out blood, swung far away with the help of the characteristic of 'floating', thus Dodged the explosion of the second banana.


There was a loud noise in the distance, and the blue light blade exploded after hitting the fruit tree. The powerful explosion power directly blew the fruit tree into pieces.

Gu Zheng let out a long sigh of relief. He is seriously injured now, and thanks to the Misty Illusion Technique, he escaped the explosion of a banana. Being able to blow him up directly is a dangerous test that Gu Zheng has experienced in the many space worlds of fairy-level space fairy artifacts.

After a long sigh of relief, a wry smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face. The difficulty of the four-way space this time is really too high, not to mention the dangers encountered before, only after the father and son of the monk Hantan were caught by the giant arm of the ocean. , the hardships and twists and turns he went through in order to save the father and son of the monk Hantan are beyond words. First, he met a difficult mullet in the big trench, and then he met a toad monster in a cave. He thought he could easily get the magic pen from the toad monster, but he never thought that the toad monster would let him enter this terrifying quadruple fairy again. I went to look for Shenmo, and now Shenmo didn't have any clues, so it took a lot of time, and I also suffered the most serious injury in history.

After a sigh, Gu Zheng prepared to adjust his breath before going on the road, because he knew that the phantom formation was not over yet, once he took a step forward, he would be confused by the phantom formation again. However, time is really running out, and Gu Zheng was seriously injured this time, so he won't be able to recover in a short while. However, time is running out, and there is still a long way to go for the entire Quadruple Immortal Formation, so Gu Zheng will not wait until he fully recovers before stepping into the Illusory Formation. He is going to try his luck after recovering a bit.

However, things were not blindly bad, and a scene that Gu Zheng did not expect appeared. Part of the fruit tree fragments that were originally blown to death by the blue light blade gathered together, and finally became a ripe banana, and moved towards Gu Zheng. flew over.

Gu Zheng's heartbeat quickened a bit. The banana that flew over was not the kind that would explode, but a high-quality fairy fruit. The special substance contained in it was enough for Gu Zheng to recover from his current injury!

Grabbing the flying banana into his hand, Gu Zheng felt very emotional. Although it is a waste to use fairy fruit bananas to heal his injuries, Gu Zheng has no choice at all now. He has to recover from his injuries before he can have a future.

Fairy fruit bananas are different from ordinary bananas in that they don't need to be peeled at all. Its skin is not bitter like ordinary bananas, but an indescribably sweet one.

A fairy fruit banana was quickly eaten by Gu Zheng, and a warm feeling rose from his stomach immediately, and gathered towards the injured part of Gu Zheng, so that the original injured part of Gu Zheng was quickly repaired, that kind of Don't mention how comfortable the crispy feeling is. Moreover, the characteristic of the fairy fruit banana is not only to restore the injured parts of Gu Zheng, but also to quickly fill up the lost immortal power of Gu Zheng. It's just that things like divine sense must pass time to recover, and the fairy fruit has not recovered this strange energy. effect.

After eating the fairy banana fruit, a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face. Don't enter until your spiritual sense is restored. As long as you have immortal power, you will have a lot more chances of survival in the next journey.

Without wasting any time, Gu Zheng took another step forward, and his vision alternated between light and dark.

The space where Gu Zheng was before was blank, but now the space is in the mountains and forests. Gu Zheng once again forgot that he was in a phantom formation, and the function of the phantom formation still made him feel that he was in a trapped formation. .

Logically, he used his divine sense to investigate the trapped formation, but Gu Zheng couldn't help frowning, because he felt that his divine sense was a bit wrong.

Gu Zheng's divine sense is indeed wrong, because his divine sense is already short, not to mention launching a divine sense attack, even the simplest detection is more difficult.

Feeling that something was wrong with the divine sense, Gu Zheng quickly remembered what was going on, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky!

There is no doubt about the power of the phantom array, otherwise Gu Zheng would not be injured, but sometimes it is a blessing and a misfortune, just like how Gu Zheng dealt with the squirrel monster, he could have attacked the squirrel monster with immortal power, but in order to be able to go faster To resolve the battle, he chose to sneak attack with divine sense.

Due to the characteristics of the phantom formation, no matter what energy attack Gu Zheng uses, this energy will be consumed quickly. On the surface, this is indeed very unfavorable to the entrant, but after entering this stage of the phantom formation, the original deficit However, when Gu Zheng used Xianli, Gu Zheng felt that something was wrong, which led to the phantom array being seen through.

In the last stage of the phantom formation, because Gu Zheng was slow to see through the formation, this also led to the original killing moves in the phantom formation being brought out by Gu Zheng. The phantom formation at this stage, because Gu Zheng sees through the phantom formation too fast, the killing move in it is also brought out, but there are many killing moves in the phantom formation at this stage, Gu Zheng just uses the nearest one I brought it out, which is considered a relatively lucky thing! After all, no matter how powerful the latter killer moves are, there is no need for Gu Zheng to go through them anyway.

The ultimate move brought out by Gu Zheng from the phantom formation is a monster that looks like quicksand. This monster has a head but no face and is in the shape of a human. It stands motionless in front of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng can't see it either. Its strength is only a little dangerous from its body.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, at the same time as the real fire spirit in his body was shaking, he summoned a huge fire dragon.

After the fire dragon was summoned, it immediately flew towards the faceless monster, and something Gu Zheng didn't expect happened. The body of the faceless monster also shook, and then a fire dragon exactly like Gu Zheng appeared out of thin air, and the two fire dragons collided heavily After being together, fire rained down in the sky, because the two huge fire dragons all disintegrated under that collision.

It will disintegrate under a collision, which shows that the power of the two fire dragons is evenly matched. After watching the whole scene of Gu Zheng, his brows were frowned again. He felt that he knew what the faceless monster opposite was. Because he has seen something similar to the faceless monster before, that is, he can imitate various attack methods of the entrant, but he does not have the attack methods himself!

That is to say, if Gu Zheng attacked it with a fire dragon, it would use the fire dragon to fight back against Gu Zheng. If Gu Zheng attacked him with his divine sense, he would also use his divine sense to fight back against him, and the strength is the same ! This will also lead to a situation, that is, this kind of monster that can imitate, in a sense, is an opponent on par with the entrant, and even the longer the battle, its strength may overtake the entrant Or, after all, this is its home field, so it is not surprising that its strength will be stronger.

However, although the faceless monster is weird, it can only pose a threat to those entrants who have never seen its existence. For veterans like Gu Zheng, it has a fatal weakness.

Gu Zheng knows what the weakness of the faceless monster is, so he will use the weakness of the faceless monster to defeat it next, and he walks towards the faceless monster.

The faceless monster has learned the fire dragon technique from Gu Zheng, and it didn't stand still, and launched the fire dragon towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng also launched the fire dragon technique. Although he knew that the collision of fire dragons was another scene of death, he had no choice now. He just wanted to use the fire dragon to deal with the fire dragon. He couldn't use any other attacks, otherwise the new The attack method will also be learned by the faceless monster.

As expected, the two fire dragons perished together, and Gu Zheng finally got close to the faceless monster. To deal with the special existence of the faceless monster, what Gu Zheng had to do was to launch a fatal blow to him!

Gu Zheng launched a light palm towards the faceless monster, and the faceless monster also launched a palm towards Gu Zheng. Although its palm was not light, it was because when Gu Zheng launched this chapter, he didn't use it for anything. Immortal skill, so it didn't copy anything, so the seemingly heavy palm fell on Gu Zheng and didn't cause any harm to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's palm was placed on the body of the faceless monster, and the palm of the faceless monster was also placed on Gu Zheng's body. Gu Zheng suddenly dispatched the spirit of the real fire of life in his body, and the power of the real fire of life instantly acted on the faceless through the palm of his hand. Inside the monster's body, Gu Zheng turned sideways at the same time, and shook off the palm that the faceless monster had put on him.

The faceless monster can also replicate the damage caused by the power of Gu Zheng's natal real fire, but because it can't be transmitted directly through the palm, the power of natal real fire only passes through its palm, and it tries to act on Gu Zheng. However, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to give it such an opportunity. During the dodge, it increased the input of the power of its own true fire, and its body soon swelled up, and after a moment, it made a bang, turning into a sky-filled fire. fly ash.

The death of the faceless monster means that the danger of Gu Zheng's current stage has disappeared. Gu Zheng saw a crack in the void in front of him. It was completely broken by him.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng, who didn't stop much, passed through the crack and entered the third level of the quadruple immortal formation.

As soon as he entered the third level of the fairy formation, the guidance given to Gu Zheng by the toad monster gave Gu Zheng a feeling for Shenmo, and this feeling made Gu Zheng very happy! After all, the guidance made Gu Zheng understand that Shenmo is in the current Immortal Formation, which means that as long as he gets Shenmo in this Immortal Formation, he doesn't have to go to the Fourth Immortal Formation, because The toad monster also said before that as long as he gets the Shenmo, the toad monster will be able to generate a sense through the imprint given to him, then no matter where he is in the fairy formation, it can make him leave the fairy formation instantly.

Although he knew the direction of Shenmo, Gu Zheng did not immediately rush towards the direction of Shenmo without impulsiveness. He still needed to use his divine sense to investigate the fairy formation, and he wanted to know what kind of fairy formation it was.

Having experienced the trapped and phantom formations before, Gu Zheng felt that the third immortal formation should be a killing formation, and the answer after investigation was indeed as he expected, this is a killing formation.

Gu Zheng had just confirmed that the third layer of immortal formation was a killing formation, and the killing moves in the killing formation had already been born. Hundreds of ant-men of different shapes crawled out from the ground. Some of them were the ones that could only run, and some It is the kind that has wings and can fly.

Hundreds of Ant-Man rushed towards Gu Zheng, not to mention their strength, their number alone is scary enough, and after all, each of them is about the same size as Gu Zheng's reminder. The momentum is also very large.

However, in the face of hundreds of menacing ants, Gu Zheng just stood there without moving, and even closed his eyes. He opened his eyes to make the phantom disappear, but this third immortal formation is different from the previous two immortal formations.

The previous two layers of fairy formations have a common feature, that is, in those two fairy formations, treasures such as the Heart Demon Orb and Magic Crystal cannot be used at all, but in the third layer of fairy formations, Gu Zheng once entered Right now, I feel that in this fairy formation, such treasures as Heart Demon Orb and Magic Crystal can be used!

When Gu Zheng closed his eyes, he had already called out the phantom crystal. He knew that all those ant-men could be absorbed by the phantom crystal. He wanted to take these ant-men back to serve as energy for the improvement of the cultivation base of the monk's son in the cold pool. , So the moment he opened his eyes, he had absorbed all of Ant-Man into it through the characteristics of the phantom crystal, temporarily restoring peace to the world.

After accepting the Ant-Man, Gu Zheng went on the road again, and he stopped after walking not far. This time, it was a pair of giant Ant-Man who stopped Gu Zheng.

Although he knew that monsters might be huge in size, Gu Zheng couldn't help being a little shocked when he saw an ant-like monster the size of a giant dragon.

This is a killing formation, so there are not so many particulars. Encountering a monster is a killing, and being able to or going out is a victory.

The two Ant-Man waved their shape-changing forelimbs and launched various attacks against Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng, relying on his physical strength, shuttled between the two Ant-Man, and from time to time attacked him. Ant-Man attacks.

It is undeniable that the explosion of the blue light blade has weakened Gu Zheng's combat effectiveness a lot, which once again reflects the importance of the fairy weapon.

However, Gu Zheng is not fighting alone, he is accompanied by his ice dragon and fire dragon, and under the coordinated attack of the ice dragon and fire dragon, the two Ant-Man gradually appear defeated! After all, even if they had thick armor on their bodies, they still couldn't withstand Gu Zheng's attack.


There was a loud noise, and a fireball flew towards Gu Zheng. It was an ant-man who was hit by a fire dragon, and the whole body of ant-man was burning with flames.

Surrounded by flames and hit by fire dragons, Ant-Man is still alive. It has to be said that Ant-Man is indeed very powerful! However, no matter how strong Ant-Man is, its life will come to an end at this moment, because it was hit by the fire dragon and flew towards Gu Zheng.

The fire dragon's fighting skills are very good, especially when it cooperates with Gu Zheng, so when it slammed Ant-Man into Gu Zheng, it was the time when Gu Zheng's extermination of the cactus was brewing.

Gu Zheng pushed forward behind him, and a huge palm shadow the size of a square appeared. The palm shadow directly pushed away the Ant-Man who had turned into a fireball, making it as fast as a shooting star, and finally flew in the air. It exploded into a rain of fire.

Ant-Man is really powerful, that is, when Gu Zheng and Huolong eliminated an Ant-Man, the fists of the other Ant-Man suddenly changed, and one of its fists became a pincer, which directly clamped The dragon horn of the ice dragon, and its other fist turned into an awl, piercing towards the ice dragon's eye socket, and after the seemingly short awl pierced into the ice dragon's left eye socket, it turned into an awl again. It pierces out from the right eye socket, from this point it is enough to see that Ant-Man's awl has the ability to be long or short!

After all, the ice dragon is not a human being. Even after suffering such an attack, he still wanted to beat Ant-Man with the dragon tail, and Ant-Man pulled the awl out of the ice dragon's eye socket before the dragon tail hit his body. go out.


There was a bang, that is, the moment Ant-Man pulled the awl out of the ice dragon's eye socket, the huge ice dragon burst into pieces of ice in the air.

Although the mighty Ant-Man dealt with Gu Zheng's ice dragon, Gu Zheng had already come to the front, and slapped Ant-Man from the air.

Ant-Man dodged Gu Zheng's palm, but he couldn't avoid the sneak attack of Gu Zheng's fire dragon. It was approached by Gu Zheng's fire dragon through teleportation, and then drew its tail on it, and drew it towards Gu Zheng again. .

Flames appeared on Gu Zheng's palm, and when his raised palm fell, it just hit Ant-Man's head.

If it was the beginning, Ant-Man could still resist Gu Zheng's domineering palm with his own hard armor. However, in this short-term battle, it was already scarred and could not withstand the heavy blow of Gu Zheng, so its head became rotten under the palm of Gu Zheng. Something like a watermelon.

Just as Gu Zheng got rid of the difficult giant ant-man, the ground in front of him immediately cracked a huge hole, and what crawled out of it was a white and fat queen ant.

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