Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 283 Medium Level Water Source

Luo Xiao doesn't eat fruit, and Gu Zheng doesn't force it, so he took an apple and bit into it.

"That rabbit, I'm not going to use it for lunch, but I'm going to use it for dinner."

Gu Zheng was telling the truth, he really intended to do so, and this was not aimed at Luo Xiao, he was lazy in the first place, and he really didn't plan to make something for lunch.

"Dinner?" Luo Xiao asked with her eyes wide open.

"Yeah, why are you so surprised? Want to change your mind?"

Gu Zheng thought that Luo Xiao was going to change his mind, so his brows were already frowned.

The back of Shushan Mountain is quite big, and finding ingredients is not as fast as traveling. This is a delicate job that takes a lot of time. After leaving Hidden Sword Peak and going on the road, Gu Zheng had already told Luo Xiao that he hoped to spend two or three days looking for ingredients this time, and then just go back before the opening of the Shu Ruins. Luo Xiao had no objection to this.


Luo Xiao hurriedly explained: "It's just that you are good at cooking, don't you just eat some fruit instead of cooking for lunch?"

"I'm good at cooking, but I'm lazy, so I'll eat it at night."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "However, you can eat what I made if you want, but you have to be responsible for helping, such as cleaning up this rabbit, or gathering firewood to make a fire."

"I'm going to collect firewood!"

Compared to collecting firewood, no girl is willing to clean up the rabbit, so Luo Xiao immediately took action.

In fact, there is plenty of time to roast a rabbit, and Gu Zheng doesn't just need someone to help him, but he just wants to see what Luo Xiao's attitude is now. For the time being, it looks pretty good, at least there are no complaints or hesitation.

After a while, the rabbit meat was roasted, and Luo Xiao also ate the best barbecue in his life.

While sucking his fingers, Luo Xiao also spoke highly of Gu Zheng's cooking skills.

After eating the barbecue, the two decided to rest for a while before going on the road. The rest time was not too long, but it gave Gu Zheng a headache.

Luo Xiao seemed to have changed, her words were no longer barbed, she just pestered him with questions.

Growing up in Shushan, Luo Xiao seldom went out, and only went out three times when she was so old. However, Shushan has special disciples who have entered the world, and those who are five or five times away from the mountain will always bring back some information, so Luo Xiao is not very good at the news from outside. It's very closed, but even so, she still can't compare with Gu Zheng living in the outside world.

Gu Zheng's lingering questions, including those about the outside world, were a bit cumbersome, but Gu Zheng also answered them truthfully. Besides, what Luo Xiao asked the most was about Gu Zheng, how he cultivated, what was his footwork and swordsmanship that won her? Ask him what else does he do outside of being the head of the house? Ask him about cooking, blah blah blah! When Luo Xiao asked about Gu Zheng's tirelessness, she could only make three chapters with her, and stop asking about him.

After the rest, the two of them hurried on their way again, and they walked almost until dusk. During this period, nothing happened between Gu Zheng and Luo Xiao, but in terms of ingredients, they were not as good as expected at all. Except for a dozen second-class wild vegetables harvested, ordinary-level ones except the previous 'white jade' Dimei', there is no other.

"You don't have to be depressed. We haven't entered the depths of the back mountain yet. It's pretty good that you can find these ingredients that meet the requirements. After all, there are often disciples from the sect who set foot here, unless it's ingredients they don't know, or very few. I will save it for us to discover. Tomorrow you will be able to set foot deep in the back mountain, and you will definitely find a lot of high-level ingredients by then!"

Knowing why Gu Zheng was depressed, Luo Xiao comforted him instead.

"It seems that the route of travel has to be changed. We can't follow the path that others have traveled."

As Luo Xiao said, almost all of the ingredients that Gu Zheng found were relatively rare. And rare does not mean high grade, it can only be said that there are very few people who know them.

"Okay, but I'm not responsible for opening the way. You, a big man, should do these things."

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to let you open the way."

Changing the route, Gu Zheng and Luo Xiao stayed away from the trail leading to the back mountain.

The sky gradually darkened, and Gu Zheng frowned slightly. It stands to reason that if the route was changed, the harvest of ingredients should be greater, but the result was not much different from before.

However, for such a situation, Gu Zheng saw some problems. There are traces of 'Colorful Feather Sparrow' activities along the road, and even a common-grade 'Cloud Fruit' was found, but unfortunately there is only a little bit of flesh left on this Cloud Fruit, judging from the traces left on it, It was obviously being pecked by birds, and there were even footprints of colorful feathered birds on the ground nearby.

The Colorful Feather Sparrow only ate these high-grade ingredients. This discovery solved some of the original doubts in Gu Zheng's mind. Originally, it thought that the Colorful Feather Sparrow had eaten some natural and earthly treasures, which made its food grade to be Ordinary ones can produce medium-quality eggs, but now it seems that this is not the case. The daily food of this colorful feather finch is not so simple.

Gu Zheng felt a little tired immediately when he couldn't get the ingredients he wanted.

"Go, enter the bamboo forest, we will spend the night in the bamboo forest tonight."

In front of the two of them was a very large bamboo forest. The evening wind blew the bamboo and made a soft 'rustling' sound. A fresh smell unique to the bamboo forest rushed to the face, and the sound of 'twitter chirping' lingered in it.

After entering the bamboo forest, Gu Zheng also relaxed, stretching his arms from time to time as he walked forward, breathing louder.

"Seeing how you enjoy it, do you like bamboo?"

Luo Xiao also seemed to relax a lot. As soon as she entered the bamboo forest, she plucked the youngest bamboo leaves from the top of the bamboo branches, and blew out bird-like calls from time to time with her mouth in her mouth.

"I like bamboo, and I prefer a big bamboo forest. This kind of environment is very relaxing." Gu Zheng said slowly.

"I also like bamboo forests, and this bamboo forest here can be described as a bamboo sea, and there is even a delicacy like 'not seeing the sky'. It's just that it's not the time to dig 'not seeing the sky'. What a pity!" Luo Xiao sighed.

"No sky?"

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up: "You mean to say that there is a 'seeing the sky' growing in this bamboo forest?"

Many people call the delicious winter bamboo shoots "not seeing the sky". However, not all winter bamboo shoots are called "Zi Tian Tian".

'Not seeing the sky' is not common, it can be regarded as a variant of winter bamboo shoots, where it will grow, and what kind of bamboo forest it will grow in, this is a very random thing. Maybe in the bamboo sea in the deep mountains, you can't find a single one that can't see the sky, maybe you can find three or five in an acre of bamboo forest in the village.

"Yes, there is 'Unseen Sky' here, and some can be found every year, which is not as rare as the outside world said." Luo Xiao affirmed.

Gu Zheng suddenly became interested. Although the growth of 'Seeing the Sky' is very random, if it grows in a bamboo forest that does not see the sky, there is a greater chance that 'Seeing the Sky' will grow, let alone a bamboo sea.

"Look at the way your eyes shine, what do you want to do? Now is not the time to dig 'Zi Tian', even if you find it, 'Zi Tian' is not fat enough, and the taste is much worse than in winter! "Luo Xiao was puzzled.

"You are right, but I want to ask you, are you familiar with this bamboo sea?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Familiar, I often come here alone when I have nothing to do."

"Then have you ever seen a dying bamboo, the kind of bamboo that blooms and bears bamboo rice?"

The flowering of bamboo means that the life of bamboo is about to be exhausted, and only the seeds are left to reproduce again. In a place as beautiful as Mount Shu, the lifespan of bamboo must be very long. There is no one that will not bloom for two to three hundred years, but once it blooms, the bamboo forest will die in pieces. After the flowers bloom, they form bamboo rice, which is the seed of bamboo. According to legend, it is the food of the phoenix. In ancient times, there was a saying that the phoenix "does not live in the phoenix tree, and does not eat unless it is the bamboo."

"Gu Zheng, I know, but I know. If you want bamboo flowers or bamboo rice, I advise you not to think about it. These things are the food of colorful feather sparrows. We Shushan disciples must guard in advance if we want any. Otherwise, they will all be eaten up."

"Luo Xiao, I don't want bamboo flowers or bamboo rice, now you take me to a place where there are bamboo flowers and bamboo rice."

In the face of Gu Zheng's request, Luo Xiao didn't say anything, and the two immediately accelerated their pace.

The place with bamboo flowers and rice can be regarded as the center of the whole bamboo sea. When Luo Xiao arrived with Gu Zheng, the moon had already climbed very high.

Without the greenness along the way, many of the bamboos in front of us are showing a withered yellow color, and some are still developing towards the point of withered yellow, and there are still one or two bamboo flowers hanging sporadically on the bamboo stalks.

"You can take a rest first, we will spend the night near here tonight."

Gu Zheng hurriedly explained a sentence, and immediately started to shuttle among the dead bamboos.

"What are you looking for?"

Luo Xiao didn't find a place to rest, but followed Gu Zheng.

"I'm looking for 'No Sky'!"

Gu Zheng didn't hide it either, and still quickly shuttled among the dead bamboos.

"How could there be 'not seeing the sky' here? The bamboo is already dead, and even if there are small bamboo shoots in the ground, they are very thin. Even if there is 'not seeing the sky', the ingredients will not meet the requirements, right?" Luo Xiao asked curiously .

"In common sense, this is indeed not the time to dig 'not seeing the sky', but some things are beyond common sense. You know 'not seeing the sky', but do you know the 'not seeing the sky' in purple bamboo shoots? This special' "I don't see the sky" will only grow in this kind of bamboo forest that grows out of the ordinary "I don't see the sky" and has bamboo flowers and bamboo rice, and its taste is several times that of the ordinary "I don't see the sky", and there are no four seasons."

"Huh? There's even a purple color in 'Not Seeing the Sky'? Then why haven't I heard of it?"

"The purple 'seeing the sky' is gathered by the essence of the dead bamboo. It will never emerge for a lifetime, and it is hidden very deep. If it is not discovered after maturity, it will slowly melt into the soil. Such a magical ingredient , it’s not surprising that you haven’t heard of it!”

"Then do you think you can find 'No Sky' here?"

"I don't know, but it's always possible. Look around. Anyway, this bamboo forest is not big."

As soon as Gu Zheng finished speaking, Qi Ling's voice sounded: "Purple can't see the sky, and the common-grade ingredients are five meters in front of you on your left and three meters deep underground!"

Qi Ling's words made Gu Zheng's heart beat faster. I didn't expect that there would be a taste of purple not seeing the sky here, and the taste of purple not seeing the sky is definitely outstanding among the ingredients of the same level.

After a while, the entire bamboo grove had been visited, and even though there was no second purple tree missing the sky, Gu Zheng still happily hummed a little tune.

"What are you humming? Seeing how happy you are, could it be that you have found purple and can't see the sky?" Luo Xiao asked.

"It is indeed found, but we don't plan to go back now, so there is no need to dig it out now, let it grow in the soil for another night, keep it fresh! Another thing you don't know, the purple is missing The sky is very big, they are basically as big as people, and it is not convenient to dig them out now."

"Puff...cough cough..."

Luo Xiao was drinking water, and Gu Zheng's words made her choke.

"Aren't you joking? A bamboo shoot as big as a person, or a purple one that can't see the sky? How heavy is it, more than a hundred catties?" Luo Xiao asked anxiously.

"Yes, it should weigh more than one hundred and thirty catties!"

Gu Zheng answered seriously, Luo Xiao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly cheered: "We have found such a big and precious ingredient, I really look forward to using him to make delicious food, what should it be like? I really look forward to digging it tomorrow Come out, Gu Zheng, tomorrow I will not see the sky when I dig purple, I must do it myself!"

It can be seen that Luo Xiao is really happy, jumping up like a little girl, and even asked to do things that she didn't like to do at first, is this really the excitement of the participants?

"Yes." Gu Zheng nodded with a smile. After all, she is still a child.

"Great, you wait, I'll find some ingredients and come back, let's continue to eat barbecue at night. Guess, what ingredients I'm going to find? Give you a hint, unique in the bamboo forest, very special Delicious, much tastier than rabbit meat, almost the same size as a rabbit, there will be a prize for guessing right!" Luo Xiao blinked playfully.

"Bamboo Rat!"

Gu Zheng didn't hesitate too much, and directly said the name. Luo Xiao didn't give many hints, but it was enough for Gu Zheng, not to mention that he had found traces of bamboo rats in the bamboo forest.

"Although it's not too surprising, you got the answer right after all. I'll let you see my craftsmanship tonight! You don't have to worry about anything, just wait and eat!"

Before Gu Zheng could say anything more, Luo Xiao happily left.

After Luo Xiao left, Gu Zheng drew a circle on the ground with his immortal power, scared away the little bugs hiding under the bamboo leaves, and then lay down comfortably. Since Luo Xiao said that he didn't need to help him, he was free and didn't even have to help light the fire.

With a bamboo branch in his mouth, looking at the bright moon through the gap at the top of the bamboo, Gu Zheng thought of two things.

The first thing, in fact, this time when Gu Zheng came to the back mountain, besides looking for some ingredients, he also had another important purpose, which was to see the colorful feathered sparrows, and to see the spirit birds whose ingredients were ordinary. , how to produce medium-quality eggs, did they really eat some natural treasures.

But what he saw along the way today made Gu Zheng deny his previous thoughts. It seems that the Colorful Feather Sparrow usually pays attention to diet, so it produces eggs that are higher than its own food grade.

The second thing, after discussing with Luo Xiao, Luo Xiao became very obedient, which was originally a good thing, but Gu Zheng always felt that Luo Xiao became obedient a little too quickly, which made him feel less so reality. But if what Luo Xiao showed was a false appearance, then what exactly did she want to do?

Without keeping Gu Zheng waiting for too long, Luo Xiao came back with a fat bamboo rat.

Simple cooking utensils were brought by Gu Zheng. After Luo Xiao came back, he chopped down two dead bamboos, and set up a simple stove with his hands and feet. After lighting a fire and boiling water, he shaved the bamboo rats and cleaned them up. .

"You say you're lazy, but in fact I'm even lazy. There are only a few people who have tasted my cooking skills. Even if my master tastes my cooking, they will all beat me up."

The bamboo rat has been cleaned up, Luo Xiao cut a few cuts on the skin of the bamboo rat, put some spices and salt she brought on it to marinate, and then burnt the fire to gather enough bamboo charcoal for roasting later bamboo rat.

"One bamboo rat is enough for the two of us to eat, and I didn't catch too many. Bamboo rats are game, and they belong to the sect, so even if you see them, just pretend you haven't seen them!" Luo Xiao said.

"Understood. I saw bamboo rats on the road. I knew you would never let me catch them, so I didn't ask."

"Gu Zheng, how did you find out about the ingredients in the ground? Sometimes I just look at you, without even squatting down."

"Traditional Chinese medicine has 'seeing, smelling, asking and knowing', and I have several ways to find food. I can only tell you so much."

Gu Zheng laughed, but Luo Xiao gave him a blank look, but didn't continue to ask such topics about him.

"When you roasted the rabbit at noon, I also paid attention to it. I felt very incredible. The seasoning you used was only salt, but the taste of the roast was so good. The bamboo rat itself is better than the rabbit. I seasoned it here. It is also enough, I hope the roasted bamboo rat will be better than your roasted rabbit!"

As Luo Xiao said, the meat of bamboo rats is better than that of rabbits. What's more, in terms of food grades, bamboo rats are common ingredients, and the rabbits eaten at noon are inferior ingredients.

Luo Xiao also understands the importance of the quality of ingredients in a dish, so the seasonings she uses are also of good quality.

Salt is the water from the salt wells in Shushan Mountain. The salt boiled by the ancient method has reached the ordinary grade, while those miscellaneous spices are slightly insufficient, most of them are low-grade, and some of them are inferior. As for the water used for washing and peeling bamboo rats, it is an inferior mountain spring.

It's a pity that Luo Xiao doesn't understand the grading of ingredients, she can only use experience to judge whether the ingredients are good or not, otherwise she would definitely not add those low-grade spices. Using low-quality spices to marinate ordinary-quality meat will only reduce the taste of the meat, but it is better not to use it.

The bamboo in the stove had turned into a charcoal fire, Luo Xiao put the bamboo rat dressed in bamboo on top of the charcoal fire.

After a while, the smell of the bamboo rat's meat was forced out, and the fat under the skin was also sizzling.


Gu Zheng nodded in appreciation, Luo Xiao knew how to use internal strength to control the roast meat, and he did a good job of locking the water in the bamboo rat meat. A very fresh taste.


Luo Xiao laughed, and continued to turn the bamboo rat to keep its heating surface even.

The scent of the bamboo rat meat is getting stronger and stronger, and the skin also shows a uniform burnt yellow color, and the oil has stopped dripping out, and it is time to complete the work.


Luo Xiao handed the chopped bamboo rats to Gu Zheng on bamboo sticks.

"It's really good. It may be because of the extra care this time. This is the best bamboo rat I've ever baked. It's not too fatty at all. The skin is chewy, and the meat is tender and melts in the mouth. It's full of fragrance. It's impossible to stop!"

After eating a mouthful of bamboo rat meat, Luo Xiao, who had endless aftertaste, looked at Gu Zheng: "How do you feel?"

Gu Zheng swallowed the bamboo rat meat in his mouth: "The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, and the taste is still good. However, the water is locked a bit too much, the meat is tender, but the aroma of charcoal grilling is not forced into it much As for the aroma, because of the addition of those spices to enhance the taste, the meat aroma becomes more intense, but also because of this, the bamboo rat meat has a faint bamboo fragrance that is covered up! The benevolent sees the wise, the wise see the wisdom, Perhaps in your opinion, roasted bamboo rat with a strong fragrance is more delicious!"

"Yes, what you said is correct. Since it is charcoal-grilled bamboo rat, the roasted aroma should not just stay on the skin. It is perfect if there is some such aroma in the meat. As for the fragrance or strong fragrance, I am more I prefer the fragrant ones, but you also know that wild game generally has a unique body odor. Usually, I have to soak roasted bamboo rats for an hour to remove the smell. It was suppressed with spices instead."

Facing Luo Xiao's words, Gu Zheng just nodded slightly, and concentrated on tasting the bamboo rat. In fact, apart from those flaws, the taste of Luo Xiao's roasted bamboo rat is still very good.

Seeing that Gu Zheng stopped talking, Luo Xiao asked again: "How does your fried colorful bird's egg taste? How does it compare with this charcoal-baked bamboo rat?"

"It's not the same food, and I can't compare it to specifics. I can only say that if you can only choose one of the colorful feather sparrow eggs and charcoal-roasted bamboo rats, even if the charcoal-roasted bamboo rats are made by myself , I will choose the Colorful Feather Egg without any hesitation."

Gu Zheng was a little bit emotional. After all, colorful feather sparrow eggs are medium ingredients, and the taste is really great.

"Is it that exaggerated? I have fried and eaten colorful feather sparrow eggs, and they are not as delicious as the charcoal-grilled bamboo rats I made." Luo Xiao wondered.

Guzheng frowned: "You didn't fry it, did you?"

"How is it possible? Although my cooking skills can't compare with yours, it's not enough to fry an egg and still fry it!"

Luo Xiao looked at Gu Zheng inexplicably, and Gu Zheng murmured: "What's the situation, it shouldn't be! Could it be that the colorful feather sparrow eggs I ate before were special? Normal colorful feather sparrow eggs are not like that grade?"

"I always hear you talk about grades and grades, and you won't give specifics when I ask you. But I can tell you that the colorful feather sparrow eggs you eat should be special. Although the colorful feather sparrow eggs taste good, they are not as good as bamboo rats. It's still worse than that!"

Looking at Luo Xiao's affirmative eyes, Gu Zheng's mind flashed.

"Is the original guess not wrong? Did the Colorful Feather Sparrow eat some kind of natural and earthly treasure, so that it has a medium-quality egg?"

Gu Zheng was thinking about something in his heart, and Luo Xiao said again: "Anyway, I'm coming with you this time, and I'm going to see if the last pair of colorful feather sparrows have laid eggs. If they have already laid eggs, I will take one away." , when the time comes, I will fry the eggs. You will know if the eggs you eat are special after you taste them. After all, from your description, the fried eggs I have eaten are not at the same level as the ones you eat. According to your The division of food grades, simple omelets with different grades, just the level of cooking skills, can't there be such a big difference in taste?"

Luo Xiao's words made Gu Zheng nod, but she didn't understand that to judge the grade of ingredients, Gu Zheng didn't need to taste them, as long as he saw the colorful feather sparrow eggs, he would know whether they were of the grade he had eaten.

There was nothing to say all night, before dawn the next day, Luo Xiao and Gu Zheng were already on their way.

In order to verify the colorful feather sparrow eggs, Guzheng Road did not deliberately waste time looking for ingredients. Anyway, there are these couples of spirit birds. Except for the ingredients hidden deep in the ground, it must be difficult to find ordinary grades on the surface.

The speed of the journey accelerated, and Luo Xiao and Gu Zheng arrived at the place where the colorful feather sparrows inhabited just before dawn.

This is a relatively empty place in the mountain forest. On five tall sycamore trees, there are five colorful bird nests made of branches. It's not that there are no vegetation around, but it's very low, making the five sycamore trees stand out like a flock of chickens.

Five pairs of colorful feather sparrows were all in the nest, and among them, the four small colorful feather finches that had hatched uttered 'jiu chirp' when they saw someone coming under the tree.

As the spiritual birds of the Shushan School, the colorful feather sparrows are not afraid of people, but if they know that the two people standing under the tree have already tasted the eggs they laid, they don't know how they should feel.


A colorful feather sparrow made a weird call, its face flushed red, like a chicken about to lay eggs.

"It's good luck. This last Colorful Feather Sparrow is laying eggs. When the time comes, I will take it away as soon as possible to save it from falling into the hands of Elder Hu." Luo Xiao excitedly said.

"By the way, how do you collect the colorful feather sparrow eggs? Could it be that these colorful feather sparrows will just watch you take the eggs away?"

Gu Zheng didn't know much about the colorful feathered sparrows, but he could see agility in the colorful feathered sparrows' eyes, which showed that these seemingly harmless birds actually had a certain fighting power.

"They're certainly not going to sit by and watch, but we have a way of manipulating them."

As soon as Luo Xiao said the words, she immediately looked at Gu Zheng without a trace. Fortunately, Gu Zheng was just looking at the colorful feather sparrows on the tree that were about to lay eggs, and didn't pay attention.

The two stood under the tree for a full three minutes. The colorful bird that was about to lay eggs became more and more anxious and painful. Gu Zheng understood what was going on. In chickens, this situation also occurs from time to time. However, their 'dystocia' is not as terrible as that of humans, and there will be no death, but it is more painful and the process of laying eggs lasts longer.

The sound of flapping wings sounded, and the male colorful feather finch that had never shown up appeared. After it flew into the nest, the painful female colorful feather finch immediately opened its mouth to it, like a bird waiting to be fed generally.

Although the sycamore tree is tall, it is less than ten meters. Gu Zheng clearly saw the male bird put a mouthful of liquid into the female bird's mouth. After swallowing the liquid, the female bird gave a loud cry, as if relieved from a heavy burden, she immediately lay down in the nest.

Although Gu Zheng couldn't see the situation inside the nest, he also understood that it was the sip of water from the male bird that made the female bird lay the eggs that had been difficult to lay!

"The water source is medium, and the quality of the eggs is medium."

In Gu Zheng's mind, Qi Ling's voice sounded.

In an instant, Gu Zheng's eyes widened to the maximum: "Medium water source, how is this possible?"

"It's impossible under normal circumstances, but what about abnormal circumstances? Don't forget the thousand-year-old snow lotus seeds you got during your trip to the Tianshan Mountains. That's also not a product of normal circumstances." Qi Ling said slowly.

"Now that the first egg has been laid, as soon as the second egg is laid, I will be able to hold the egg."

As soon as Luo Xiao started talking to herself, the female bird made a different sound again, and it started to lay eggs again. Moreover, this time it was also a 'dystocia'.

The sound of flapping wings sounded, and the male bird flew away again, and Gu Zheng immediately ran after him.

"Where are you going?"

"Follow and see what water the male bird brought back!"

After hearing Gu Zheng's explanation, Luo Xiao immediately followed.

The two chased the male bird for five minutes and reached a ravine.

The mountains on both sides are lush with vegetation, and in the ravines are stretches of exposed rocks. There are traces of flowing water on the ground, and there are many stone pools formed in the rocks. And these stone pools are as small as a cow, and as big as a house.

"Hey, this 'Qingliuxi' has been dry for many years, why is there water now?" The scene in front of her made Luo Xiao involuntarily make a voice of doubt.

Although water appeared again in the dry stream, the water was not like a normal stream. Looking at the top of the ravine, there was no stream flowing down, and the male colorful feather sparrow was in a place above Gu Zheng and others. Drink water at the mouth of the stone pool.

Gu Zheng and Luo Xiao went up the ravine, and soon arrived at the place where the colorful feather sparrow drank water, which was also the source of all the water in the ravine.

In the huge stone pool, the water overflows when it is full, trickles, and the bottom is clear.

"The medium water source of 'Earth Vein Spring' appears at random places and at random times, and dries up within 15 days after it appears, condensed by the essence of the Earth Vein Water Source!"

Qi Ling's voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind, and Gu Zheng immediately asked: "Qi Ling, can this water be collected into the prehistoric space?"

"Of course, I will help you build a pool in the prehistoric space. You can charge as much as you have for this medium-quality water!"

Qi Ling also seemed very happy, very proactive in giving convenience. It hopes that the strength of Guzheng will increase quickly. With so much medium-quality water, Guzheng can use it for a long time. Although Guzheng can improve the quality of water, the medium-quality water produced is not the same as the original medium-quality water. There are still some differences in water, and this difference can produce some effects when doing food cultivation and making celestial wine.

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