On the way to the Great Trench, the son of the monk in the cold pool was still flying with the Heart Demon Orb. Gu Zheng stayed in the Heart Demon Orb and looked at the things about the Void Lord and the Conch Banshee to see if he would have any special feelings .

There are still monsters blocking the way, and there are still space traps, but these things can now be dealt with by the son of a monk in the cold pool, so there is nothing for Gu Zheng to worry about.

Time passed unconsciously, and the distance to the Great Trench was getting closer and closer, and the reserves of monster corpses in the Heart Demon Orb were also increasing, and this time, monster corpses would pile up like a mountain in the Heart Demon Orb. After all, the son of the cold pool cultivator has already improved his cultivation base, and the later the cultivation base is, the more energy is required for each upgrade. God knows when it will happen when the original energy is used to improve strength.

The Great Trench has arrived, but it is still far away from where the conch demon sisters are located. According to Gu Zheng's guess, the location of the conch demon sisters should be at the end of the great trench, which should also be where the cave is located.

It's not that Gu Zheng has never doubted whether the conch banshee's sister is a special monster in the cave, but the conch banshee definitely told Gu Zheng that her sister is not a special monster in the cave, but a wandering special monster.

There were already a lot of monsters in the Great Trench, not to mention it was still night, and the son of the monk Hantan really enjoyed killing one along the way.

However, no matter how strong the fighting power is, the son of the cold pool monk will eventually get tired. No matter how he walks along the way, he has never stopped his chances. According to incomplete statistics, he killed a total of three hundred monsters. Many.

Let the son of the monk Hantan enter the heart demon orb to rest. Gu Zheng took the heart demon orb and began to fly in the big trench. When he flew for five miles, he suddenly flew down from the rock walls on both sides of the big trench. I bought more than a dozen octopus monsters, and the strength of these octopus monsters is all like the peak of returning to the void.

For Gu Zheng, five or six monsters returning to the peak of the void came to him to trouble him, and they were looking for death. Gu Zheng didn't even need to use the ice dragon, and he could cut these guys into pieces with the elf blade in his hand. More than a dozen octopus monsters are also food delivery for Gu Zheng, but when Gu Zheng deals with them, he needs to use such treasures as the Heart Demon Orb, so the slaughter begins!

The octopus monster launched an attack on Gu Zheng from a distance. These magical attacks include spitting ink, entanglement with tentacles, and even turning the sea water into various ice attacks.

Facing the attacks of the octopus monsters, Gu Zheng, who was too lazy to fight with them, directly chose to enter the heart magic orb, and after controlling the heart magic orb to get close to one of them, he suddenly appeared and waved the elf blade in his hand.

Although the body of the octopus monster is very resilient, it is difficult for ordinary fairy weapons to hurt it, but Gu Zheng's fairy blade is a high-level fairy weapon, and its sharpness value is very terrifying. Basically, no octopus monster can cut it with his fairy blade. There are two pieces under it. Moreover, the characteristics of the Elven Blade are also very good. Every time it attacks, there will be green leaves falling, even in the sea, and these green leaves can actually be manipulated by Gu Zheng. As long as Gu Zheng moves his mind, these green leaves It will stick to the octopus monsters, and once the octopus monsters are pasted, they can be temporarily paralyzed. Although the paralysis lasts for less than a second, in the course of the battle, less than a second, even Enough to settle a fight.

Gu Zheng is completely cruel to the octopus monster, because the attack launched by the octopus monster on him is basically ineffective. Seeing that the attack is finally about to fall on him, he can enter the heart magic orb to avoid it with just a thought, and wait until he comes out of it again. When the Heart Demon Orb appeared, it must have been behind an octopus monster, and then he raised his knife and dropped it. Before the octopus monsters could react, another one of their companions fell.

In less than two minutes, more than a dozen octopus monsters were all beheaded by Gu Zheng.

Killing a few octopus monsters, Gu Zheng was very happy, because he found that these octopus monsters were rare ones that could produce inner alchemy, and ordinary inner alchemy was useless to him, but it could match some The ingredients are used to cook the alchemy food for the monks in the cold pool, which can just make up for the regret that the monks in the cold pool are now dragging the team back.

After killing the octopus monster, Gu Zheng continued to move forward, but he couldn't help but stop after a while.

There is a little difference between Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan who took the Heart Demon Orb on the road, that is, when he was on the road with the Heart Demon Orb, he would use his spiritual thoughts to explore the way ahead, and he stopped now because he was in front of him. A cave was found. There was a seal outside the cave, and the size was exactly the same as the cave with special monsters inside.

According to Gu Zheng's experience, there are caves in every big trench, and the caves are basically at the end of the big trench, and there is no seal outside the cave, but the cave discovered now is quite strange.

No matter whether the cave is strange or ordinary, he is the place that Gu Zheng wants to explore, but now Gu Zheng has other things to do, so he opened up to the Conch Banshee about this matter.

"I want to go to the cave in front and see if this matter will affect our finding your sister." Gu Zheng asked.

"No, you can go and investigate. Anyway, I have a feeling that as long as I get near that spot, no matter where my sister is, it will come over soon."

Hearing what the Conch Banshee said, Gu Zheng felt relieved. After all, there is still two hours away from the end of the Great Trench. If exploring the cave here will affect the sisters who are looking for it, then Gu Zheng must first Go find its sister, wait until the work over there is over, and then go back to explore the Great Trench. If that's the case, it will be time-consuming all this time.

Coming outside the cave, Gu Zheng's immortal power shot out from his fingertips and connected to the seal outside the cave, breaking the seal in a short time.

When breaking the seal, although there is no special feeling, since the cave is sealed, Gu Zheng will naturally pay special attention. Therefore, at the moment when the cave was broken, the powerful forces rushing out from inside did not cause any harm to Gu Zheng.

The powerful energy rushing out of the cave was actually issued by a monster like a sea snake. After Gu Zheng avoided the energy emitted by it, its snake letter immediately spit out quickly, and with the With this move, wonderful ripples suddenly appeared in the sea water, which was a kind of spiritual attack, and Gu Zheng saw illusions that could make people lost in the ripples.

However, Gu Zheng practiced Anshen Art, and Anshen Art is a fairy skill to deal with all mental attacks, so when Anshen Art works automatically, Gu Zheng also wakes up from the illusion.

As soon as Gu Zheng woke up, the ripples that were still releasing illusions suddenly calmed down. Seeing that his magic was broken, the sea snake monster spewed a terrifying cold current towards Gu Zheng.

There was a sneer on the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth, and he raised the Elven Blade to chop. The green knife energy not only split the cold current into two, but also slashed heavily on the sea snake monster.

The sea snake monster was suffering from pain, and had deep cuts all over its body. If such a knife was applied to the same part again, its body would definitely be cut into two parts.

Seeing that the sea snake monster wanted to turn around and run away after being injured, Gu Zheng was really angry. The sea turtle monsters he encountered before, including the eyeball monsters, were all the same. Any monster that could run away seemed to always bring him come to trouble.

Gu Zheng didn't let the sea snake monster escape, he immediately launched a sword throwing technique at the sea snake monster, and the whirling and flying elf blade slashed heavily on the part of the sea snake monster that was attacked just now, directly killing the sea snake monster's body The body was cut into two pieces, and he flew forward without losing momentum.

Gu Zheng changed his finger, and he wanted to take back the flying elf blade, but something happened that he didn't expect, a special pulling force came out from the hole, and it came from his body. Wounded took control of the Elven Blade.

Gu Zheng frowned, but he didn't stop in his footsteps. He went deep into the cave, and he wanted to see what the guy who took away his elf blade was.

After walking forward for a certain distance, Gu Zheng hasn't noticed the guy who took away his elf blade, but a green knife light has already struck him. As a person who has used the elf blade, he can see it at a glance. It can be seen that this knife light is split by the blade of the elf.

The reason why Gu Zheng is said to be the person who has used the Elven Blade, rather than saying that he is the owner of the Elf Blade, is because the Elf Blade can be used without recognizing the owner, but Gu Zheng did not expect that a sword throwing technique would be Will let his elf blade be taken away.

Gu Zheng calmly dodged the green saber aura, and after dodging the saber aura, Gu Zheng was also very angry. Such a thing as a celestial artifact being taken away, no matter who it is placed on It won't be too cool.

The natal true fire spirit and natal true water spirit in the body vibrated one after another. Even though the effect of using the fire dragon technique in the sea was not good, Gu Zheng still used the fire dragon and ordered it to rush to the depths of the cave first. As for The ice dragon is acting as his mount, and he is going to use his divine sense to deal with the guy who took away his elf blade.

Although Gu Zheng hasn't seen the guy who took away his Elf Blade, but from the light of the knife that that guy slashed before, Gu Zheng can also see its strength, which is almost like the peak of returning to the void.

The fire dragon is not suitable for displaying in the water, and the opponent is the strength of the peak of returning to the void, and based on this strength, and then using the sword energy from the high-level fairy weapon such as the elf blade, the fire dragon was chopped into pieces with one blow. Two petals.

However, for Gu Zheng, Huolong's mission has been completed, because he has released the bird of divine thought, and the flying bird of divine thought has already detected what the guy who snatched his elf blade looks like, that is A humanoid monster, which looks like a seahorse, is holding Gu Zheng's Elven Blade at this moment.

Spiritual Asuka discovered the seahorse monster, and the seahorse monster also discovered Divine Thought Asuka. It raised the elven blade and stabbed Divine Thought Asuka.

The bird of divine sense didn't dodge at all. After the knife light slashed through its body, its body healed quickly. As for the knife light that was cut, it was broken down and a gap appeared. After all, it was a divine mind attack. Many traditional attack methods are ineffective against it.

Seeing that the knife light was ineffective against the bird of divine thought, the seahorse monster panicked. It shook its straw-like mouth, causing the sea water in the cave to rush up. washed away.

However, the seahorse monster thought too naively, how could it wash away the bird of divine sense?

It was too late to say it, and the bird of divine thought had already flown to the side of the seahorse monster, and slammed into its body.

The seahorse monster screamed in pain. After its body was hit by the bird of divine thought, the bird of divine thought immediately decomposed its body.


The seahorse monster roared, and it also spit out a bubble with electric glow, and its electric glow bubble is actually very similar to the electric glow bubble of the cold pool monk's son, and it has the ability to wrap many things, just Even Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka was temporarily contained in it.


The electric light bubble exploded, but it is a pity that even the damage of the explosion would not have any effect on the bird of the divine sense, and the bird of the divine sense also hit it again, and this time it hit Its head directly disassembled a third of its head.

If a normal monster's head is decomposed by one-third, it will be seriously injured even if it is not dead, but the seahorse monster is different. It did not die because its head was missing by one-third. On the contrary, its brain was similar to brain matter. It still flowed out! You know, when the divine mind disintegrates the monster's body, even the blood cannot flow out, let alone the more viscous things like brains.

However, the seahorse monster is very different. Not only can he flow out brains under the decomposition of divine thoughts, but its brains have a good ability to damage divine thoughts, so that after Gu Zheng's divine thoughts bird is contaminated with its brains , Gu Zheng's head hurt suddenly as if he had been hit by a hammer, and he almost fell off the ice dragon.

Seeing that the brain can restrain Gu Zheng's divine sense, the sturdy seahorse monster actually digs out his own brain with one paw, and throws it at Gu Zheng's divine mind Asuka.

The sturdy action made the seahorse monster scream in pain, and Gu Zheng finally saw what it means to be dead. Although he is well-informed, he felt that the scene he saw today would definitely be something he will never forget for the rest of his life. .

Facing the tough seahorse monster, Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka could only retreat temporarily to avoid its edge. Anyway, in its view, the seahorse monster is a lunatic, so there is no need to fight it head-on, and this lunatic who dared to dig his own brains also Certainly not long.

The seahorse monster is really tough. After chasing the bird of Gu Zheng Shennian for a distance, it finally couldn't support it and fell to the ground. After a few twitches, it would never move again.

"I really want to die!"

Walking to the side of the seahorse monster, Gu Zheng took his elven blade into his hand, and gave the seahorse monster such an evaluation. As for the corpse of the seahorse monster, Gu Zheng did not let it go, and his thoughts took it into his heart The magic bead, like the previous sea snake monster, is a monster with inner alchemy, which can be regarded as a good harvest.

Continuing to go deeper into the cave, Gu Zheng couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't encounter any monster, but he heard the familiar clanging sound.

The so-called clanging sound is very similar to the sound of someone forging iron, and Gu Zheng heard the same sound in the last test of entering the four-way space. It was also in the cave in the big trench. The monster that makes the sound of striking iron is always a crab monster. Moreover, the crab monster is not only able to forge iron, he can also forge fairy artifacts. The blu-ray blade, an immortal artifact, was the work of that crab monster, and in that mission, the crab monster also made the original intermediate fairy The Blu-ray blade of the weapon has been upgraded to a high-level fairy weapon! But it is a pity that in the previous quadruple fairy formation, in order to deal with the strange fruit tree, Gu Zheng detonated the blue light blade to survive the crisis, but the blue light blade was completely blown up and there was no scum left.

Going forward, Gu Zheng was not blocked by the monster, but his eyes widened. The environment here is very similar to the cave of the crab monster last time. Flying swords, it's just that these flying swords are mortal weapons, not fairy weapons.

"Could it be that in the bottom of the cave, there is also a crab monster that is forging iron?"

With deep curiosity, Gu Zheng accelerated his forward speed and finally came to the bottom of the cave.

Indeed, just as Gu Zheng thought before, a monster crab is forging iron, and it looks very similar to the monster crab that Gu Zheng saw last time.

"Enter, welcome here!"

The crab monster this time is not like the high-cold one last time. After seeing Gu Zheng coming in, it happily put down the work in its hands.

"Have you met my brother before?"

The crab monster asked Gu Zheng, it seemed that it was afraid that Gu Zheng would not understand, and it added: "It is in the sea area on the other road, in the cave in the big trench, my brother looks like me, and he also looks like me. Can forge fairy artifacts!"

"I have indeed seen it, and I have completed the test it gave me!"

Gu Zheng laughed, this crab monster turned out to be the brother of the crab monster from last time, maybe things about the test will be relatively easier.

"Great, since you have passed its test, then my test here is also very simple."

Sure enough, the excited crab monster confirmed Gu Zheng's guess, and the test became easier because Gu Zheng passed the test of his brother. However, what the crab monster said next gave Gu Zheng an ominous premonition.

"Since you have passed my brother's test, my brother will definitely help you get a fairy weapon, and that fairy weapon is a token of passing my test directly. You just need to give me that fairy weapon and let me observe it." Let me know my brother's craftsmanship, then I can give you another fairy artifact to upgrade the level!"

Hearing what the crab monster said, Gu Zheng showed helplessness on his face: "Don't be so happy first, what I want to tell you is that I did pass your brother's test, and your brother also changed my blue light blade from an intermediate fairy weapon to a Unfortunately, in the subsequent test, I detonated that fairy weapon in order to save my life."


After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the crab monster's eyes widened: "You actually detonated my brother's work in order to save your life? Without my brother's work for me to watch, why are you here telling me so much? Even a hand Immortal artifacts can't protect it, and an entrant like you should die!"

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