The explosive vines wrapped in the electric bubbles exploded beside the tree man. The explosion was so powerful that a strong shock wave was generated in the surrounding area. After the terrifying shock wave passed, everything within a radius of ten miles was razed to the ground. , Those trees were all reduced to dust under the impact of the explosion.

However, the tree man was not injured in the explosion, because at the moment when the explosion was about to happen, the tree man actually covered his chest with his arms, strode forward with his legs, and a thick black mist burst out from his body, entering a terrible defense State, it is this defensive state that makes it invulnerable in the explosion.

The son of the monk Hantan was also shocked. When he first came here, he just thought that the tree man was an ordinary golden fairy in the early stage, but now it doesn't look like it.

Without any hesitation, Brother Hantan's son immediately turned into a real dragon, showing his full fighting state, and flew towards the tree man.

The tree man was not to be outdone, and its arms turned into two wooden knives again, but this time the wooden knives were no longer withered yellow, but black like metal.

The sound of "ping ping pong pong" sounded, and the son of the monk in the cold pool was entangled with the tree man in the body of a real dragon, while the tree man swung two black wooden knives and slashed at the son of the monk in the cold pool. The strength of the people is about the same, and the fight is indistinguishable.

The battle in the distance still had some impact on Gu Zheng. He didn't want to have an accident with the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, but fortunately, the cooking of the food cultivator was over, and the food cultivator had produced an extremely fragrant form.

It’s really inconvenient not to be able to use treasures like the Heart Magic Orb. The cooked food repairers don’t eat and have no place to put them away. Gu Zheng can only place prohibitions on the ground, and then put the food repairers in it to hide. He has to rush over to have a look The situation of the father and son of the monk Hantan.

At the same time, looking at the indistinguishable two people below, Brother Hantan's heart was about to move. It is impossible for him to just watch and not participate in the battle. This is a kind of torture for the militants, not to mention that the person fighting below is still him son.

The cold pool monk flew down quietly, raised the flaming stick in his hand, and hit the tree man.

The tree man has indeed entered a state of berserk. Although its strength has been temporarily improved, its instincts such as intelligence and reaction have declined. It has no defense against the cold pool monk, and the flame stick raised by the cold pool monk is heavy. hit on the head!

There is a strange flower on the treeman's head. That strange flower can provide good protection for the treeman, but the strange flower itself is considered the treeman's weakness. Once the attack it receives reaches a certain intensity, it will suffer serious damage. harm.

The flame stick in the hands of monk Hantan is a high-level fairy weapon, and his own strength is not too low, so the destructive power of this stick is very strong, directly smashing the strange flower on the tree man's head.

Something like blood flowed out from the smashed strange flowers, and the treant who was fighting the cold pool monk's son let out a scream, and his huge body staggered and was about to fall down.

The son of the cold pool monk is not surprised that his father would sneak attack on the tree people. After all, in the previous battles with those monsters, the cooperation between the father and son has been a lot, so the cold pool monk who seized the opportunity Son, immediately use the long-horned dragon's head to hit the tree man's chest. If this blow hits, the tree man will basically be dying, and he will die if he finds his soul.


Just when Brother Hantan's son was about to stab the tree man with the dragon's horn, Gu Zheng's voice suddenly sounded. His order not only stopped Brother Hantan's son's attacking momentum, but also made Brother Hantan raise the tree again. Put down the flame stick. Although the father and son were very confused why Gu Zheng shouted so much, they always obeyed Gu Zheng's orders.

"It's you!"

The tree man looked at Gu Zheng and exclaimed.

Brother Hantan's father and son also widened their eyes. Looking at the current situation, the relationship between people and Gu Zheng.

The tree man and Gu Zheng did know each other. When Gu Zheng entered this space world, he met the tree man. He told the meat-eating tree man how to barbecue. Later, he also learned from the tree man where he was going to wait outside the forest. Those in the tribe went into the woods.

Compared with Gu Zheng when he came to this space last time, the tree man has changed a lot. The original tree man was only two feet tall. However, this space world has become different long after Gu Zheng cleared the customs, so Gu Zheng was not too surprised, on the contrary, he was still a little happy in his heart, anyway, he had met this tree man before, maybe he could Maybe he could learn something he wanted to know from the tree man.

"Yeah, long time no see!"

Gu Zheng was a little emotional. He didn't expect to see this tree man again in this greatly changed space world, and he didn't expect that this tree man was not a special monster, and it didn't have the protection of law power.

"Why are you here again? Because of your departure last time, the place has changed a lot."

The tone of the tree man talking to Gu Zheng was a bit strange, there was no joy of meeting again, some were complaining, or dare not speak out.

"Are you complaining that I have made such a big change here? It's actually not bad, at least your strength has improved." Gu Zheng smiled.

"What's the good thing, I'm suffering from a hidden disease now, and it's because of the change that I'm like this." The tree man said helplessly.

"Let's not talk about that, I have limited time in this space world this time, so let me ask you something first." Gu Zheng said.

"Speak!" The tree man nodded.

"Do you know where this statue is?"

Gu Zheng waved his hand towards the air, and his divine sense presented the appearance of the giant-armed statue of Haiyang in the void.


The tree man's answer made Gu Zheng's eyes widen. He was always asking like this, and he didn't dare to give any hope. He never thought that the tree man's answer would be so straightforward.

"Tell me where it is!" Gu Zheng asked hurriedly.

"It's in the savage tribe," said the tree man.

"Savage tribe?"

Gu Zheng looked puzzled. He knew that in the desert outside the forest, there were several tribes with the word 'man', but he had never heard of the barbaric tribe.

"If you want to go to the barbaric tribe, you must have a special method, and I know this special method, but I want to make a few conditions with you!"

The tree man knew Gu Zheng, but they couldn't talk about friendship, not to mention that the tree man himself ate meat, so he wasn't good at it! Moreover, this is because the overall strength of Gu Zheng's side has reached a certain level, so it can speak so politely. If this is not the case, it must look different.

"How dare you raise conditions with my master?"

Brother Hantan didn't finish his sentence, but Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to stop him.

"I like to have something to say in the open. If your condition is not too much, I will agree to you." Gu Zheng said.

"I have two conditions in total. The first condition is that you cure the unmentionable disease you brought to me. The other condition is that you have to make something delicious for me too." Only one copy will do!"

The two conditions mentioned by the tree man, especially the first condition, sounded rather harsh. After all, Gu Zheng had already said that his time was relatively recent, and such things as curing diseases would not happen for a while.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Gu Zheng also did not hesitate in agreeing, because when he was talking to the tree man, he had already seen the tree man's body with the eyes of Tao, and knew what caused the tree man's secret illness. Don't forget that not only Gu Zheng did His apprentices have also done the hanging pot to help the world. Gu Zheng's diet therapy is very powerful.

"You just wait here, I'll go get you medicine now!"

Gu Zheng slapped the father and son of the monk Hantan, and the father and son of the monk Hantan flew up with Gu Zheng, while the tree man stood in place, but countless tree roots grew out of his legs, and after piercing the ground, he began to grow from the soil. It absorbs nutrients to restore the damage it suffered before. As for the rotten strange flower on top of its head that was smashed by the monks of the cold pool, it also began to repair quickly when it absorbed nutrients from the soil.

"Master, is he trustworthy?"

Following Gu Zheng to the direction of the forest clearing, Brother Hantan finally couldn't help asking.

"I feel believable!"

Gu Zheng didn't have any special feelings because of this, he just felt that what the tree man said was credible.

"Master, then you have to do two things for it. Is the time really enough? We don't know how far the savage tribe is!" the son of the cold pool monk worried.

"Then what do you say? Go back and take it down now, and launch a soul search on it?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"That's right, that's what the little one thinks." Brother Hantan's son smiled sinisterly.

"No, I've seen this kind of special treant. If it doesn't want you to search for its soul, then you won't be able to search for its memory at all, so there is no way to do it! However, it is good to find a cure for it. It doesn't take much time to make medicine for disease, and it doesn't take much time to cook it deliciously."

There is only one gem fish obtained from the empty space for the medicinal materials to cure the tree people's hidden diseases, but the other ingredients needed, I have seen it before when I used my mind to explore the forest, and the ingredients of those medicinal materials Although the grade is not high, it is enough to treat tree people with hidden diseases.

After returning to the glade, Gu Zheng took out the Danyuan Shixiu that he had cooked for the monk in the cold pool, told him to take it quickly, and then began to look for the few herbs he had found before. As for the monk's son in the cold pool, It was his father who stayed behind to protect him.

In addition to the jewel fish, five medicinal herbs are needed to cure the treant's hidden disease. Gu Zheng quickly came to the first medicinal herb, pulled out the medicinal herb that looked like Ganoderma lucidum in front of him, and then began to move towards the next one. Fly in the direction where the medicinal herbs are located.

On the side of the forest clearing, monk Hantan has subdued the food repairer, and the vortex and tornado used to devour the immortal essence have appeared under his scales and above his head.

The celestial essence between heaven and earth was plundered frantically by the cold pool monk, and the inner alchemy in his body became bigger and bigger.

The vision caused by the monk in the cold pool did not disturb any monsters, but only attracted the tree man from a distance.

"Why are you here? Didn't my master tell you to stay there?"

Responsible for the safety of the monks in the cold pool, the son of the monks in the cold pool is naturally very responsible, so when the tree man gets close to a certain range, he has already appeared in front of the tree man.

"I have no malicious intentions, I just want to come and have a look."

The tree man answered Brother Hantan's son, and bared his teeth and showed a smile that he thought was very kind to Brother Hantan's son.

"My father is improving his cultivation. It is inconvenient to watch it too close. If you want to watch it, you can stay here!"

It was very polite for Brother Hantan's son to say that, and the tree man nodded, and did not do anything to embarrass Brother Hantan's son.

With the passage of time, the upgraded golden light appeared on the body of the monk in the cold pool, his cultivation base was improved, and he finally entered the late stage of returning to the void, but the effect of the alchemy food cultivation has not been fully absorbed, and his strength has not yet been fully absorbed. Still improving.

However, Brother Hantan's strength improvement this time is not only in terms of realm, he will also awaken some supernatural powers because of this rise in realm, which is the characteristic of his current body.

The tree man was amazed by the frantic way of devouring the immortal essence of the cold pool monk. It always tried to talk to the cold pool monk's son, but the cold pool monk's son rarely talked to it.

By the time the cold pool monks had absorbed the effects of the food and medicine, Gu Zheng had collected enough of the five ingredients and returned.

"Now I will cook food for you that can cure your dark disease. It will also be delicious, but after you take the next food repair, you need to cooperate with me to use Xianli to treat your dark disease."

Gu Zheng said to the tree man, and the tree man nodded, with a regretful smile on his face: "I regret asking you to cook food for me now, and I want the food repairer he just ate even more!"

When chatting with Brother Hantan and his son before, the tree man already knew that the food that Brother Hantan took was called food repair.

"There is no regret medicine that can be bought in this world. I am also short on time when I come to this space world this time, so I don't want any changes to occur!"

Gu Zheng looked at the tree man quietly, but his eyes were so cold that the tree man said quickly: "Don't worry! I just said that, let's do things according to the previous agreement."

Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and immediately started to process the ingredients.

Including gemstone fish, the diet for tree people needs a total of six ingredients, including five plant-based ingredients, and only gemstone fish is animal-based ingredients.

The processing of jewel fish is more troublesome. It needs to be boiled into soup, and it is the kind that completely boils the bones. As for the other five plant-based ingredients, it is relatively easy to process. After processing them all, At that time, just put it in the gemstone fish soup and stew it.

After preliminarily processing the ingredients, Gu Zheng started to stew gemstone fish soup. This is a pot of soup that needs to be stewed for a meal. What a time saver in the process.

As the stewing process continued, the aroma gradually became stronger, and the tree man began to swallow his saliva and rub his hands to express his impatience! It has never smelled such a good scent, and this scent even makes it have the urge to snatch the fish soup in the pot and drink it up.

As if seeing the impatience of the tree man, Gu Zheng also clicked on it, telling it that this is a food therapy that is only cooked for its wounds, and if it has any improper behavior that causes the diet therapy to fail, Gu Zheng will not be responsible for it .

In view of Gu Zheng's warning, the tree man waited patiently no matter how impatient he was.

Finally, the food therapy that had been stewed into a paste came out of the pot, and the treant who couldn't wait hurriedly licked it with his tongue.

For an ordinary person, the diet is too big, but for a tree man, it is simply not enough to fit between the teeth, because it licks the diet clean with one tongue, it can only be smashed, and the mouth is full of aftertaste.

Instructing the tree man who was still thinking about it not to move around, Gu Zheng, who flew to the tree man's shoulder, put his hand on the tree man's neck.

The secret disease of the tree man is actually caused by the space world, which suddenly increased its strength. This kind of short-term increase in strength, but the problem of leaving disadvantages is just a trivial matter for Gu Zheng.

The celestial power has already entered the tree man's body, it affects the medicinal effect produced by the diet therapy, and treats the tree man's hidden disease, and as the treatment process continues, the dark disease that always makes the tree man's body ache is gradually disappearing. After recovering, the tree man couldn't help humming in comfort.

After a meal, Gu Zheng collected the immortal power and flew up from the tree man, and after the meal time of the tree man's treatment, its original hidden disease has been cured, and it can truly feel The comfort of the body.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

The moving tree man laughed at Gu Zheng, if it wasn't for Gu Zheng's excited expression, it would have thrown Gu Zheng up.

After a brief chat with the tree man, Gu Zheng began to cook delicious food for the tree man.

The tree man said that it was attracted by the aroma of the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish. Gu Zheng wanted to cook delicious food for the tree-man, so he naturally chose the charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish.

After processing the red-striped arowana, Gu Zheng immediately began to grill the fish for the tree man. This time, not only the tree man swallowed his saliva, but even the father and son of the monks in Hantan were no exception. The smell is so tempting! Even if they shared a piece of charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana by themselves not long ago, who let this be the food cooked by Gu Zheng! They never get tired of it.

The time for a stick of incense passed, and the charcoal-grilled red-striped arowana with an extremely fragrant shape was handed to the tree man by Gu Zheng. , but it is a pity that the one-meter-long charcoal-grilled red-striped dragon fish is still too small for the size of the treant, so that the treant who smashed his mouth seems so unsatisfied.

"Okay, I have done the two things you said, and now it's time for your object to promise."

Gu Zheng's expression was calm, but his heart was not calm at all. He was really worried that something would happen to the tree man at this time.

The tree man didn't write any ink, and immediately told him where Gu Zheng should go next, how he had entered the desert through that place, and the location of the ferocious tribe.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to stop too much, because the place the tree man said was relatively far away, and the people of the barbaric tribes were not easy to deal with, so Gu Zheng felt that there would be no delay on the way, and when he got the ocean giant When it was time to arm the statue, there should not be half an hour left before the end of the mission.

According to what the tree man said, the ferocious tribe is in an independent desert in this space world. If he wants to go to that desert, Gu Zheng must first go to a fixed place in the forest. It takes half an hour.

In order to save time, Gu Zheng and the others no longer collected inner alchemy on the way, nor did they look for any ingredients. He flew towards the destination at full speed.

Although the distance is not close, the good thing is that you don't need to wait until night to enter the independent desert through the destination.

Half an hour later, Gu Zheng came to the place mentioned by the tree man. There are four tall trees here. The four trees are arranged in the shape of a "mouth". Gu Zheng needs to turn around the four trees. Three times, then reversed three times, and finally jumped to the middle of the four big trees, and then appeared in the lonely desert.

"I hope what you said is not a lie, otherwise I will let you know how to write it when you regret it!"

Gu Zheng heaved a sigh of relief. Although he didn't think it would be possible for the tree man to lie to him, he was really afraid that something would happen.

Gu Zheng and the others circled around the four big trees, following the method the tree man said, after turning three times forward and three times upside down, they jumped into the open space between the four big trees.

As if using the teleportation array, Gu Zheng's vision alternated between light and dark, and they appeared in a desert he had never seen before. The tree man did not lie to them, at least for now.

The reason why Gu Zheng knew that he had never been to this desert as soon as he entered the desert was because the tree man told him about the scene in the desert, that is, the walls of the ferocious tribes were illuminated at night, and as soon as Gu Zheng entered the desert, he could see the scene in the desert. See the luminous city in the distance.

One thing about this space world is the same as when Gu Zheng entered last time, that is, the daytime of the forest is the night of the desert, and the night of the desert is the daytime of the forest.

Although the luminous city wall of the Barbarian Tribe seems to be not far away, Gu Zheng and the others dare not delay at all, because the tree man also told them that the road passing the Barbarian Tribe is actually a huge fairy formation. Knowing how to get out of the fairy formation, the ferocious tribe will keep an eternal distance from the entrant, no matter how the entrant flies, it is impossible for the entrant to get close to the city of luminous light. Moreover, the fairy formation in this independent desert is completely different from the fairy formations that Gu Zheng encountered before. If you want to save time, you must follow the method that the tree man said.

Gu Zheng and the others first flew towards the west. This direction seemed to be exactly opposite to the direction where the luminous city wall was located, but in fact, Gu Zheng and the others had already been flying towards the west for three minutes. The distance seems to have remained unchanged.

Gu Zheng and the others stopped flying. This unique fairy formation has come to the present, and they can no longer go on. No matter which direction they go, it will be wrong, so Gu Zheng and the others have to wait, they have to wait for Ye Xiao Three calls, only when Ye Xiao made three calls, Gu Zheng and the others could fly south for five minutes.

Fortunately, the Treeman once helped Gu Zheng to speed up, so did he tell Gu Zhengre that as long as there is no delay on the road, when Gu Zheng and the others reach the current stage, it will take a stick of incense at most , the night owl will make a cry.

The matter was not different from what the tree man said before. When Gu Zheng and the others waited for half a stick of incense, Ye Xiao's extremely unpleasant voice sounded.

After the third night owl's call landed, Gu Zheng and the others began to fly towards the south. Five minutes passed quickly, and the Gu Zheng headset stopped again. Now they had to wait for another signal. When this signal is received, they can fly towards the north at full speed, and they must come to the bottom of the luminous city wall within three minutes. Only in this way can they really touch the barbarian tribe.

It was half a stick of incense time, and the sky above the night light city wall was suddenly as bright as fireworks exploded. According to the tree man, this is a sacrifice that the ferocious tribe has to perform every night, and only at this time, the whole Only the inner circle of the fairy formation will be paralyzed, and where Gu Zheng and the others are now is the inner circle of the fairy formation.

Gu Zheng and the others flew up, and they flew towards the luminous city wall at the fastest speed, and finally arrived at the bottom of the luminous city wall before three minutes came.

"There is someone below!"

"Who's down here?"

Gu Zheng and the others had just landed under the luminous city wall, and the two guards who were chatting on the city wall immediately exclaimed.

With the sound of two exclamations, the ferocious tribe, which was very noisy because of the sacrifice, suddenly became more noisy. Gu Zheng and the others heard many people in the city shouting for enemy attack!

Gu Zheng and the others were also helpless, they wanted to alarm these people from the barbaric tribe, but they had no choice but to alarm them, what they just did not want to come, they came because they were broken! Because above the barbaric tribe, there is a very powerful air ban that I couldn't feel before.

Gu Zheng doesn't talk too much, the air can't ban the spiritual sense, and there is a hole through which the spiritual sense can pass through the gate of the tribe. He wants to use the divine sense to investigate the ferocious tribe first, to see if there is any ocean in this tribe. Sculpture of giant arm.

Gu Zheng's spiritual sense saw the sculpture of the giant arm of the ocean, which was in the center of the tribe, but it was not the kind that stood upright, but was placed on the ground so commonly.

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