The paper figurines stained with the blood of the members of the savage tribe fell to the ground. The priest blew on the paper figurines. The paper figurines all stood up unsteadily and turned into more than twenty zombies, covered in blood. The puppets were bleeding down, and then they jumped off the city wall and rushed towards Gu Zheng and the others.

Gu Zheng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the priests of the ferocious tribe to be so cruel, using the lives of more than twenty tribe members to create these blood witch puppets whose strength has already reached the late stage of Void Return.

"Well done!"

He didn't feel the pressure because of the blood witch puppets made by the ferocious tribe. The son of the cold pool monk sneered. No matter what he said, he was still at the early stage of Jinxian, and there were more than twenty blood witch puppets whose strength was only in the late stage of returning to the void. It's not enough at all!

Before, it was just a boring attack on the defensive shield, but now there are finally living creatures that satisfy the cold pool monk's son, and he, a militant, looks very excited.

Brother Hantan's son in the state of a real dragon, although unable to fly to fight due to air restrictions, his posture crawling on the ground is still very vigorous.

The whipping of the dragon's tail, the tearing of the dragon's claws, the biting of the dragon's teeth, the son of the monk in the cold pool used primitive and violent methods to attack the blood witch puppets, and several blood witch puppets quickly fell on the ground of the monk in the cold pool. Under the attack of his son.

"how so!"

The people of the savage tribe on the city wall were really panicked. Not only the ordinary members were shocked by the massacre of the blood witch puppet, but even the chiefs and priests had the same reaction! After all, the most powerful thing about the Blood Witch Puppet, which was created at the cost of losing more than two dozen members of the savage tribe, is not its strength, but its own deadly poison, which comes from Blood, and this kind of poisonous blood is enough to easily kill the existence of the peak of returning to the void, even the early stage of Jinxian can have a fatal impact on it.

However, the reality is that the son of the cold pool cultivator didn't care about the poisonous blood at all. He even bit the blood witch puppet. It stands to reason that using this deadly way to get in close contact with the blood witch puppet, even in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, he would die Undoubtedly, but the fact is that the son of the cold pool cultivator showed no sign of being poisoned at all, but those blood witch puppets fell one after another.

The reason why the son of the cold pool monk is not afraid of the blood witch puppet is because he awakened the poison immune supernatural power after he advanced to the early stage of the Golden Immortal. He originally thought that this supernatural power would not be useful in the four-way space. Because they have never encountered poisonous monsters in the four-way space, but who would have thought that poison immunity is useless in the four-way space, but they came to other spaces from the four-way space.

"Son, well done!"

The people who looked at the barbaric tribe on the city wall were stunned, and the cold pool monk who felt that he had finally let out another breath of anger finally couldn't help but yelled out.

"Kill him!"

The priest also worked hard, especially when he heard the words of the cold pool monk, so he gave orders to the blood witch puppet, and the sons who were dealing with the cold pool monk, including the blood witch puppets who were dealing with Gu Zheng, all launched an attack on the cold pool monk , Some of them sprayed blood at the monks in the cold pool, some threw the blood mist from their bodies at the monks in the cold pool, and some even launched a blood explosion, causing the sudden blood to explode beside the monks in the cold pool.

However, Brother Hantan is not a vegetarian anymore, and the remaining monsters will be his subordinates for a short time. He is paying attention to avoiding the attacks of the blood witch puppets, and also ordered those monsters to save the scene.

The battle under the city wall was very fierce. The number of those monsters dispatched by the monks of the cold pool was less than ten. The witch puppet was killed. As for the remaining blood witch puppets on the field, there were only three left. Among them, one of the blood witch puppets who was dealing with the monk's son in the cold pool suddenly turned its head and aimed at the blood witch puppet. The cold pool cultivator behind it spat out a mouthful of blood.

The sudden U-turn of the blood witch puppet caught people off guard. The cold pool monk could only retreat quickly, but the speed of the blood stain was very fast. If this blood stain was sprayed on the cold pool monk, the consequences would be unimaginable! But it is a pity that just when the blood was about to be sprayed on the cold pool monk, a white light blocked the cold pool monk's eyes from the side, and all the blood was sprayed on the white light.

The blood stains sprayed on the white light did not pass through the white light, but disappeared without a trace, because the white light was Gu Zheng's flying bird with divine sense spreading its wings, and the powerful decomposition characteristics of divine sense made the blood stains decompose when it touched it net.


The blood witch puppet that attacked the cold pool monk let out a scream, and its head was chopped off by Gu Zheng's elf blade.

"Schedule these monsters you can control, and follow me to attack the weak point of the defensive shield!"

Gu Zheng didn't use sound transmission. Anyway, he had already found the weak point of the defensive shield, so he didn't need to hide anything.

Hearing Gu Zheng's words and seeing them rushing towards the weak point of the defensive shield, all the members of the barbaric tribe on the city wall were terrified. How strong Gu Zheng is, these people of the barbaric tribe can be regarded as knowledgeable After that, they all understand how miserable their fate will be once the shield of the city is broken! Before they were still rejoicing in their hearts, Guzheng and they didn't seem to know that the defensive shield still had weak points, so they still had fantasies, thinking about their attack method in Guzheng, and waited for them to break through the defensive shield Before, it was possible to grind Gu Zheng and the others to death, but now this extravagant hope is shattered.

"Instead of breaking the city and being massacred, why don't we go down and fight with them now!"

The members of the savage tribe were enraged, and they conveyed their plea to the chief.

The chief is also in a difficult situation. With the defensive shield, they can still grind them out and see if there will be any changes. When facing Gu Zheng and them directly, the casualties will definitely be very serious, so it is very unwise to go down and fight Gu Zheng and them.

However, there are some things that you know are unwise to do, because if you don't fight like this, just watch Gu Zheng and the others attack the weak point of the defensive shield, it will not only make people panic, but also demoralize.


The chief of the savage tribe gritted his teeth, then looked at the priest and said, "Then ask the priest to bless us, so that our cultivation can be improved in a short time!"


After the priest nodded, he began to frantically wave the witchcraft staff in his hand, and with his movement, the sound of the war drums that had stopped sounded again, and there were also fifty members of the savage tribe in the crowd, their eyes were dull. Previous step.

The priest is about to activate the forbidden technique. Once this forbidden technique is activated, the best result is to injure the enemy ten thousand and self-damage eight thousand! Therefore, in the process of launching the forbidden technique, he was the first person to be backlashed. His black hair turned white instantly. Like flesh and blood, the body shrank rapidly, turning into fifty mummies in a short time!

Above the priest's head, there is a blood-red ball of light, which is constantly expanding, and explodes when the priest punches the witchcraft stick towards the ground, and the blood-like red light is splashed out. It fell on everyone in the ferocious tribe except the priests, and the aura of these blood-stained people changed in an instant. It is said that the chief whose strength itself is the highest, is under such a blessing, and his cultivation base has been promoted to the early stage of Golden Immortal.


All the members of the ferocious tribe vomited blood collectively. They had already endured two cultivation upgrades in a short period of time, and it was inevitable to vomit blood after being backlashed.

Except for the priest, the other members of the ferocious tribe all jumped off the city wall after vomiting blood. They were going to fight Gu Zheng and others desperately. As for the priest, they stayed on the city wall.

The priest who stayed on the city wall suffered the most serious backlash. At this moment, his cultivation base was basically useless. Without the fighting energy, he could only cheer up the tribe members by beating drums.

"Well done!"

Looking at the members of the savage tribe who jumped off the city wall, Gu Zheng secretly thought.

To be honest, in this battle against the defensive shield, not only the father and son of the cold pool monks were irritated, but even Gu Zheng was the same, but Gu Zheng's good temper did not show that's all. The members of the ferocious tribe under protection finally came out of the turtle shell, and Gu Zheng didn't plan to fight them anymore. After all, their current strength is the lowest in the late stage of returning to the void, and it is bound to waste some time fighting Time, so Gu Zheng intends to massacre them and directly use his hole cards to take them into the fairyland.

"Be careful, life-saving comes first!"

Gu Zheng confessed to Brother Hantan and his son. In fact, among the father and son, he is not worried about the son of Brother Hantan. After all, his strength is already at the early stage of Golden Immortal. He can't do anything to him, the only thing he worries about is monk Hantan.

"Don't worry, master, we will be careful!"

Brother Hantan's father and son responded to Gu Zheng at the same time. They knew that Gu Zheng would say that, and they must be launching the magic power of the fairyland.

A total of more than two hundred members of the barbaric tribe, Gu Zheng activated the magic power of the fairyland and directly absorbed half of them, which naturally included the chief of the barbaric tribe.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng’s Immortal Territory would not be able to absorb so many people at once, but this is not a normal situation. The strength of these people in the late stage of returning to the void is not their real strength. This strength is temporarily blessed by two witchcraft. They were promoted, so in terms of the rules that Xianyu can absorb, they can only be regarded as the strength of the initial stage of returning to the void, and the strength of the chief is a little bit stronger.

"What the hell kind of place is this?"

From the originally hot desert, they suddenly came to the icy and snowy fairyland, and the members of the ferocious tribe immediately shouted.

"Stop yelling, this is my fairyland, you all have to die!"

Gu Zheng was suspended in the air, looking at the members of the ferocious tribe who were as small as ants below, he finally felt a little bit of joy in his heart. He was about to go crazy due to the forbidden state before outside the walls of the ferocious tribe.

"You want us to die? You have to have that strength! Everyone kill him!"

The chief of the savage tribe roared, and following his snarl, the members of the savage tribe flew towards the ancient battle in the sky. Although they didn't know what the fairyland was, they had the ability to control the sky.

"Go down!"

Gu Zheng just waved his hand, and dozens of members of the ferocious tribe who flew up were all affected by the heavy pressure of the energy of the fairyland, and fell downward like dumplings.

"Lie down!"

Gu Zheng waved his hand again, and the powerful energy of the Immortal Realm acted on the chief of the ferocious tribe alone, directly crushing him to the ground and unable to get up.

"I wanted to talk to you before, and I didn't want you to have such a big casualty, but you toasted and didn't eat or drink fines. Now let you pay the price for your previous wrong decision!"

The ancient battle roared, and the energy of the fairyland was dispatched to the extreme, pressing towards the members of the ferocious tribe. Those members of the ferocious tribe were only cultivated in the late stage of returning to the void, how could they withstand such a heavy pressure, less than a second Within a short time, dozens of members of the barbaric tribe were all crushed to death.


Seeing the tribe members being crushed to death by the energy of the fairyland, the chief shouted hoarsely.

"Now I'll take you to meet them!"

Gu Zheng used the energy of the fairyland to oppress the chief, making him not only unable to resist, but also unable to launch any magical attacks. At the same time, two ice dragons flew from under the chief.

The oppression of the energy of the fairyland and the impact of the two ice dragons made the chief explode in the air in a unique way, leaving a bloody mess.

Using thunderous means to get rid of these people trapped in the fairyland, Gu Zheng took over the fairyland and appeared in the outside world. There are also members of the ferocious tribe here who need him to solve.

Without a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm like the chief of the ferocious tribe, they are just some guys in the late stage of returning to the void, and they are no threat to Gu Zheng at all. The members of the savage tribe cried out for their fathers and mothers!

Moreover, Gu Zheng also made an exception to activate the magic power of the Elf Blade this time, and the characteristic of the Elf Blade is actually the kind of green leaf that will be born when Gu Zheng dances the Elf Blade!

Every time the Elf Blade dances, three green leaves will be produced. These green leaves will fall towards the ground at a relatively slow speed. The faster Gu Zheng swings the Elf Blade, the more green leaves will be produced. Originally, these green leaves look like It's just a decoration, but once the magical power of the Elven Blade is activated, the green leaves are no longer decorations, as long as the green leaves do not fall on the ground, they will become sharp weapons for killing the enemy.

I saw that after Gu Zheng used the magical power of the Elf Blade, because Gu Zheng swung the Elf Blade too fast, more than a hundred fallen leaves flew towards the members of the barbaric tribe who were still on the field, and fell on the ground. There was an explosion while approaching them! Moreover, the explosive power of each green leaf is equivalent to the power of the electric light bubbles displayed by the son of the monk in the cold pool when he had not advanced to the early stage of the Golden Immortal, so that there were more than 100 ferocious people left on the field. The members of the tribe were blown up to only forty or so, and the number of people wiped out was more than that of Guzheng's Immortal Territory!

Seeing Gu Zheng's great power, the Hantan monk father and son were indescribably excited, not only because of their master's martial arts, but also because of the shock of the characteristics of the elf blade.

The father and son of the monk Hantan who were in shock no longer hid it, and the son of the monk Hantan also used a method that he had never used before. He even spewed out a bolt of lightning from his mouth.

The lightning was only as thick as a child's arm, but its shape was very extraordinary. It turned out to be a dragon-shaped lightning, which looked very much like the tribulation thunder that appeared when he crossed the tribulation.

Even though there is only one lightning bolt, its power cannot be underestimated. It is like a living electric dragon, slamming left and right among the members of the barbaric tribe. All members of the barbaric tribe touched by it will fall to the ground without exception. Yes, in terms of power, it is definitely greater than the fire dragon and ice dragon of Guzheng.

Brother Hantan was not to be outdone, he also used the supernatural power of the flame stick, causing the phantom of the bottle to appear in the air, and the high-temperature flames sprayed from it burned fiercely at the members of the savage tribe.

Under the onslaught of Gu Zheng and the three of them, these members of the barbaric tribe were all killed in battle.

Although the three of Gu Zheng didn't suffer any injuries, the monsters controlled by the cold pool monks before had all died during the battle.

According to Gu Zheng's instruction, monk Hantan used the dead monsters as waste. He was collecting the inner alchemy of those monsters. As for Gu Zheng and his son, they continued to attack the city's shield. The problem is that the defensive barrier must be broken to enter the ferocious tribe. After all, the defensive barrier has never been broken. However, now that there is no interference from the members of the barbaric tribe, Gu Zheng and the others know where the weak point of the defensive shield is, and it won't take much time to break through the shield and enter the city.


With a bang, the Barbarian Tribe's defensive shield finally broke, and the moment the shield was broken, the damn air ban also disappeared.

Brother Hantan and his son flew up first, the sound of the drums on the city wall had stopped, and they were going to see what that nasty priest was doing.

Brother Hantan and his son have never been good enemies. Originally, they planned to torture the priest of the brutal tribe and tortured him. They never thought that they would find out about this when they met the priest of the brutal tribe. The guy who used the forbidden technique to delay time has already died under the drums of war due to the backlash of the forbidden technique.

There are old, weak, sick and disabled in the ferocious tribe, and their people are not completely killed in battle, but so many members of the ferocious tribe have been killed just now, and the ancient struggle stopped the father and son of the cold pool monk who wanted to vent their anger. Regarding the massacre of the city, they took the time to come to the statue of the giant arm of the ocean.

"I can finally get the statue back."

Looking at the huge ten-foot-long statue on the ground, Brother Hantan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although it has been less than a day since entering this space, so many things really happened in this day.

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