How long is the Great Trench at the current stage? Counting from the place where Guzheng started now, it still has an hour's journey to reach the end. Of course, this must be based on the fact that Guzheng is not blocked by anything.

Where does the cave exist in the great trench? This is what the puffer fish monster had told Gu Zheng before, and the place where it exists is half an hour away from where Gu Zheng and the others started.

Gu Zheng has already set off, and Gu Zheng doesn't want anything to happen on the next road. He really experienced too many battles yesterday.

If Gu Zheng was on his way with the Heart Demon Orb, monk Hantan would have nothing to do. As for his son, under the instruction of Gu Zheng, he began to absorb the original energy of the monster corpses stored in the Heart Demon Orb. It's the middle of Golden Wonderland.

There are more than 2,000 monster corpses in the Heart Demon Orb. According to Brother Hantan's son, absorbing the original energy of almost 2,000 monsters can improve his cultivation to the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

It has to be said that the later the cultivation base is, the more difficult it is to improve. Before the ancient battle, more than a thousand were enough. After the son of the monk Hantan experienced yesterday's battle, his cultivation base has already returned to the void. The initial 70% realm, but the last 30% realm, the energy of the monster house that needs to be absorbed for promotion, and the number of monster corpses required are so many.

Gu Zheng didn't want anything to happen on the road ahead, but God failed to fulfill his wishes, and it didn't take long for a space trap to appear on the road ahead.

"Space fission!"

Through the abnormal perception of the space ahead, Gu Zheng almost didn't call out directly.

Up to now, the space traps that Gu Zheng has encountered include space vortex, space storm, and space turbulence. If the dangers of these three space traps are regarded as a level, then space fission will be more powerful than these three. Space traps are a higher level of crisis.

The presentation method of space fission is also presented in the form of a space vortex, but after it is presented, it is not simply presented in the form of a circle. In the process of its presentation, it will cause mutations, which will make people who are separated A fission-style space vortex appeared again far away. Normally, such fission would last seven or eight times!

For example, if the space of a certain area is replaced by azimuth, and it is divided into southeast, northwest, middle, northeast, northwest, and southeast-southwest, assuming that the space fission appears in the center of the current area, then in a very short time Inside, when this fission in the form of a space vortex has not expanded to the extreme, another fission has already appeared in the northeast direction. This fission has not yet expanded to the extreme, and another fission appears in the south direction. After seven or eight times of fission, if there are space vortices in all directions, then it is not too much to say that the current space has completely turned into a black hole!

Gu Zheng is now in the region of space fission. He doesn't know how big this region is, and he doesn't know where the next fission will appear. He doesn't know whether his escape direction will be just right. Heading towards the place where the new fission was born, if this is the case, at that time, will he still have time to re-choose the direction of escape, and people like Gu Zheng who understand the way of space have such worries Well, those who don't understand the way of space, it can be said that when encountering the danger of space fission, there is basically no possibility of surviving!

Gu Zheng was running away, and behind him was the first fission in the form of a vortex, which was gradually getting bigger, and some monsters that had no time to escape had already been swallowed by the black hole-like vortex.

The more he didn't want to see something, the more something came. Gu Zheng frowned during the escape, and he felt that there was a fission in front of him!

Can't go back, behind is the space fission that is developing, can't move forward, the front is the space fission that is about to be born, here is a big trench, there are not so many directions to choose from, and there are only two directions left: the sky and the earth At that time, in view of what had been experienced before, the top of the Great Trench was blocked by the power of law, the best choice for the ancient struggle should be the bottom.

However, Gu Zheng, who was about to go down, was moved in his heart, and instead of going down, he flew up quickly.

Gu Zheng, who was flying upwards, didn't see it. He actually made a very correct choice. If he chose to escape downwards, then what he encountered was not the imminent space fission, but an already formed, super-strong suction. Fission vortex! Because, the beginning of space fission was not the one discovered by Gu Zheng, the fission vortex that existed below was the first change of this space fission!

The reason why Gu Zheng gave up going down at a critical moment and instead chose to go up was because he suddenly remembered something. In the big trench he had experienced before, he had never seen a situation where the power of law was capped. ! As for the reason why the power of the law is capped, he has not thought about it. The answer is that he is looking for the Baimu fish demon, which actually triggers a hidden event. The capping of the power of the law actually corresponds to this hidden event , if this is really the case, then now that the Baimu fish demon is dead and the hidden incident is over, the cap should no longer exist.

Sure enough, Gu Zheng's conjecture was correct. The seal that originally sealed the top of the Great Trench disappeared. However, what Gu Zheng didn't know was that through this space fission, many spirit monsters that he had never seen before appeared, and those spirit monsters did not stay in the normal sea area like him, and existed in They are not upstream in the Great Trench.

He is still a little happy at the moment to escape from the ancient battle of space fission. On the way, he finally doesn’t have to go in places like the Great Trench where there are many monsters. He can go forward in ordinary sea areas. After the place where the cave in the trench is, go back to the big trench and enter the cave directly.

There are not as many monsters in the ordinary sea area as in the Great Trench, and their strength is not as strong as in the Great Trench. This is a constant characteristic, not to mention that it is still a day when monsters are relatively rare. Gu Zheng is on the way forward in the ordinary sea area. , really did not encounter any danger. Moreover, since the risk factor in ordinary sea areas is not high, Gu Zheng flying in ordinary sea areas does not need to use the invisibility technique, and the speed of traveling is naturally much faster.

On the way to the destination, Gu Zheng encountered two monsters in total, one time was two together, and the other time was three together. The strength of these monsters is also in the late stage of Void Return. Through the characteristics of the mobile fortress of the Heart Demon Orb, they were quickly resolved without any delay.

Without using the invisibility technique, the traveling time would be accelerated. It didn't take half an hour at all. Gu Zheng approached his destination from the ordinary sea area, and the next thing he had to do was to enter the cave in the great trench.

To enter the Great Trench again, Gu Zheng was relatively cautious. After performing the invisibility technique again, he carefully sneaked into the Great Trench.

The Great Trench is different from ordinary sea areas. There are still many monsters here. During Gu Zheng's dive, he has seen more than 20 monsters.

Finally came outside the cave, Gu Zheng found that it was impossible to enter the cave without disturbing the monsters, because there was an invisible barrier outside the cave, and to break through that invisible barrier, he had to end his hiding. The invisible state, and once the invisible state is over, those monsters are bound to be disturbed.

Since it was necessary to fight the monsters in the Great Trench, Gu Zheng also notified the cold pool monk and his son to prepare them for the battle.

The battle started with Gu Zheng's first strike. Using the ability of the Heart Demon Orb to move the fortress, he appeared next to a monster whose strength was the peak of Void Return, and slashed at its neck.

With the sharpness of the Elven Blade and Gu Zheng's full blow, the head of the Void Returning peak monster was separated from its body.

Instead of continuing to target those monsters, Gu Zheng flew towards the invisible barrier, and he handed over the rest of the battle to the cold pool monk and his son, and the reason why he shot at the monster that returned to the peak of the void just now was because it was relatively Get in the way, get rid of it and attack the invisible barrier.

Chaos broke out in the originally quiet Great Trench. The father and son of the monks in the cold pool fought the monsters who heard the news with vigor and vigor, but Gu Zheng was not too worried about their safety. The number of monsters was less than thirty. There are only two of them in the Immortal Realm. Both father and son have experienced bigger scenes than this, and nothing happened.

However, what Gu Zheng didn't know was that there was a guy secretly observing this small scene.

The guy watching secretly is a special spirit monster, it came from the space fission just now, unlike its companions, they are still active within the fission range, it has been wandering since it came out of the fission, Therefore, it also appeared in the place that is far away from the fission incident.

The spirit monster is observing the battle between the father and son of the cold pool monk and the monsters. It is very satisfied with the bodies of the father and son of the cold pool monk, and it wants to get the body of the father and son of the cold pool monk.

However, through observing the spirit body monster, it was found that the son of the cold pool monk was too powerful, and it was not easy to obtain its body, and it was easier to obtain the body of the cold pool monk.

In addition to observing the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, the special spirit body actually observed Gu Zheng at the beginning, but it felt that Gu Zheng was not easy to start with. Gu Zheng gave it a feeling that although its strength was not the highest, its perception was the most terrifying. , That's why it came up with the idea of ​​Brother Hantan and his son, and finally locked the target on Brother Hantan and his son.

Through the mobile fortress of the Heart Demon Orb, the cold pool cultivator does not stay outside for much time. If he wants to control his body, he must know exactly where he will appear next time. It is impossible for the monsters in the Great Trench to know where the cold pool monks who appeared in the mobile fortress will be. If possible, they will not be repeatedly succeeded by this method of assassination.

However, the unfathomable way for the monsters in the great trench is not for the special spirit monsters. It comes from the broken void, and it also has a unique understanding of the way of space, as if in its eyes, The spatial structure is originally presented in the form of lines, and there is no need to deliberately observe to achieve such an effect.

Seeing a change in the space line next to the Heart Demon Orb, the special spirit monster immediately knew the location where the monk in the cold pool was going to appear. It was almost invisible in the sea water, like a lightning bolt, but it was invisible. Approaching that direction quietly, even the son of the powerful monk Hantan was not alarmed.

The cold pool cultivator showed himself through the characteristics of the moving fortress of the heart magic orb. He was about to attack a monster. When the flaming stick he raised in his hand was about to hit the monster's head, the monster with a special spirit It landed on the back of his head first.

For a moment, the special spirit body monster released an electric current to the monk in the cold pool. This current made the monk in the cold pool scream in pain, but the inertial movement did not stop, and the flame stick fell on the head of the monster that had returned to the peak of the void. head on.

The monster at the peak of returning to the void looks as ugly as a salamander. The blow from the cold pool monk holding the flame stick should have knocked his brains out, but because the cold pool monk was hit by a special spirit Because of the sneak attack of the body monster, its strength was affected, so it was not seriously injured.

A stick was hit on the head, and the monster like a salamander was frightened and angry, and it knocked the cold pool monk away with a single head.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly asked at this time, feeling that Brother Hantan was attacked by a special spirit monster, and when he uttered a scream, he had already frowned, and now he saw his father being attacked by a Void Peak The monster was knocked into the air, and he immediately used thunder to destroy a monster beside him. He wanted to rush to his father's side quickly.

"It's okay, just take care of yourself."

Brother Hantan seemed to be fine. He picked up the flame stick and directly killed the ugly monster with the head like a giant salamander.

Seeing that Brother Hantan was really fine, Brother Hantan's son didn't say anything more, but what he didn't know was that his father had been controlled by that special spirit monster at this moment.

Cultivator Hantan, who was controlled by a special spiritual monster, entered the heart magic bead with a single thought.

At the same time, Gu Zheng, who seemed to be still conquering the colorless barrier, frowned slightly.

In fact, the colorless barrier has already been conquered. At that time, Gu Zheng wanted to tell Brother Hantan and his son, but the scream of Brother Hantan came out before the sound he wanted to notify. When Gu Zheng looked back, he saw The cold pool monk who had been knocked into the air seemed to have something behind his head!

Just when Gu Zheng was about to speak out to confirm, Brother Hantan's son had already spoken out, and then Brother Hantan killed the monster that knocked him into the air, and then returned to the Heart Demon Orb. During the process, I could see clearly that there was a special spirit monster behind the head of the monk Hantan.

Gu Zheng determined that the monk in the cold pool had actually been controlled by a special spirit monster, so he didn't dare to startle the snake with a thought, and informed the monk in the cold pool to include him in the heart magic bead.

The right to use the Heart Demon Orb had been granted by Gu Zheng to Brother Hantan according to the usual practice, so if he wants to return to the Heart Demon Orb now, he needs Brother Hantan to help him.

Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan can't communicate their thoughts, but through the relationship of acknowledging the master, they can let the other party know their simple intentions.

The special spirit monster controlling the monks in the cold pool did receive Gu Zheng's intention to return to the Heart Demon Orb, and it hesitated for a moment.

The owner of the original fairy-level space fairy has made many arrangements for various things in the space world. For example, in the current space world, there will be special spirit monsters coming through space traps, which is naturally one of his arrangements. . However, this is a very rough arrangement with a lot of variables. It is a special spirit monster that comes through a space trap. Unlike the aborigines in the space world, they will be bound by the power of many laws. There are no constraints on this kind of outsiders. It can be said that they are invaders and destroyers, and they have their own unique thoughts!

It is precisely because it has its own unique thoughts and the freedom that belongs to it, so when faced with Gu Zheng's intention to return to the Heart Demon Orb, the special spirit monster controlling the monks in the cold pool hesitated. During the time, I have already known all the memories of Brother Hantan, and I also know Gu Zheng from the memory of Brother Hantan, I know the relationship between his body and Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng's ability to move his mind to determine its status. Possesses the ability to live and die physically!

According to the original intention, of course, the special spirit monster does not want to enter the Heart Demon Orb. Since it has already entered the Heart Demon Orb, how can it easily go out to face those dangers? It wants the Heart Demon Orb. Take it for yourself! However, the fact that Gu Zheng can determine the life and death of monks in the cold pool makes it awkward, so at this moment it cannot reject Gu Zheng. As a servant of Gu Zheng, its body has not rejected Gu Zheng at all. The reason is that if Gu Zheng is irritated, and Gu Zheng wants to kill the cold pool monk, then it will really be worth the candle.

The hesitation was only a very short moment. The special spirit monster had already analyzed the current pros and cons. It didn't dare to reject Gu Zheng's intention. He collected Gu Zheng into the Heart Demon Orb. At the same time, the son of its body has also eliminated all the monsters outside, and conveyed its intention to enter the Heart Demon Orb, and it also transferred him back.

"Master, do you want to control the Mind Demon Orb to enter the cave?"

The special spirit monster manipulated the body of the monk in the cold pool, and asked a very normal sentence.

Cultivator Hantan himself is afraid of Gu Zheng, and the spirit monster that controls the body of Cultivator Hantan is also afraid of Gu Zheng, because it has all the memories of Cultivator Hantan, and what it saw in that memory made it produce Fearful things! At first, it just felt that Gu Zheng's perception was very keen, and it must be very difficult to control its body. At that time, it didn't know why Gu Zheng's sensitivity was so keen that it gave birth to a premonition, but after knowing the cold pool cultivator's After remembering it, it already understood why it had that kind of premonition, because Gu Zheng's perception is indeed very keen, especially his Dao Eye, which can see many things that normal naked eyes cannot see!

The special spirit monster is now controlling monk Hantan. Its transparent body is hidden in the hair behind monk Hantan's head. It is not worried that monk Hantan's son will find out, but it is worried that Gu Zheng will find out, because Gu Zheng The Dao Eye of Zheng is too powerful, this is what it saw in the memory of the monk in the cold pool.

Gu Zheng just looked at the cold pool monk and didn't speak, which made the special spirit monster controlling the cold pool monk even more panicked.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Brother Hantan's son had also noticed something unusual. He didn't understand why his master stared at his father without speaking. The atmosphere made him feel depressed.

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