
The female ray monster with the scales attached to her back screamed in pain. The scales from the ray family have absolute oppressive force on the members of their family. Apart from feeling very painful, her cultivation It was also suppressed at the peak of returning to the void from the later period of Jinxian, which was considered to have dropped a realm.

"do not run!"

The son of the cold pool monk launched an air blast to attack the fleeing female ray monster.

"You forced me to do this!"

The female ray monster who escaped from the air burst of the monk's son in the cold pool suddenly turned back and screamed.

The next moment, Gu Zheng and his eyes changed, and he, monk Hantan and his son were all absorbed into the fairyland.

The fairyland of the female ray monster looks like a vast ocean, but with just a glance, Gu Zheng knows the strength of this fairyland and what the main attack method in this fairyland is.

The fairy realm of the female ray monster was originally very powerful, but after being suppressed by the scales of the king ray fish, the strength of the fairy realm was equivalent to the peak strength of ordinary Void Return. As for her main attack method in the fairy realm, That is to say, there are all kinds of traps like the ones in the sea outside, but the traps in her fairyland are definitely not as powerful as the traps in space outside, and her traps are just the kind of traps that belong to water magic.

Deep in the fairyland, Gu Zheng was not afraid at all, and neither was the son of the monk Hantan. As for why they were not afraid, they had already experienced something in the early fairyland of the tiger monster Golden Immortal.

However, compared to Gu Zheng and them, this fairyland is very threatening to the monks of the cold pool, and the female ray monster who knows this well is the first target of the monks of the cold pool.

However, Brother Hantan is not a fool. Although his strength has been advanced to the late stage of returning to the void, he doesn't think he can make any waves in the heart of the female ray monster, so he quickly entered the heart magic bead to avoid it.

Without the weakness of Brother Hantan, Gu Zheng and the son of Brother Hantan were even less afraid of the female ray monster, and they immediately attacked the female ray monster.

The most powerful part of this magical skill in the fairyland is to use the energy that belongs to the fairyland to suppress the target, and the second is to strengthen yourself, using some techniques that are not very powerful outside, but relatively powerful in the fairyland Law.

However, there are no ordinary people trapped in the fairyland of the female ray monster, which makes her advantage less so.

For example, the suppression of the enemy by the energy of the fairyland, Gu Zheng's understanding of the fairyland and the way of space is higher than that of the female ray monster. He can use more fairyland energy in the fairyland of the female ray monster , and under such ebb and flow, the suppression of the female ray monster in the fairyland is not of much use to him, especially when there is a powerful helper, the son of the monk Hantan.

The son of the cold pool monk has already awakened his soul power once, and his soul power allows him to easily break through the suppression of the fairyland energy of the female ray monster. Compared with him, there is a big gap between Peak and him. Even with the blessing of the energy of the fairyland, he can barely fight against the son of the cold pool monk.

It's just that she was able to fight against the son of the monk in the cold pool, and there was an ancient battle beside her that was also not to be underestimated. During the battle, the female ray monster was really complaining, but she had nothing to change the status quo , her fairyland is not as flexible as Guzheng's fairyland, she can pull designated people within a certain range into the fairyland, her fairyland can only pull all people within a certain range into the fairyland, if She has a choice, so she will definitely only pull Gu Zheng in.


Explosions were born in the fairyland, and the female ray monster had just blocked Gu Zheng's blow with a solid ice wall, and the dragon-shaped lightning ejected by the monk's son in the cold pool had already approached from another direction. Avoiding the dragon-shaped lightning can only be done through teleportation.

However, Gu Zheng is sensitive to teleportation, so the knife he slashes is waiting for the female ray monster on the road where it is about to appear.

Gu Zheng was actually very helpless, because he knew in advance that after the female ray monster was dealt with, he would not have much time to rest, so he had to save his strength, or else, he would have to use the knife he slashed first. , must have changed from an ordinary knife to a crazy knife, and he also wants to end the battle as soon as possible.

However, Gu Zheng knew that even if he saved his strength and didn't use any hole cards to deal with the female ray monster, the opponent would be wiped out soon. Who made the son of the monk Hantan too strong!

Brother Hantan's son is indeed powerful. When he saw Gu Zheng slashing in that direction, he knew that the ray fish monster was going to show up at that place, so he spit out a dragon-shaped dragon towards that place. Lightning, and this dragon-shaped lightning is not the small dragon-shaped lightning that he comprehended later, but the more powerful dragon-shaped lightning that he comprehended after going through the Golden Immortal Tribulation.


Gu Zheng's knife slashed at the body of the female ray monster that appeared, but the female ray monster had a body-protecting demon aura, and his knife could barely break the body-protecting monster. However, this has already created an opportunity for the dragon-shaped lightning of the monk's son in the cold pool, and it completely hit the female ray monster.

The female ray monster screamed in pain. The dragon-shaped lightning is not a joke. Her body was immediately surrounded by electric light, and the feeling of severe pain also came from within her body. She tried her best to mobilize the energy of the fairyland to protect herself , but Brother Hantan's son understood the principle of taking advantage of his illness to kill him very well, and his second dragon-shaped lightning followed closely behind.

A long-drawn-out scream came out, and was attacked by two dragon-shaped lightnings one after another. The female ray monster finally couldn't withstand the fall. Her body surface was already on fire, and the electric light was still raging on it. In a moment she'll be burned to ashes,

The fairyland of the female ray monster shattered like a mirror in front of Gu Zheng's eyes. After the fairyland disappeared, they returned to the cave again, but the female ray monster was dead, and her residue that had been burnt to fly ash, It was also blown away by the waves of the sea, but there was a new fan on the ground that had never been seen before. The fan looked like a palace fan, and there was an embroidered image of a beautiful woman on it, and the beautiful woman Exactly what a female ray monster looks like.

There is more understanding in Gu Zheng's heart, and enlightenment contains two aspects of information.

First, the palace fan is a high-level fairy weapon, which is the reward that Gu Zheng got for killing the female ray monster.

Second, Gu Zheng didn't have much time to rest, he had to go deeper into the cave.

After accepting the palace fan with the embroidered image of the female ray monster, Gu Zheng gave it to monk Hantan as a reward. He felt that with this palace fan in hand, monk Hantan's self-protection ability should be improved to a higher level , and the monk Hantan who took over the palace fan is naturally very grateful to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng is going to the depths of the cave. Speaking of which, he has experienced a lot in the caves in the Great Trench, but he has never encountered so many tests in the caves. However, Gu Zheng also had a feeling that this time he entered the depths of the cave, he was going to see the last test, that is, the sea snake monster that had promised the puffer fish monster to kill it to avenge it.

Gu Zheng's feeling was not wrong, he saw the cave not long after he was on his way, and there he saw a sea snake monster.

The sea snake monster has transformed into a human body, but it has two snake heads.

"Enter, welcome to come, do you want to accept my test?"

The sea snake monster didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point with Gu Zheng.

"What is your test?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Let me tell you the benefits of passing my test first! I believe that you should have obtained many things with unknown functions in this space world. If you can pass my test, I will tell you the same. Those things with unknown functions, What is the purpose of it?" The sea snake monster paused, and then said: "As for my test, I want you to help me find something within a certain period of time!"

"What are you looking for?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"You can't say this, you can only say this after you have accepted the test! However, you can rest assured that even if you can't help me find that thing within a certain period of time, you will not lose anything, at most you will lose once and get It’s just a chance to test rewards.”

Hearing what the sea snake monster said, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel agitated. It is undeniable that this task of not being punished for failure, even if he didn't know what he was looking for in advance, was still very tempting to Gu Zheng. As for Speaking of the kind of things that you get but don't know what to use, there is indeed one in Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb. This thing is the crown that you got from the Emperor Skeleton in that special space. That thing is not a fairy weapon, but Emperor Skeleton attaches great importance to it, and Gu Zheng has never known what is the use of that thing.

When the sea snake monster fell to the ground, it had already submitted a request to Gu Zheng to conclude the mission, and Gu Zheng wanted to agree after weighing the pros and cons, but before he could speak, the sea snake monster took the request back.


The sea snake monster laughed. It was its left head that talked to Gu Zheng before, and the voice of that head was male. Now the laughing head is the right side, which is a female voice.

"Greedy entrant, do you think the rewards for the test are not rich enough?" said the sea snake monster.

"That's right, that's true."

Special monsters are related to things like trials, and there are even hidden missions, or they can reveal some things about missions, so Gu Zheng is still willing to spend more time with these special monsters if he can communicate more with them. Let's communicate, in order to maximize the benefits, so he followed the words of the sea snake monster.

"Then, do you want to upgrade the difficulty of the task and increase the richness of the rewards at the same time?" the sea snake monster asked temptingly.

"Tell me." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Originally I asked you to find one thing, but if the task becomes more difficult, you will need to find three things! Where are two of them, you need to find them yourself, and the last one is in a special space , if you can complete this test within one day, then besides the one I mentioned before, which is to help you solve a problem that you have obtained but don't know the purpose of, I can also reward you I will give you a chance, that is to say, give you a mysterious realm. Whether you can comprehend something there depends on your own good fortune. Of course, if you fail to complete the test, you will be punished accordingly this time, and This penalty is that you will leave your arms as the price!"

The words of the sea snake monster made Gu Zheng fall into silence. As the saying goes, the more dangerous the harvest, the richer the harvest. What the sea snake monster gave him was really a blatant temptation. If there is no reward for the mysterious realm in this temptation, Gu Zheng will never He hesitated to refuse this temptation, but with the reward of the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng felt that he couldn't refuse.

"Since the mission has changed, the rules will also change, right? If you want me to take on this mission, at least let me know what are the three things that I need to find? Anyway, you also want A pair of my arms, then let the temptation be stronger!"

Gu Zheng looked at the body of the sea snake monster. This guy should have only two arms. He just had two heads, which is rather strange, but it has four arms, two of which obviously don't match the body. The kind that was transferred from other species made Gu Zheng feel that if he failed in the mission and lost a pair of arms, then his arms would also appear on the body of the sea snake monster.

"You are really a clever little ghost, you really know how to fit in every corner. Now that you have seen it, I can tell you what the three things you need in advance, so I will tell you! But, you can't let me down, you know After what are those three things, the task must be accepted! After all, you also know that we want your arms very much, and you also want to get a mysterious realm from us, don't you?"

The voice of the sea snake monster is indescribably gentle, even the pair of cold snake eyes become tender when they say this, if it is not for the fact that the transaction discussed in the words is actually very bloody, just look at it Looking at the eyes and voice, it is really possible to think that this is what two people with an ambiguous relationship are talking about.

"Let me see it first! Entrants are more adventurous, and I am also the best among entrants, and my enthusiasm for adventure is naturally higher. If those three things make me feel that I may get them, Even if it's only 30%, I'm willing to give it a try."

Gu Zheng's expression is very sincere.

"Oh well!"

The sea snake monster smiled slightly, and his eyes shone brightly, creating two pictures in the sea water.

There is one thing in the two pictures. The thing in the first picture is golden metal, but this metal is not gold, it has a luster that gold does not have.

The things in the second picture look like crystals, but they are not as pure as crystals. It seems that there is a chill emanating from them.

"This metal is called Yujin, and we need it to weigh two catties."

"The name of this crystal is ambergris, and we need it to weigh two catties."

The sea snake monster paused, and after its eyes lit up again, a picture appeared in the sea water again. This time, the things in the picture were covered in green, as if a small person was covered by seaweed, unable to see the facial features, but But able to move.

"This thing is also a kind of metal. Its name is Rock Essence. It exists in the space world that you will enter at that time. As for where it is in that space world, you need to find it yourself."

The sea snake monster handed over the contract and waited for Gu Zheng's acceptance. It had already said what it needed to say.

"Okay, I will take this test."

Gu Zheng didn't have a reason this time, and directly concluded a contract with the sea snake monster.

"Very good, from now on, you have a whole day. If you want to enter and leave that space world, you can pass the imprint I left you, but you have to remember, no matter whether you enter or leave that space world In the space world, you only have one chance, so make good use of this chance!"

The four eyes on the two heads of the sea snake monster shone at the same time, and the light left a sea snake pattern on the back of Gu Zheng's hand. Come and fly.

"Master, isn't the task of finding materials very difficult?"

As soon as Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb, the father and son of the cold pool monks all surrounded them. They also heard the conversation between Gu Zheng and the sea snake monster before, and they couldn't help but worry about this task. After all, there is only one day, and what they are looking for But there are three.

"The task of finding materials is difficult, but the mysterious realm is also very tempting!" Gu Zheng paused, and then continued: "However, among the three things, we already have one of them. You can go to that space world to find it, and among those two things, the rock spirit may be more difficult to find, but the ambergris should not be difficult!"

"What does the master mean to say, do we already have Yujin? Could it be that,"

Brother Hantan's son stared wide-eyed, hesitant to speak.

"Impossible, right? Although that thing is also golden, it's obviously different from Na Yujin!"

Knowing his son is nothing like his father, Brother Hantan immediately understood what his son was hesitating to point out. He was thinking of the golden armored giant that Yujin had obtained before fighting against Gu.

"That's right, it's the golden-armored giant!"

Gu Zheng had previously entered an outer circle formation that looked simple on the outside, but don't use the cave inside.

When he first saw the formation, Gu Zheng originally wanted to break the formation outside in a simple and direct way, but a special feeling reminded him and made him understand that if he did not enter the formation space, then he would There was a loss, so Gu Zheng went into that formation space with the idea of ​​wasting a little time and don't regret it. As a result, in that formation space, he harvested a few metallic monsters and golden armor giants. The son of the cold pool monk got a chance to sleep because of those lizard monsters with wood attributes.

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