Brother Hantan was very annoyed. He found that he was becoming more and more useless. It was understandable that he could not deal with the monsters at the early stage of Golden Immortal, but now he could not deal with the monsters at the peak of Void Return, which made him feel very humiliated.

However, the cold pool cultivators are not in their prime now, and in such a state they are forced to be embarrassed by the pagoda crab monster, which is understandable. Some powerful parts have already been used, such as his four clones that were beheaded by monsters.

"What the hell, if I asked the master for the Heart Demon Orb when I appeared before, I wouldn't be in such a mess now!"

Brother Hantan cursed in his heart, and Gu Zheng in the fairy formation seemed to have heard the words in Brother Hantan's heart, and he sacrificed the heart magic bead out of the fairy formation.

Gu Zheng didn't hear the words in the heart of the monk Hantan, he just felt that the monk Hantan couldn't deal with the pagoda crab monster, so he sacrificed the heart magic bead.

The Pagoda Crab Demon, who was chasing the monk in the cold pool, saw a bead flying towards him. It immediately waved its pincers to attract the heart demon bead, and the heart demon bead did fly into its pincers obediently.

Brother Hantan's heart tightened, he was afraid that the pagoda crab demon would swallow the heart demon orb into his stomach, if that was the case, it would be troublesome.

However, although the Pagoda Crab got the Mind Demon Orb, it was more cautious and did not swallow the Mind Demon Orb. It just did a meaningless move, that is, exerted a huge force on the Mind Demon Orb with its pliers, trying to Crush the heart magic bead. However, as the most precious treasure, the Heart Demon Orb, among the monsters that have appeared so far, the most powerful Jinxian has nothing to do with it in the late stage, and a small Void Returning late-stage monster wants to crush it, it is simply unnecessary Think too much.

The pagoda crab demon failed to crush the heart demon orb, and the cold pool monk also approached the pagoda crab demon.

Watching the cold pool monk flying over, the pagoda crab monster not only swung vigorously with its big pincers, but also spit out a piece of black water to stop it.

No matter how terrifying the strength is, and no matter how destructive the black water is, the cold pool monk entered the heart magic bead with a single thought.

Monsters are monsters after all, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot be compared with humans. Unowned treasures like the Heart Demon Orb can be taken as their own as long as they enter it first. I don't know how to go in, which has to be said to be very sad!

Entering the Heart Demon Orb, Brother Hantan first let out a sigh of relief, because when he saw Gu Zheng sacrifice the Heart Demon Orb before, his heart was raised in his throat. For its own sake, after all, this thing has not recognized its owner, but a monster is a monster, and it is still not as sensitive as a human.

After entering the Heart Demon Orb, the cold pool monk first increased the weight of the Heart Demon Orb, and the sudden increase in weight made it. The big pincers of the pagoda crab demon suddenly fell down, which was also a warning given to him by the cold pool monk. Immediately afterwards, the cold pool monk used the characteristic of the heart magic orb to move the fortress, and appeared behind the pagoda crab demon. The scales all over his body turned into hidden weapons and shot towards the navel of the pagoda crab monster. When he fought with the pagoda crab monster before, he had already discovered that that place was the key point of the pagoda crab monster, but the defense of the pagoda crab monster was quite tight before. He has no way to attack its vital parts.

Since the battle so far, the pagoda crab demon finally let out a cry of pain. It was very uncomfortable to be attacked in its vital parts. He wanted to turn his head to deal with the cold pool monk. As a result, the cold pool monk used the ability of the heart magic orb to move the fortress and returned to the heart magic orb again. middle.

Returning to the Heart Demon Orb, the Cold Pool cultivator felt very relieved. He had finally injured the Pagoda Krab in the battle so far. Next, he will use the ability of the Heart Demon Orb to move the fortress, and grind the Pagoda Krab to death.

The idea of ​​the monks in the cold pool is very good, and there are no accidents when it is realized. Although the pagoda crab monster is powerful, it is still powerless against such treasures as the heart magic orb. The fourth time the monk in the cold pool uses the heart magic orb to move the pagoda crab monster. After the characteristics of the fortress, the pagoda crab monster, whose vital parts have been attacked many times, finally showed signs of fatigue, and the most intuitive manifestation of his fatigue is the control of the cold pool monk's fire stick.

The pagoda crab demon lost control of the flame stick, which means that the cold pool cultivator successfully brought back the flame stick. With the flame stick in hand, the cold pool monk can use his heart magic beads to move the fortress. It is handy, and the lethality that can be caused by the pagoda crab demon is also more powerful.

Loud noises came out one after another. It was the sound made by the cold pool monk hitting the pagoda crab demon with a flame stick. The original hard shell of the pagoda crab demon also became damaged under the constant beating of the cold pool monk.

However, as Gu Zheng had guessed before, the pagoda crab demon was not that simple. When he couldn't get any advantage from the cold pool monks, he launched his big move.

I saw the pagoda on the back of the pagoda crab demon emitting seven colors of light. The light was an attack of seven different attributes. Although the monk in the cold pool was not hit by the light, he could tell from the terrifying aura emitted by the light. It can also be guessed that it would be very troublesome to be hit by that ray of light. Fortunately, the monks in the cold pool have the characteristics of the mobile fortress of the heart magic bead that can be used. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to face such a radiant situation. response.

No matter what kind of monster it is, something like a big move cannot be used easily. While it is powerful, it also has very obvious disadvantages, for example, it will either make the monster that activates it weak, or use all its powers. It takes a long time, but in any case, as long as the monster casts its big move and is able to wipe out the opponent, then basically it can be said that the monster is finished.

The Pagoda Crab Demon's big move lasted quite a long time, seven-color rays of light shot out from the pagoda on its body frequently, and the duration lasted for half a minute. During this time, the monk in the cold pool was very wretchedly hiding in the heart magic bead, It wasn't until the seven-color rays of light stopped erupting that he used the ability of the heart demon orb to move the fortress, appeared above the pagoda of the pagoda crab demon, raised the flame stick with both hands and smashed it hard at the pagoda of the pagoda crab demon.

With a loud noise, the pagoda of the pagoda crab demon was smashed to pieces by the monk's flame stick. The strong barrier that had been protecting the pagoda crab demon was finally broken by the monk of the cold pool.

Without the protection of the pagoda-like shell, the crab monster hidden in the tattered shell looked very fragile. After being hit several times by the cold pool monk holding the flame stick, he finally died.

At the same time, the cold pool monk who had dealt with one pagoda crab demon wanted to attack another pagoda crab demon. After all, the silver mouse was still in the stomach of this other pagoda crab demon.

However, just as Brother Hantan was about to attack another pagoda crab monster, Gu Zheng in the fairy formation beckoned to Brother Hantan, and monk Hantan gave up the pagoda crab monster he wanted to attack and entered the fairy formation among.

The reason why Gu Zheng stopped the cold pool monk was because the silver light mouse told him through his mind that he wanted to deal with the remaining pagoda crab monster alone.

After listening to Gu Zheng's explanation, Brother Hantan stayed by Gu Zheng's side obediently, and at this moment, Gu Zheng has reached the critical stage of food cultivation in the cooking process of food cultivation.

At this moment, the food cultivator in the steamer can no longer see the color and shape, because the white mist that can transform into form has completely filled the inside of the steamer, and even the outside is surrounded by this white mist , the fragrance in the air is already very strong.

The Food Cultivation Tribulation has begun. The first calamity was born from the steamer. The steamer, which was originally quiet, suddenly flew up. The subordinates continued to vibrate, and this vibration stopped after about five seconds. The first calamity of the Food Cultivation Transcending Tribulation was suppressed by Gu Zheng.

Almost at the moment when the first calamity was suppressed, the second calamity of the Nineteen Crossing Tribulation also appeared. This time the catastrophe came from the food cultivator in the pot, and the momentum was to let the food cultivator out of the pot Fly out, and once the food repair flies out of the steamer, this food repair can be declared a failure.

Gu Zheng has seen too many catastrophes through food cultivation in his life. During the time of food cultivation to overcome catastrophes, disasters emanate from food cultivation, which can be regarded as one of the more difficult catastrophes in the process of crossing catastrophes. For this possible situation, Gu Zheng Zheng must be very vigilant, so when the food repair in the steamer started to stir, Gu Zheng killed this disaster in the cradle.

The third tribulation crossing of food cultivation is also coming. This third tribulation crossing turned out to be an attack on Gu Zheng itself. This kind of attack is a spiritual attack, which made Gu Zheng feel a headache. Gu Zheng has the Anshen Art that can automatically operate to resist mental damage, so at this critical moment of food cultivation and crossing the calamity, the fire control formula and water control formula will stop because of the pause of Gu Zheng, and at this critical moment of food cultivation and crossing the calamity Both the Fire Control Jue and the Water Control Jue are immortal arts that cannot be stopped. Once these two immortal arts are stopped, it will affect the quality of the food repair and even lead to the failure of the cooking of the food repair.

Fortunately, the third spiritual attack of Food Cultivation Transcendence Tribulation was only one time and the duration was very short due to the effect of the tranquilizing technique, so these three ancient battles of Food Cultivation Transcendence Calamity were easily dealt with.

The white mist that originally shrouded the steamer poured into the food repair on the steamer the moment Gu Zheng opened the lid, and the fragrance in the air also reached a peak at this time, but this fragrance It's a bit weird for humans, but for the cold pool monk whose body is a monster, this fragrance is enough to make him swallow his saliva.

The food repair has been cooked, and Gu Zheng ordered the cold pool monk to take it, while he himself sat up cross-legged to adjust his breath, and cooked two food repairs in succession, which also consumed a lot of mind and energy.

Cultivator Hantan is taking food repair, because he has been aggrieved recently, he is not as intoxicated as before when taking food repair, he just eats food repair in a hurry, waiting for the effect of food repair medicine to produce on the body that kind of change.

At this moment, everything seemed to be quiet, even the pagoda crab demon in the air was still. However, the stillness is just an appearance, and inside the body of the pagoda crab demon, a thrilling battle is going on.

The pagoda crab demon killed by the cold pool monk before was not controlled by a space monster, but the pagoda crab demon that was drilled into the body by the silver mouse was a guy controlled by a space monster.

It is said that it is inside the body of the pagoda crab demon, but in fact, the silver light mouse is in the shell of the pagoda crab demon, there is a strange space, where the silver light mouse saw the space monster controlling the pagoda crab demon.

The space monster whose color has faded to almost invisible is launching an invisible attack on the silver light mouse at the moment. His appearance looks like a sea anemone with many tentacles, and every shake of his savings will have a different effect on the silver light mouse. Some of the influences would cause Silver Mouse to have a splitting headache, some would make Silver Mouse feel the weight of gravity on his body, and some would cause Silver Mouse to have slight internal injuries.

The sonic attack of Silver Light Mouse became ineffective against space monsters after entering this special space, but even so, he did not suffer much in the battle with space monsters. His pain also makes him tireless, but his ability to bear these pains is still relatively high. Moreover, he also launched an attack on the space monster, and the claw wind attack he launched also caused the space monster to suffer a lot, causing the space monster's body, which was not originally dim, to the point that it was about to be smashed apart.

Looking at the weakened body of the space monster, Silver Mouse knew that it was finally time to end the battle.

The reason why Silver Mouse didn't let the cold pool monk help him deal with the pagoda crab demon before was because he felt that there was a space monster in the pagoda crab demon's body, and he felt that this might be his chance.

The silver mouse itself is quite special, except for deep sea silver, he can't eat normal food, but this time, the space monster living in the pagoda crab monster gave him a feeling that he could eat it, which made him very After entering the body of the pagoda crab demon, the feeling that the space monster can eat became more and more obvious, but the strength of the space monster at that time was still in a state of complete victory, and the silver mouse that couldn't eat it could not eat it. It can only be consumed to the point where it is now.

Now, it is time for the space monster to be taken by the Silver Mouse, and the Silver Mouse opened its mouth to emit a very special suction force. The space monster, who was still fighting with the Silver Mouse, panicked It was about to flee immediately, but it was too late, it simply couldn't resist the suction from the fluorescent mouse, and was sucked into its mouth by the silver mouse.

The space monster is originally an energy body. After entering the silver mouse's mouth, he swallowed it without the need for the silver mouse to chew. But at the moment the silver mouse swallowed the space monster, there was a sudden bang in his head. Some of the restrictions that belonged to him were lifted.

For all the special monsters that Gu Zheng encountered in the space world inside the fairy-level space fairy, each of them has a restriction in their minds, and the restriction will be unsealed under the right opportunity, and the special monsters will also be released. Therefore, he awakened his own supernatural powers.

Silver Light Mouse has awakened, but Gu Zheng is not clear about the supernatural power he awakened this time, because the intention he conveyed to Gu Zheng is very simple and urgent, that is, he wants to sleep in the Heart Demon Orb , When he wakes up again, he will be able to skillfully use the magical powers he has awakened.

Although he didn't say much to Silver Mouse, Gu Zheng knew that when Silver Mouse woke up again, he would undoubtedly become stronger, which was a good thing for their team.

The Silver Light Mouse entered the Heart Demon Orb, while the son of the monk Hantan came out of the Heart Demon Orb. He entered the Heart Demon Orb before to use his soul power to detect space monsters. Now that she has left the Heart Demon Orb, she is naturally complete. He used his soul power to investigate the space monster, but the result of this investigation was not ideal. He didn't find anything useful, but he just had a vague feeling that if he wanted to unlock the secret of the space monster, the investigation had to continue. It's okay, it's meaningless to repeat the investigation of the space monsters that have already been explored. If you want to make a breakthrough in this matter, you must also investigate those space monsters you will encounter during the journey.

In view of the situation of Brother Hantan's son, Gu Zheng can only decide to capture space monsters alive as much as possible when he encounters space monsters in the future.

The medicinal effect of food cultivation has already been produced in the body of the cold pool monk. It seems that a vortex appears under each of his scales. The immortal essence between heaven and earth is being crazily absorbed by the vortex under his scales. On the surface, a real vortex is like a tornado, and the speed of plundering immortal essence is very fast.

The food that Gu Zheng cooked for the monks in the cold pool this time is very unusual, and the medicinal effect is very strong, and the strong effect of the medicine also determines how much immortal energy the monks in the cold pool can devour in a limited time.

However, the later the cultivation base is raised, the more difficult it will be. Things that can be done for him when he comes to Food Cultivation.

The mad devouring of Xianyuan ended after a cup of tea, and during this period of time, Gu Zheng and the others were not disturbed by any monsters. The 10% level has come to the state of close to 30% in the late stage of Void Return.

Brother Hantan needs to stabilize his current state, and Gu Zheng and others also need to restore their consumption, so that they can enter the peak state, so everyone is not in a hurry, and all enter the heart magic orb to do what they should do.

A golden inner alchemy floats in front of Gu Zheng. The bones in the heart magic bead are refining the metallic inner alchemy. Now he has the source of the true gold in his body, and the spirit of the true gold will be produced from a distance It will take some time, so as long as the conditions for refining the metallic inner alchemy are met, he will not give up the opportunity to refine the metallic inner alchemy.

The metallic inner alchemy floated in front of Gu Zheng, and the real gold Zhiyuan in Gu Zheng's body continued to tremble, forming a kind of resonance with the metallic inner alchemy in the air, and under the effect of this resonance, the originally very strong metallic inner alchemy It began to decompose, and it turned into something like gold powder, which poured into Gu Zheng's nostrils one by one, and then merged into Gu Zheng's dantian, the source of life's true gold, and Gu Zheng's source of life's true gold It also continues to grow in the process.

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