The opportunity that Gu Zheng created for himself was very short, but for resolving a battle, sometimes even the blink of an eye is enough.

Gu Zheng prevented the armored man from teleporting through his short spear, and also made his defense power drop instantly through the control of gold. Gu Zheng, who seized this momentary opportunity, unleashed his crazy sword.

The seemingly plain blade struck the armored man's body and passed through his body. The armored man's tall body instantly collapsed into a pile of flesh, and he was dismembered by the mad knife.

Since accepting this test, Gu Zheng has killed the cloaked man, the flame lion, the barbarian, the flower demon, the bald man and the armored man one after another. His so-called hole cards, so far he has used Teleportation and Crazy Knife.

Teleportation Gu Zheng can use it three times a day, and he has already used it once. His Crazy Knife can be used twice a day, and he has already used it all up. This means that in the next test, he can still use it. , there are only two teleportation and one fairyland left.

A new enemy appeared again, this time the enemy looks like a clown, he is not only ugly, but also has colorful tattoos on his face, and the clothes he wears are also very weird.

"Late Void Return!"

Gu Zheng said inwardly, he didn't despise the tattooed man just because he was ugly, and he already knew the tattooed man's cultivation level just by looking at him.

The cultivation level in the later stage of returning to the void seems not high, but Gu Zheng, who did not dare to be careless at all, first slashed with the elf blade to test the opponent's reaction.

Facing Gu Zheng's knife, the tattooed man who did not dodge at all let out a weird smile.

Gu Zheng's sword slashed on the tattooed man's body, and there was a strange sound, and the tattooed man's whole body turned into a puff of smoke under the blade, and then the smoke turned into the tattooed man. He passed this perfectly. The way of switching body shapes avoids the damage of Gu Zheng Dao Feng.

Avoiding Gu Zheng's knife wind damage, the tattooed man also launched an attack towards Gu Zheng. He waved one hand towards Gu Zheng, and three fireballs in the shape of skulls flew towards Gu Zheng.

The three skull-shaped fireballs were only the size of a fist when they first flew out, but as they flew towards Gu Zheng, their shape became as big as a watermelon.

Looking at the three fireballs flying over, Gu Zheng originally wanted to avoid it, but never thought that the three fireballs have a strong tracking ability, his body changed direction, and the three fireballs also changed directions .

Both the spirit of true fire and the spirit of true water vibrated in Gu Zheng's body. He didn't want to waste time entangled with these fireballs. Since the fireball of the tattooed man is like a summoning thing, he released fire dragon and ice dragon to do it. Response, let the battle enter the link of soldiers against soldiers and generals.

Seeing that the three fireballs were no more than two meters away from Gu Zheng, they would hit Gu Zheng at any time, but Gu Zheng's fire dragon also appeared at this time, and with a flick of its huge tail, the three fireballs flew out.

However, the fireballs released by the tattooed man were not ordinary fireballs. They were not destroyed by the fire dragon's flicking attack. They changed direction in the air and flew towards Gu Zheng again.

A gust of cold mist spouted from the mouth of the ice dragon, and the effect on the three fireballs was very obvious. The three fireballs in the shape of skulls were immediately chilled so that their teeth chattered, and then expanded rapidly during the fight, and The explosion became a rain of harmless fire.

When the fire dragon and the ice dragon dealt with the three fireballs released by the tattooed man, Gu Zheng also fought with the tattooed man. I have to say that the tattooed man's fighting skills are not high. He has no weapons in his hand and is fighting with his bare hands Gu Zheng was fighting, and he had already been slashed by the elf blade in the shareholder's hand, almost severing one of his arms.

The tattooed man was never an opponent of Gu Zheng in close combat, and now his three fireballs are gone, and Gu Zheng's fire dragon and ice dragon also rushed to help Gu Zheng, and the battle seemed to be over soon.

But just as the fire dragon and the ice dragon were about to approach Gu Zheng, three fireballs that appeared out of thin air hit the fire dragon's body.

The shape of the fireball was originally a skull, and after they hit the fire dragon's body, they hung on the fire dragon's body and bit the fire dragon desperately.

The fire dragon was bitten by the skull-shaped fireball, and the color of its body gradually dimmed. The original watermelon-sized skull fire ball became larger in this process, obviously absorbing the energy of the fire dragon through the bite.

The fireballs in the shape of skulls are actually biting the body of the fire dragon. It looks a bit weird, but it is not really weird. Where did it come from! After all, the tattooed man was fighting Gu Zheng, and he hadn't unleashed a skull fireball at all.

Gu Zheng was not surprised by this weird situation, because he knew very well in his heart, he knew that the tattooed man who was fighting him was not a real tattooed man! The real tattooed man had already faded his body when his fire dragon blew away the three skull fireballs before, and when the real tattooed man's body faded, the tattooed man who is fighting him now The man also appeared, and the three skull fireballs that dealt with the fire dragon just now were sent out by the tattooed man in a state of anonymity.

If he hadn't experienced strange ambush before, then Gu Zheng would definitely be surprised, because when the tattooed man sent three fireballs to attack the fire dragon, he didn't show up because of it. He was still in a retrograde state, undoubtedly beyond The rule of retrograde under normal circumstances.

However, facing the tattooed man who can't show his body even in anonymity, Gu Zheng is not panic, because although the tattooed man's anonymity is strange, he can't escape Gu Zheng's eyes. The next thing is that he is in a state of weakened body, not completely without trace. After Gu Zheng solves the prosthesis that entangled him, Gu Zheng will attack him.

The tattooed man's prosthesis is very real, just like a real person, he will bleed when injured, and even scream in pain, and after he screamed like a pig, his head was chopped off by Gu Zheng's elf blade down.

Gu Zheng has always pretended that he can't find the man with the tattoo, the purpose is to paralyze the man with the tattoo, so in the battle with the prosthesis just now, he deliberately approached the place where the man with the tattoo was hiding.

Gu Zheng, who was not far from the tattooed man, suddenly launched an attack. He pushed forward with one palm, and the thick palm wind of Mie Xianzhang appeared, hitting the tattooed man directly.


Miexianzhang hit the tattooed man with a bang, knocking him out of hiding, but the tattooed man turned into smoke again, avoiding the damage of Gu Zheng's palm.

Since he has seen before that the tattooed man can evade the attack by turning into smoke, this time Gu Zheng didn't wait for the effect after hitting the cactus, he directly kicked the tattooed man again.

Judging from the previous situation, after the man with the tattoo turned into smoke to escape the damage, he would instantly return to his original form, so the kick Gu Zheng kicked at this time happened to land on his reappeared main body.

The kick that Gu Zheng kicked was the Hunyuan Wind Dragon's leg, but the roaring Wind Dragon did not land on the tattooed man. At that moment, he was so shocked that he escaped the wind dragon's attack through teleportation.

Gu Zheng is quite a headache. After accepting this test until now, basically all the enemies he has encountered can perform teleportation. Even if Gu Zheng himself can sense teleportation in advance, being able to perform teleportation is a pain in the ass after all. things.

Gu Zheng kicked out a wind dragon again, and his wind dragon was running towards the place where the tattooed man was about to appear.

The man with the tattoo appeared, as if he had bumped into Fenglong himself. This time he was actually hurt by Gu Zheng, and the powerful impact force of Fenglong directly knocked him out.

However, as an existence in the late stage of returning to the void, although the tattooed man is ugly, his own defense is not low. The wind dragon of Gu Zheng only made him make a painful sound, and did not cause much harm to him.

Gu Zheng's Hunyuan Fenglong kicked out continuously. Under normal circumstances, as long as the tattooed man was kicked once, the subsequent Fenglong would be continuous. However, although the tattooed man was hit by the wind dragon firmly, the next wind dragon failed to hit him, because he used the magical power to avoid damage before, and his body exploded. fog.

However, the mist emanating from the tattooed man this time is also different from the previous ones. The mist erupted from his body before. After avoiding Gu Zheng's attack, the mist will turn into his body again, but this time the mist did not melt. Instead of his body, it turned into a fire dragon that was exactly the same as the ancient fire dragon!

Gu Zheng can see clearly that the fire dragon is not the body of the tattooed man, it is also the prosthesis of the tattooed man. As for the body of the tattooed man, it has entered an invisible state when the prosthesis appeared.

The prosthetic fire dragon rushed towards Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng naturally greeted him with the Hunyuan Fenglong legs, but what he didn't expect was that the Hunyuan Fenglong legs didn't work anymore, and the wind dragon he kicked hit the prosthesis When it was on the fire dragon, there was no harm at all.

Although Gu Zheng's wind dragon is useless to the prosthetic fire dragon, Gu Zheng still has fire dragons and ice dragons, and they have already launched attacks on the prosthetic fire dragon.

For a moment, due to the battle of the three dragons, the entire space was filled with flames and ice fog.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to make a move. He knew that this time the matter was not simple. It is extremely unusual that the prosthetic fire dragon can avoid the damage of the wind dragon. He must find out how this is unusual. After figuring this out, he will not be at a disadvantage in the next battle, because he has a feeling that the tattooed man can do a lot of things through his prosthetic fire dragon.

The prosthetic fire dragon is very extraordinary, it is almost like a real dragon, possessing very high fighting skills, and it is for this reason that even if it faces the fire dragon and ice dragon of the ancient dispute, it will not lose the wind in the slightest.

Gu Zheng is waiting to figure it out, but he will not just watch the prosthetic fire dragon kill his fire dragon and ice dragon, and then turn around to deal with him, let alone the tattooed man still lurking in the space.

Gu Zheng made a move. He used Mie Cactus to hit the prosthetic fire dragon that was about to kill his fire dragon and ice dragon. He rushed out of his body and slapped Gu Zheng with the same sharp palm!

This is definitely a variable. Gu Zheng thought that the man with the tattoo might be able to move instantly. After all, in the test encountered in this special space, he had seen many enemies who could move instantly, but Gu Zheng did not take the man with the tattoo He might take the matter of teleportation to heart, because he can sense the supernatural power of teleportation in advance. But the fact now is that the tattooed man rushed out of the prosthetic fire dragon directly, using the magical power of teleportation, but it was in a way that was beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. After all, the prosthetic fire dragon is also a tangible thing, Teleportation can pass through tangible objects, but cannot emerge from tangible objects. This is also the law of teleportation!

Leaving aside how the tattooed man broke the law of teleportation, the method he used alone had already made Gu Zheng, who was able to feel the fluctuations of teleportation in advance, completely unreasonable for his teleportation. The result of this is that the palm of the tattooed man hit him. Under normal circumstances, he could not dodge it at all, because he also hit the cactus at this time. At this time, I will deal with the palm of the tattooed man.

The tattooed man's palm was very sharp, Gu Zheng didn't dare to be hit by this palm, he felt that if he was hit by this palm, he would at least end up with a serious injury, so he was forced to launch a one-day attack For the second teleportation, he will use this kind of spatial supernatural power to resolve the immediate crisis.

Between the lightning and flint, Gu Zheng's heart is full of hatred, and under the impetus of this hatred, his precious teleportation this time will not be a simple dodge, he will launch a powerful counterattack, so he teleports The location where it will appear is behind the tattooed man. If the tattooed man cannot initiate the second teleport within a short period of time, then he will make the tattooed man suffer a lot.

The man with the tattoo hit the air with his palm, and Gu Zheng, who teleported through teleportation, appeared behind him and slapped him hard in the back.

The difficulty of the tattooed man is that in addition to being able to call out the prosthetic fire dragon and teleport, he can also avoid damage through atomization.

Facing the impending blow to his vitals, the tattooed man once again chose to use atomization to dissolve it.

However, from time to time, Gu Zheng has seen tattooed men atomized several times, and he already has enough understanding of tattooed men's atomization, so in consideration of whether tattooed men can escape his palm, He didn't count the magical power of atomization at all, and the only thing he counted was teleportation.

The current situation is that no matter whether the man with the tattoo can use the supernatural power of teleportation for the second time in a short period of time, Gu Zheng's palm will hit him firmly, because his atomization has no effect on Gu Zheng. Said it has expired.

Facing the atomization of the tattooed man, Gu Zheng's palm suddenly flashed with golden light, and that flashing golden light was actually a prohibition he drew in his palm when the tattooed man was not paying attention. chemicalization has an effect.

After Jin Guang came into contact with the mist, the mist that was supposed to overflow quickly gathered at an extremely fast speed, and turned into the appearance of a tattooed man, and Gu Zheng's palm also hit him firmly on the back of the heart.


The screaming tattooed man was sent flying by Gu Zheng's palm, and spurted a mouthful of blood.

Gu Zheng's people didn't move, but after knocking the tattooed man away, he immediately slashed at him with knife winds one after another. He wanted to take this opportunity to take down the tattooed man in one fell swoop.

Gu Zheng hates men with tattoos, and men with tattoos also hate Gu Zheng. He did not expect that Gu Zheng could restrain his atomization magical powers. However, he was too confident in the atomization magical power, so he did not choose to use the more expensive teleportation to resolve the crisis. He chose to use the less expensive atomization magical power to resolve the crisis. Now the end of this serious injury and vomiting blood. Moreover, vomiting blood from serious injuries is not the point. Gu Zheng wanted to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and the deadly knife wind was behind him. Facing this situation, he had no choice but to teleport dodge!

Seeing the tattooed man disappear suddenly, the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth twitched into an evil smile. He was able to sense the normal teleportation in advance, and the tattooed man's teleportation this time was not through the prosthesis, so He knew where tattooed men were going to show up.

It's a pity that the tattooed man doesn't know what Gu Zheng is thinking. If he could know, then he would definitely be furious, because his current situation is equivalent to losing all the games by mistake!

In the beginning, the man with the tattoo was in a state of hiding in space, and only in the state of hiding in space could he perform the unusual teleportation that was combined with the prosthesis. However, that teleportation, which could be regarded as a killer move, also forced out Gu Zheng's hole card teleportation. After Gu Zheng used teleportation, he not only resolved his ultimate move, but also led him into the army. At that time, he made a wrong choice. He believed too much in the magical power of atomization, so he didn't choose to teleport. As a result, he was severely injured by Gu Zheng, and he had to face the ultimate move after Gu Zheng. It could be to use teleportation to dodge. If he can perform unusual teleportation again at this time, then the crisis will be temporarily resolved by him, but he is not in a state of space hiding, so he cannot use unusual teleportation, so The result can only fall into the calculation of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng raised his foot and kicked the Hunyuan Wind Dragon's legs, and the roaring wind dragons flew towards the place where the tattooed man was about to appear one by one.

The tattooed man appeared, and the wind dragon hit him directly. Although a protective barrier had been raised on his body surface, the wind dragon not only smashed the barrier, but also knocked his body into the air. Although he could launch teleportation twice in a short period of time, there was no way to launch the third time. After the first wind dragon hit him, the effect was as if he had been hit by a combo. The subsequent wind dragons, He couldn't dodge it, he could only fight hard, so while vomiting blood frantically, his weaker body was also flying backwards.

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