Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 292 Cooperation

"If the spirit beast you want to capture is a long-tongued beast, then we will have an interview. I also need this kind of spirit beast."

Although Chu Xiaochen has compromised, Gu Zheng will not forget that the Long Tongue Beast is his fundamental purpose of staying in the mining area.

Hearing that Gu Zheng mentioned the Long Tongue Beast, Chu Xiaochen was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed very happy.

"No conflict, no conflict, if you want to find the long-tongue beast, I can help you, and the spirit beast I am hunting is also to eat the long-tongue beast, we can make another deal!" Chu Xiaochen was delighted road.

"What deal?"

Gu Zheng was a little surprised, he didn't expect the Long Tongue Beast to be related to the spirit beast that Chu Xiaochen was chasing.

"You also know that having the rare 'Golden Dungeon' is very difficult to catch, but I can make the Long Tongue Beast lose the ability of the Golden Dungeon in a moment, so that it will be much easier for you to catch. However, you have to help me deal with it The spirit beast I hunted will be my reward for helping you," Chu Xiaochen said.

Gu Zheng frowned: "Is the injury on your arm caused by that spirit beast? What kind of spirit beast is this? Do you want to kill it or domesticate it?"

"The wound on my arm was indeed left by the spirit beast I was following. As for what kind of spirit beast it is, it looks like a fox in appearance. I don't know what kind of fox it belongs to. Anyway, I think You have to tame it. Don't worry, with the strength of the two of us, it is enough to seriously injure it, but not its life." Chu Xiaochen begged.

"I can promise you, but there is one thing to explain in advance. If this fox is not as easy to deal with as you said, I can terminate our agreement."

To be on the safe side, Gu Zheng added such a clause. Chu Xiaochen was injured and had to find someone to cooperate with. The fox she was tracking might be stronger than what she described.

"Okay, shall we high five then?"

Chu Xiaochen suggested, Gu Zheng nodded, and the palms of the two touched together.

Opening the bag, Chu Xiaochen showed Gu Zheng the ingredients she was carrying.

In fact, there is no need for Chu Xiaochen to show it. Gu Zheng already knows that there are 23 pieces of inferior ingredients in her bag, seven pieces of ordinary ingredients, and one medium ingredient 'Meiji Flower'.

Holding the slightly fragrant 'Meiji Flower', Gu Zheng felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Shu Ruins is a good place, and there are almost no medium-level ingredients outside. There are already two in Ziyun Palace alone. Appear. However, in terms of finding medium-level ingredients, my luck seems to be not very good. So far, with the help of Qi Ling, I still haven't gained any.

"There are thirty-one ingredients in total, and I want these eight."

Gu Zheng pointed to common ingredients and 'Meiji Flower'.

"It seems that I want a lot, but in fact, what you left for me is all dross."

Although Chu Xiaochen sighed, he still gave him the ingredients selected by Gu Zheng, which is not bad, after all, there was no agreement before, the details of the ingredients that Gu Zheng could choose.

"Another medium ingredient has been harvested!"

Calm on the surface, Gu Zheng was very happy in his heart.

The most important reason for eagerly wanting to obtain medium-level ingredients is to give Wang Dong a 'marrow cleansing food repair' as soon as possible. There is no shortage of common ingredients needed to do the 'Marrow Cleansing and Food Repair'. As for other grades of ingredients, there are still some in Emei's inventory and on the other side, but Gu Zheng doesn't plan to use them unless there is a special need Emei and ** collections, he would like to harvest all the needs of 'marrow washing and food repair' by himself in the Shu Ruins, although this is very difficult.

"Chu Xiaochen, now that the ingredients that should be taken have been taken, let's talk about the problem of spirit beasts. From the look of you, it seems that you are not particularly eager. How sure are you to track down the spirit beasts you need? Did you find it?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Don't worry, although the mining area is huge, I know where that fox is now. However, now is not the best time to deal with it, let it stay there!"

Chu Xiaochen was full of confidence, but it made Gu Zheng even more confused.

"You know where it is now, but are you not afraid of it running away? After all, it is not under your nose. Also, when is the best time to deal with it? Why do you let it stay there? "

"I'm not afraid of it running because of this."

Chu Xiaochen took out a compass, and Gu Zheng knew it was a fairy weapon at a glance.

"The position of the fox is on this compass. As for the best time to deal with it, it is when it is trying to prey on the long tongue beast. Let's put it this way, the fox is waiting for the long tongue beast, we are waiting for the fox, once the long tongue beast Appear, whether it's the fox or us, it's time to act."

Gu Zheng also understood Chu Xiaochen's explanation, he didn't say anything more, he found a place to sit down in the mine tunnel, closed his eyes and meditated.

Chu Xiaochen also closed her eyes and rested her mind, but she kept holding the fairy compass in her hand.

Six hours passed without knowing it, and finally there was a different reaction on Chu Xiaochen's compass. She jumped up suddenly with her eyes closed, and made a silent gesture to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng nodded to show his understanding, and followed Chu Xiaochen through the cobweb-like mine tunnel.

The intersection of mine roads is generally very spacious, especially at the intersection where multiple mine roads meet at one point.

At the crossroad where the mine roads meet, there is a mottled fox with a very human-like playful light in its eyes.

The fox is not big, and it is only one meter long from head to tail. It opens its mouth from time to time and spits out a mouthful of white gas. I am in a hurry to 'run into a wall'.

The long-tongued beast wanted to escape through the golden escape, but the mist from the fox's mouth was actually because it cast a spell. Every time the spell was cast, the rock that the long-tongued beast drilled into would change, which also caused it to run into walls everywhere. '.

Not too far from the crossroads, Chu Xiaochen and Gu Zheng, who had stopped their progress, were concentrating on the immortal compass.

At this time, under the control of Chu Xiaochen, the Compass Immortal Artifact is different from the time when Gu Zheng first saw it. Above the compass, there is a thing like a 'bubble' floating, and the 'bubble' is transparent On the outer wall of the cave, the situation on the side of the fox and the long-tongued beast is actually prominent.

"How is it? It's not bad to cooperate with me? If you don't cooperate with me, let alone whether you can find the Long Tongue Beast. Even if you find it, the possibility of being able to hunt it is almost zero. After all, it has a rare gold The art of escaping." Chu Xiaochen spoke in a low voice, with a hint of complacency in it.

"Why do I feel that I was fooled by you? You said before that you have a way to make the long-tongued beast temporarily lose its golden escape ability, but now it seems that the fox is the one who contributed the most!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng's expression had changed slightly, Chu Xiaochen quickly said, "It's not what you think, I do have a means to make the long-tongued beast lose its golden escape temporarily, but this means can only be used at critical times."

"So when shall we act?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Just in case, when we act, it is when the foxes are about to bite the long-tongued beasts, and only then will their consumption reach the maximum."

Gu Zheng nodded. Chu Xiaochen's words are not difficult to understand. The Long Tongue Beast consumes a lot, and it will be more difficult to use the Golden Dungeon. As for the consumption of the fox, it will also make it easier to catch it.

"In fact, in order to eat a long-tongued beast, this fox can be regarded as injuring the enemy ten thousand and self-damaging eight thousand. It cast a spell to block one end of the tunnel, which is a big waste. It is not a small consumption to stop the long-tongued beast repeatedly. And Every time it casts a spell, it has to stay in place for a while, which is a major disadvantage of it, we can make good use of it. As for what you will assist me with, it is actually very simple..."

Chu Xiaochen quickly explained what Gu Zheng needed to do.

"Qi Ling, do you know what level that fox is? I always feel that Chu Xiaochen is a little too cautious."

"It's too far away for me to detect. Even if I can see through the 'bubble', I can't see anything. However, according to her description, the fox has a lingering time after doing it. This should be a juvenile spirit beast .”

"What juvenile spirit beast? This..."

Gu Zheng was shocked. A young spirit beast could hurt a cultivator in the late stage of the fifth floor, and she was so cautious, which made Gu Zheng think of the white cat, the spirit beast that guards the mountain in Emei.

"Yes, only a fairy-level spirit beast like the white cat, or even a higher-level spirit beast than a fairy-level spirit beast, can have the strength to injure a fifth-level late-stage cultivator at an early age. "

As soon as Qi Ling's voice fell to the ground, Chu Xiaochen flirted with Gu Zheng. The long-tongued beast on the 'bubble' hadn't used its golden escape for a while, and the fox was also approaching it.

Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen started to run wildly, and there was no big difference if they walked forward from the current distance and sped up on tiptoe. In front of them is the corner of the side road, and after the corner is the road facing the fox and the long-tongued beast at the intersection.

Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen have seen the fox, and the fox has also seen them.


The black-and-white fox gave a low growl and swung its tail lightly. Suddenly, a light flashed past the intersection of the mine road and the crossroad where Gu Zheng and the others met.

"It sealed the exit of the mine tunnel with spells, let's break it open with all our strength!"

Chu Xiaochen slammed into the invisible barrier at the exit of the mine with a swing of his sword.


In the midst of the noise, Chu Xiaochen's internal strength was offset by an invisible barrier.


The tiger-tooth monkey roared, and a huge boulder the size of a person was picked up by it and thrown towards the invisible barrier.

There was a huge noise, and the boulder was turned into pieces after hitting the invisible barrier. Although it failed to break through the invisible barrier, there were ripples on the invisible barrier that was originally silent.

Gu Zheng didn't release his inner strength from a long distance away, and he rushed to the front, which was directly the move of opening and closing in the mountain saber technique.

The resounding under Gu Zheng's Tang Mo was as dense as setting off firecrackers, and Gu Zheng was shocked.

Gu Zheng's current cultivation base is equivalent to that of a cultivator at the beginning of the fifth floor, and his destructive power has been improved by more than a star compared to the late stage of the fourth floor! Coupled with such slashing and slashing, the damaged invisible barrier was broken only after more than a dozen knives, how could he not be startled!

The time that Gu Zheng and the others were blocked by the invisible barrier was actually not long, and during the time they were blocked, the fox failed to eat the Long Tongue Beast.

Long Tongue Beast's spiritual intelligence is not low. On the surface, it seems that it has no golden escape ability, but in fact it is not the case! It is precisely for this reason that the fox has not yet eaten it.

Seeing that Gu Zheng and others broke through the invisible barrier and approached, the fox gave up and continued to deal with the Long Tongue Beast. It rushed to the open crossroads, aimed at Gu Zheng and they frantically waved its claws.

Accompanied by the fox's claws, a series of claw winds visible to the naked eye tore through the air, sweeping toward Gu Zheng and the others like a torrential rain.

Seeing that it was no longer being targeted by the fox, the long-tongued beast immediately lowered its head and wanted to drill into the rock. It's a pity that Chu Xiaochen, who had been prepared for a long time, waved the little white flag in his hand, and the head of the long-tongued beast hit the ground heavily, but it failed to disappear into the rock, and its golden escape ability was temporarily banned.

The opportunity had already appeared, Gu Zheng seized the time, broke through the fox's claw wind with the Misty Illusion Technique, and approached the Long Tongue Beast.

The long-tongued beast screamed strangely, the golden escape that relied on to save his life did not work, and the other end of the passage was blocked by the spell cast by the fox earlier. Looking at the rushing Gu Zheng, it could only fight to the death. When Gu Zheng was five meters away from it, its slender tongue drew towards Gu Zheng like a long whip.

"Papa papa..."

The Tongue Beast's tongue twitched violently in the mine, like a rope being shaken.

Gu Zheng could have cut off its tongue, but he cherished it as a good food, so he resisted its attack. After quickly approaching, he kicked it away with a heavy kick.

The long-tongued beast is a medium-level spirit beast, its strength is almost equivalent to that of the middle stage of the fourth floor. Gu Zheng's kick was on its scales, which was not enough to end its life.


The kicked long-tongued beast hit the wall of the cave and fell down again. Gu Zheng, who followed closely behind, kicked it on its soft belly, ending its life.

Tang Mo didn't kill it. Although the Long Tongue Beast was dead, its appearance was not bad. After Gu Zheng put it in his bag, he immediately ran towards the fox again.

The time it took for Gu Zheng to hunt and kill the Long Tongue Beast was very short, and during this time, Chu Xiaochen still couldn't get close to the fox. In addition to Gu Zheng's weird body skills, there is another very important reason for this situation! Chu Xiaochen had fought against the fox before, and the fox who had already held a grudge focused on her. The claw wind she encountered was much more than that encountered by Gu Zheng.

"Ancient struggle!"

Seeing the rushing Gu Zheng, Chu Xiaochen, who was overjoyed, immediately called out.

Gu Zheng understood that Chu Xiaochen wanted him to use his weird body skills to get close to the fox and interrupt its attack.

Gu Zheng frowned, the distance between him and the fox was very close, but the fox hardly stopped him, only occasionally separated a paw and waved it a few times, which made him feel that things might not be that simple.

Doubts are doubts, Gu Zheng still slashed at the fox when he got close to the appropriate distance.


There was a sound in front of the fox, and things really weren't that simple, as there was also an invisible barrier in front of it. Moreover, this invisible barrier is different from the one used to seal the entrance of the cave, and it actually reflects back the inner strength that Gu Zheng split!

Gu Zheng was put on hold at first, although the reflected internal energy was very fast, it didn't hurt Gu Zheng at all.

"Chu Xiaochen, this is a young fairy-level spirit beast. I don't care if you knew it beforehand, but judging from the current situation, it will be difficult for us to take it down! Even if we take it down, I guess We also have to pay a high price, even life-threatening."

"According to the agreement, I can leave in such a situation! However, you helped me get the Long Tongue Beast, and I will try to help you twice. If there is nothing I can do, then I can only apologize."

While Gu Zheng was speaking, he slashed at the fox twice, but the invisible barrier remained unchanged.

"Gu Zheng, I hope you don't give up, why did I pay a great price to get this fox!" Chu Xiaochen said anxiously.

Gu Zheng understood that Chu Xiaochen did pay a considerable price. The ingredients she gave were all of the kind that could be used for both medicine and food, unlike what the three Ling Xue sisters gave, they were just dispensable. ingredients.

What's more, in this short period of time, Chu Xiaochen's tiger-tooth monkey, because of protecting her many times, has been scratched by the fox's claw wind and lost an eye! This is only the price that Gu Zheng saw. As for those who didn't see, it's unknown.

"I know you have paid a lot, but I can't do anything if I can't do anything."

Almost at the moment when Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the fox who was only looking at Chu Xiaochen looked straight at him. After being attacked by him repeatedly, the fox was obviously outraged!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The fox simply ignored Chu Xiaochen, and waved its two paws at Gu Zheng together.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to be brave, the Emei Ring flashed in his hand, and immediately used the 'Emei Mask'.

The fox's claw wind is too dense, and under the circumstances that it is regarded as the main target, even if Gu Zheng has the misty illusion technique, he can't be harmless at all.

The fox used its claws to deal with Gu Zheng, and Chu Xiaochen's pressure dropped suddenly, and she immediately rushed towards the fox, beaming with joy.

There were two key reasons why Chu Xiaochen suffered little damage from the fox's claw wind attack before. One is that her tiger-tooth monkey will help her block it at critical moments, and the other is that she also has a ring-shaped primary fairy weapon.

Chu Xiaochen's ring magic power is different from Gu Zheng's. Her ring magic power will follow every time she punches vigorously, and a shield-like protective mask will appear in front of her.

Now Chu Xiaochen and the tiger-tooth monkey had approached the fox, and one man and one beast attacked the fox at the same time.

The tiger-tooth spirit beast was holding a rock, jumped up and threw it at the fox. Chu Xiaochen ran towards the fox with a shield-like protective mask.

Chu Xiaochen knew that the fox's external protection could bounce back attacks, but being able to bounce back attacks like inner strength might not necessarily be able to bounce back damage from pure brute force, or from immortal weapons and supernatural powers!

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Just as the attack of one person and one beast was about to hit the fox, the fox's eyes reappeared in the same joke as it did against the long-tongued beast before, and opened its mouth to spit out a mouthful of white mist! The originally invisible external protection instantly became real, like an ice sculpture exuding cold air.

"Bang bang!"

Amidst the huge noise, a person and a beast were bounced and flew upside down, and blood rained down in the air.

The tiger-toothed monkey, which was already seriously injured, was bloody when it flew out. After landing, it couldn't get up, and it was dead.

Chu Xiaochen launched the attack with the help of the fairy weapon, and the fairy weapon took most of the backlash for her. Although she suffered a little injury, it was not that serious.

After the fox sprayed out the mist, it stopped waving its paws. Now it was hiding in the 'ice sculpture', and it looked at the humans on both sides from time to time, and the playful and contemptuous light in its eyes became stronger.

"Gu Zheng, you must leave within four minutes! The 'Ice Sculpture' is a part of this fox's innate supernatural power. It will not suffer any harm when it is hidden in the ice sculpture for four minutes, but after four minutes it will activate its innate supernatural power. At that time, the situation will be very dangerous! You have a lot of space to escape, but that woman will definitely die."

Qi Ling's voice suddenly rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"What kind of spirit beast is this? Didn't you say you couldn't see through it?"

About this fox, Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling during the battle, Qi Ling only affirmed that its blood was extraordinary, but did not see what kind of blood of a beast it had.

"I couldn't see it before, that's because it didn't use its innate supernatural powers. Now I can tell you with absolute certainty that it is a descendant of the 'Three-eyed Spirit Fox', and the 'Three-eyed Spirit Fox' is the second largest fox in the fox family. 'Nine-tailed Sky Fox' fox! If you don't want to die, you'd better leave now." Qi Ling's voice was very serious.

"Four minutes? Even if I use flying in four minutes, I can't escape the mining area. After it activates its innate supernatural powers, it will definitely chase after it. It doesn't seem to matter whether I go or not!" Gu Zheng frowned.

"It is still in its infancy, and using its natural supernatural powers will cause relatively large damage to itself. At that time, it will lose its memory, kill threats within its sight range, and immediately find a place it thinks is safe to lie dormant. Anyway, it has activated its natural supernatural powers The three-eyed sky fox is very dangerous, you should leave here quickly!"

Qi Ling's voice was dignified, and Gu Zheng immediately became more cautious.

"Chu Xiaochen, I advise you to forget about it! Even though it is a fairy-level spirit beast in its infancy, it is not something we can deal with. I will take a step first!" Gu Zheng said and left.

The eye sockets were slightly red, and Chu Xiaochen's eyes flashed with struggle and determination, and she cried out towards Gu Zheng's back.

"I beg you don't go, I'll give you whatever you want!"

Gu Zheng frowned, but still stopped. He turned and looked at Chu Xiaochen: "Fairy-level spirit beasts are rare, but don't be obsessed! In order to get a fairy-level spirit beast that you don't know if you can tame it, You are willing to give everything? In order to improve your strength, can you ask for nothing?"

Gu Zheng seems to be calm, but in fact he is terrifying at this moment!

Chu Xiaochen concealed the fact that she knew that the fox was a fairy-level spirit beast. Although she didn't admit it herself, it was an indisputable fact. After all, she had fought against foxes before, Gu Zheng didn't believe that she would be so idiot that she couldn't see the level of spirit beasts.

Concealing the facts, and under the circumstances that Gu Zheng had warned in advance, this already made Gu Zheng unhappy, but now she actually said that.

If Chu Xiaochen is a person who can improve his strength without integrity and bottom line, Gu Zheng will kill her without hesitation after hearing her answer, and plunder all the resources that belong to her!

"I also want my purity, and I also want my fairy weapon! But if I can't tame this fairy-level spirit beast, my Taoist companion will die. My Taoist companion is dead, so what else do I have to live for?" significance!"

Chu Xiaochen sat directly on the ground and burst into tears.

"Qi Ling, do you think what she said is true or false?"

Gu Zheng didn't expect Chu Xiaochen to give such an answer, and he felt a little confused for a while.

"Emotional fluctuations are natural when speaking, and it is completely from the heart. What she said is true." Qi Ling gave the answer.

Although he can no longer kill and seize treasures, Gu Zheng feels a little more comfortable in his heart. True love is precious, no matter it is family affection, love or friendship, even if it does not belong to him, it is worthy of being blessed and treated with a smile.

"What do you need a fairy-level spirit beast for?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I need it under my control, and use its inner alchemy to treat my Taoist partner's internal diseases. Gu Zheng, can you help me?"

Chu Xiaochen was still crying, and there was a plea in his tearful eyes that couldn't be concealed by tears.

Gu Zheng originally planned that if Chu Xiaochen needed a fairy-level spirit beast to do something relatively simple, he might ask the white cat to help her after leaving the Shu Ruins, but who would have thought that it would be such a difficult operation? Even if Zheng wanted to help her, he still had more energy than he wanted!

"I really can't help you, and I also advise you, get out of here quickly, don't wait for the ice cover to melt, you will die and you don't know how to die!"

Gu Zheng glanced at the fox cautiously, and saw that the ice cover on the fox's body had melted to the point where only a very thin layer remained.

After hearing Gu Zheng's words, not only did Chu Xiaochen not despair, but a glimmer of hope rose in his eyes.

"Gu Zheng, I beg you, can you tell me everything you know about this fox?"

Gu Zheng should have refused Chu Xiaochen's request, but when he thought of her despair when she fell to the ground and cried bitterly, he felt a little unbearable.

Qi Ling didn't have much information to tell Gu Zheng about the "Three-eyed Sky Fox", and Gu Zheng also told Chu Xiaochen very quickly.

"It's the 'Three-eyed Sky Fox'? Great, it turned out to be the 'Three-eyed Sky Fox'! A senior from Ziyun Palace happened to domesticate a 'Three-eyed Sky Fox'. I know what to do Deal with it!"

Chu Xiaochen's excited voice paused, and he knelt down directly towards Gu Zheng!

"Gu Zheng, can you help me? I don't want my Taoist partner to die. I really don't want him to die! I don't know if you have ever experienced despair. If you experience despair, will you miss someone else? Can you help me? Gu Zheng is running out of time, so please help me! If you help me, I, Chu Xiaochen, will owe you my whole life!"

Chu Xiaochen knelt beside Gu Zheng, pulled his trousers and shook him, crying very hard.

There was not much time on the one hand, and Chu Xiaochen was crying like rain, not because of what Chu Xiaochen said, but because of the thing called conscience in his heart. Yes, who doesn't have a time of despair?

"Time is running out, are you sure you want to help her?" Qi Ling asked anxiously.

"Becoming a cultivator, some things will slowly disappear."

The voice in Gu Zheng's heart paused, and he looked down at his hand, as if something had slipped through his fingers.

"Qi Ling, I may not be so 'kind' in the future, but this time I want to help her, I want to be willful for once!"

Gu Zheng's answer was unquestionable, and at the same time he nodded to Chu Xiaochen.

"Very good!"

Chu Xiaochen smiled through tears, and quickly took out a few things.

"It's actually very simple. You just need to keep inputting your inner energy into it later on. I'll call you at the beginning!"

Ziyun Palace is good at Qimen Dunjia, Chu Xiaochen placed some stones engraved with mysterious runes around the 'three-eyed spirit fox' in a regular manner, and then pointed to the biggest stone among them.


Gu Zheng agreed.


Chu Xiaochen shouted, and the little white flag of her low-grade fairy artifact immediately landed on the ice sculpture of the 'Three-eyed Spirit Fox', as if it had been inserted into it.

The mockery and contempt in the eyes of the 'Three-eyed Spirit Fox' disappeared when Chu Xiaochen started to set up the formation. Now that the little white flag fell on its head, its eyes were even more angry, and it opened its mouth to let out a silent roar.

"The melting speed of the ice sculpture has increased!"

Gu Zheng issued a reminder.

Chu Xiaochen immediately directed two wisps of internal strength at Xiaobaiqi.

"It's now!"

While Chu Xiaochen was speaking, his internal strength kept hitting the little white flag, and immediately there were lights of different colors on the mysterious stones nearby.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to act like this, he pressed his hand on the stone in the shape of a bamboo shoot, and sent his inner strength towards the stone at the same time.

It feels as if a 'wind' is born from the bamboo shoot-shaped stone, and it spreads instantly like a circular air wave.

There is no longer any light on the stone, the frequency of the little white flag shaking is also lower, and even the restless 'three-eyed spirit fox' in the ice sculpture is much quieter.

"This, your inner strength has been purified?"

Chu Xiaochen stared at Gu Zheng with wide eyes. Apart from pure inner strength, she couldn't think of anything else that could make the formation work twice the result with half the effort!


Gu Zheng said lightly, he would naturally not tell Chu Xiaochen that he actually used celestial power.

"It's really great. I thought I needed you to help me mobilize it for an hour, but now it seems that it only takes half an hour. The pure inner strength of this formation is the best." Chu Xiaochen said excitedly.

"Control your formation well, don't be distracted."

Gu Zheng didn't want to say anything more on this issue, and with his eyes closed, he pretended to be very serious.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the 'three-eyed spirit fox' in the ice sculpture seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Chu Xiaochen began to use the animal taming method, put his palm on the ice sculpture, and muttered silently in his mouth, as if he was chanting scriptures.

Gu Zheng waited for Chu Xiaochen for a while, Chu Xiaochen's mouth stopped shaking, and she looked at Gu Zheng very seriously.

"Gu Zheng, thank you, how do you want me to repay you?"

Gu Zheng shook his head: "How long does the domestication process take?"

"It will take seven days. You, don't you want me to repay you?"

Chu Xiaochen's eyes widened, as if he didn't know Gu Zheng.

"No need, take care."

In Chu Xiaochen's sight, Gu Zheng's figure gradually drifted away.

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