The explosion sounded near the golden toad monster. If calculated according to the realm of cultivation, among this group of golden toad monsters, except for the golden toad king, the rest of the golden toad monsters could not withstand the air launched by the monk and his son in the cold pool. burst.

But in fact, these golden toad monsters did not suffer any harm from the air burst launched by the monk's son in the cold pool. A golden light flashed on its body, and the rest of the golden toad monsters also emitted golden light. Nine rays of light gathered together to form a formation that completely resisted the damage caused by the air burst.

The damage from the air burst was temporarily blocked, and the son of the monk in the cold pool was not in a hurry. For him, it didn't take much demon power to launch the air burst. He wanted to see whether it was his air burst or the golden toad. The combined attack defense technique of monsters is even more powerful.

Explosions continued, and the son of the monk Hantan soon realized that he was wrong. No matter how much he launched the air explosion, he could not destroy the defense formed by the golden light on the surface of the nine golden toad monsters.

"It doesn't matter, since the air burst doesn't work, I'll let you all taste the power of the electric glow bubble!"

The electric glow bubble is a more powerful supernatural power than the air burst. The golden toad monsters can resist the air burst, which makes the son of the cold pool monk feel that he has lost face in front of Gu Zheng. He is a little embarrassed when he uses the electric glow bubble. With spare energy, he opened his mouth and spit out five electric glow bubbles in a series.

However, the reason why the golden toad monsters did not launch an attack before was that they were forced to use the high-speed air burst launched by the monk Hantan's son. Electric glow bubbles, which also gave them time to attack.


Hearing the Golden Toad King's call, the stomachs of all the golden toad monsters swelled up in an instant, and the tens of thousands of pimples on their bodies all shot towards the son of the monk in the cold pool, as if they were counted Unclear iron sand hidden weapon.

Gu Zheng saw it clearly in the Heart Demon Orb. The attacks of these monsters are still quite lethal. Their individual strength cannot threaten the son of the cold pool monk. Those pimples shot out have the power to shoot the son of Brother Hantan into a hornet's nest! What's more, those tens of thousands of pimples are not only capable of piercing, they can also produce an explosion that is stronger than you. During the explosion, they can also spray extremely toxic venom, which is really a very difficult defense. Supernatural powers.

However, sometimes things are just such a coincidence, if the son of the monk in the cold pool does not change the air burst into electric glow bubbles, then the golden toad monsters will not have time to launch the joint attack to shoot out the pimples. However, although the golden toad monsters shot out the pimples through the joint attack technique, the son of the monk Hantan used the electric glow bubble, and the magical power of the electric glow bubble has the characteristic of being able to absorb almost all damage!

A quite spectacular scene happened. The son of the cold pool monk manipulated the electric light bubbles it ejected to absorb the innumerable pimples. Those pimples with strong penetrating power were passing through When the electric glow bubbles were formed, they failed to break the electric glow bubbles, but were all wrapped in the electric glow bubbles.

The Golden Toad King saw that the pimples they shot were actually surrounded by the electric light bubbles of the cold pool monk's son, and immediately uttered a call to order his subordinates, and his subordinates also uttered a call to respond at the same time , All the gold toad monsters' bodies were shining with golden light, and they once again used the combined attack technique to detonate the pimples that had been wrapped in the electric light bubbles.

The son of the monk Hantan, who has a strong sense of the electric light bubbles, immediately noticed the abnormalities of the pimples in the electric light bubbles, and he immediately cast a spell on the electric light bubbles to suppress the abnormalities of the pimples.

All of a sudden, the pimples in the electric glow bubble collided with the inner wall of the bubble like a living thing, and the electric glow bubble changed its shape very rarely, and the son of the monk in the cold pool became red because of it. As a result, the electric glow bubbles are at the point where they will not be broken.

"Do you need help?"

Gu Zheng left the Heart Demon Orb and asked.

It is definitely a good opportunity to attack the Golden Toad monster now! After all, the relationship between them and Brother Hantan's son is like a tug-of-war, one wants to provoke the pimples, the other wants to suppress them, and neither side can move their hands for a while.

"Don't worry, master, no need!"

Brother Hantan's son is very strong, but he is also very uncomfortable at the moment, otherwise he would not have stopped talking, but passed what he wanted to say to Gu Zheng through his mind.

Hearing what Brother Hantan's son said, Gu Zheng didn't worry anymore. He understood that although Brother Hantan's son was very strong, he couldn't joke about some things.

Sure enough, with a dragon chant from the mouth of Brother Hantan's son, the electric glow bubbles that were in a state of being unbreakable returned to normal, and the pimples trapped in them were absolutely suppressed!

This was a wrestling, and the golden toad monsters on the loser side collectively let out a cry of pain. If they could vomit blood, they would definitely end up vomiting blood on the spot! After all, the things that were completely suppressed by Brother Hantan and his son came from them, and they were lumps that were equivalent to their natal immortal weapons.

The suppression was just the beginning and not the result. The result was that the son of the monk in the cold pool waved his hand forward, and the five electric bubbles that had stayed in the air accelerated and flew towards the golden toad monsters.

The Golden Toad King called out, ordering his subordinates to enter a state of absolute defense, and their state of absolute defense was very strange.

Before, the golden toad monsters defended against the air explosion of the monk and his son in the cold pool through the joint attack technique. They shot golden light from each other, and the golden light formed a formation. Now the absolute defense state is that the golden toad monsters all spit out Tongues, and the tongues they spit out are entangled with each other, and the shape is still the same as that formed by the light connection before, and it also looks like a formation.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Five explosions sounded one after another, and the entire cave was shaken. Even the absolute defensive state of the golden toad monsters could not resist the electric glow bubbles of the cold pool monk's son. Their absolute defensive state was completely blown up, and all the gold The toad monsters were all blown up, and even five of them were blown to pieces on the spot! As for the other three remaining, two of them are disabled, and only the Golden Toad King is slightly injured.

The Golden Toad King was only slightly injured, thanks to the desperate protection of his subordinates, otherwise even if it was the Golden Toad King, he would have been seriously injured, or even killed directly! After all, the five electric light bubbles of Brother Hantan's son are not ordinary electric light bubbles. They contain all the toads of the golden toad monster, and these toads are the killer of the golden toad monster, so when two When two killer maces are condensed together, its power is terrifying!

The joint strike technique is difficult to deal with, but the joint strike technique emphasizes integrity. Once the individuals who launched the joint strike technique are lost, even if the combined strike technique can still be launched, the power of the combined strike technique will be greatly reduced.

The golden toad monsters are miserable, more than half of them are dead or injured, and they can no longer use the combined attack technique. Looking at the approaching cold pool monk's son, apart from their king who can attack, the other two golden toad monsters can only be Lying on the ground waiting to die.

There is the original energy belonging to monsters in the sea water. This original energy is very thick. It is provided by the few golden toad monsters that were killed. In order not to waste these original energy, the son of the cold pool monk decided to quickly remove The few golden toad monsters in the house were dealt with.

Regarding the attack launched by the Golden Toad King, the son of the monk Hantan spit out a dragon-shaped lightning directly. He was also hit by a dragon-shaped lightning, and was instantly turned into a scorched corpse!

There is no way, where is the difference in strength? Even if it is the Golden Toad King, without the combined attack technique available, it is no different from a chicken and a dog to the son of a monk in the cold pool.

When the dragon-shaped lightning turned the Golden Toad King into a scorched corpse, the son of the monk in the cold pool had already begun to absorb the original energy in the seawater. However, while absorbing the original energy in the sea water, the son of the monk in the cold pool also took action against the remaining two golden toad monsters. After all, he has a total of five light band tentacles that can absorb the original energy, and he does these two things at the same time No problem at all.

The original energy of the golden toad monsters in the sea was quickly absorbed by the son of the monk in the cold pool. As for the two golden toad monsters, they had also been sucked into scum by the son of the monk in the cold pool.

With no monsters to stop them, Gu Zheng's team continued to move forward into the depths of the cave.

After going deep into the cave for about 500 meters, Gu Zheng frowned involuntarily.

For a long time, Gu Zheng has been investigating with his body behind and his spiritual sense at the front. Just now his divine sense detected the existence of a fairy formation in front of him.

After telling Brother Hantan and his son about the fairy formation in front of them, the father and son of Brother Hantan also frowned. Generally speaking, the time it takes to break the fairy formation is definitely longer than the time it takes to hunt monsters. Long.

"Master, shouldn't the fairy formation in front be a quadruple fairy formation?"

The son of the monk Hantan couldn't help asking, the higher the number of layers of the fairy array, the more complicated it is, and the more time it takes to crack it.

Gu Zheng didn't answer Brother Hantan's son immediately, because his spiritual sense was investigating Qian Fangde's fairy formation, but he didn't let Brother Hantan's son wait long, and his spiritual sense's investigation had already obtained the result.

"Fortunately, it's just a triple fairy formation."

It has also gone through too many tests, so that a triple fairy formation blocking the way will make Gu Zheng feel okay. You must know that if a triple fairy formation is placed in the prehistoric wilderness, the immortal cultivators who encounter it will definitely feel very rare ,Very difficult.

In the cave, this is not the first time that Gu Zheng encountered a formation blocking the way. There is no good way to deal with this situation. It is impossible for the special matter of the triple fairy town or the quadruple fairy formation to block the formation outside the formation. The formation is broken, and if you want to break the formation, you must clear the formation. The use of spiritual thoughts to probe outside the formation is just to deepen the understanding of the formation.

Taking the son of the monk Hantan into the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng stepped into the fairy formation.

The sight in front of the eyes alternates between light and dark, and Gu Zheng appears in the first layer of the triple fairy array. This is a lava-like world, and all the flaming magma is within the range of the angry eyes. The space is not too big, giving the feeling of Gu Zheng It's like being inside a volcano.

Looking at the fiery red magma, Gu Zheng felt a cordial feeling. He has experienced many tests of the space world in the interior of the fairy-level space fairy, but among these tests of the space world, he is the first one in the true sense. The highly difficult space world is the lava world! It was also in the test of the lava world that Gu Zheng obtained the magic crystal, the treasure, and also accepted the pair of servants, the father and son of the cold pool monk. Now that he entered the lava-like world, Gu Zheng would feel a little cordial and uncomfortable strangeness.

The lava world is not peaceful. Before Gu Zheng could understand the space world on this layer, two huge lava carps with a body length of ten feet jumped up from the magma pool and spewed out high-temperature magma towards Gu Zheng. .

The strength of the two lava carp is not bad, both of which are the strength of returning to the peak, and the high-temperature magma they spit out also has great destructive power.

"It's really reckless, the two lava carp still want to deal with my master."

Without waiting for Gu Zheng to speak, the son of the cold pool monk in the heart demon bead had already sneered. He will never forget how in the previous lava world, Gu Zheng relied on his understanding of the original energy of lava monsters to make powerful enemies In a flash of ashes.

Indeed, in the previous lava world, Gu Zheng was able to control the original energy of the lava monster, and wipe out powerful enemies in the blink of an eye! However, this is another lava world. Does Gu Zheng have the same magical powers in the previous lava world? The answer is that Gu Zheng did not have the magical powers he had in the last lava world, because he had a different body from the previous space world. In the last lava world, Gu Zheng was a lava monster The body that he has has to go through various tests, but in this space world, the body he possesses is a human body.

However, even if Gu Zheng is different from the body he had in the last lava world, but he knows everything, he can still use the means to make the lava monsters disappear in an instant, although he does not have the original energy of the lava monsters , but the original energy of the lava monster still belongs to the category of fire energy, and Gu Zheng's body has the purest crystal of fire energy, which is his natal real fire spirit.

I saw that, facing the high-temperature magma ejected by the two lava carps, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and released the power of the true fire of life.

The power of the real fire of life released by Gu Zheng is invisible to the naked eye, but it actually fell on the high-temperature magma ejected by the lava carp, and the high-temperature magma not only stopped spraying towards him, but also turned into two pieces of lava in the air The fire dragon counterattacked at the lava carp! Don't forget that when Gu Zheng was in the last lava world, he had the means to transform lava fire dragons through magma, and he knew everything about some things!

The two lava carps were stunned. They would never have thought that the magma they ejected would turn into a lava fire dragon to deal with them.

No matter how dazed the lava carp is, the lava fire dragons implanted by Gu Zheng to kill the lava carp will not be dazed. Their sharp claws have already landed on the lava carp.

The lava carps that were attacked by the lava fire dragon were in pain. They flicked their tails and launched an attack. Two dragons and two fish came and went in the void above the lava lake.

Regardless of the battle between the lava fire dragon and the lava carp, Gu Zheng seized the time to explore the current fairy array space. As for whether the lava fire dragon can defeat the lava carp, Gu Zheng is not worried about it at all. Although the lava fire dragon is ejected by the lava carp They are transformed by the magma, but their strength is not much worse than the lava carp. This is the magic of transformation. Even if they cannot kill the lava carp, the lava carp will definitely be seriously injured by then. It's just a matter of raising his hand, so now he doesn't need to worry about the lava carp, he just needs to find the key to leave this formation space as soon as possible.

Although the triple fairy formation is a very advanced fairy formation, he has experienced many such fairy formations in Gu Zheng's life experience, so he quickly found a way to leave this formation space, and at the same time secretly rejoiced !

If you want to leave this fairy formation space, you need to put the missing energy spar in the four formation eyes of this fairy formation space, and the four energy spar missing in the formation eye are exactly two lava Carp eyes! If Gu Zheng used the method he used to deal with the lava monster's original energy to deal with the lava carp from the beginning, then the lava carp would definitely explode, and it would be very troublesome if the energy crystals passing through the formation space were missing. one thing.

Knowing how to pass through the current formation space, Gu Zheng immediately launched an attack on the lava carp.

Gu Zheng's method of attacking the lava carp is very simple. He still releases the power of the real fire with a wave of his hand. He still wants to attack the original energy of the lava carp, but he does not manipulate their original energy to make them explode. After all, if one can control the original energy of a monster, then there are many things that can be done to the monster, such as paralyzing the monster and thus losing the ability to fight.

Gu Zheng's natal real fire power fell on the body of the lava carp, and entered the body of the lava carp from under the scales of the lava carp like a stitch in a crack, and easily touched its original energy and completed the control, and the lava carp was paralyzed immediately After they got down, the next thing Gu Zheng had to do was to kill them and get their eyeballs.

The eyes of the lava carp were captured by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng took their eyes and flew towards the position of the first formation eye in the formation space.

The first formation eye of the formation space is at the high altitude of this volcanic space. Although its existence is invisible to the naked eye, Gu Zheng knows that it is hidden in the space, and he will have a way to make it active when the time comes.

In addition to knowing that the first formation eye is hidden in the high void, Gu Zheng also knows that there are ambushes waiting for him there, and the other three formation eyes are there, but what is ambushing him? Probing the array space is not enough to know.

Just when Gu Zheng was about to approach the location of the first formation eye, a powerful coercion suddenly appeared. The coercion was very fast, and it seemed to suppress Gu Zheng in the magma lake below.

Faced with the prepared Gu Zheng, he unleashed the already brewing Mie Cactus Palm against the coercion that suppressed him, and the Mie Cactus Palm, which was the size of a house, collided with the coercion immediately.

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