"Stop talking nonsense, talk about the mission."

Gu Zheng said coldly, he had said before in the Triple Immortal Formation that he was not that magnanimous to this guy who wanted to kill him.

"I have talked to you with such a shy face and expressed my heart, are you still unwilling to let me go?" Desperation appeared in the eyes of the short-haired bird man.

"The choice is made by yourself. No one forces you to choose that way. When you make a choice, have you ever thought about what the result will be if you fail? Is it meaningful to say something like this now?" ?”

Before Gu Zheng finished speaking, the short-haired birdman covered his head with his hands as if his head was in pain. It had already been punished by the power of the law for talking too much. , There are too many unrelated tasks to communicate with the entrants.

"Enter, here are three tests, you can choose one of them to complete, remember that you can only choose one, different tests correspond to different rewards." The short-haired bird said humanely.

"Tell me, what are these three tests, and what are the corresponding rewards." Gu Zheng asked.

"For the first test, I will send you into another space world, where you can help me find two things, one day's time limit, and there will be rich rewards after completion."

"The second test is in the current space world. You help me find something. It is also a one-day time limit. After completion, the reward is medium."

"The third test is to enter a special space and help me kill a monster. After completing it, the reward is normal."

"Don't ask me anything else. According to the rules, these are all the tips I can give you. You have a minute to think about which task to do."

After hearing what the short-haired birdman said, Gu Zheng frowned tightly. Although the short-haired birdman said that what he said was all hints, Gu Zheng couldn't help asking: "Is there any reward related to repairing the current space?" What about the world?"

The short-haired birdman fell silent. It wasn't that he couldn't give more reminders, but Gu Zheng refused to let him go, which made him very upset. He didn't want to say anything more to Gu Zheng. When seeing Gu Zheng wanting to know something, which can be regarded as asking for it, it will definitely make a mockery.

"You can't ridicule it, it's better to be patient first, no matter how you say it, you still have to think about the future." The short-haired bird man said.

"There is nothing in the reward related to repairing the current space world."

The short-haired bird man answered Gu Zheng's question, and told the truth.

Hearing what the short-haired bird man said, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel disappointed. He originally thought that there would be clues related to the restoration of the current space world in this cave, but who would have thought it would be like this.

Disappointment is disappointment, but since everyone has come to this cave, the choice to be made is still to be made.

"Whether the reward can be said in more detail, it will affect my choice." Gu Zheng said.

"No, the tips given are already my limit."

The short-haired birdman didn't lie, and the rewards for the three missions really belonged to the category it couldn't say.

"Then what about the punishment after the mission fails?"

Gu Zheng asked again, this is his usual style, he hopes to have more improvement for the tasks assigned to him by special monsters, and is also striving for more hints.

"It's a choice, I think you know, there's only so much I can say, whether it's a reward or a punishment, after you really make a choice, I will naturally tell you, it's useless to say more now, the time for you to make a choice is over." Not much, if you don't make a choice when the time comes, then I will help you choose." The short-haired bird said humanely.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, and the three options mentioned by the short-haired bird man went through his mind again.

The first choice and the second choice, Gu Zheng almost gave up instinctively. What annoys him the most is to do the test of finding objects. Whether it is in the current space or in other spaces, this kind of task is not very good. Do it, and it is very time-consuming! As for the third one, Gu Zheng is more inclined to it. Defeating a monster may be a little more dangerous, but it will be easier after all, not to mention that the first two tasks are not dangerous? They are also dangerous. Going to other spaces may encounter various monsters. In the current space, it is inevitable to encounter space traps and space monsters.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was frowning, the short-haired bird man knew that he was making the final consideration, and his heart couldn't help but fluctuate.

"I choose the third."

Gu Zheng made his choice, and the short-haired bird man who was still feeling very stressed immediately burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

The short-haired birdman's laughter made Gu Zheng feel very uncomfortable, and it also made him feel that the third choice he made seemed not very good.

"I want a promise from you," said the short-haired birdman.

"Why?" Gu Zheng squinted.

"Although this mission was chosen by you, it didn't say in the mission that you were to defeat the monster. Do you understand what that means?"

The short-haired bird man didn't answer Gu Zheng's rhetorical question directly, but asked such a serious question, and what it said made Gu Zheng's heart tremble.

"That is to say, the test target of this task is not me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The target tests the entrants, and you are not the only entrant right now!" The short-haired birdman laughed.

"You mean the master you want to recognize?" Gu Zheng sneered: "Okay, then let him accept that test!"

Gu Zheng still believed in Brother Hantan's son, he believed that Brother Hantan's son could deal with that monster.

"You are wrong, you two are not the only ones entering."

The short-haired birdman smiled, Gu Zheng's heart moved again, the more he didn't think about anything, the more he came.

In fact, when the short-haired bird man asked back, he had already thought of the worst possibility! After all, the tasks are all for the entrants to do, and Gu Zheng's team has a total of three entrants, including the cold pool monk who did not appear in the heart magic orb, and in the previous tasks, he was not No monster pointed out that the monks in the cold pool should do the test.

"So, you can choose to let another subordinate of mine do this task?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Yes, all I want is a promise," said the short-haired birdman.

"Are you threatening me?" Gu Zheng sneered.

"Threats and no threats, don't make it so ugly, we can only be regarded as a deal, my so-called promise is just to make you promise that the previous things will be written off, and you can't shoot me after the task is completed." The short-haired birdman said.

"I am a very protective person, and I cherish the lives of my subordinates very much. You threaten me through the lives of my subordinates, which really makes it very difficult for me to do."

Gu Zheng sighed, and what he said gave the short-haired birdman an ominous premonition, and it hurriedly said: "The promise I want is not too much, why do you hold on to the past and not let go? Can I pass as a fart?"

"If I knew today, why bother?"

Gu Zheng smiled coldly at the short-haired bird man, and took out a certain crown from the heart magic bead with a thought.

The crown was obtained by Gu Zheng from the Emperor Skeleton earlier. When he first got it, he didn't know its purpose.

Later, after Gu Zheng completed the task given by the sea snake monster, the crown was turned into a fairy artifact by the sea snake monster, but Gu Zheng still didn't know the purpose of the fairy artifact, but thought that when he could use it, he would naturally Give birth to induction.

When I came to see the short-haired birdman before, Gu Zheng stopped and frowned. At that time, the son of the monk Hantan asked him if he had encountered a monster again. The monster at the bottom of the cave is a short-haired birdman. Another point is that Gu Zheng felt the change of the crown fairy. He finally knew how to use the crown fairy.

The function of the Immortal Crown Artifact is to change the choice. This function sounds simple, but it has great practical significance. Anyway, Gu Zheng encountered a lot of selective tests. Sometimes it is true that some choices are made. It's not good, but without the Immortal Crown Artifact, even if you make a bad choice, you can only bite the bullet. Moreover, the Immortal Crown Artifact showed its characteristics at that time. At that time, Gu Zheng also felt that the test given to him by the short-haired birdman should be selective, but he didn't think that the Immortal Crown Artifact, which was not easy to come by, must be Will be used here for short-haired birdmen.

"This this,"

Seeing the crown artifact that Gu Zheng took out, the short-haired bird man's expression changed drastically, and he could not speak a complete sentence.

Although the short-haired birdman saw the crown fairy for the first time, the power of law flowed from the crown fairy. As a special monster, he immediately understood what the crown fairy was used for, and despair filled his heart for a moment. into its heart.

"I am changing my previous choice now, and I want to choose the first test."

Gu Zheng also felt ruthless, since the short-haired bird man had to choose the easiest test and use it to coerce him into making a promise, so why not let him do the hardest test? Anyway, the higher the difficulty of the test, the richer the corresponding rewards will be.

As soon as the Immortal Crown Artifact came out, the short-haired birdman also knew that things could not change. As a special monster, when Gu Zheng made a choice, he had to tell the punishment and reward corresponding to the choice.

"The first test requires you to go to another space world and help me find three things."

The short-haired bird man's voice fell to the ground, and a picture appeared in the air. The things that Gu Zheng was looking for in the picture were a humble dog, a slingshot and a chess piece.

Gu Zheng was shocked when he saw the dog, the slingshot and the chess pieces, because among these three things, Gu Zheng had seen the dog and the chess pieces before, and they were necessary for clearing a space world. The battle has been cleared, that is, in that space world, he met his future world Xuanyue.

"You must find these three things within a day, and then return here through the mark I gave you."

After the short-haired bird man finished speaking, a beam of light shot out from between its eyebrows, and after falling on the back of Gu Zheng's hand, it turned into a tattoo-like pattern.

"If you can't complete this task, the punishment will lower your cultivation level by an entire level, which means that you are currently at the mid-stage of returning to the void, and after lowering the level, you will be at the mid-stage of transforming gods."

"If you can complete this task, your reward will be a special fairy artifact."

"Okay, the task starts from now on."

The short-haired bird man was angry, and without giving Gu Zheng time to say anything more, he directly opened the passage to the testing place.

"When I finish that test, I'll come back and take your dog's life!"

Gu Zheng also hates the short-haired birdman, and after he completes the test, the power of law protecting the short-haired birdman will disappear. This is what he knew from the beginning, and it is precisely because he knows this , the short-haired bird wants a promise from Gu Zheng.

Without saying anything to the short-haired birdman, Gu Zheng took the son of the monk Hantan and stepped into the crack opened by the short-haired birdman.

The vision in front of his eyes alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng appeared in the space world that he had cleared.

"Master, I'm sorry!"

After entering the current space world, the voice of the cold pool cultivator immediately sounded from the heart magic bead.

He also heard the communication between the short-haired birdman and Gu Zheng before, and he naturally understood that because of this incident, Gu Zheng used up the hard-won fairy crown artifact, which belongs to the consumable category. Can only be used once! And the short-haired birdman took advantage of his weakness to force Gu Zheng to make such a choice.

"Don't say sorry, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Gu Zheng said indifferently, and reached out his hand to prevent Brother Hantan from saying anything more about this matter. He needs to think about this test now.

The test of finding objects, Gu Zheng, has always been annoying, but anyway, the reward for this mission is not bad, what it rewards is not a general fairy artifact, but a special fairy artifact, and a special fairy artifact must have a special use.

In addition to the rewards of the mission, how to do this mission, in fact, compared to the object-finding mission given by the sea snake monster, this mission is relatively simple. After all, Gu Zheng had seen two of the three things that Gu Zheng needed for the mission in this space world!

Gu Zheng's current location is the same as the location where he entered this space world when he descended, both in a jungle. When he descended in this jungle, he was almost forced to death by a wild beast because he had no cultivation at all! Moreover, it was in this jungle that he met Xuanyue, and the stud dog needed for the mission was obtained from the straw tribe outside the jungle.

However, today is different from the past. The last time the Guzheng entered here, his cultivation base was very low, and there was no such powerful thug as Brother Hantan and his son. If their current strength was replaced by the original environment, Guzheng Dare to say that they will sweep everything here, who made the difficulty of this space world very low.

However, after Gu Zheng passed through this space world, great changes have taken place here. The original lush jungle has become as bleak as a frost, and there is no green at all, and I don’t know where it is in other places. What a change! Moreover, even though he has not actually seen the ancient dispute, he is very sure that the difficulty of this space world is much higher than before, and their strength is definitely not enough to run amok here.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng was about to start his journey of finding objects in this space world, but at this moment, the trees in the distance suddenly shook, and even the ground trembled slightly, as some giant was approaching Come here.

The monster running towards Gu Zheng looks like a leopard demon, very much like the beast that almost drove Gu Zheng to a corner, magnified many times.

"Strength in the late stage of Void Return!"

Looking at the leopard monster running towards him, Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, it is indeed the same kind as the monster that almost drove him to a desperate situation back then, but the guy back then was just an ordinary beast, and now the one has been returning to the late stage strength The leopard demon, the strength gap has to be said to be very large.

Brother Hantan's son took a step forward to stand in front of Gu Zheng. He wanted to deal with this lifeless leopard monster, which was what he should do as a servant.

"Let me come!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and when he entered this space world again, he had an inexplicable feeling, which can be called nostalgia for Xuanyue, or the melancholy of revisiting the old place, and this first monster he also missed himself. solve.

Regarding Gu Zheng's words, Brother Hantan's son naturally would not refuse, and he retreated behind Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng wanted to get rid of the leopard monster himself, but he didn't want to waste too much time, so he separated the divine mind bird and rushed towards the leopard monster.

Looking at the bird of divine sense flying over, the leopard demon opened its mouth and spewed out a large burst of flames at the bird of divine thought. This flame failed to do anything to the bird of divine thought, but instead ignited the already very bleak jungle, causing a sea of ​​flames to ignite. It spread wantonly.

Seeing that the flame attack had no effect on the bird of divine thought, the leopard demon flew into the sky and turned into a burning fireball.


Gu Zheng laughed, the leopard monster that turned into a fireball seemed to have used its big move, its speed surpassed the bird of divine thought, and it smashed towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng used the Immortal Extinguishing Art to deal with it. With the change of the art in his hand, the speed of the leopard monster, which was originally fast, became slower and slower. Just let it go down slowly like that.

The speed of the leopard demon seemed to be slowed down. When it was only a foot away from Gu Zheng, its speed was already so slow that it would hardly land again.

Another magic trick was fired at the leopard demon, and the momentum of the leopard demon's descent completely stopped, and it was set in the air by Gu Zheng's immortal spell.

Just glanced at the leopard demon whose expression was frozen in a hideous moment in the air, and the ancient battle of another magic formula caused the leopard demon to explode.

After the leopard demon died, Gu Zheng was angry with the son of the cold pool monk to absorb the original energy it left behind.

"What kind of monsters you encounter next, you need to hunt them down and deal with them!"

Gu Zheng was very lazy in the first place, so he just had to find his way to deal with a monster like this. As for the monsters after that, he would leave it to the son of monk Hantan.

"I know the master."

Brother Hantan's son nodded, and the tentacles of the light belt returned to his back at this time, just absorbing the original energy of a monster in the late stage of returning to the void after the death, and he can complete such work while speaking.

Gu Zheng took the son of the cold pool monk and flew up. Now it is different from the last time he entered this space world. At that time, Gu Zheng couldn't even fly, so it took a lot of time to get out of the jungle. Now he can fly, Even if you revisit the old place, you will not be willing to leave this jungle on foot.

Just as Gu Zheng flew up with the son of the monk Hantan, a new obstacle also appeared. A strange bird that looked like a crane, but with two arms spread out and a full thirty feet, rushed out of the clouds and headed towards Gu Zheng. The son of Zonghe Hantan monk launched an attack.

Looking at the attack launched by the crane monster, Gu Zheng couldn't help frowning. This strange crane bird reminded him of Xuan Yue.

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