"Father, apart from using that black substance to attack the enemy, and the mutated soul power, are there any other characteristics?"

Brother Hantan's son is very happy. His father's weakness has always been a pain in his heart, but this time his father got a blessing in disguise and obtained the mutant supernatural power of soul power. How could he be unhappy!

"In addition to killing the enemy quickly, black matter can also turn the enemy into black particles after death. These black particles are the energy transformation of a complete enemy." When the monk said here After a pause, he said vigorously: "And your father can absorb these black particles!"


The son of the monk Hantan exclaimed, his eyes widened and he said: "Is this similar to my all-consuming supernatural power, which converts monsters into energy, and then absorbs their energy to improve one's cultivation?"

"That's right, that's it!"

If it wasn't for the fear of disturbing Gu Zheng and the others, Brother Hantan really wanted to laugh out loud to express his feelings at the moment, he felt that he was finally about to stand up.

"As long as there are enough monsters, the strength of the father can be improved as quickly as yours! Moreover, the attack power of the black matter is very powerful. For example, the strength of the father in the late stage of returning to the void now, but the strength of the black matter alone Attack, I can single-handedly kill the existence of the early stage of Golden Immortal!"

Hearing what Brother Hantan said, his son was really excited. Even when he was preaching, Gu Zheng had heard these words exchanged between Brother Hantan and his son. And feel happy.

Gu Zheng originally planned to spend half an hour teaching the Chess Doll about the way of life, but the Chess Doll is very talented in this area, and it only took half of the time that Gu Zheng expected to fully absorb the knowledge of Gu Zheng. He was so excited about what he said, he was going to do something to his subordinates immediately, and he wanted to change the appearance of his subordinates.

Just before going out in the valley, the chess piece doll summoned its maid and song and dance girl to the valley.

The chess piece doll stretched out its chubby little hand to its maid, and when the little hand brushed across the air, the air was wrinkled, which is the expression of the power of Tao.

Under the effect of the power of Tao, the appearance of the originally ugly maid of the chess piece doll changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a minute, the originally ugly maid of the chess doll has turned into a beautiful woman who wants to have a figure and a face. Even Gu Zheng, who has seen many beautiful women, can't help it. I think the maid of the checker doll is really beautiful.

Seeing that the ugly maid became as beautiful as a flower, the Chessman Doll beamed with joy.

Next, the Chessman Doll displayed the Way of Life one after another. He transformed his maids, singers and dancers from ugly monsters into beauties.

"Okay, that's really great!"

The chess piece dolls held the hands of those big beauties, and the smiles on their faces were very corrupt.


Gu Zheng felt that if he didn't interrupt the chess doll, the chess doll would probably do something nasty.

"The way of life has already demonstrated its power, and you are already very happy, so does this fourth thing count as my completion?" Gu Zheng said.

"Of course you've finished it!" The chess piece doll paused, and then said, "However, can you wait for my meal?"

"What are you going to do? If it's just a meal, I can still wait." Gu Zheng said.

They have already wasted so much time in order to get the chess pieces, Gu Zheng could indeed wait for a meal.

"Since I have changed my maids and singers and dancers from ugly monsters to beautiful women, isn't it a bit too cruel for you to follow you without letting me enjoy it? After all, this space world has already been ruled by you. Entered by abnormal means, unless you enter this space world by normal means and clear this space world again, I can change from a pawn back to the current appearance, and at that time, these beauties of mine did not know that they were still there. No, let alone this process, how long I will exist in the state of a chess piece, that state is a very boring thing! Shouldn't you let me enjoy it before I enter that state for you live?"

Qiziwa was very aggrieved by what he said. Since Gu Zheng knew him, he had never heard him say so many things in one breath.

"Okay, then you can enjoy it as soon as possible, but you can only wait for your meal. After all, I still have to find the slingshot, and the time I can stay in this space world is running out."

Gu Zheng didn't want to stay to see how the Chessman Doll was enjoying himself, so he took the father and son of the monk Hantan and left temporarily, giving the Chessman Doll a quiet environment.

Just as Gu Zheng turned around with the father and son of the monk Hantan, the woman's exclamation and laughter, as well as his son's very obscene laughter and yelling, immediately came to mind in the valley.

After a meal, the satisfied Chessman Doll left the valley. After seeing Gu Zheng, he didn't say anything more, but turned into a chess piece on the chessboard with a flick of his body.

After getting the chess pieces, the only test of Gu Zheng's mission is the slingshot.

This is not the first time that Gu Zheng entered this space world. When he entered this space world last time, he knew that there was a place in this space world that he had not explored, and this unexplored place was a bit suspicious. It was the Triple Immortal Formation that Gu Zheng already knew where it was!

When Gu Zheng entered this space world last time, there were two triple fairy formations in this space world. Gu Zheng had experienced one of them, and that triple fairy formation was what he had to pass through if he wanted to pass through this space world. test.

The triple fairy formation is a high-level fairy formation, and there must be a reason for its existence.

After Gu Zheng entered this space world again this time, he felt that the Triple Immortal Formation was the place he needed to explore. After all, whether it's a dog or a chess piece, Gu Zheng has some doubts about where they might exist, because he has seen these two things before.

However, for the slingshot, something that Gu Zheng has never seen before, Gu Zheng has no idea at all. If he has to make him think that the most likely place for the slingshot to exist under such circumstances, then the first choice must be the last time in this space. When I was in the world, I didn't go to investigate the triple fairy array.

After leaving the fairy array space in the east of the lake, a multiple-choice question was placed in front of Gu Zheng, which was where did Gu Zheng go to find the whereabouts of the slingshot.

The previous Gu Zheng must have been more inclined to go to the triple fairy formation, but then there was such an anomaly in the judge's pen of the monk Hantan, which made Gu Zheng's original idea shaken.

After all, the triple fairy formation is a very complicated fairy formation. If you really want to go to the triple fairy formation, who knows how much time will be delayed in it, and it is really hard to say whether there is a slingshot in that place.

However, although the Judgment Pen gave guidance to monk Hantan once, such guidance never appeared again. Although Gu Zheng believed that monk Hantan believed it, it was also a gamble, a gamble that did not allow mistakes. No matter whether he was going to the Triple Immortal Formation or to find that ape monster, Gu Zheng was not allowed to waste any more time, and now the time limit for his mission has passed more than half.

Knowing that Gu Zheng was thinking about what to do next, Brother Hantan and his son didn't bother him, just quietly waiting for his decision.

Gritting his teeth hard, Gu Zheng finally made a final decision, he was going to find that ape monster.

On the way back, nothing too special happened, and I encountered several waves of monsters blocking me, and every time I encountered monsters blocking me, Gu Zheng would let monk Hantan take action, trying to pass Kill the monsters to see if the judge pen can give new guidance to the monks in the cold pool, but unfortunately, the new guidance did not appear, just like the guidance that the monks in the cold pool felt before, just like It's an illusion.

Seeing the bleak forest again, Gu Zheng and his party entered the territory of the ape monster.

Unlike the last time he entered the bleak forest, this time Gu Zheng had just stepped into the territory of the ape monster, and the voice of the ape king sounded in the air.

"Why did you go and come back?" asked the King of Apes.

"I asked you before, do you know the whereabouts of the slingshot? You said you didn't know, but I came back this time to ask you again solemnly!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Why are you like this? I told you I don't know? What do you want to do now? Did you come to trouble me on purpose? I really don't understand what good you are doing to trouble me, even though I don't It's easy to shoot, but if I really do it, I'm not afraid of you!"

The voice of the ape king seemed very angry, and Gu Zheng fell silent for a while. He didn't hear the taste of lying from the voice of the ape king.

"Before your subordinates killed so many descendants of me, but I still told you about the whereabouts of the humble dog, and let my descendants take you to that tribe. I thought this matter would be over like this, but Now you set foot in my forest again, and you still question me like that, do you really want to make enemies with me?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't open his mouth, the ape king just said that for a long time, but this time his tone has softened a lot, which meant to let Gu Zheng weigh the pros and cons.

Gu Zheng will naturally do things like weighing the pros and cons, and he doesn't want to be hostile to the King of the Apes, and the matter is indeed as the King of the Apes said, if he really wants to fight the King of the Apes, it will not be an easy task It is very likely that both sides will suffer because of this. After all, the ape king is hidden in a fairy formation. He can extend his hands and feet out of the fairy formation to attack the enemy, but the enemy has no way to attack the enemy without breaking the fairy formation. Do something to him who is hiding in the fairy formation, not to mention that he will not watch others destroy the fairy formation without stopping.

Gu Zheng remained silent. He was thinking about what to say next, but the monk Hantan couldn't help but speak.

"You lied, you must know where the slingshot is!"

Brother Hantan is very concerned about this matter, because he was the only one who felt the guidance given by the judge's pen before, but now Gu Zheng is willing to believe his feelings and come to this place to find King Yuan Monkey. How could he not care about this? thing.

"What kind of thing are you, why do you call me a liar!"

The King of Apes roared angrily. Even though he was in the fairy formation in the clouds, even though he was located very far away from Gu Zheng and others, he had a pair of special eyes, and he could see the cold pool monk through many obstacles. , it can be seen that the cultivation base of the cold pool monk, if he didn't need to atone for his sins in the fairy formation, then he would definitely not pay attention to the existence of the cold pool monk, for him, the cold pool monk is like a Like a reptile, and now this reptile actually questioned him, he was very upset.

"I am my master's servant. I said you lied because my fairy artifact gave me guidance. It told me that you knew the whereabouts of the slingshot!"

Brother Hantan told the truth, this is what Gu Zheng would say when he had no choice. The reason why he said it was when there was no other way, because if the king of apes is not willing to help, then even if they show iron-like evidence, the apes will The king would definitely not admit it, if the king of apes really didn't know the whereabouts of the slingshot, then even saying such things would be useless.

"Your fairy artifact? Are you saying that your fairy artifact gave you guidance and told you that I know the whereabouts of the slingshot?"

The ape king didn't mean to ridicule or anger, which was different from Gu Zheng's imagination. What he showed was a kind of prudence and even a little curiosity.

"That's right, it's my fairy weapon!" Brother Hantan said.

"Take out your celestial artifact and let me have a look." The monkey king said.

"The finishing touch is my finishing touch!"

When Brother Hantan took out the judge's pen, the ape king became very excited. In his mouth, the name of this fairy artifact was not the judge's pen but the finishing touch.

"What is your finishing touch, this is obviously my judge's pen!"

Brother Hantan corrected the ape medicine. The judge's pen was an immortal artifact given to him by Gu Zheng. This immortal artifact not only has strange magical powers, but also has extraordinary significance to him. He attaches great importance to this immortal artifact.

"Don't panic, this is indeed my judge's pen. After seeing it, I already understand why you say I know the whereabouts of the slingshot!"

The ape king laughed out loud, while the cold pool monk looked at Gu Zheng, and the stone that Gu Zheng had been hanging in his heart fell because of this.

What Gu Zheng is most afraid of is that the guidance given by the judge's pen to monk Hantan is actually just an illusion of monk Hantan, but now it seems that it is obviously not the case.

"Come to my fairy formation, we can talk about this matter!" said the monkey king.

"Let's talk here, my time is precious, just tell me how you can tell me the whereabouts of the slingshot!" Gu Zheng said.

"I didn't lie to you, I really don't know the whereabouts of the slingshot!" The ape king sighed, and then said: "The judge's pen in your subordinate's hand is actually the finishing touch of my weapon. There are many places, one of which is that I can use it to dot myself, and once I use it to dot myself, then within a certain period of time, I will be able to discover what I want to discover through clairvoyance. So you understand?"

"That is to say, if I want to know the whereabouts of the slingshot, I must lend you the judge's pen, right?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's not lent to me but returned. This is my weapon. If you return the weapon that originally belonged to me, then I can use it to help you find the slingshot you want. This is a deal." said the King of Apes.

Gu Zheng really wanted to find the slingshot, but he also wanted to maximize the benefits, so he didn't rush to agree to the ape king, but pretended to be thinking about it.

After waiting for Gu Zhengneng for two minutes, seeing that he still had no intention of speaking, the Monkey King couldn't help but speak again.

"How long do we need to think about it? Is it that difficult to make a decision?" The Monkey King said with a wry smile.

"I also know that you want this judge's pen very much, so I will take him there now, and I will talk about it after I see you!"

It will take more than an hour to fly from here to the place where the monkey king is. Gu Zheng also wants to let the monkey king dry. Another point is that he can't continue to wait where he is, because the monkey king has already said After fulfilling the premise, he has to give himself the finishing touch before he can help Gu Zheng find the whereabouts of the slingshot, so Gu Zheng must go to the King of the Apes. If he doesn't go, the King of the Monkeys can't use it. To the finishing touch.

The King of Apes also knew that if he wanted to get back the finishing touch, he needed Gu Zheng to send it back to him, but Gu Zheng didn't say that he would return the finishing touch, so he still needed to guess what Gu Zheng meant. We also need to worry about whether Gu Zheng will give him the finishing touch, so he will definitely be a little bit hard in the next time, and no one wants to bear the taste of waiting.

On the way to the location of Monkey Knowledge Network, Gu Zheng didn't speak to the Monkey King, and the Monkey King didn't make a sound. Although the atmosphere seemed a bit dull, compared to Gu Zheng, the Monkey King was the one who was more anxious. The fairy artifact he wanted was in Gu Zheng's hands!

As for Gu Zheng, although he also wants to get the slingshot, it is obviously more calm than the king of apes, and he still shows an appearance of not believing in the king of apes. dead.

Finally, Gu Zheng came to where the Monkey King was, that is, under the huge cloud.

"I didn't expect to come here again."

Gu Zheng felt a little emotional when he came to this place.

Compared to Gu Zheng's calmness, the Ape King was already scratching his head in anxiety, and didn't respond to Gu Zheng's words of emotion. He said directly: "What are you thinking about? Don't worry, I won't lie to you , Our deal is a win-win! You want to get the slingshot, and I want to get back my weapon, aren't you pressed for time? What are you waiting for?"

"I also want to believe that you didn't lie to me, but if you really asked you to take back the weapon and put your eyes on it, would you really be able to find the whereabouts of the slingshot?" Gu Zheng asked.

"As long as that slingshot is in this space world, I guarantee that I can see exactly where it is with the finishing touch!" the monkey king said firmly.

"Okay, since you are so sure, then I will tell you my true thoughts! I can give you the finishing touch, but you have to promise that you can help me find the whereabouts of the slingshot, and I want you to owe me a favor, When I enter this space world next time, I want you to repay this favor and do one thing for me at that time. As for what this thing is, let’s wait until then, anyway, it won’t be for you to go Just die."

Gu Zheng was trying to maximize his profits. From the very beginning, he thought of saying this to the Monkey King, but at that time he hadn't let the Monkey King suffer from waiting. He felt that the Monkey King was still very energetic. At that time Saying such a thing, the ape king probably said that he was too much, but it is different now. After waiting for more than an hour, the ape king's temper has been worn down. If he really wants to get him back If it is the finishing touch, then he will most likely agree to this condition!

The reason why Gu Zheng felt that the king of apes would agree to this condition that sounded a little too much in all likelihood was because he had promised more than one person similar conditions!

In the few space worlds that Gu Zheng experienced before, that is, the space worlds entered through abnormal means, he once made a similar agreement with two monsters, although he also hated this form of agreement, but There is no way that some things are just like this, and there is no way to complete them without suffering some losses!

It's just that today's Gu Zheng doesn't want to suffer anymore, he wants the ape king to be the one who suffers.

"You are too much!"

The king of apes has anger in his heart. Since ancient times, human affection is the most difficult debt to repay. This debt can be big or small!

However, just like the ancient battle at the beginning, after weighing the pros and cons, the ape monkey king still agreed to the ancient battle. The biggest reason that influenced his decision, besides his desire to get back the finishing touch, is that, God knows what year it will be when Gu Zheng enters this space world next time, so let's get the finishing touch first and then talk about it!

Gu Zheng made an agreement with the Monkey King, that is, the one protected by the power of law. He returned the finishing touch to the Monkey King. The Monkey King used the finishing touch to help him find the whereabouts of the slingshot and owed him A favor that needs to be repaid after he enters this space world next time.

After the agreement was concluded, Gu Zheng also asked Brother Hantan to terminate the relationship with the judge's pen, and then threw the judge's pen into the air according to the request of the king of apes.

The electric glow intertwined in the cloud layer, the arm of the ape king protruded from the cloud layer, and directly grasped the judge pen in his hand, when his arm was withdrawn towards the cloud layer, the electric glow condensed on his arm, making him let out a painful cry moan.

The king of apes hiding in the formation in the clouds is a redemption. Being able to extend his hand out of the formation is already close to the limit of his authority. Now that he brings a fairy weapon back to the formation, he will naturally be bound by the law. force punishment.

Fortunately, the power of the law only punished the ape monster's actions, and did not confiscate his finishing touch, so Gu Zheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"My dear, you are finally back!"

Feeling the blood-like connection between the finishing touch pen and himself, the ape monster was almost so excited that he burst into tears, and the finishing touch pen held by the ape king was also trembling slightly. The vision that has never appeared in the hands of Brother Tan, no matter what you say, Brother Hantan is not the real master of the finishing touch pen. Although he can use the finishing touch pen, he doesn't even know the real magic power of the finishing touch pen, The finishing touch for wanting to return to the master is to give the monks of Pingtan guidance, and finally through this guidance, it returns to its original owner.

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