"What is the third reward?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The third type of reward is the information reward. In the space events at the current stage, there is nothing I don't know. As long as you ask me, I can tell you about it."

Hearing what the Duobao Fish Demon said, Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng couldn't help being a little excited. What made them lack information most now! They are eager to know where the special monster that can issue the task of repairing the current space world is.

Seeing that Gu Zheng and Hantan monks were a little excited, Turbot wanted to speak again: "A word of advice, this is also for the sake of saving my life. I will give you a free reminder. Choose the third reward carefully. It may not be as comprehensive or as straightforward as you think."

Hearing the kind reminder from the Turbot Fish Demon, Gu Zheng's expression finally softened a little. He nodded to Turbot Fish Demon, and issued an application for the conclusion of the agreement.

Turbot accepted Gu Zheng's application for an agreement, and the agreement between the two was protected by the power of law. Then Gu Zheng continued to move towards the cave.

For Gu Zheng, encountering the treasure fish demon was undoubtedly a glimmer of light in the anxious predicament. This was a good turning point, and on the side of Brother Hantan and his son, a good turning point finally appeared!

It seems that he finally realized that it is meaningless to spend time with a wretched guy like Brother Hantan and his son. Some of the densely packed space monsters that originally surrounded the magic crystal began to evacuate, although the number of evacuated part was not enough for the total amount. One-tenth of that, but it's a good sign after all.

Seeing a group of space monsters evacuate, the son of the monk in the cold pool also temporarily stopped the sneak attack on the space monsters. He wanted to cool down the hatred of the space monsters, and he wanted them to stay away from the phantom crystal.

However, as a militant, the son of the cold pool monk is not so kind. He doesn't want all these space monsters to evacuate. The massacre, leaving him to devour the original energy to improve his own strength, if his idea is known by those space monsters who left, I don't know if those space monsters will explode in anger.

Seeing that Brother Hantan's son was hiding in the phantom crystal and could not come out, some space monsters chose to evacuate. Although the number of evacuated was still small, it was indeed a good sign.

No obstacles were encountered on the road, and Gu Zheng finally came to the outside of the cave in the Great Trench.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Zheng directly entered the cave in the Great Trench.

Still the same as before, Gu Zheng is slowly advancing behind, while his divine sense is exploring the way ahead.

Soon, Gu Zheng frowned. Seeing him like this, Brother Hantan immediately understood that his divine sense must have detected something.

"Master, what's the matter?" Brother Hantan asked.

"There is a very large soft-bodied monster in front of it. It looks like an octopus and a sea cucumber. Its huge body directly poisoned the cave to death, and its strength is the middle stage of the Golden Immortal!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan also frowned tightly. At this moment, he missed his son very much. If his son is also there, then his son should be able to handle the soft-bodied monster in the mid-Golden Immortal stage alone. Solve it, this is a monster of the same realm as his son.

But now, his son is trapped in the last area, and his strength with Gu Zheng is still in the realm of returning to the void. Even if everyone has the ability to leapfrog fighting, but such a huge golden fairy mid-stage monster must be Difficult to deal with.

"Master, my ink-colored supernatural powers can do a lot of damage to the existence of early-stage Golden Immortals, but it's hard to say for this guy in the middle-stage Golden Immortals, the effect may not be good!" Brother Hantan said distressed.

Gu Zheng is also very upset. Now he also has the distress that the cold pool monk had some time ago. He began to feel that his strength is a bit low. He is only in the middle stage of returning to the void. When he is a monster in the middle and late stages of Jinxian, he will also feel a strong sense of powerlessness! What means does he have that can cause huge damage to these monsters in the middle and late stages of Jinxian? His Crazy Demon Knife is no good, his Immortal Palm is no good, and his Immortal Extermination Art is also no good. The only thing that can be used to fight against it is his Immortal Realm, but Immortal Territory is his. In the end, the hole card cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. This is really a headache.

However, even if it is a headache for Gu Zheng, there is a solution, and he told Brother Hantan his thoughts.

As for the soft-bodied monster in the mid-term of Golden Immortal, Gu Zheng is going to adopt guerrilla warfare first. He is going to use the soft-bodied monster of the flying bird of divine sense to bombard it indiscriminately. Can get it.

Thinking of it and doing it, Gu Zheng immediately turned the divine sense used for investigation into a divine sense flying bird.

As soon as the divine mind bird was born, the soft-bodied monster that was in a deep sleep immediately woke up, but the speed of the divine mind was faster, and it bumped into its soft body before he could launch an attack!

Under the collision, Gu Zheng's body couldn't help but smile wryly.

First of all, after the soft-bodied monster wakes up, the power of law immediately descended on this cave. It has only one purpose, that is to make Gu Zheng's heart demon orb invalid, and this kind of ban can be regarded as directly blocking Gu Zheng. Compete for the privilege of playing Fortress Mobile.

Secondly, although the bird of divine thought can cause damage to soft-bodied monsters, for a soft-bodied monster with a large body and great resilience, a collision of the bird of divine thought is like a normal person being scalded with a burnt scar Generally, even though it hurts, if you want to scald a person to death by scalding the incense scar, how many times will you need to scald it!

Even though the impact of the flying bird of divine thought was like a scalding scar to a soft-bodied monster, Gu Zheng still didn't give up scalding! For Gu Zheng, it's not that Xiang Scar can't scald a person to death, the key is to see what part of that person is scalded. While attacking the soft-bodied monster with the bird of divine thought, he is also trying to find the soft-bodied monster. weakness.

The soft-bodied monster will naturally not allow the divine mind to attack it. It has used various methods to block the divine mind flying bird, such as dancing its tentacles, or me spraying mucus, or releasing the glow, or overwhelming the river, But these attacks are useless to Divine Sense! After all, divine thoughts are not a special kind of energy that can be dealt with by normal means.

In a very short period of time, the bird of divine thought had already knocked out a large area of ​​scorched black on the body of the soft monster, but this kind of scorched black is really like burning incense scars, which can only be regarded as a kind of damage to the epidermis. For a huge soft-bodied monster, even minor injuries are not considered.

However, things are not all bad. Gu Zheng has already discovered the weakness of the soft-bodied monster. This weakness is just under its stomach, where there is a piece of skin that looks darker. When its body moved before, Gu Zheng saw When he arrived at that different place, he immediately seized the opportunity to hit it with a flying bird of divine sense. As a result, the soft-bodied monster made a miserable cry. The decomposition ability of cutting that piece of divine sense obviously did not encounter strong resistance. With just one impact, a piece of skin the size of a bowl was decomposed there, which is the most important difference from scalding scars.

However, ever since the vital parts were hit once by Gu Zheng's bird of divine thought, the soft-bodied monster has become smarter. No matter what kind of attack it launches against Gu Zheng, it will never expose that position again.

Gu Zheng is still using the method of scalding incense scars, while hitting the soft monster with the bird of divine thought, while looking for new opportunities.

However, the soft-bodied monster didn't intend to make him so comfortable anymore. It seemed that it just realized that it was useless to attack that annoying bird. If it wanted to solve the trouble completely, it still had to go to the owner of the bird.

The soft-bodied monster has a huge body, and when it moves, its body shrinks a little, so that it can move fast and avoid the friction of the cave wall. After all, the cave walls here are protected by the power of law and cannot be destroyed.

Gu Zheng had thought before that soft-bodied monsters would kill him. Faced with this situation, he had already told Brother Hantan the countermeasures.

With a sway of his body, Brother Hantan turned into a dragon, and Gu Zheng jumped onto Brother Hantan, and he flew with the body of Brother Hantan on his back. No matter what, Brother Hantan could fly faster than him with all his strength.

In fact, it is not the first time that Gu Zheng has encountered such a situation of being carried by a person, and the main body can use his divine sense to attack the enemy at ease, but before, he was carried by the son of the monk Hantan, and now the monk of the Hantan In the absence of his son, this glorious and arduous task fell on the monk of Hantan.

It is seen that the mollusk monster is huge, but its speed is not very slow, and it has seen its attack power with the Asuka of divine sense. Gu Zheng and the others dare not stay in a dangerous distance with the mollusk monster. They can only keep as far away from the soft body as possible The monster is farther away.

Seeing that they had been unable to catch up with Gu Zheng, the soft-bodied monster stood up and let out an angry cry. Its cry was not a sonic attack, but it was a precursor to a special attack. A large ball of yellow liquid flowed from it It spewed out from the mouth, and flew towards Gu Zheng and the others, as fast as a shooting star!

Gu Zheng didn't know what kind of attack that sticky-looking liquid was, but he could feel an extreme danger from the sticky liquid!


Gu Zheng's voice was extremely serious, and he decisively used teleportation to avoid the sticky liquid. You must know that teleportation is also Gu Zheng's trump card, and this magical power can only be used three times a day. Today, Gu Zheng is avoiding the collapse of the space. Already used it once.

Brother Hantan was also shocked. He didn't feel how scary the sticky liquid was, but he knew that Gu Zheng's voice was terrible. He had almost never heard such a serious voice from Gu Zheng, so he Immediately activated the magical power of atomizing the dragon's body, turning his body into smoke.

It can be considered that Gu Zheng reacted in a timely manner. He directly avoided the sticky liquid through the magical power of teleportation, but the monk Hantan was not so lucky. The sticky liquid became very huge in an instant, like a piece of paper. The bread was like bread, and the cold pool monk was directly wrapped in it, and he shot towards the rear without losing momentum.

For Gu Zheng, when the soft-bodied monster stood up just now, it was an excellent opportunity to attack its vital parts, so his divine sense bird also immediately hit the soft-body monster's vitals, and the soft-body monster screamed in pain, but However, the body that stood up did not fall down, thereby isolating the attack of the bird of divine thought again. This made Gu Zheng understand that as long as the ball surrounding the monk in the cold pool does not fall to the ground, the soft-bodied monster can keep standing like this. You can always attack its vital points like this!

However, monk Hantan is surrounded by a ball, and he can feel it through the master-slave relationship. The situation of monk Hantan is very dangerous. He must let go of the soft-bodied monster's vital attack, or else it will be delayed In a second, the cold pool cultivator is a little more dangerous.

Resolutely withdraw the divine sense to the body, release the ancient struggle of the divine sense again, and let the divine sense chase the ball. After all, the divine sense has a supernatural flying speed, and it can catch up to the ball in the shortest time.

The reason why the divine sense is used to chase the ball is that besides the faster speed of the divine sense, Gu Zheng also believes that there must be very few things that the ball is afraid of, and the divine sense happens to be what it is afraid of. With such a powerful method, why didn't the soft-bodied monster use it to deal with Gu Zheng's Shennian Asuka before? The only explanation is that the soft-bodied monster knows that it is useless to use this method to deal with the bird of divine thought.

Release the flying bird of divine thought to chase the ball, and Gu Zheng's body didn't dare to stay in place. He needed to hide from soft monsters when there were two people. Now he is the only one left. If he escapes more slowly, then It really is life and death.

Divine Mind Asuka caught up to the ball and slammed into it hard.

Gu Zheng did not guess wrong, the decomposition ability of divine sense is the nemesis of the ball, if another attack that is not divine sense is used, such as Gu Zheng's mad knife, even if the powerful knife wind hits the ball Above, it will not cause any damage to the ball.

The divine sense is the nemesis of the ball. Its impact directly caused the ball to crack, and the effect was as if a balloon filled with water was suddenly pricked by a needle. That kind of scene would be, originally The seemingly large balloon instantly turned into a piece of skin. As for the water wrapped in the balloon, it would pour down instantly.

The monk in the cold pool is like water wrapped in a balloon. He poured down, and after staying in the ball for less than five seconds, he has been corroded beyond recognition. Although the current injury is considered a minor injury , but if he was allowed to stay in the ball for another five seconds, then his flesh and bones would melt away, even if he was not dead, he would definitely be seriously injured.

The yellow ball is like a punctured balloon filled with water. It pours out the water-like monks in the cold pool, and it turns into a piece of skin, moving forward at a faster speed. Rushing forward, sticking its edge to the cave wall, sealing the cave tightly, it felt as if the cave was actually a drum, and the skin just covered the drum.

"Damn it!"

Gu Zheng cursed inwardly, the attack of this soft-bodied monster is really strange, not only can trap people, but also can be used to seal caves.

No matter how much Gu Zheng scolded in his heart, the time has not been delayed at all. After all, this is a matter of life and death, so when the entrance of the cave was just covered, he had already let the bird of divine thought hit the skin .

The divine sense is the nemesis of the originally extremely resilient yellow skin. Its impact directly knocked out a hole in the yellow skin. The hole rushed out.

The soft-bodied monsters chasing Gu Zheng and them naturally also attacked Gu Zheng and them, but as long as it wasn't a sticky liquid that could turn into yellow balls and yellow skin, Gu Zheng and the others could escape because of the distance.

Seeing that they failed to attack Gu Zheng repeatedly, the soft-bodied monster made that strange cry again. Gu Zheng and the monks in the cold pool were shocked. They didn't want to see the soft-bodied monster spit out that sticky liquid again, but Now that it has made this omen-like cry, the liquid will be sprayed out by it in the next moment.

However, Gu Zheng and the cold pool monks who don't want to see the sticky liquid are somewhat relieved, because the soft-bodied monster has been moving and chasing them, and now it only needs to take a step forward, even if it spews out that sticky liquid again. Gu Zheng and the others couldn't see the sticky liquid, because there was a fairy formation ahead, and as long as the soft-bodied monster took another step forward, it would enter the space of the fairy formation.

The fairy formation was naturally arranged by Gu Zheng, and his attainments in the formation method can be regarded as relatively high, but in the past, he had monk Hantan and his son, a fierce general, so he usually didn't use the fairy formation, but this time Han Brother Tan's son was not there, so he had to use some methods that he didn't like before.

"It can't be stopped for too long, so don't think of a way!"

Gu Zheng felt a little anxious. He didn't get very good formation materials in this space world, so the fairy formation he arranged, although it also has the space of the fairy formation, is not too powerful.

Gu Zheng originally planned that after tricking the soft-bodied monster into the formation, he and Brother Hantan would venture into the formation space to attack the soft-bodied monster. Through the understanding of the formation, see if they can take advantage of it and find some A chance to change the game.

However, after seeing how thick and destructive soft-bodied monsters are, Gu Zheng gave up his plan to take the cold pool monks into the fairy array space to sneak attack soft-bodied monsters. Successfully attacking the soft-bodied monster ten times may not necessarily cause much damage to the soft-bodied monster, but as long as the soft-bodied monster can attack them once, the damage will definitely be enough for them to drink a pot.

Gu Zheng is really anxious. Because the formation is not strong enough, a fierce guy like a soft-bodied monster can only be trapped for a minute at most. When it breaks out of the formation, what should Gu Zheng and the others do? .

Anxiously, Gu Zheng looked around. When he saw the way, his eyes suddenly widened. He saw that things had turned for the better!

Gu Zheng has entered many caves in the Great Trench. These caves have many similarities, one of which is that once the entrant enters, the entrance of the cave will be sealed by the power of law. Well, this is Gu Zheng sometimes staying in the cave for a long time, but there has never been a situation where monsters from outside come in to make trouble.

But now, looking at Gu Zheng at the entrance of the cave, I really saw a space monster that hadn't found a host yet!

A space monster, and a space monster that has not found a host, how can it break through the protection of the power of law and enter this cave?

Gu Zheng felt that there was only one answer for such an anomaly, and that was that this cave was different from the ones he had experienced before, and there was no protection of the power of law here!

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