After dispelling the invading demon energy, the cold pool cultivator will immediately launch an attack on the Dabao fish demon.

He didn't have any reservations about Dabao fish demon, and the monk of Hantan directly launched the supernatural power of fishbone from the sky on it.

The supernatural power of the fishbone from the sky has also been promoted when the cold pool monks advanced to the Golden Immortal Realm. Its power cannot be underestimated. Each fishbone dropped from the light array in the sky is equivalent to an attack in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. .

Most of the treasure fish monsters hadn't dispelled the ink color in their bodies, and then they were attacked by fishbone falling from the sky, how could it bear it.

Most of the precious fish demons, unable to fight back against the monks in the cold pool, just wanted to escape for their lives. It wanted to find a place where he could quietly disperse Mo Shi, but this place definitely didn't exist! After all, the attack of the fishbone from the sky will follow the attacked person like a shadow.

"It's really not a level opponent!"

Seeing most of the treasure fish demons who just wanted to flee, the monk Hantan couldn't help shivering. He enjoyed this process of killing the enemy very much.

It is true that the monk in the cold pool has been depressing for a long time, not to mention that his deceit is also reasonable. Most of the treasure fish monsters are not his opponents at all. He was just watching a joke with his arms folded. If he himself participated in the battle, it would be easier to take down the Dabao Fish Demon.

However, Brother Hantan did not deal with most of the precious fish demons himself, and he was not entirely enjoying the process of killing them. He was afraid that he would kill most of the precious fish demons if he accidentally struck too hard! After all, he knows that most of the treasure fish demons are useful to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng still needs to rescue most of the treasure fish demons in the state of being enchanted. He can't see clearly like Gu Zheng, and he doesn't know most of the treasure fish The demon can only be said to be a clone of the Dabao fish demon. If this clone is broken up earlier, he will be able to leave this space earlier.


The Dabao fish demon let out an angry roar. As a special monster in the space world, it is also limited by the power of the law. Otherwise, at this time, he would definitely launch a phantom attack to fight for healing for himself. Time, but it is limited, and all it can utter now is an angry howl.

Most treasure fish demon is very unwilling, it doesn't want the cold pool cultivator to break it up just through black color rendering and the fishbone from the sky, it activates his strongest supernatural power, and the appearance of this supernatural power directly makes the cold pool cultivator stare Big eyes!

The space world where Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng are now is a four-way space. It was originally a space world with very low difficulty. If everything is developing in the normal direction, then Gu Zheng has already cleared this space world. The key reason why Gu Zheng hasn't cleared the four-way space after so long is that he was tricked by Qi Ling's dog leg at the beginning, and Qi Ling's dog leg, that is, the old man with the white beard, was obstructing him at the time Let Gu Zheng break the cornerstone of the space, causing the four-way space to become broken, and the difficulty also escalates accordingly.

However, any special monster that plots the entrant will be severely punished by the power of the law once the calculation fails, and the dog's leg of Qi Ling is no exception. The last time the cold pool monks saw him, he had already been deprived of consciousness and turned into a monster. A puppet that was squeezed and manipulated by the shadow leech.

Cultivator Hantan never expected that the most powerful supernatural power released by the Dabao Fish Demon was to release the old man with the white beard controlled by the shadow leech.

In fact, the fundamental reason why most treasure fish demons become demons is that the white-bearded old man controlled by the shadow leech lives in his body, and they have become a symbiotic state with it. This is also the power of law given to Gu Zheng and them. A test for the reader.

Da Dabao fish demon itself is a very special state, it exists in this middle, it can only be regarded as a clone, once it separates the old man with white beard, then the clone that belongs to it will disappear, but the advantage is As it is now, the white-bearded old man separated by it does not have the ink color on his body, and the fishbone that was originally assigned to him has also disappeared.

"It turned out to be you!"

Seeing the white-bearded old man appear, Brother Hantan naturally gritted his teeth with hatred. He had long wanted to get rid of this hateful guy, but he had no chance. Now that this hateful guy appeared here, he must not let him go .

With a thought in his mind, Brother Hantan activated the supernatural power of fishbone from heaven on the old man with white beard.

Facing the heavenly fishbone power launched by Brother Hantan, the old man with a dull white beard didn't dodge or dodge, his hands were just forming strange seals.

Brother Hantan frowned, even though he didn't know what the strange bond that the white-bearded old man had touched was useful, but he was sure that it would definitely be against him, and he wanted to stop the old man with the white beard.

Brother Hantan flew towards the white-bearded old man, and at the same time all the scales on his body fell off. Thousands of scales were like thousands of hidden weapons, and he wanted to shoot the white-bearded old man with a sharp piercing sound.

However, before the cold pool monk's scales hit the white-bearded old man, he already knew that its scale attack was useless against the white-bearded old man, because the white-bearded old man who was not in the seal had a layer of strange fluctuations on his body surface , and the result of the existence of this layer of weird fluctuations is that the fishbone falling from the sky has lost its effect when it falls on his body.

Sure enough, the powerful fishbone attack had no effect on the old man with white beard, and the less powerful scale attack fell on the old man with white beard, and was naturally bounced off. What's more, an even weirder situation appeared. Brother Hantan began to feel severe pain. It felt like the fishbone and scales that were still attacking the old man with white beard were actually hurting him.

The situation is a bit weird, but Hantan Modification is not surprised by it. How do you say that the old man with white beard is a puppet controlled by the shadow leech, and the shadow leech is a special monster that the monks of Hantan have dealt with Gu Zheng before. And his soul power is also a good way to release this control.

As soon as Brother Hantan thought about it, his soul power was too bad for him, and he immediately found the wonderful connection between him and the old man with white beard. Now he wants to cut off this wonderful connection. With the connection severed, the old man with the white beard would no longer be able to transfer the damage through his shadow.

The old man with the white beard couldn't make the cold pool monk what he wanted. If the strange supernatural power of the shadow attack didn't work for the cold pool monk, then it was no match for the HD monk at all, so he launched an attack on the cold pool monk.

With his hands waving wildly, the old man with white beard shot palm shadows as dense as a blizzard towards the monk in the cold pool.

Facing the palm shadow of the old man with white beard, Brother Hantan sneered on the corner of his mouth. Now he is no longer the one he used to be. His strength has been promoted to the golden fairy realm, and his atomized dragon body has also been promoted by him He had been strengthened in the Golden Immortal Realm, and he was confident that with his supernatural power of atomizing the dragon's body, he could completely ignore the blizzard-like palm of the white-bearded old man.

Brother Hantan didn't overestimate his ability, and his atomized dragon body was indeed powerful enough. The blizzard-like palm of the white-bearded old man hit him, and the effect was equivalent to reaching the air.

The palm shadow attack of the old man with white beard was useless against Cultivator Hantan, but Cultivator Hantan had taken advantage of this time to break the connection between his shadow and the old man with white beard, and he could attack the old man with white beard again.

To deal with special monsters like shadow monsters, flames and divine sense are both very good methods. The cold pool cultivator has no divine sense, and his energy similar to divine sense is soul power, but it is a pity that his soul power has not yet passed Awakening does not possess any offensive power, so the only effective means he can use to deal with shadow monsters is flame attack.

The cold pool cultivator is the body of a water attribute monster. This kind of body cannot directly launch a flame attack, but fortunately, the cold pool monk still has a fairy weapon that can launch a flame attack, and this fairy weapon is his flame stick.

Raising the flame stick, Brother Hantan activated the magic power of the flame stick. He put the white-bearded old man in a sea of ​​flames, and made the phantom of the fairy bottle appear above his head.

The fairy bottle can continuously spray flames, and the power of this flame is several times stronger than the flames of the sea of ​​fire.

Burned by two different flames, the white-bearded old man immediately uttered a strange cry. He had no intention of attacking the cold pool monk, and quickly flew out of the sea of ​​flames, trying to get rid of the continuous burning of the flames.

The old man with the white beard was wrong. He could get rid of the sea of ​​flames, but he couldn't get rid of the phantom of the bottle that followed him everywhere. What's more, he was not a big treasure fish demon. The cold pool monks would not have the slightest pity for him. When Ying continued to burn him with flames, Brother Hantan also attacked him again.

Flames and divine thoughts are good ways to harm shadow monsters, but apart from flames and divine thoughts, there are other ways to hurt shadow monsters. For example, the current monk in the cold pool, he is using ink Render this supernatural power to cause damage to shadow monsters.

The old man with the white beard is very helpless. Being controlled by shadow monsters, his strongest attack method is to manipulate other people's shadows, but the soul power of the monk in the cold pool can break the connection controlled by him, so he is in the cold pool. In front of him, it is equivalent to having nothing to show for it.

The supernatural power rendered by the ink color is very powerful for ordinary monsters, but the shadow monster is special. Although the ink color can spread in his body, the speed is very slow. However, for monks in the cold pool, it is already very good to be able to achieve such an effect. As long as the ink color can have a certain influence on the old man with a white beard, then the damage of the flame to the old man with a white beard will be deepened. The relationship between each other, under the effect of this relationship of ebb and flow, the old man with white beard turned into fly ash after all.

The vision in front of his eyes alternated between light and dark, resolved all the crises in the special space, and the cold pool monk who left the special space appeared again in the cave in the Great Trench, and the entire cave was still blocked by the huge cave in front of him Most of the treasure fish monsters, as for the ancient struggle that was originally by his side, it didn't end.

Can't see Gu Zheng, monk Hantan is not in a hurry, this is not to say that he doesn't care about Gu Zheng's whereabouts, but after breaking that space, he has naturally known some things, including , Most of the treasure fish demon and the old man with white beard that he defeated before were just avatars, he just defeated them one step ahead of Gu Zheng, and the things he experienced, Gu Zheng also had to compare them in another special space. Just go through it again.

It's a pity that most of the precious fish monsters are protected by the power of law, otherwise the cold pool monks would definitely attack most of the treasure fish monsters to end the test of the ancient dispute early. After all, after passing the test in that special space, Brother Hantan also understood that if Gu Zheng hadn't caused him a shock in another space, then he wouldn't even be able to pass the magic crystal test that appeared first.

Originally, he was looking at Dabao Fish Demon, but Brother Hantan suddenly turned around and frowned.

The Dabao fish demon is the third test they have experienced in the cave of this great trench. The first two tests are the test of the soft-bodied monster and the triple fairy array.

When going through the test of the soft-bodied monster, Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng were forced to leave the cave. At that time, they were unable to solve the ancient dispute of the soft-bodied monster, so they could only throw the soft-bodied monster to those in the big trench. A space monster that desperately wants to find a host.

After leaving the unsolvable soft-bodied monster to the space monster who was eager to find a host, Gu Zheng returned to the pain with the Heart Demon Orb, and then sealed the cave with a formation.

But now, the cultivator of Tuohantan at the top of the mountain has discovered the existence of space monsters in the cave. Although there are only a few space monsters, the appearance of these space monsters has revealed the fact that it is the one who originally sealed the entrance of the cave. The fairy array has been broken!

Brother Hantan acted immediately. He wanted to destroy the few space monsters he found, and he had to get rid of them as soon as possible. He didn't want to attract more space monsters because of soybeans or other reasons. come over! After all, since ordinary space monsters can enter this cave, then the soft-bodied monster that must have been parasitized may also return to this cave again! Once the space monster successfully parasitizes the general monster, then the strength of the general monster must be stronger than before the parasitism. The soft monster is originally a very powerful monster. After it is parasitized by the space monster, its strength should be able to reach the Golden Immortal. In the mid-term, this is not an opponent that a monk in the cold pool wants to deal with.

The few space monsters that appeared in the cave, although they are also in the early stage of Golden Immortal, for the cold pool monks who are also in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it does not take long to get rid of them. He entered the atomized dragon body state, Fly towards those space monsters at a very fast speed.

Facing the cold pool monk flying over, the space monsters naturally launched an attack, and the attacks launched by them are also varied, but it is a pity that the magical power of the cold pool monk to atomize the dragon's body is too powerful. The effect of the attack hitting the monk in the cold pool is no different from hitting the air.

To deal with these space monsters, Brother Hantan used the supernatural power of ink rendering. He tore the bodies of these space monsters with his dragon claws, and injected the rendered ink into the bodies of the space monsters.

For monk Hantan, it was relatively smooth to deal with these space monsters. They didn't bark, so they wouldn't attract more space monsters to appear because of their barking.

The compact space monster that was killed by monk Hantan with his ink-colored supernatural powers has turned into black particles with a wave of his hand, and all these black particles were inhaled by monk Hantan into his stomach, becoming It gave him the energy to improve his cultivation.

There is still a little joy in his heart. For the cold pool monk, these early-stage golden immortal space monsters provide him with considerable upgrade energy. He also wants to advance to the early-stage golden immortal earlier like his son.

After digesting the energy provided to him by those space monsters, the cold pool monk who didn't stay in place for a long time flew towards the entrance of the cave. It is necessary to kill them, and what is going on at the entrance of the cave, he also has to go and have a look, so that he can have an explanation for Gu Zheng who woke up later.

At this moment, in the special space where Gu Zheng is located, he is still hitting the barrier that protects Dabao fish demon.

It has to be said that the barrier protecting the Dabao fish demon is still very strong, and its strength is no less than that of a sect's mountain guarding fairy array, so that Gu Zhengdu has been attacking for so long, and he has just appeared cracks.

Although he has launched countless attacks, he still feels quite fortunate for the current situation. At least when he attacked the barrier, most of the treasure fish demons did not launch any attacks on her, thus slowing down the process of breaking the barrier. process.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb is banned, and Gu Zheng can't communicate with the little treasure fish demon in the Heart Demon Orb, otherwise he must ask the little treasure fish demon, is its father Dabao fish demon Transformed from a turtle! After all, the current state of the Dabao fish demon is really similar to that of a turtle, shrinking into a hard shell when it encounters danger.

With Gu Zheng's uninterrupted attacks, there was originally only one crack, which began to spread like thunder and lightning in the sky, and soon the entire barrier was covered with such cracks. The barrier that had protected the Dabao Fish Demon for long enough was finally shattered.

Da Dabao fish demon is actually very insidious. When Gu Zheng attacked the barrier protecting it, it didn't do nothing. It had secretly collected the destructive power generated by Gu Zheng's attack on its protective barrier. Waiting for the moment when Gu Zheng breaks its barrier again, use the collected destructive power to launch a fatal blow to Gu Zheng.

The destructive power produced by Da Dabao fish demon when collecting Gu Zheng to attack the barrier can indeed have a fatal effect on Gu Zheng, but the fatal blow launched by it did not fall on Gu Zheng, because Gu Zheng once The original plan was that once the barrier protecting the Dabao Fish Demon was broken, he would immediately activate the magical powers of the fairyland. He wanted to settle the Dabao Fish Demon as soon as possible, and he wanted to save the cold pool monk in another dimension as soon as possible. .

However, what Gu Zheng didn't know was that the monks in the cold pool were very competitive. The shock caused by the attack on the barrier had already released the monks from the environment he was not good at. After that, the monks in the cold pool were even more vigorous , have already cleared that special space.

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