After Gu Zheng left the Heart Demon Orb, Hua Yaomei took him and flew towards the top of the mountain.

On the way to the top of the mountain, Gu Zheng also asked the flower demons about some details of their daughter's illness, and the answers given by the flower demons were not unusual.

Following the four flower demons, Gu Zheng soon saw their goddaughter, she stayed in a closed room in the palace on the top of the mountain, she had not yet transformed, she looked like a strange flower with several colors , It's as if it's about to wither.

The goddaughters of the flower demons not only have no form, but also have no ability to communicate, but to Gu Zheng, these are not important, since he has seen the goddaughters of the flower demons, then according to his usual treatment The method is to first observe the patient's body with the eyes of the Tao. It is the same regardless of whether the patient is a human or a demon. Through the observation of the eyes of the Tao, one can find out what the cause of the other person's illness is, and make a reasonable treatment based on the illness. against.

Gu Zheng was carefully observing the bodies of the flower demon and their goddaughters with the eyes of the Tao, but he didn't know that all he experienced was just an illusion, and the illusion was actually already there when he first heard the flower demon in white calling the snow lion demon to stop. here we go.

Compared with the previous clam spirits, the illusions of the flower demons are undoubtedly more powerful. At least they can not only have an effect on the ancient dispute, but also have an effect on the cold pool monks hidden in the heart magic bead. It was Gu Zheng who had fallen into an illusion, and even the monk Hantan in the Heart Demon Bead was also in an illusion. He also felt that Gu Zheng was treating the goddaughters of flower demons, but the reality is that Gu Zheng Right now, he is standing there motionless not far after entering the mountain gate.

In the real world, Gu Zheng is standing motionless not far from the mountain gate, and the four flower demons have never been seen by Gu Zheng at all. At this moment, they are forming a circle in the palace of Baitou Mountain Plate, this time the illusion was launched jointly by the four of them.

The illusion jointly launched by the four early Jinxian flower demons is naturally so powerful that Gu Zheng has not yet seen through the illusion.

It is precisely because Gu Zheng has fallen into an illusion since he heard the voice of the white flower demon, so the so-called promise does not count at all. The promise is just Gu Zheng's illusion born from his heart.

At this moment, the four flower demons are communicating, and what they use is not their voice but their thoughts.

"Sister, do you really want to do this?"

The flower demon in yellow looked at the flower demon in white, because the decision given by the flower demon in white was to use illusion to make Gu Zheng sink, and finally make Gu Zheng a puppet controlled by them.

"Then what do you want to do?" The white flower demon asked back with a smile.

"I think it's better to kill him, while he is in an illusion now." The yellow-clothed flower demon said.

"What good will it do us to kill him?"

Facing Bai Yi's flower demon's question again, the yellow-clothed flower demon fell silent.

Indeed, killing Gu Zheng is of no benefit to them. Unlike those special monsters targeting Gu Zheng, they can replace Gu Zheng's identity by killing Gu Zheng. If they kill Gu Zheng, then It's just killing Gu Zheng. If you really want to talk about the benefits that can be obtained by killing Gu Zheng, if they turn Gu Zheng into their puppets through the magic crystal, they can also get the so-called benefits!

Moreover, if Gu Zheng is really killed, then they will not be able to get some benefits of leaving Gu Zheng as a puppet! For example, Mount Paektu is actually a forbidden place, and the four flower demons can move within a very limited range, at most it is within a hundred feet of the mountain gate. This is their cage, and they have been trapped here. I know how many years, no one can rescue them out, they can't get out by themselves, loneliness is the biggest torment for them in the long years, but they just strive to be on Mount Paektu, there is no masculine breath.

Headed by the white-clothed flower demon, the other flower demons are basically moved by Gu Zheng, so they want to keep Gu Zheng and make him a puppet controlled by them.

"It's not good for us to kill him, but if we don't kill him, I'm afraid he will kill us back!"

After hesitating again and again, the yellow-clothed flower demon still expressed her concern. She was also the only one among the four flower demons who objected to leaving Gu Zheng behind.

"Why do you think that he can kill us?" The flower demon in white asked again: "Although he has some strength, it is simply impossible to wake up from the illusion arranged by the four of us. , you should be aware of this.”

The words of the white-clothed flower demon made the yellow-clothed flower demon unable to refute. The reason why she wanted to kill Gu Zheng was just her unfounded premonition.

Moreover, things are indeed just like what the flower demon in white clothes said, the illusion created by the four of their sisters, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to wake up from it, because the illusion created by the four of them has a compulsory characteristic, That is, no matter how many illusions the person they are targeting has experienced before, as long as the person's realm has not reached the level of Daluo Jinxian, then there is no hope of waking up from their illusions. Sexuality, and it is aimed at the current state, and the current state of Gu Zheng is only in the late stage of returning to the void!

It is simply impossible for an existence in the late stage of returning to the void to see through an illusion that can only be seen through the realm of Daluo Jinxian, so when the white-clothed flower demon said that, the yellow-clothed flower demon was not only powerless to refute, She even appeared, her ominous premonition, is it an illusion or not?

For the four flower demons, when will the illusion continue until Gu Zheng becomes a puppet controlled by them? The answer is, counting from the time when Gu Zheng began to fall into illusion, it is only a meal.

The time for a meal is not long, and at this moment, the ancient battle has already spent more than half of the time in the illusion.

Even if Gu Zheng had experienced many illusions before, all his previous experiences are useless in this environment that compels the realm, so it is impossible to have reflection here, without this kind of mentality, then It is also impossible to escape from the illusion.

However, it is impossible to produce reflection, which is just a common sense, a common sense based on the mandatory realm.

Is there any common sense in Gu Zheng? Many times there is no common sense in him, and if he had common sense, he would not be able to live now.

For example, at this moment, in the normal illusion, Gu Zheng felt a little uneasiness in his heart. This kind of uneasiness is very unreasonable, but in fact there are sufficient reasons, but Gu Zheng does not know the reason for this sufficient reason!

In the illusion of the mandatory realm, the reason why Gu Zheng can be uneasy is because of the magic crystal!

The magic crystal is a treasure, and its characteristic is illusion. Gu Zheng's control over the magic crystal is still very low, so low that he basically just uses it as a space fairy, although there are infinite illusions inside the magic crystal, Gu Zheng Zheng Ye didn't know how many times he had groped in the endless illusion, but in fact, his groping was still very shallow for the magic crystal. If he could control the magic crystal even more Then some, then he will find that the power of illusions that can be produced in the phantom crystal is far beyond his cognition!

The degree of control over the magic crystal, Gu Zheng can only be considered superficial, and the degree of control over the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng is also only superficial. The real reason for not being able to recognize the master is that the degree of control over them has not met the minimum requirements! If Gu Zheng's control over these two treasures meets the requirements of being able to recognize the master, then no illusion in this world can trap him, and no demon can interfere with him!

Although Gu Zheng doesn't have enough control over the magic crystal, after all, he has obtained the magic crystal for a long time. In the contact with the magic crystal, it seems that he has acquired a lot of ability to see through the illusion, and This ability to see through has also appeared in some environments he has experienced before.

It's just that the illusions that Gu Zheng experienced before have no mandatory restrictions on the realm. Whether it is from his previous experience or the subtle influence produced by contact with the magic crystal, these abilities to see through the magic crystal are all intertwined. effective.

It is different now, the current illusion has mandatory restrictions on the realm, the resistance produced by Gu Zheng's previous illusion experience has been completely suppressed, and there is no resistance produced by the previous illusion experience, which is also the ancient The key reason why the struggle has not broken free from the illusion until now.

However, although the illusion of the flower demons can suppress the resistance to the illusion produced by Gu Zheng's past experience, it cannot suppress the resistance produced by him being imperceptibly influenced by the illusion crystal!

As the saying goes, a lone tree does not make a forest, one of the two types of resistance to illusions is missing, and the other naturally appears a little weak in the confrontation with illusions. However, being weak does not mean that there is no hope, on the contrary, the hope is not small, and this is also because the illusion of the flower demons is strange enough.

As the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. The illusion of the flower demons that can limit the realm has to be said to be very powerful. While it has powerful advantages, it also has a so-called disadvantage, that is, for Xianggu Due to the imperceptible influence of the phantom crystal, the characteristics of the illusion will become less and less oppressive to this resistance with the passage of time, which also causes the inexplicable irritability in Gu Zheng's heart at this moment .

Once the inexplicable irritability appears, it is like a column on the ice. As time goes by, it is its pressure. This crack will eventually become bigger and bigger, and cause the entire ice surface to break into pieces! And in such a situation, it also contains a disadvantage of the illusion of the flower demon, that is, the flower demons have relatively weak perception of the illusion they have arranged, and they do not know what the ancient struggle in the illusion is going through. What, even if they know that Gu Zheng in the illusion is now at the delicate moment of seeing through the illusion, they can't do anything to interfere with it! This is not like the traditional illusion, which has a good ability to deal with variables. The illusion jointly arranged by the flower demons has zero ability to deal with variables.

A little bit of restlessness turned into reflection, and a little bit of reflection turned into seeing through, and from the appearance of restlessness to seeing through the illusion, it took less than a minute!

After waking up, Gu Zheng was sweating coldly. Everything in front of him was just an illusion. He thought he was an expert in the way of illusion, but he didn't expect that he would be trapped by an illusion for so long. During the period of being trapped in the illusion, the flower demons did not do any harm to his body, otherwise even if his body still had some protection ability, things would definitely become very troublesome.

Eyes closed and opened, the illusion that trapped Gu Zheng shattered like a mirror, and Gu Zheng escaped from the illusion.


That is to say, when Gu Zheng escaped from the illusion, the four flower demons sitting cross-legged in the hall all spit out blood. It is no less than the backlash that the ancient immortal power had to endure when it was broken!

When he was awake in the illusion, Gu Zheng already knew that the illusion was jointly arranged by four flower demons. Once he sees through the illusion, the four flower demons will suffer serious backlash. This is why he killed the four flower demons. good opportunity.

Without stopping for a moment, the sober Gu Zheng immediately released the monk Hantan from the heart magic orb, and the two flew directly to the main hall on the mountain.

As the guarding beasts of Mount Baitou, the flower demons were the first to be attacked when the illusion was broken, and they had already told the snow lion demon about the situation, so that it could stop Gu Zheng with all its strength.

"The Snow Lion Demon will be dealt with by you."

Gu Zheng didn't want to get entangled with the Snow Lion Demon, so when the Snow Lion Demon attacked him first, he just teleported and threw the Snow Lion Demon to the cold pool monk behind him.

However, what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that the Snow Lion Demon didn't get entangled with the cold pool cultivator at all. It jumped and landed in front of Gu Zheng again! Why only target Gu Zheng? This is because the order Snow Lion Demon received was to stop Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng has already understood that the Snow Lion Demon is determined to make trouble with him, but for him, now is a good opportunity to destroy the flower demons, and this opportunity is fleeting.

"Then it's up to you to deal with the four flower demons. Let me deal with this snow lion demon. Be careful!"

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to the cold pool monk. His strength is only in the late stage of returning to the void, while the strength of the snow lion demon is in the late stage of Jinxian. This makes him worry about the safety of Gu Zheng, but since Gu Zheng has already said so, Knowing the stakes, he didn't say much, and flew directly to the palace on the top of the mountain, but the Snow Lion Demon didn't stop him.

The strength of Gu Zheng is very different from that of the Snow Lion Demon, but the Snow Lion Demon is only a murderer after all. If Gu Zheng uses the supernatural powers of the fairyland on it and uses some other means, it is not impossible to clean it up. The price was a bit too high, and Gu Zheng didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.


When the Snow Lion Demon roared, it didn't launch a sonic attack on Gu Zheng, but when it opened its mouth to roar, a blizzard emerged from its mouth.

A blizzard with extremely destructive power appeared, and it swept everything around. Its temperature was horribly cold. The snowflakes fell on the hard bluestone steps, and the bluestone steps were immediately cracked. , the cold current is surging wantonly.

Faced with such a strong freezing attack, and the coverage is so huge, Gu Zheng can only avoid it by imprisoning the Heart Demon Orb.

The Snow Lion Demon is also powerful. Although it is a ferocious beast, it has a high talent for fighting. It didn't stop the cold pool cultivator just now because the flower demon ordered it to stop Gu Zheng, but he also I also know that letting monk Hantan leave is also a very dangerous thing, but at that time it was impossible to stop two people at the same time.

Seeing that Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb now, even though he knew that swallowing the Heart Demon Orb would cause trouble for him, the Snow Lion Demon still did not hesitate to swallow the Heart Demon Orb in one gulp, and then turned towards Flew in the direction of the hilltop palace.

"court death!"

Gu Zheng was a little angry that the Snow Lion Demon actually dragged him back by swallowing the Heart Demon Orb into his stomach.

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, the weight of the Heart Demon Bead increased to the extreme.

The Snow Lion Demon seems to have just swallowed a small Inner Demon Orb, but the actual situation is equivalent to it swallowing a mountain.

Not all the stomach pouches of monsters can form a space of their own, and for those monsters whose stomach pouches have not yet formed a space of their own, it is very dangerous to swallow something rashly!

Snow Lion Demon's stomach pouch has not yet formed its own space, so it is very dangerous for him to swallow the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng increased the weight of the Heart Demon Orb to the extreme, and the Snow Lion Demon who was flying in the air suddenly felt a stomachache, and his body was directly pressed down and fell downwards.

However, the Snow Lion Demon is the strength of the Golden Immortal's late stage after all. Even if the weight of the Heart Demon Orb is equal to a mountain, it can't cause any fatal damage to it. It flew up again, but the flying speed has become Very slowly, like a bird that has eaten too much.

According to Gu Zheng, since the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon is not strong enough to form a space of its own, then he will do something in the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon.

If you want to do things, you can't make troubles. The realm itself is too different from the Snow Lion Demon. If it is a small trouble, the damage he caused to the Snow Lion Demon may be ignored by the Snow Lion Demon. It must also be big enough to prevent the snow lion demon from getting close to the cold pool monk, thereby increasing the difficulty of the cold pool monk Lysa's flower demon.

Coming out of the Heart Demon Orb, the ancient struggle standing in the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon directly activated the Shenlong Domain, and only a high-explosive fairy-level combat skill like the Shenlong Domain can make the Snow Lion Demon feel what is true. pain of.

The Shenlong domain appeared in the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon, and countless phantoms of Shenlong began to frantically attack the stomach wall of the Snow Lion Demon.


It was like a bird that had eaten too much, and it could not fly high. Now it was attacked by the Shenlong Domain, and the attack was still on its relatively fragile stomach. The screaming Snow Lion Demon fell from the sky again, When it hit the steps below, a deep pit was directly smashed out.

To destroy the stomach pouch of the Snow Lion Demon, Gu Zheng not only used the Shenlong Domain, he also launched the Exterminating Immortal Art towards the Snow Lion Demon's stomach pouch, even though he used the Immortal Extermination Art to attack the Snow Lion Demon's stomach pouch, the resulting The effect will not be better than that of Shenlong Domain, but after all, Immortal Extinguishing Art is also a fairy-level combat skill, and it can still have some effects.

Under the dual effects of the Ancient Dragon Fighting Domain and the Immortal Extermination Art, the Snow Lion Demon was in great pain. It just crawled out of the deep pit it was smashed into, and immediately rolled on the ground in pain.

However, rolling on the ground is just an appearance. After all, the snow lion demon is the strength of Jinxian's later stage. It also has targeted methods for the big moves that Gu Zheng made in its stomach, but since then, it has no way to deal with it Cold pool monk.

This is what Gu Zheng wanted. When strong acid rain began to fall from the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon and huge pressure began to appear, Gu Zheng already knew that the Snow Lion Demon was trying to deal with him with all his strength and had no time to deal with him anymore. Cold pool monk.

"You have to fight for it!"

Temporarily returning to the Heart Demon Orb to take refuge, when Gu Zheng said this, the expression on his face was serious.

Gu Zheng's words were spoken to Brother Hantan, but because he was not in the same space, Brother Hantan couldn't hear what he said. This can only be regarded as his expectation.

Brother Hantan is weak in illusion, and the four flower demons are good at illusion attacks. If it wasn't for Gu Zheng being stared to death by the snow lion demon, he didn't want monk Hantan to deal with the four flower demons.

However, since monk Hantan was asked to deal with the four flower demons, Gu Zheng also had expectations in his heart! Because this risky thing may be a continuation of chance for the cold pool monks.

Gu Zheng has such a cognition in his heart, not because of blind self-confidence, but because of the mysterious realm experienced by the cold pool monks before, it is not as simple as just winning a consolation prize.

The situation similar to that of monk Xiang Hantan has also been encountered in the mysterious realm before Gu Zheng, that is, he did not achieve enough comprehension at that time, and has reached a critical point, so although the mysterious realm is over, it will Leave a seed in your heart. Once the right opportunity is met, the seed may still take root and germinate. Gu Zheng, who encountered this situation, did it. Then the seed that was unlikely to take root and germinate eventually grew There is a towering tree.

However, this kind of situation can only be understood and cannot be conveyed in words. Once it is spread in words, there is no benefit, so after listening to the experience of monk Hantan in the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng only told him that he had won a consolation prize, but did not tell him about the seed. of this matter.

Brother Hantan was in a hurry, he knew the importance of the matter, and he also wanted to seize the fleeting opportunity, so when Gu Zheng asked him to come to deal with the flower demon, he arrived at the fastest speed Outside the main hall on the top of the mountain.

It is a pity that the monk Hantan outside the main hall saw what he least wanted to see, that is, the main hall was surrounded by a colorless barrier.

Brother Hantan is not only weak in illusion, but also in the way of formation. This is not the first time his shortcomings have appeared in his previous adventures with Gu Zheng.

Because there is not enough understanding of the way of formation, the immortal formation that protects the hall, which can be done within 30 seconds for Gu Zheng, the monks of Hantan have been attacking until now, so that the colorless barrier is covered all over. Crack, there is no way, who told him to use the most stupid method!

However, Brother Hantan did not mean that he was completely unfortunate. Although he was delayed by the colorless barrier protecting the hall, the backlash suffered by the flower demon was very serious. The wounds were completely suppressed, so facing the cold pool monks who broke into the hall, they couldn't launch any lethal means, they could only trap the cold pool monks with illusion first.

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