It didn't take Gu Zheng too much time to solve the keel skeleton. Looking at the broken bones in the fairyland, Gu Zheng still felt a little bit emotional. After all, this time there are no keel skeletons appearing in the Eastern Passage. If there are also keel skeletons appearing in the Eastern Passage this time, then the total number of keel skeletons will exceed one hundred. It will be useless even if the ancient war launches the Immortal Domain, because they The Immortal Realm can only take in fifty keel skeletons, and the remaining seventy, he and the monks in the cold pool will have no way to deal with them.

Feelings are emotions, but Gu Zheng didn't dare to waste any time in the Immortal Realm, anyway, the monks in the cold pool outside were a bit overwhelmed.

Brother Hantan dealt with twenty or thirty keel skeletons. In the cross-shaped space where he could not make mistakes, the only magical power he could use to face this situation was his illusion.

However, although the illusion is powerful, performing it on 20 or 30 keel skeletons at the same time will make it too much for the monks in the cold pool! This is still based on the fact that the keel skeletons do not have much intelligence. If they have enough intelligence, it is impossible for the monks in the cold pool to trap so many at the same time. If you deal with more, it will be easier to be seen through, and once you are seen through, the caster will also need to bear a certain amount of backlash.

Gu Zheng had already left the Immortal Realm, and seeing the blushing face of Cultivator Hantan, he knew that Cultivator Hantan was almost unable to hold on.

Gu Zheng is not a cold pool monk, even if he moves in the cross-shaped space, there is no problem. He knows where he can go and where he cannot go.

Waving the Elven Blade in his hand, Gu Zheng began to kill those keel skeletons that were trapped in the illusion. Although attacking these keel skeletons would break them out of the illusion, as long as it was within one or two strokes If you solve them, it doesn't matter even if they escape from the illusion, and although these keel skeletons have the strength of the early stage of Jinxian, Gu Zheng can indeed solve them within one or two attacks with the help of the elf blade Lose! After all, all skeleton monsters have a common weakness, that is the burning will-o'-the-wisp in their eyes.

The ghost fire is the original energy of the keel skeleton, and it is also a kind of yin fire. Gu Zheng's elf blade is covered with his real fire. As long as it penetrates into the yin fire of the keel skeleton, the yin fire in the keel skeleton's eyes will be under the intersection of yin and yang. It will go out in an instant. Moreover, in addition to using the blade of the elf to attack the keel skeleton, Gu Zheng's divine sense is not idle, and in such a situation where the enemy cannot move, Gu Zheng does not need to use the divine sense bird to attack them, and directly uses the body size to attack them. Smaller and easier to enter the light balls of divine thoughts in their eye sockets will do.

The keel skeletons fell one by one, and the pressure on the cold pool monks who were about to be unable to support themselves naturally became less and less.

Finally, more than twenty keel skeletons were all eliminated, and the cold pool monk who accepted the illusion let out a sigh of relief.

Brother Hantan is relaxed, but Gu Zheng has not relaxed, and it is time for him to make a decision.

Through the investigation of Gu Zheng, it is already known that the four passages are a door of life and a dead end, and the other two are dilemmas. There is only one treasure chest here, and that is at the door of life.

There were no keel skeletons in the eastern passage before, and the eastern passage was a dead end! Where there is no dead end, there are dragon bones and skeletons, but there is no dead end, which is very abnormal for Gu Zheng.

In addition to the abnormality of the dead end in the east, Gu Zheng also has a special feeling for this cross-shaped space. This special feeling points to the dilemma of the western passage. The meaning interpreted by Gu Zheng is that if Gu Zheng doesn't go there to have a look , he should have missed something, it felt the same as when he saw the skeleton nailed to the wall before.

After Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan about the matter, Brother Hantan said, "Is the master planning to go through the passage in the west first, and then go to the dead end in the east after getting out of the predicament in the west?"

In the view of the cold pool monk, the predicament of the ancient war is definitely going to go. After all, there is a lesson learned from the skeleton nailed to the wall. As for the predicament in the east, he is not sure what the meaning of the ancient war is. Well, anyway, if it was up to him to make a decision, he would not want to go to the dead end in the east, anyway, there is no treasure chest there, and it would be a waste of time to go there.

After bringing monk Hantan to the eastern passage, Gu Zheng stopped again. Because of the inability to penetrate the passage before, Gu Zheng didn't know what was in the passage. However, many things will change. Originally, the spiritual sense could not penetrate into the passage, but after the person has entered the passage, the detection of the divine sense will no longer be affected. I know a rough idea.

There is a thick fog in the passage, but the fog can't stop Gu Zheng's exploration. What really hinders Gu Zheng's investigation is that there is still a fairy formation in this passage!

Immortal formation blocked Gu Zheng's spiritual sense from in-depth investigation, but with Gu Zheng's practice in the formation method, it is already clear through the investigation of the formation outside the formation that this is a trapped formation, and there is no need to step into the formation The magic space is just outside the formation, and he can break the formation.

Breaking the formation requires immortal power. After Gu Zheng came to the edge of the formation, he began to break the formation. The immortal power shot out from his fingertips and acted on the basic structure of the formation.

However, the step of breaking the formation had just begun, and Gu Zheng stopped with a frown.

There is a formation space in the trapped formation. Since he has not stepped into the formation, Gu Zheng does not know whether in that trapped formation space is simply a trapped formation, or if there is something else. According to the current thinking, if you do not enter the formation space and directly destroy the formation outside, then after the formation is broken, the things that belong to the formation space will follow the destruction of the formation and disappear!

The original intention of Gu Zheng not wanting to enter the formation space was of course because he didn't want to waste time. After all, breaking a formation from the outside would take much less time than entering the formation space to pass through a formation. However, the fundamental reason why Gu Zheng came to this channel that represents the predicament is that he was guided by a special feeling, but if the things that correspond to the guidance of the special feeling exist in the formation space, he will not experience If the formation space is destroyed, then he must lose more than he gains.

"I've already arrived here. If it's just a simple trap, even if you go through it, you won't waste too much time. Even if it's not a simple trap, you shouldn't waste too much time entering it. It's better to go in and walk through it." , otherwise if you really miss something, it will be too late for regret.”

With the final decision in his mind, Gu Zheng took the monk Hantan into the formation space.

The vision in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan appeared in the formation space.

This place is like an underground world, with rock formations above the head, standing in a wide passage, and the left and right sides are also rock walls. Looking from a distance, there seems to be a huge underground abyss ahead.

Gu Zheng didn't rush to take a step forward, he used his spiritual thoughts to investigate the current space as usual, while the monk Hantan stood beside him carefully.

After a while, monk Gu Zhengwai dragged Hantan, who had finished his investigation, and began to move forward.

Through the investigation of Gu Zheng just now, I have already understood that this is just a simple trap. If you make a wrong step, you will be delayed at most, and the danger you will encounter will not be too serious.

Although even if he encountered danger, it would not be too serious, but Gu Zheng still led the monks in the cold pool along the correct path to snake forward.

The reason why he entered this trapped space was that Gu Zheng didn't want to miss something that might appear, so even if he already had enough understanding of this trapped space, he was still using his divine sense to move forward. He continued to explore, not wanting to let go of any clues that might exist.

It was precisely because of Gu Zheng's carefulness that when he came to the side of the abyss, he had already entered the abyss to investigate, and found something suspicious at the bottom of the abyss.

At the bottom of the abyss was a huge skeleton half-buried in the rock, and on the ribs of the humanoid skeleton, there was a skeleton chained.

Although the skeleton looks like a dead thing, when Gu Zheng used his divine sense to examine it carefully, Gu Zheng found that it was not actually a dead thing. The human-shaped skeletons that have been injured are like skeletons, in a state where they are about to run out of fuel.

The lessons learned from the humanoid skeleton are there, and Gu Zheng came to this trapped space to find clues, so he wanted to save the skeleton at the bottom of the abyss.

However, if he wanted to save the skeleton at the bottom of the stone wall, there were two problems facing Gu Zheng.

The first problem: the skeleton at the bottom of the abyss is not on the correct route to break the formation. If you want to reach it, some restrictions in the formation space will be touched, and it will produce a killer move. With the understanding of the law space, he believes that even if he produces a killer move, it will not be too powerful, but he still has no way of knowing what the killer move will be at that time.

The second question: If you want to save the skeleton, you need to have enough dead energy. Dead energy can be seen everywhere in the outer space, but there is no dead energy in the formation space, so for now, how to Gu Zheng has no good way to restore the exhausted skeleton at the bottom of the abyss.

The formation space is in a forbidden state, but it is not forbidden to descend. Gu Zheng led the cold pool monk to the edge of the abyss, and jumped directly into the abyss.

The abyss was very deep, and the wind was whistling in the ears of the two of them. Through the previous exploration of the divine sense, Gu Zheng already understood that if they want to descend to the bottom of the abyss, the process of falling will last for a minute. However, since the fall will trigger the restriction in the formation space, they will be able to know what the ultimate move caused by the triggering of the restriction is during the fall.

The restriction has been touched, and the ultimate move has appeared. After seeing the ultimate move that appeared, Gu Zheng couldn't help but applaud.

The so-called ultimate moves are not as strong as Gu Zheng speculated before, but the key point is that they can provide Gu Zheng with the death energy needed to heal the skeletons, because the so-called ultimate moves are a group of bats with skulls, and this The strength of the group of bats is only in the late stage of Void Return.

There are more than 30 of them in number, and their strength is only in the late stage of returning to the void. This kind of killing move, let alone the monks of the cold pool, would not pay attention to it, even Gu Zheng can easily deal with it.

So when those skeleton bats sprayed bone flying needles at Gu Zheng and them, Gu Zheng activated the Immortal Extermination Art to suck all the flying bone needles into the space in the palm of his hand.

The Bone Flying Needle was compressed into a ball by the space in Gu Zheng's palm, and after being kicked out by Gu Zheng, it turned into rays of light and flew towards the skeleton bats.

Hit by the light drawn by the white bone flying needle, all the frozen skeleton bats fell downwards. Gu Zheng once again played the immortal tactic, and all the skeleton bats exploded.

Gu Zheng, who had already landed at the bottom of the abyss, waved his hand, and he inhaled all the dead air generated by the death of the skeleton bat into his hand.

After compressing the dead air in his hand into a ball, he came to the side of the skeleton.

The chains on the skeleton were fixed on the ribs of the huge skeleton. Under the instruction of Gu Zheng, the cold pool monk grasped the chains with both hands and exerted force. The originally very hard chains collapsed in his hands.

Gu Zheng put the compressed dead energy into the eye sockets of the skeleton, and under the nourishment of the dead energy, the flames slowly ignited in the skull's eyes and gradually became stronger.

After about a minute, the flames in the skull's eye sockets stabilized, and Gu Zheng knew that it was already awake at this time.

"Enter, thank you for saving me."

The awakened skeleton was not surprised by its own situation, it even knew that Gu Zheng was the entrant.

"I saved you, so what help can you provide me? Or is there any benefit? Or can you answer some questions for me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I can help you, this is the only thing I can give you."

The skeleton reached out to Gu Zheng, and the five phalanxes of its right hand changed from white to golden yellow, and the shape of the phalanges changed into something like a nail.

Without saying anything, the skeleton disappeared without a trace, and its phalanx, which turned into a golden nail, fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"The original special feeling should refer to this thing!"

Gu Zheng accepted the five golden phalanges left by the skeleton, and he felt that there was an indescribable strange energy on these phalanxes.

Looking at the five golden finger bones in Gu Zheng's hand, Brother Hantan asked, "Master, how do I use this thing?"

"There are three floors in the tomb. We are now on the second floor, and there should be no obstacles here. According to my guess, these five golden finger bones should be used on the demon king on the last floor." " Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "Whether this is the case or not, we will only know when we see the demon king, let's leave here now!"

Although the formation space is in a forbidden state, it is not difficult for Gu Zheng and Hantan cultivators to return to the top of the abyss. They cannot use flying methods, but they can also climb to reach the top of the abyss. At their level, even the speed of climbing is dazzling.

After returning to the top of the abyss with the monks of the cold pool, Gu Zheng and them are already on the opposite side of the abyss, and the opposite of the abyss is directly on the rock wall with no road, but through the exploration of the spiritual sense, Gu Zheng has found the exit on the rock wall .

Putting his palm on the smooth rock wall, Xianli seeped into the rock wall from Gu Zheng's palm.

Under Gu Zheng's operation, a dark hole soon appeared on the originally smooth rock wall.

After leaving through the cave, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan returned to the cross-shaped passage of the dilemma.

At this moment, since there is no trapped formation, Gu Zheng's divine sense can directly detect the bottom of the passage, where there is a treasure chest.

The gold and silver treasures in the treasure chest were still stored in the world. After getting the treasure chest, Gu Zheng led the monk Hantan to the dead end in the east.

There is a strangeness in the dead end, what is the strangeness that Gu Zheng wants to see.


Even if he is a master of illusion, he has not really entered the dead end, and the cold pool monk already knows that there is illusion in that dead end.

"This illusion is generated by the illusion array, it seems that we have to enter the illusion array space."

Now that everyone has come here, of course he also wants to know what is wrong here, so he has to enter this phantom array space.

When encountering the phantom array before, Gu Zheng still needed to worry about the cold pool cultivator. At that time, the cold pool friar was weak in the illusion, but now he doesn't have to worry at all. He has already discovered through the investigation of the phantom array with his divine sense. , with the strength of this illusion, it will not be able to confuse the cold pool monk for a long time! As for himself, although his strength is not as high as that of the cold pool monks, his knowledge in the way of illusion is much higher than that of the cold pool monks.

After entering the illusion space, Gu Zheng was immediately attacked by illusion. The illusion here is a high-level illusion born from the heart. It can transform some things in Gu Zheng's heart, such as longing, urgency, fear, and joy. Yes, wait, wait, wait.

In front of Gu Zheng's eyes, the illusion created the Void Demon Lord, and the consciousness imposed on Gu Zheng was that Gu Zheng's mission had failed, and now he was going to face the Void Demon Lord's punishment.

Illusion from the Heart is indeed a high-level illusion, but the high-level illusion has experienced too much in the ancient battle, so he didn't have a few words with the Void Lord, and his experience in illusion had already given him birth. A heart of reflection.

What the illusion is most afraid of is reflection. As the saying goes, what is true cannot be fake and what is fake cannot be true. Everything created by illusion cannot withstand scrutiny, so the illusion array did not trap Gu Zheng for a long time, and was seen through by Gu Zheng up.

However, Gu Zheng has seen through the illusion, and the illusion will no longer affect him, but the illusion in this space still exists, and it can also affect other people in this space. After all, this is an illusion Space, in addition to illusion, it also has the principle of formation. If Gu Zheng wants to make the illusion here completely invalid, he can only find a way to break the space of this illusion. By destroying the space of formation, let the illusion here Completely disappear.

Illusion can't affect Gu Zheng, the scene presented in front of Gu Zheng is just a fog, the fog can not only reduce the visibility of Gu Zheng, but also the distance that Gu Zheng's divine sense can detect is extremely short , that is, Gu Zheng has yet to find out where the monks in the cold pool are.

However, although he didn't find out where Brother Hantan was, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry. Anyway, he believed that Brother Hantan could see through the illusion by himself. All he had to do now was to find a way to break the space of this formation.

Gu Zheng walked forward in the mist, and at the same time launched a spiritual probe. At this moment, although the monk in the cold pool has not yet broken free from the illusion, he has already developed a heart of reflection on the things he sees in front of him.

Brother Hantan was in grief, needless to say how much he missed his son, and Huan Youxinsheng's targeting of him still started with his son.

However, after thinking about it in his heart, looking at his son who was torn bloody by so many monsters, Brother Hantan no longer felt grief. Start with the sore spot!

When the eyes are closed and opened, everything created by the illusion in front of them disappears, and the picture that the monk in the cold pool sees is the same as that of Gu Zheng.

Brother Hantan is now good at illusion, which is still a shortcoming for the first step of the formation. He didn't dare to act rashly, so he stayed where he was. He knew that Gu Zheng was breaking the formation, and he could also sense it through the connection of the master-slave contract. No matter where Gu Zheng is, it's just that the fog is rather peculiar, and the voice can hardly be conveyed here, so he didn't call Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng has already found a way to break the formation. Although Brother Hantan did not call out to him, his brows have already frowned, because he discovered that in this illusion space, there is actually a person affected by the illusion, and This person is still his acquaintance!

With purple scales, a standing dragon-shaped body, and that huge dragon head, Gu Zheng recognized at a glance that the guy in front of him was his acquaintance, the male dragon monster.

The male dragon monster is a special monster encountered when Gu Zheng entered the four-way space for the second time when he was doing a mission in the cave of the Great Trench. After the mission was completed, the male dragon monster once said goodbye to Gu Zheng. , Gu Zheng also felt that they might meet again in the future, but he didn't expect it to be at this time.

The male dragon monster trembled and had a ferocious face. Gu Zheng knew that he was trapped by illusion at a glance, but he was still in a good mood to see him in this illusion space. After all, being able to meet old acquaintances here means that there will be something to gain, and this is the result of his making the right choice.

Gu Zheng is going to help the male dragon monster escape from the illusion, but to help the male dragon monster escape from the illusion, it is not as simple as awakening him directly! Because the illusion is produced in the space of the illusion array, the illusion will always exist as long as the illusion space is not broken, so even if the male dragon monster is awakened, his sobriety is only for a moment, because the continuous effect The illusion will make him trapped in the illusion again! After all, he is different from Gu Zheng, who sees through the illusion with his own ability, and the male dragon monster does not have the ability to see through the illusion, so it is not surprising that he will be affected by the illusion again. (end of this chapter)

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