The altar is dependent on the prohibition itself, and the double-headed snake uses the altar to launch the forbidden technique to restore its lost head and its dead subordinates to normal. When the restriction itself is broken, the altar collapses At that time, those things that originally depended on the altar to exist were all returned to their original shape.

After the death of the two-headed snake queen, its cyan head disappeared with the altar, and all its subordinates disappeared, and it itself was seriously injured.

"go to hell!"

Although I hated the Queen of the Double-headed Snake in my heart, no matter how you say it is a monster with intelligence, the son of the monk in the cold pool did not want to kill it easily. On the back head of the seriously injured double-headed snake.

As for the strength, the son of the monk Hantan is very accurate. Although his dragon claws launched a heavy blow, it will not kill the queen of the double-headed snake, but will only hit it to the brink of death, suitable for being searched. state of the soul.

The battle that seemed to take a long time to end ended like this. Except for the cold pool monk, the rest of the people were full of joy.

Gu Zheng put his hand on the head of the double-headed snake, and started searching for its soul. The cold pool monk went to fetch the purple lily on the water, while the slightly regretful cold pool monk watched from the sidelines.

Brother Hantan's cultivation base is about to be promoted. When he found the altar, he was very happy, because there were more than twenty basilisks on the altar, and these basilisks were all of the strength of the Golden Immortal realm. All the basilisks are converted into energy that can be used by him to improve his strength, so that his cultivation base can be promoted, but it is a pity that after these basilisks died, due to the unfortunate timing, he did not have time to use them. The dead basilisks were converted into energy that he could use to improve his strength, and when the dead basilisks were revived by the double-headed snake through the forbidden technique and died again, their bodies quickly turned into nothingness, really a bit of scum Nothing was left for Brother Hantan.

Gu Zheng had finished searching for the soul of the double-headed snake queen. Looking at the gloomy eyes of monk Hantan, he already knew what was going on in his heart.

"Don't worry, if there are no accidents, your strength will improve during the trip to the Hanging Mountain." Gu Zheng patted the shoulder of the monk who was afraid of Hantan: "Transform the queen of the double-headed snake into something that you can use to improve your strength." Energy, this can be regarded as a little gain.”

Although Brother Hantan was depressed, there was nothing he could do about it. He could only vent his anger on the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake, turning it into black particles scattered all over the ground through the supernatural power rendered in black, and then Inhale into the abdomen to improve your strength.

Everything that should be done has been done, and Gu Zheng and the others left the pool.

The mountain rat is still on Gu Zheng's shoulder, nibbling on the purple narcissus that came from Yimei.

The purple narcissus is not a natural treasure, not even a high-grade food, it is just a special medicinal material that is useless to the ancient war.

Although the purple narcissus is useless to Gu Zheng, it is of great use to the mountain rat. After eating the purple narcissus, an upgraded golden light burst out of its body. mid term.

Regarding the search for the soul of the queen of the double-headed snake, Gu Zheng knew something. He knew that they would only encounter thirty more basilisks until the top of the mountain guarded the barrier of the mountain fairy array, and one of them was They are the kings of the basilisk clan, and Gu Zheng naturally got some information about the basilisk king from the queen of the two-headed snake.

In addition, the most important information that Gu Zheng obtained from this soul search after the double-headed snake was to know what he needed to break the barrier guarding the top of the mountain.

On the way to the top of the mountain to guard the barrier of the Immortal Formation, Gu Zheng and the others did not encounter any basilisks again. This is also a rare calm, and it is also something that Gu Zheng knew before.

However, the calm was calm, but Gu Zheng stopped when he was relatively close to the barrier on the top of the mountain, because he already knew what he was about to face, so Gu Zheng wanted to set up a fairy formation here.

Everything on the Hanging Mountain only woke up after Gu Zheng arrived, and some even woke up when Gu Zheng approached, just like the group of monsters behind the double-headed snake that I saw at the bottom of the pool before. Before Zheng forced out the restriction itself, they were in a dormant state. As for the group of basilisks near the top of the mountain guarding the mountain barrier, they were also in a dormant state. When there was trouble, the basilisks there had no reinforcements.

Through the soul search of the double-headed snake queen, Gu Zheng knew that the basilisk at the barrier of the fairy formation on the top of the mountain was not guarding anything, but the kind that could move around after waking up, so Gu Zheng arranged it here With the formation of the fairy formation, when the time comes to introduce those basilisks into the formation, it will be easier to deal with it. After all, the strength of those ordinary basilisks is close to the middle stage of Golden Immortal. As for the king of the basilisk, his strength is even higher than that of the late Golden Immortal. It will not be easy to solve them without some means.

Gu Zheng didn't want to arrange a fairy formation, he wanted to arrange a total of three fairy formations, no matter what, he didn't have such a thing as a formation weapon in his hand, it was only through the outline of the formation patterns that he could arrange the fairy formations The strength is not enough, and what he wants to use the fairy formation to besiege are the basilisks whose strength is close to the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and the space of a fairy formation can't trap a few of them.

It took nearly half an hour for Gu Zheng to arrange the three fairy formations. If it weren't for the various restrictions in this space world, even the arrangement of fairy formations in a certain area could only have three at most. I also want to arrange two more.

All the preparations that should be done have been made, and Gu Zheng also explained how the father and son of the cold pool monks will fight in the future, so he hid in the dark and prepared to control the fairy formation. For Hantan monk and his son to do it.

Brother Hantan and his son had already seen the batch of basilisks in front of the barrier on the top of the mountain. They were in a petrified state in their sleep, but even so, it could be seen that ordinary basilisks were divided into three colors. In addition to the green scales and red scales, there is also a yellow-scaled basilisk. As for the king of this batch of basilisks, his body shape is the same as that of the previous two-headed snake queen, except that he has three heads in total, blue, red, and yellow.

The father and son of the cold pool monks originally planned to wait until they reached a suitable distance to launch an attack first, to see if they could cause damage to the petrified basilisk, but it is a pity that they did not wait for them to enter the suitable attack distance. Just wake up from the petrified state first.


The three-headed basilisk king screamed, and the three heads attacked at the same time.

The green mist sprayed from the blue head turned into a galloping tiger.

The glow from the red head turned into a bird like a vulture.

The yellow head didn't spit out anything, but the attack it launched came first, and the ground under the feet of the cold pool monk and his son suddenly sank. This head is good at earth magic.

In an instant, the son of the monk Hantan directly used the characteristics of the feather fairy clothes, and four colors of purple, white, gold and blue wings stretched out from his back.

The Hanging Mountain is a forbidden area, even if the son of the monk Hantan stretched out his wings here, it is impossible for him to fly.

However, the supernatural power of Feather Immortal Clothes determines that once the son of the monk Hantan uses his supernatural power, his strength can be improved from the middle stage of Golden Immortal to the late stage of Golden Immortal, and it will last for five minutes.

When the strength is improved from the middle stage of Golden Immortal to the late stage of Golden Immortal, all aspects of his attributes will naturally increase, which of course also includes speed, and with the speed of the late Golden Immortal, he can take his father and leave quickly. pit!

Originally, Brother Hantan's son's Fairy Feather Clothes, he didn't intend to use it now. After all, there must be more difficult dangers waiting for them on the top of the mountain, but seeing the three-headed basilisk king launching an earth magic attack, he decisively used the feather fairy clothes, and he had to solve it quickly Fighting is the only way, otherwise the earth magic has the possibility of destroying them!

"Be careful yourself!"

After taking his father out of the pit quickly, the son of the monk Hantan hurriedly explained a sentence, and immediately flapped his wings to deal with the immediate crisis.

The wings on the back of Brother Hantan's son have four colors, and each color corresponds to a different magical power.

The supernatural power corresponding to the purple wings is siege. This siege has two purposes. One is that it makes a barrier equivalent to an enchantment appear within a certain range, so as to imprison the enemy and fight him head-on. The second use is to besiege the opponent's attack. This siege method has a very powerful use. Before the battle against the bloody demon, the son of the cold pool monk did not use it, but now he is against the three-headed snake. The strange king used the characteristic of purple wings.

It was like a breeze blowing, whether it was a deep pit on the ground, or the green tiger and red vulture launched by the three-headed basilisk king, they were all trapped by a low-speed whirlwind!

For something like a black magic attack, it is either broken or dodged. It is very rare to be trapped like this, because the attack that traps the opponent seems to have no effect! However, the son of the monk Hantan doesn't think so. He knows that some monsters' attacks have a limit on the number of times they can be launched. This is not to mention monsters, even people have similar situations, such as Gu Zheng's teleportation, crazy knives, etc., etc., and these attacks with a limited number of times, once they are trapped by the magic power of the purple wings of Feather Fairy Clothes, they will often be unable to perform a second attack in a short period of time. time.

The three-headed basilisk king didn't know that Brother Hantan's son's fairy clothes with feathers had such a magical power. After seeing that the collapse stopped and the green tiger and red vulture didn't move, it wanted to launch the same attack again to deal with the cold Brother Tan and his son, but the supernatural power of the purple wings could not break through, and the result was that its three mouths just opened, and nothing could come out.

It doesn't matter if the three-headed basilisk king failed to spray out anything, but the son of the monk in the cold pool flapped his purple wings again. This time he used the first magical power of purple wings, which is to make within a certain range, become Form a barrier space. Moreover, this enchantment space was used very cleverly, but he and the three-headed basilisk king were trapped in the enchantment space together, which also forced a situation of soldiers against soldiers and generals.

Brother Hantan certainly knows what his son's purpose is for doing this, and he will certainly not disappoint his son's painstaking efforts. What he has to do now is to attract those ordinary basilisks to the fairy formation on Gu Zheng's side as soon as possible go.

Although the cold pool monk's group attack was not effective, in order to attract the attention of the basilisks, he still launched a dragon's breath attack towards the basilisks.

Some of the basilisks were originally going to attack the monk in the cold pool, but now seeing that he was the first to attack, they speeded up to swim towards him. As for the other part of the basilisks, they seemed a little hesitant. How much wisdom, but they also know the importance of protecting the king, but their king is trapped in the enchantment space by the son of the cold pool monk, and they can't see the king, so they can only attack the enchantment barrier.

However, the barrier space activated by the monk's son in the cold pool is very strong. Even Jinxian would have to attack for a period of time to break through it in the later stage. When the bloody demon wanted to escape, it must have escaped by smashing the barrier. Like the attacks of these basilisks today, because they only have the strength of the mid-term Golden Immortal, they want to break the enchantment barrier It takes a long time.

There are more than a dozen basilisks following Brother Hantan. As for the remaining basilisks attacking the barrier, Brother Hantan can't take care of them now, so he can only bring the group that followed him to the space of the Immortal Formation Let's solve it in the middle.

Gu Zheng is in an invisible state, but he can clearly see what happened to the cold pool monk and his son. When he saw the cold pool monk brought the ten basilisks to the formation area, Gu Zheng immediately cast a spell Definitely activate the fairy array, and the ten basilisks disappeared without a trace.

The ten basilisks that disappeared were naturally trapped in the formation space, but the formation arranged by Gu Zheng was not a killing formation, it was just a trapping formation, a more powerful killing formation, even without the help of formations and the like The ancient war between east and west can also be arranged, but in the space inside the fairy-level space fairy, the killing array is basically forbidden, so he can only use the trapped array to deal with the current situation. If he can use the killing array, He is not a fool, of course he knows that using the killing array can solve the problem more effectively.

The function of the trapped formation is only to siege. If you want to kill the basilisks inside, it depends on the monks Hantan and Gu Zheng. Since the basilisks are relatively powerful, they must hurry up and get rid of these basilisks. Otherwise, the basilisk might break through the formation space and get out of trouble.

Although the trapping formation only has the function of siege, as the person who arranges the formation, as long as he leaves a mysterious door when setting up the formation, he can freely shuttle in the formation space.

Gu Zheng is the one who arranges the formation. If he wants to use the formation to deal with the basilisk, he will naturally leave a mysterious life gate in the formation, and he also told the monk Hantan how to enter and exit the life gate.

Through the birth gate of the formation, Gu Zheng and monk Hantan entered the formation space. At this moment, the basilisks in the formation space are still relatively quiet. They have not realized that they are trapped in the formation space, and what is presented before their eyes The scenery is still the scenery on the mountainside, at least they can't find the person they are chasing.

Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng appeared right behind the basilisks, and they both attacked a basilisk at the same time. Gu Zheng used the flying bird of divine thought, and monk Hantan used a dragon tail strike.

Due to the huge disparity in strength, even Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka can do very little damage to the basilisk, but it is still better than nothing.

At the moment when the flying bird hit the basilisk, the dragon tail of the monks in the cold pool also flew the basilisk out. The basilisk they attacked was originally released at the end of the basilisk team. It also knocked down the basilisks in front of it after it was whipped away by the dragon tail of the monk in the cold pool.

Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan didn't love to fight. After the two succeeded in one blow, they immediately rushed towards the direction of Shengmen. In the formation space, the rays of light are bright, the poisonous mist is pervasive, the ground has collapsed, and the structure of the formation space has been slightly shaken due to the fact that it has suffered more attacks from the basilisk at the same time, but this is not a hindrance, because Gu Zheng and the others have already passed. Shengmen left, and after losing sight of the enemy, the basilisks stopped making unnecessary attacks.

However, the departure was only temporary, and Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan soon reappeared in the formation space, and the two appeared in different positions.

The location where Gu Zheng appeared was in front of most of the basilisks. As soon as he appeared, he used the flying birds of divine thoughts to attract the attention of these basilisks. The purpose was to pull these basilisks away from the previously attacked basilisk The distance between them is very convenient for monks in Hantan.

The place where the cold pool monk appeared was near the basilisk that had been sneak attacked before. When he suddenly appeared, he had already slapped the basilisk with his dragon claws, and the ink-colored supernatural powers were implanted in it again. .

Except for the basilisk that was attacked by the cold pool monk, the rest of the basilisks have already attracted the attention of Gu Zheng, but because the place where Gu Zheng appeared is far away from them, their attacks cannot fall On Gu Zheng's body, the only way to vent his anger is the bird of divine sense that attacked Gu Zheng.

Although the basilisks are much stronger than Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense is still not something they can destroy. Even if they are allowed to attack for a long time, the bird of divine sense will not be scattered.

When the basilisks were attacking the bird of the ancient fighting spirit, the cold pool monk had also reversed the strength of the basilisk that was alone, and it was approaching the state of the early golden immortal.

Strange spiral fluctuations emanated from the brain of the monk in the cold pool. He used his soul power to control the single basilisk, and ended its black-colored state in an instant, and the overall combat power of Gu Zheng and the others also It will be greatly improved because of the basilisk controlled by the cold pool monk.

The controlled basilisk attracts the attention of other basilisks, and the ancient deep south flying birds, including fire dragons, ice dragons, earth dragons and golden dragons, also come to disperse the attacks of the basilisks. With a good opportunity, he relied on the supernatural power of atomizing the dragon's body to start swimming among the basilisks, flicking the dragon's tail and waving the dragon's claws from time to time, implanting the black-colored supernatural powers into the bodies of those basilisks.

Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan are going to use the current combat method to eliminate all these basilisks in the formation space, and this method has been proved to be very effective through practice. Who makes these basilisks have no wisdom? It's hard to give full play to their own strength, not to mention that they don't know anything about formations, so they can't threaten the safety of Gu Zheng and Hantan monks at all.

In the beginning, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan occasionally needed to avoid the attack of the basilisk through the life gate of the formation, but when the number of basilisks under the control of Brother Hantan reached three, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan didn't need to. After shuttling back and forth in the formation space, their speed of cleaning up these basilisks became a little faster.

However, the so-called clean-up does not mean beheading these basilisks. What Gu Zheng wants is to let these basilisks be controlled by the cold pool monks, not to mention that the cold pool monks can control ten basilisks, even if they only control one of them When the next batch of basilisks are dealt with, their speed will become faster.

The story is divided into two parts. When monk Hantan and Gu Zheng dealt with the basilisk in the formation space, the basilisk outside the formation was also divided into two parts due to the situation.

Some of them are still tirelessly attacking the barrier of the enchantment space, and the other part is the basilisk that was attracted by the cold pool monks before, but after they found that the cold pool monks and their companions were missing, they wandered around the basilisks. Inside, part of it has strayed into the other two immortal formations set up by Gu Zheng.

In the enchanted space, the situation encountered by Brother Hantan's son was not very ideal. The three-headed basilisk king was very powerful. As soon as it entered the enchanted space, it shot a fan-shaped sight from three pairs of eyes. After sweeping the eyes of monk Hantan's son, monk Hantan's son's Feather Immortal Clothes supernatural power was banned!

The supernatural power of Feather Immortal Clothes was banned. This is of course not a good thing for Brother Hantan and his son, but things are not particularly bad. The three-headed basilisk king's ban on Feather Immortal Cloth's supernatural powers is temporary. Although this kind of ban prevents the son of the monk Hantan from using the magical power of the feather fairy clothes for a short period of time, it does not hinder the magical powers that have already taken effect. . Moreover, even Brother Hantan's son didn't expect that after the magical power of the Feather Clothes was banned, the usage time of the Feather Clothes would not be counted during the period of the ban!

Without the magical powers of the feather fairy clothes, the son of the cold pool monk can only fight with the magical powers he has already mastered. When the three heads of the three-headed basilisk king sprayed lightning at him again and again, he also An electric glow bubble was sent out to deal with it.

Lightning hit the electric glow bubble, and the electric glow bubble instantly absorbed the damage energy and exploded, and the explosion sounded in the enchanted space.

The son of the monk Hantan and the three-headed basilisk king each showed their supernatural powers, and it was really hard to tell the winner in a short time.

Just as the son of the monk in the cold pool and the king of the three-headed basilisk were engaged in an indissoluble battle in the barrier space, Gu Zheng had already dispelled the first fairy formation.

A total of ten basilisks were trapped in the first space of the fairy array. Among the ten basilisks, half of them died in battle, and the other five were controlled by the cold pool monks. (end of this chapter)

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