The Void Dragon Monster wanted to escape, but Gu Zheng's swung stick carried too much momentum, and that momentum gave him a feeling that no matter how he hid it was wrong, so it felt swayed in his heart, and used the dragon's head again Go to the ancient struggle.

Just like the last time it hit the ancient battle, the Void Dragon Monster's dragon head had that peculiar spiral wave.

However, although the time between the last collision and this collision is not long, it cannot be generalized at all. At that time, the void dragon monster was the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian's early stage, and even if it launched an attack casually, it was very powerful. Who made the ancient struggle at that time only have the strength of the late Jinxian period! However, now, the strength of the Void Dragon Monster is limited to the peak of the Golden Immortal, and the strength of Gu Zheng is also promoted to the peak of the Golden Immortal because of the Shocking Stick Technique. An immortal-level combat skill, the power of the fifth stick and the fourth stick are absolutely incomparable.



Loud noises and screams came out at the same time. The fifth stick of Gu Zheng's shocking stick method not only shattered the weird spiral wave on the head of the Void Dragon Monster, but also shattered one of its dragons when it hit its head. Horn, because it screamed.

The Void Dragon Monster's body was sent flying by the fifth stick of the Shocking Stick Technique. Its head was not only injured with broken horns, but also bloody and bloody from being hit by the flame stick! After all, the flame stick itself is a high-level fairy weapon, and when used in conjunction with the shocking stick method, its power is naturally even greater.

The fifth stick of the Heaven-shocking Stick Method caused the Void Dragon Monster to suffer considerable injuries. The Void Dragon Monster, who didn't dare to take another stick, activated a magical power that it had never used before when it was issued. .

The supernatural power launched by the void dragon monster is a kind of defensive supernatural power. Another phantom of the void dragon monster appeared on its body surface. That phantom was much more powerful than the current void dragon monster. And sharp dragon horns, and two heads!

The void dragon monster didn't use this kind of supernatural power before, that's because it hadn't healed from the backlash from the destruction of the fairyland. If it activates the supernatural power of the ancestral dragon phantom under such circumstances, it's tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst. The backlash injury became more serious after a while.

But now, the Void Dragon Monster has no choice but to use this supernatural power to save his life. It has been beaten so dizzy by the fifth stick of the Shocking Stick Technique that it can no longer launch any effective attacks. It raised the flame stick, the sixth stick of the shocking stick technique, which was obviously more lethal.

However, something happened that the Void Dragon Monster did not expect. Before Gu Zheng's sixth stick fell on it, a khaki-yellow light shot towards it.

The khaki-yellow light is the mountain rat, this special monster that wants to help Gu Zheng, has been waiting for the opportunity to enter the void dragon monster, but when this opportunity will appear, the mountain rat has no idea.

When it hadn't seen the Nether Dragon Monster before, the rat felt that it had to wait until the Nether Dragon Monster opened its mouth to roar if it wanted to enter the Nether Dragon Monster's body, but when the Nether Dragon Monster opened its mouth and roared, it had a special Feeling dangerous, I always feel that it is not an excellent opportunity to enter the void dragon monster.

But just now, when the Void Dragon Monster activated the supernatural power of the Ancestral Dragon Phantom, if the mountain rat had awakened its memory, it immediately concluded that this was its chance to make a move, so it shot towards the Void Dragon Monster .

The void dragon monster didn't take the mountain rat too seriously. It's just wishful thinking for this guy to break through the defense of its ancestral dragon phantom. After all, the protective state of its ancestral dragon phantom is comparable to that produced by the ancient struggle to destroy the immortal. The cyan shield is too powerful.

Things are always different from what you imagined. The void dragon monster screamed. Its ancestral dragon phantom protection seems to have no effect on the pangolin at all. It was easily pierced by the pangolin, so it also screamed. And the mountain mouse saw the needles, and successfully entered its belly from its open mouth.

If the rodent entered its belly, the void dragon monster was just a little shocked what it was doing, but when the rodent lay on the void stone in its body, it finally felt an unprecedented crisis.


With a loud noise, Gu Zheng's sixth stick hit the Void Dragon Monster's ancestral dragon phantom shield, and that kind of powerful collision made Gu Zheng's mouth hurt again.

The ancestral dragon phantom shield is too strong, not only was it not broken by Gu Zheng, but even Gu Zheng was thrown out.

Gu Zheng's heart trembled, the sixth stick of his shocking stick technique had extremely powerful destructive power, but it did not leave any obvious damage on the ancestral dragon phantom shield, which made him feel that he wanted to break it. The ancestral dragon phantom shield protecting the void dragon monster needs at least two times to deal damage like the sixth stick.

Gu Zheng rushed towards the Void Dragon Monster again, and raised the flaming stick in his hand again, he still wanted to deal with the Void Dragon Monster with the shocking stick method.

As long as Gu Zheng has enough immortal power to support him, Gu Zheng can use it countless times in a day. ! However, the Shocking Stick Technique also has a small disadvantage, that is, six sticks form a reincarnation. After performing the Shocking Stick Technique for a whole day, Gu Zheng's strength, which was promoted to the peak of the Golden Immortal, will become his true strength again. Strength, and with the use of the stick technique, his strength can be reincarnated in the golden fairy realm, and there is another limitation, that is, the characteristics of the shocking stick technique can only take effect when each attack hits the target, and there will be That kind of strength improvement.

When seeing Gu Zheng rushing again, the Void Dragon Monster was a little scared at first, no matter what, the destructive power of Gu Zheng's stick just now was too strong, but it suddenly discovered that Gu Zheng's momentum had weakened, This made it instantly understand that the terrifying combat technique of the Shocking Stick Technique is not without some disadvantages!

I understand, but the Void Dragon Monster does not intend to confront Gu Zheng. It knows that Gu Zheng is not easy to kill. Instead of fighting Gu Zheng in this state, it might as well choose to avoid it temporarily and wait until the cold When Brother Tan's suppression of its cultivation is over, it will not be too late for it to launch a counterattack against the ancient dispute.

Gu Zheng chased after the Void Dragon Monster and swung his stick three times before he hit the Void Dragon Monster once! After all, this is not the last blow of the sky-shocking stick technique, it is not so powerful, and the dexterous Void Dragon Monster can still dodge it, and in the process of his fighting with the Void Dragon Monster, the cold pool monk The son has been no help!

Brother Hantan's son didn't help, there was nothing he could do about it, not because he didn't want to help, but because every roar of the void dragon monster was actually a sonic attack. However, it was able to keep the son of the cold pool monk in a state of being unable to fight.

Moreover, the constant dizziness encountered by Brother Hantan's son will soon affect his father. As long as his father's state of being possessed by the void dragon monster ends, he will inevitably suffer from the void. Dragon monster's sonic attack.

However, before the possession of the void dragon monster completely fails, the cold pool monk's suppression of the void dragon monster's strength will fail first! After all, he only had half a minute to suppress the Void Dragon Monster's strength, and in this half minute, Gu Zheng was able to beat the Void Dragon Monster with so many sticks, which was considered very good.

As soon as Brother Hantan's suppression of the Void Dragon Monster's strength ended, the situation immediately reversed. The Void Dragon Monster, who was still being chased and beaten by Gu Zheng, immediately turned around and started chasing Gu Zheng! And Gu Zheng can only avoid it for the time being, even with the blessing of the shocking stick technique, his strength is no more than that of Jinxian in the late stage! After all, the shocking stick technique can only increase its strength when it hits the target. His second set of shocking stick technique only hit the void dragon monster once, and his strength is only in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

The Void Dragon Monster whose strength has recovered to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian is really terrifying. Even if Gu Zheng's speed is very fast, it is not as fast as it. The flaming sticks swung up to resist, and at the same time, two cranes of the Divine Mind ran towards it!

Although the Divine Nian Crane is a very powerful attack, it will not increase its power because of the improvement of Gu Zheng's strength. No matter how you say, Gu Zheng's current strength is obtained by using abnormal means such as the shocking stick method , and this increase in strength will not affect his Divine Sense Crane. Moreover, for a super powerful monster like the Void Dragon Monster, unless the attack of the Divine Crane hits its vital parts, the damage it can cause is not so considerable.

What is the weakness of the Nether Dragon Monster, Gu Zheng has already found out, except for its mouth, it is the reverse scale under its neck, and that reverse scale is related to the void dragon monster's ancestral dragon phantom shield, If you can use the Divine Crane to destroy the Nether Dragon's reverse scale, it will directly affect the duration of the Nether Dragon's Ancestral Dragon Phantom Shield, and it will also affect the reactivation of the Nether Dragon's Ancestral Dragon Phantom Shield .

Gu Zheng's flaming stick hit the Void Dragon Monster's tail, and did not cause any serious damage to the Void Dragon Monster. He flew upside down without any surprise, and the wet blood at the corner of his mouth turned bright red again . However, Gu Zheng's Spiritual Crane saw the right opportunity, and both of them pecked the Nether Dragon Monster's reverse scale with their mouths.

The divine mind cranes also have their own attack methods, and among their attack methods, pecking is more powerful than hitting. The two divine mind cranes pecked at the reverse scale of the void dragon monster at the same time, which made its originally sturdy reverse scale Lin, suddenly gasped, like the kind of blue smoke after being strongly corroded, causing its ancestral dragon phantom shield to sway for a while, which made Gu Zheng instantly understand that such an attack only needs to be launched once again, it is quite So he used the last stick of the shocking stick technique, and hit the void dragon monster's ancestral dragon phantom shield hard.

The divine mind cranes were able to peck the reverse scales of the Nether Dragon Monster because they had found the right opportunity, and when the Nether Dragon Monster was on guard, such an opportunity was no longer easy to find. Use the dragon claws to hinder the Divine Mind Crane, although this will hurt its dragon claws, but it can ignore that kind of injury.

Protecting Nilin with both claws and dancing wildly, the Void Dragon Monster launched another impact towards Gu Zheng. Facing the rushing Void Dragon Monster, Gu Zheng could only smash it with a flaming stick.

Even though Gu Zheng knew that he would be the one who would lose out against the Void Dragon Monster at this time, but he had no other choice!

First of all, the impact of the void dragon monster also has a very powerful momentum. Due to the existence of the momentum, Gu Zheng will feel that no matter how he hides, it is wrong. For a powerful attack, Gu Zheng would choose to use teleportation to avoid it if he didn't want to fight hard. However, the enemy he faced this time was a void dragon monster who is very good at the way of space. Don't dare to use it, once it is used, it will definitely be ambushed by the void dragon monster, and the situation will be even worse at that time. Although the monk's magical powers limit the teleportation of the void dragon monster, it cannot limit its ability to teleport. induction.

Secondly, recklessly fighting against the Void Dragon Monster also has its advantages. This will be the third stick of his second set of shocking stick techniques, and his strength will also be upgraded to the late Jinxian period.


There was another loud noise, and Gu Zheng still didn't break the ancestral dragon phantom shield of the void dragon monster, and he was knocked out by the void dragon monster again.

The cyan shield of the Extinguishing Immortal Art on the body surface was shattered, and even though Gu Zheng's stick had offset a lot of the impact power of the Void Dragon Monster, he still vomited blood when he was hit.

Whether it's a human or a monster, the blood in the body must be unstable at the moment of vomiting blood. The void dragon monster seized the opportunity and launched another collision towards Gu Zheng!

Faced with this situation, Gu Zheng could only dodge by teleportation. His qi and blood were indeed unstable, and he had no choice but to continue to fight with the Void Dragon Monster with a flaming stick at this time. He could only take a risky gamble. a handful.

Gu Zheng's body disappeared in place, and the Void Dragon Monster reacted very quickly. It was not affected by inertia at all, and once again ran towards the place where Gu Zheng was about to appear. This was the result that Gu Zheng could foresee.

He chose to do this knowing that this would be the result. Apart from having no better way, Gu Zheng pinned his hopes on his two divine cranes. He hoped that his two divine cranes would Nian Xianhe was able to drag the Void Dragon Monster, even if it was only for a moment, he would not be caught off guard when he reappeared! Therefore, when the Void Dragon Monster rammed towards the direction where Gu Zheng was about to appear, his two divine sense cranes flew towards the Void Dragon Monster's face.

The eyes are also the key point of the Void Dragon Monster, but Gu Zheng knew that it was impossible for the Crane of Divine Mind to hit him, so he didn't do this before, but now knowing that it was impossible, he had to let the Crane of Divine Mind do this. Done.


The Void Dragon Monster also had to guard against the two divine mind cranes that wanted to peck its eyes. It let out a roar, and it wanted to blow the divine mind cranes far away.

This is the Void Dragon Monster. If it were any other monster, it would be impossible to blow away Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane with a single roar! However, since the Void Dragon Monster has the ability to inhale Gu Zheng's divine thoughts into its mouth, it also has the ability to blow away his spiritual thoughts.

However, Gu Zheng's divine sense cranes are not ordinary divine sense incarnations, and teleportation is also a magical power that it has mastered, so their figures disappeared in an instant.

The void dragon monster is very aware of its sensitivity to space. The disappearance of the two divine mind cranes will attack its eyes when they reappear. This makes it have to temporarily give up the attack on Gu Zheng and protect its own eyes instead. After all, the eyes are also the key point, if it tries to attack Gu Zheng even if it is injured, then it must be the one that suffers.

Void Dragon Monster is really annoyed to death against things like the Divine Sense Crane. Even if it is as powerful as it, it doesn't have a good countermeasure. If it wasn't like this, it would have wiped out Gu Zheng's Divine Sense Crane long ago .

The void dragon monster avoided the divine crane, and the divine crane naturally didn't peck its eyes. As for the attack that landed on it, the damage it could do to its body could be ignored temporarily.

It can be said that he was rescued by two divine mind cranes, and Gu Zheng, who was able to breathe, immediately cast the shield of the Immortal Extermination Art, and when fighting monsters of the level of the Void Dragon Monster, he must do a good job of protecting himself. With a stick, he is ready to throw the fourth stick of the second set of shocking stick techniques at the void dragon monster!

However, when Gu Zheng raised the flame stick, something bad happened!


The cold pool monk who was originally possessed by the void dragon monster suddenly let out a scream. He was forced to leave the void dragon monster's body before the time for possessing it was up. He was broken by the void dragon monster. up.

The Void Dragon Monster is really powerful, how could it be possessed by the monks of the cold pool, but the supernatural power of the monks of the cold pool contains a trace of the power of law, so that it is difficult to resist, otherwise with its ability, it will instantly The cold pool monk can be thrown out.

However, even if it contained a trace of the power of law, the void dragon monster still terminated it in advance before the statute of limitations for possession had expired.

The possession state was broken, and the monk Hantan also suffered a serious backlash. He fell to the ground and passed out immediately.

Without the restriction of the possessed state, the Void Dragon Monster can finally display its spatial supernatural power freely, and it let out a dragon roar happily! As far as it is concerned, as long as the spatial supernatural power is not restricted, then it can kill the reptile Gu Zheng in a matter of minutes.

With a violent flick of the dragon's head, the Void Dragon Monster looked at Gu Zheng with icy eyes. It is now coming to end Gu Zheng's life.

Gu Zheng's strength was weak, but he still looked mighty. The blood on the corner of his mouth was not dry, and he was not afraid because the void dragon monster took back the space magic power. He still smashed the flame stick in his hand towards the void dragon monster. go!

It stands to reason that there is no reason not to be afraid of Gu Zheng, and the fact is exactly what the Void Dragon Monster thought, as long as its space supernatural power is not restricted, it will be a very simple matter to kill Gu Zheng, but knowing that The reason why Gu Zheng is not afraid of this is because he received the sound transmission from the mountain rat.

The mountain mouse has been in the belly of the void dragon monster for a while, and it has been trying to find a way to deal with the void stone in the void dragon monster during this time. In a sense, the void stone is equivalent to the void dragon. The original energy of the monster.

It's a pity that the combination of the Void Stone and the Void Dragon Monster is too good. The mountain mouse couldn't find a way to seal the Void Stone for a while, but just before it told Gu Zheng, it found a way and was finally able to seal the Void Stone. The void stone is sealed. (end of this chapter)

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