"It's now."

Gu Zheng sent his voice to the monk's son in the cold pool, and his Immortal Extermination formula was also released, and the effect of space sealing came into being.

However, through contact and observation, Gu Zheng knew that the space ban of the Immortal Extermination Art alone cannot affect the one-eyed skeleton. In a sense, space is like its fairyland! The space seal that is easy to use outside is not easy to use here. It is like someone going to launch a space seal in the fairyland of Guzheng. Naturally, it is not an easy task.

Brilliant wings unfolded from the back of his son of Brother Hantan. He used the supernatural power of the fairy clothes of feathers, and flapped the blue wings. On the basis of the existing space ban, he added another layer of ban.

No matter how low the intelligence of the one-eyed skeleton was, when the two space barriers blessed it in its fairy formation space, it already knew that something was wrong. It roared angrily, and turned its head to look at the father and son of the cold pool monk.

Originally, the One-eyed Skeleton didn't pay attention to the two enemies affected by the cursed force, the father and son of the cold pool, but now it finds that these two guys that it didn't pay attention to are actually quite hateful.

Brother Hantan doesn't know what the one-eyed skeleton thinks. If he knows what the one-eyed skeleton thinks, he will feel extremely wronged, because since he entered the third layer of immortal formation, he has completely reduced from a militant to a pure victim. Those who are still lying on the ground and twitching until now.

Gu Zheng raised the Skyscraper stick and threw it at the one-eyed skeleton. This was the last blow of his round of shocking stick technique, and it was also the most powerful blow.

In an instant, three things happened one after another.

The first thing: the one-eyed skeleton launched an attack, but this time the attack it launched was not aimed at Gu Zheng, but at the cold pool monk and his son. A thick black beam of light shot out from its eye socket. This beam of light will The cold pool monks were all within the attack range.

The second thing: due to the space being blocked, the one-eyed skeleton, which could not move instantly, was hit heavily on the head by the last blow of Gu Zheng's shocking stick technique, which directly smashed its head into pieces.

The third thing: In order to stop the black beam of light shooting towards their father and son, the son of the monk in the cold pool flickered his white wings, and the rebounding supernatural power of his white wings bounced back the black beam of light.


Brother Hantan's son let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, his magic power in the feather fairy clothes is relatively strong. Otherwise, like the attack of the black beam of light just now, he really doesn't know how to deal with it in his current state, even if he can escape , and his immobile father would be attacked by that black beam of light.

Skeleton monsters are undead monsters, and the only way to kill them directly is to hurt the will-o'-the-wisp in their eyes.

The one-eyed skeleton's head was smashed by Gu Zheng, but it wasn't really dead. Its natal will-o'-the-wisp rushed out of the broken bones on the ground as fast as a meteor.

The natal will-o’-the-wisp of ordinary ghosts is very fragile and does not have any lethality, but the one-eyed skeleton is different, its natal will-o’-the-wisp is extremely lethal.

They have already been forced out of their natal will-o'-the-wisps, and the one-eyed skeleton is naturally too angry. It didn't blame itself or Gu Zheng for all the reasons, but vented its anger on the cold pool monk who couldn't move on the ground. The cold pool monk was killed, so its natal will-o'-the-wisp rushed towards the cold pool monk.

However, for Gu Zheng, the opportunity to upgrade his life to the dark cyclone again has come. He who stimulated his life to the dark cyclone made the vortex appear from his abdomen. The powerful suction has a kind of restraint from the source. The unaffected one-eyed skeleton, its natal will-o'-the-wisp was pulled back by the whirlpool in Gu Zheng's abdomen after all, and in the process of pulling, it was torn into strands.

Under normal circumstances, the natal ghost fire of ghosts cannot be absorbed by Gu Zheng's darkest cyclone, because it is not a pure energy.

The natal will-o'-the-wisps of ordinary ghosts are no longer pure energy, like ghosts that can cast curses, their natal will-o'-the-wisps are even more impure!

However, this may be an opportunity for the entrants, a four-level fairy formation, the first and third level monsters, all have extremely pure dark attribute energy sources, this is really an opportunity for the ancient struggle.

Although Gu Zheng hadn't completely absorbed the one-eyed skeleton's natal will-o'-the-wisp, the one-eyed skeleton was sure to die. The natal will-o'-the-wisp had been pulled into silk, and it could no longer give birth to any resistance.

However, the one-eyed skeleton couldn't resist, but a new variable appeared. The cold pool monk who was lying motionless on the ground suddenly jumped up and attacked his son. Once he was hit by his slap, then The rendered ink color will take the opportunity to bury it.

Originally, the son of the monk Hantan still felt distressed. This is only the third level of the four-level fairy formation. He has already activated the magical power of the feather fairy clothes, but at this moment he is very fortunate that he has activated the feather fairy domain Otherwise, in his current state of struggling to resist the power of the curse, he would have no power to fight back against the palm of his father! However, now that the magical power of the Feather Immortal Realm has been activated, the son of the monk Hantan has a way to deal with his father.

With the purple wings flapping behind him, Brother Hantan's son used the magical power of the purple wings to surround his father, and he also avoided his father's palm, which hit the barrier space on the palm of the hand.

The enchantment space is very strange. It was cast by the son of Brother Hantan. Its size is within the allowed range, and it is also controlled by Brother Hantan and his son. Therefore, the current Brother Hantan is like being controlled by his son. It's like closing a small black house.

Trapped in the enchanted space, the monk Hantan not only did not become manic, but gradually came to his senses. After all, the barrier of the enchantment space is very special. It can isolate the continuous curse power. Without the continuous curse power to harm the cold pool monks, the cold pool monks can at least regain consciousness. As for the remaining curse in the body He still needs a certain amount of time to get rid of it.

Looking at his father trapped in the enchanted space, the son of the cold pool cultivator felt a little envious. Compared with his father, he was struggling to support himself in an environment where the power of the curse continued.

However, the son of the monk in the cold pool did not make him suffer for too long, because Gu Zheng had already completed refining and absorbing the one-eyed skeleton's natal will-o'-the-wisp, and the one-eyed skeleton was completely dead at this moment.

The one-eyed skeleton is the eye of the third layer of the fairy formation, and the space of the formation is paralyzed when the eye is destroyed, and a crack is opened in the void leading to the last layer of the fairy formation.

Not in a hurry to enter the last layer of immortal formation immediately, Gu Zheng understood that the crack that existed here would take at least one meal to disappear, and he still had things to do during this meal.

The son of the monk Hantan is panting. After the formation space is paralyzed, there will be no continuous attack of curse power. After struggling for such a long time, he is much more relaxed in an instant. He almost fell down when his body softened. on the ground.

"Receive the enchantment space, I will help your father get rid of the power of the curse first."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the son of the monk Hantan also lifted the barrier space.


Looking at the approaching Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan had a pained expression on his face, the power of the curse was still raging in his body, although it would not make him lose his mind again, it could make him very uncomfortable.

Gu Zheng didn't say much, he put his hand on the head of the monk in the cold pool, and began to use the tranquilizing technique to help him get rid of the power of the curse in his body.

After a while, the power of the curse in the body of the monk Hantan was cleared. As for the injuries he suffered from the power of the curse, because of his own special reasons, he released some of the monster resources stored in the treasure when he could use the treasure. , he passed the transformation of ink color rendering, and he was able to transform those monsters into energy to restore his own injuries.

Gu Zheng put his hand on the head of the monk Hantan's son again, and also used the calming technique to help him get rid of the curse power residue in his body.

"Master, what's the harvest this time?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

"The harvest is not bad. If there is another monster like the one-eyed skeleton and the ghost-headed crow that can absorb the original energy, then my natal dark cyclone will transform into the natal dark source." Gu Zheng Said.

"I really didn't expect that when I was in Xuankong Mountain the day before yesterday, the master just opened up the natal to dark cyclone, but now your natal to dark cyclone is about to become the source of natal to dark, this is really gratifying and congratulatory Things." The son of the monk Hantan said excitedly.

"Don't get too excited, it's not good for me to help you remove the remnants of the curse power in your body with the tranquilizing technique." Gu Zheng said so, and then said: "Things will not go so smoothly, the last monster of that level , who knows when we will meet."

"Maybe we met at the last level of the quadruple fairy array?" The son of the monk Hantan smirked.

"Don't dream, this is not a matter of luck, but a matter of setting. The original owner of the space fairy, his setting will not make the entrants too smooth." Gu Zheng took it for granted.

"Although the gains this time are not expected, we also paid a lot. You used the supernatural powers of the Shenlong domain, and you also used the supernatural powers of the fairy domain before, and I used the supernatural powers of the feather fairy domain. These four levels For the last stage of the Immortal Formation, we don't have many cards to use." Said the son of the monk Hantan.

"It shouldn't matter. Based on my perception of the space world at this stage, even if our strength doesn't have those hole cards, we can still deal with almost all dangers. After all, in the first area of ​​the third stage, even if the strength reaches gold We haven't encountered any monsters in the late immortal period."

While speaking, Gu Zheng also used the calming technique to help the son of monk Hantan to dispel the remaining power of the curse in his body.

Without staying longer in the current space of the fairy array, Gu Zheng led the father and son of the monk Hantan towards the crack.

"Since the last level of the immortal formation is still a killing formation, there is no danger of making a wrong step."

About to enter the next level of the Immortal Formation, Gu Zheng can be regarded as a daily explanation to the father and son of the monk Hantan.

Through the crack in the void, Gu Zheng led the father and son of the monk Hantan into the last level of the four-fold immortal formation.

The vision in front of them alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng and the others came to a brand new environment. The last scene in Sichongxian Town was a scene in the sea area, which looked like an underwater relic, and many ruins could be seen.

Gu Zheng was a little worried, but what he was worried about was not the fact that he could not use the treasure here, but that there was a certain limit to the spiritual sense here, and the distance it could detect was very small, and more importantly, the last immortal The array turned out to be a random teleportation, and he was separated from the father and son of the monk Hantan.

I was worried, but Gu Zheng was more fortunate. Before entering the last immortal formation, he had explained to Brother Hantan and his son. Otherwise, the father and son of Brother Hantan might be scared in the face of being separated. Don't dare to move around.

"All right!"

Just a little rejoicing in his heart, Gu Zheng shook his head helplessly. He has not yet used his divine sense to complete the investigation of the last layer of the fairy formation, and the ultimate move in the fairy formation has already been activated. This must be because of the father and son of the monk Hantan. They moved, which made Gu Zheng even a little suspicious, whether it would be better without those words before leaving, so that at least the father and son of the cold pool monk can restrain themselves a little.

Gu Zheng guessed right, it was indeed because someone activated the ultimate move of the Immortal Formation, and the person who activated the ultimate move of the Immortal Formation was the monk Hantan.

However, Brother Hantan didn't activate his ultimate move because he moved, he launched an attack.

The place where the cold pool monk appeared was in the center of the scene of the underwater ruins. It was very close to a huge stone sculpture, and that huge stone sculpture looked very much like a blue-finned mermaid.

The blue fin mermaid is a kind of monster. This monster is only female, and each of them is very beautiful. There are blue dorsal fins like wings growing behind them.

When he saw the stone sculpture of the blue-finned mermaid, Brother Hantan discovered that the stone sculpture, whose eyes were closed, had opened its eyes.

This is another principle believed by monks in the cold pool, so he launched an attack on the stone sculpture of the blue fin mermaid that he believed to be a monster. Above the mermaid stone sculpture.

The blue-finned mermaid stone sculpture is indeed a monster, and it is also the biggest killing move in the last layer of the fairy formation. Although the monk in the cold pool did not move, he attacked her, which can be regarded as indirectly activating the last layer of the fairy formation.

Without being hit by the fishbone from the sky that dragged the cold pool monk, the blue-finned mermaid, which had ended its petrified state in an instant, rushed directly towards the cold pool monk.

The blue fin mermaid did two things in the process of rushing down the cold pool monk.

The first thing: when the bluefin mermaid's tail flicked, the extremely peculiar fluctuations hit the light array of the fishbone from the sky from bottom to top, and the light array instantly became distorted under the attack of the fluctuations, thus losing its original shape. Ability.

Second thing: The bluefin merman spits a stream of bubbles at Brother Chilling.

The bubbles spit out by the Blue Banner Mermaid, even though they are not surrounded by electric lights, give the cold pool monks a very familiar feeling, so the cold pool monks believe that these bubbles of the blue fin mermaid also have the ability to absorb damage and explode.


Cultivator Hantan let out a cold snort, his body swayed, and some of the scales on his body fell off, and these scales flew towards the air bubbles spit out by the blue banner mermaid like a hidden weapon.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The protruding air bubbles of the Blue Banner Mermaid can really explode, but because its own strength is only in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, the bubbles it spit out not only failed to harm the monks in the cold pool, but even the scales of the monks in the cold pool were damaged. Failed to blow up.

However, Brother Hantan's attack on the blue-finned mermaid at the same time was not just the fish scales that fell off from his body, he also launched an illusion on the blue-banner mermaid! After all, the blue-finned mermaid is as strong as him, and he has a high success rate for launching illusions. Even if the illusion can only trap the blue-banner mermaid for a moment, the scales he activated a second earlier can also drive people away. Deal one damage.

Brother Hantan's illusion had an effect on the blue-finned mermaid. The blue-finned mermaid that was flying towards him closed its eyes and stopped moving because of the direct effect of the illusion.

Brother Hantan didn't want to use illusion to kill people directly, because it was a very slow method, so he let his scales fly directly towards the vital parts of the bluefin mermaid.

The scales of the monk in the cold pool were as sharp as a blade, and after hitting the vital point of the blue-finned mermaid, the blue blood of the blue-finned mermaid immediately splashed out.

The defense of the blue-finned mermaid was higher than expected by the cold pool monks. This wave of scale attacks did not cause much damage to it, and because of the attack, the blue-finned mermaid broke free from the illusion.

Brother Hantan frowned again, and he once again launched an illusion attack on the blue banner mermaid.

Under normal circumstances, if the enemy can see through the illusion cast by the illusion caster, then at least in a short period of time, even if the same illusion caster casts different types of illusions, it is impossible for the same seer to fall into it again. illusion. However, if the illusion is not seen through by oneself, but wakes up under the influence of external forces, such as the blue fin mermaid who wakes up because of being attacked, then even if the illusion crystal is launched immediately on this kind of person, it will still be the same. Has a very high success rate! After all, this kind of person was able to wake up from the illusion before, not because of his strong ability to see through the illusion, but only because of external force.

Things didn't go as smoothly as imagined, and the illusion that monk Hantan used on the blue-finned mermaid was quickly seen through by the blue-finned mermaid.

The body of the blue-finned mermaid disappeared in place, and the scales that the monks in the cold pool were going to attack naturally lost their attack targets.

Cultivator Hantan's heart trembled. There were two kinds of monsters he didn't want to deal with the most. One was good at sonic attack, and the other was the guy who was good at the way of space. So he quickly put on a defensive posture, but let him Unexpectedly, the bluefin mermaid seemed to have disappeared, and he couldn't wait for it.

The blue fin mermaid didn't appear because he gave up attacking the cold pool monks. Illusion is a very annoying technique. Although it was able to wake up from the illusion just now, it actually launched a secret technique , and paid a little price for this, so he temporarily let the cold pool monk go, anyway, with the last layer of fairy formation, the target it can hunt and kill is not only the cold pool monk.

Although there was monk Tuo Hantan in Guzheng who said that there is no danger of being afraid of making mistakes in the last layer of the immortal formation, but monk Hantan still chose to stay where he is. In his opinion, moving may make mistakes. Just standing where he was, he believed that Gu Zheng would find him. Moreover, Brother Hantan didn't know that the bluefin mermaid had given up on him, and he still felt that by staying put, he could avoid being attacked by the bluefin mermaid.

"Are you still coming or not?" Brother Hantan wondered.

However, just when the monk in the cold pool was wondering, a monster finally appeared within his line of sight, but the monster that appeared was not the blue-finned mermaid that had just fought with him, but a dozen or so that looked like Seahorse, a seahorse warrior wearing golden armor.

The seahorse fighters are the little killing moves in the last layer of the fairy formation. When the bluefin mermaid gave up the cold pool monks, it had already given orders to these seahorse fighters through its means. It asked these seahorse fighters to come and deal with the cold pool monks. Make his life so easy.

"You can't blame me for being cruel and merciless!"

Putting on a forced and helpless posture, in fact, the monk Hantan has a beautiful heart. The simple fight with the Lan Banner just now made his blood boil like a militant.

The seahorse warriors have strong defensive power, and even if they are huge in their hands, their destructive power can be regarded as relatively outstanding among monsters of the same level, but it is a pity that among the dozen or so seahorse warriors, there is only one seahorse warrior. When the strength reaches the early stage of Golden Immortal, the remaining ones are really not enough.

Brother Hantan will not be soft-hearted because of the low strength of these seahorse monsters. He wants to give these seahorse warriors who dare to come to his door a good moment. He is going to control all these dozen seahorse monsters. Anyway, the strength of these seahorse monsters Not too high, not to mention controlling a dozen, even if the number is doubled, he can still control it.

At the same time, the son of the monk Hantan was fighting, dealing with the attack of a group of blue-finned mermaids. Although there were dozens of blue-banner mermaids in this group, only two of them had reached the golden fairy realm. And they are all just the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal in the early stage.

The group of blue-finned mermaids that attacked Brother Hantan's son also belonged to the last small killer move in the fairy formation. However, their strength was not enough. Under the stormy attack of Brother Hantan's son, they came here to send vegetable.

Launching the air blast, the reaper Little Blue Banner Mermaid's life, the corner of the cold pool monk's son's mouth, sneered indistinctly.

Brother Hantan's son's soul power has mutated three times, and the detection effect is very similar to that of divine sense, and even surpassed divine sense in some places. Because of this, he found a big guy lurking nearby. It was waiting for the opportunity to sneak attack him.

The big guy that Brother Hantan's son sensed was the big blue-finned mermaid who didn't want to deal with his father and wanted to find someone else to hunt and kill.

Like a father, like a son, if you strike first, you will be strong, and then you will suffer disaster. This is the most reasonable saying that Brother Hantan told his son, and his son has thoroughly implemented this wise saying.

Brother Hantan's son's dragon mouth opened, and three dragon-shaped lightnings spewed out one after another, and implanted ideas when the three dragon-shaped lightnings spewed out, letting them know that the next enemy appeared to attack.

After brewing a super electric glow bubble, the son of the cold pool monk was not stingy, and he directly appeared beside the big blue fin mermaid through teleportation.

The big blue banner mermaid was startled, it didn't understand how the son of the monk in the cold pool saw through its stealth technique.

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