The number of space monsters is not much, and the cold pool cultivator is also free. He first summoned four clones and let them stay in the position where the monsters might escape, so that when the monsters escape, he can switch the main body in an instant.

Brother Hantan launched an attack. His attack method this time is different from the past. Anyway, the environment where the monster is located is also different from before. It is hidden in the gaps in the stone walls of the Great Trench, and the stone walls of the Great Trench are affected by the power of law. Many of his attack methods can't produce much effect in this environment.

The cold pool cultivator launched a soul power attack. After his soul power has mutated twice, he can already use it as an attack. Therefore, the attack supernatural power he comprehended this time is relatively small, and it is used to kill space. The monster is not suitable, but he used his soul power to attack the super space monster hidden in the crack of the stone wall, at least it can make it painful, not to mention that soul power has similar characteristics to divine thoughts, so there are very few magic spells. The soul power that cannot be harmed by the law, so the monks in the cold pool have no worries.

The soul power went deep into the crevice of the Great Trench and acted on the super space monster, giving it a feeling like a sword stabbing. Although this feeling would not kill it, it could hurt it and make it very pain of.

Without any hesitation at all, the super space monster that turned into a mist rushed out from the crack in the stone wall. The cold pool monk who had been prepared for a long time frowned at the moment it rushed out of the crack in the stone wall, and the black magic immediately acted on it. body.

Cultivator Hantan is an expert in body atomization. For him, the atomization of super space monsters in front of him is indeed a bit of suspicion, and under the effect of its sorcery, the atomized super space monsters also solidify instantly. Brother Hantan seized the time and swung his tail up.

Brother Hantan's dragon tail sent the super space monster flying away, but his brows that had been stretched just now were frowned again.

Every time the cold pool monk uses his dragon tail to attack the enemy, he will implant the ink color that can be rendered into the enemy's body. This time he attacks the super space monster is no exception, but the real situation is, goodbye mod net super space When the monster was implanted, he clearly felt a kind of resistance, and that weird resistance bounced out the ink color that he originally wanted to implant into the super space monster.

It didn't get entangled with the cold pool monk at all. Taking advantage of the opportunity of being sent flying by the cold pool monk's dragon tail, the super space monster turned into a beam of light. It was an attitude that just wanted to escape.

The monks in the cold pool were a little shocked. This super space monster that can only escape is really extraordinary. It is completely different from the super space monster they have encountered before. It does not seem to have much combat power, but for damage Its immunity to terror has reached a certain level. Not only can it avoid the damage caused by the ink-colored supernatural power, but even the dragon's tail blow from the monk in the cold pool just now didn't seem to cause any damage to it.

Seeing the fleeing super space monster, the cold pool cultivator immediately used the supernatural power of the fishbone from the sky, and the light array appeared on the top of the super space monster, and followed it like a shadow, one after another flickering with cold light The fishbone fell from the sky, and each one had the power of a golden immortal's mid-term strike.

Immediately afterwards, monk Hantan launched a chase for the super space monster.

Although the super space monster is one step ahead, monk Tuohantan has already made preparations before the battle. The avatar he had arranged in advance played a role at this time. With his mind, his real body and avatar were switched. , Appearing in front of the super space monster, he directly activated the supernatural powers that he could control.

When monk Hantan fights alone with monsters, he seldom uses this kind of supernatural powers that can control monsters, and the reason why he is doing this to this super space monster is actually forced to do nothing, Mo Se Rendering supernatural powers is useless against super space monsters, and his dragon tail attack is also ineffective. As for the heavenly fishbone supernatural power he launched a moment ago, it was also smashed by super space monsters. The strange fluctuations emanating from his body, the light array that would have followed him like a shadow, had disappeared before the cold pool monk came over.

Cultivator Hantan's supernatural ability to control monsters is also a kind of supernatural power of soul power. The existence of the same level, monks in Hantan can basically control it. This is still in the past, and the situation of his soul power after the second mutation is not counted. . After all, manipulating supernatural powers is originally a supernatural power of soul power, and if the soul power is enhanced, the upper limit of manipulation will naturally increase accordingly!

However, at the beginning, Brother Hantan didn't use his magical powers to deal with this super space monster because he had a feeling that his magical powers would not be very effective against this super space monster.

Facts have proved that Brother Hantan's feeling at the beginning was correct. When he applied the manipulative supernatural power to the super space monster, strange ripples appeared from the super space monster again, easily dispelling his control Power.

Cultivator Hantan was going crazy, he had never seen such a strange monster before, it felt like he couldn't get into it.

There is no good way, even knowing that illusions are not effective for spirit bodies, monks in the cold pool can only try to use illusions to deal with super space monsters at this moment.

There are discrepancies between the facts and the imagination. The effect of the cold pool monk's illusion on the super space monster is not bad, but it has no effect at all. The ripples on the super space monster seem to be able to offset all invisible s damage.

Brother Hantan is completely at a loss. All the means he can use are useless against this super space monster, but he is not fighting alone. When he realizes that he is attacking at this time.

The person who played the Jue was Gu Zheng. Although he was beheading the remaining ordinary space monsters just now, he was also paying attention to the situation on the side of the monk in the cold pool. When he escaped in his hands, he also chased after him, and concocted the kind of magic that could immobilize the enemy.

A strange scene occurred in the dark sea water. Although Gu Zheng's Immortal Extermination Art was not destroyed by the ripples on the super space monster, its power was reduced by more than half in the process of approaching the super space monster, so When it fell on the super space monster, the effect of immobilizing the super space monster was only to slow down the speed of the super space monster, that's all! Moreover, the attack of Gu Zheng's Exterminating Immortal Art seems to have brought an absolute sense of crisis to the super space waist. It showed a transcendent speed that had never been seen before, and disappeared from Gu Zheng's sight like a stream of light. within range.

Gu Zheng and the others were all shocked. The speed at which the super space monster fled just now had already surpassed the speed of Gu Zheng's flying crane. They had never seen such a terrifying speed before.

"This super space monster is extraordinary!"

Looking at the direction in which the super space monster is escaping, a special feeling also arises in Gu Zheng's heart, and his interpretation of this special feeling is that if this super space monster is let go, it will be a loss for him. thing.

"Master, what should we do now?"

The son of the monk Hantan has also come close, and the remaining ordinary space monsters have all been eliminated by him.

"Chasing!" Gu Zheng smiled coldly.

"What's the matter chasing?"

Brother Hantan's son whispered, this super space monster is too extraordinary, chasing it seems to him a very difficult thing to succeed.

The reason why Gu Zheng and the others were able to catch up with the super space monster before was that the super space monster was guided by the air machine left in the sea when it escaped, and it didn't run too far, it just hid on the stone wall of the Great Trench In the crack, but now the diet is different, let alone the speed at which the super space monster escapes, how far it can pull them apart, and whether this frightened super space monster will still Stop and rest in a short period of time, let's just talk about the most important Qi mechanism, and now it's gone! After all, when the super space monster emits ripples to resist the damage, the ripples have already swept away the aura he left in the sea, and the monster that can eliminate its own aura is already a very rare kind.

Of course, Gu Zheng knew what Brother Hantan's son was referring to. He smiled slightly and said, "There is no aura in the super space to keep things in the sea water, but it is not a necessary aura to launch a chase. It is also possible to contact. And the Immortal Extinguishing Art that I just did, even though it didn’t have a very effective immobilization effect due to resistance, it still gave me a little connection with it, and through that connection, I was able to determine its location.”

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan and his son also became happy, and the three of them immediately started chasing the escaped super space.

Things are always so unpredictable. When they first entered the Great Trench, what Gu Zheng and the others thought was to find the cave in the Great Trench as soon as possible, and enter the cave to do what they should do, but who would have thought that they would meet on the way This super space monster, if this super space monster is just an ordinary one, even though Gu Zheng and they would still want to get it, but if it escapes, it will run away, Gu Zheng and others will not initiate this kind of attack on it The level of chasing can be based on the premise of having a special feeling to guide, even if this super space monster wants to escape to the sky, Gu Zheng and the others will chase after it.

Following the super space monster, Gu Zheng and the others left the Great Trench and went to a place far, far away in the sea.

There are also a lot of space monsters outside. In order to reduce the trouble in the process of tracking the super space monsters, Gu Zheng asked the father and son of the monk Hantan to stay in the heart magic bead, and he took the heart magic bead to track them through stealth. .

The speed in the stealth state is definitely not as good as normal, but fortunately, it can avoid being discovered by some space monsters, thus slowing down the progress of the tracking.


The monks in the cold pool couldn't help roaring, beside them were densely packed space monsters, and the previous super space monster had disappeared.

From chasing that super space monster to now, two hours have passed. During these two hours, Gu Zheng's three-person team all held back a sigh of relief. That super space monster is really hateful. Not only does it have The transcendent speed also has a certain ability to control ordinary space monsters. What's even more damning is that not only Gu Zheng can sense its position, but it can also sense Gu Zheng's position in all likelihood!

Every time Gu Zheng is approaching, there will always be some ordinary space monsters coming to make trouble. These space monsters can't directly see through Gu Zheng's stealth technique, but they must be guided by the super space monster. Crazy general Gu Zheng used sorcery in the area where Gu Zheng was located, forcing Gu Zheng to show up for a fight, which delayed the time and gave the super space monster a chance to breathe.

In two hours, Gu Zheng and the others experienced four battles, large and small, and every time they fought the space monster, Gu Zheng could clearly feel that the hateful super space monster was no longer there. Move, it makes them all feel like they're being played.

If he hadn't given guidance with a special feeling, even someone as tenacious as Gu Zheng would definitely give up in such a situation! After all, this is a matter with no end in sight, they will never be able to touch that super space monster, let alone catch it.

Ripples of soul power are rippling in the sea, the space monsters are roaring, and the son of the monk in the cold pool is roaring. Now this is the sixth battle that the three-member team of Gu Zheng has experienced since chasing the super space monster. It has already deviated from the original destination very far.

"Forget it, after this battle is over, the pursuit of that super space monster will only go through one last time. If there are still a lot of space monsters coming to stop us this time, we will give up chasing it , although I have a special feeling to guide, it is our loss to let him go, but now I really feel that I can’t make ends meet!"

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth, he didn't like him who gave up lightly, but he had to make this kind of decision.

"How is your stealth practice?"

Gu Zheng asked the monk Hantan who was staying in the heart magic bead, since he felt that this kind of pursuit would not work, Gu Zheng asked the monk Hantan to hurry up and practice stealth.

In fact, Gu Zheng has already taught these spells that can be taught to Brother Hantan and his son, no matter whether it is the technique of stealth or the technique of calming the spirits. What talent, plus not much time, so there has been no progress.

But now, everyone doesn’t want to give up on that super space monster, but it’s not enough for Gu Zheng to chase after him with the Heart Demon Orb. After all, that super space monster can sense Gu Zheng’s position and guide ordinary space monsters. Bring them endless trouble.

If Brother Hantan can make progress in the stealth technique at this time, then there will be a breakthrough in this matter. The super space monster will definitely not have the ability to sense him, and he will perform the stealth technique and bring the heart magic orb to come. Tracking, this is a solution to the problem!

"Master, is this method feasible?"

Knowing that Gu Zheng was in a bad mood, Brother Hantan and his son were very cautious when questioning him.

Gu Zheng knew what the focus of Brother Hantan's son's question was, because the induction relationship between the super space monster and Gu Zheng was mutual. If Brother Hantan was to track down the super space monster, first The situation to be faced is that the monks in the cold pool can't sense where the super space monster is, and this step needs Gu Zheng's guidance, but once Gu Zheng gives the guidance, he will inevitably leave the Heart Demon Orb, and in the same place Only in the space where the super space monster is located can it sense the location of the super space monster, so based on the premise that the sensing relationship between him and the super space monster is mutual, does that mean that when it senses where the super space monster is? At that time, the super space monster also sensed his position, and then it will run away?

"Don't worry, I can't say that this method will definitely work, but it's at least 80% possible."

Gu Zheng didn't give any further explanations, but he knew in his heart that although the super space monster has the ability to sense him, but this kind of sensitivity is weaker than his sensitivity to the super space monster. Based on this, then There is a time difference in the induction between the two, that is to say, when Gu Zheng sensed where the super space monster is, the super space monster has not yet sensed its existence, and he only needs to seize this time difference to deal with Hantan. The monk gave instructions and used the heart magic bead to isolate the super space monster from sensing him, so it is not impossible to catch up with this difficult super space monster.

For Gu Zheng's inquiry just now, Brother Hantan did not respond, which made the originally irritable him somewhat happy! After all, monk Hantan is in the process of practicing stealth. If they still have no progress in stealth, then he should have told Gu Zheng the result at this time, but since he didn't say anything, there is only one possibility , that is, his cultivation of stealth is at a critical moment of breakthrough!

Originally, Gu Zheng had given up any hope of whether the monk in the cold pool could practice stealth in this special period, but who would have thought that when he had no hope, the monk in the cold pool would let her see it again? A silver lining.

The thing is indeed as Gu Zheng imagined, the cold pool cultivator is indeed at a critical moment when the stealth technique is about to break through, he has fallen into a special state, and has automatically blocked the voices from the outside world, and now he only has the power in his heart. deduction of the law.

At this moment, Brother Hantan's eyes are squinted, obviously he is in a very safe small space in the Heart Demon Orb, but he feels like he is facing a big enemy, his steps are very slow, and there is a little light voice He will not send out, he is walking back and forth in this small space.

If observed with the naked eye, the behavior of the monk in the cold pool does look very strange, but the actual situation is that the invisibility technique has basically been cultivated successfully, and he is now in a state of invisibility, but this state is very strange to human eyes. It doesn't have any effect, but it can cover all the perception of the monster, making him completely transparent in the eyes of the monster.

Brother Hantan's speed is getting faster and faster. He has changed from striding to sprinting, and then from sprinting to flying, and his retrograde state has not been broken.

"It's done!"

Cultivator Hantan, who escaped from the invisible state, let out a loud cry of excitement.

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