As a qualified militant, Brother Hantan is naturally very bold. It seems that he keeps a certain distance from the lava explosion spider king, but in fact he is always looking for opportunities.

Brother Hantan knew that the lava explosion spider king was seriously injured at the moment, but he also knew that even if the lava explosion spider emperor was seriously injured, it still had powerful destructive power, so he was not in a hurry to take action, waiting for an opportunity, From his point of view, this timing was when the lava exploded and the spider emperor was about to enter the cave.

The lava explosion Spider Emperor originally thought that the cold pool monk would attack her on her way back to the lair, and she had already planned that if the cold pool monk dared to attack her, then she would kill the cold pool monk by self-destructing, As the queen of the Lava Explosive Spider Clan, her explosion power is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary Lava Explosive Spiders. When the time comes, she will definitely blow up the cold pool monks to pieces.

However, the cold pool cultivator has never made a move, which once again ignited the hope of life for the lava-exploding Spider King, who had already felt that the world was just around the corner, and she tried her best to return to the lair!

It's a pity that just as half of the lava explosion spider king's body entered the lair, the cold pool cultivator, who sensed the time had come, attacked decisively, and his swung dragon claw hit the lava explosion spider king's back heavily.

If it is under normal circumstances, if the cold pool monk's dragon claw is slapped down, the lava explosion spider emperor will definitely generate a strange suction force to suck the cold pool monk's dragon claw, and inject violent energy into her body, But the current situation is that the lava explosion spider emperor has been raging in her body, which has affected her supernatural powers, which also makes the cold pool monk already see a ghost when she wants to inject violent energy into the body of the cold pool monk escaped.

The lava explosion Spider King is not stupid. Although the cold pool monk gave her hope, she also understands that this hope may be in vain, and she has already made a plan in her heart. If the cold pool monk attacks her again, and her If the berserk energy fails to inject into the body of the cold pool cultivator, then she will blew herself up to ensure her final dignity.

The lava exploded and the fat belly of the spider emperor shrank and swelled rapidly, and a loud noise was heard. She defended her last dignity by self-explosion, and did not fall into the hands of the monks in the cold pool alive.

The lava explosion and Spider Emperor's self-destruction are extremely powerful. If the cold pool cultivator hadn't chosen the right time to launch the attack when half of her body had already entered the lair, then her self-destruction this time could really kill the cold pool monk. hurt! But the environment is not suitable, and her lair is also protected by the power of law, which is an indestructible place, so no matter how powerful her explosion power is, the power that can really affect the outside world has been weakened a lot.

The lava exploded and the spider emperor died, and the test belonging to the first floor of the inner space of the Red Flame Mountain also ended.

The original restrictions on the Gu Zheng trio also disappeared, and they were able to use their divine sense and soul power.

"Master, does this indirectly prove your previous guess that the four-story space inside the Red Flame Divine Mountain should have different restrictions." The son of the monk Hantan asked.

"It should look like this." Gu Zheng nodded.

After the death of the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor, it wasn't that nothing was left behind. A round bead flew out of her body when it exploded, and now it has also been held by the cold pool cultivator.

"It's really strange. I've never seen an inner alchemy with explosive power."

The round bead is the inner alchemy of the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor, and the cold pool monk who held it in his hand was amazed.

Although the inner alchemy with explosive power is relatively rare, it is not uncommon for Gu Zheng to handle this thing. In that lava world, if he hadn't obtained three inner alchemy capable of explosion in the early days, he would have It may even be impossible to pass the lava world! After all, his strength was too low at the beginning. If he hadn't relied on the three inner pills that could explode, he would have been unable to deal with the crises he encountered at that time with his own strength.

After the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor died, not only did he leave behind an exploding inner alchemy, the clouds leading to the upper space also changed, and a round depression was formed there, which was just big enough to hold the inner pill of the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor. Dan, it seems that this inner alchemy is the key to the upper space.

The key has been obtained, and Gu Zheng is not in a hurry to enter the upper space. Standing still on the hanging ladder, he is actually using his divine sense to investigate the lair of the lava explosion spider king.

In Gu Zheng's view, since before entering the inner space of the Red Flame Mountain, that is, after he rejected the choice of the colorless barrier, the son of the monk Hantan would have such a special feeling, then it means that the inner space of the Red Flame Mountain The test in the game is not a simple customs clearance, it should have hidden rewards and the like.

Sure enough, through the investigation of the divine mind, Gu Zheng found a lava explosion spider egg in the lava explosion spider king's lair. This is also the only lava explosion spider found in this densely packed lava explosion spider nest. egg.

Although the spider egg of the lava explosion spider obtained is neither medicinal material nor used for refining weapons, Gu Zheng believes that there must be a reason for its existence, and there must be a demon for abnormal things. Now I don't know its purpose, but its It is very likely that the use will be revealed later, just like the mortal gold and silver treasures obtained in the treasure space before, those gold and silver treasures were of no use to Gu Zheng at that time, but after meeting the golden toad monster At that time, those gold and silver treasures turned out to be what was needed to be blocked by the golden toad monster.

The limitation of the treasure still exists, and Gu Zheng has no way to put the spider eggs of the Lava Explosive Spider into the Heart Demon Orb or Magic Crystal. The only way is to let the son of the monk in the cold pool use an electric awn bubble to put the spider eggs of the Lava Explosive Spider into the magic crystal. The eggs are wrapped, and then taken to the upper space.

When he reached the top of the spiral staircase, Gu Zheng put the lava-exploded spider king's inner alchemy in his hand into the depression in the cloud layer, and the cloud layer immediately dispersed to the two sides, and a ray of sky light hit their three-person team, and their vision also disappeared. With the alternation of light and dark.

The environment of the second-floor space inside Chiyan Shenshan is actually exactly the same as that of the first-floor space. If you are not sure that this is indeed a second-floor space, judging by the environment alone, it will really make people feel that you have returned to the first-floor space. .

After entering the second-floor space, the three of Gu Zheng frowned, and they immediately felt the limitation of the space.

Needless to say, the Supreme Treasure is restricted here, and this will definitely not change. After all, before entering Chiyan Shenshan, he was already in a restricted state.

Originally, Gu Zheng and the others thought that the four layers of space inside Chiyan Shenshan should be a kind of ability that each layer restricts them, but now it seems that things don't seem to be like this.

The first floor of the inner space of Scarlet Flame Divine Mountain restricts spiritual powers such as divine thoughts and soul power. After passing the test of the first floor space, this restriction disappeared for a short time, but after entering the second floor space, The divine sense and soul power of the Gu Zheng trio were once again restricted! Moreover, in addition to restricting their soul power and divine sense, the current space is actually a forbidden space. From the perspective of the environment alone, the difficulty of the second floor space is already higher than that of the first floor.

Just as Gu Zheng and the others entered the second-floor space, rustling sounds resounded from the densely packed caverns. One after another, crawling monsters that looked like humans and dogs came out of the densely packed caverns. Human body with a dog head and a particularly slender mouth. Although it also has the skin of a lava monster, it is different from the lava monster in that the red light like magma is revealed under the cracked skin of the lava monster. Under the cracked skin, what is revealed is a bright red light like blood.

"This should be a lava vampire."

Gu Zheng said softly that in the lava world he experienced before, he had seen this kind of monster on the murals of a cave. This is a special monster that is good at attacking blood, but in that lava world , Gu Zheng has never really seen them, never thought that now in this space similar to the lava world, he saw the monsters that existed on the murals back then.

Of course, the father and son of the cold pool monk also heard what Gu Zheng said softly, and they were startled and quickly attacked the lava bloodthirsty demon. After all, blood attack is a very rare means of attack, and it would be very troublesome if the opponent manipulated the blood.

Explosions sounded one after another in the current space. Under the joint attack of the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, the bloodthirsty lava was either blown out or blown to pieces. Although their attack methods are relatively rare, their own strength is only in the realm of returning to the void. Brother Tan and his son assassinated them, basically they could reap a piece of money with one shot.

However, the number of lava bloodthirsty monsters is really too much. The speed at which they emerge from the cave has already exceeded the speed at which the father and son of the monks in the cold pool can kill them. What a terrifying phenomenon this is.

After a few breaths of time, the number of lava bloodthirsty demons who died has exceeded a thousand, but in the current space, the number of lava bloodthirsty demons gathered has exceeded ten thousand.


When the number of bloodthirsty lava monsters exceeded ten thousand, they roared collectively without launching an attack. This kind of roar was not a sonic attack, but when each bloodthirsty lava roared, it would shoot a line of blood from its mouth , these blood lines cannot be destroyed by the attacks of the father and son of the cold pool monks. After they are connected in the air, they form a complex pattern like a spider web. A strange wave is generated from the pattern, and it instantly acts on all lava addicts. The Gorefiend's body provided them with extremely powerful protection.

"Combined technique!"

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool had a headache. Why did they encounter this kind of monster who is good at combining attacks, but they were not very surprised when they encountered this situation. The accumulated number of lives, such anomalies must have something to do with it.

Gu Zheng was not surprised by this. Being well-informed, he predicted the result one step earlier than the cold pool monks and his sons, so during the period when the cold pool monks and his sons attacked the lava bloodthirsty demons, it seemed that they did not launch He who attacked was actually making arrangements all the time.

Although the strength of a single bloodthirsty lava demon is not good, Gu Zheng knows that once such a large number of bloodthirsty lava demons are used, even a person like him who can resist blood attacks will be in danger, let alone a cold bloodthirsty demon. Brother Tan and his son don't have any good countermeasures against blood attacks, so he made arrangements in advance to prepare for the joint attack that broke the lava bloodthirsty demon in one fell swoop.

The layout made by Gu Zheng is to launch the Immortal Extermination Art.

Immortal-level combat skills such as Miexian Jue are actually a collective name for a set of formulas, and in this set of formulas, there are as many as thirteen types of formulas with different functions, and Gu Zheng is only using one of them now. kind.

Gu Zheng has never used this method of exterminating immortals before. This is not to say that its power is not great. On the contrary, it is very powerful. The reason why Gu Zheng didn't use it before is because it has a big However, its disadvantages are that it takes a long time to brew, that is, it needs to play complex and numerous spells, and its greatest benefits can only be shown in some big scenes, and under normal circumstances, big scenes often do not What time does it give people to prepare, which is why Gu Zheng didn't use it before.

Now, the Ancient Struggle's Immortal Extermination Art has been completed, and the first attack after the lava bloodthirsty monsters complete their joint attack is about to launch. Among the lava bloodthirsty demons with a number of over ten thousand, a super huge blood ball is about to fly When the blood ball exploded, Gu Zheng had no doubts. After the blood ball flew out and exploded, the Lava Bloodthirsty Demon could control the blood of their three-person team in an instant. method, to kill this danger in the cradle.


Over ten thousand lava bloodthirsty monsters roared at the same time, even if it wasn't a sonic attack, the sound was so shocking that people's eardrums hurt, and in their roaring roar, the super blood sphere brewed by them rushed out like a meteor. formation.

Gu Zheng's palms faced each other to form a strange space. His demeanor looked the same as when he used the Exterminating Immortal Art, but in fact the difference was quite large. The space formed by his palms facing each other before, It is invisible to the naked eye at all, but now the space formed by his palms facing each other looks like a black hole to the naked eye, and even staring at it will cause the danger of temporary blindness, and the sight can be sucked into it!

The super snowball that was about to explode was attracted by the black hole in the double long space of Gu Zheng, and rushed into the black hole like a meteor.

Visible to the naked eye, the black hole in the space between Gu Zheng's palms was expanding, Gu Zheng's body was shaking, and sweat gushed out from his forehead in an instant, but the black hole in the space between his palms was very competitive. During the amphibious time, he tremblingly swallowed that huge blood cell completely.


More than ten thousand lava bloodthirsty demons wailed at the same time. When Gu Zheng was about to swallow the super blood cells they launched into the black hole in the palm of his hand, they did not resist, but they couldn't resist the power of the immortal formula, so that the representative The super blood cells that worked hard for them were finally swallowed by the black hole in Gu Zheng's palm.


Gu Zheng's trembling body had returned to normal. With a loud roar, he separated his palms, and the black hole in his palms disappeared, and he sacrificed a sphere like black water.


The black water-like sphere is naturally the super snowball changed by the Immortal Extinguishing Technique. It exploded in the air, and countless black silk threads strung towards the lava bloodthirsty monsters forming a combined attack formation.

The Lava Bloodthirsty Demon's joint attack formation is also protected by a barrier. It is precisely because of the protection of the barrier that they were not injured by the cold pool monk and his son just now. It is conceivable that the defense of their father and son's two attack barriers is natural.

It's a pity that the barriers are created by the bloodthirsty lava demon's combined attack formation, and they are naturally inseparable from the bloodthirsty lava demon.

The black sphere transformed by the Immortal Extinguishing Art is itself the result of the efforts of lava bloodthirsty demons. Even after the Immortal Extinguishing Art transformation, they are also inextricably linked, so when facing the black silk thread Under the piercing, all the resistance related to the lava vampire is useless!

The black thread passed through the barrier protecting the bloodthirsty lava as if passing through the air, and penetrated into the bodies of the bloodthirsty lava. None of the tens of thousands of bloodthirsty lava was spared. The super blood cells provided hard work, which can be described as retaliation for retaliation.

After the black silk thread entered the body, all the wailing lava bloodthirsty demons instantly fell into a fixed state. They maintained various postures, but the expressions on their faces were all imprisoned without exception. They look like stone sculptures, and the scene is extremely spectacular! After all, there are over ten thousand of them.

If he didn't have the energy in a layer of space, he wouldn't be in a hurry to detonate tens of thousands of lava bloodthirsty monsters now. After all, since he possessed the Immortal Extinguishing Art, this is the first time he has used the Immortal Extinguishing Art to instantly freeze the number so many Huge monster!

However, in addition to a large number of lava explosion spiders in the first floor space, there is also a lava explosion spider emperor, which makes Gu Zheng feel that in this second floor space, in addition to a large number of lava bloodthirsty demons, There is also a lava bloodthirsty demon king!

Therefore, in order to meet the Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King sooner, without any intention of admiring his masterpiece, he directly used a formula to detonate the lava Bloodthirsty Demon King.

Over ten thousand lava bloodthirsty demon kings were detonated in an instant. The scene was extremely spectacular. Not to mention how powerful the explosion was, the flesh and blood that exploded filled the entire space.

Although these lava bloodthirsty demon kings are weak, their number is so huge. Adhering to the principle that waste is the greatest crime, the son of the cold pool monk quickly shot out five tentacles with light bands, frantically absorbing the lava bloodthirsty demon kings in the space. The original energy that has not disappeared after the death of the Gorefiend.

"Grasshoppers are also meat, don't dislike them!"

The son of the monk in the cold pool devoured frantically while comforting himself.

The sound of applause came from a cave before the son of the monk in the cold pool could absorb the original energy of the monsters permeating the space.

"Master, the monsters here seem to like to applaud!"

Brother Hantan shrugged his shoulders, and he remembered the lava explosion spider emperor killed by him in the first layer of space. That guy also applauded continuously when he appeared on the stage.

"Maybe it's too angry! After all, these little monsters are their descendants, but they are restricted by the power of the law, and they can't show up until their descendants are dead, so this is indeed a very irritating one." This matter." Gu Zheng said slowly.

"You're right, it's really annoying."

There was a sound coming from the cave, and Gu Zheng and others also saw the guy who made the sound. It looked very similar to the Lava Bloodthirsty Demon, but it was slightly larger in size, and there were many common lava bloodthirsty monsters on its surface. There are no bone spurs, and it is exactly the lava bloodthirsty demon king guessed by Gu Zheng.

Instead of crawling close to Gu Zheng and the others like the general Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King, the dog-headed Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King walked towards Gu Zheng and the others manually, and in the process, the resentment in its eyes was undisguised.

Gu Zheng and the others did not launch an attack when the bloodthirsty lava demon king was approaching them. This does not mean that Gu Zheng and the others became merciful, but because the bloodthirsty lava demon king was protected by the power of law. It's the same as when I first met the lava explosion spider king.

"You beheaded my descendants. This is indeed a very annoying thing, so I am going to fight back with an eye."

The lava bloodthirsty demon king sneered again and again, and after scanning the three of Gu Zheng, he finally fell on Gu Zheng: "It was you who broke the formation of my descendants, and from the standpoint, you are the leader of these three , and among the three, your realm is the lowest one, if you say that I don't pick you to fight against me, am I too stupid?"

When the Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King's voice fell to the ground, a strange force of exclusion was generated, and the father and son of the cold pool monks flew uncontrollably to the spiral staircase in the center of the space. Even standing in the middle, only the Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King and There are two ancient disputes.

With the experience in one layer of space, Gu Zheng was not surprised by the situation in front of him. He looked at the bloodthirsty lava demon king who was gnashing his teeth, and said coldly: "Do you think you are not stupid? My realm is indeed the lowest among the three. That one, but your children and grandchildren's joint attack was broken by me, I don't know what gave you the courage to challenge me?"

"Being able to break the combined attack of my children and grandchildren, I have to say that you are really extraordinary, but I am also curious, what gave you the courage to make you think that you can defeat me and despise us? It is you who only Is it the strength of the Golden Immortal in its early stage? Or is it your strange formula that broke the formation of my descendants? Or is it that you have a superficial understanding of the way of blood?" The lava bloodthirsty demon king ridiculed.

"I only have the strength of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, but you are only at the late stage of the Golden Immortal. Why can't I despise you? Do you think that apart from having the strange formula that can break the formation of your descendants, I have nothing to do with you?" Don’t you have any other magical means? Do you think my understanding of the way of blood is just superficial?” Gu Zheng retorted.

"Hahahaha!" Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King laughed loudly: "This seems to be the biggest joke I've ever heard in my life! The early stage of Golden Immortal dares to despise the later stage of Golden Immortal, and you think the gap is not too big. You are planning to laugh kill me?"

Although the power of law protection on the Lava Bloodthirsty Demon King has disappeared at this moment, and it and Gu Zheng are able to attack each other, neither of them seems to have any plans to strike first, and they seem to have a leisurely chatter for a while.

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